Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Drakey
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Drakey The Best Dragon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Father Rodion Kuznetsov
Age: 20

Height/Weight: 6'2" 156 lbs.

Race: Varyan, though he has T'sarean blood.


For clarification, that first picture is his face and hair. The second depicts how he wears his inquisitors clothes. Also, he has blue eyes.

Rodion's form is well-muscled with numerous scars. The scars adorning his back look like those of whips, remnants of his street rat days. The scars on his arms are from burns. Dealing with raw ether can be dangerous, as Rodion knows from experience. He typically lets his hair fall in a haphazard way as he hates putting anything in it. However, Rodion loves his showers. He also looks damn sexy in his inquisitors clothes.

When not wearing the inquisitor uniform, Rodion is typically seen in a black, form-fitting v-neck with slightly baggy jeans and black combat boots. The black belt that holds his pants up rides along his hips. He is always wearing black, fingerless mechanics gloves and always has a pair of black welding goggles around his neck.

Rodion is quiet, preferring the whirring of machines to the mindless chatter of people. He excels in fixing and manipulating machinery, as his own personalized usage of ether shows. He comes across to others as cold, colder than the sea itself, and heartless. However, Rodion just has a hard time expressing that he might actually care about someone, another remnant of his past. The only person that anyone can truly say he cares about would be his benefactor, Lieutenant Stanislav Vasaliev.

Rodion has a hard time with his faith, having never truly grown up in a faith-oriented home. Even his benefactor put faith second, making sure that Rodion honed his natural talents first. As such, Rodion has always taken the words of gods and priest with a grain of salt. Which begs the question, how the hell did he get through the Red Seminary?

Easy: He's good at what he does. Simple as that.

Rodion was born to a Varyan father and a T'sarean mother. However, they died shortly after from his mother's experiments going wrong. Left in the cold, the young child, having an unnaturally strong affinity for the ether, survived. His gifts were expansive, but only in one thing: machines. THe steam and ether powered machines of Varya called out to the young boy, and he used them in kind. Tinkering, fixing, repurposing were all skills born to the young man.

However, pickpocketing was not one of his intrinsic skills, which brought him to the attention of Lieutenant Vasaliev. The lieutenant had been hearing rumours of machines going haywire, following someone, or something's, commands. Vasaliev had placed a small, broken machine in front of the boy, and within thirty minutes it was fixed. The first thing that Rodion said to the man afterwards was: "If I had the proper tools, I would have been done in five."

From that point on, Vasaliev became Rodion's benefactor, pushing him through the Red Seminary during the day and a mechanic's school during the night. 12 years have passed since then, and Rodion, while not the first among the warpriests, Rodion is exceptionally talented as a Mechanist.

(For more info, check out Shylara's post for her character, Ziotea)

Talents/Ethereal Abilities:
Ether manipulation: Unlike his fellow Warpriests, Rodion favors using his ether through machines instead of using it raw.

Machines: Rodion is a complete genius when it comes to machinery, even better than most T'sarea. He can change them in any way to fit his needs, and, for whatever reason, machines favor his commands over anyone else's.

WIP <- I don't know if I should give him anything else as I feel that he is slightly OP as is.

Character Relationships: Once the cast is chosen, we're going to collaborate on creating the shared histories between the different people of our group. Your characters can be anything from friends, enemies, lovers, ect. Remember, you've all spent your time years training in the Red Seminary together and have suffered and bled throughout your time there, so your relationships must be forged of your experiences during that time together. <- WIP


Additional Info (from the GM):

Rodion's Weapon, The Madrys:

Rodion's Weapon, The Sniper Rifle:

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Commander Zoya Kiriyev

Age: 45
Race: Muraadan (assimilated Varyan)

Zoya Kiriyev is a commander in the Varyan military. Twenty years ago, she served with distinction in the Lanostran War and was granted leave to return to civilian life at the war's conclusion. However, as the empire readies itself for another invasion, Zoya has been summoned to rejoin the military forces and resume her post as a commander within Lord Varya's armada. Leaving behind her family and the comfortable civilian life she won for herself through her heroism in the war, Zoya has been tasked by the Church with leading the military forces supporting the First Elurian Inquisition during their journey through the eastern continent.

Many Varyan soldiers lost their lives during the attrition campaign against Lanostre-- so costly was the struggle for the empire that for every Lanostran killed in that conflict, three Varyans perished. Though the empire held a clear advantage in numbers, the soldiers of Lanostre were far and beyond the more potent fighters. Thus the narrative of the war was written-- the young soldiers sent out to the warfront rarely returned, and so their loved ones waiting back home congregated in their churches, and prayed for miracles.

For many of the soldiers who served alongside Commander Zoya Kiriyev, she was that miracle.

Having joined the empire's youth corps at the young age of eleven, Zoya has had a long and brutal career as a frontline soldier and commander-- one that she was all too eager to leave behind at the war's conclusion. Celebrated for her bravery and brilliant tactical mind, she quickly rose through the ranks of the Varyan secular army and upon the completion of her officer's training, was immediately shipped off to the Lanostran subcontinent. Once there, she was given command of a small company and went on to distinguish herself by leading her band of soldiers to victory after victory. More impressive than her successes on the battlefield was Kiriyev's obsessive MO to not allow anyone in her brigade to fall in the line of duty. She was a supremely cautious and defensive-minded leader, with a craft for subterfuge and guerilla warfare that many of her fellow officers did not share. During her first year in Lanostre, Kiriyev's company lost only seventeen soldiers-- most of the casualties falling to Lanostran inquisitors.

Zoya Kiriyev's reputation as a leader who would fight tooth and nail for the survival of those under her command, sometimes to the ire of her commanding officers, spread throughout the ranks of the conscripted men and women of the military, and thus she began to be hailed as a "hero" among the lower ranks of the invasion force. This did not sit well with the inquisitors who led the invasion, as most of the Church's warriors believed the conscripts to be little more than cannon fodder, only there to distract the secular Lanostran armies while Lord Varya's true work was being done-- the capturing of the goddess Lanostre herself.

As the war continued and the battles grew ever more fierce, Kiriyev's determination to lead her soldiers home never wavered. Four years later, when the Goddess Lanostre surrendered to Lord Varya personally, her greatest wish was finally answered and she and the rest of the men and women who had long served under her were allowed to return home. Most of the soldiers who served in Lanostre now occupy high-ranking posts within the secular army-- Kiriyev however, asked to be discharged from her office, and after her superiors failed to convince her to stay, they granted the commander her freedom. She went on to marry a T'saeren engineer and started a family.

For the past nineteen years since the war's end, Zoya has not so even as touched a rifle, nor has she stayed in contact with her old comrades in the military. She has lived a placid life with her husband and young boy, far away from the public eye. Her idyllic peace came to a sudden end when Father Valentin, a high-ranking priest within the Church, called for her to return to her post in order to serve a newly ordained class of Inquisitors as they journey throughout El.

Though she fears the very real possibility that she might not return from this journey, Zoya has not wilted in her years as a civilian. She has resigned herself to the task given to her. Commander Kiriyev will serve these priests as faithfully as she served the men and women under her command, she will guide them safely through the frozen wastes, and Varya help her, she will fight for them until the day she returns home.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sisyphus
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Hassan Qureshi

Age: 21

Height/Weight: 6’4”, 195 lbs.

Race: T’sarae

Appearance: Hassan is tall and thin, as well-muscled as an Inquisitor should be but with an emphasis towards lean mass. His skin is tanned (moreso than in the image – good art of non-white steampunk characters is hard to find), befitting his heritage, and his black hair and beard are kept closely trimmed. His face is almost never without its characteristic smirk, his eyes always glinting as though at some joke he hasn’t told yet.

As far as clothing is concerned, Varyan inquisitors wear a black form-fitting coat, with light armour covering the shoulders and chest. Smaller armoured pieces are worn over the wrists and boots. There is subtle red stitching lining the cuffs and outer flaps of the Inquisitor's black coat. Lastly, the symbol of Lord Varya, a red phoenix, adorns the breastplate. Males and females wear the same uniform.

Personality: From an outside perspective, Hassan is best described as a bit of a goofball – he’s quick-witted and friendly, always cracking a joke for his friends or playing a prank on those who annoy him. He’s almost incapable of taking anything seriously, a tendency that caused him a great deal of trouble in the Red Seminary. He exudes an aura of casualness and ease in almost any situation, and he has a confidence in his own abilities that borders on an ego problem. He prefers not to trouble himself with matters of deep religious thought, paying adequate respect to his god with no particular devotion or zeal, though that has not stopped him half-jokingly titling himself ‘The Word of God’.
Of course, all of that is something of a veneer. Underneath it, Hassan is a troubled person, deeply frightened of his own coldness and desperate to be the master of his own destiny. His casualness is born from a feeling that he is in control of any situation he enters into, and nothing makes him more unsettled than feeling that control taken away. He fears his fellow ether-manipulators due to his lack of power over them, yet at the same time he feels desperately a need for their companionship and approval due to his severe difficulty empathizing with anyone else – he relies on his powers totally in any interaction with anyone who can be affected by them in a way that makes it very difficult for him to have inter-personal relationships, which of course has resulted in him largely avoiding such interactions when possible. He’s funny, he’s charming, he’s always thinking, and yet he has a lot of trouble interfacing with a world that will not simply Do As He Says, and he knows it.

