Camila Del Bosque / THUNDERBIRD

⦋ 17 || Mexican || Female ⦌
APPEARANCE Camile stands a bit on the wiry and short side of the body type spectrum, standing a few inches under five feet. She has dark olive-toned skin and jet-black hair with a hot pink streak that refuses to be in any style besides straight and messy. Her brown eyes seem to flash yellow when she gets angry, and she boasts an impressive amount of ink, including the two black stripes on her face. Camile also tends to wear grimy T-shirts and jeans in her off hours, and when she has to dress in her MAVERICK uniform she'll try to be as out of uniform as she possibly can be.
The THUNDERBIRD drone (early prototype pictured), on the other hand, stands a good six feet tall, covered head to toe in white and gunmetal gray protective plating and auxiliary equipment, including the wings and turbines mounted to its back. The 'face' is a plastic polymer hardened computer screen intended to display technical information for repair crews, but as its personality developed it has since utilized the screen to simulate simplistic eyes to feign the expression of emotion.
-Headstrong Street Punk
-Genius Intellect
-Feral (dependent on phase of the moon)
BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION Camila Del Bosque was born and raised by gangs and criminals on the mean streets of Mexico City, and if she knew who her parents were she still probably wouldn't care about them. Surviving by hanging out with the older orphans and doing odd jobs for crooked cops and local gangs, Camila proved to be intelligent and crafty even from a young age and had a prodigious talent for working with machines and technology. Her skills were so in demand that by the time she was ten she had graduated from gangs and petty theft to begin working with a group called Coyote, a self-proclaimed international anarchist group that claimed to "strike a blow against the rich and haughty on behalf of the poor and downtrodden" but in truth was just a chaos-loving band of terrorists and saboteurs for hire.
Camila drew the attention of groups like MAVERICK through her work with Coyote, groups that began to pressure the hacking collective hard by the time Camila had been recruited. Still, she kept her work up and did quite well for herself, but as she turned thirteen her colleagues began to feel something was different about her. Her becoming more easily angered and aggressive wasn't that unusual, but she started craving rare meat more often, and one or two of her friends thought that stray dogs wandering the streets were paying her more attention then they should have been. One of the hackers who got into an argument with her swore that her eyes flashed yellow before she decked him one. Still, as long as Camile was doing good work, a lot of her eccentricities were forgiven, with no one really noticing that she got particularly testy when the moon was out.
A year later, she was working alone and caught a glimpse of the full moon before blacking out and waking up in a cell the next day, chained to the wall with at least half a dozen men pointing assault rifles at her. MAVERICK agents had planned a raid the previous evening to capture Camile, obstensively to arrest her but secretly planning to offer her a position in their tech division thanks to her hacking and engineering skills. Suffice it to say, it was an unpleasant surprise for both parties when they discovered that Camile was a werewolf. While she waited in prison for MAVERICK to decide what to do with her, she was visited by members of the Drone Research Division, who had heard of her by reputation and were eager to meet her. Her favorite guest was one of the leaders of the DRD, Captain Kenneth Brenton, who earned her respect by not treating her like a punk criminal or some gifted spectacle and actually engaged her in a way no one ever attempted to before. She especially liked him when he spoke of his pet project, THUNDERBIRD; a highly advanced combat drone prototype that he was struggling to finish and had hoped to get Camile's help on.
Some of the higher ups believed, however, that Camile was more valuable for her lycantropy than her intellect. When Brenton requested that Camile be released to his team, another team proposed that the werewolf in her could be weaponized and used as a highly effective tool in a combat situation. It was a hard fought battle, but thanks to a recent statement from Sanctum holding MAVERICK's feet to the fire for their treatment of Mythics, the leadership sided with Brenton to avoid a PR nightmare and released Camile to him. While she chafed at the militant strictness of life as a MAVERICK agent, she reveled in the chance to put her skills to use on THUNDERBIRD, and with the help of Brenton, whom she began to see more and more as a father figure, and the rest of the DRD team, THUNDERBIRD was completed just a few years later and made a resounding first impression after a successful deployment in Dusseldorf. As THUNDERBIRD's main controller, Camile Del Bosque's prestige is rising, but her 'condition' still hangs over her like a guillotine, and if she becomes compromised, or the TALOS project ends in failure, MAVERICK could find more use out of her as an attack dog.
