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Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Due to inactivity and other circumstances, this RP has officially ended.

Thanks to all those who participated~!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

"For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every evil practice."
-James 3:16


"The drums of war never cease.
For Arcadia always lies in great peril.
How could it not?
Arcadia is a crucible of relentless conflict.
It has ever been so...
An era as long as the mountains are unyielding."

As great powers battle for the continent's fate, I make my own humble contribution.
A neutral witness in a formal but tense meeting between representatives of the League of Arcadia and representatives of the Dwarven Kingdoms in Dragonrage Pass, a stretch of land created by rage-filled dragons. Or so as the myths say."


~@Eisenhorn @Polaris North @Apollosarcher @Plumbum @Lugubrious @Rice Porridge~

If one were to observe the entire pass under the night sky, one would find camps and fires as far as the eye could see. However, not all of them are on the same side. They are allies though, a relationship created when the goddess Gaia laid waste to Arcadia. While the soldiers of both sides are either friendly or indifferent to each other, there was... uneasiness in the camp where representatives of both armies met.

But the politics was not the soldiers' concern yet and so the soldiers mostly did nothing but lay around and waited for orders. Among the organized regiments, there was one that was... not so organized. In fact, they only formed because they could not find their assigned units. Their occupations varied but they all had one thing in common, they were weary from the search and are now in front of a unattended bonfire to rest for a bit.

They likely did not know each other so the air was rife with silence and awkwardness. That is, until, a broad, burly person entered the scene. His face was grim and serious. Flanking him were two shorter but equally broad people who were fully-armored. It would not take long for those present that the newcomers were Dwarves, though the middle one was pretty large for a Dwarf.

"BWAHAHAHAHA!" The large, middle Dwarf suddenly bellowed with laughter. "Such an awkward atmosphere here, manlings! Let me liven things up here a bit!" He said before sitting before taking a seat in front of the bonfire without a care with his bodyguards remaining standing. "Right then! Why don't we start with names, first? Then as to why you are all gathered 'round here." The boisterous Dwarf suggested. "Somethin' tells me you all aren't exactly in the same regiment."

"Prove me wrong though and this regiment will be the strangest I've ever seen since the Lot Order!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rice Porridge
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Rice Porridge wait / where am i

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


To be frank, Djeld had no idea how these people had gathered around him.

He wasn't even an enlisted soldier; he had just slipped into the group since they were travelling in the same direction. If any of the higher-ups had noticed, they hadn't minded him since he was making himself useful by helping around the camp. Djeld had even gone through the trouble of bringing his own supplies for the marches, camping on his own at night. Despite this, he was rarely ever alone, since some soldiers were inevitably drawn in by the smell of his food.

Not that he'd minded, of course. The fire was going to burn anyways, so might as well let more people use it. That night, however, Djeld was interested by the people that had come over.

Firstly, rather than it being a small group wandering over from their squads, they seemed to be made up of several individuals, a few of which made Djeld wonder if they were nobility of some kind.

Second, he hadn't started cooking anything yet, which was really the only reason that anyone in the camp ever came over. It was quite unusual.

"Speaking of which,", he thought to himself. "I should make them something."

As he heated up a pot of water, he rummaged through his bag for the small box of tea leaves that he'd recently purchased. It was an unusual mix, so he was excited to see how it'd turn out, a grin coming onto his face. Djeld was completely unaware of how suspicious it made him look, brewing unidentifiable herbs with a manic smile. Immersed in his thoughts on how the tea would turn out, he didn't even notice the group of dwarves approaching until the largest one let out a loud laugh.

Taken off guard, it took Djeld a moment to react. But, upon recovering, he introduced himself.

"Ah... My name is Djeld." he said, giving another weird smile.

"I guess you could call me a scholar of sorts? I'm studying ancient magic. Would you like some tea, by the way?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Jerod Staudinger

Jerod couldn't help but wonder why he had taken this job, having spent most of it so far marching and being told they wouldn't be camped long enough to allow for drinking. It was two of the things he detested, forbade from drinking, and just walking all day without pause. Oh wait, he knew why, the coin had been far too good for how simple it sounded, and he broke a common rule of sellswords. If it was too good to be true, it probably was, but he had gotten his cut up front, so it didn't violate the most important rule. That is, always get enough of your pay up front to keep yourself moving if things went south in the worst kind of ways. Which, fortunately, they had not.

Once they had arrived, orders were to scatter and help out where ever necessary. Sellswords would discuss further employment as time went on, which meant there was no promises the march out here would have been worthy anything other than fattening his purse. Helpful, but considering it hadn't been a lot considering the simplicity of the job, it was slowly turning out to be, by and large, a waste of time. At least he'd found a group who was drinking and, after besting their rather boastful commander, won himself a healthy mug of ale. It was glorified pisswater, but at the end of the day, ale was ale. Having won himself a drink, finally, he had sought out a quiet fire to sit by and consider his employment options here.

Of course, the most empty bonfire still had some madman of a mage sitting around it already, but he was minding his own business, as best as the sellsword could tell, so quiet company, even if a bit unstable, was fine by him. So was the others that trickled over, considering things kept silent. Of course it wouldn't last, as mid swig from his mug a trio of Dwarves marched over, the largest laughing and taking a seat, breaking the silence. Cue the disturbed looking mage introducing himself and offering tea. So that was what he was working on at the fire and pot, it was supposed to be tea. But considering the next silence, he mentally sighed and realized that meant he was likely up next.

"Jerod. I'm here for the coin, was paid fairly well for just marching out here and then sitting around waiting." He could do better on an actually dangerous job, but that was neither here nor there at this particular time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 3 days ago


Ferrian was not sure how he ended up with this group, but he stayed where he was. The hooded Manakete didn't really care where he would end up in. He had honestly not been here to honestly partake in this meeting. He was not called upon to do so, at the very least. He intended to make a stop here in Dragonrage Pass and continue his travels the next day as he had just come from accompanying a band of soldiers to a bandit encampment off the border of Ereb. When he came here thinking he would have some peace and quiet, he was instead met with a tense air.

Dwarves and humans were present - each with their own camps made on both sides of the Pass with a meeting tent placed in the middle. Yet another show of how fragile ties made in war were. It was amazing how it hasn't been broken yet. Between the bloodthirsty Varjans, the grudge-bearing Dwarves, the extremely fragile Zenith Union and the greedy Concilium kingdoms, peace wasn't exactly something you would expect. But he let it be. It was better than a war. They were powerful when they stood together - more powerful than even the Goddess Gaia - but alliances rarely last.

