Name: Monica White
sexually identifies as an attack helicopterFemale
Age: We'll say like... 29.
Ethnicity: American
Appearance Description:

Birthplace: California
Former Life: Cardiologist
Gear: She's holed up in a hospital, so probably anything you'd find there. IV's, Saline, scalpels, that kind of stuff. But
very little food. However, the hospital has zombies on most of the other floors, so I'm thinking to get to those supplies, you'll have to get through the zombies. If this seems like too much, let me know.
Skills: Pre: First aid, Diagnostics(Medical), Medical knowledge in general, Good memory, Vast knowledge of the heart and blood vessels.
Post: Scavenging, High Running Speed, Strong legs, Stealth,
Likes & Dislikes: Likes: Saving lives, Spicy food, Science
Dislikes: People who think they know everything, Party Poopers, People who are just assholes in general, Edgy people.
Personality: Sarcastic, but puts others before her.
Biography: Monica was born to a fairly normal family, and had an
almost normal family. Her mother had heart problems around her 10th year (Monica's, not her mom's 10th year. Talk about a baby momma). Monica, constantly worried about her mother, took an early interest in biology. Her father, a Marine, was on tour...Somewhere. She never did find out. Once her college years came around, she took the opportunity to Major in Biology, with an emphasis on Cardiology. The years were expensive and toiling, and the years flew by through medical school.
Her mother passed due to a severe heart attack not a week after she got her Ph.D, and Monica was left alone, with nothing but a piece of paper, and a father who's off fighting who knows what, who knows where. Rather than breaking down and giving up, Monica was inspired to complete her medical training to make sure that nobody else had to be in the situation she was in.
One fateful day, she received a call from her father. He was in Belgium, of all places. He couldn't say why, But he was allowed to tell her where he was now. Ecstatic to hear from her father, she decided to move to Belgium, and found a job as a cardiologist in a local hospital. Things were... Different here. For starters, she had to learn French, but if that's what it took to meet her father after all these years. Things went by fast, but her father was nowhere to be found.
Then on another fateful day, things were quiet.
Too quiet. The hospital felt... Empty. Then, outta left field, Several hundred people were rushed into the hospital, all sharing the same symptoms. Apparently there was some sort of outbreak. Despite her best efforts, this mystery disease kept getting worse. The patients eventually became aggressive and delusional, and their skin seemed to be... almost rotting. Because of this, many of the floors were on lockdown, and doctors and nurses were given keys to unlock the doors.
It would be about another week before the news reported some sort of outbreak. People were eating each other, and apparently they weren't staying dead. Then she remembered the mystery disease patients. This place was full of them, wasn't it? This turned out to be true, and all floors were locked down and barricaded. Monica, and about 6 other people were all stuck in the hospital, to an extent. They weren't physically trapped, more Scared Shitless and frozen in fear trapped.
Over the course of the next six months, everyone but Monica had succumbed to the virus, or been killed. Usually both. Monica would spend her days scavenging what she could from the surrounding areas, and she learned to avoid all encounters that she could. She would also trade her medical services in exchange for supplies. This usually worked in her favor, but she has had a few rude people come a-knockin', whom she would try and scare off with some made up drug names, saying stuff like "It'll shut down your kidneys and you'll die in days."
And then there is today. It's another day, and she's low on food again. Perhaps she'll meet a few people willing to trade, or perhaps she'll have to step out into the open again. As the groaning of the undead can scarcely be heard above her, she contemplates her decision.
Other: She has a singular strawberry plant growing in the hospital.