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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@Scarescrow your best bet is to wait for a Town with a Blacksmith and use your Darkstone to upgrade. You could pick up some speciality ammo from the General Store, that will last the entirity of the next adventure. I don't think there are any locations in this town that sell upgrades unfortunately :c

@duskshine749 I wound say he probably has 1 Unwanted Attention at all times because of the way he looks, yeah :D
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

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Day 1 in Camp Dustnook

Once a camp of debauchery, things have changed ever since the Sheriff moved to town. While it still has a few dodgey back alleys and a sleezy saloon, the crime level here has dropped substantially since the camp was origionally founded - perhaps in part due to tales of the Scarlet Shadow popping up nearby. Things have been hard ever since the bridge burned down, but Dustnook happens to be a stop on a well travelled road. With a fort in a couple day's travel of here, they often find themselves witnessing soldiers passing through. Perhaps today was like any other, in that regard...

@Scarescrow Scare, the Law Holder gains the Mutation: fused with Darkstone. The 7 Darkstone he is currently carrying becomes fused into his skin and cannot be sold, lost or used. You must continue to roll for corruption for these darkstone at the end of the adventure. Note: future darkstone you aquire does not fuse with you. Spend a determinaton to reroll this Mutation result? I would reccommend it personally, but up to you :D

@DeadBeatWalking Hawkeye Harold has an uneventful night at the campsite and sleeps peacefully.

@rocketrobie2Making friends in camp, Father C learns a few new tricks to keep him alive down in the mines. He gains +1 Max Health.

The rest of the party sleep in the luxury of the run-down hotel in the center of town.

DAILY EVENT: The Wounded Soldiers

They started cresting the ridge at dawn. The last remnants of their division, bloodied and wounded, some of them still screaming from the otherworldly horrors they've witnessed. Barely making it into town, one of them mumbles incoherently about their failed battle nearby. The Doc's tent is overflowing - Camp Dustnook simply doesn't have the infrastructure to support this sudden influx of wounded people.

Each Hero may choose to give up their day in town to help the wounded. They must succeed in an easy Lore test - for every 3+ (out of 6) rolled, gain 10 XP. If a Hero rolls at least one 6, they gain a Gear from a dying soldier, their last gift before they move on to the next life.

Please confirm if you would like to change your Day 1 Visit or not. Reminder: this will take up your whole action for today.

Day 1 Location
Hawkeye Harold: Street Market || Confirmed, speant
Dan: Sheriff's Office || Confirmed, speant
Father C: Wounded Soldiers || Confirmed, speant
Scare, the Law Holder: Wounded Soldiers || Confirmed, spent
Pastor Jimmy: Street Market || Confirmed, spent
Aaron Goldfeld: Street Market || Confirmed, underway

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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@Mae As in no matter where I go I may be shanked from the shadows? I'm fine with that, I play tiefling-esque characters for a reason, just making sure I'm understanding right
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@duskshine749 you'll always have the potential for that unless you're in the mutants town/mutants quarter or somewhere that doesn't care about mutations.

Probably, Flabnoose as well, come to think of it.

Although since you both just wanted slightly different sprites (which doesn't techniquely affect mechanics so much, they're more for fun) we could find a way to spin it where both of you don't get unwanted attention, since both of you are starting at a disadvantage, and I like encouraging creativity.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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>>ya all, im sure theirs enough help with you, and we need supplies for our next trip, i shall sort ya all at the market after i sell this stone for some gold.. something not right about it... il check out the general store later.

>>Heads off trusting that the posee can handle the task ahead of them easily, knowing they need further supplies for there missions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@CollectorOfMyst which mission did you have planned to sent Aaron too, defend the bridge or lost idol?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

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>Scare decided to spend a determination to reroll the mutation result
>Whatever the result, he decided to help the wounded soilders.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@PrinceAlexus Since your action is confirmed for the day we can do your Day 1: Street Market Visit now :D I'll be leaving the Day 2 stuff in case people change their minds as to what they wish to do.

@Scarecrow We can do your Day 1 Event now as well~

Pastor Jimmy's Trip to the Street Market

The streets are fairly empty this time of day, and no doubt the commotion in the center of town has attracted alot of attention too. It smells of fish and filth in these shady places, but you see no troublesome folk about. No Event.

First Stop: selling this accursed Darkstone. With no Blacksmith in Town, perhaps it's best you're rid of the hellish ore before it can do any damage.

The old man behind the scrappy stall puts a loupe to his eye and examines your offerings.

Two of your Darkstone are in good condition, and he offers to buy them for 100gp each.

