Millicent Wyndham

Character Summary
Name: Millicent "Milli" Grey Wyndham
Social Class: Gentry
Age: 24
Birthday: March 19th, 1799 (Starting day of the RP is March 21st, 1823)
Nationality: British
Birth Place: Bedfordshire, England
Residence: Fitzherbert Mannor, Clifton, Bedforshire, England
(Wyndham Estate near Hyde Park, London during the Season)

The house is located near Hyde Park in the wealthier end of London. It is three stories high. On the main floor entering from the street there is the Foyer. On the left is the siting room and the formal dining room. On the right is more of a welcoming room as well as the open glassed conservatory, and a study. To the back of the house on the main floor is the kitchen. The second floor consists of private rooms for each of the three daughters and Step-mother. The third floor is the attic and the servants quarters. The house has a wall around it, stables and a garden out back before you hit the alleyway.
Gender: Female
Education: Private Education provided by her father
Income Source: Bluestocking Spinster (Provided for by Family Currently - £50 Annually; interest from her inheritance of £1000 from her mothers death which will be her dowry if ever married.)
Native Language: English (Can R & W)

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 121 lbs
Build: Thin/Slightly Toned
Eyes: Brown/Chocolate - Deep Set, Expressive Doe Eyes
Hair: Unruly Dark Mousey Brown
Skin Tone: Fair with a hint of tanning and some freckles
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Ears pierced
Personal Style: Milli dresses as per her status and what convention dictates with one exception, colors. Most unwed women stick to the pale colors that are light but Milli tends to wear darker more muted colors that lend a grey feeling; Puce, Sage, Cerulean Blue, etc. She sticks also with darker laces than white. Even when she has to wear lighter shades she nearly always refuses anything white and still wants something with at least some hint of muted feel to it.

Witty * Cynical * Intelligent * Bold * Caring * Vain
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Spinster
Personality: One of the first things that people notice about Milli is her spirited wit in conversation and her good sense; always weighing out her options before she acts but not always when she speaks, which shows her cynicism quite openly a trait that can grate on some people's nerves. She is self-assured and this stems from keen critical mind and her silver tongue. She tries to never open her mouth unless she has something interesting to say and does so without overly using her words. Quick to the point most of the time yet when passion inflames her mind she can be a tad on the long winded side.
She listens carefully to what others have to say but because she is so keen on dissecting everything and looks at the world through critical glasses she can be rather presumptuous with her deductions; oft times misreading a situation. She will stick stubbornly to her assumptions until she is forced to change them. She is quick to laugh at foolishness, others and surprisingly her own and while she is vain it isn't in the appearance department of the world but in her own opinion; vanity streaking across the line to foolishness with what she says and thinks.
A kind soul, she is usually looking out for the greater good which can mean she places herself on the back burner and because of this is usually subjected to harsh criticism. More than once she has heard that she needs to bite her tongue if she ever wishes to win a husband or keep from scaring off her siblings suitors. Try as she will, the criticism gets to her but she shoulders in public even though in private it gnaws at her.
- Biting her bottom lip
- Speaking even when not spoken to
Hobbies: Reading
- Marriage without Affection
- Consumption
- Agoraphobic
- Writing in her journal
- Horseback riding during the early morning
- Lemon
- Crisp clear nights in the country side
- Intelligent conversation
- Being left alone to read in peace
- Cards
- Overly sweet foods
- Her hair
- Her step mother and the mouth that comes with her
- Flies
- Those that believe status will protect them

Cards On The Table
General Skills:
- Class Knowledge (Peer)
- City Knowledge (London)
- City Knowledge (Bedfordshire)
- Country Knowledge (England)
- Court Etiquette
- Pistols
- Horseback Riding
- Knife (Throwing)
- Ballroom Dancing
- Diplomacy
- House
- Sketching
Trained Skills:
- Language - Mandarin
- Fu Mei - Neutral style martial arts that focuses on speed and turning an opponents moves against them
- Nan Pao - Southern Style Martial Art that focuses on strong stances, powerful waist along with quick strong forearm and hand movements.
- Lamgarga - Art of wielding a Lamga; normally used against longer weapons that use safe distance to attack from such as a spear or a sword, easily concealed in dress folds, can be used to break other weapons and disarm opponent
- Desinmon - Art of wielding various styles of Chinese swords
- Chang Li Fut - Soft style martial arts that focuses on protecting the spirit from impacts during a fight
What Is On Your Person:
- Clothing - Empire style dress of muslin in slate gray; low square neckline with décolleté neckline and shoulder capped puff sleeves. Short knee high heeled boots in black, cream colors under skirts and black gloves, darker slate blue over coat with black knit buttons. Simple heart shaped pendent on a gold chain and drop sapphire earrings
- Riticule (small purse with wrist string) - farthings, pounds, dance card, pencil
- Single shot pistol
- Jian - Long Chinese style sword
- Sheath for sword on cross shoulder belt
- Female style mini broach watch hung from her coats lapel
- Dagger
- Dagger sheath a fixed to left thin where skirt slits
- Lamga
- Various Swords from her days in training
- Art of War
- Various gowns for different times of the day
- Mothers wedding gown
- Mothers pearls
- Wardrobe of various clothing not needed for special events, times, or gatherings
- Letters from Parents
- Training qipao (with pants and slippers)
- Sketching materials
- White and Grey male horse - Artemus