Background: Hassan was born the only son of two naturalized T’saraeni, scientists who had risen far in the government of Varya through their contributions to military technology – it was his father that designed the modern iteration of tanks used by the Varyan military, the armored backbone of the nation’s warmachine.
It was only natural that his etheric abilities would be noticed before long, with his family’s close proximity to the seat of power – especially because, as a child, the young Hassan quickly found himself with more power than he could handle. Upon the first manifestation of his abilities, he spent about half a day tyrannizing the Varyan palace’s kitchen staff before a squad of priests broke down the barricade he had ordered put up and pulled the child kicking and screaming away from his pile of pastries. From that moment on, he was identified as a great asset to the priesthood and taught to master his gifts in the Red Seminary, despite his attitude problems.
Hassan has long since lost count of the amount of times he nearly died during training, for a bewildering variety of reasons. Eventually, he learned to be compliant with his instructors, if not exactly a model student, and persevered through the training thanks to his cunning, his reflexes, and, of course, his powers.

Talents/Ethereal Abilities:
The Word: Hassan can imbue his voice with etheric energy in a way that affects the mind of anyone who hears it. Commands must be obeyed, from the simple such as ‘sit down’, to the complex such as ‘lead us to your hideout, unlock the door, and don’t tell anyone we’re coming’ – though of course instructions with multiple steps or which will need to last a long time eat up his ether reserves fast, so on the whole he greatly prefers being concise. Questions must be answered immediately and honestly to the best of the answerer’s ability. This power is inelegant, however, and as a result it’s quite easy for anyone skilled in etheric manipulation to counter it – oftentimes, they won’t even realize that they’re doing it.
Infiltrator: For the most part, Hassan relies heavily on his powers in the line of duty – however, he has also received a good deal of training in the arts of stealth over the course of the Red Seminary, from how to quietly enter a fortified location to slipping through a city street or a dark night without being seen. In combat, he prefers to use either his compact officer’s pistol or one of the several short knives he keeps on his person, though he absolutely detests fighting fair and will try to gain an advantage by any means necessary.

Personal Seal: A yellow symbol from the ancient T’saeran language on a white background: قول, meaning ‘word’.

Character Relationships: Once the cast is chosen, we're going to collaborate on creating the shared histories between the different people of our group. Your characters can be anything from friends, enemies, lovers, ect. Remember, you've all spent your time years training in the Red Seminary together and have suffered and bled throughout your time there, so your relationships must be forged of your experiences during that time together.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by deathbringer


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Mother Astraea

Age: 19

Height/Weight: 5ft 11, 140lbs

Race: Pure blood Lanostran


Astraea's body like her mind and past is full of conflict. Her facial features are marked only by a beauty spot on her right cheek. She looks pure and untainted, long silver blonde hair flowing to her shoulders but there is a hint of pride and arrogance in the strength of her brow.

The purity of her features clash horribly with her body which bears the bumps and scuffs of a lifetime training for war. Her fathers beatings were savage and relentless and she bears the marks of scars and breaks from years of training. Nevertheless through her survival her physique was moulded to be strong and lean allowing her to move and fight with a perfect mixture of pace and power.

Her eyes are deep emerald seeming to dance with each emotion like leaves on the wind.


... yet when the full might of the Varyan armies was revealed the Lady knew there was no hope of victory, only valiant and noble defeat. Her anger was terrible to behold for she knew that she was stronger than the Ravenous One yet she could not harm him. She knew her people could deal a crippling blow to the Ravenous one's forces but at the price of their complete annihilation.

She raged in her chambers for many days yet her love for her people was too strong and she made her sacrifice so we might live.

Remember her last words to us:
"The warrior does not retreat he redeploys"

Extract from The Lady's Sacrifice by Sofia

These final words are ingrained in Lanostran culture and are interpreted in different ways. Many took it as the Lady's instruction not to fight on but to survive and assimilate into Varyan culture, accepting the place in society her sacrifice bought. However there is an extra part to the text that was taken out in the reprinted versions that are now sold today.

"It is said that the fallen tears of those that watched our Lady surrender bloomed into flowers at their feet. They bloom to this day as a sign that our Lady still lives."

These words suggest a more literal inflection to the Lady's words and it is for this reason the text was quickly considered heretical. Copies were seized and destroyed yet many were saved and smuggled away to remain at the heart of the sect better known as The Lady's Anger (henceforth to be referred to as the sect).

They agreed upon assimilation but with eyes for seeding themselves through the Varyan hierarchy (particularly the military) and eventual revolution. Though this sect had strong support to begin with, when the anger and hurt of defeat was still burning brightly, it has begun to dwindle after two decades of propaganda, peace and prosperity.

Lanostrans eyes have been opened to new worlds and new cultures that are in many ways more inviting and inclusive than the closed military culture of the Lady. Intelligence and ambition is now regarded above pure strength and honour and, to the disgust of the sect, Lanostran's have even bred with filth from other countries. Members of the sect keep strictly to the old ways leaving them arrogant and prejudiced, isolating them further from the people they claim to represent. Nevertheless due to their rigid and incredibly effective training programme they remain the best soldiers with the Varyan Armies and as such rise to the top.

Nevertheless the sect is currently in a time of crisis. They have achieved their mission of infiltrating the upper echelons of Varyan society and are ready for revolution yet despite their best efforts they are loosing the people. Do they compromise their ideals and approach other cultures, accept half breeds and even pure filth into their midst in the aim of freeing the Lady or continue to hold true to their beliefs with no hope of anything beyond a violent but noble death.

Mother Astraea was born into two parents that were both strong supporters of The Lady's Anger and as such was raised believing the inferiority of other people and the need for revolution. Her parents trained her in the old ways to be a clinical warrior and as tradition dictates she was sent out on her journey into the wastelands to kill a daemon.

Unlike other children she feared her first kill remembering the pain and anguish she had felt when she had first cut a young boy with whom she was sparring. His howl was primal but his pain had almost crippled her and the beatings her father had imbued upon her for not pressing her advantage had done little to numb her fear.

With nothing but spear and shield she advanced into the wasteland. Silence and speed her best weapon yet the daemon had outfoxed her. It came at her from nowhere knocking her spear to the ground and only her speed and shield prevented her from taking a mortal wound. Even as they circled the daemon taking care to keep himself in front of her spear she felt a single emotion like the drumming of a heart.


She had never felt the like of it. She had felt fear and anger, happiness and sadness but never pure mindless hate. It filled her with a strength she had never known and with no weapon she attacked. Her loathing spurred her forward the shield knocking his claw aside her foot crashing into the daemons flank driving it backwards towards the rocks. Then her spear was in her hand and even as the daemons back hit rock she threw.

This was the one kill she would never regret. She has μισώ (greek for hate) tatoo'd on her neck on the left hand side to remind her that where people hated she would always find the strength to fight back.

If Astraea had been born into another family she would never have picked up a weapon. Her very ether glows with a warm empathy that moves her with great passions and emotions that are unsuited for the battlefield. Nevertheless she was born and raised a pureblood Lanostran and so had a weapon placed in her hand as soon as she was strong enough to hold one.

She was drilled not to feel yet she is an individual whose very ether breathes empathy.
She was drilled to cause pain, yet her ether is designed to heal.
She was drilled to hate when all she wanted was to love.

She weeps openly as she flows across the battlefield with a sinuous lethal grace and though she tells her fellow inquisitors she weeps for the joy of battle it is because the pain and death that comes with any conflict causes her such pain she feels her heart might break. She is a deeply conflicted individual as easy to love as she is to hate for though she is empathetic and kind at heart; her upbringing not only drilled her to be a disciplined and skilled warrior but also to harbour a scathing distaste for anyone not of pure Lanostran blood.

Talents/Ethereal Abilities:
Pureblood Lastronan: Lastronans are deadly warriors trained in combat from a young age. Astraea has been trained to kill unarmed and armed in one of the more brutal and effective military training regimes. She is a highly disciplined and skilled warrior imbued with a code of strength and honour that can also be her undoing. A match for almost all in straight combat underhand tactics are dismissed by her with scorn and derision.

Ether Empath: Astraea's natural ether bathes in her a warm glow, nevertheless it seems to crave the presence of others and burn strongest when they are feeling stronger emotions. Astraea can naturally sense and feel others moods as if they were her own.

Healer: Astraea was thought to be without an ethereal ability all through her life and it was the source of many beatings from her father who tried to push her empathetic ether down a destructive path. Her true talent was only revealed when she left her fathers instruction to enter the Red Seminary where her empathy was no longer suppressed and downtrodden but accepted and understood. It was discovered to her great suprise and joy that Astraea has the ability to heal the majority of wounds and she is working hard to improve that skill. It is in healing that her real personality seems to appear. Mid battle she will get the opportunity to repair some of the damage she does to the world and help her fellows and she takes it eagerly her tears drying up as she places her hand upon the wound embracing the opportunity to repair some of the damage she has caused.

Orator: Astraea is not only able to sense others emotions but also instil a little of her own through her words ( I must stress she can't make anyone do anything only feel what she is feeling).

This is a gift she has kept closely guarded due to her own religious confusion however it comes out particularly in her healing as a form of anaesthetic. As she heals the wound she feels such joy at being able to help that as she talks to the individual she pushes that sensation across numbing pain and giving the patient a similar sense of euphoria. She keeps the fact closely guarded and pretends it is part of the healing experience for fear of what it may lead too (a heretical inquisitor would not be treated kindly) Nevertheless this power can come across unintentionally when she is feeling particularly strong emotions.

Personal Seal: Astraea's official seal is a blue hand with an open palm where the white lifelines make up a trident. The hand is representative of her position as a healer and the trident her heritage.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Angry Goat
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The Angry Goat (☞゚∀゚)☞

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Yerokhin Zlatek Stamenkovikj (Stina to his friends)

Age: 22

Height/Weight: 7’0”, 325 lbs

Race: Varyan

Yerokhin walks with a slight limp on his left leg, from a re-healed broken bone, and has a large scarring on the left side of his head caused by him falling from two floors up before breaking his fall with the side of his head on the side of a bench. The fact that he even lived is a miracle, the fact that the only real effect it had seems to be a slight slurring of his speech makes it even more impressive. The scar over his left eye he got from one of the training gambits, though at this point he’s forgotten which.

