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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Los Angeles California
On the south end of the LA port, lies the graveyard, where massive freighters go to rust and disappear. Ships of all shapes and sizes fill the less lit half of the bay, cut off by a small underwater wall, that keeps any loose boats in or out. In the vast array of dead boats, silently floating in the darkness, a tanker buzzes with power though no lights are on. The buzz is quiet enough to belnd into the sounds of the water, but distinct enough to follow to the boat. Within the boat, their is only empty crates and the remains of what once was a trade vessel. Beneath the surface of the water lay a Justice League outpost, designed by Batman (takes the credit, Lucius Fox actually created it) now outfitted (again, done by Lucius) to accommodate a new team.

Entry into the base is on the aforementioned tanker, via a trapdoor in the captains quarters. Upon climbing down the ladder and following the short hallway to the door entering the first room of the base, the loungeliving area. Equipped with a TV, advanced sound system, game systems, and a variety of couches and lounge chairs. Adjacent to the lounge area is the kitchen/dining area, with a table capable of seating up to eight. On the right side of the lounge area, oppposite the kitchen, is the hallway with the living quarters ending with a staircase leading down into the second floor.

Nightwing stands in the center of the lounge area with his face surrounded by holographic images projected from his wrist. Using the controls built into to his contact lens, he quickly scrolls through the data before him before gesturing with his other hand for the holographic keyboard, for him to input the last of the security code. As with most of the Leagues tech, it had for the most part been funded and built by Wayne or Queen industries. He had taken great lengths to create a virtual maze of firewalls for the bases technological safety, not wanting the team to use google or make a phone call and accidentally give away their location. Alarms were installed throughout the base, as well as automatic turrets, sleeping gas, and long ranged tasers. The only way into the base other than through the ladder, is through boom-tube on the Watchtower into the lower-levels of the base. Essentially, there was no way anyone could enter their fortress without him knowing.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The composite human Hank/Bethany Gravestone was the first one to arrive and he/she were arguing about if they were in the right location. Bethany didn’t believe Wing would choose such depressing location. Hank couldn’t care less but knew he was right. Hank wore a Bluetooth headset at all times because it was easier to explain you are talking to a person on that than explain the real situation, which Hank would think was unbelievable if it wasn’t happening to Hank.

The composite hero in training known as the woman on fire, Firestorm, or the bitch who burned down insert whatever building the angry citizen was angry over was the second to show up and split behind a girl arguing with someone.

Hank was to busy arguing with his sister to notice Firestorm to show up so when Hank turned around Hank was startled. “Shit where did you to come from?”

Claire laughed at the girl’s reaction. Elena pointed towards the ocean. “We were dealing with a little research project of mine to see how our powers handled water. As my step-daughter no doubt will tell you she was right I was wrong. I am Elena Gilbert the rude one is Claire. Together we are Firestorm.”

The composite human being could be heard saying the words Hawk & Dove simultaneously. In a flash the costumed heroes Hawk & Dove appeared side by side where the girl used to be. "We are Hawk & Dove. When we go back to civy mode Dove's mind takes over my body. Like you but in reverse. It is extremely messed up what the Lords of Chaos & Order did to us. They gave my body to him and made me a passenger in it unable to do anything but annoy his stupid ass."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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Azure Flame Leader of the Azure Knights

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Next to arrive was Lucas, still in his school clothes, his costume in his backpack. He noticed a couple people standing around talking and grew cautious, unsure if they were his new teammates, or just some random people hanging around. He approached them and said "Heya! I'm Lucas!" with a big smile on his face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The four turned to look at the new arrival. Elena was the first to speak. "You got recruited by this Night Wing as well? My name is Elena." Pointing to her step-daughter. "That is Claire. We are Firestorm, you can blame Claire for the dumb name." Claire rolls her eyes. "The two behind us are Hawk & Dove never did catch their names."

Hawk stepped forward. "That was inten..." Dove interrupted. "The name thing with us is complicated. For now the bitchy one is Bethany and I am Hank. Don't let her natural bitchy nature fool you, she's still pissed about our complicated situation but she means well." Hawk shoved Dove. "Don't make excuses or apologize for me pansy." Dove was done being pushed around by her. He grabbed her and punched her as hard as he could, she stumbled over the side into the drink. "For fuck's sake." He ran over and jumped off to rescue her since she never did bother to learn to swim. The quickest way he figured to deal with her panicking over drowning was to go back to civy mode. Bethany was the only one to climb back up. Bethany/Hank knew Firestorm would know what happened but whathisface wouldn't. "Don't worry Bethany is fine, angry and yelling at me like an angry volcano for intentionally throwing her off the side." Bethany/Hank explains the whole sitch with them to whathisface.

