Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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With Sousuke storming out, Natsu placed his bag onto his shoulder as well and started for the door. Things were beginning to return to normal and by normal he meant, dull. Words were jumbling together, sensations were numbing. He stopped at the door and turned to look at Nanashi. "I don't really get where you're going with this lesson, Senpai. If you have something to say, just say it."

And with that he had closed the door behind him.

* * Later * *

On the way home he listened intently to the ninth and tenth file. He left the eleventh for another day. Once home he skipped seeing Yuma, leaving the Echo Barbatos by his door in hopes he'd get to repairing it. Today had been exciting, he thought. He liked feeling excited. Hopefully tomorrow would bring more explosive battles with it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Nanashi sighed as the two left the room. "Man I feel like I messed up some way." He said as he began to clean up the room. "Maybe I should've just talked to them normally."

Mika shugged as the two finished cleaning. "Yeah, your not very good at that aren't you Senpai?"

"Oi, no need to make me feel worse." He complained as the two began to leave the school. "By the way, did you finish that one thing I asked for?"

Mika nodded. "Yep, my buddy in Katsuda got in contact with their club president. Heres their phone number." He said handing him a piece of paper. "What are you planning anyways?" She asked.

"You'll see." He said with a chuckle. "Well, I'll cya tomorrow in club." He said as they reached the spot they split up at. Nanashi was honestly not feeling right about how their first practice session ended but it was fine at the end of the day, after all everyone messes up and he was sure he could make it up to them ... maybe.


April 27th

Nanashi stood at the front gate of school early in the morning waiting for his clubmates. "I really should just get their phone numbers." He said with a sigh.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Sousuke walked with slightly more energy than yesterday. Unlike yesterday, he actually had his coffee this morning so he wasn't nearly as groggy. He still dragged his feet a bit as he walked though. But it wasn't school he was dreading, it was Gunpla Club. He really wasn't in the mood to hear Nanashi's preaching again, but also knew that he couldn't get his pay if he didn't stick it out. It also didn't help that thoughts of this being his last opportunity to battle in the Under-19 nagged at the back of his head.

"And... there he is again." Sousuke muttered when he spotted Nanashi once again waiting at the entrance of the school. When Sousuke got close, he said nothing and instead pulled out his phone and handed it to Nanashi after pulling up his number, "Just take my number. This early morning waiting of yours is just sad." he was about to head into the school but stopped himself, "I... I need you guys to come with me somewhere after Club today. It's... kind of important." he spoke with hesitation, it was pretty clear that whatever he had in mind wasn't something he wasn't excited to do, but that he also had no other choice.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

* * * April 27th * * *

Natsu found a repaired Echo Barbatos with a note that read.

I'm not fixing the Barbatos next time.

Talk to me, Natsu.

He held it in his hand for a moment, thinking of how cowardly he must seem. It sucked because he couldn't see any other option; he was driven to avoiding Yuma, because avoiding him meant debunking his condition. He tucked the note in his pocket, placed Barbatos in its black case on his hip, and made his way out the door a few minutes later.

The walk to school was just as dull as yesterday's. It was devoid of color and meaningful noise. People crowded him, seemingly satisfied with babbling nonsense. When he got to the gate, he noticed Sousuke and Nanashi, and the world had gained a sliver of color. Guess I'm associating them with Gunpla now. It would make sense if I'm subconsciously reaching out for help.

"Sup," he said as he reached them.

He tossed his bag over his shoulder. "We having club meetings this earlier in the morning? That's kinda weird."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Nanashi didn't have time to respond before Sousuke said what he needeed to say and took off. 'I wonder what he where he needs to bring us?' He thought as he continued to wait until Natsu appeared, giving the younger man a nod when he appeared, "Nah, we don't have club. However we DO have club after school today and I don't have your number so I couldn't text you it." He said to Natsu with a smile before his mood changed a bit. "By the way, Sousuke said that he needed us to come with him somewhere today, apparently it's important." He informed him before leaving to the club room. He had some time before class started, might as well work on the Origin a bit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

After school.

"Yes ... yes ... thank you! I'm excited to see you all there ... We'll make sure to give you hell." Nanashi said over the phone before hanging up, scribbling something down into his notebook. "The others are going to love this." He said after hanging up the phone. "Hopefully a match and ... pay will make Sousuke alittle less mad at me." He said remembering the terms of his membership
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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The school day was dull, as usual. Sousuke sat through almost all his classes on auto-pilot. When the day was finally over he left his last class and headed for the Club room. As he walked he rested a hand on the Gunpla case clipped to his belt. In all honesty he owed Nanashi an apology for exploding yesterday. But apologies were never something Sousuke was good at. Even that paled in comparison to his dread of what awaited after club was over. Not for any particular reason, he just didn't want to become the Club's resident sob story in need of others' pity.