Personality: Lawful Neutral // Protective // determined // hard-headed // Intense // Loud
His nickname means Wall in Ukranian. Yerokhin is in all fronts uncompromising, intense, and steadfastly faithful. This makes him come off as quite an asshole, since he expects a baseline of unquestionable loyalty to the Varyan state from any person before he begins to consider friendship. That being said, if you can tolerate the fact that he has functionally no off switch, expect a friend who can and will go to the absolute ends of the earth to protect you, care for you, and make you happy. He doesn’t usually question why things are the way they are, or if he could change his ways to make things easier; he instead just perseveres onwards until his way works, or he dies.
Also, don’t break promises to him. Trust me on that one.

Background: Yerokhin comes from a long line of Varyan war priests/clergy of various sorts, and was groomed from birth for the role he came to embrace. As one might expect, the devout nature of his patronage instilled the same love in him – especially since any questioning of “why” on the subject of religion was met with angry, stony silence from his father and mother. After training for his entire childhood, he was almost excited to enter the Red Seminary. And even then he still almost died at least twice.

Talents/Ethereal Abilities: Stina has an especially stong inner aether, but mostly uses it as a man used to using overwhelming brute force does: without finesse, but still to great effect.
1)Toughness: channeling his inner aether allows Yerokhin to withstand far more physical punishment than any one man should: broken arms, multiple gunshot wounds, etc. he’s already a headstrong sonuvabitch, this just makes him waaaay more so.
2)Strength/Speed bursts: a giant man with a shield the size of himself is one thing. One that just charged at you at 20 miles per hour is a whole ‘nother kettle of fish. These bursts of strength and speed last no more than 4 seconds, and allow him to lift about 1000lbs and move at around 20mph.

Stina knows his own limits, and one of them is the use of vial ether - he never showed much talent with it, and is never one to waste such a limited and vital resource, and therefore generally avoids it. He does still have vials on him for when he feels he needs to do so, however.

Stina generally chooses to fight with a relatively large one-handed axe, thought he does also keep a spear and a Rajko MKVI rifle strapped across his back, and three daggers in various locations across his body... and a gigantic two-handed executioner’s axe in his cabin, for special occasions. There is also a strap on his back for the shield (above the rifle and spear), as well as a set place in his room for it when it is not of use.

The real star of the show is his massive tower shield. It is 6.5 feet tall, 4 feet wide, and as close to indestructible as is physically possible (so able to withstand a shell or two from a tank) – not only does the magic of the shield negate a lot of damage, but it also prevents the shock from reverberating through the shield and immediately breaking his arm anyway. At the press of a button, additional shielding is extended via aether powered clockwork, extending its width to 8 feet total (2 per side). The shield’s front is painted black, with a large version of the red circle of Varya dominating the middle. One might expect that a shield like this would be heavy. Yes.

Stina has basic survival skills locked down (especially hunting), but finds them of little interest compared to glorious war for his god. He knows multiple sets of unarmed martial techniques, and is extremely proficient in fighting with all of his weapons, with and sans shield.

Personal Seal:

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Father Ragnar Hjálmgrímr

Age: 19

Height/Weight: 5'5, 145 lbs

Race: Muraadan, Clan Ravn


Boyish and short of stature, Ragnar is no one's image of a hardened war priest. Though he is a man grown by most estimates, Ragnar still possesses the soft unhoned face of a boy five years his younger, and although the merciless physical training of twelve years within the Red Seminary has granted him a lithe, agile and powerful physique, he will forever detest the body the Heart Lord gave him.

Ragnar has a plain ordinary kind of face, the kind of face you would find on a shepherd boy out in the icefields of his homeland. To his great dismay, he has no scars or facial marring to speak of, as his role as the Protector of the group made it so that he didn't have to endure as much physical punishment as his fellow pupils during their long years of training. For as long as anyone can remember, Ragnar has kept his scalp shorn, as he has convinced himself that it makes his ether flow more smoothly. If he did allow his hair to grow, it would be a pale ashen blonde like his mother's, or so he thinks.

Like all children of the Muraadan wastelands, Ragnar's body is tattooed with the runic markings of his birth clan. For reasons he doesn't enjoy talking about, he keeps these tattoos hidden as much as he can.

When not wearing his Inquisitor's uniform, Ragnar favors a supple white cloak, lined with thick, heavy wolf fur.

Personality: In his darkest dreams, Ragnar envisions a different world. He loathes this existence, its rules and reality. The cruel, indifferent gods, the cold, the wars, the endlessly churning machines being fed by the blood of innocents, the savagery prevalent in all facets of society, if he was powerful enough he would tear this world apart, shatter it like so many remnants. If only he was-- No, he mustn't.

Whenever these kinds of thoughts rise to the surface, Ragnar banishes them to that shadowed meadow within him, and he has become an old hand at protecting his truest feelings from others. Yes, if there is one thing Ragnar is good at, it's putting up shields, both emotional and magical.

Ragnar strives to be happy, and to bring light and cheer to the dark halls of the Red Seminary. Whether it be throwing surprise birthday parties or making certain everyone has clean clothes and enough food, Ragnar has made it his mission to make the lives of his fellow pupils as carefree and happy as possible.

He loves each and every one of his companions unconditionally... Everyone except for Mother Astraea, for whom he has complicated feelings for.

Knowing that Astraea and other Inquisitors with similar abilities would be able to see through him in an instant, Ragnar keeps a constant "emotional aegis" veiling his most unholy feelings and desires, keeping them to the shadows while the bright, cheery boy performs in the light of the stage. He goes to sleep every night terrified of the Lanostran inquisitor one day becoming powerful enough to see through his little shield...

Despite his natural dishonesty, his is an unbreakable force of spirit, a heart that beats no matter how much its stepped on. Being the Protector of the group, he must shed his own ether to keep the aegis going, an ordeal which allows the deathly cold to seep into his veins. This causes him immense pain and discomfort, but through years of training and the encouragement of his friends, he has learned to bear the freezing of his blood and protect his friends while outside the city, as only he can.

Background: Born to Clan Ravn in the wastelands of Muraad, Ragnar came from a family of miners. His father, a young ambitious craftsman with lofty goals, left the small village to seek a life in Magnagrad when Ragnar and his young sister were small children. Not a week after their father left, a group of Lanostran pirates, with an an apostate priest leading them, raided their village. Ragnar and his sister were bid to run by their mother, and so he grabbed his sister by the hand and ran. They didn't stop, not even when the screams rang through the night. Eventually, he and his sister reached the icelands, past the boundary of the village's small aegis, and the cold quickly stole its way into their blood. The young boy held his sister close as the darkness closed in on them both.

When Ragnar woke up, he found himself in the hold of a Varyan transport ship, completely alone save for a few soldiers sleeping next to him. He looked in vain for his younger sister, but could not find her. Eventually, one of the Varyan soldiers woke up, and told him to go "speak to the priest up on deck".

The priest, a Varyan inquisitor named Mother Natalya, told him of what had happened. They had been tracking the rogue apostate, who had been an 11th-year pupil of the Red Seminary before abandoning the Church, for many months. The young apostate had been judged to be extremely dangerous, as he partnered with a band of Lanostran deserters who had been on the run since their Goddess' surrender to Varya many years passed. Mother Natalya was having difficulty hunting them, but had finally pinned their location in Muraad.

She looked Ragnar in the eyes and apologized to him for not being able to save his village in time, but assured the boy that the apostate and his men were now corpses. When Ragnar had finally gathered the courage to ask about his sister, the Inquisitor met him with an unconcerned look on her face.

"That girl next to you? She died of exposure. When we found you her skin was black with frostbite. You, on the other hand, somehow survived. You were warm to the touch."

The Inquisitor then ordered him to stop sobbing, and explained that she could detect a torrent of ether sleeping within him. Without offering him a choice, she then brought him to the halls of the Red Seminary.

Talents/Ethereal Abilities:

Mist: An ability that manifested during Ragnar's formative years in the Red Seminary, it allows Ragnar to summon a cloud of ethereal mist around himself and to control its volume and luminosity. With enough concentration, he can cause it to become blindingly bright or dark enough to act as smoke. Due to his lifelong concentration on honing his aegis magic, this ability has been largely ignored and thus lacks in refinement, power and focus. Ragnar has very little control of it, and though he has played with its use a few times in training to attempt to trick his fellow pupils, it isn't very effective when used against them, as trained war priests can easily see through the mist through sheer force of will and concentration.

Aegis: Ragnar's main focus, it is among the most essential ethereal magics in the whole of the empire. Every warband of Inquisitors must have a Protector among its ranks. This Protector's duty is to uphold the aegis, a protective veil that acts very much in the same vein as the continent-wide palings that shield the population from the cold, but on a much smaller scale. In order to uphold an aegis, a particularly powerful priest with a massive ether pool must be chosen at a young age to specifically be trained in its summoning and maintenance. Aegis are not fueled by the ether from other sources, but from a priest's own pool, thus the natural magical reservoirs of a Protector must be substantial, as the longer the aegis is maintained, the more cold can seep into their blood.

Dual ice picks/scythes: All Muraadan children know how to use icepicks, as they are born and live on the frozen wastelands and must be skilled in their use less they fall victim to the ever shifting ice fields. Ragnar has retained some of what his mother taught him many years ago, and has continued training in the use of these tools. He has replaced the icepicks with miniature scythes, but the concept still remains the same. Given his small stature, he is more agile than most of the members of his squad, and though he isn't particularly strong, he is talented enough in the use of these weapons that he can cause serious damage to anyone who manages to get close enough to risk disrupting the aegis.