The white haired Manakete made a passing glance towards the others around the campfire. One was a rather odd mage, but nothing that surprised him too much. It wasn't like he hadn't seen mages of that caliber or determination before. In fact, Lizberia was brimming with them. The other seemed to be a sellsword who liked the peace and quiet this area provided compared to the hustle and bustle over at the main area. Another was a general, one that he knew from passing when he roamed Archanean lands. One other seemed to be the same, but he wasn't too sure. Others may have been royalty to another kingdom.

Either way, he didn't care. He came here to rest, not to mingle. While the odd mage seemed to be preparing to boil some water, he closed his eyes for a moment with the intent of falling asleep while sitting down. However, a booming voice carried over and he opened an eye to look at the culprit. A dwarf with an unkind face, not that that was surprising. His demeanor betrayed his serious expression as he joked about them being the strangest unit he's ever seen.

The first two introduced themselves - Djeld, the odd mage; and Jerod, the sellsword. He supposed it wouldn't hurt to introduce himself as well. "Ferrian. I just stumbled upon this place looking for a place to rest." He admitted, adjusting his seat so he would be facing all of them without letting the hood drop. He's had bad experiences with people who knew he was a Manakete right off the bat. He'd love to have the element of surprise on his side even if they were friendly.

General Luna

Luna had lost her unit to the mingling of the crowd. Allowing them to partake in mingling with the Dwarves and other people there seemed like such a good idea back then. Now, she couldn't even find them. She let out a grumble as she massaged her temples. Well, it's not like she would have any need for them in this span of time. She was sure that things would go quite well.

She found herself sitting at a campfire with a bunch of other people. She could pick off the faces of the Manakete who slumbered under Archanea, and the general of Tellius - but other than that, she doesn't know anyone else. Luna had decided to rest here to pass the time a little bit. So, as she waited, she simply polished her sword. While she liked talking with others, it would seem that the silence that prevailed here was kind of... right? They were all relaxing around each other in peace, and it was rather nice and comforting.

Luna wondered when this would be over. They had many places to patrol, after all, and she didn't like slacking off very much. Not like this, at the very least. But it was better than simply fighting anyone who's around right? Once finished polishing her sword, she raised it up to look at its shine. It was just in time for her to see a group of three Dwarves approaching them. She sheathed her weapon as it might provoke something within the Dwarves. She wouldn't want to start a fight all of a sudden. She gave them a friendly smile as they approached.

The larger Dwarf seemed to be more lighthearted than he let on as he sat down to talk to them and lighten the mood. As the others introduced themselves, she resolved to do so as well. "I'm Luna, from Archanea. I was sent here with my unit just in case." She then gave the Dwarf a nod. "I'm sure it wouldn't come to that right?" She then let out a light giggle as he mentioned that this hodge podge of a group might actually be a unit. "I personally only know some of them by face, but nothing more. This would be a very interesting unit though, if we were one."

She then began tapping her fingers against her lap and then looked towards Djeld. "Tea sounds lovely." Luna only now remembered that she never told them that she actually was a general. Well, that doesn't seem to be of any importance right now as she would not probably see them ever again after this, so it should be fine as it is now completely irrelevant.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 hr ago



At the far edges of the light of the campfire sat a swordsman, barely in the shadows yet barely in the light. His eyes were closed in what seemed to be meditation, although more likely he was just figuring out how he was going to eat well while out here on the field... Should he go hunting? Or maybe forage?... No, perhaps hunting will do. Fighting was strenuous work, and so eating something nourishing was important.

Regardless, he felt no need to participate for the time being. He wasn't a proactive person if there was no incentive, or rather, he was passive. Spoke only when spoken to. This made his role as a General even stranger to his subordinates, whom of which he had already dispatched and assigned. He was in this ragtag alone so to speak, he could have stayed with his own unit as much as he pleased, but going out to do his own thing was always how he did things, agency so to speak. At the very least he taught his subordinates that.

There weren't many from Tellius here, were they unpopular? No, far from it. Tellius often took the front lines as the brawn of any unit from the League, which put his own unit in a strange position. Assassins, killers, precision scalpels that rent through key points in an enemy's defense. It was almost strange to him that the honorable path of the sword would eventually lead him to such a dishonest profession, but it is where it has taken him and so he strides along with it.

There was but one familiar face though and that was the General Luna of Archanaea, he only saw her once at a meeting between the League's generals a few days back regarding distribution of forces, but it seems even this plan did not survive combat... Or application for that matter. A ragtag group of career soldiers, mercenaries, and by his perception, people who had no business being here or even didn't want to be here, was what made up this group. A strange bunch. For now he sat quietly just a ways off from the group, listening yet not participating, at least until he was referred to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ThePlumbum
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ThePlumbum The Plum and Only

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



"Yeah, take what Jerrod said and it's the same over here." piped up a voice from aside the fire, from another sellsword who sat casually on the ground, taking her knife to her bow. She had always preferred being self-sufficient on the march and the hunting had worn out her string. "Although, I'll admit, I'd really hoped for a little more than just sitting around doing my fair share of total zero, I'm still getting paid, so that's always nice." she mumbled off, eyes not leaving her bow whilst she focused on its restringing, retrieving a fresh and ready-cut length from her satchel.

"Anyway, I'm Elena. In another life I might've been a soldier of Grado, but that life's not this life, so someone's paying me to be here. Sounded like we were doing something important too, so I'm kinda waiting to go out and make some history." she rambled on, nose twitching as she caught the scent of tea. "Hrm. May I ask, Djeld, was it? What kind of tea you are making there? I don't quite recognise the smell of the herb."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago


No matter whose face Rionach looked at in the glow of the campfire, all she saw was bored, uncaring, annoyed, bored, bored. Some hadn't even turned their faces up when she'd split off from the path threading the center of the pass and made her way over into their midst, which perturbed her given the care she gave every day to her appearance. Some nights, she reasoned, even the brightest stars in the sky went unnoticed by people who thought they had better things to do, though even that reasoning's implication bothered her since it suggested that nothing was literally better than paying her attention. After planting her spear's shaft in the ground and beginning a casual lean upon it -for the one who stood tallest would invariably catch the eye, sooner or later- she learned pretty quickly that the group of misfits was uncommunicative as well as unwelcoming. That said, one of their number, a sorcerer judging by his clothing, did begin to fiddle with some herbs and a teapot. She split her gaze between his eccentric expression and the brilliant flames, until a couple of stocky, hairy men strode into the silent gathering to break the ice with a powerful belly-laugh.

