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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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My apologies, as from my mentions it looks like several folks are waiting on me, but I've had a real humdinger of a week--that job I mentioned earlier, might as well come out and say that it's as a funeral director's assistant. I've had three calls on the same day, which means three visitations and three funerals and three grieving families and a metric fuckton of paperwork--and on top of that, AT&T is a shit and had some kinda crazy area-wide blackout where I live that cut off 1300 or so people from their internet. We've been told it's gonna take like two weeks to fix, but I just happened to see that our signal was working again tonight when I was about to fall unconscious after literally being on my feet for nearly 12 hours to get someone's grandfather off the embalming table, into his clothes and casket, and then into his visitation which didn't end until like thirty minutes ago. I may possibly have breathing room after Thursday, but if I disappear again because of this internet thing, Feyblue or anyone else who feels up to it can move Kenichi around if necessary. So sorry I wasn't able to inform you guys beforehand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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@ZerothIts all good, glad you informed us of the matter.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

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@ZerothHehe. Don't worry about freezing me for a bit. As it happens, I've been piled with two major research papers this week, so I'm pretty much unable to post anything myself. ^^; Once I'm caught up with my schoolwork, I'll try to catch up to everyone.

Sorry for the delays, @pkken.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

My net hasn't dropped again since night before last, so that issue may already be fixed. Right now I'm on-call but hopefully nothing will come up over the weekend.

Also sorry if anything I mentioned before was insensitive or disturbing, I was kinda rambling and on the edge of sleep already and the funeral business is probably expected to be a bit like that in general.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My net hasn't dropped again since night before last, so that issue may already be fixed. Right now I'm on-call but hopefully nothing will come up over the weekend.

Also sorry if anything I mentioned before was insensitive or disturbing, I was kinda rambling and on the edge of sleep already and the funeral business is probably expected to be a bit like that in general.

To be honest... I am a little creeped out XD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stale Pizza
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Stale Pizza pikemanz

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Zeroth>

To be honest... I am a little creeped out XD

Cremation and funeral services aren't that creepy as they seem, kind of what Zeroth suggests, it's mostly just an overwhelming amount of paperwork, and permits and death certificates are just a few of the many complicated things one (and a grieving family) has to do after one passes away.

It's actually pretty interesting we have one of those guys in here though. xD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Stale Pizzai was just being sarcastic
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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@ZerothI know you're not in discord...but you should be. Anywho, feel free to have Kenichi speak to Kaida in class if you like, I made the same offer to everyone in discord.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Anyone know if @rechonq's been around? I know Kenichi probably didn't really give him much to respond to, and I guess there's not really a rush or anything, but I do kinda feel like I've been falling behind lately and need to post again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Zerothhe drppped the rp says he couldn’t keep up with it and was falling behind
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ZerothHEY glad to see you popped into the guild! we were worried about you
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Alias: Iron Cross
Real Name: Chokichi Takanashi
Role: Commander
Age: 16
Quirk: Weight Manipulation - Chokichi’s powers allow her to manipulate her own weight, enabling her to do things like jump from great heights without hurting herself by making her light as a feather or even crush cars underneath her feet by increasing her weight exponentially. She can only change her own weight, though anything or anyone she’s carrying will also be affected if she’s holding onto them when she changes her weight.
Description: A delusional girl who fancies herself as “The Iron Cross Commander” or “Commander Iron Cross”, she leads Team Iron Cross to do villainy. Which is mostly just using their powers selfishly, hanging out together, or just dressing up and trying to seem like a well organized gang of misfits. Chokichi only leads this gang in secret due to her parents strict upbringing and this is her form of escape from that life. She’s actually a very talented dancer though this is only due to her parents draconian teaching methods which has driven her to the point of insanity.

Her minions, the Triple Threat Triad, are actually childhood friends of hers. They grew up together since preschool. At first they were bullying and picking on her but after inviting them to her birthday party (They’ve never been invited to one before because they were naughty kids) they became friends. She appreciates them well enough but admits that she doesn’t really see any of them as “Boyfriend Material”.