Personal Seal: A blue moth encased in frost.

Character Relationships:

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Galahad Quaid

Age: 21
Height/Weight: 6'4", 185 lbs
Race: Assimilated Lanostran

Standing in at over six feet tall, Galahad is a lithe and sinewy individual with the appearance of one who is used to continuous physical exertion, without some of the bulk of his fellow Inquisitors. As expected of an Inquisitor, his physique is in top shape, and his thin, but broad shouldered body is akin to the triangular build of that of a swimmer. His skin is a light and pale; and his body, while bearing an abnormally large number of scars compared to the average individual, when compared to a fellow Inquisitor, is relatively unscathed.

Galahad has strong and prominent facial features, with strong cheekbones and brow. His platinum blonde hair falls in graceful waves around his head, charming many a stranger, and his eyes are a palm icey green, possessing a piercing, almost chilling gaze. His sense of style outside of his Inquisitor uniforms is modern and minimalist.

Cool and collected, Galahad is a confident, yet soft-spoken individual. His calm and collected demeanor is often mistaken for an uncaring and aloof disposition, and his cynicism and pessimistic/realistic attitude does little to change the opinions of others. Underneath his quiet persona lies an innate brilliance, a highly intuitive and calculative mind. Highly logical and orderly, Galahad is efficient and analytical, but often accused of lacking outward compassion. He is a competent tactician boasting considerable knowledge of theory, though lacking in field experience. Strong willed and possessing an air of determination, Galahad can be highly critical and will rarely hesitate to call others out on their shortcomings, often leading to him butting heads with others.

Direct and to the point, this sharp witted Inquisitor avoids beating around the bush and doesn't mince words. Galahad likes to maintain awareness over every situation he's in and is quick on the ball, able to make snap judgements in combat and react to a constantly changing situation. Capable of operating at peak efficiency, even during times of great stress, Galahad has a very analytic attitude and can be very perceptive and intuitive in regards to people.

While a devout servant of Varya, Galahad is easily the least zealous of many of his compatriots, preferring calm rationale and reasoning to blind religious fervor. Though cold and solemn, Galahad possesses a well developed moral compass, and cares deeply for his fellow Inquisitors, though his tone and callousness might suggest otherwise. While Galahad is quite loyal to the Varyan state and his diety, the loyalty he shows towards his fellow Inquisitors is near unshakable, rivaling and often surpassing the bonds he feels towards his own blood relatives.

A child prodigy hailing from the former Capital city of Lanostre, Galahad is the only son of General Quaid, a prominent leader in the Lanostre secular military, and after the war, the Varyan secular-military. General Quaid is well known amongst his peers, and waged many vicious and successful campaigns against the Varyan state before the capitulation of Lanostre. Galahad's childhood was strict and rigid, and consisted of private lessons, tutors, fencing lessons, marksmanship, and statescraft among other things. Throughout his childhood, Galahad proved to be exceptionally bright, and often outperformed his tutors after periods of months, causing the Quaid family to have to cycle through professors and military instructors from all over Lanostre. An underspoken yet brilliant child, Galahad completed courses rated for adolescents several years older than him before he turned 10.

After his fifth birthday, Galahad's latent ethereal abilities began to rise to the surface. So prominent was the ether within him, that the Priests of Varya were quick to notice his abilities. When Galahad reached the age of 9, The Priests approached Galahad and his father, offering the young Quaid a place in the Red Seminary, to join the illustrious ranks of the Inquisitors. Though the offer was but a formality, General Quaid nevertheless gave them and his son his blessings, sending Galahad off to the Red Seminary to begin, and hopefully survive his training.

At the Red Seminary, Galahad excelled, and despite his physical shortcomings compared to his fellow trainees, easily propelled himself to the top percentiles of his class. His natural brilliance and aptitude with ether, along with his martial training as a child gave him an edge compared to some of the other trainees. Despite his advantages, training to become an Inquisitor was the single most grueling and difficult challenge of his young life. Galahad considers himself and his compatriots extremely lucky, and extremely skilled to have made it through their training alive.

Talents/Ethereal Abilities:
  • Ether Manipulation: Ether Well - While Galahad is capable of basic forms of ether manipulation, much like most soldiers, he lacks any particular talent in manipulating his own ether. However, Galahad's ether pools within his own body are surprisingly deep, allowing him perform powerful battle magic to support his allies. Despite this edge, he still supplements his own ether with vials of extracted ether.
  • Battle-Mage - A magic specialist in all definitions of the phrase, Galahad takes his place among his peers as one of the best mages in class. What allows Galahad to stand out is his ability to manage multiple destructive elements simultaneously, changing spell type, and form to fit his needs in the current situation. He can form and propel tiny chunks of stone, ice and metal like bullets, call down lightning from the sky, and loose a blinding flash of light without missing a step. While capable of shows of great power, Galahad prefers to make his magical attacks relatively small, precise and concentrated, favoring the preservation of energy and smart use of resources; and reserves flashy displays of power for intimidation and destruction of enemy morale.
  • Hybrid Fencer - While normally preferring to conduct combat from a safe distance, Galahad is not out of place on the frontlines with his comrades, saber in one hand, and magic spell in the other. Darting in to deliver a few quick blows with his blade and then pulling back, Galahad is a nimble fighter when on the front lines, fully aware of his lack of bulk when compared to some of the other frontline fighters, and as such rarely stays in one place for too long.

Personal Seal:

Character Relationships: Once the cast is chosen, we're going to collaborate on creating the shared histories between the different people of our group. Your characters can be anything from friends, enemies, lovers, ect. Remember, you've all spent your time years training in the Red Seminary together and have suffered and bled throughout your time there, so your relationships must be forged of your experiences during that time together.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Draken
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Draken Undead Rights Activist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Father Ilya Bjornlie
Age: 21
Warband Leviathan

Height/Weight: 5'11", 197 lb.
Race: Native Varyan


Appearance: Though not unattractive, Father Ilya Bjornlie seems to think he's handsomer than he is. His body has a definitively light tone and though not as burly as most other successful inquisitors, his physique is quite well toned below the layers of official garb he wears. Every piece of kit, identification, and medal is always present, but half of it is always at a slightly altered angle. The belt droops slightly on his left, his official sword is slightly loose in its scabbard, and his goggles rest haphazardly around his neck, yet his powerful rifle is perfectly secured in its strap on his back.

Father Ilya stays carefully clean shaven, and less successfully keeps a mostly charming smile on his face. His hair is short and styled somewhat, as he attempts to play off of the asymmetry of his outfit and play up his blue eyes and strong jawline. The look is practical as well, since there is no chance hair being caught in the straps of his googles or being caught in the seal when he's aiming a shot.


Personality: It would be wrong to call Father Ilya Bjornlie an asshole. Yes, he can be abrasive, and yes, he mostly sees others as tools, but he's in truth a decent person. Well, alright. He's not a bad person. To most people.

Father Ilya is goal driven, and his life's goal is to be a great and successful hero. This means a number of things. First is to be exceedingly good at war, which is why he embraces the Red Seminary - learning combat, magic, and tactics from the best in the nation. Second is to have grand exploits, hence his barely restrained joy upon being chosen for this voyage. Third, is to recognized and loved for his achievements. This may be the most difficult part.

Father Ilya does his best to project the image of a charming war hero, but that only applies to the general public. With his peers, he is far less concerned with appearances, and far more concerned with work and results. As such, he is often dismissive and irritable to people who insist on wasting time without something useful to offer him, and is a natural-born workaholic. He plans his days to the level of 10 minutes when he can, and in the pursuit of efficiency (in turn for the pursuit of glory), genuinely considered sleeping more productive than spending "free time" with other Inquisitors. As a result, the people he is closest to are not friends so much as business partners.

The inspiration for Ilya's dedication comes in large part from Varya himself, as well as his chosen favorites over the centuries. However, one would be wrong to mistake his wrote memorization of the nation's grandest tales of conquest for pure devotion. He lies somewhere in between a fanatic servant and a lone wolf. He serves Varya because Varya is the greatest - everybody knows that, and to stand against such greatness is to guarantee ones failure. So instead, he works with this font of glory, because he is nothing if not practical in pursuing his ambition.


Background: Poverty has never truly been known to Father Ilya Bjornlie, but that is not to say he has lived without want. Even before his time in the Red Seminary, Father Ilya was born into the wealthy Bjornlie family well above the surface of the ice surrounding Magnagrad. His father was a military man, and his mother the heiress to a booming ether business. However, both of them knew the dangers that lurked in cushy affluence, and wanted him to achieve a grand military career as well. As such, despite the wealth, Ilya's only tastes of natural foods were major holidays and when a sufficiently important guest visited that he was required to dine with his parents while they worked their social circles. Indeed, though he spent more time with servants and slaves than his parents, they were omnipresent in his life. Not one day passed where he did not have an assignment or five. Some days he was relentlessly drilled in marksmanship. Other days he was tested in melee against challenger after challenger his father's closest companion selected from the slave pits. Periodically, his mother would take him along to social gatherings, and even leave him with "friends" of hers who needed to be charmed, or have predetermined facts leaked on "accident." Such was Ilya's life until his strong etheric abilities emerged, and he was promptly sent to the Red Seminary, bringing another boost of honor and reputation to the Bjornlie name.

Though Ilya had achieved some impressive feats with ether, he was not nearly the best with magic in the Red Seminary. Though Ilya had defeated some skilled foes from the slave pits, he was not nearly the best fighter in the Red Seminary. Though Ilya had charmed some cynical nobles in courts, he was seen right through at the Red Seminary. With all of his skills not holding him above the rest, there was only one option available to Ilya Bjornlie: Do Better.