Two of your Darkstone are of pretty average size and quality, he's willing to buy them for 80gp each.

One of your Darkstone looks smaller then the rest, he's only willing to buy it for 60gp.

Would you like to spend a determination to convince him to have a closer look? (lowest possible value: 60gp, heighest possible value: 120gp)

Once confirmed, we'll do Dan's Darkstone sale and move onto purchases.

Scare, the Law Holder helps the Wounded Soldiers


Mutation: Void Infection! Whenever you move through a Gate/Portal, gain 1 Corruption Point without a willpower save. Would you like to spend a determination to reroll your mutation result?

He's seen exactly what sort of monstrosities are out there and what sort of damage they can inflict. Scare, the Law Holder spends his day attending the wounded, and gains 10 XP for his trouble.

Would you like to spend a determination to reroll your Lore test? Note: you may Lose the possible 10 XP if you then fail the test, but you could gain a Gear card.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Il re roll one and see, maybe il get lucky and second look find thr darkens tone reveals more than it first a peers.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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@Mae Well, you could have them (Flabnoose and Fear) carry an item or a blessing, or something, which makes them look slightly normal, or just changes the minds of people in their presence like 'Oh, wait, actually I don't care about this too much'. Only for them to remember a few days later and come chasing after them in a psychotic rage, only for the first event to repeat itself.

@Duthguy Aaron will be going to Defend the Bridge, since I think he has a better chance of getting through it than Jamie, though really they're almost on equal standing. If the Bridge is your preference, though, I don't mind switching them around. You might just need Jamie's soothing presence.

>Aaron and Jamie see the soldiers, and both of them feel their hearts ache. Jamie goes to help them, though she will gain nothing in return (namely EXP), and Aaron, who is not too confident in his first-aid skills, leaves for the market.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

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@MaeWell, I would like to spend one final determination for the mutation
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@CollectorOfMyst@Duthguy If you are both grabbing bounties for different missions then I will allow each of you to grab a bounty from the Sheriff's office (since they will apply to different posses)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@PrinceAlexus You wave a hand and insist the old man to take a closer look. As he squints at the stone, he realises it is exceptionally potent and worth 120 gp.

In total he is willing to pay you 480gp for your collection of Darkstone.

(you may still spend a determination to reroll values if you wish)

@ScarescrowMutation: Tail with a Mouth Your tail nips and bites at any who move too close...

Any time you or an adjacent character/monster rolls a 1 on a "To Hit" roll, they take 1 Wound as your Tail lashes out at them, ignoring their defense. You gain no XP from hits given this way.

Aaron Goldfeld's Trip to the Street Market

Following shortly after Pastor Jimmy, the streets seem safe this time of day. No Event.

You hand over three shards to the gentleman playing cards. He scratches his chin as he looks them over.

The first two shards are of medium size and weight, he offers to buy them off you for 80 gp each.

The third shard seems to be a little damaged, he is only willing to give you 60 gp for it.

Would you like to spend a determination to get him to take a closer look?

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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@Mae That's what we're trying to establish here. Like I said, I don't mind switching Aaron to the Lost Idol, since I imagine him to be a man of superstition and honour (which could lead to him wanting to return the idol), but in the end, he can go for either.

Also, reroll for the 60g darkstone.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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>>that all is good enough for me, il be taking ya price

>>Pastor jimmy is happy with his price, now with ernough gold to do some real shopping!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@CollectorOfMyst@Mae I was also thinking of sending Dan to the bridge because his ability to get an extra shot whenever he kills something is great for dealing with large amounts of weak enemies.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@Duthguy @PrinceAlexus you shake hands with the old man who squirrels away the darkstone into a robust looking chest next to him.

Pastor Jimmy pulls out the Rancher's small selection of darkstone. The old man shrugs at the selection, picking at the small lumps of ore. He is willing to buy two of them for 60 each and one for 80, taking them off your hands for a total of 200gp. You swing by some of the other stalls, picking Dan up a Scavenger's Hat worth 150gp leaving you with 50gp change left to give him later.

Let's see: There's plenty to do in the Street Market. What would Pastor Jimmy like to do next?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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@Duthguy Mhm... actually, that would actually be good. That in conjunction with Jamie's aura would be a good combo. Also, if Dan doesn't come out of that with an extra level, I'll be severely disappointed.

You may not have caught it, Mae, since it was a late edit, but I'll spend a determination to try and get him to value the 60g Darkstone for higher.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Double post.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@CollectorOfMyst You implore the man to look closer at the Darkstone. After some bartering, he admits it might be worth a little more, and offers to buy all three for 80gp each.

Would you like to spend a determination to reroll or accept?
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