The Flood are the antagonist for both the UUC and UOD. They have nothing but the hunger to consume all that cross their path. Their post is set two days before the 0th post if no one caught onto that ^^
The Flood are the antagonist for both the UUC and UOD. They have nothing but the want hunger to consume all that crpss their path. Their post is set two days before the 0th post if no one caught onto that ^^
Ah ok. Good to know.
(I do realize that they are a threat to both factions though from what I know of Halo).
@Lmpkio Didn't you use a female Godzilla/ human hybrid awhile back? I always thought that was pretty cool. Though, I guess Godzilla is more chaotic than good or bad.
@Lmpkio Didn't you use a female Godzilla/ human hybrid awhile back? I always thought that was pretty cool. Though, I guess Godzilla is more chaotic than good or bad.
It seems we had RPed before then. Yes, I did have a hybrid regarding that concept. While I am using that concept in another RP, I alas don't think there's an immediate place for her here... at least for the moment anyways.
She's something to consider later down the line... maybe as a wildcard character... but she certainly won't be present right now.
I'll think about it.
@Lmpkio Or you could just pilot the f*****g robot, Shinji!
I smell a stalker! But seriously, Unit-01 would probably be OP AF if I added in a GIANT ROBOT CYBORG into the RP.
It seems we had RPed before then. Yes, I did have a hybrid regarding that concept. While I am using that concept in another RP, I alas don't think there's an immediate place for her here... at least for the moment anyways.
She's something to consider later down the line... maybe as a wildcard character... but she certainly won't be present right now.
I'll think about it.
<Snipped quote by Legion-114>
I smell a stalker! But seriously, Unit-01 would probably be OP AF if I added in a GIANT ROBOT CYBORG into the RP.
But no seriously, I'd like some opinions on the good guy character I want to pick:
I can pick a Fire Emblem Character (Of one's choosing perhaps, although maybe a more obscure one is better then those in Smash)
I can pick Samus Aran.
Or I can pick the Doomslayer from DOOM (2016).
What do you guys think?
Out of those I'd say Samus Aran, because we don't have very many gun users, and I'm not sure if the Doomslayer could keep up with some of the characters we've got running around now. Although, I suppose that's half the fun.
Personality: Originally Chris is hot-headed, antagonistic, and aggressive, and quick to distrust others. Though she has since grown out of her grouchy and almost consistently angry self into a more gentle person, she still has trouble expressing herself properly without just lashing out. She gets embarrassed easily and is somewhat socially maladjusted and awkward. Physical, intimate, or romantic gestures often lead to Chris getting flustered, even simple gestures such as hand-holding even if she's not involved in the actions, merely witnessing it is enough to cause her to start taking in more of her theme color.
Bio: In order to hopefully not spoil too much for those who haven't seen the series yet I shall keep this one short (but still have enough information to give one somewhat of an idea of what she has gone through).
Orphaned at a young age, Chris has spent most of that time basically being treated as nothing more than an object and used as such... Which while not explicitly stated, Is pretty clear that it was sexual in nature. Used and Abused... Chris spends a good four years suffering in the pit of despair before she happily gets rescued by a UN operation... After which she's immediately kidnapped and then in addition to being used for sexual pleasure, she's also used as a human lab rat... It did come with perks, her relic, Ichaival being one of them. Though on balance, it was still a shitty deal.
Happily (more so this time) she gets out of this new hole she's gotten herself into with a bit of help from friends, the first friends she's had... And then she lived happily never after, Because fate isn't quite done throwing her and her new friends into more pits, be it of despair, self doubt and self loathing. I'd spoil even more if I continued, but I can guarantee that she did well enough, and has a rare position of being both a Senpai and a Kohai.
She finds herself employed as one of the attuned gear users of the Squad of Nexus Guardians of the Special Disaster Response Team. Which as their designation suggest are tasked with assisting in disasters around the world in a fancy, colorful and musical way.
Age: 17
Skills: She is one hell of a singer, with a range to boot... And this will come in handy... Without donning her gear, she's actually not very good at many things aside from the singing part. She doesn't have as much stamina as her fellow gear users and she's also lacking in unarmed fighting ability.
She is skilled at improvising on the spot, thinking up of tactics, gambits, plans and decision making with quick thinking. It may not be well thought out plans, but having a bad one is better than having none.
