Hundreds of Years Before the Birth of Avatar Aang...
For years, the four peoples have lived in harmony, balanced by the eye of the Avatar. But things are changing. Twenty years ago, Avatar Er passed away, assassinated by the cruel Earth warlord An, who has united the scattered Earth people for the first time in history. Our people awaited the return of the Avatar, but he never came. Many a brave man has gone in search of him or her, but those men often go missing, never to return. It seems as if someone wants the Avatar to stay hidden. Things must change, someone must find the Avatar and restore balance.
The world of Avatar has evolved over its long history, and in the early days of the Earth Kingdom, when few of the four nations have united, is far different from the times of Aang and Korra. The Air Nomads still wander among their many mountainous temples, but the men of the Fire Islands have yet to renounce their spirituality and take up their militant stance.
Above all, the world is a far less united and far more dangerous place, even the Avatar may find it difficult to ensure peace in such a turbulent time.
If the Avatar is to be found, there needs to be drive, determination, and the spirit to turn adversity into success.
But most of all, there needs to be hope.
OOC Information
So this is my interest check for an Avatar roleplay, kinda says that in the title. This RP is set hundreds of years prior to the beginning of the show, so that means a few restrictions, but one big one especially.
These Four bending techniques are either discovered, rediscovered or invented during the time-span of the shows, and thus will not be used.
I know it's kinda lame, but most of our characters wouldn't be using these techniques anyway. Which brings us to...
Your lightning and your lava. These techniques are incredibly difficult to achieve, and your character will not be able to start having mastered them, perhaps over the course of the RP, but not at the beginning. Remember that throughout history, these techniques were usually achieved by a very select few, hell, there are two airbenders in the history of the world to attain unaided flight, and three of the known five lavabenders were Avatars.
Speaking of Avatars...
The entire point of the RP is to find the Avatar, so playing as him or her would kinda destroy my whole plot.
That's all for me being a buzzkill. Any questions about the setting will be answered if you ask.
Let's do some adventuring!