"Well..." muttered Sousuke as he reached the door to the club, "...time for Day 2." and then he entered.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Natsu entered four or so minutes after Sousuke. As he strode in, he greeted--rather dryly--his two comrades in Gunpla. The seat he chose to rest in was neither a chair nor stool, instead, he scooted onto a table near an open window, unclipped Echo's black case, and placed it between his dangling legs; where his hands tenderly held it. The wind seemed tease him.

There was a dopiness to his sedated expression. "Nanashi-san, I've been wondering exactly what it was you were trying to tell us yesterday. Despite your approach, I can't help thinking you're on to something." He glanced up, his cool blue eyes deep with curiosity. "Enlighten me, Nanashi-san."

Is it because I didn't build, Echo Barbatos myself? he pondered to himself.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Nanashi sighed at Natsu’s question, “Honestly I’m not 100% Sure what I wanted to explain either. But I guess in the most general way of speaking, I wanted you guys to understand your Gunplas more. Pure talent can only bring you so far, it's only when you understand and your machine inside out can you take its ability to the fullest.” He said as he wrote down more into his notebook. “How far a joint can move, how to repair it when damaged, knowing which parts are easier to fix then others and which are essentially for battle. Each Gunpla has their owe qualities and I feel like neither of you know ALL of them.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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"And I feel like you should actually know who your teammates are before you make assumptions about them." Sousuke said, not angry but definitely in a quick and snappy tone. He left it at that, though, having no desire for a repeat of yesterday.

Cool it, Sousuke. He'll understand after you introduce them. He'd better, anyway.

Sousuke pulled back a chair and sat in it. He didn't stop there, he leaned the chair back until it was reclined against the wall. Then he propped his feet up on a nearby table and pulled his hat down so that it partially covered his face. It almost looked like he was about to take a nap. Maybe he would have, if allowed to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Natsu looked down, a string of thoughts flowing in his mind, all of them in someway trailing back to Nanashi's argument. He had known the truth in his senior's words. He never had an affinity with Building, his talents laid heavily in battle. His instincts were sharp, his ability to step inside his opponent's shoes were his and his alone. It came with the prolonged, current, state of his mind.

"Oh. Well, I think I understand where you're coming from. Building was never something I was good at ... If I broke it I usually just let my older brother deal with the mess. I cherish my Gunpla but the fine things, like the really important details behind its movements and joints are a complete mystery to me. One I don't really care to learn ... at the moment ... I think." he muttered with uncertainty.

"Oh well, what's on the schedule for today? simple training?" He looked up now, gazing at the two of them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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"Yeah, I wanted us to battle some simulator Gunpla in order to train as a unit but I wanted to talk about 2 things before that." He said clearing his throat and straightened his back, pretending to look professional. "Subject one. Sousuke has requested that we accompany him today after club. Natsu I want to say it's mandatory but honestly that's up to you. But I'm going." He said as he held up a notebook. "Second, and bigger news, I scored us an invite to a practice tournament between us and the 3 other schools in the region who participate in the U-19 tournament." He said holding up a notebook with three names on it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Sousuke listened, but offered no response at first. Another practice battle, eh? Well he could only charge for real battles against other teams. Practice battles were just that, practice and nothing more. No payout today either, it seemed. But the mention of a practice tournament did manage to get Sousuke's attention. Now that he could charge for. But wait... which schools? Sousuke suddenly shot from his seat and took a closer look at the notebook.

"...Thought so." he said after spotting the familiar name of his previous school. Hokuten Academy, home to a rather dedicated Gunpla Battle Club called Team Chasers. It wasn't the only team Sousuke had previously been a part of, but right now it was the only one participating in the Practice Tourney. In fact there was probably a good chance they'd see his other former teams in the Under-19 itself. Sousuke was... not exactly looking forward to that, "Hokuten Academy: Team Chasers. Not a team you wanna trifle with. They favor Speed Builds, so don't bother trying to run away or keep them at a distance, it won't work." His description of the team was far too specific to be anything other than personal experience as a former member of said Team. It was one of the reasons the Crossbone Joker could be as fast as it was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Natsu swung his legs. "Sounds fun."