Though a bit startled for a split second, Rionach didn't wait long to crack a smile. The dwarf cut right to the bone: this was one awkward encounter. Still, she felt confident and at east, and the others were sure to notice. The notion of making an introduction appealed to her as a marvelous idea, but she caught herself before launching into one—better to wait until a few others had gone, so as to set up a contrast and avoid looking too eager. First to speak was the wizard, his words short and to the point. He made an offering of tea to everyone, and Rionach's wheels began to turn. Strange sort of guy, but good manners. Par for the course for a court mage of some kind. If he's got ties with nobility or some kind of academy, he's definitely worth getting to know! Since everyone's been super stark so far, accepting his tea will show I'm accepting of him, even if I don't drink it, which is probably for the best. Tilting her head slightly in acknowledgment, Rionach gave Djeld a little wave. With a nod of gratitude she received from him a cup, and she knelt beside her upright spear with it held in both hands.

Next to speak up was a mercenary. The words he picked made his profession plain, though that sincerity struck Rionach as just a bit unusual. Though in most cases the truth was easy to see, few mercenaries so barefacedly admitted that they fought for money instead of any principle. Upon closer look, Rionach noticed that his clothes appeared to be of remarkable quality for some footsoldier. Expensive garb. Upright bearing. Either he's an incredible talent, he's from a rich background, or both. Is he trying to convince us otherwise? More than meets the eye. Her attention turned to a third talker, who let slip scarcely more than his name. Try as she might, Rionach couldn't discern much of anything about him, and her focus gradually slipped to the warmth between her fingers. It was a female voice that roused her from her distraction, one belonging to a young woman who made no effort to disguise her high-class attire. In fact, casual dialogue thrown out in the course of her greeting suggested that she held some kind of military authority. For a moment the realization took Rionach aback. Had she wandered into some private meeting? What was a commander doing here, trading pleasantries with seemingly random strangers, instead of in some tent or at some meeting table? Rank and order, I guess?

Following her was the somewhat snappy introduction of a female archer, who revealed with a little attitude that she held the same profession as the Jerod fellow. From Rionach's perspective the two were as different as night and day, but she could not apply any more scrutiny right now. She felt it was time to make her debut. Rising up off her knees, she let go of the tea cup with one hand and put it on her waist, looking around from face to face for the second time. “Hello, everyone! I can see we're a pretty laid-back bunch, so I'll make it short. My name is Rionach, and I hail from the city of Gadanka in Valentia. I'll forgive you if you haven't heard of me, but I'm kind of a big deal. Local heroine, jack-of-all-trades, and super modest, too!” She gave a short, bright laugh at her own joke. “Seriously, though: it's great to meet so many interesting people. I hope I can compare!” With that, she leaned back against her spear -which curved slightly beneath her weight- and pretended to take a drink of the tea.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rice Porridge
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Rice Porridge wait / where am i

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The tea's flavors were well-imbued after a few minutes of steeping. Taking it off of the heat, he prepared several wooden cups; they insulated the heat well, and he thought that the smell of the pine made the drinks taste better. That, and they were the only cups he had in the first place.

Well, that was fine.

As he began doling out cups of tea, Djeld heard Elana ask about the type of tea. He took a whiff: incredibly earthy, mild citrus notes, and a slightly refreshing quality to it. His tension rose as he remembered the details.

During his travels, he learned that most teas actually used the same type of leaves; the difference came from how it was processed. In this case, it was a 'dark' tea, fermented over several months. It has a more rounded, but stronger flavor than the others, and supposedly has several health benefits. That one in particular was mixed with blood orange and mushroom, highlighting the natural flavors and adding complexity to the sweetness. He paired it with eucalyptus honey, which has a refreshing aftertaste. He would have liked to have used linden instead, but--

Djeld realized that he'd gotten a bit too excited.

They probably weren't interested in all those details anyways, so he simply smiled and said, "It's a fermented tea mix," before serving the tea, warning them that it was hot.

As he was doing this, he noticed a swordsman sitting meditatively outside the circle. Although he didn't seem interested, Djeld quietly left to place a cup next to the stranger before returning to the fire. It was cold over there, after all. He should at least drink something warm.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

~@Eisenhorn, @Polaris North, @Apollosarcher, [@Plumbum], @Lugubrious, @Rice Porridge, @Sho Minazuki~

"I guess you could call me a scholar of sorts? I'm studying ancient magic. Would you like some tea, by the way?"

"Hah! You better be glad I'm Kazador, boy! An average Dwarf would declare a grudge on you for offering him a drink as soft as tea!" The Dwarf chided you, revealing his name in the process. "That's a no, by the way."

"Jerod. I'm here for the coin, was paid fairly well for just marching out here and then sitting around waiting."
Jerod Staudinger

"Anyway, I'm Elena. In another life I might've been a soldier of Grado, but that life's not this life, so someone's paying me to be here. Sounded like we were doing something important too, so I'm kinda waiting to go out and make some history."

"Ahh, mercenaries." The Dwarf confirmed. "Hey, we Dwarves have quite a lot o' gold. Could use some extra swords to fight off bloody bandits and maybe do a lil' infiltrating?"

"Ferrian. I just stumbled upon this place looking for a place to rest."

"Well, this place's called Dragonrage Pass. Doubt it'd be an ideal place to take a nap." Kazador remarked.

"I'm Luna, from Archanea. I was sent here with my unit just in case. I'm sure it wouldn't come to that right?"

"Hopefully. Don't really wanna fight our age-old allies after kicking Gaia's arse out of Arcadia." Kazador replied. "I also hope the sentiment is mutual."

“Seriously, though: it's great to meet so many interesting people. I hope I can compare!”

"A folk hero, are ya?" Kazador responded. "From Valentia? You're a little far from home, aren't ya lass? Mind telling us why?"


After a few moments of idle chatter and tea-sipping, Kazador called the group'a attention. "Ho! Didn't think I'd see her here." The Dwarf pointed to a pair of people setting up shop nearby. A literal shop actually, their merchant wagon hosting an assortment of goods and knick knacks. Vulneraries, Weapons and various other items could be spotted in the mobile store. The pair included a red-haired woman who had a certain charm to her and the other was a muscular blue-haired man who appeared to be her assistant.

"Don't know if you know 'em but that right there is the famous, or infamous, merchant Anna and her lover Jake." Kazador told everyone. "Can't say I like 'em. The girl's got her eye on Dwarven treasure and she'd do anything to make us purchase something with it." He continued. "But never ever has she tried to steal 'em. She's a good lass, a bit shady but good."

When Anna and Jake were done preparing, the red-haired merchant immediately announced their opening. Flowery words accompanied with beautiful descriptions flowed smoothly from Anna and began attracting all manner of soldiers. Kazador once again pointed. "Well those two shouldn't be here." The Dwarf referred to another pair of people both wearing regal colors of white and gold. One was a young man of blue hair with a serious but curious face and the other was a girl of golden hair, more cheerful and excited than the other.