In her gear, Chris easily has the most destructive potential with the abilities and weapons of Ichaival (which she initially refused to use because of it's destructiveness). Combining it with her quick thinking and inventive uses of the gear's various weapons, backed with an aggressive song, Chris is a dangerous opponent for one to face, and even more so as a group.
The Relic, Ichaival (A bow said to turn one arrow shot into ten) has a Symphogear form that specializes in ranged combat. It clads her in armor, maintained by a song, the music being played by the gear itself and the vocals being provided by the wearer, Chris. Chris has access to bows, crossbows, guns, missiles... And of course bigger versions of all three. While designed for range combat, Chris mastery of the gear and it's weapons allow her to fight up close in a sufficient enough manner that she can hold her own in a close combat fight with someone who has the skills and the equipment specifically designed for close combat.
The Symphogear system massively boosts the physical capabilities of the wearer and at the same time protects them from harm. So effective is the protection that it allows them survival even in space or within close proximity to a nuclear reaction and detonation.
Originally designed to combat Noise which has a Phase Contrast Barrier. This barrier allows the Noise to adjust what is called their Existence Ratio with the current world to levels ranging from 100% (able to fully interact with the world) to 0% (impossible to interact with) to render attacks governed by the laws of physics completely ineffective. The Phase Contrast Barrier allows the Noise to accomplish this by allowing them to shift/phase their existence across multiple planes of existence (think a pseudo-version of Saber's Avalon from Fate/Stay Night).
The Symphogear system overcomes this by allowing each strike to multiply itself across multiple parallel worlds and forcibly "tune" (drag) the Noise into the relevant plane of existence and make them susceptible to the normal laws of physics. (Source: Symphogear Keyword Compendium).
The basic weapons are a pair of crossbows (one for each hand) that can fire anywhere from one to five homing, explosive, energy bolts. Next in line are a pair of automatic pistols which is her preferred weapons for melee and extreme close quarters fighting.
Apart from those two basic weaponry Ichaival has some named weapon systems (presumably named by Chris herself) and combinations of weapon systems.
BILLION MAIDEN: This is why my personal nickname for Chris Yukine is Dakka-Chan... This is her preferred weapon system, basically dual wielding twin-linked Gatling guns.
MEGA DETH PARTY: A weapon system that launches two dozen soda can sized homing missiles.
MEGA DETH QUARTET: After a few seconds of charging (through singing of course) Her gear assembles a quartet of missiles of significant size for use either as a weapon or as transportation via surfing. The large missiles can also be used as payload munitions where each one carries the smaller missiles from MEGA DETH PARTY.
MEGA DETH FUGA: Half priced quartet, half the time to charge, half the missiles... Still can surf with em tho...
MEGA DETH SYMPHONY: This time there's six, but with Missiles that split into more numerous smaller ones with enough velocity to bury themselves into rock.
GIGA ZEPPELIN: Her Crossbows grow in size to load large segmented crystal bolts that once fired will break apart into numerous crystal shrapnel that pepper the target.
QUEEN's INFERNO: Adds 200% more bolt slots on the basic crossbow form, allowing the weapon system to effectively triple it's rate of fire.
ARTEMIS SPIRAL: The weapon system takes the form of a large bow, from which Chris fires a high velocity rocket as an "arrow"
RED HOT BLAZE: A long range sniping weapon variation for when Chris can't afford to just spray the entire area with ordnance. Also useful for hitting people with...
And for some of the less often used systems:
SUPERB SONG: Ichaival's Superb Song has never actually been seen in its real form. It's supposed to be a wide-area bombardment ability devoid of blind spots. Chris, however, modified it using Ichaival's reflectors to turn it into a directed energy attack. Of which it has the ability to nearly match a weapon fed by an infinite source of energy. I'm pretty sure Chris wouldn't want to use the original variation of her Superb Song while being on the same planet as something or someone she holds dear.
REFLECTORS: A swarm of crystals which can project a very powerful barrier as well as redirect the energy produced by Chris's Ichaival. These little buggers are what allowed her to turn the wide area effect of her superb song into one coherent blast.
IGNITE MODULE: This system taps into the inner rage inherent within everyone... And there is a lot rage in Chris... This is one of the simplest systems... It's a straight up power up... Dakka-chan basically gets darker, edgier more powerful, and most importantly, more Dakka. Effects include but are not limited to (this are the only one's shown in series) increased physical ability boost for the gear user, remove the charge up time on MEGA DETH QUARTET and allows MEGA DETH PARTY to fire a continuous fusillade of missiles instead of just a single launcher full.
