A summary for the past day's events:
Marlin and Livid had recovered successfully from their injuries and were discharged from the hospital. Instead of reuniting with the team the two decided to go have fun on their own. Marlin was already supplied and ready for the coming journey and was simply waiting on word from Eve of where and when to meet up for them to leave Vale. The rest of their day consisted of drinking at various bars and ending in the bedroom. Throughout the night Eve and attempted contact with Marlin to inform him of leaving the following morning, with no answer she simply left a message.
Diana spent the remainder of the day alone, finding herself in places that kept her contempt and her mind at ease with the coming mission. She was ready for any challenge that may surface itself before the team. She called her brother in an attempt to remove any stress and lighten up her evening. Talking for a time that including topics of her current mission and what was to come ahead for her, whilst catching up on his most recent events since their last chat.
Eve and Yoki continued to train Hansa, pushing him hard during the day, though not enough to where he would be worn out. Yoki wanted to make sure he could fight well while Eve was more concerned with making sure he was well prepared for lied ahead at the academy. Hansa was still getting used to his new legs but the training received from the two definitely made the transition easier whilst verifying that he could still fight, if not better than before. That night Eve had contacted the members of the team that were no present to inform them that their airship was ready for them in the morning, a day ahead of schedule.

The following morning came and Marlin was woken up by the sun hitting his eyes. A pounding headache found itself present on him and he nearly groaned in pain before realizing he wasn't in bed alone. After a couple drink last night everything else was just a blur. He turned off his aura amplification and let alcohol affect his body in its more natural form, resulting in being blackout drunk. Marlin shifted a bit looking over to his side where another body was found. His eyes widened when he realized it was Livid, it was then too that he noticed he was naked under the covers,
"Shit, Eve is gonna kill me," a slight whisper escaping his lips. He reached over towards the night stand to grab his scroll and check anything. His headache still throbbing as he glanced over the fact that he had numerous miss calls and eventually a written message all from Eve,
"Now she's really gonna kill me." A couple of the calls were from this morning, he read over the message left behind informing him of where and when the airship was to take off.
Marlin nearly leaped out of the bed causing the blankets to shift and the mattress to bounce a bit, most likely waking up Livid in the process. The sudden movement sent a harsher wave of pain throughout his head, he collapsed to the ground clutching his skull as he groaned.
"Fuck!" left his mouth louder than he anticipated. He scanned the room quickly trying to find his clothes while noticing Livid moving slightly on the bed. Normally as a gentleman he wouldn't simply leave her like it was a one night stand, but he had somewhere to go that was rather important to a mission he agreed on.
"Morning beautiful," was she?
"Listen I had a great time last night," did he?
"But duty calls and I'm late for my mission, so I'm making this farewell rather short." He hunted around room in the nude before finding his clothes and quickly getting dressed. His head throbbed as he had to bend over to put on his long lacy boots, another grunt escaping his lips.
Once dressed he stood up and focused for a brief moment, meditating for the shortest time ever but only till his mind and body was ready to perform as needed. He directed his aura to his legs, glancing at Livid,
"I'll see ya around, we should drink again," please don't roofie me again. He dropped two wind crystals on his feet before flashing out of the room. His speed was rather faster than normal as he was emotionally focused and also completely recuperated after the night. He stumbled a few times from the hangover crashing into a building or two before getting his bearings and jumping back on path.
He arrived at the location only to be the last one and everyone seemed to be extremely displeased with his late arrival. He ran to them only to stumble and crash at the their feet clutching his head and groaning loudly in pain.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry, there was drinks and Livid and I think she roofied me but I'm here now, please don't hurt me," his words leaving his mouth at a quick rate as he braced himself to be kicked by someone.