"Those two are Alfonse and Sharena. Prince and Princess of Askr, respectively." Kazador noted. "What the bloody hell are they doin' here? Shouldn't they be at the meeting?"

Then, a trio this time came and Kazador knew them too. "Now look over there, there's some more lost royals." The Dwarf said. The trio consisted one man and two women: The man was well-built but his more noticeable trait was the splash of white upon his hair. Beside him were two women, one had blonde hair wearing red armor and the other had icy blue hair wearing robes. They too joined in checking the merchant's wares.

"Now that man is Prince Jarde Devaron of Elibe. The girls are probably his bodyguard." Kazador said. "I'd say Crown Prince but... let's just say he's Crown Prince just technically." He said grimly.


"Well..." Kazador stood up. "A little bit o' coincidence they're all here but... I suppose Anna is stirring quite the commotion." The Dwarf said. "Usually I enjoy merrymaking but if Anna sees me, ohhh I'm going to have a long night." Kazador then let out a hearty laugh. "I'll see you weirdoes when we see each other again." And with that, the unusually large Dwarf left with his guard.

Mere moments after the Dwarves have left, a plucky little girl appeared in the camp all frantic and excited. She grabbed Sordan by the arms and shook him. "It's Anna! It'sAnna!It'sAnna!It'sAnna!It'sAnna!It'sAnna!It'sAnna!" She was away as soon as she appeared, quickly joining the crowd of onlookers on the merchant's wares.

"Haaah..." A sigh was heard and a woman of dark colors entered the scene. "Sorry about Emma, she gets way too excited with Anna's shop. Though to be fair, the merchant woman always has something new to sell every time she opens up shop. I think that's her main selling point."

"Hmmm? You guys look pretty varied for a regiment. Shouldn't you all have the same uniform or at least the same weapon?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 6 days ago

Prince Marwood

In distance came a thundering of hooves, as joining the group arrived a detachment of knights from Magvel. The colors of Renais and Rausten flew openly for the two group of cavaliers that had arrived. At the head of the was the prince of Renais named Marwood, between the two groups of horsemen was a cart with groups of diplomats and nobles sent from Magvel. Detaching from the Knights of Renais Marwood stopped and asked which unit he'd been assigned to, the knights were here as bodyguard to the nobles. The moment he'd gotten the chance he'd volunteered himself to assist in the fighting, he wasn't about to spend his time listening to old tacticians and politicians argue over funds and methods. With his mother too far away for complaints about his behavior to reach her with any speed, he could actually enjoy this trip.

Being told he'd been assigned to the units of miss fits the prince carefully dismounted, a few glances from the Magvel representatives were thrown his way, they didn't approve of the prince joining the fight. Then again it was not unexpected for brash young man. Patting his mares side he moved towards the fire they all sat at, his horse lazily following her head stuck at the ground eating as a couple of other knights. Marwood took a seat looking at the others, scratching his head a moment after he tugged off his helmet.

"I'm Marwood, Prince of Renais... Suppose I'm assigned to you all, I look forward to the fight." He offered with a grin, as his horse approached and laid her head on his shoulder he scratched her neck gently caring a great deal for his steed. The late arrival looked at the others not worried about he was quite good with them and figured he'd get the names through actual conversation rather than asking for introduction they had no doubt already made.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 3 days ago


Ferrian was quite amused that everyone also introduced themselves aside from the swordsman who kept silent. But everyone just jumped in the socialization, just because the dwarf told them to. Perhaps they were all raring to talk to the others, or at least some of them were more enthusiastic than others. Ferrian had to admit that he wasn't really expecting for everyone to say anything, but it was fine. He liked listening to the humans talk to each other like this. Maybe he'll hear some rumors about his little sister, or some other place that might prove to be interesting.

He let out a short and light chuckle at Kazador's remark about his little nap. "Trust me, despite the name, it's mostly peaceful. It just so happened that this... peace meeting of yours was happening." Ferrian kept his eyes on the fire - watching as Djeld boiled the tea and then offered it to everyone. He accepted happily and began to sip it, letting the hot drink warm his insides as the fire was warming the outside.

That was when he heard some commotion and Kazador pointed at them. Ferrian turned to look and saw a familiar face setting up shop. Anna? But... how? He quite clearly remembered a merchant going by the same name and same face centuries ago - back at Gaia's War. But that was impossible. Anna was as human as any other human can get. One of her unique features was her ability to charm everyone with her flowery words to buy her wares. He's felt it firsthand, after all, and nearly depleted his gold pouch because of her. He shook his head. No, this can't be the same Anna. Please, let there be a difference.

The next ones were unfamiliar to him - but where they came from were very much familiar. He listened closely to Kazador telling them about the people who gathered around Anna's shop. Then this kid bounded up and started to shake the swordsman vigorously before letting go and heading towards Anna's shop. Then another woman apologized for... Emma's behavior and began to explain why. Before, like the dwarf, commenting about how strange their unit is. Then a Prince came over and then talked about being assigned there as well. Ferrian sipped his tea in silence. The others can handle that.
General Luna

Luna kept the names of the people around her in her mind, just in case she would have need for them later. Kazadar, she learned the dwarf's name was, was a very pleasant man. Her lips broke into a genuine smile when Kazadar told her that he hoped that the sentiment was mutual. However, she kept silent and looked towards the supposed local hero of Valentia. "Oh, it's been a while since I've been to Valentia. I hope you all are doing fine." Despite the Concilium kingdoms having a fragile relationship, Luna always liked seeing how the others were doing.

Djeld had given them tea and she gave him an appreciative nod. "Thank you very much."

Then Kazador gestured towards Anna the merchant and Jake. Oh, they were here? The dwarf expressed how he doesn't like her very much. She couldn't help but giggle at that. "I always worry for my own gold when she comes over." She admitted. That didn't mean that she didn't want to check it out. Anna always had one of the best wares around, and she certainly appreciated the variety. From weapons to beauty creams, she had it all! She wondered if any of her soldiers would bound up as well.

Anna certainly had quite a number of patrons around - including the nobles who decided to come around. Prince Jarde of Ereb, and Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena of Askr. Luna always felt a little bad for Prince Jarde. The rumors surrounding the young prince was quite... let's just say they weren't too good on the reputation. Kazador bid farewell and Luna gave him a cheerful wave. "I hope to see you again, Mister Kazador!"

Unexpectedly, this other girl bounded up and began shaking General Sordan by his shoulders - announcing that Anna was here - and then bounded off again. She looked at the man and gave him a small smile. "You okay, sir?" She asked politely but a hint of a smile could be seen on her face. They haven't really met personally, aside from a meeting but she doesn't count those since they were all in their respective personas that demanded obedience and respect, but she felt like breaking the ice with him for now was for the best.