Practice, study, and planning became Ilya's life. In his second year a talent of his was revealed to be unique: marksmanship. Though forgone by most Inquisitors, Ilya's steady hand, keen eye, and years of practice found targets countless times more easily than his peers. None of the other students had been trained since childhood for the life of a soldier, and while they were learning how to load guns, Ilya was nailing the farthest targets arranged that day. He took this strength and promptly began pushing himself. Nowdays, he is by far the premier, if essentially only, marksman among the Inquisitors.

As it turns out, Ilya's eye was not only keen when it came to shooting targets, but also for strategic planning. Though occasionally thwarted by unexpected turns of events, the joke runs that Ilya could plan better and for more contingencies in an hour with a notebook than an army captain could with a day and a map. Though never put to the test, there are solid odds this is true. In the Red Seminary, he was initially praised for his capabilities. However, when they failed to push Ilya's brain by changing the situation, they began to change the rules. As soon situations - simulated or in practice, moved beyond his contingencies Ilya's actions began to break apart. Although practiced has improved this somewhat, Ilya still flounders when pressed for time and options. Indeed, instead of becoming more adaptable, his training has mostly increased his capacity to plan for a massive number of contingencies.


Talents/Ethereal Abilities: Ilya is likely the best marksmen among the Inquisitors, which is, in truth, a relatively easy feat since nearly none bother learning more than the basics. Still, his aim is top notch, and he personally honed the ability to coat his bullets in a specialized paling, helping them to slide cleanly through the air and whatever winds it may hold. Thanks to this innovative technique (which he is attempting to teach to the army as "Father Ilya's Piercing Paling"), his range and precision are far above expected levels. Given a chance to aim, he can take out a target from nearly a thousand feet away. ((For reference, the shortest range of the modern top 10 snipers is ~4000 feet))

Some would argue that it's too much to call Ilya a tactical genius, but Ilya would disagree if it didn't mean going against his public image of moderate modesty. His plans are incredibly in depth - even if when they fall apart, they completely and utterly fall apart. If something isn't accounted for, its because he can't quite grasp the very idea of it happening and as such will flounder in the face of it.

Ilya's spells officially revolve around the manipulation of water. He could, hypothetically, start messing with someone's blood, but to manipulate water so impure takes a major chunk of ether. In addition, the existence of a paling multiplies the enormity of the task, so that is almost never done. Indeed, the manipulation of water in the world is not what Father Ilya is known for - though he wears a tank of two gallons on his back beneath his cloak. Instead, its for his bullet paling, which he generally draws upon tiny slivers of his own ether for - unless he needs enough oomph to pierce a paling projected by his target.


Personal Seal:


Character Relationships: ((Imma need a solid hour to reread everyone's CSs and make all this.))

Father Rodion Kuznetsov

Mother Viveca:

Mother Indira Al-Sayed

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Mother Tatiana (Thana) Leviatan

Age: 19

Height/Weight: 5’4” // 126 lbs

Race: Tatiana was said to have descended from a T’saeren immigrants to Lanostre, but that was all too many generations ago. For simplicity’s sake, she calls herself Lanostran.


Just glancing at Tatiana is enough to catch the general vibe she gives off. The girl’s posture is loose and relaxed, and she generally takes on a curved stance in some way, be it slumping over in a chair or cocking her hip to one side whilst upright. Either way, it is relatively uncommon to see Tatiana in that fully ready ‘at attention’ stance that one might expect of an inquisitor, lest such formalities were required. Despite this lax display, though, Tatiana tends to her appearance quite a bit. Her skin is rather fair, commonly enough for such a diluted bloodline in the Varyan expanse. Tatiana is visibly much less than one might expect in terms of a warrior’s body. She maintains a slim figure, with spindly limbs.

What appears even more readily presentable is Tatiana’s rounded visage and variable hairstyle. Her jet black locks curve to perfectly frame around her face, but otherwise maintain a straightened length falling just down to her shoulders. While it isn’t uncommon for Tatiana to allow her hair to be kept in such a straight and simple style, she is also known to tie her hair up in an updo, offering a much more practical look when it comes to trekking through plains of ice. Her emerald eyes appear prominent, visible through even the fiercest blizzards.

It isn’t always that Tatiana wears her inquisitor’s uniform, but even outside of such a regal outfit, Tatiana tends to dress herself quite elegantly. Often times, a plain white shirt, flaring slightly out at its end meets a pair of blue pants trimmed with a gold lining. Tatiana matches such an outfit with an officer’s coat of a similar blue and gold. She holds the article in rather high regard, under the impression its a sort of heirloom that her family has had for all too long now.

Despite the strange circumstances that led to her becoming a priestess, Tatiana is rather gracious for her position- at least, it appears that way externally. She is friendly to all her fellow inquisitors, but it isn’t difficult to see that there is something off about her when it comes to actual operations. Outside of heavy mission sort of scenarios, Tatiana is much more light-hearted. It isn’t uncommon that she would throw around witty remarks and jokes despite the context of the situation. Of all the inquisitors, Tatiana may be viewed as one of the least matured. This extends even to her position as an ordained priest. She tends to view her position rather unseriously, despite the serious duty that her work encompasses. Even with this attitude, Tatiana rarely leaves her duties unaccomplished or sloppily done, but a certain hesitation accompanies her all too often, especially when she is tasked with carrying out Varya’s will.

Deep down, Tatiana has always struggled with her devotion to Varya. While she doesn’t dare dissent, she isn’t fully accepting of his conqueror practices. It is especially conflicting for her as she never fully accepted the ideals that her Lanostran homeland embodied either. This dissonance in her mind leaves Tatiana quite conflicted, and she thus views herself as something of an outcast and her outgoing practices act as her struggling to find a place for her in the companionship she forges. In the eyes of the public, Tatiana is often considered a very generous, moral, and people-minded person. This is juxtaposed by her abilities, however, leaving a certain air of concern exhibited by those in her presence. Strangely enough, while Tatiana is rather uninhibited socially, this can be turned down a notch when she finds herself away from her squad. She has grown far more comfortable with herself around her fellow inquisitors, but in public, things tend to be a slight bit different.

The young Thana (given the Varyan name of Tatiana) was born to a rather wealthy Lanostran family with parents emblematizing the epitome of duality. Her mother was a prominent Lanostran combatant, while her father was the perfect example of a man of science. It was the way of his family, and as such, he too, was also a journeyman in his field. Perpetuating the stereotype, Tatiana lived a rather pampered life with both her parents loving her greatly. There was more to the family than the lovely front than that, however.

Despite the boisterously prideful figure Tatiana’s mother was, she came to openly accept the idea that Lanostre would bow willingly Varyan sovereignty. Perhaps it was because of the consequences of dissent or perhaps it was simply reciprocal respect for allowing Lanostran warriors like herself to rank highly in the military. As time went on, though, it became clear to a young Tatiana that what spurred her mother’s subordination: fear… Thus, a false nationalism was born into the Leviatan family, which would inevitably lead to the coercion of Tatiana to pursue a profession as an inquisitor. Her feelings on the subject were rather mixed, but it seemed clear that she wasn’t the soldier her mother was. Even despite this clear ineptitude, when Tatiana finally came of age, she was sent out into the glacial wastes to slay her own demon.

The perilous journey was extremely hard on the girl. Before she had even made the trek to the black glacier alongside her father, Tatiana was already worn to her last breath. While other Lanostran children had honed skills, it appeared Tatiana was no match. When finally facing down one of the alien-like creatures, Tatiana stood weakly against its might. Within a short minute, she was almost horribly rended by the beast, obviously outmatched. Her cries for assistance seemed to fall on deaf ears, however. For some reason, Tatiana’s father held back despite his promises to rescue his child. It seemed just for the moment, he refused, intent on letting Tatiana fend for herself.

In that final moment, Tatiana felt herself falter. It was her end and there was nothing she could do. All that filled her panicking mind were rageful thoughts. How could her father have let this happen? As the creature tore forward in a final assault, Tatiana stopped herself, a moment of clarity rushing through her like an inventor’s insight. One word came to mind: Stop.

And with that simple thought, it seemed that just for a moment Tatiana’s inevitable fate was delayed. That single second delay was all Tatiana’s father needed to step in. Pride emanating from his very being. This was the first moment Tatiana had finally learned of her talents with Ether, and what followed was a long conversation with his father about their ancestors: a very particular T’saeren research team. Having finally found the prodigious talent of his daughter, Tatiana’s father devoted countless hours into raising his daughter as an inquisitor. He knew she may have the talents he witnessed in her trial at the Black Glacier, but he never told Tatiana what power she might have held.

The young woman was then nearly forced into her new lifestyle in the Red Seminary despite any reluctance. While she didn’t leave that day with the title of R'heon, Tatiana came out knowing of her large ether pool. Only weeks passed before Tatiana was shipped off to the Red Seminary. Her life completely turned upside down.

Talents/Ethereal Abilities:

Demonic Summoner - Deep within Tatiana lies an extremely powerful pool of ether. The largely untapped potential within her seems focused wholly on one particular ability: the enslavement and domination of the demons of the Black Glacier. Before the discovery of such, Tatiana’s time in the Red Seminary was just as she lived beforehand. A great deal of her time was spent trying to discover what abilities she held, but she was unsuccessful up until the point at which she was allowed to take the pilgrimage back to the Black Glacier. The extent of this ability is dizzyingly variable. The common principles shared by all summoners are the ability to command demonic entities at their will, and summon them to the summoner’s location. This combination allows for the ‘capturing’ of a demon in which a summoner wrests control from the demon’s mind away from the creature itself.