Chokichi has developed a one-sided rivalry over the entity known as “6AD” who has consistently defeated her top scorer in various dancing games in different arcades. She battled 6AD in a dancing game before and was soundly thrashed, which wounded Chokichi’s pride as a dancer. She now seeks 6AD and wants to even the score. First of course she needs to figure out who 6AD is.

Chokichi is very athletic and strong for a girl her age and her kicks are strong enough to break glass, knock down doors, and even bend steel poles, though she has no experience in fighting. She carries an aluminum saber prop she threatens to use but doesn't know how to and she doesn't even realize that it's dull. She’s mostly a braggart and has her minions do the fighting for her but she is very slippery and hard to get a hold of or land a hit on. Good thing too, she crumples like a wet napkin.

Despite her abilities and quirk Chokichi does not go through the hero course, but is part of the general studies so she can go to her part dancing classes, due to her parent’s own obsession. She is one of the top students in that class but she cares very little for it beyond making her parents happy. She genuinely does want to do some heroics but doesn't think she has the stomach for some of the more violent things a hero has to do. She’d prefer to try to do some humanitarian aid such as running a organization for abused and runaway girls. She even volunteers at a shelter that teams them ballet.

Alias: Triple Threat Triad
Real Name: Hiro, Fuma, Mikato Manji
Role: Minions
Age: 15
Quirk: Triplet Teleportation - The Triple Threat Triad can all teleport to each other at will, even if the other brother isn’t conscious.
Description: The minions of Team Iron Cross, these three brothers are mostly doing it for fun and because they’re friends with the Commander. They like her well enough since she is kind to them and tolerates their tomfoolery though they think she’s a bit too crazy for their tastes. Their quirk and appearance often makes it hard for strangers to recognize them though once you get to know them personally they’re easier to identify.

Hiro considers himself the eldest brother and thus is more level-headed and thinks things through, but he’s also a rather arrogant and bossy. Tries to be the voice of reason with the group but he’ll gladly join in on the fun too as long as he can make sure no one gets seriously hurt. He actually has a job (convenience store clerk) and shares the money with his brothers if they aren’t annoying him.

Fuma fancies himself a charmer and ladies man so when it comes to talking to girls or people he tends to be the one to do it. He’s a decent liar but Fuma is actually pretty shy around girls who are interested in him which makes it easy to tease him. Really good at games and playing instruments, he wants to be a musician when he grows up but worries that sort of job won’t pay well.

Mikato is the most hot blooded and naive of the three brothers and while he generally thinks well of his brothers he also gets into arguments with Hiro a lot. Mikato is the most heroic out of the brothers and sees his using his quirk against the “law” simply being able to make his brothers happy regardless of what the rules say. He cares more about making his friends and family happy then following the rules.

The three brothers are fairly athletic and healthy, but they don’t really train and some days they pig out and get really lazy so they’re not really strong either. They do tend to play a lot though and since joining Team Iron Cross they've been more physically active, but in terms of combat threat individually they’re not so tough. Together they’re more threatening if only because they often gang up on one person at a time so that it’ll always be three-on-one. Hiro has the best reaction speed, Fuma is better at taking hits, and Mikato has the most strength. They've been considering taking karate lessons but they don't have enough money for uniforms or tuition.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Commissioned Drawing done by Raeberry_Draws on twitter!

Light, fluffy brown hair that's shorn on the sides and kept generally short. The color of her eyes is usually bare with a black, void ring showing the location of her iris and pupil. This fills after using her quirk with the recipients eye color; a harmless side effect. When not in costume, she's seen in her school uniform with her sleeves rolled up and clear safety glasses over her eyes with her phone up at all times whether she's texting or recording videos.

A simple black 3/4 sleeves crop top and flexible black pants complete with a trademark hero scarf, high heel red boots, and matching gloves. She wears a simple mask that has the effect of opening and closing the eye-lenses at will and keeps two gold hooks at the ready for physical combat.

