Mayt listened quietly to Damian and Penny speaking, not really daring to mention that he couldn't think of more than a dozen of his guildmate's names off the top of his head. He couldn't even really say at how many people had joined since he had last left from a job, which he thought ought to be the bare minimum of someone who's supposed to be a leader in the guild. He though of Sasha, who he remembered telling him on one of his first days how she tried to remember everyone's names. And how she now was taking on serious responsibilities for the guild, and the world. She would make a much better S-Class than he would in many respects. Maybe that was what Penny's point was.
When Damian changed topics to who was going to Tenrou, Mayt quietly appreciated it, though he didn't say anything. Penny then mentioned that there was a possibility of a dragon being there- something Mayt had apparently missed previously- and he looked to Damian. "Well, if there's a dragon, or a possibility of one, wouldn't you be the best choice to go Damian? Since you've got Durendal, not to mention your talent of keeping your head," he suggested. Mayt also began compiling a list in his head of all the other reasons why Damian would be a much better choice to go to on a dangerous mission than himself. One of the foremost being that he wouldn't have a clue as to what to do.

Mithera did her best to walk normally down the street, a small group of bills folded in her hand. It was an amount (Mithera wasn't sure if it was large or small) of money that the Rune Knights had given her as a reward for catching the slaver criminals. Her plan was to use it to get some food- the doctors hadn't let her eat, so her only food in the past twenty-four hours had been Royse's ice cream- and then to get a train ticket home. First, though, she wanted to find a place to sit. Fighting all those baddies in that old building had taking far more of a toll on her than even she initially realized (Especially after she had spent hours in surgery- which she had specifically not told Royse), and even walking down the street had left her breathing audibly. Hope came in a small restaurant that Mithera immediately slipped into once she saw it was open. She sat down in one of the padded seats that were there for when customers had to wait to be seating.
It was slightly into the afternoon at this point, and the lunch rush was mostly over. This left the host rather confused, and once they finished wishing the last group of people out, they looked at Mithera quizzically. "I'm a customer, don't worry," she said, giving him a polite smile. "I just... Need a moment. It's been a long week," the host chuckled and nodded, offering a sympathetic platitude. She sat there, taking the room in. It was a fairly nice-looking place. Hopefully not so nice she needed a reservation, but the food smelled good and the atmosphere was quaint. The pictures and artifacts hung up on the wall clearly were meant to indicate that the establishment was trying to emulate another culture, but Mithera wasn't sure which one. Once she had been looking around for some minutes, the host politely cleared his throat, reminding her of where she was. She blushed and stood up, letting herself be lead to a seat. The place had mostly cleared out by now, and the host sat her in a nice booth by the window, leaving her with a menu.
It was scarcely a minute before the waitress, a young woman with long curly brown hair and beautiful green eyes approached Mithera. "Good morning miss, I'm Monika and I'll be your waitress today. Can I get you something to drink while you decide what you want to eat?" They asked with a polite smile. Mithera bit her lip, and after an awkward moment spoke.
"Could I have water to drink, and uh... I can't read the menu," she stated hesitantly, feeling horribly embarrassed. Monika nodded as she wrote on her little notepad.
"Okay, would you like me to read it to you or find someone who can?" She asked, keeping her cheerful demeanor and polite smile.
"Actually, I'll just have whatever has the most... food in it. I'm not a picky eater," Mithera said, examining the pictures of food on the cover of the menu
"That would be our 32 ounce rib-eye steak, is that okay?" Monika asked, clearly not certain Mithera could eat that by herself.
"Yeah that sounds good," Mithera said, nodding. The waitress wrote that down, clearly impressed on some level. The two then quickly worked out the sides and other parts of the meal before Monika departed with notes and menu in hand. The Phoenix Wing mage leaned back in her seat in eager anticipation of her meal to come.