Family History: Milli was born in Bedfordshire, England - the daughter of a Gentry Spice Merchant; Benedict Wyndham. The family had been in the spice trade for several generations, each one prospering more than the one before it. When the Soulless emerged, even more was able to be made; now in the transport of people to and from the Far East for their training. Milli is the eldest born to Benedict and his first wife Catherine. Catherine died when Milli, 9 years of age at the time, was over seas in Hunan, China training.
When she returned on her 18th birthday her father had long remarried to a widow by the name of Elizabeth Jones, hoping to be able to provide his daughter with a female guiding hand when she returned. Elizabeth was less of a guiding hand and more of a whip to the back side, trying to push her and her step sisters (Emma and Jane) into any marriage of title no matter the honor of the man in question and they have all been very questionable thus far.
Currently the family is in their London Manor for the Season, one event after another while her step mother tries to force her and her siblings into whatever compromising position she can to wed them off to a man of nobility. Her father is off over seeing the construction of three more ships that will be added to his company hopefully within the next several years and sadly has not responded to Milli's letters making him aware of her step mothers embarrassing and compromising ways.
Your personal life: Milli was raised by her parents until she was seven years of age; loved, tutored, cared for. She tested high in speed but also intelligence and her father gave her the choice of perusing her training in which location she chose. She decided on a temple in Hunan, China. Her mother and her father both accompanied her to the shores of China and bid her farewell and good luck in her training; both of them visiting her once a year later before her mother fell ill of Consumption.
Her father could not bring himself to tell Milli in person of her mothers death and had it delivered by the captain of one of his spice ships. Milli was devastated, adoring her mother, and she lost herself in her training and education over the next years. It barely registered to her when she found out that her father had remarried and that she now had step siblings. Neither of them were sent for training to any location, her step mother stating that they had walls to protect them and servants.
Milli finished her training and came home on her 18th birthday her step mother tried to force her into the Season but Milli refused, deciding to take a years morning for her mother even though she had died nearly a decade earlier. (Using the excuse that this was the first time she had set foot on her home soil in so long that it would only be right to show her respect to her mother this way. Her father did not argue.)
After a year though, all bets were off and since then Milli has had to keep her guard up and eyes in the back of her head. Her step mother constantly trying to set up the most scandalous of events to get her and her step siblings ensnared in with any man of title so that the family can climb the ranks of society. Milli keeps awaiting word back from her father but nothing has come and she fears the worst but dare not leave England; there would be no one left to watch out for her siblings.
What you want for your life: Milli wants a great many things in life, one of them is marriage for her siblings. She wants them to wed good men so that she does not have to constantly keep her step mother from throwing them at every pair of titled trousers in the country. With that she hopes to gain at least some independence in her life, as much as perhaps she can hope for right now is just to remain out of a compromising position.

Character Quote(s):
- My courage always surfaces when I need it most.
- Death would be a kindness to some
- She'd marry us to Satan just because some call him a prince.
Theme Song: Social Distortion - When Angels Sing
Anything Else:
- Ryne
- Deeper Than The Sands: Chapter 1
- Is Left Handed
- Related to Anisa Crowe
- Believes her mother was killed
- Worries that her father has been as well
*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.
The Notebook
Millicent Wyndham

