@Dusty Lol yeah, I was hoping for like 5 or 6, instead we got 14. 

How about a split then? Make two rps, set in the same setting, but at different place? Kinda like a split-off of a popular series! Both are looking for the Avatar, yet both do so for different reasons!
How about a split then? Make two rps, set in the same setting, but at different place? Kinda like a split-off of a popular series! Both are looking for the Avatar, yet both do so for different reasons!
Well, you could close applications and then give everyone from this thread four days or a week or something to put a character together - if they haven't got one by then, they almost certainly wouldn't have had one ready for a timely start anyway even if you were just accepting everyone.
Alternatively, you could put everyone's names into a hat/assign everyone a number and then randomly select a group of your preferred size. Personally I prefer a merit judgement, which is why I initially suggested a decision based on quality/depth/potential of character sheet, but at the same time this is casual, so maybe requiring high standards of presentation and characterisation isn't the most appropriate. On the other hand, you don't have to make your standards massively high, if you're just determining between applicants...
Etc. etc.
[hider=CharacterName][center][h1][color=INSERTHERE]Character's Name[/color][/h1]
[center][img]Image URL[/img][/center] or [color=INSERTHERE][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] if you'd rather use a description or can't find a good image.
[color=INSERTHERE][b]Age:[/b][/color] Teens to Twenties preferably
[color=INSERTHERE][b]Personality:[/b][/color] A few traits, likes, and dislikes, don't go super in depth, characters never end up like the original concept.
[color=INSERTHERE][b]Background:[/b][/color] A paragraph or more.
[color=INSERTHERE][b]Bending Ability:[/b][/color] Which of the four and skill level. If non-bender switch this to skill and describe what they're strongest in.
[color=INSERTHERE][b]Other:[/b][/color] Weapons, inventory, other skills, quirks, basically any extra information that you haven't put above.
[color=INSERT HERE][b]Sample Post:[/b][/color] A good length post. I'm not asking for something huge, at least 4000 chars should be more than enough[/hider]
Okay, so here's a question - how far into fanon are we allowed to go? Because there's some canon stuff that... really doesn't make sense, and some fanfiction stuff (principally Embers-derived, I will admit) that really does.
Principally, I'm thinking:
- Lavabending should be equally possible with fire or earth, and should require the user to study the bending forms of the element they don't have, and possibly water as well (earth that's hot like fire and flows (somewhat) like (really thick, sometimes, depending on type) water.)
- Similarly, there should be other cross-element specialisations; a firebender might learn to bend heat by studying airbending, hot water (more specifically the 'fire' in hot water, but effectively) by studying waterbending, or steam by studying both, just as a waterbender might learn mudbending from studying earth or an airbender stormbending (as in genuine rain-thunder-and-lightning storms, not just huge winds) from water and fire.
- Active chi use should be for more than just bending and mystical extrasensory perception; high-level warriors like Piandao, for example, defeating a hundred men or fighting blindfolded, should be active chi users. Likewise, strong benders should be capable of enhancing their physical power with chi, or even creating a surge in the power of their bending, at the cost of stamina.
Which ties into my (firebender) character sheet thusly:
Skill classification (as in difficulty/advanced-ness) goes universal/novice/apprentice/journeyman/expert/master
Skill level (as in how good you are) goes untrained/novice/apprentice/journeyman/expert/master
There are seven Universal skills: Inner Fire (how powerful your flame is, and some incidental bonuses like not freezing), Surging Breath (firebender chi use), Mountain Style (firebending technique one, aggressive), Dragon Style (firebending technique two, defensive), and then Study of Earth, Study of Water, and Study of Air; so, for example, if my firebender progressed to Expert Inner Fire, Expert Study of Water and Expert Mountain Style (or Master Dragon Style), he could learn Lightningbending and Lightning Redirection, or Controlled Lightningbending at Mastery.
A Waterbender, alternatively, might have Inner Flow, Surging Tide, Ocean Style and Moon Style, and then Study of Earth, Fire and Air.
Obviously this is fairly complicated, but I like to have a bit of a structure to work with. Is this all okay, or do I need to adhere to canon rules?