She then looked over to another woman who apologized for Emma's - the girl's name - behavior. And then she commented about how strange they were as a unit. This seemed to lead this Prince, who walked over to them, to think that he was assigned to this unit as well. Time to clear things up. "Oh, we're not from the same regiment. Just simply a stop for all of us." She said before looking at the prince.

"Perhaps you have confused our group with another. We pretty much know nothing else aside from the others' name and why they're here. But welcome anyway, Prince Marwood." Luna gave him a smile and gestured for him to sit as well, if he so wished.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

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"Hm?...", from the corner of his senses he spotted a girl sprinting towards him, before she would rock him near violently, yelling about Anna. After that ordeal he recomposed his attire, looking towards where she had run off to, a shop so it seems, another person entered not moments later, he turned and saw a woman. The two seemed to be from Archanaea, just by the style of their clothes... The lady apologized for the peppy young girl's behavior,

"Ah, no it's no trouble, but if that is the case regarding the shop... Mayhap they carry an interesting blade. This old sword will see itself replaced unless it is repaired", he said, though he carried two, he spoke as if one of them did not exist, more accurately, as if he never intended to use it. From a glance one could see which he meant, the timeless yet old sword that seemed to not have a scratch upon it's antique-like scabbard, or the run-down Tellius style Killing Edge, that he had used for many missions. She then went on to note the strange and peculiar assortment of people here...

"Indeed, so it seems. But from what I understand this is not an organized regiment of any kind. As for me? I'm here because my tent was too boring", he explained, his soft smile carried a certain weight to it, though it was pleasant, it did not seem pleasant a smile to make. Though he was right, some of the people here were even royalty, hell he himself was a general, one of the special operatives of Tellius.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Jerod Staudinger

As people began introducing themselves after his own introductions, Jerod began mentally tallying what he was dealing with right now. There was this fellow who introduced himself as Ferrian, who was an oddity. Sure, he claimed to only be passing through looking for a place to rest, but that did not strike him as accurate. Who in their right mind would take a place like Dragonrage Pass as ideal for a nap? No, there had to be something off with him though he could not place what. Though he dismissed that train of thought as a far more recognized face began speaking and introduced herself. General Luna, taverns had been abuzz with this upstart, rising star of a young woman made the rank of general at such a young age. Yet here she was, slumming with lesser nobles, wanderers, and sellswords, which begged one simple question. Why? Of course he did voice his opinion in that regard in the silence between introductions, not bothering to mince words about the matter either. "General, eh? The hell's a ranking officer doing this far off from her unit or tent?"

Next up was another sellsword, amusing use of the term since she was busy working on maintaining her bow. Archer of some sort, piggy backed off what he said, could have been with Grado, chose life as a sellsword now. Too little information to really judge, but he noted the dagger she was using, and approved of an archer that could at least wave a knife in someone's face when pressed into a melee. Not that it would do much, but better than cowering behind the bow, that much was certain. But he would at least offer her professional courtesy, as one sellsword would to another. "Another sellsword is always welcome. At least someone else gets the business behind war."

Next up was this Rionach woman, who struck him as a ham. Not literally, mind you, but her manner of talking was infused with energy, playing up what she said, and it was enough to make him consider the spear woman further. Her garb was attentive towards garnering the eye, but not extremely so, which meant a deliberate balance had been struck. That doesn't happen by accident, though he knew a few people that could learn from her preferred manner of dress. Turning back to his mug as she finished speaking, he considered how she had introduced herself. Glory seeker of some sort, playing up her role and acting larger than life, perhaps playing at being a hero? Damn fool errand that was, the sellsword decided, Jerod couldn't think of a hero that actively woke up and said they wanted to be a hero before marching off and doing general heroics. No, the history writers decided who the heroes were, but he wouldn't call her out on it, not yet. He would have to wait and see what else was revealed about her before making a final judgement, but it was something to keep in mind for now.

As the mage Djeld passed out tea, he passed with a quiet, but polite none the less, rebuke. "No thank you, I've my own drink." When the Dwarf that had sparked this general chatter and introductions remarked on the two sellswords and the point on Dwarven gold, he chuckled. See, this was the kind of way to talk to a sellsword, with coin and jobs. "Once I'm done with this job, situation willing, we can talk contracts. Don't readily matter who pays me, and I've never met or heard of a Dwarf not true to his word, or his gold. Best kind of employer, that." He had nothing but respect for the Dwarves, what little he had dealt with them, and there wasn't a place in the land that wouldn't accept Dwarven gold, not that he had ran into.

Kazador would call their attention to a red headed merchant and her lover, though Jerod recognized the look of the merchant. Finding people who hadn't at least heard the name of Anna was, at times, extremely difficult. Usually sold good wares, but she was a vicious businesswoman, shady but not criminal. Dangerous to make deals with that kind of woman, so he avoided her unless he absolutely had to do business. But he dismissed her lover for now, likely being towed along until she had spent him for what he was worth and cut ties, leaving him to his fate after he wasn't worth the input anymore. Even if she called him a lover, he didn't think highly enough of Anna to expect her to keep him around. But the next two that the tall dwarf pointed out were, indeed, surprising to see.

Royalty from Askr, and not just any blue bloods, but the royal siblings themselves. What those two were doing lurking with Anna was well and truly beyond his reckoning, nor did he particularly care at this point in time. He had little to no opinion on the two, having never visited Askr in his wanderings, so his knowledge and experience with them was lacking at best. Turning to the next ones, he noted the grim tone in the Dwarf's voice, plus the technicality. He would be keeping an eye on that one, he could ill afford to provide too much, or too little, trust to someone who was the Crown Prince on a technicality. He would render judgement as he gathered information, assuming the need arose. But it finally came for the dwarves to leave, before Anna noticed them, and he inclined his head in respectful farewell, finding himself having approved of their company more than anticipated with their initial arrival. Though the jumpy, energetic woman grabbing the previously silent fellow was an oddity, the more level headed woman's apology and remark brought a snort of amusement.