X-DRIVE: Achieved only via massive amounts of phonic gain (aka having a lot of other people singing with the gear user or having multiple gear users sing together) this sort of power-up is much more complex as it allows the gear to manifest weapons and systems previously unusable to the wearer, even vehicles. In Chris's case, it reduces her compliment of missiles and replaces them instead with about ten times as much in the form of beam cannons and guns.
ARMOR PURGE: Chris forcibly detonates any relic she's wearing and turns them into energy projectiles that radiate around her. This leaves her naked for a few minutes before the energy coalesces around her and reform the clothes she wore before wearing the gear and the relic pendant (if the relic came in such a form like her Ichaival).
Faction: United Universal Council. Also makes sense since she's technically supposed to assist in special disasters, and disasters involving the multiverse is a bit special...
Also here's the Missile surfing that's oft mentioned she could do.
Here's the first character I'd like to play, I will almost definitely play more than one tho so until that time, Chris shall be the main.
@Legion-114 Question: reality fields suppress magic, and other abilities that could be considered "reality warping," but is there any equivalent for technology? I get why the reality fields are there, from a story perspective, but it seems like it's kind of one sided since the characters with really powerful technology or science based abilities don't face a similar form of restraint.
@Legion-114 Question: reality fields suppress magic, and other abilities that could be considered "reality warping," but is there any equivalent for technology? I get why the reality fields are there, from a story perspective, but it seems like it's kind of one sided since the characters with really powerful technology or science based abilities don't face a similar form of restraint.
The Reality Fields are like giant nets with large holes. Smaller level magic is able to slip through, only the most destructive of magic is blocked. Technology, being a physical thing has to abide by the laws of physics, human error, can be sabotaged etc... These fields are mainly placed in key plot areas like Alpha Earth simply so they don’t get one shoted by some rogue mage. The planet is heavily defended so technology there wouldn’t be as effective as you may think.
And here's my final character for the time being, as well as my first good character.
Appearance: Samus Aran is a cybernetically enhanced adult human caucasian female, standing at a height of 6'3" (1.9 meters) and weighs in at roughly 198lbs (90kg) without her suit. Despite this relatively high weight, her body is quite lean and athletically built, although this may be accountable to her muscle to bone density given her superhuman abilities and with the infusion of Chozo DNA. She has blueish-green eyes and bright blonde hair which is usually kept up in a ponytail along having sideswept bangs, with one lock hanging over her nose. Her Zero-Suit is basically a full-body skintight jumpsuit which she wears underneath her regular armor, and while it lacks in protection, it makes up for it by allowing Samus to be much more agile. Coinciding with every regular power suit that she wears, Samus's right arm is "replaced" with her signature arm cannon.
Personality: Samus Aran is a no-nonsense bounty hunter who is usually described as a melancholic character and as a heroic loner of few words. She is absolutely merciless towards her opponents, using every available function of her suit and environment to get the job done, all while barely making a noise outside of a pained-grunt. She is a battle-hardened warrior who faces the ever-increasing threat of the space pirates, and shows unquenchable vengeance towards their leader Ridley, a space pterodacytl-dragon who murdered her parents when she was very young.
Yet outside her tough exterior, she is not a cold and heartless monster. Deep within her interior, she brings kindness and compassion towards her allies, always open to a conservation from others in times of peace. She won't hesitate to push herself up as a shield towards her comrades in times of hardship and will do anything to protect them to the best of her abilities. In fact, there are even rare times that she even grants mercy to those she deems worthy (one example being a certain baby metroid). And while she usually dislikes taking orders from superiors, if the situation calls for it she will ally for the greater sake of the Universe.
Bio: Orphaned during a Space Pirate raid on her home of K-2L, Samus was adopted by the mysterious Chozo and taken to Zebes where she was infused with their DNA and raised to become a warrior. Once she reached adulthood, Samus joined the Federation Police where she served under the Commanding Officer Adam Malkovich, but she ultimately left to become a Bounty Hunter, though she was nonetheless recruited by the Galactic Federation on many occasions. Armed in her cybernetic Power Suit, Samus has become famous for her accomplishments on missions others thought impossible. Her most renowned achievements are the destruction of the Space Pirate base on Zebes, her role in ending the Galactic Phazon crisis, her extermination of the Metroid species, and her disobedience of orders at the Biologic Space Laboratories research station where she chose to destroy the deadly X Parasites rather than turn them over to the Galactic Federation.
