Name: Selena Cecilia
Age: 20
Gender: Female:
Race: Human
Weapon: Silver Tongue, a simple glaive of masterwork craftsmanship. There’s nothing particularly mechanical about it though it has a cutting edge that never dulls and mounted on a shaft that never breaks. It has a full tang that goes from the blade down to the end. From the tale that was told to Selena, the first of her ancestors was gifted this weapon when they were settling near a lake in Vacuo. Her ancestor was hunting when he saw a terrible grimm attacking a woman. He slew the creature but broken his spear when he was finished. The woman, said to be a spirit of the lake, gifted him with a new spear that would never break. And thus the Silver Tongue has been passed down from the Cecilia family ever since. Selena believes this tale to be true, even though she's never met this lady of the lake, especially since the lake her ancestor supposedly found the glaive is now a dried up and abandoned mine.
Specialty: Selena is very much a hit fast, hit hard type of fighter. She uses her impressive array of acrobatics and agility avoid even the most dense concentration of attacks. Combined with her semblance Selena prides herself on being untouchable. However she also relies a lot on hitting critical points on her enemy and remaining mobile. If her enemy lacks a weak point or can shut down her movement she becomes much weaker. Thus she needs to stay three steps ahead of her opponent if she wants to prevent that.
Despite lacking any means to fly, Selena is a great aerial combatant, sometimes even surpassing other enemies who can actually fly. And when facing enemies who aren't as agile as her, she can easily zip around them and attack them at unexpected angles, even changing up the direction of her blow mid strike.
Semblance: Selena's semblance is called
Ghosting, which allows her to become completely incorporeal. Not only does this allow her to phase through physical objects, she is also capable of flight while in this form. Although she is incorporeal Selena is still visible, though her form becomes translucent and hazy. While she can activate her semblance as much as she wants, they only last for one-minute bursts, after which she needs at least another minute before she can ghost again. She can ghost in five-second bursts for a whole minute, but afterwards it leaves her tired and unable to use her semblance for a whole hour. She has to ghost in a relatively safe area, with none of her body parts inside other solid objects. She cannot materialize anything part of her body that is inside a solid object. If she does,t his can result in some bloody messes. She can safely come out of ghosting while underwater, and unanchored objects that were in the space where she exits from ghosting gets pushed away.
Personality: Selena is a fairly calm and easy going woman. She doesn't let things work her up too much, though she can come across as apathetic and uncaring because of it. She has a bit of a cynical outlook on life and she seems like the type of person who’s really depressed, but truthfully she’s just accepted that somethings are the way they are and she doesn't want to stress herself out on what-ifs or what should be. Selena runs away from her problems a lot though which leaves a lot of unattended baggage that can build up and eventually explode if she doesn't handle it eventually. If she can't win an argument or confrontation she'll try to leave until she believes she's ready to completely dominate. While Selena is social enough she has commitment issues and doesn't like having to handle heavy burdens regarding people's past, mental state, or personal problems. In exchange, she does her best to keep her business out of other people's business.
Color: White-blue silver
Emblem: A simple silhouette of an eye, with a smaller eye turned sideways at the center to emulate an iris.