Tatiana has found herself capable of enslaving one of these creatures to come at her beck and call so far. It appears alien-like, bearing massive curled horns and fur tufts in a seemingly patched randomly around its body. One might say its visage almost resembles a goat’s, while its long tail resembles that of a rat. While unable to manipulate the world in nonphysical manners like other demons have the ability to do, Tatiana’s beast has immense physical prowess when it comes to both power and speed. Because of this, Tatiana acts as something of a commander for her frontline fighter.

Symbiotic - Tatiana had spent a great deal of time in the Red Seminary believing herself to have no supernatural abilities. This almost got to the point where she felt useless in comparison to her comrades who each flourished in their own fields. This all changed when Tatiana discovered her excellence in working at the Black Glacier. Ever since her talent finally came to light, Tatiana has completely reworked her tactical abilities. In combat, it is often seen that Tatiana works almost flawlessly in conjunction with her summoned beasts, both her and the creatures working off of one another's strengths and weaknesses. One might even go as far as to compare them to symbiotic organisms.

Personal Seal:

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Mother Viveca

Age: Approximately 21

Height/Weight: 5’9”, 150lbs

Race: Omestrian

Appearance: Viveca is a traditionally attractive woman who couldn’t hide her Omestrian roots, even if she wanted to. She has long, sandy blond hair reminiscent of the people who posed for the great statues of her annihilated culture. Her amber eyes are accentuated by thick lashes and a naturally thin brow. Always in her hair, Viveca wears a royal blue ribbon, gifted to her from the Inquisitor who brought her freedom. Her sigil is tattooed on her back (see personal seal), with the trunk of the tree running along her spine and branching out over her shoulder blades. She covers her torso and shoulders with medium-weight plates while flexible leathers protect the rest of her body. Her left forearm is covered by a uniquely reinforced vambrace which provides the defense and support of a shield with less surface area. It requires more accurate blocking, but provides more mobility. Her breastplate is adorned with the well-known red circle. On the back, she has the same circle with three scratch marks through it. Never does anybody see the back of her plate, as it’s always hidden beneath her crimson-gilded coat.

Personality: One of Varya’s least respected war-clergy is renown amongst her peers for her adaptability and love of variation. Viveca sees diversity and change as a way to build herself to be a stronger Inquisitor and protector of the people, even if a lot of those people refuse to seek a guardian from Omestris. Strangely enough, the Omestrian Mother doesn’t seem to be bothered much by the opinions of the commonfolk, let alone her fellow Inquisitors. By doing what she can for the people, Viveca can’t help but feel drawn to things lost to time; namely, those of her own people, her parents, and their ancestors. Her memory became hazy with time, but Viveca’s earliest and fondest recollections involve being surrounded by dilapidated statues and half-buried buildings of some of the most gorgeous architecture and art that she’s seen even to this day. Curious at heart, the Inquisitor has a tendency to be perceived as nosy, especially because she’s not the most polite, soft-spoken sweetheart. In fact, Viveca can often be seen as callous or unforgiving.

Background: For the first several years of her life, Viveca lived with a pair of nomadic parents, moving from tucked away commune to tucked away commune around the remnants of Omestric. She never knew why they had to trek through the cold for it until they were all three found in the wrong place at the wrong time. These small pockets of Omestrian culture were gradually being enslaved or eradicated under the accusation of being heretics. They wanted nothing more than to live peacefully and free. The deserted cityscapes made hiding surprisingly easy, but after being found, there was no escape. Few in the colony where Viveca’s family was staying knew how to fight and even fewer had the weapons to do so. They were overrun and their consequential imprisonment is the reason Viveca struggles to keep track of her age. Her parents were the first two to go as the Varyan state accused them of conspiring and plotting to escape. Then, one by one the elderly were taken from their holding compound, followed by the adults and teenagers… Then they came for the children, and Viveca got her first true taste of the horrors of mankind. None of the other children were led the same way she was; the small girl was taken to a massive facility full of grown-ups and machines.

By the end of that day, she found out where she was, though knew not why. She still can’t get the faces out of her mind… The sunken eyes, gasping for breath, unable to move… The men and women hooked to these disgusting machines were being harvested, and for weeks Viveca shared their fate. To this day, Viveca has no idea how long she was there, but she can never forget the face of the man who saved her. A stout Inquisitor with a gruff voice and covered in scars came to her and explained in simple terms why he was there. He’d heard of an Omestrian girl they’d found who had more ether to tap into than even a typical Omestrian. He came to see if she was truly gifted, even if it pained him so much to walk those halls.

He was only given the right to take her away if she was enrolled at Varya’s most horrifying school as soon as she was of age. Through the years, this kind Father of the church found that she was indeed different – she held a particularly strong affinity for Omestrian ether manipulation, though he encouraged her to suppress it. The Inquisitor gifted her a blue ribbon which she has worn since that day, but it was only a few years before the day came when she had to start her training. Though her time with the man was short, she still owes him her life. She never received the opportunity to ask him why he took her in; perhaps, it was compassion, or pride for his own race. Whatever motivated him to be so kind, Viveca was grateful for him.

To this day, Viveca has not been allowed to make a pilgrimage to Omestris or find any familiar faces, nor has she seen her parents since her rescue. Unfortunately, it’s quite likely that they’re dead or fled as far away as possible if they were ever released or let out.

Talents/Ethereal Abilities:
1. Deep Pockets: Mother Viveca isn’t known for her power when it comes to ether. She has a lot of it, more than most people ever get to see, because she doesn’t have the most versatile array of skills. Thanks to this, she can expend it passively to increase her endurance more than most. It’s unfortunate, in her eyes, as she would much rather have a different power that she could use less. Instead she can just fight longer because of how little she has to expend the energy on.

2. Brilliance: Considered a minor power, and hardly one that comes in handy outside of lighting a particularly dark room, Viveca can generate light, seeming to glow when she uses the ability. Shadows are swallowed whole and, while it’s not an Aegis-related ability, it creates a modicum of warmth to those in the immediate area.

3. Underdog: Viveca was trained by an Inquisitor from a young age, and thus has a shockingly strong affinity for martial arts in all of their forms. The man was not tall, but he was built with the strength of Stina and Father Gregoroth. Seeing as her formidably massive pool of ether, which only seems larger by her conservative use of it, didn't have much to offer in the way of magic or spells like it does for most, she was trained to use this resource in every moment of her fighting at just the right amount. Coupling this power from a young age with how much time she spent training with a weapons master before her enrollment at the Red Seminary, one might mistake Viveca for a citizen of Lanostre with her wide array of weapons specializations. Her uniform includes a boot knife, a dagger sheathed in the small of her back, and another combat knife strapped over her breast. On her left arm she has a black metal bracer that works like a shield when paired with an enchantment and her natural paling to provide defense. Her main weapon is a falchion sheathed on her left hip.

Personal Seal:

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Lovejoy turn on the stove

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Red Seminary:

Father Antonin, "The White Necromancer"

The Head of Medicine and Life Ether, Father Antonin was responsible for the teaching of the healing and necromantic arts within the Red Seminary. After the ordainment of Warbands Phoenix and Leviathan, the most recent graduating classes, Antonin was summoned to subjugate the Continent of El and left his post to serve on the Elurian front.

Out of all the instructors within the Red Seminary, the T'saraen inquisitor was perhaps the kindest and most beloved instructor among the student populace. He was a man who truly seemed to care for the well-being of his pupils, and delighted in teaching those with the necessary ether type how to properly channel and make use of their healing abilities.

According to available records, Antonin had held his post at The Red Seminary for more than two centuries. How the man has managed to live that long, while still maintaining the appearance of a man in his thirties, is one of the more enduring mysteries within the Seminary. Every student believes they know the answer to this mystery, but Antonin only answers each query with a wry smile.


Father Gregoroth, "The Great Bear"

A veteran of the Lanostran War and countless other conflicts, Father Gregoroth stands among the most renowned warriors in all of Varya. An inquisitor who has mastered the skill of ether manipulation, his raw physical strength and power, when enhanced by his potent ether abilities, are nigh unmatched in all the church. During the last days of the Lanostran war, he engaged in battle with Mother Xera Athalos, one of the most powerful warpriests of that land, in a duel which lasted three days and three nights. At the end of the battle, both Gregoroth and Xera were mortally wounded, but their sheer display of grit and strength caused soldiers from both lands to declare a temporary truce in honor of the two combatants' draw. The day after, the Goddess Lanostre surrendered to Lord Varya.

Some believe that it was Father Gregoroth's duel that ended the war, as its result showed that even the Lady's greatest inquisitors couldn't beat him on a on-on-one fight. Gregoroth brushes aside this claim and believes the timing of the Lady's surrender to be mere coincidence.

In the two decades since the war, Gregoroth has been the Head of Combat Training at the Red Seminary, where he has featured in the nightmares of many a pupil. His brutal and uncompromising methods have yielded many a promising inquisitor, while also leading to the deaths of countless trainees. The deaths of failed pupils does not lie heavily on Gregoroth's conscience, for he only strives for one truth-- to forge the strongest Inquisitors the Red Seminary has ever known.


Father Creid, "The Brave Man's Fear"

Main Instructor of Warband Phoenix, Father Creid has been a constant presence in the lives of the young class for the past 12 years. The masked Inquisitor, who's hobbled form bears the wounds of some mysterious accident, led the young class through hell, and managed to come out the other side with all of his pupils surviving. Indeed, somehow, Father Creid has never lost a student during training.

Known for his sardonic wit and unconventional training methods, Creid is a maverick among the seminary's faculty. He cares little for faith-based training, encourages his students to pursue independent research outside of the school's curriculum, and routinely brings in soldiers from the Secular Army as well as non-military men and women to teach seminars on combat and survival to his students.

