Bruce Wayne and Pamela Isley

Location: Headmaster’s Office; Academy.
Interacting With: Each other.
Pamela leaned on the sill of her open office window, looking out over the courtyard, watching the large gates that, for the moment, stood open as the students of the Academy began to trickle in for the very first time. Her gaze sought two in particular, heart yearning, wanting to be down there to great them, to talk to them. Her daughters. She looked for their familiar figures- despite having no contact with the girls since giving them up, Pamela had kept an eye on them. As close an eye as possible without bringing danger to them, or letting them know she was watching.
It had been painful; the old pain and sorrow at giving them up flaring each time she laid eyes on them. She couldn’t yet see them, but she knew that they would come. She kept her eyes on the gates, heart aching. She knew she couldn’t simply make them appear by watching but… she couldn’t turn her gaze away. She knew she ought to seek Bruce- now more than ever they needed to present a united front, to their daughters. He’d be hurting too.
She just didn’t want to take her gaze away from the gates. She didn’t want to miss their daughters. The world had changed. She could know them. And she wasn’t going to give them up again, not for anything. She turned from the window, starting out her office, towards Bruce’s. The children would be there soon… and she wanted this done.
She didn’t bother knocking, instead she pushed the door open, standing silently in the doorway for a moment or two. ”Bruce.”
The sound of his name being spoken, in her voice nonetheless, had his head raising just slightly, his dark gaze resting on her beautiful figure only a moment before his attention was drawn back to the student files in front of him. So many new faces and names; each with their own uniquely special abilities and powers… and each of them were now under his charge. He had already done it all; and yet… there was still so much that needed to be done.
His duties never ending.
Not that he cared- he liked it. Busy was good. The busier he was, the less time his mind had to settle on the fact that his daughters would be walking through the gate along with each and every other super who had either been accepted the invitation, or who had enrolled in the Academy. He was a wreck; nervous. Probably as much, if not more than she herself was; though he would never show it. Instead doing his best to keep hidden behind the large wall he had built up all those years ago.
“..the twins are arriving this morning- remind me to speak to Floyd and Slade. We’ll need to increase security. Hopefully though, they won’t try anything stupid like their parents…”
Staying where she was, Pamela watched him. It was easy to do so, especially when he put that distance between him, and what they had to face. “Of course they will. It isn’t like Harley or the Joker ever pulled back on the throttle. Why should the twins be any different?” Pamela wasn’t even too sure what had compelled the duo to sign the treaty, but she supposed they had their reasons for it.
Silent for another moment or two, Pamela waited to see if he’d set aside the work for a moment. It was a defence, she knew. But the time for that was gone. ”But that isn’t why I’m here.” she said softly, stepping inside and shutting the door.
Stopping in his tracks, his gaze frozen upon the the words in front of his eyes, Bruce sighed silently, taking a moment to swallow the rather dry lump that had so suddenly seemed to have arisen in his throat, “..I know…”
Pamela stepped towards his desk, but stopped when she was close, hesitant to do anything else. ”They’ll be here soon...” is they weren’t already. She didn’t doubt that Bruce had something set up to tell him of their arrival. They’d chosen the best option at the time, but it now seemed like the worst.
Things had never been the same. And were likely to never be the same. ”What will we do?” a year, and they’d never discussed this. ”They’re bound to be angry... “
“..they won’t be the only ones; though they are the only ones to matter.” Frowning, his head shaking lightly from side to side, Bruce closed the file, putting it down on the pile before he turned his back to her; his arms lifting to cross over his broad chest as he turned his attention down to the students filing into the courtyard at their own leisure.
“They have every right to be angry with us, Pamela.” An exasperated sigh falling through his lips, he turned only his head, his gaze flicking back so that he was able to watch her from out the corner of his eye, “..however… if they are even the tiniest shred like either of us; then they shall both get through this…”
Pamela didn't care about anyone else except her daughters right then. Perhaps that was selfish, but she didn't care. The other students would be fine. She shifted her weight to her back foot, crossing her arms over her chest.
"They may get through it, but hate us for it..." She said softly, barely managing to keep her voice steady, fear bubbling up, that she simply couldn't push back down.
“..if they hate us; they hate us. So be it- we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. But at least we’ll have them in our lives…”
Pamela sighed. It wasn't the answer she wanted, but it was probably the only answer there was. "That doesn't help, if they won't let us in their lives!" old anger welled up, mixing with the fear, and she shook her head. "And it still doesn't answer my question. What will we do? The longer we wait, the harder it will be."
“Then we tell them today..!”
His anger flaring slightly in his frustration towards the situation, Bruce paused. Getting angry wasn’t going to help them any. Forcing his head to turn in the opposite direction, he closed his eyes, taking a moment to calm himself down and to just take a deep breath before speaking again, “..we tell them today, Pamela… this morning; after we greet the new students…”
Pamela hesitated, taking a step back, before she stopped, stealing her resolve. "Alright." She said, dropping her hands down to her side, "Glad that's settled." Her tone a little annoyed, Pamela turned back towards the door.