EDIT: Also, this would, double obviously, be a lot of work, it's not the sort of thing anyone can just breeze through. I'm thinking long-term here, mostly.
Okay, so here's a question - how far into fanon are we allowed to go? Because there's some canon stuff that... really doesn't make sense, and some fanfiction stuff (principally Embers-derived, I will admit) that really does.
Principally, I'm thinking:
- Lavabending should be equally possible with fire or earth, and should require the user to study the bending forms of the element they don't have, and possibly water as well (earth that's hot like fire and flows (somewhat) like (really thick, sometimes, depending on type) water.)
- Similarly, there should be other cross-element specialisations; a firebender might learn to bend heat by studying airbending, hot water (more specifically the 'fire' in hot water, but effectively) by studying waterbending, or steam by studying both, just as a waterbender might learn mudbending from studying earth or an airbender stormbending (as in genuine rain-thunder-and-lightning storms, not just huge winds) from water and fire.
- Active chi use should be for more than just bending and mystical extrasensory perception; high-level warriors like Piandao, for example, defeating a hundred men or fighting blindfolded, should be active chi users. Likewise, strong benders should be capable of enhancing their physical power with chi, or even creating a surge in the power of their bending, at the cost of stamina.
Which ties into my (firebender) character sheet thusly:
Skill classification (as in difficulty/advanced-ness) goes universal/novice/apprentice/journeyman/expert/master
Skill level (as in how good you are) goes untrained/novice/apprentice/journeyman/expert/master
There are seven Universal skills: Inner Fire (how powerful your flame is, and some incidental bonuses like not freezing), Surging Breath (firebender chi use), Mountain Style (firebending technique one, aggressive), Dragon Style (firebending technique two, defensive), and then Study of Earth, Study of Water, and Study of Air; so, for example, if my firebender progressed to Expert Inner Fire, Expert Study of Water and Expert Mountain Style (or Master Dragon Style), he could learn Lightningbending and Lightning Redirection, or Controlled Lightningbending at Mastery.
A Waterbender, alternatively, might have Inner Flow, Surging Tide, Ocean Style and Moon Style, and then Study of Earth, Fire and Air.
Obviously this is fairly complicated, but I like to have a bit of a structure to work with. Is this all okay, or do I need to adhere to canon rules?
EDIT: Also, this would, double obviously, be a lot of work, it's not the sort of thing anyone can just breeze through. I'm thinking long-term here, mostly.
In terms of lavabending being equally possible in both the firebending and earthbending disciplines, there is precedent from the show, two of the known lavabenders are Kiyoshi, an earthbender, and Roku, a firebender. It makes complete sense to me that these disciplines are connected in such a manner.
In terms of cross-bending abilities, study of the other bending arts has been shown to lead to greater abilities in the show, Iroh creating lightning redirection through studying waterbenders being the most obvious of these. In terms of the examples you gave, I don't think it makes sense for airbenders to be able to stormbend simply by watching waterbenders, unless the storm already exists it makes little sense to me for Airbenders to suddenly gain the ability to create storms, mud has been bent by both water and earthbenders without any interaction between the two, and heat manipulation is an intermediate level firebending technique, Iroh uses it to heat tea, Zuko uses it to melt ice, Sozin uses it to attempt to halt a volcanic eruption. None of these people outside Iroh had had the chance to study airbenders prior to use.'
Hmm, this is all quite interesting, I see no reason to say no. In terms of defensive firebending, be sure to recall that for a long time those arts were forgotten, and even if my setting is earlier in the timeline, the warlike state of the Fire Islands and aggressive focus of the most powerful warlord may lead to it being far rarer than the aggressive form.
If this structure will help you, I won't stop you, though this is a casual RP and I won't expect the same from everyone else.
Also another piece of setting information that I may have forgotten to mention, as this RP is far earlier in the timeline, the spirit world will be more closely linked with the physical.
This is a little complication, but like really cool.
I might be like... Behind on info, but is that stuff all legit canon names for things or did you make some of it up? I kind wanted a fire bender, but now idk if I could compete lol Still really cool though
@Rokoran so where does plant- or bloodbending fall?