All in for a good battle, Natsu felt a spark of excitement. He got down to look at the notebook. It read Hokuten Academy and two others. Sousuke had info on that one, which garnered a simple glance from Natsu. That wouldn't go ignored. How spoke about them--Hokuten--as if he had battled them before ... alot. If not then--which was even more unlikely--he had battled with them side-by-side. Natsu stared at the page, not Hokuten but at the last name on the page. Nobuya Academy.

The name seemed familiar but the thread was on the very edge of his mindscape. "Do we know anything about the others?" he wondered, grasping at straws, hoping Nanashi-san or Sousuke-san could enlighten him. "Specifically, Nobuya?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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"Hokuten last year beat their local tournament and made it to regionals. So there's a good chance we'll be fighting a difficult fight against Team Chaser." Nanashi said as he looked to Natsu, "Nobuya is also a worrying enemy. Last year they didn't participate but the years before they had focused on high artillery low speed tactics, overwhelming people with sheer firepower. Although there strategy can be completely different this year." He said rubbing his chin. "Honestly I'm kinda worried about how there's no info on them."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Sousuke rubbed his temples. Regionals, that's right. He was on the team the year it made Regional. He had to transfer before he could see it through though and from what he heard the team got defeated a couple of rounds after Sousuke transferred. He doubted they would hold that against him, though, as the transfer was due to circumstances beyond Sousuke's control. Well, maybe he'd hold a grudge. Keiichiro Asaka was never Sousuke's biggest fan, so if anyone would still be pissed about what happened with Regionals, it'd be him. Sousuke never understood Keiichiro's apparent beef with him. He always claimed that the Crossbone Joker clashed with Team Chasers' style, or something to that effect. Keiichiro did aspire to become a Gunpla Battle Referee so maybe the Joker's pirate aesthetic was what he referred to?

As for the other members, well, Sakuya was always a pretty chill guy. And Tsukasa? Well, who knows what that girl was thinking, but at least she didn't have a stick up her ass like Keiichiro, "Chaser's captain is Keiichiro Asaka. He's in charge of hall monitor duties at Hokuten and last I heard he wanted to become a Gunpla Battle referee. He's stubborn and has a massive stick up his ass, but he's pretty tough for a pain-in-the-ass. And his partners Sakuya and Tsukasa aren't slouches either."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Natsu was content with the slight explanation he had gotten. He had probably heard of them from television, back when Yuma was healthy they use to watch Gunpla Battles all the time. The mind was a weird thing, so he wouldn't question the things it decided to keep or toss away. Even still, Nobuya Academy sounded less like a danger and more like wild card.

Hokuten sounded like the opposition at the tournament. Their first real challenge as a Gunpla Club.

Now standing, he placed the Echo's case on the table. "Sousuke, how do we measure up against them? You've seen the both of us in the action. Also, when do we get moving? I'm itching to battle."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

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Nanashi chuckled a bit, “This Keiichiro sounds like a hard ass.” He commented as the he began to input commands into the simulator. “But yeah I'm curious to, how good are these guys?” The simulator started, creating a Grand Canyon looking environment. “Since We're talking about Team Chaser, let's fight some fast units.” He said as he continued typing, a Gundam Kyrios, Victory, and Tallgese appearing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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"If I remember, Keiichiro is their ace," Sousuke said thoughtfully, rubbing his chin, "Sakuya is their chief builder and designer, and Tsukasa is their strategist." Team Chaser had a bit of a reputation for being a well-rounded and well-organized trio of Gunpla Battlers. They also had a thing for Police-themed Gunpla builds, mostly due to Keiichiro's insistence. As the simulation started up, Sousuke placed his personal terminal in its slot to register himself as a player.

"Gunpla Base, set. Please set your Gunpla."

"Kikkawa, Sousuke." he placed the Crossbone Joker on the launch base, "Crossbone Joker... steal the win!" and the gunpla launched into the simulated battlefield.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

... or you could just ignore my question. Natsu thought to himself.

He grabbed his Echo Barbatos and retrieve his GP base. The mechanical request came through with its usual pleasant tone. He slid the blocky base into its slot before setting his sleeker Barbatos down. His mind staid itself while thinking on how Sousuke-san had entered the field. It was like watching a real Gundam series. The protagonist would say his or her name, followed by their respective suits before launching deep into space warfare.

For once he had felt like being the center of attention too.

"Saisei deploying. Echo Barbatos, roar and go." The plavasky particles surged through the machine, it made a resonating sound, then flew into the brown canyon. Being there felt so real it was jarring.
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