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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The unlikely trio had gathered up to follow the girl named Chiaki who was going to take them to the school's gym. She was appearantly the president of the Nobuya gunpla club.

Kayl was uncertain which of the clubs would pose more of a challenge, but he was certain with the right strategy and tactics they could win. He was more tactical than strategic though. Syo felt eager to get started and walked with his hands in his pockets, with his backpack on his shoulders. Looking over the structure of the building but remaining somewhat unphased, he was not interested in some big stupid building. He wanted to fight.

Ternal had departed from Lisa and Mika's vicinity after a soft nod, and joined up with his two companions. Not saying anything but he did throw glances to the other people around, as a buyer on an auctioneer. Trying to figure out who would be the biggest threat and who would not. They came to a stop with Kayl being the first to stop, Syo almost walking into him and then finally Ternal joined them.

In a low tone they began to discuss matters between themselves. "So. I'd like us to play this safe. I shall scout out the opposition and relay their position to you after taking the first few shots you two head out. I shall target the largest piece of weaponry the enemy has with my GN sniper rifle. If you run out of plavsky particles, I shall give you a location where to find me and re-charge."

"Hmph. I won't need a recharge If I tear the enemy teams gunpla, quicker than they can provide tears." Syo smirked with amusement. "Don't be too soft Kayl. The only thing which it really boils down to in the end is who has the better gunpla. They won't be able to beat my Beserk Ignited."
The arrogance and self-confidence shone through the young mans face. He had no idea of what he would face in there though, where most would feel worried or nervous he felt eager. He was considering himself the predator amongst prey.

"I really hope I don't have to carry your friend either." Syo said in a somewhat mocking tone towards Ternal who in turn replied. "...and I hope you'll last more than a few minutes in there with that attitude of yours."

"What was that?" Syo snapped and gave the blonde guy a glare.

"Calm down. We need to keep our heads cool if we want to win this. So... any plans on how to do this, Ternal?" Kayl asked after trying to cool down the more hotheaded Syo.

"Ofcourse. We'll do just as you said. Then also do not do any called maneuvers this time."

"Why not? They work well in our favor." Kayl looked to Ternal in a questioning look.

"Which is exactly why we are saving them for the real tournament. This is a practice tournament so practice as much as you can." The blonde said and gave both his teammates a cunning look, with a slight upturn at the corner of his mouth.

"Very well then. We'll not do any of those then. Try to take down anyone bearing a long distance heavy damage weapon, or at least keep them busy so I can get in a good shot at them."

"Hah. You won't get a good shot on anyone I am fighting because I will shred them myself. Especially that Kikkawa kid. I don't like the look on his face. Pisses me off." Syo stated and gave a slight shrug.

"You worry too much about tactics and stupid things like teamwork. Just keep the other ones from interupting my fight and we shall win." The darkhaired boy added with even abit more arrogance to it.

At least he has spirit but for how long? He is just like Shinn Asuka or Yzak Joule. Perhaps even Desil Galette. With that temper of his. Kayl himself is very much like Treize Kushrenada with abit of Lockon Stratos into the mix. A dreamer but one with skill.

Then finally there is me.
Ternal mused in his own head.

"Without tactics and a good team you are destined to fail. There is always someone stronger than yourself. Good teamwork can be the difference between winning and losing. Take for example Le Creuset team, they didn't work perfectly as a team and was thus unable to destroy the strike. On the other hand think of Celestial Being who did success after success due to their good teamwork."

"Yeah yeah, what's with that suitcase anyways?" Syo asked and threw a narrowed eyed glance to Ternal and his suitcase.

"If you care for your creations you make sure they arrive in style, and have spare parts or extra suits for other occasions." Ternal answered him without looking at him.

"Great.. you probably need them if you can't fight for crap." Syo crossed his arms while waiting on what team or teams to fight.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Yo Chiaki!" Nanashi called as he gestured to out side, the girl nodding and following him outside.

The two sat on a bench outside, water bottles in hand. "So, Nashi, you seem to be the same as always."

Nanashi chuckled. "Look whos talking, I had to get you outside and away from your team to get you to say a nickname. Chi-chan has always been so formal around people." He said the last part with a fake sigh. "So, thoughts?"

Chiaki took a gulp of her drink before responding. "Well out of our three teams, Team Chaser probably has is the favorite to get into the top of regionals this year."

