Name: Jasper The Omega J.
Personality:From many a first time meeting, many would call the Omega J, a hero through and through. On the surface, Jasper does her best to come off as a confident, charismatic, and caring, a hero. She prides herself on maintaining a dramatic flair, and makes sure to never let others nearby think they're in trouble so long as she's around. The grimmer a situation, the harder she smiles. The harder death knocks on her door, the more she'll joke about the situation. Many who've met her would say her can-do attitude borders on being somewhat obnoxious. However, much of this facade Jasper wears is a means to protect people from the dire things can get. Through her travels she's seen just how dark and scary the existence can be, and tries to keep people from falling into hopeless despair. Not that she's a negative person in any sense of the word, she's just learned that sometimes people need more than merely physical safety.
Duty aside, Jasper is an individual whose in constant search for stimulation, physical or mental, and becomes noticeably agitated if she has to sit still long without something to do. Though, her travels through various realms have taught her a bit of patience, but not much.
She's also, in all honesty, not the most people of person, a trait which sprang up from the active dislike and ridicule she received from the other Omegas for a variety of her life. She does, however, have a soft spot for animals as she feels they never judge her, and they in turn seem to be drawn to her.
Bio:Jasper is a member of the Omegas, a group of 26 individuals who were left on an apparently empty planet called Eden, to exist forever in a state of hedonistic pleasure. On her home world, there are a myriad of types of media and entertainment at the group's disposal but all the majority of them want to do is sleep, eat, enjoy the pleasures of the flesh and sleep some more.
From day one Jasper was an outcast, unable to content herself with the things the other omegas lived for. As the years, and there were a great many years, moved on, she found herself moving further and further away from the main building. She spent her days either running around, devouring the media like her brethren devoured sweets, or just explore the vast ruins which dotted the planet.
It was during one such exploration that Jasper came upon the strangest ruins she's seen in her entire life. Instead of the sleek, chrome like surfaces that covered all of the other places on the planet, this one was covered in obsidian stone and, also unlike the others, still surged with electrical energy. It was at this point where Jasper should've stepped out and gone to look elsewhere, but her curiosity got the best of her.
In the middle of the black ruins she stepped into a large anti-chamber with a single button at the center of the room. She pushed a button. Lightning exploded around her and the world went black right after it went white.
Upon regaining consciousness Jasper found herself in a completely different world. At first she was confused, but quickly she came to realize what happened. She got to her feet and raised her hand to the air. It shimmered. She felt something strange inside of her and focused on it. Her hand glowed with an odd power. On gut feeling she made a slashing motion, creating a hole between worlds. As if on someone else's control, Jasper found herself stepping into the light.
And so began her long, exciting string of adventures through the multiverse.
Age:Jasper has no idea how old she is as she stopped counting after hitting 115
Skills:Intelligence- Thanks to the time Jasper spent on Eden reading and learning everything she could, she has knowledge on a wide variety of subjects. This information has been taken even further thanks to the time she's spent hoping from various dimensions.
Jasper is also a capable of inventor and planner.
Hand to Hand Combatant-Jasper is a natural fighter and has picked up various techniques from the plains she's visited.
Melee weapon combatant-Jasper is proficient with many different melee weapons, but excels with swordsmanship. Although, even with that she's no master.
Marksmanship- Jasper is a capable long range weapon user. She's quick to master any type of fire arm put into her hands and has nearly perfect aim.
Key Field-Jasper is capable of forcing holes in the barriers that separate dimensions. Though, she can usually only do this in spots that are particularly weak.
InventoryThe Heart of paradise-A special device implanted inside of Jasper's chest, where her heart should be. This device provides her body with constant energy, and grants her eternal life. One, strangely advantageous property the device possesses is the ability to match various forms of power sources (chakra, ki, haki, etc, etc), but , unfortunately, this ability is handicapped by the heart's limited output.
Sharingan-The reason Jasper's left eye always has a patch over it is because A bad fight left Jasper minus one eye, but a ninja medic was able transplant a special kind of eye, a 2 tomoe Sharingan.
-Due to the eye not being a natural part of Jasper's body, she cannot turn it on or off, and is constantly drawing energy from her, when exposed.
-As the accident happened very recently, Jasper has no real knowledge on how to use the eye and so is limited to its primary effect, which speeds up the information her mind is able to process things she sees. Though, it does not speed up her movements.
The Ace of Spades-Jasper's stand, first appeared during a life or death battle with another stand user, takes the form of a large, humanoid pig-like creature with sunglasses, large tusks, dressed in a leather jacket with lots of pockets, and chains all over its body.
All The Aces"The Ace of Spade's" primary ability, which allows it to convert one thing into another that falls into a similar category. For example, one type of ammunition, be it bullets or arrows, can be converted into ammunition for a different type of weapon, or a key could be converted into a key card, etc, etc.
-The major weakness to this ability is that it works like a chain. Jasper needs a starting point, a middle, and a point, immediately present for it to work.
Mirror shield-An enchanted shield that has the ability to reflect attacks of either a 'special' nature, or those that do not fall under solids or liquids. She meant to give the shield back, but the hero died in a fight with a witch sisters.
Asauchi-A special blade that is capable of harming spiritual entities. With focus, Jasper can increase the weapon's cutting power, and durability. It is possible the weapon could one day turn into a zanpakuto, but Jasper is a little hazy on the details as she was suffering from a mild concussion when they were being told to her.
Infinite Pistol-Jasper actually found this weapon in a pile of skag shit, SKAG SHIT!
Needler-A weapon Jasper used to great effect against a pair of blue giants with cannons on their arms.
Spec-A ghost/ poison type pokemon that became attached to Jasper as she wondered through his home. Sometimes, he'll allow himself to be put into a pokeball but most of the time he hovers around her, invisible to the naked eye.
-Shadow Ball
Faction (UUC/UoD/Custom): UUC