The arrival of the Princeling garnered his attention, mostly due to his arrival and misconception that they were an assigned unit of his, or some such nonsense. "Rather eager, are we Princeling?" The others would step in and inform him of his mistake, but he ran through what he could glean from this Marwood of Renais. Another blue blood, somehow, blunt and to the point given his introduction. Not a lot to go off of at the moment, though he seemed to care for his mount given its affection of him. He could never be bothered with mounts of any sort, though both his elder siblings seemed to prefer to remain mounted when pressed into combat, training or otherwise. Turning his eye to the woman who spoke, he let the others finish, filling that time with a swig from his mug, noting it had run empty with an irritated glance at it, promptly dismissing her from his mind for now, the mug had to run empty eventually. Didn't mean he was happy about it though, it was unlikely he'd be finding a drink elsewhere tonight. "Fire and Damnation..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Julietta Traydor

Julietta entered probably at a odd time but that bothered her little in the long run. This was her test according to her teacher to see just how far she has gotten. As such she has vowed to give it her all by the powers that be she would ace this supposed test and show just how far she has gotten. It was clear though she was the odd one out in the end her method of dress clashing clearly among others her coat just loosely on as she secretly grabbed a seat and waited for the chance to speak. It may have been just her but she wanted to make a entrance the right time to speak as to make sure she was heard by all. With those thoughts in mind she sat and waited it would happen she would just have to be patient.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

~@Apollosarcher, @Polaris North (FRN & LNA), @Sho Minazuki, @Eisenhorn, @Suku~

The odd gathering went about their business as Anna continued marketing her wares to the misplaced royals. The atmosphere seemed to have lightened thanks to the merchant's verbose speeches as patrons browsed her instant shop. However, it was not to last...


A loud explosion silenced all noise and demanded everyone's attention. In the distance, there was a flame blazed fiercely. A tent burned brightly. But to those who knew, this was not just any tent. This was the tent where the meeting took place. And now it was up in flames and with no survivors in sight.

There was only a moment of silence and awe before it was broken again. "Treachery! The Dwarves are attacking us! Treachery!" Yelled a human soldier. "To arms! TO ARMS!"

"The League have betrayed us! We are under attack!" A Dwarven voice also yelled. "AXES READY, LADS!"

And with those two shouts, what was once a tense meeting erupted into a chaotic battle between man and Dwarf. The sounds of war and fighting immediately erupted everywhere. Dwarves and men begun clashing against each other but there were some who were still confused at the situation and so, just stood and watched as violence ensued. Regardless, there was no stopping this battle.

The patrons that browsed Anna's shop quickly left and reunited with their units and regiments, leaving only the misplaced royals, the girl Emma and the woman who was with her as well as Anna herself and Jake. All of whom were stunned beyond belief. "This... can't be happening..." The merchant muttered.

"Hey now! What's going on here?!" A familiar voice arrived. It was Kazador and with him was a small Dwarven band. "You there! The strange regiment! I demand to know what all this ruckus is about!" The large Dwarf practically ordered the small gathering.

Just as Kazador and his throng arrived, a larger band of human soldiers made themselves present. Among them were Soldiers and Mercenaries and several Heroes, all led by a Paladin. They wore the colors of Archanea and were marching towards the camp. They have seen the Dwarven company and they have brandished their weapons, drawing ever closer to the unaware Dwarves.

A choice has to be made.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago


A winning smile took over Rionach's features as Kazador addressed her. Of course, she couldn't take it as a sign that she'd achieved respect or recognition just yet, since he seemed to be answering nearly everyone, but it was a start. “That's right! Valentia's...okay. Old wounds never truly heal, as they say. As for why I'm here: is it not obvious? To do whatever need be done! There is suffering and misfortune everywhere, and it's a poor heroine who refuses to broaden her scope beyond just one nation.” Though already possessing more to say, Rionach fell silent, her time in the spotlight over with. It wouldn't do to hype herself up in the opening moments of the first act; if her journey of self-aggrandizement taught her anything, it was to carefully balance people's expectations.

Around her, life went on, including the opening of a nearby shop by a merchant of apparent renown. In her travels Rionach had naturally heard of and bought from the Anna sisters. The quality of her goods could never be drawn into question, but a few encounters had fostered a sort of cautious understanding between the two greedy women. Their mutual attempts and getting the most possible out of their arrangements while giving up as little as possible had led to a couple of lengthy stalemates in times past, though to Rionach's shame she had to admit her rival's charisma and business sense far better. Before the gathering crowd could fully block off the view of Anna's stand, Rionach happened to catch her eye, and the pair exchanged a cheery if knowing wave. Though at the moment her inventory could use some restocking, Rionach decided to forego bargaining with Anna for the time being, and not just because she disliked the idea of getting jostled by all her other customers.

Content to sit and watch, Rionach observed each unique individual pointed out by Kazador in turn. The idea of royals traipsing about while some sort of important meeting was going on puzzled her, but questioning them was not the duty of some random traveler. Eager though she might be to spread and make great her name, Rionach knew better than to gain the reputation of some impertinent upstart by trying to cozy up to every notable person she saw. On the subject of who she saw: Rionach's eyes wandered to a little girl and then to a woman she guessed to be the girl's mother, and there her eyes remained. An ever-so-slight grimace passed over her features as she took not of the visitor's appearance. “Hngh.” Damn sorceresses. Bet she's never lacked for people fawning over her a day in her life. Do all stacked women have the dark gift, or does it just make its practitioners more beautiful? Ugh. And she's a mother too, with that figure. Some women have all the luck. Averting her gaze, Rionach stared into the fire. With people like that around, who'd ever look twice at some spear-slinging bumpkin from the mountains? In her contemplation, she missed the stranger's question, though answering it would have strained her manners regardless.

After a few moments her attention turned to another new arrival, this one astride a horse and protected by brown armor. He introduced himself as nothing less than a prince of Renais, but his manner bespoke a disregard for formality and his location of a distaste for diplomacy. This could be an opportunity. A nobleman with connections happy to mingle with common folk. She stood up, using the butt of her spear to help, and gave Marwood a polite bow. Whether or not he cared for such niceties, it could get them talking about customs and things. A good first impression was a must. “Welcome to our little party then, Prince Marwood. The name's Rionach, and I'm glad to have you aboard! Djeld here's prepared tea, if you'd like some.” She produced the cup of tea she'd been given but hadn't actually drunk from, holding it up without holding it out in an effort to offer it without invading personal space.

The next second, the sound of an explosion rocked the camp. Startled, Rionach jumped and fumbled the cup. She grabbed at it as it fell, getting herself splashed with hot tea, but couldn't snatch it out of the air before it hit the ground. “Bollocks!” The shouting reached her as she stooped, leaving her wide-eyed. “They're fightin'!?” she blurted out, more to herself than anyone, as she straightened up. Sure enough, the camp had roared to life, thanks in large part to the inferno that had replaced the generals' meeting tent. “What in Mila's name?!” The sudden realization hit her that any number of extremely important people might have been killed—history was being made before her eyes. Yet, this was one high-profile event she wanted no part of. The noise of battle filled the air, and more out of reflex than desire to fight, Rionach yanked her spear from the ground. Quite keenly she understood that she had no allies here, no side to take. Nobody stood at her back to prevent some random soldier from loosing an arrow or plunging three feet of steel through her vitals. It had always been this way, but never before had she been in a situation in which her singularity might mean her death.