Just call her Mesmerize. Mesmer is also fine~

She considers herself both, but since she's born female, being referred to as such is alright as well




A bit of a loner in general, Mesmerize works predominantly and forefrontedly alone--so long as she has the choice to. She's got a distaste for the ideas of teamwork and feels better handling tasks by herself. Despite this, on a general basis she's decently friendly enough with a penchant for keeping herself at arms length from most individuals trying to get close to her. Whether it's in combat or debate, she's sassy, snarky, and rather biting. She enjoys keeping a flirtatious air about her and has been called "glamourous" by her peers. She enjoys the finer things and is, at times, too prideful for her own good.

Mesmerize wouldn't talk about her past so much, but to keep it brief she's gone through a variant of heartbreak she doesn't like to open up to others about and has had some experiences that have made her lose faith in the idea of working in a team. She's always adored Japanese culture and moved from the states over the moment she had the opportunity to become a hero.

By engaging eye contact with any individual that possesses a quirk, Mesmerize can, for ten-fifteen minutes, absolutely remove the quirk of the contacted person for that duration, alloting that time to have that quirk for her own use. This is not a quirk she can turn off, and if she makes eye contact with another, unsuspecting party, she will accidentally take their quirk instead.

-Poet. Mesmerize writes frequently from short novels to small poetry books and enjoys writing them in a notebook in her spare time.
-Swimming. Once having participated on a swim team, playing in water is one of her favorite past times.
-Cinematography. She's often seen filming with her camera phone, usually people using their quirks for her to study later, but she also often posts to social media some artsy looking shots of sunsets or things of that nature.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Hmm, wonder what would happen if she tried to steal from Hitomi. She'd either just get the sheep sense, or she'd actually grow horns and sheep ears.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Name: Monika Mozaki (Momo)
Gender: Girl
Age: 16
Height: 6'
Weight: 170lbs


Because of Miona's upbringing and forced training before being set free by CPS she is by nature a very shrewd, cold calculating girl whose talent to turn off her emotional inhibitor at will can make her a dangerous person. Although she wants very badly to escape from her past and become something that prevents others from being ripped away from their childhood like she was, old habits die hard as she is naturally mistrusting of other especially adults. Momo was taught many different fighting styles but her father beat in the lessons of the knight although, the seven virtues of the knight code were never mentioned in any lesson turning the girl into a mixed fighter who isn't afraid or ashamed to low blow. Mona is in complete control of her emotions and doesn’t let them get in the way of her decision making, because of this she has a very hard time showing or even feeling empathy like a regular human being, but she can express it in different ways.


Monika was raised by her single father a well-respected hero in the public eye and much loved by the masses, although this isn’t the side he showed his only child. He was obsessed with the game of cat and mouse he played with the villains, they would cause trouble, he would stop them and, in the process, gain credibility a man with an overly ubermensch personality with the quirk to match it. When his daughter was born, he thought he would have someone to share this ‘high’ with but soon discovered her quirk was nothing like his own and stemmed from her mother’s side of the family more specific her grandmother. Her father couldn’t bear the thought of having someone else in the family that would eventually leave him because of his views on the act of hero’ing so he sought to curve her personality early on and at the same time turn that useless quirk of hers into something that would really get the blood flowing so to speak. Over the never few years villains mysteriously started going missing all around Japan, at first no one cared but when they start disappearing from prison is when the public opinion shifted to a state of emergency.

He had begun abducting these lower ranks to pro level villains and training his daughter Monika to fight them, granted, there was a safety net in the sense he wouldn’t let her get killed but everything else was fair game. Once she had proven herself with one villain he would move her up to another level and so on and so forth. Momo’s days, weeks and years were filled with constant fighting added on to her usual training, she learned to strategize on the spot, pick out and exploit weak points and adapt to the situation as it unraveled; most notably the most import thing she picked up was the ability to turn off her emotions for better clarity, after that it just became reflex with ever the girl got into a fight. Monika didn’t share her father’s love of the chase at all but he succeeded in creating a hunter, it's because of her unstable home life that she doesn’t see a real difference between heroes and villains. Little did her father know that the police had been investigating these disappearances for quite some time and were about to make a breakthrough in the form of a warrant to search the family home.