Elena explains how they became Firestorm to the best of her knowledge. "So Lucas, it is Lucas right? What's your story. You are not a composite hero like us right? If you are this Night Wing has weird recruiting standards." Bethany/Hank spoke up. "Before he starts explaining do you mind turning into the burning woman. I'm freezing." Claire rolls her eyes. "Fine." Elena and Claire merged into Firestorm. "Thanks."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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Azure Flame Leader of the Azure Knights

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Wow, so both of you guys share one body, but split up when you turn into your hero selves." Lucas said, referring to Hawk and Dove. Then he turned to Firestorm and said "And you're the opposite, combining when you suit up, but separate normally. That's so cool! My powers are nothing like that though. I can manipulate and control the energy in my body to form an Aura, as I call it, and I use it to fight." To demonstrate, he summoned a ball of Aura, the ball glowing blue. "And I've been training in martial arts for years, Nightwing has always been my idol, ever since I was a kid and he was Robin, with the original Teen Titans."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the room filled with conversation and introductions as the new recruits had found their way into the base. The vibe of the room brought him back to times with the old team, destroying a dozen pizzas after a successful mission. Among the group was a boy who's outfit looked similar to his own, making him smoke slightly.

Standing at the front of the group, Nightwing spoke up loudly, to gather everyone's attention. Not a fan of giving speeches or introductions, he shoved his discomfort aside spoke clearly. Holding put his hand to the group, he held out a small glass tray holding finger tip sized ear pieces, designed to fit comfortably in the ear canal.

"Hello everyone, I don't think I need to introduce myself as I am the one who recruited all of you. On the tray before you small high tech ear pieces for you to use go keep communications on missions. They run through the Watchtower satellite so at any time if you are in trouble you simply turn on the distress beacon with the small button. Once you put them on they activate and become locked to your DNA. To turn them off, you simply remove them with your pinkie like so." As he finished his short monologue he demonstrated the proper method to insert and remove the device from ones ear.

"The room you stand in now is the lounge room of our base." He said giving a weak impression of a real estate agent. "Down that hall are your personal quarters, first come first serve, though they are all the same size. If you follow the staircase down at the end of the hall, you find your way into the lower level, containing the Dojo, the garage, storage, and boom tube." He stopped for a second realizing his lapse in judgement.
"Though the boom tube is here, unfortunately you do not have access to the Watchtower yet, so your attempts to use the boom tube without a league member's DNA recognition." He explained in a serious tone.

Dick continued to drone on about necessary league protocol, a topic he was not particularly pumped about but was needed. Just before he bored himself to sleep, the short introduction was over. With much more excitement in his voice he cracked his knucles and spoke with a new excitement.
"So who wants to try..." Before he could finish his sentence, the alarm system kicked in notifying their presence was needed in the city.
"Well, I guess we'll get to know eachother well quick! Looks like theirs trouble and the league gave us the call!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The composite human Hank/Bethany could be heard saying Hawk & Dove at the exact same time. They each grabbed one of the ear things and stuck them in. Dove stuck his in the right ear while Hawk stuck hers in the right ear. They didn't want to have both of them trying to converge in one ear. The Firestorm partners grabbed their own and both inserted them into their right ears and combined into the burning woman.

Bethany wasn't sure how this Wing figured out who to recruit to get Hawk & Dove since they only transformed and fought bad guys once and that was to escape. Every other time was so their dad could talk to them without trying to drive himself crazy figuring out who he was talking to. She sure as hell wasn't interested in being no do gooder but Wing made a promise that someone would help with it, didn't say who. "Wing these ear things what happens to them when we go back to civy mode with only one body?"

Firestorm was hovering around. "Wing? I like it. So Wing who is going to end up extra crispy tonight? Or is it a what?" No one could hear Elena but Claire. "His name is Night Wing don't be rude." Firestorm rolled her eyes. "It's Nightwing not Night Wing."

Dove just shook his head, he felt like he was in an asylum.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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Azure Flame Leader of the Azure Knights

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Dude this is so cool!" Lucas said, grabbing his earpiece and putting it in. "Wow, first day and we're already getting a chance to prove ourselves? Sweet! I just need to go put my costume on!"

With that, he ran in the direction of the quarters, running into the first room he saw. He quickly stripped down and pulled his costume out of his backpack. First came the shirt and pants, then the vest, followed by his boots and gloves, and finally the headband, goggles, and necklace. He made sure everything was on right and ran back out, leaving his backpack and civvy clothes in bis new room. "Whatcha think guys? Pretty sweet outfit right? I call myself the Aura Knight!"
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