A look of terror on her face, she whirled to face Kazador when he spoke, wary of attack. “I don't know anythin'!” she exclaimed. “The big tent just blew up, and everyone's fightin'!” Based on what she heard, the erupted conflict had two sides split by race, each accusing the other of treachery. She glanced at an incoming human unit whose attention already lay upon the dwarves. Things were about to get bloody, and nothing she could say would stop it. Technically speaking, as a Valentian she should be on the Alliance's side, but turning her spear on the dwarves she's been with moments ago felt wrong. Plus, since she wasn't a soldier, she had no duty to attack anyone. Getting involved with either side would be a huge -and probably fatal- mistake. Yet, turning and fleeing would ruin her reputation and image, barely-established as it was among these people. Her eyes flitted between Marwood, Alphonse, and Sharena. There was only one option: refuge in audacity.

“Your Royalties! Considerin' the confusion and chaos, you should get clear of here immediately! If you're willin', I'll help cover your retreat!” With any luck, they'd realize that they couldn't afford to leap into a conflict with no clear wrong party. They might wonder who the hell this redheaded woman was to be offering them advice and protection, but at the very least it was clear Rionach wasn't a mercenary, and she had a plan if called into question.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 3 days ago


Ferrian's ears twitched as screams were heard. He turned his head to what seems to be a flaming tent. Dwarves and humans began shouting that the other started the fight and quickly took up arms. Some others, like his stunned acquaintances, didn't immediately turn their blades against the Dwarves. It would seem that at least some of them retained a sense of peace. But the white haired Manakete couldn't quite bring himself to care. This was not his fight - this was not his war. His war ended long ago. He turned to look at the merchant and her royal customers - all of whom were in a state of disbelief. Understandably so. Even as the others stood up, he remained seated while calmly drinking the tea offered to him.

At the sound of Kazador's voice, he turned his attention to him. He was angry and confused. Rionach even more so. She was disgruntled by the sudden change in atmosphere. What once was simply tense was now completely hostile. Truly, humans are such fickle beings. Then again, he couldn't say that they weren't themselves. Even mighty dragons were prone to destructive tendencies - personal experience speaking. However, before they could all decide, Rionach was already calling out to the royals who had been near them. She offered them protection in exchange for a way out.

"You short-lived ones always know how to mess things up." He grumbled to himself as he heaved himself up.

He turned to the others and then gave them a sharp nod. He looked at the incoming soldiers - Archanea, he realized they were from. Ferrian had no intention of fighting them nor was he too keen on siding with one side. Both were not at fault but at the same time were. With no clear antagonist - everyone practically was. The Manakete knew better than to meddle with the affairs of these… mortals. He lost a whole tribe to their ambitions and conflicts. But if he were to be forced to, he cannot assure that he could hold back.
General Luna

Luna looked at the mercenary Jerod who questioned her presence here. Offering him a meek smile, she explained her situation. "I had gone off to search for a soldier of mine who was lost in the chaos of mingling - though by the time I came back empty-handed most of them had already gone off. Figured it should be fine. They know their orders." This might give the general idea that she wasn't good at leading her own unit. While this couldn't be farther from the truth, she didn't mind if everyone believed so. After all, this was her fault. She doesn't mind showing incompetence - especially if the only one who could actually bring harm to her position is Sordan and he was from Tellius. "I've grown a bit tired of keeping my focus on them, so I figured to I stay here and let them rendezvous on their own." She finalized, not even bothered by the amount of information he was sharing to a mercenary and basically anyone else around the campfire.

The light conversation droned on and Luna happily listened. It was nice to hear a fresh set of voices instead of the usual she would come to hear in the training hall or around the palace. It was the same old voices. She always had this rush of feeling whenever she hears new voices - it's the main reason why she loved training new recruits.

An explosion erupted suddenly coming from the main tent - her eyes widening in surprise. In a second flat, she was up with her hand on the hilt of her sword. What came next was one of the soldiers shouting that the Dwarves betrayed them and the Dwarves saying the same thing. Luna's head was all jumbled up. With her loyalty to her nation, she should certainly start attacking a Dwarf, but they weren't in the wrong. It wasn't clear yet. They were approached by Kazador who demanded an explanation coming from them. Rionach expressed that she didn't know. Luna knew no better than the woman from Valentia. She looked Kazador straight in the eye and said, "We have no idea what's happening, but with the main tent ablaze, I do not think this fighting would end."

Spotting Archanean soldiers marching towards them having spotted Kazador's small group with them, she wanted to take action. She heard Rionach inviting the young royals to get the hell out of there. She nodded, agreeing with the Valentian. "She is right. We need to get you all out of here. Naga knows you're the only ones who haven't been terminated from that explosion." She regarded all the royals present. They needed to get out. But she worried for Kazador's group. "Kazador, come, let's get out of here and gather our bearings!" She eyed the small regiment of Archanean soldiers. Should they come, she needed to exert her authority on them. If they didn't spot her by now, she knew she would have to speak up to stop them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Jerod Staudinger

Jerod was on his feet when the explosion from the main tent went off, eyes scanning as the screaming and fighting that had sparked off. Well, the sellsword decided, that likely meant his original contract was very much up in flames, so he was now on his own. Which meant either take off and find his way out of this mess on his own, but that was foolhardy at best, considering he would either be assaulted by the warring sides, or otherwise injured or incapacitated, which meant he wasn't turning a profit. The Dwarf Kazador stormed over, demanding answers and others answered better than he would have anyways, but he saw the fear on this folk hero's face briefly. That would not do at all, not if they were being lumped into the same group right now, he didn't need some jumpy, spooked woman potentially being a liability. He spoke directly towards her, and spoke darkly, grim in tone as he addressed her after she spoke to the Dwarf on not knowing anything of what was going on. "Steady yourself, spearwoman, actions taken in terror are often regretted once looked at through calmer eyes."

Turning his eyes to her actions next, she was attempting to rally the local nobles and, likely with Kazador, withdraw and figure out what the hell happened. Still holding his, albeit empty, mug he found himself standing by the General's side while she spoke more clearly and explained they had no idea what was happening. Her plan was more sound than the jump to action the spearwoman made, he could see the Archanean soldiers marching their way, and he narrowed his gaze, analyzing them while others spoke and debated. Soldiers, Mercenaries, several Heroes who likely served as direct subordinates to the Paladin in charge. More importantly, he was gauging their intent, and as they brandished weapons, he exhaled and knew damn well that there would be no reasoning with them. A glance at the General confirmed she was eying the group, and part of his brain expected her to pull rank.