If it weren’t for the fact Moniki was mid-practice these atrocities would have continued, but thankfully they were stopped while she was still young, at the age of thirteen Moniki was taken away from her father, the captives were free, and her father sent to prison with the very villains he kidnapped. Now all there was left was who was going to take care of the little girl, her mother had passed away some time ago, and her family wanted nothing to do with that man’s child. It was one of the investigators who stepped up and willingly adopted the child into her home, giving the child a chance at the real life and the opportunity to see what being a real hero looks like, this served as her fire that would guide her to the hero academy to become a real hero like her foster mother and saving children just like her even if it meant re-learning everything she was taught in her father’s basement.


Lynch’s quirk is an Emitter, the main focus being where her body takes in water consumed and removes the impurities so that she can use it as a weapon or utility. Her quirk only allows her to use Ultrapure water and can only produce two hundred and fifty gallons in various forms, if she uses that much in one sitting without taking a break to drink fluids she’ll die from dehydration. Because of this fact She has had to learn to do as much as she can while using a little as possible being that she cannot use any other source of water unless it is UPW. Lynch has taught herself how to control UPW in the form of liquid to its utmost degree, because of the law of conservation of mass she can continue to control the state of her UPW without using more however, the water loses purity over time if it becomes too impure she is unable to use it at all. In terms of constructs, she can create just about anything simple such as bats or swords the most complex thing she’s created in terms of tools is a bow and arrow, Lynch can harden/sharpen these tools to match their real-life counterpart but they all share the weaknesses of being a liquid.

The human body is made up of water, so Lynch can control her own blood flow by manipulating the water contained within it giving her the ability to alter her blood pressure to an intense degree triggering a massive amount of adrenaline allowing her to enhance her own strength and speed via increased oxygen and nutrient transferral; if done too much she runs the risk of stopping her heart completely or giving herself a heart attack so this is only using in extream cases and only once a day. Lastly, when humans sweat mostly water is released mixed in with ammonia when she sweats the UPW creates a bubble around the ammonia and floats off her body the ammonia trapped inside undergoes a chain reaction mixing with the salts and sugars of her body and creates a pink sludge, because this contaminates the UPW very quickly she has about ten seconds to use it, once popped the sludge splatters over that area making it extremely slippery where the untrained can easily lose balance.


Momo’s body like all humans is composed of mostly of water, but because of her quirk the water, she is composed of is pure water which is normally toxic to humans. She must consume water to replenish her pure water reserves with takes anywhere between five minutes to fifteen minutes, depending on the type of water she drinks. Because the water needs to be sure to use the way her biology works is that it’ll strip the water from any liquid she consumes and use the leftovers for things such a protein and potassium, it will de-carbonate soda and separate the ‘dirty’ water from the rest of the flavorings to put said water in the purification process. Liquid aside, she does need to eat actual food for other vitamins and minerals as on average 80% of the water humans’ intake comes from beverages, and the other 20% comes from food.

Time limits on usability:

Liquid: twenty minutes
Bubble: ten seconds


Shares all the same weaknesses of regular water except electricity
Cannot use regular water
Contaminates such as oil


As mentioned before Monika can turn off her emotion inhibitor.
Momo is proficient in multiple forms of combat being hand to hand and close-ranged weaponry. Because of her proficiency in hand to hand she has adopted a very unorthodox fighting style.

Weapons with the highest proficiency

Great Sword
Short Sword

Hand to hand with the highest proficiency

Boxing (Peek-a-Boo stance / Hitman)


Power- C
Speed- C
Technique - B
Intelligence - C
Cooperativeness - D
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vae Lynn SaDiablo

” I might be nothing more than a broken down figure but I'm still human too. Your words still harm me in ways you can't imagine. In ways you can't ever see.”

