Here's a character that's been kicking around in my head for a while.
Mother Adrijana ZaricAge: 20
Adrijana is a proud daughter of one of Magnagrad's oldest families, the Zarics of Godsreach. The Zarics have been barons of the ethertrade for centuries and have often clashed with the Bjornlie family, as such, the two dynasties have had a long-standing blood feud. Arijana exemplifies her family's lineage-- she is cutthroat and utterly without mercy when it comes to getting what she wants, which, it appears, is to rise within the Inquisition to be granted the hallowed title of Bishop, Champion of Lord Varya.
An exceedingly powerful warmage, Adrijana's ability to manifest her ether in destructive lightning storms makes her a force to be reckoned with. Because of her upbringing and powerful magic, Adrijana has never felt the need to bond with her warsiblings and has clashed with them throughout her years in the Seminary. When on training exercises, it was a known factor that Adrijana did things her way, and any attempt at working with her would often prove disastrous to the mission. Due to her attitude and her unwillingness to work as a team, her warsiblings have long distanced themselves from her. For her part, she always believed the rest of Leviathan to be holding her back and wanted nothing more than to leave her Warband behind and strike out on her own, a wish that was eventually granted to her.
Strangely, Adrijana was allowed her Culmination before the other members of Leviathan as well as Phoenix warband. She was ordered to serve aboard the VSS Durandal as a junior inquisitor under Father Creid, and is now currently journeying across the eastern sea on her way to fight in El.