Location: Union Station Space - Star Destroyer
All the personnel on the bridge watched as millions of these small fighter-craft begin to eradicate the Flood attached to the station. If it hasn't been more obvious already, their great numbers and plasma weaponry proved to being the advantage against the biomass, something which the Star Destroyers would've similarly done, only from much more afar. Of course, if they did reach within firing range, they would also risk blowing up the station with all of their troops onboard. That said, the troops below had the complete responsibility in taking out the station's core. They need to enter in fast and quick, all before the entire station blows up.
"Contact the legion." Vader orders,
"They are to eliminate the core-drive once locating the Senator."Yet despite the hazardous conditions his troops are in, Vader refuses to enter the battlefield. He believes his elite 501st legion can finish it... and if they do it successfully, they'll most likely receive a substantial reward in return.
With Kirby being finally free from his prison, and not having blown up into tiny bits and pieces, Samus breathes a sigh of relief for not having killed a valuable ally. She had many questions regarding how he managed to pop up here, but yet how, why, and other possible reasons don't matter right this minute. Her visor beeps rapidly as the bounty hunter recieves a layout of the entire station, with a waypoint being shown near the middle of the union station. According to this new 'expert' on the alien biomass, the core of this ship must be destroyed, while he releases his own distraction to keep the parasites at bay and to not have them escape into other potential worlds.
Seems fair at least.
Samus looks down at the pink blob awkwardly as his cheeks squelched with the sounds of his last meal. There was only one thing that needs to be done.
"Alright Kirby..." she states bluntly as she takes a quick glance around the room to make sure she's alone,
"I don't know how the hell you got here, but you've landed here at the wrong time. I'm here, along with several allies, to destroy this station's core so we can kill whatever has been crawling on you and keep it from escaping. If you wanna to come along, your help will be much appreciated. If not, the exit is through the door behind me and to your right. Your choice, I got no time. So pick quickly."With that, the armored bounty hunter dashes down the corridor and towards the next room.
The stormtroopers continued to deal with the Flood disturbances that headed their way, firing upon them in a quick and rapid manner. Yet rarely did they stop moving. As the Stormtrooper Commander orders his men to keep moving, with several other aliens having just appeared in their sights, Abigail had several questions regarding the matter.
"Hey! About this diplomat we're suppose to save and take home, how much further do you think they are?"As Abigail slices through two green abominations, the commander and three men fire upon four smaller crab-like creatures, with a trooper smashing one underneath his boot with a sickening splat.
"Not sure." he replies bluntly,
"Several stories down I believe. We need to find some elevators and a holomap before we can continue farther. Hopefully we can get out of this dark corridor first."Some of his men began to shake slightly when at rest, with their breathing becoming slightly more rushed. The VIP guest also noted this.
"I mean, I'm not in too much of a rush or anything, because of personal issues, but some of your men seem to be getting kind of nervous."The Commander fires down another abomination from the corner of the next hallway before he responds.
"It's not often we fight things like these." he says calmly as his troops mow down three aliens infront of them,
"Natural human emotion. I don't mind these ugly bantha poodoo. I just hope SOME people here aren't scared of bugs, are they?"He was looking at two troopers in general, shaking a bit more than some. Indeed, Stormtroopers were used to deal with more humanoid threats. The rebellion is what these troopers were trained to deal with, along with keeping order on other planets. The initial conquest of worlds during the rise of the Empire was many years ago, and most of them were still undergoing training by that time. After all, most of the troops of say the 501st legion still consisted of clone troopers from the days of the Republic, soldiers cloned from the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Once they were gone, the niche had to be filled up by regular cadets from across the galaxy... preferably humans. Unfortunately, some of these soldiers still had their phobias in tact...
"And that's got me a bit more nervous than these things as the last thing we want is zombies forming right in the middle of our formation."The Commander didn't respond at that notion. However, he sincerely wishes deep down that this wouldn't be the case. Yet before he can contemplate more on that subject, two aliens came running from ahead of the squad. The flametroopers proceed to scorch the foolish creatures, yet as soon as the first spark hit, the aliens explode violently as their giant sacks releasing several green bulbs towards the troops. The initial blast gazed the flametroopers at the front, killing two by the middle, and slightly wounding the two closest to the walls. The Commander shields his face from the blast as the entire group halts to assess the damages.
"Men down! Men down!" the commander alerts as they attend to the fallen, having already been affected with the green bulbs.
Yet suddenly the fallen troopers violently try to grab their commander, like a possessed animal. The leader struggles initially before stormtroopers in the back eliminate the two on the ground.
"Ah shit..." the commander sighs as he orders two other men in back to take up as flametroopers,
"We gotta be careful. I think these bulbs can possess us if they manage to break through our armor and attach onto skin. If we see anymore of these guys, just shoot them, I repeat, shoot them... BUT do not scorch them!"With that, the troopers move on. Yet before they can move too far, the Commander suddenly receives a call coming from the Star Destroyer.
"Commander Therus." a female voice says over the coms,
"We have just encountered the specialist and is doing his job in eliminating the alien infection. He highly suggests, and I quote, that 'All specialists should focus on the Sol-Drive and/or the Proto-Gravemind.' After retrieving the Senator, send a dispatch to eliminate the core of the space station. Once that's accomplished, head back to the ships as quickly as you can for evac. Understood?""Understood." the commander answers bluntly before putting away his comms and alerts everyone about their next mission.
Ahead of them is the door that leads to where the elevators reside, alongside a holomap.