Years after her most recent mission (see Metroid: Fusion), Samus was suddenly warped when piloting her gunship to the universe that is the Shattered. She only recognized her situation after encountering an Imperial Star Destroyer that was floating in lone space, which opened fire on her ship. Barely escaping the onslaught, Samus realized that this world was not of her own. Now alone and cut-off from her home world, the bounty hunter attempted to survive in this new environment by traveling across the universe and presenting herself as a bounty hunter for hire. It wasn't until she discovered the United Universal Council where she began to diverge her bounty hunting career momentarily to assist them with missions that threaten the entire universe.
It is also worth mentioning that Samus' armor had reverted back to the regular varia suit, instead of the hybrid-fusion armor she wore after getting infected by the X Parasites, in which she had required surgery to removed the infected parts in her body. Not only did the scars seem to perfectly heal, but the Metroid Vaccine that was used to counter the X in her body seemed to have been neutralized completely without a trace. This means that Samus is now much more tolerant of cold temperature and is much more durable even without the power suit. Basically, she has returned to her Pre-Fusion state and yet there is no logical answer as of why and how this happened, other then the unexpected warp having to do with it.
Age: Unknown; Looks Late-20s/Early-30s
Superhuman Abilities: Samus Aran’s infusion with Chozo DNA, as well as her warrior training since her childhood, has turned her into a superior athlete. Her training began at the age of 3 and continued up until she was 14 years old. As a result of the Chozo’s influence, Samus is capable of running and jumping heights far past normal human ability, as well as surviving falls that would otherwise kill an ordinary human. Samus is also more adaptive to foreign alien environments that normal humans cannot survive in, such as the majority of Zebes and Elysia. She also possesses a lithe figure that allows her to crawl through tunnels and gaps that would normally require usage of the Morph Ball.
Top-Tier Marksmanship / Superb Combatant: Samus also demonstrates good sharpshooting skills. She is an excellent marksman, with incredible aim, and is tremendously deadly in combat. When in melee combat, Samus often uses kicks, punches, and wrestling tactics to weaken her foe for a point-blank shot.
Excellent Pilot: Samus is a significantly good pilot, as she pilots her personal gunship across the cosmos with ease. Combined with her excellent marksmanship and her shots will mostly hit true. However, she is still prone to get shot down and is still capable of calculating errors.
Varia Suit: An upgrade of her regular power suit, the Varia Suit provides Samus with better damage reduction, nullifies damage from Acid, slightly increases speed, and protects the user from extreme heat and sub-zero temperatures. It also supplies Samus with an intense arsenal of beams and missiles for her to utilize and allows her to transform into her morph ball form which can also be utilized to unleash a screw attack or space jump maneuvers. A list of her current arsenal is shown below:
Power Beam: Samus' regular beam. It's her basic default weapon and while it does little damage to powerful enemies, it can still easily clear entire rooms filled with weaker foes.
Charge Beam: A more potent version of Samus Aran's normal beam, Samus can focus energy into her Arm Cannon and later release it at any time as a charged shot. It is many times more powerful than firing a normal beam.
Ice Beam: Samus' can fire a shot of ice that can freeze nearly any opponent that gets in its way.
Plasma Beam: One of Samus' most powerful beams that can pierce through multiple foes. It's usually used as a sniping weapon that can take multiple enemies by surprise in a single shot.
Homing Missiles: Samus can fire homing missiles that can lock onto a foe and cause significant damage if hit.
Super Homing Missiles: A more powerful and faster missile variant that is used to combat against stronger opponents.
Bomb: While in morph ball form, Samus can drop bombs that detonate after a few seconds. If Samus deploys a Bomb below her, she'll make a small jump called a Bomb Jump.
Power Bomb: One of Samus' most powerful weapons in her arsenal, the power bomb is capable of blowing up within a surprisingly large radius.
Grapple Beam: Samus can fire a plasma grappling beam that allows her to latch onto certain surfaces, allowing Samus to swing to and from certain locations whereas her screw attack and space jump cannot.
Zero Laser: Samus' most powerful beam weapon, the Zero Laser an enormous beam of energy that deals a high amount of damage while also passing through multiple opponents and is capable of breaking through walls. In order to fire a beam of such magnitude, Samus would need to gather up at least 50% of her available energy reserves to pull it off effectively or her suit has to be enriched with energy in a hyper-like state. The recoil of the beam is so great that it tears off Samus' Power Suit and will take a considerable amount of time for the natural phazon within the armor to reformat the entire suit.