A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Coventry...

Agent Cassandra Reed, an engineer, was on the Zephyr looking over a few reports when she heard the distress signal coming from October's ring that she had been given when they first met. She knew that something was up, and managed to get Agent Bonnie Chase, a biochemist, to join up with her, and quickly took the quinjet docked on the massive plane. Cassandra sat at the helm looking at the coordinates that were coming from the distress signal. It was a weak signal but she managed to find the exact location that was on the road from Salem to Coventry.
Cassandra was stressed and worried that something had happened to her sister and October as they flew over Salem now looking over towards her partner.
"We are close now." Cassandra said as she moved the jet as they were over the site where the signal was and landed the craft down. Cassandra made sure that the engines were still hot as she climbed opened the rear ramp, she quickly got out as she approached the three bodies.
Cassandra saw the bodies of Beatrice Decker burnt to a crisp, as well as Carbry Keenan. Then the third body was October quickly making her way over to the girl and reached to feel for a pulse sighing to herself she couldn't feel any. But Carolina wasn't close by at all which was a possible good or bad sign, she didn't know where she was though.
"These people...They're O.M.E.N. agents...And that's Walter Hanson...," Bonnie murmured as she spotted an additional corpse. She then kneeled over the O.M.E.N. agents, and while she couldn't identify the individuals themselves, their badges remained. Blowing off accumulated soot, the insignia on the badges looked up at her grimly. O.M.E.N. wasn't a good sign. While they were founded to protect the public from supernatural threats, they deemed
anything supernatural to be a threat. If October was dead, that wasn't a good sign. Hanson's presence was troubling enough - he was a wanted man. He tried to end the world. Every government agency in the United States, hell maybe even the world, would have no qualms with killing him.
"Let's not jump to conclusions, but we need to consider the possibility that your sister was compromised," Bonnie said delicately. She and Cassandra had gone to great lengths to hide Carolina and October, due to their unique abilities and powers. Someone may have tipped O.M.E.N. off about the girls, perhaps they were even spotted on one of their last excursions. Turning her head, Bonnie glanced down the road.
"We should keep on looking. She might have gone to the next town to find shelter, contact someone...It's odd that we haven't gotten a distress signal from her." Twenty minutes later, Bonnie and Cassandra had loaded the bodies of the two O.M.E.N. agents, the Satanist, and young October into the quinjet. A separate team would be sent later to finish up at the scene - remove footage, interview any possible witnesses, and create a coverup if needed. With the bodies stowed, the quinjet then lifted up and hovered above the road to Coventry. With the light shining down, Bonnie and Cassandra searched for Carolina, hoping they wouldn't be too late.
Cassandra watched as the other agents started to load up the O.M.E.N. Agents bodies along with Walter Hanson's and Octobers, letting out a soft sigh and ran a hand through her hair. She didn't like the thought of losing her sister, and started to regret the decision to even have her join up in the first place.
"Lets just hope that she is alright." Cassandra said as she watched the Quinjet lift off, though keeping at a hover ahead of them.
"Maybe there is something that's blocking the signal from coming through?" Cassandra said, maybe the O.M.E.N. Agents had set up some kind of signal jammer in town. Cassandra however remained alert as she scanned the area and continued to walk along the streets, Cassandra knew that O.M.E.N agents would kill anyone or anything that is related to the supernatural.
"Any idea why they would be here?" Bonnie nodded. In matters of biological systems and chemicals, her expertise was helpful. But when it came to technology, she deferred to Cassandra's judgment. It was why the two of them worked rather well together - they supplemented each other's knowledge.
"It's possible." She then hesitated. The best case scenario would be that the O.M.E.N. agents were looking for Hanson - which would be understandable - and Carolina and October happened to be nearby. The worst case was that Carolina's cover had been blown and they came looking for her.
"They might be on the Winchester investigation - the O.M.E.N. top brass went missing," Bonnie proposed. She, like almost everyone else, didn't know that the O.M.E.N. leaders had been murdered. O.M.E.N. continued to insist that they were missing, despite knowing otherwise. She continued to walk down the road, eventually seeing a figure standing in the distance.
"There - that might be her," Bonnie said. She then took off at a run, heading towards the person.
Cassandra looked towards Bonnie and nodded, they could have done that October and Carolina did have free reign to go on their own though it was a bit weird for them usually Carolina would have informed her on whatever case they were working on.
"It's possible, but Carolina always tends to report whatever she is doing a lot of the time." She answered letting out a slight sigh, she was worried that her sister could have possibly been taken in O.M.E.N. custody. Looking ahead Cassandra could see the figure standing as well, she couldn't see but it could likely be her sister and quickly started to run alongside Bonnie as well.
Bonnie could hardly believe her eyes when she saw the Stark Industries heiress standing over the limp body of Carolina Reed. There was a small pool of blood around her head and Bonnie threw off her jacket, kneeling down next to the girl. She pressed the jacket up against the wound, hoping to stem the flow of blood.
"Carolina? Carolina, can you hear me?" Bonnie asked, checking for vitals.
"Cass, get the quinjet down here quickly! She's lost a lot of blood." Carolina turned her head when she started to hear a familiar voice and saw that it was Bonnie and Cassandra running up to her, well her own body. Cassandra quickly aimed her weapon towards Guin for a moment keeping her eyes trained on her, Carolina quickly held up her hands while Bonnie tended to her body.
"Cass, Bonnie it's me!" Carolina said, Cassandra wasn't sure what to think at the moment but quickly did what Bonnie asked.
"This is Agent Reed, we need the quinjet here now!" Cassandra said while still aiming it towards her sister, she wasn't going to take any chances though just yet even if she knew her sister was using Guin's body.
"How bad is she Bonnie?" Cassandra asked looking down at her sister's body with a concerned look.
Bonnie didn't answer Cassandra. It wasn't that she didn't hear it - it was that she didn't want to lie to her. It looked bad. There was a good chance that her sister wouldn't make it. But she'd do everything that she knew how to do from a medical standpoint. As the quinjet lowered and a team came out with a gurney, Bonnie continued to keep pressure on Carolina's wound.
"Worst case scenario...There's a project that I've been asked to consult on - Project T.A.H.I.T.I. - it's experimental but...Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Carolina turned her head as she watched the quinjet landing before them and a team of medical staff came out with the gurney, watching as they loaded up her unconscious body onto it. Looking down at Guin's body that she had been using, she knew she couldn't stay in it forever and decided to leave for now letting Guin gain back full control of her body. Though she remained as close to her body as she could, while still keeping an eye towards her sister.
Cassandra listened to Bonnie for a moment, worse case her sister would be braindead or dead she would do whatever it took to keep her alive. She listened to Bonnie. She trusted her judgment and would let her do what she could to keep Carolina alive sighing to herself as she took a step back.
"Do whatever it takes to keep her alive." If it did come to it she would sign her sister off to do whatever Project T.A.H.I.T.I. was. Cassandra walked along side her sister as a few other agents escorted Guin onto the quinjet.