FIGHTING STYLE The culmination of every advanced technology MAVERICK has to offer, THUNDERBIRD is a sophisticated combat droid equipped with titanium-alloy plating, turbine powered wings for sustained flight, and array of advanced weapon systems, and a highly experimental power battery code-named "Leigong". Already in possession of an advanced combat AI, coded with a mixture of modern CQC techniques and more traditional Shaolin kung fu. THUNDERBIRD's fighting abilities are enhanced to the level of a Nomad thanks to the Quicksilver interface, a remote program interface similar in nature to a piloting program that allows a human user to coordinate and plan attacks alongside the combat AI, combining human intuition and problem solving with mechanical precision and accuracy.
When not connected to THUNDERBIRD via Quicksilver, Camile herself is a decent enough fighter, having gotten into more then a few brawls in her street orphan days, but she is no match for a Nomad-level fighter. That being said, when she is under a full moon, [REDACTED BY ORDER OF MAVERICK HIGH COMMAND].
SPECIAL MOVES & TECHNIQUES ■ (Passive) Thunderand LightningTHUNDERBIRD has two assault modes, codified as Thunder and Lightning. THUNDERBIRD normally initiates combat in Thunder mode, equipped with heavy armor and additional weapons systems, allowing him to engage enemies at range and wear them down. THUNDERBIRD will also have the option to enter Lightning mode, shedding excess armor and weapons and unsheathing the Leigong battery to augment its melee attacks with electrical energy, sacrificing defenses for speed and melee power to charge down and engage an enemy at close range. Skills restricted to the Thunder Mode are listed in red, while skills restricted to Lightning are blue.
■ (Passive) Fly CasualTHUNDERBIRD is capable of sustained flight and in combat situations will attempt to remain airborne and retain mobility.
■ StingersTHUNDERBIRD launches dumb-fire micro-missiles at a target to inflict area damage and stagger a target. Can be fired in bursts or as a chaotic flurry.
■ CountermeasuresA defensive move, THUNDERBIRD deploys a defensive and non-damaging flashbang and sweeps around behind the enemy.
■ Shock ValueTHUNDERBIRD deploys a defensive directional mine that explodes and knocks back anyone unlucky enough to trip it off.
■ Tempest StrikeTHUNDERBIRD winds up an attack and flies in with a sweeping, electrical charged punch or kick. If it's enough to knock an enemy of their feet, he'll keep going and stop behind them.
■ Flash to EarthTHUNDERBIRD charges up and slams into the earth, unleashing an electrical shock-wave that travels along the ground to knock away enemies.
■ Power SurgeTHUNDERBIRD temporarily overloads the battery to discharge electricity in an area surrounding him, stunning and hurting anyone who gets too close.
■ Wing and a Prayer
Camile deploys a CV-46 "Colomar" drone to perform rudimentary repairs on the fly on THUNDERBIRD, usually in the form of an emergency wing or limb replacement. The Colomar takes a few moments to arrive, and the drone can be exploited or interrupted if THUNDERBIRD isn't careful. Colomar can also be dispatched to re-engage the Thunder mode, but this takes longer then a simple repair run does.
SUPER MOVES ■ Delicate Sound of ThunderTHUNDERBIRD designates a target to an offsite MAVERICK unit, who fires a guided missile powerful enough to bring an armored vehicle down at the enemy.
■ Fly the Friendly SkiesTHUNDERBIRD grabs and launches the opponent high into the air, keeping them airborne with a flurry of dash attacks before appearing above them and slamming them downwards with a double stomp attack.
■ Mean Bean MachineCamile grabs a nearby object and hits an enemy in the head with it.
WEAKNESSES & LIMITS THUNDERBIRD's Thunder mode can be countered by an opponent that can close the distance and engage in close range, and the Lightning mode can be countered by an opponent that can keep their distance and whittle him down, and in both cases THUNDERBIRD risks making himself vulnerable to change his attack mode. In both modes, his mobility and defense are heavily dependent on his flight ability; keep him on the ground and his effectiveness in combat is drastically reduced. THUNDERBIRD also needs the Quicksilver connection with Camile to fight on the same level as another nomad, and while the connection is difficult to interrupt or disable, doing so will greatly inhibit his ability to fight.
-Lycanthropy is not an infectious condition as portrayed in human media. Lycanthropes, or werewolves as they are commonly called, are their own species of Mythic, and they closely resemble humans until around puberty, when they begin to manifest their infamous transformation ability.
-While Camile at first had to be restrained during a full moon, as a show of good faith agents of Sanctum provided MAVERICK with medication that allows her to keep her mind when she transforms.