"..she's dying, Pamela..." Voice soft as he spoke, Bruce broke a single arm from his chest, his hand lifting to roughly rub at the stubble on his jaw as he stared once more down at the students, "..our-... our daughter- our little girl... she's dying..."
Pamela stopped, closing her eyes, and letting out a soft breath. Another thought she'd been trying to keep at bay. Would she- they- reunite with their daughters, only to lose one of them? She turned back towards Bruce, deliberating a moment, before she stepped towards him. "I know... " She paused for a few seconds, before reaching out to him.
"We will find a way to save her.". There was certainly the resources. She doubted there had ever been so many powerful beings in one area before- apart for the treaty; and there were healers... brilliant minds... "We won't let her die." There was no thinking on the other alternative, Pamela couldn't think about that and still be upright.
Head turning, his gaze moving to linger on her as he felt the gentle touch of her hand upon his back, Bruce hesitated a moment; his arms eventually breaking from his chest to instead once more hang by his side as he turned, giving her his profile, the fear and stress of the matter clear behind his dark eyes.
How long had they been angry at one another..? Too long to remember. For the longest of times, they had been at each other’s throat; though now everytime he looked at her… all he could see was pain… pain and disappointment in himself.
Her mere presence nothing more than a reminder of what his choices had cost him…
“..I’ve already spoken to Steven; and he has agreed to take up her care. And there is a girl to arrive today; she’s a lantern. She’ll be interning in the infirmary. We’ll have her assist him in his work…”
Pamela turned her gaze to his, his dark eyes once so familiar to her almost alien, but the fear was almost a mirror to her own. For some time, they'd been happy together... and then she'd been angry, angry at the choice they'd had to make... angry at him. Angry at herself.
"She'll be okay."
She hesitated once more, not sure of the response she'd receive, before she let her hand drop back to her side once more, looking away. They might have their daughters back- or the chance for it- but things wouldn't be the same. "She has to be... "
His heart sinking as he felt her hand slip from his body, Bruce reached out, his hands on instinct taking hold of her sides, holding her close against him as he stared at her, trying his best to catch her eye once more, “..Pamela; I’ll do everything in my power to keep her with us… I promise…”
Pamela, bewildered, did not resist as he brought her close. Turning her gaze back to his, Pamela wasn't sure at all what she'd see. "I know." she replied softly, knowing that in this, she could have faith in him. "I'd expect nothing less... "
Finding herself unable to resist his touch, Pamela sighed softly, laying one hand on his chest. "... Bruce.... "
“..I know… I’m sorry…” Realizing his mistake, Bruce relaxed his hold over her sides, his hands slipping until they were once more hung at his side, pain once more flickering over his tired features as he dropped his head, his eyes closing, “..I-... I have no right to touch you like that anymore…”
That hadn't been what she meant, what she intended, and Pamela frowned. She lifted her hand, laying it against his check. He always carried too much... always held too much back. Never let anyone else take responsibility, rarely let anyone see. She gently traced his weary features. "Always working yourself to death... " she said softly, lifting herself up slightly to brush her lips over his cheek, seeming to not be conscious of the action. "Oh, Bruce"
Turning his head slightly into her touch, his dark eyes opening, Bruce sighed softly, wanting nothing more than to just reach out and hold her close against him; to right the wrong he had done to her in their past, “..Pamela, I-…”
She met his gaze once more, silent for a moment or two, seeking answers that she'd perhaps never get. And maybe that was okay. "I know..." she said, falling silent, waiting for him to say more, her fingers curving gently to his cheek.
He hesitated. This was something he had wanted- the regret of letting her go when he had haunting him from the moment he’d walked away. It had all been too much; something which neither of them had been equipped to handle at the time. But now…
Turning his head further, Bruce paused a moment before finally, he closed the gap left between them, his lips pressing softly against her own in a gentle and almost feather light kiss.
Pamela let her hand drop to his shoulder, before sliding her arms around his neck, returning the kiss, keeping it light. She didn't know where anything was going, but right then, she just wanted her family back.
She pulled back slightly, after a few moments, heart beating just a bit faster, meeting his gaze once more.
Shutting his eyes tightly as he felt her pulling back, Bruce once more dropped his head, his hands resting on her sides as he spoke, his voice barely more than a whisper, “..Pamela... I-... forgive me…”
The words were simple, and yet they were so hard to say. He looked so vulnerable... her heart ached, a slow throb that wanted to be soothed. And she didn't know what he wanted to be forgiven for. "... We... we were both at fault... " and they'd both suffered for it. "... It's okay... " they couldn't change the past, it was what it was.
“..I can’t-...” Pausing, Bruce took a moment to think over his words, correcting them before he attempted to continue, clearly struggling to say what he wanted to, “..I don’t-... I don’t want you to leave… I don’t want to lose you… not again…”
"Then don't..." Pamela replied, not wanting him to use this as an excuse to pull away, not now... now that they might have a chance. "Don't leave... " she added softly.
“..I won’t… not this time…”