Creid's past, and his actions during the Lanostran War, are shrouded in secrecy. The only thing known about his etheric abilities is that they grant him some measure of control over time and space-- as he once demonstrated his ability to appear in three different places at once to his class as an example of higher-level sorcery. The mysteries behind his etheric magic are fathomless and the masked Inquisitor isn't interested in disclosing what his actual powers are. His secrecy has caused many legends about him to crop up throughout the years, the most popular claiming Creid capable of simply erasing his foes from existence without so much as lifting a finger. Father Creid, always good-humored, laughs at this, and calls it "a ridiculous myth". Still, the fact that inquisitors and soldiers alike throughout the empire know him as "The Brave Man's Fear" does little to quell these rumors.

Months before Warband Phoenix's Culmination, Creid was called to the Elurian front, like most other members of the Red Seminary's faculty. It is known that he was granted command of the warship Durandal, one of the invasion fleet's most powerful steam arks, and is currently on the mysterious continent, conquering in the name of Lord Varya.


Mother Indira Al-Sayed, The First Summoner

At thirty-four years old, Mother Indira Al-Sayed is the youngest instructor in the Red Seminary. Born with a prodigious gift for ether, Mother Indira was the first priest in the Varyan Empire to successfully subjugate a demon from the Black Glacier. She then chose to return to her training grounds to continue her research on demon summoning and to teach her method and science to a new generation of priests. Being the first "summoner" within the empire, Mother Indira is renowned throughout Varya as an incredibly powerful mage and scientist. As a former Omestrian slave, and due in part to her own charismatic nature, her rise is often cited as what led to the newer generations of Varyans adopting a more favorable view of Omestrians and becoming less enamored with the slave trade, thus she is seen as a sort of folk hero among both progressives and Omestrian slaves. She considers this ironic, and silently laughs at those who see her as a beacon of hope for enslaved Omestrians, as it was her own ability to enslave a "lesser race" of beings that has galvanized these younger Varyans to act.

For the past twelve years, Mother Indira has been the main instructor of Leviathan Warband, but runs her own separate training regimen for those in the Seminary with the highest recorded ether pools. This program, known as the Circle, is a highly intensive five-year long curriculum that aims to teach pupils with a highly potent and unique form of ether the skills needed to successfully subjugate and summon demons. She accepts very few students into this program, and from those who made the cut, the vast majority were cut at some point after being judged to "not have what it takes" by Mother Indira. In more than a decade, only two pupils out of dozens have shown the aptitude to complete their specialized training under her and graduate from the Circle-- those two young priests being Mother Tatiana of Warband Phoenix, who is now an ordained Inquisitor, and Father Dara of Warband Seraph, who one year prior disappeared from the Seminary and became an apostate shortly before Culmination.

Days after Warband Leviathan's culmination, she, along with most of the senior Seminary teaching staff, was called to the Elurian front.

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Father Dara
Age: 23

A quiet but supremely gifted pupil who was once the Protector of Warband Seraph, Dara's ethereal might was frightening. It was whispered throughout the halls of the Seminary that he possessed the deepest and most potent pool of ether among all of the current trainees, and had enough skill in manipulating it that it was said that he could hold an aegis indefinitely. Unfortunately, Dara struggled in all other aspects. He suffered from severe mental and emotional deficiencies, and had extreme difficulties in physical combat, war strategy, and academics. If not for his terrifying skill in ether, and if Mother Indira had not taken him under her wing, he would have left the church long ago.

As the only other graduate of Mother Indira's Circle of Summoners, Dara had pursued the mastering of this art obsessively, both because he believed it to be his sole purpose for living and because he claimed to feel a strange kinship with the demons of the Black Glacier.

When Dara disappeared, it not only broke Indira's heart, but also enraged her to no end. This boy, who she had mentored and shepherded for most of his life, had in all intents and purposes betrayed her. Dara's current whereabouts are unknown. Several inquisitors have been dispatched to hunt him down, as he poses a great danger to the empire. None have been able to find him thus far.


Vicar Magnus

Magnus was once a pupil of the Red Seminary, where he was both hated and feared among the trainee populace due to his cruel and calculated disposition. Once the "shining star" of Warband Seraph, Magnus was talented in both ether ability and martial skill, but the young man's keen and sharp intellect was what really separated him from the pack. Continually placing among the top-ranked trainees in war strategy milestones, Magnus was as capable a trainee as they came, so much so that he often complained of being bored within the Red Seminary. To relieve his so-called boredom, he delighted in torturing younger pupils both physically and emotionally, claiming that he was in fact helping them with their training. As the favored pupil of Bishop Aleksandre, who once served as the head of Varya's inquisitorial force during the Lanostran War, Magnus' extracurricular activities were often swept under the rug.

After an incident involving Mother Ziotea which saw him suffer grave injuries which he would never completely recover from, the former star of Seraph was forced to vacate his spot in the Seminary and was instead transferred to the Holy Academy within the Great Basilika, where he excelled, all while seething with hatred at the young woman who ended his dream of serving as an inquisitor.

Magnus, despite his age, has recently ascended to the office of divine vicar, which now affords him some authority over the invasion. He recently departed for the land of El aboard the ark Durandal, and now strives to bring the wild continent to heel.


Lieutenant Lev Dragonov
Age: 42

A veteran of the Lanostran War, Lev proved himself on the battlefield as a shrewd and talented sniper and leader. Serving under Commander Zoya Kiriyev, he acted as her constant companion and right-hand for the majority of their time in the war, complimenting her defensive-minded planning with risky but ingenious strategies that led to many victories against the Lanostran army.

Ten years after the war's end, Lev retired from the military and spent many years traveling throughout the empire on what he calls a "journey of self-discovery", leading him to travel to remote locations such as Sydon-Mar in Omestris. Like Commander Zoya, he was forced back into active duty to fight in the invasion of El. Once again serving under Zoya, he will soon depart for El aboard the VSS Karamzina to act as military support for the newly ordained Warband Phoenix.


Lieutenant Rexus Lycaon
Age: 43

A former officer in the Lanostran Guard, Lt Rexus Lycaon was a promising soldier during the war but suffered a devastating injury that saw him miss most of the fighting. Like a lot of his fellow countrymen, he felt lost and broken after the goddess surrendered to Lord Varya, and upon recovering from his wounds, declined an offer to join the Varyan military and instead focused his energies on fighting against the empire. Five years spent as the captain of a Lanostran pirate crew earned him a dangerous reputation on the icefields, as well as a fierce rival in Lieutenant Lev Dragonov of Varya, who spent years trying to capture him.

Eventually, their rivalry ended after Dragonov got the better of him during a naval battle, and Lycaon was brought back to his former home of Sapharan in chains to answer for his crimes. Sentenced to death, Lycaon was held in the sky prisons of the High City for months. A week before his execution, he received an unexpected visitor. Lev Dragonov stood in his cell, and informed him that his execution would be stayed. Instead, Lycaon would serve two decades of hard time in the Icevault of Muraad, a prison meant for the empire's most dangerous criminals. And thus, Lycaon served his time in the frigid prison. Ten long years passed, and one day, Lev appeared before him again. This time, he made Lycaon an offer he couldn't refuse.

"I need you. Fight for me and I'll set you free from this place."

It didn't take Lycaon very long to agree to these terms.


Private Andrei Semenov
Age: 15

A young SA conscript currently serving as a Church liason at the Marian Gate, the lone Varyan garrison overlooking the corpseland of Omestris. Due to a childhood spent struggling for survival in the slums of Magnagrad alongside Omestrian slaves, Semenov believes it is his life's purpose to do everything in this power to aid and help the enslaved race in any way he can. A devout follower of the inquisitor Mother Indira al Sayed, he wears her divine emblem on a pendant as a symbol of his fervent belief in freedom for the Omestrian people.


Deva Tsu'kasa
Age: 20

Daughter of the renowned engineer Amir Tsu'kasa, Deva is a young T'saraen mechanist and shipwright who has spent most of her life working on naval craft in the imperial drydocks of Cero. She is frivolous above all else and cares little for anything outside her field, the hierarchy of the Faith occupying such a small amount of space in her general worldview that she barely registers them at all.

Since Deva was a child, she has worked on the VSS Grace, the old battleship that will soon depart for El alongside her father's magnum opus, the Karamzina. Now acting as the Grace's head mechanic, Deva loves the old ship more than anything.


Mother Elisheva
Age: 24

A talented young inquisitor who has served in Lanostre since graduating as part of Warband Seraph a year ago, Elisheva is a warrior above all else. One of Gregoroth's favorite pupils, Elisheva spent most of her time in the Seminary sharpening herself to be a wicked blade for the empire to wield against its enemies. Much to her anger, the Church did not choose her for deployment to El, and thus she remained on Lanostre, where she would provide some much-needed security for the nation, which is now bereft of inquisitors and soldiers.

Elisheva was born with a strange birth defect which has caused her right pupil to be colored red, making her possess a strange mismatched gaze which is at once both disquieting and strangely beautiful.
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Kadenza Rami
Age: 18

A rich smuggler of T'saraen ancestry from the slums of Tale's End in Magnagrad. Though he is young, his smuggling operation has thrived for many years and now spreads throughout much of the western sprawl of the city's slums. Kadenza is brash, dangerous and arrogant, but remains true to his roots and works to improve the slums and the lives of its people through numerous legitimate businesses.


The Godless (Ice Pirates)

Men and women of uncertain ancestry who live far from civilization out in the icefields at the fringes of the Varyan aegis. They are feared among the populace of Magnagrad, for they keep no gods and are thus not beholden to the laws of the world. Considered apostates, their existence alone is a constant source of irritation for the Church and thus the clergy regularly order the SA to venture out on raids to thin their numbers. However, generations living among the frost has hardened the godless and they are thus feared throughout the continent as dangerous fighters. This being the case, the SA commonly declines to sacrifice the lives of their men on raids which they deem pointless, for the people living in the icefields don't typically cause much trouble to the empire. Indeed, the term "ice pirate" is considered a slur by these folk, as many of them don't partake in piracy, but instead choose to leave peacefully away from the continent.