"Family is not always our choosing"
║ ☯ Neutral ║ ✿ Friend ║ ❅ BFF ║ ♡ Infatuation ║ ❤ Love ║
║ ❦ Family ║ ☣ Tense ║ ☢ Dislikes ║ ☠ Enemy ║
║ ❦ Family ║ ☣ Tense ║ ☢ Dislikes ║ ☠ Enemy ║
Milli had a wonderful relationship with her father when she was younger but since the death of her mother and his marriage to her step mother things are not as good as they once were. She still loves and respects the man but she wishes he would stay home more so he could see exactly what his new wife is up to. She understands his need to make sure the family business is running well but she feels that he is avoiding the house because of her step mother and the fact that Milli herself reminds him far too much of his dear Catherine. Milli fears that because she has not heard from her father in some time that he is no longer among the living.
Milli was never closer to anyone than she was her mother and as she has grown she is reminded by her father just how much she takes after Catherine. She misses her mother to this day and with Elizabeth constantly pushing her and her sister towards marriages that just should not happen she wishes even more that her mother was still alive. Milli was told that her mother died of Consumption but she does not believe it.
❦/☣ Elizabeth Jones Wyndham ☣/❦
"My Stepmother might not be as evil as ones in fairytales but she is working her way there."
"My Stepmother might not be as evil as ones in fairytales but she is working her way there."
Things between Elizabeth and Milli are tense to say the least. It isn't that she hates her step mother but she does hate many of things she does and says. The woman has no manners, no discretion, and honestly seems to have no care for her children other than to see them married to a titled man and produce a titled heir.
❦/❤ Emma Jones ❤/❦
"My Step-Sister does what she can"
"My Step-Sister does what she can"
Milli loves her step sister Emma, who is just three years her junior but she wishes she would wise up and start some form of training. Emma believes as her mother does, that because they have wealth and servants that the Soulless cannot touch them or if they did try they would easily be protected. Milli keeps trying to get through to Emma but her head is in the clouds. Emma wants marriage just as much as her mother wants it for her, she just sees the world through rose tinted glasses and believes life is a fairytale and all endings are happy.
❦/❤ Jane Jones ❤/❦
"She will survive"
"She will survive"
Jane and Milli are closer than the rest and Jane seems to look up to Milli even if she doesn't agree with her step sisters openness with her words. Jane is quiet, shy, but she has at least begun thinking of training and is learning at least how to wield a dagger and fire a pistol. It is a start. Milli hopes that when her father returns he will finally send Jane off for some real training, she wants her sister to survive.
❅ Virginia Crypt ❅
"There is Ice in her Smile"
"There is Ice in her Smile"
The two can seem as different as night and day but underneath it all they have very similar desires. No care for the season, wanting to keep her step mother from arranging a marriage (only because of age), a worry for parents. It has all created and lead to a friendship between the two. Virginia is one of the few that Milli is comfortable turning to, knowing she is probably the only person who understands here. They are still learning about each other but they grow closer as time passes.
☯ Fyror Kildragon ☯
"He has my respect, which is more than I can say for most"
"He has my respect, which is more than I can say for most"
Elizabeth was just about to try to try to set up Milli's sister Emma with Fyror one evening and Milli was ready to intercept. That was until things took a change. Soon as Elizabeth saw the mans scar on his face Elizabeth decided he was better suited for Milli. She didn't want her pried full blooded daughters to be stuck with a man that looked like that if it could be helped. Elizabeth said it loudly when she explained it and Milli knew the man had to hear it. Milli rolled her shoulders back, her chin held high. "I would be more than blessed to have a man of honor as a husband than any other cretin in the room," she spat back to her step mother. She didn't mean to offend others in the room but she was at the end of her rope that evening with her Step mothers ways. Milli looked over to Fyror and sighed slightly. "Forgive me sir, please," was all she said before she hurried her family out the door before her step mother could do anymore damage. She doesn't know the man but she has heard enough through the rumor mill and thinks highly of him, and perhaps higher than his family would ever think of hers.
☯ Jeanette Crane ☯
"The woman is an island to herself"
"The woman is an island to herself"
Milli isn't exactly sure what to think of Jeanette. She doesn't really talk to the woman much but she knows her because of Virginia. Milli respects her because she doesn't seem to care what the world think but Milli is also trying to stay toeing the line so that her sisters can get married eventually. She is cordial to Jeanette when she sees her but she tries to keep her distance, not wanting to get caught up in a scandal because of the woman. She is having a hard enough time as it is keeping her Step-Mothers meet hooks out of her sisters, she doesn't need the families reputation getting anymore tarnished.
✿ Gerard Connolly ✿
"He is far better than his station allows him to be."
"He is far better than his station allows him to be."
Truth be told on the matter, Milli adores Gerard in many ways. He is kind to her, helps protect her and her sisters, and thankfully isn't a threat when it comes to her step-mother. Gerard keeps closed off to his past, Milli has asked but he is evasive about it. She wishes he would open up to her and trust her on that level but she doesn't push the topic; figuring if he wants to he will open up one day. She does what she can to help him; teaching him to read when she has the time and trying to find ways to help broaden his education. She doesn't know what she would do without him, he has become her right hand ever since her father disappeared.
☯ Jaques Clerc ☯
"He is my pastor"
"He is my pastor"
Milli knows Father Clerc from church, attending his services on Sunday. She also helps with the poor and other duties around the church when she can to help, in her mind, atone for her Step-Mothers audacious nature. From time to time she will seek out Father Clerc's advice in dealing with the situation at home as well as seeking out additional prayer that her father will return safe and sound to her and her family.
✿ Nathan Darcy ✿
"We have a mutual understanding"
"We have a mutual understanding"
Milli met Mr. Darcy during one of the tons many crushes when her step-mother thrust her sisters yet again to a man. This time it was Mr. Darcy. He was none to pleased but he was respectful of the situation and seemed to sense what Milli was trying to do when she stepped in; protect her sisters. Not from him so much but from her step mother and her lack of care who her sisters were forced to wed. They have become friends of a sort over time, even training together every so often. They have a mutual understanding and respect for each other, built on keeping her step mother from matching her sisters with someone less than noble.
Suspicious Things
Other Clues Or Points Of Interest