<Snipped quote by Dervish>
Mentally if not physically. Confirmed.
What does this say 'bout you and I? Both have anime avatars and both have sigs that are a tad lewdish/from lewdish sources?

<Snipped quote by Dervish>
Mentally if not physically. Confirmed.
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>
What does this say 'bout you and I? Both have anime avatars and both have sigs that are a tad lewdish/from lewdish sources?
While we're bitching about IC details;
There's a time and a place for edginess. In a Dark Fantasy setting, it can work. But the amount of times there's an anime high school setting and somebody tries to bring in a character who carries swords or knives, grew up on the streets in a gang and/or was abused as a kid.
We get it, you think that's cool and you want to be a snowflake. We're all laughing at you.
@Mariana Collie
I'm not talking about realistic childhood trauma or gritty topics in a canon of the correct tone. I'm talking straight up "I was routinely raped when I was seven and killed my first man when I was ten" in the middle of an anime high school setting.
@Mariana Collie
I'm not talking about realistic childhood trauma or gritty topics in a canon of the correct tone. I'm talking straight up "I was routinely raped when I was seven and killed my first man when I was ten" in the middle of an anime high school setting.
@Mara The way the cookie crumbles sometimes. But it was made red on purpose, errors in school papers or otherwise were often done in red for a reason. #Colorchoicesmatter :P (Just for possible interest.)
Actually, you seem to be mistaking hyphens with em dashes there, are you not?
Hyphens (-) are used to join words but dashes (—) are indeed used for pauses —dramatic or not— in fact they are used for nigh full-stop pauses. And they certainly are valid in inter— interrupted sentences and stammering.
Most people just don't know how to type an em dash, and use the hyphen for everything. cutting them some slack in an non-professional environment doesn't seem too much for me. After all, decorating arcane keyboard shortcuts like Alt+1551 isn't something most people need to do.
Ultimately, em dashes aren't ruled the same rigid grammar as most other punctuation marks. More than anything else they are a stylistic choice. Pushing your style on others, or giving bad advice doesn't seem like a good thing to do to a community of writers.
Take a look at this: https://www.grammarly.com/blog/hyphens-and-dashes/
en dashes are weird. I don't like to use them, and don't even know how to type that. In any situation they could be useful, I think that a hyphen performes better.
thanks for this