As it stands, the people of the icefields are allowed to come and go into the city as they please, but are always watched carefully...


Bishop Aleksandre, "The Vanquisher"
Age: Unknown

Throughout the long history of the empire, only four inquisitors have been granted the high rank of bishop. Aleksandre is the only of those four still living. The man known as "The Vanquisher" is an exceedingly powerful warmage and military commander. As the defacto leader of the Inquisition and supreme commander of the Varyan military forces during the Lanostran War, he brought the warrior nation to heel and is thus hailed and beloved throughout Varya as a hero and conqueror.

In his prime, the "last bishop" was unmatched in combat and sorcery and his exploits as an inquisitor date back several hundred years. Said to be have been blessed with agelessness by Lord Varya himself, it is known that Aleksandre was present during the fall of both Omestris and Muraad.

In the recent decades of peace, Aleksandre's power within the Church has declined, as his clashes with the rising clerical branch has lessened the influence he once possessed. Recent scandals regarding rumors of of his close relationships with male members of the clergy have also damaged his reputation. All but stripped of his former power and influence, Bishop Aleksandre must now watch from the sidelines as the empire wages war against the mysterious continent of El, a place that he has long dreamed of conquering himself. He now places his ambitions on the shoulders of Vicar Magnus, a young but exceedingly talented cleric whom Aleksandre has groomed since Magnus was an inquisitor-in-training within the Red Seminary.
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Father Cillian Gavran
Age: 20

A quiet and unassuming inquisitor currently serving his first tour of duty in Lanostre. As the Protector of Warband Leviathan, Cillian possesses a deep pool of ether and is talented in its manipulation, but has always lagged behind when it came to physical combat. Born the bastard son of a Varyan merchant and an Omestrian pleasure slave, Cillian was quickly given away to the Pipeworks and spent much of his early childhood in a cage before suffering through three years of blood draining, when his deep ether pool was finally noticed by a priest inspector and he was admitted into the Seminary. Despite the horrors of his childhood, Cillian doesn't appear to hold any anger or ill feelings toward the people who kept him as a blood slave for all those years, or the society that allowed such a practice to occur. He is as devout to the Church as anyone else in his Warband and has performed all of his inquisitorial duties without complaint.

Cillian was a considered a lone wolf by the rest of Warband Leviathan. He rarely spoke to any of the other members of his group, and instead preferred to spend his days alone in a small light-filled alcove of the Seminary where he cultivated a garden of beautiful plants and flowers. This garden was his pride and joy, and Cillian made Mother Indira promise him that she would make sure it would be looked after once he graduated.

Cillian didn't appear to outwardly dislike any of his warsiblings, Cillian just simply didn't seem to be very interested in them. This didn't stop him from carrying out his duties as the warband's Protector, a role which he excelled at. Due to his prodigious ability to maintain an aegis, the other members of the group willingly gave him his space, and never challenged Cillian's choice to maintain a respectful distance from his comrades. To them, Cillian was Cillian, and that was the way of things.

After Culmination, Cillian was sent to Lanostre to work under the guidance of Mother Elisheva, but was grievously wounded in the first encounter with a new breed of demons that mysteriously appeared one night.
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Mother Adrijana Zaric
Age: 20

Adrijana is a proud daughter of one of Magnagrad's oldest families, the Zarics of Godsfall. The Zarics have been barons of the ethertrade for centuries and have often clashed with the Bjornlie family, as such, the two dynasties have had a long-standing blood feud. Arijana exemplifies her family's lineage-- she is cutthroat and utterly without mercy when it comes to getting what she wants, which, it appears, is to rise within the Inquisition to be granted the hallowed title of Bishop, Champion of Lord Varya.

An exceedingly powerful warmage, Adrijana's ability to manifest her ether in destructive lightning storms makes her a force to be reckoned with. Because of her upbringing and powerful magic, Adrijana has never felt the need to bond with her warsiblings and has clashed with them throughout her years in the Seminary. When on training exercises, it was a known factor that Adrijana did things her way, and any attempt at working with her would often prove disastrous to the mission. Due to her attitude and her unwillingness to work as a team, her warsiblings have long distanced themselves from her. For her part, she always believed the rest of Leviathan to be holding her back and wanted nothing more than to leave her Warband behind and strike out on her own, a wish that was eventually granted to her.

Strangely, Adrijana was allowed her Culmination before the other members of Leviathan as well as Phoenix warband. She was ordered to serve aboard the VSS Durandal as a junior inquisitor under Father Creid, and is now currently journeying across the eastern sea on her way to fight in El.
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Mother Lilana Merketh
Warband Leviathan

20 yr. Female Muuradan
Short-Range Divination Magic
Specialties in Reconnaissance, Field Survival, and Predation

About Mother Merketh:
Mother Lilana Merketh is a comely woman, whose tidy braids of white hair and small lithe body hold the potential to sway many men. However, those who gaze too long at her usual loose, flowing outfits are as likely to first notice the sturdy padding beneath as she is to begin moving upon them. Though a woman with an empathetic heart for those she cares for, Mother Merketh is a huntress by nature, and does not take kindly to anybody treating her as a catch. Having participated in great hunts far to the north in her youth, she considers the opinions and input of the unproven as half-valid at best, and instead focuses upon the truly capable, and the next great trial she has chosen to surmount.

Lilana was born in the far north to the Merketh clan, where the sheer cold demanded each be able to hold their own warmth with ether - or be lost when they could no longer remain pressed to their parents for aid. In her instinctual drive for freedom, toddler Lilana left the relative comfort of her insulated home for the first time a solid year before most were allowed to dare, and shocked many when she lived to walk again, for cold is the single greatest killer of the wastes. Her grit and etheric potential were praised, even as her parents delivered scoldings and worried tears.

By the age of 8, she was assisting in the Merketh's Great Hunts, wherein the young adults of their tribe - the men and childless women in their prime, tracked, trapped, and slew the greatest beasts of the wastes for protection, food, and incredible materials nearly beyond value. At that time she carried things and helped repair simple tools such as nets. By 9 she was carving hides and scales, even assisting in the laying of new traps in the paths and lairs of great beasts. On her 10th birthday, she was given the honor of participating in the kill, being one of the first five to loose arrows into the drugged wyvern. Though not as great as the Ice Dragons of old, the scales she collected for herself are among her most prized and financially valuable possessions, being harder than metal, sharper than a spear, and almost impossibly conductive to the cold. But a week after this first taste of glory, an Inquisitor of Varya passed by on an annual visit around the clans. Upon hearing of her reputation, the man spun her true tales of the glory he had won in his work, and tested her. She accepted the subsequent offer with little hesitation. Since then she has bonded with her warband, and grown respect for her officers, though the specifics of the Seminary's strict hierarchy yet elude her capacity to care.

Mother Lilana Merketh is a terrifying woman, whose loose and dirtied braids of white hair and inconspicuous, powerful body hold the potential to take down most any foe. However, those who can see past her powerful bow and clawed gauntlets of poisoned wyvernscale may first notice that beneath the hardened exterior is a caring woman, who would stop at nothing for those she trusts and considers family.
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Essa the Elder

Age: Unknown
Occupation: Keeper of the Iddin-Mar ruins

A mysterious Omestrian elder found in the depths of the Iddin-Mar ruins by Father Oren and Mother Ziotea during their expedition to Omestris. Initially thought to be an escaped slave hiding out in the ruins with her young grandchildren, Essa is the High Inquisitor Lyessa al-Nors, a seemingly ageless Omestrian warpriest who once served with Father Antonin in the forgotten Warband Ifrit. Lyessa holds the secrets of Iddin-Mar, and of Omestris as a whole, within her memories -- and is thus one of the few Omestrian elders living with a connection to the nation's sealed past.

Rosamunde of House Id-Maryan

Age: 12
Occupation: Escaped Omestrian royal

A crimson-haired Omestrian girl who, along with two other children, escaped the Scarlet House, a brothel in Magnagrad catering to high-ranking members of the Varyan church and nobility. Rose comes from a long line of Omestrian royalty, her family hunted down long ago by Bishop Aleksandre after the fall of Omestris and forced to work as breeding slaves for the Varyan elite. After escaping, Rose and her two young charges, the scions of Lanostre and T'sarae royalty themselves, journeyed to Omestris, where they came under Essa's protection.

Rose possesses an in-born talent for ether, and though she was not trained during her childhood, Essa has taught her well during their time together and has passed down some of her knowledge to the young girl.

Vahn Sareffi-Astra XI

Age: 8
Occupation: Escaped T'saraen royal

The lost heir to the deposed royal family of T'sarae, Vahn was raised in the Scarlet House to be the perfect servant and courtesan. Although he has escaped this life of servitude, the boy still clings to the training ingrained within him, and secretly detests the harsh life outside the House's walls. Still, he is devoted to Rose and Fionna, and would do anything to protect them.

Fionna of Legion Saphar

Age: 8
Occupation: Escaped Lanostran royal

Despite her upbringing in the Scarlet House, Fie is a friendly and outgoing girl who loves her two "siblings", Rose and Vahn, as if they were her own family. Though she is the lost heir to Legion Saphar, the deposed warrior-kings of Sapharan who once served directly under Lady Lanostre, Fie was born sickly and suffers from an unknown condition which causes her to suffer periodic seizures. Despite never once visiting her homeland, she dreams of journeying there and seeing it with her own eyes.
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