"General, if you're thinking of pulling rank on them, consider that your call to reason will likely fall on deaf ears. They've already drawn weapons and I suspect murder is already in their eyes. You'll also be labelled traitor for sheltering the dwarves, no matter the truth of things. Is that a stand your willing to take?" Whether that was the right course of action, or indeed what the right course of action was, he left unaddressed. All he did was point out that this was going to end in blood, and though he didn't say it, someone was getting what they wanted. Kazador surviving this was suspicious, beyond so, but it was also possible he was not the leader of the Dwarves that had arrived here. Well, he might be now, but that would rely on figuring out how many ranking officials died. Really wasn't his business, right now, he was acting in self preservation, which meant working together with this lot. Siding with the Dwarves and fleeing seemed the plan, which worked for Jerod, their gold was as good as anyone else's would be.

No matter what was chosen, Jerod still stood there, one hand resting on the hilt of his Rapier and the other holding his mug, acting as if it was still filled enough to warrant holding. People underestimated someone who hadn't gone for his weapon yet, and that played right into his hands. Besides, he could nail one of them with a well thrown mug, which would get their attention or distract them long enough to strike first. He hadn't been keen to tilt his hand right now, that he had been paying a closer eye than he had appeared, but the explosion left little choice in that regard. Right now it was survive, then worry about finding his next source of coin, after all, collecting coin couldn't be done by a dead man.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Battle Of Dragonrage Pass

~@Lugubrious, @Polaris North (FRN & LNA), @Eisenhorn~

“Your Royalties! Considerin' the confusion and chaos, you should get clear of here immediately! If you're willin', I'll help cover your retreat!”

"What?! We can't just leave!" Sharena loudly replied at Rionach's suggestion of high-tailing out of there. "People are literally dying over something no one even knows!"

"No. She's right, Sharena." Alfonse interjected, agreeing with Rionach. "The battle's already underway. It's impossible for us to properly investigate what happened with this kind of chaos. We need to get out of here while we still can. While we're still not in the thick of it."

"Tsk...!" Sharena clearly did not like the decision but even she had nothing against it.

"Kazador, come, let's get out of here and gather our bearings!"

"What the bloody hell--" Kazador was cut off when an Archanean Soldier thrusted a spear unto the large Dwarf.

Fortunately, Kazador managed to dodge it and retaliated with a heavy headbutt that sent the Soldier flying. "So it's like that, eh?" The Dwarf muttered, his anger rising, before turning to Luna. "I appreciate your efforts in keeping us safe. But we have brothers here to protect and it's a one-way ticket to the Crimson Cult if we don't fight here." Kazador explained while brandishing a one-handed warhammer. "Take your folks and go. We'll cover you."

And with that, Kazador and his group charged the Archaneans and diverting any attention from the group and allowing them to escape. "Come on, I know the shortest cut out of this pass." The little girl, now on a pegasus, announced. The fleeing group included the odd gathering, Alfonse and Sharena, Anna and Jake, Jarde and his bodyguard and the little girl and the dark mage woman.


The fleeing group reached the edge of the pass but it appeared to be blocked by a large contingent of Varjan Warriors led by a warrior with fish-themed armor wielding two jagged-blades. They were fighting both Concilium and Dwarves alike and it seemed they were stopping anyone from escaping from the battle.

"Fight! Battle! Die!" Bellowed the Varjan leader. "Everyone will fight! Everyone will bleed! Everyone will die! No one shall leave this pass alive! NO ONE! DIE! DIE FOR VARJO! DIE FOR THE CALDEYRONS! SO SAYS I, GNAZGRAZ THE GLADIATOR!" He screamed as he ran in his blade into a Valentian Dread Fighter.

"Damn Varjans..." The dark mage woman cursed. "But if we can take out their leader, the rest of the rabble should get shocked long enough for us to slip past them."

"Over there!" An Archanean Paladin behind the fleeing group called them out. "Those were the ones who warned King Kazador. Let's make them pay for their betrayal!" With a tug of his horse, the Paladin charged and with him was an entire unit of Archanean Soldiers. Unfortunately for them, a small team of vengeful Dwarven Warriors stood between you and them and despite being heavily outnumbered, the Dwarves were not letting the Archaneans through.

"The Dwarves aren't going to hold them forever and they will be on our tail." Prince Jarde spoke up, assessing the situation. "We need to break that unit if we are to escape. Probably by taking down that Paladin."

"Looks like we need to split up." Anna noted. "Let me and the Askrian royals handle that Gnazgraz guy while Prince Jarde, the pegasus girl and her nanny go after that Archanean Paladin. What do you guys say?" The merchant suggested.

"I did not appreciate that nickname you gave for me but I suppose it's a plan." The dark mage woman replied. "Well then, no sense in wasting time."

"You guys should help too." Anna told the remaining people. "Split up for me, will ya?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Jerod Staudinger

Jerod had little to say as he followed the group that was attempting to flee, a nod to the Dwarf was all he felt necessary as he departed. Unlike them, he had no stake in this fight, and as much as he did enjoy a good fight, there was no pay in it right now. Business before pleasure, as they said, and unless the circumstances demanded it? No sense providing a service for free, and if that meant the Dwarfs fighting a battle they were going to be fighting anyways let them slip off, all the more power to the lot of them. However, what was rather curious was when they were confronted with, out of all people, Varjan warriors. They weren't supposed to be here, and a part of his mind wanted to blame them for the explosion, however, he did no such thing. That would take a level of cunning above the average, blood crazed warrior that made up this lot. So either there was an unseen hand guiding them, or there was no answer to be found with them. Either way, he muttered lowly, sizing up them as he heard the Archanean's rallying behind the group. "Typical, a fight breaks out, and the buzzards arive. Curious, that they would be here at just the right time though..."

A plan was quickly forming which, while Jerod was not a fan of splitting forces, knew full well was necessary. One group to handle the Archaneans, the other, the Varjans, then escape off to the wilds and regroup. Archanean's he'd fought with plenty of times, but Varjans were a rarer fight, usually only finding the remains of one of their raids as he was rarely hired onto guard duties, and finding a town or garrison sacked and looted by such fiends spoke of their savagery in a fight, and he had to admit, it was as fine a time as any to test that evidence with a fight against them. He spoke up casually, drawing his rapier with a practiced, clean motion, announcing his intent to spill blood with a flourish of his blade. "An Archanean I could pick a fight with readily on any given day, but Varjans? A rare treat indeed, let us test this savage reputation of theirs, in a manner they would understand all too well..."
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