Vae Lynn SaDiablo (Real Name), Trickster (Superhero Name)
15 years old
5” 9’
140 lbs

Changes to Picture:
Eye Color:
Bright Baby Blue
The silver fox tattoo to represent what her people believes in. The fox head is perching in the middle right of her shoulder/neck area. One ear towards her actual shoulder and the other one stopping right underneath the jawline and the ear lobe. The neck of the animal would be traveling towards her chest area, being covered the rest of the way by her shirt. The tail is positioned towards her upper back and curls around her neck (covered by usual braided hair).

Vae was born into a world that on one quite understands. In all honesty most wouldn’t be able to understand while the young woman keeps these doors completely closed to outsiders. Another thing that makes the Native American much harder to understand, is the lack of any physically emotions.

Over the years Vae has lost the natural talent to identify and display emotions, in the traditional way, making her seem completely closed off towards others. If she does speak it’s usually with a monotone voice along with a blank look. If the young woman isn’t speaking she turned towards her stepmother’s family teachings. There are many factors which created this disorder. Her step siblings’ physical and mental abuse, her father’s emotional abuse, the step grandmother tearing the native american from her own heritage completely, and lastly a husband that nearly completely destroyed her.

When alone the girl tends to play her violin in peace, allowing the strange emotions with music instead of words. When playing Vae tends to dance without a care in the world. As if she’s in her own world which the world pain never existed in the first place.

It all started when her parents were used in order to unify two opposing tribes, granted no one could have predicted what was in store for these two. Vae’s mother was granddaughter of the sac and fox tribe located in Mississippi, Iowa. The young woman's father was chief son of the Cherokee tribe located near the Mississippi river. To be honest no one in the tribes knew the two were seeing each other secretly already. After about 6 or 7 weeks into their marriage the young man’s personality seemed to have changed drastically.

In the beginning the wife noticed her husband hanging out with some rather strange company after work. After about a few months the young woman noticed his behavior taking a 180. The guy had developed a taste for alcoholic beverages along with the love of causing her pain everyday. So when the young woman found out that she was carrying a child the danger became that much more real No one in the reservation was willing to take the woman in due to the marriage being the only thing to save more suffering for everyone.

The years moved on without any change making the word hope becoming non existent within their lives. When Vae was 7 years old her life was crumbling all around her. The girl’s mother was constantly working, her father brought other woman inside their sanctuary without any thoughts of his daughter’s safety, while her own school life was going down the drain. She was constantly under attack by classmates for being a dirty Indian with a single brilliant thought inside her mind. At the age of 8 the young woman was wishing the world would stay still in order to keep the days from ending. Little did the child know she was about to leave one nightmare behind and gain another one in exchange.

It all started on weekend. Her father had decided to go on a fishing trip with some drinking buddies. When he found out that his child was supposed to come as well the young man refused. Calling his daughter nothing more than a stupid little bitch who would get in the way of his fun. After extensive fighting and things being thrown the two were off to the local fishing area. It wasn’t even a day before all the men began drinking. Leaving Vae and her best friend without adult supervision. Honestly the young woman only remembers them going towards the river in order to catch something for lunch, her best friend playfully pushing her into the water by accident without prior knowledge that Vae couldn’t swim. and nothing else but darkness with water filling the child’s lungs. When she came to her mother was handing her father some paper and he was arrested in the hospital.

This was about the same time they moved to Trier, Germany together in order to leave their troubled past behind. At the time the child knew she would never see her father again until after about 6 years. Her mother was able to find a job rather close to their apartment making spending more time with Vae apart of their lives. Granted neither knew that this would all fall apart when her mother found another person to love.

At the age of 12 noticed something was different with her mother. She would always wear expensive jewelry, new outfits that would bring out the woman’s more feminine side, even bringing home brand new things for Vae to play with. At first the young woman didn’t think anything about this. Considering her mother was recently promoted from office worker to manager within a year but when the woman was kissing another person at their front door the young girl felt like their lives were going to change. The next day her mother brought the person inside making Vae a bit shocked. This was the biggest turning point in a spiral of despair.