"Although?" Nanashi asked, clearly expecting more. Nanashi had known her long enough to know when she had more to say.

"Although, the team from Karasato isn't that far behind them, track record wise. Both teams over the years have been in the finals of their own local tournaments." She finished as she stood up and began to head to the gym. "Our 30 minutes are almost up up. We should head back." She said as she walked backwards before stopping. "Say, I'm kinda curious why you decided to join the tournament. You kinda suck at battling y'know." She said teasingly.

Nanashi frowned, heading back to the gym. "It's cause master said that I could win. And I want to prove to everyone he's right." He said without looking back.

Inside Nanashi returned, Walking up to his team with a paper in hand. "Yo guys! I got the line ups for today!" He said as he beckoned everyone to gather around. "Ok, our first fight is with the Karasato Group, so it's gonna be tricky. We don't really have any info on their members or Gunpla right now so we're going in blind." He said as he showed them the bracket, the other teams @Dezuel acquiring them at the same time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Ah, so I get to pummel that trash talker first?" asked Sousuke with a smile that made it hard to tell if he was serious or not, "Suits me just fine. Oh, by the way, if we face Chaser next then it sounds like you'll get to head to head with Sakuya. Asaka's almost certain to target me and Natsu-kun here said he would take on Tsukasa. So that'll leave Sakuya as your dance partner." Sousuke tipped his hat, then retrieved the Crossbone Joker from its case. Sure enough, Shouji had come through and the Joker was it's usual shiny-new self.

"Not a bad shine, there, Shouji." Sousuke mused, then put the gunpla back in its carrier. It looked like the only thing left to do was to wait for the shindig to get started.

"So, we're facing the Nobuya team first?" asked Keiichiro, having just been handed the line up, "You better not lose, Kikkawa. Not before you and I settle things." he muttered under his breath. Despite the constant accusations of holding a petty grudge, that wasn't really on Keiichiro's mind at all. There was something else he wanted from Kikkawa, something more valuable than settling a petty score. But before Keiichiro could focus on that, it looked like Team Chaser would have to go through Nobuya Academy first.

"Team Chaser," said Keiichiro, looking dead serious. His partners both approached and awaited his next words, "it's finally time. Move out!" they both turned abruptly and flanked their captain as the team made its way to the area where they would soon be facing their first opponent.

Up in the stands, among those who came to watch the battles, a single figure stood out a bit more than most. He was a student, but not from any of the participating schools. No, he was there as a scout, primarily. This practice tournament would make a good opportunity to observe the upcoming competition. It was true he had traveled a fair distance to attend, but the intel he would inevitably gather was well worth it. He dressed nicely, wearing what could be described as his school's uniform - though it was quite a bit more formal, almost like a business suit more than a school uniform. He had snow white hair, and small oval glasses. Suddenly the student heard a low whistle coming from behind him.

"So this is that practice tourney, eh? Man, you sure go the distance to learn about your opponents." it was another student who had entered not long ago and then sat next to the first. Unlike the first, this one was dressed completely casually. He wore tight-fitting jeans, a forest camo hoodie with a black t-shirt underneath it. Unlike the first student, who's hair was shorter and cleanly kept. This second student had blaring red hair, almost certainly dyed that way. It was also kept more wildly, some kind of lion's mane.

"I'm surprised you even showed up, after all this particular assignment isn't required of you." the first student spoke in a much more business-like etiquette than the second, who spoke casually to a fault.

"Meh..." the second student shrugged, "...I had nothing better to do. Besides, call it... morbid curiosity." the second student smiled in a way that could only be described as sinister.

"Just don't go causing any trouble, Kusaka. We're here on behalf of our sponsor, and make no mistake there will be consequences if your antics cost Team Shuffle its sponsorship." the first student said, quickly and in a subtly threatening tone.

"Tch, whatever. Just watch and nothing more, I get it." replied the second student - Kusaka, in a miffed tone.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Syo tightened his hands into fists after having seen who they were being put up against. "Yes! Going to destroy that kid..." He grinned and took out his box where he kept his gunpla. The Berserk Ignited.