The woman that her mother had fallen in love with seemed alright granted the rest of her family was rather unwelcoming. The family was well known for being artists in the making. Her new grandmother was a former drama actor with the grandfather being a former bigwig Hollywood director. The Aunt was a well known singer before her untimely death and for the young woman’s soon to be stepmother art was her calling. The woman’s children were both following their grandparents’ footsteps granted that their parents sudden divorce was casing a few setbacks. When introduced to their soon to be stepsister the three knew that things were going to become a nothing more than an act. After a while Vae’s siblings began to torture her everyday life. Blaming her mother for their parent’s divorce and the young woman for the misery forming around their lives during the new mental beatings.

The only time Vae could feel safe was when she was alone outside her home. Able to be someone no one expected great things from everyday. The family was beginning to drown the young woman’s natural free spirit with demands of progress. During this time no one was aware of the native american’s natural star talent with the violin. At the age of thirteen she was exposed to her school band for the very first time since arriving. She would pass the room where they practice, humming the lyrics to the words the choir was singing, without a care in the world. Or so she thought until a young man cleared his throat with a charming smile. Funny thing was that the guy that was facing was the most popular male in the school and someone she was crushing on at the time.

They stood there in complete silence until he asked her if she wanted to check the class out. She simply nodded her head. When the guy grabbed her hand Vae blushed a deep red and followed closely. What laid in front of the girl’s eyes was nothing more than freedom. No traditions which everyone had to follow without question. Granted that this single moment became Vae’s single worse nightmare later on in life. After that day she fell deeper in love with the young man, even asked her grandmother permission to marry him, unknowing about the male’s demons lingering beneath the skin. When her sixteenth birthday arrive she was placed in the hospital at least 3 different times due to her husband. This lead the young girl to seek an escape from this cruel life.

Quirk Type:

Lingering Spirits: Vae’s quirk is similar to Beast Boy’s powers in Teen Titans.Granted that she can’t do this naturally. The young woman is only able to do this because of a hidden totem necklace located in the middle of her chest. Each animal was carved out of an actual animal tooth which allows the animal spirit to linger around the native american. Most times you might note her watching something at a distance, as if the girl was searching for an invisible creature, and in a since you would be correct. Since her spirit animal is a fox she’s able to see the trickster once in a blue moon. As the young woman gains more animal teeth or breaks from birds the more she can turn into.

The 3 Vae can turn into is a fox, an albino barn owl, and lastly a rabbit.

Limitations: In order to access this quirk she must have the totem on her. If the object is damaged her quirk is limited to a single animal until redone.

Violinist: “I was found to be quite talented with the violin at thirteen. Personally I’ve never touched one in my life before that day. Yet I was about to figure out how to play through simple youtube videos and my best friend. Before you accuse me of throwing lies around allow me to demonstrate with one of Lindsey Stirling songs please. After this please do form your own conclusion.”

Singing: “ I know I’m different.
Than what you expected.
But I’ve been playing a role.
It’s time that you know the truth.

You may not want me anymore.
I’m not what you’ve been looking for.
But under these pieces and parts.
Is a beautiful heart and it loves

So meet me at midnight.
Find me by moonlight.”
Vae sings as her fingers trace each string without trouble. He figure slowly moves with the rhythm as if in a trace.

Dancing: ” I was dancing? Eh? I wasn’t really paying attention. I don’t understand why I always end up dancing with the music. I know I feel like the music is calling my name. As if its trying to lead me out from the darkness and into the light without delay. Each song knowing exactly what I want to say or show with all my heart. Something that I’m incapable of showing myself because I’m nothing more than a broken person. Something that seems to waste people’s time and effort.”

Power- C
Speed- B
Intelligence - C
Technique - B
Cooperativeness - D
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

So, this has basically become the only MHA RP to stand the test of the time for the winter season. Congratulations to everyone involved. I wish the two MHA RPs I was in would have lasted half as long, lmao. Just thought to comment, carry on. Nothing to see.

2x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Man, I tear up every single time I watch the Plus Ultra scene. All Might really is inspiring.

Anyways, is this RP closed to newcomers?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


Same man and sorry but we are closed off to newcomers right now :/.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


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