He wandered over to where the practice fight was going to take place and got into position. Taking his gunpla out of it's box and placing it. Soon after Kayl and Ternal both walked up. Kayl took his own box out of his sidebag, placing the mostly red gunpla, the Shinzaku at the ready. Finally Ternal opened his dark briefcase, within it he had three different gunpla aswell as spare parts for them. Then to the side he had a white face mask which he touched briefly with his hand but left it be. He grabbed his hand at the large orange gunpla, the Destiny Extended. Which he lined up next to the other two already placed.

"Say your prayers kid." Syo said in a manner which could be heard to the other side. It was obviously intended for Sousuke. Kayl winched to this but did not intervene this time, he had to focus and be ready for the coming fight. He threw a sideway glance to Ternal, the latter was not nervous the slighest.

Despite this being the first time he steps out in the open like this he isn't nervous the slighest. I, who have been fighting alot be feeling at least something. These guys will be good. A fair challenge. I am nervous but also thrilled. There is going to be three gunpla I have never seen before in this fight for certain. Kayl readied himself with intense focus in his eyes. They waited until everyone had taken their place, all three of their opponents.

"Kayl Lanzer of the Karasato gunpla club, Shinzaku launching!"

"Syo Morisaki, Berserk Ignited. Shred everything to pieces!"

"This is Ternal Dawning, Destiny Extended taking off."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

* * * April 28th * * *

Natsu had said little in response to Nanashi's news. He had been focusing on Tsukasa, expecting to slaughter her plans with instinct and resolve alone but Karasoto would do as well. He could easily change his targets to any one of those showoffs. Whether it be the feeble, Syo, craven, Kayl, or the cheesy, Tarnal; one by one they would fall to the king of monsters: his gunpla, Echo Barbatos.

"Time is fleeing. Less not waste anymore," said Natsu in a very different tone. It was deep and hollow, a cold cavern beneath the earth.

At the arena he knelt to the floor, slipping his bookbag from his shoulder, as he pulled Echo Barbatos from its pouch. Normally he would have had its case but that morning had been froth with emotions. In short, he had forgotten it. The sleek, all-white, Gunpla looked lifeless but he felt a heartbeat inside its plastic. He touched it to his forehead. I want to rampage on the field ... Please, let me. I'm tired of feeling helpless ... and guilty. Let me feel strength and power now.

Natsu placed Echo Barbatos down, set his GP base, and spoke far too low for it to matter. "Saisei deploying, roar and go, Echo Barbatos."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Neh neh, you guys are so impatient." Nanashi said as he approached the 10 panel Battle station, Plopping his GP base onto the stand. "Well I guess it can't be helped, this is after all our first REAL battle as a team." He said as he took out his Gunpla, The Origin Strike gundam equipped with a new Striker pack.

"Nanashi Kanzen, Surpass the original, Hi-Nu Strike Gundam!!!" He said placing the Gunpla on the base. The Hi-Nu Strike Gundam was the Origin equip with the Hi-Nu's 6 funnel wings and shield. When the Gunpla activated, the Variable Phase Shift armor activated changing the Gunplas color from pure white into a Hi-Nu color palette of blue and white.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Then let the games begin." Said Sousuke, approaching his terminal spot. He placed his GP base and then reached for the Crossbone Joker. When he pulled it out, a scrap of paper fell to the floor, "Huh?" Sousuke picked it and read it quickly. It was another note from Shouji:

Made some tweaks to the Joker's frame. You probably won't notice, but don't be afraid to ask for help from the team sometimes.

Sousuke raised an eyebrow. This note was even more cryptic than the last one. Honestly, Shouji could just straight up tell Sousuke what kinds of updates he made to the Gunpla, but it was too late to complain now. After what may have looked like a moment of hesitation to those watching from afar, Sousuke finally placed the gunpla on the base, "Kikkawa, Sousuke." he tipped his hat using his left hand, then used his right hand to make a finger-gun gesture that he decidedly pointed at Syo. Hopefully the trash talker would get the message.

"Crossbone Joker... steal the win!" and with that, his Gunpla launched.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Plavasky Particles Disengaging. Damage Level C. Area, Desert Canyon.] The computer announced as the setting was set for their first practice battle. The sun was high above the battlefield as the 6 were launched from their terminals, both teams exiting from different sides of a large canyon, a large pyramid with an entrance on each side big enough for multiple Gunpla to enter through. The inside of the pyramid is a large complex maze that spans through the whole underground of the canyon. The walls of said canyon also having a random amount of entrances on the walls that lead to the same maze.
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