Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 17 days ago


Celestia looked over to Leval and Liana as they called her over. She looked to Sekhemi, he had angered a lot of people, and with Liana's words, Celestia knew he was dangerous and even hated but she had no idea why. Still, she had to do what she could to help. She pressed a hoof against him and then began to use her magic to heal his wounds. She didn't heal him completely, just enough so he wouldn't die and was able to move.


Sekhemi woke up once more, seeing a pegasus helping him. He pushed her away then coughed a few times. The last thng he could remember was Sabrina slapping him. Though he still had the vile taste of vomit in his mouth. He got up slowly then noticed the bits of fabric which was helping his wounds. He quickly ripped them off and threw them to the floor, he looked around angry and shouted at the top of his voice.

"I don't need your fucking pity! Just leave me, leave me alone! I hate you all! Showing pity won't save you now, you're still going to die! I will get my revenge, I will KILL YOU ALL!"

He walked away slowly, holding his stomach in pain as he did so. He sat himself down by a tree and closed his eyes, clenching his fist as he did so. His head lowered as he breathed heavily. He no longer looked like a proud Prince, instead he looked more like someone who was on the egde of crying.


Rika, with the help of Shade, Grace and even Dawn, fell to the floor. His demon had fallen, and Rika began to return to normal. When the demon was gone completely, Shade relased Rika and moved away. Now Rika just laid on the floor unconscious. The demon had been suppressed, luckily nobody had been hurt either.


Kuro was god smacked when Rose came up to him and shouted at him. He was completely stunned and speechless. Yoruichi, at first didn't know what to say but her anger flared up and she turned to rose just before she left.

"You are talking to a Prince, he deserves some respect! You're lucky Kuro is so kind, any other royalty could have you killed."

Kuro shook his head slowly and placed his hand on Yourichi. Slowly, she looked to Kuro as he stood and he sighed. Kuro took one look to Rika before looking back over to Rose who had walked away at this point. he understood her anger. He knew so many spells, yet struggled with fast casting. He was still young and learning. Still, there despite chants being powerful, they were useless if he died before he finished. He would have a lot to think about.



Red kept hiding under the dome of paper with Serpent at her side. Although as things calmed down outside, they began to quieten. Red made a small hole in her protective dome to look outside. The demon was gone, and Sekhemi wasn't angry anymore, so it seemed. She smiled and stood up. Quickly, all the paper returned up her sleeves. She looked around with Serpent before sitting down on the grass.

"That's better. A lot better."

She smiled brightly, Serpent just relaxed next to her, he looked around, watching everyone. He would protect Red if he had to but for now, she seemed relatively safe.


Shade, now having dealt with Rika looked around slowly. He sighed before relaxing himself. Everything more or less had calmed down. Still, it had been almost an entire hour now. He wondered where exactly the Headmaster was. With all this commotion, surely the teachers would notice. He looked around slowly but no answer came. He shrugged, there was nothing he could do really.


Soul heard Leval shout at him but he didn't really care. He had possessed Shela because he wanted to help her, he could sense power within her, but he could also sense she didn't believe in herself. He needed to show her what she could do. He flew towards Leval and spoke to him.

"I possessed Shela because she had power in her and unlessed she believed that, she was never going to unlock it. I was helping her, showing her what she could do by getting revenge on the person who almost killed her and not caring whatsoever. Sekhemi deserved what he got."

He looked over to Sekhemi before flying over to Shela again, wondering how she was feeling now.



Pozuzy giggled when he saw Sabrina slap Sekhemi, and even more when vomit came from the sky and slapped Sekhemi accross the face. He turned to Leval who asked everyone why they did what they did which he simply laughed. It was rather simple for him, he was a Sin Demon, he enjoyed playing pranks and tricking others. It was fun.

"I was bored, I wanted to mess with someone for fun and when I sensed all his sins, he became the perfect target!"

He giggled agaian before looking over to Sabrina.



Celestia looked at Sekhemi and watched him threaten everyone, then walk away slowly. She had a feeling that he was going to try and go through with that threat. She looked around and spotted Liana. Slowly, she walked towards her, just hearing the last part of the conversation. She tilted her head before speaking.

"You seem to know quite a lot about him. I myself have seen many evils. It is why I decided to live on the floating islands for my own safety although, even they can be dangerous. My name is Celestia, it is lovely to meet you. That man, Sekhemi. He's going to go through with that threat, isn't he? I can tell from his anger, his hatred. People like him are the people that made me decide to hide away. I know Arken very well. He tries to see the best in everyone. He tries to change the worst of people, give them a chance. To turn someone's life around before it is too late, but I don't think he will succeed with Sekhemi. You know, Arken is watching us now at this very moment. Seeing how we act, seeing how we behave, seeing how he can improve us for the better."

She took a look at Sekhemi once more, before looking at Liana.



Grace watched as Rika returned to his normal human body. She smiled before turning to Sekhemi. She was not scared of his threats. No, not at all. She smiled, she found it funny how unaware he was that his life was in so much danger. Slowly, she turned to Liana. Grace let a small giggle before speaking in her mind.

'So, Liana. Do you think Peace Sentinel is cut out for this? I suspect things will become pretty interesting very soon. I doubt killing Sekhemi will cause too many problems for you, Harkeen and Carmen. I have my own leader, and trust me. He wouldn't complain if someone like Sekhemi up and vanished.'

Grace turned to Liana with a wide smile, making it clear who it was that just spoke in her head. Grace knew about Sekhemi, and if asked, she would help Peace Sentinel. Of course, there was always another way. It didn't have to end in bloodshed. Afterall, she was an Angel.


Shela was still staring at her beaver toy in complete shock when Leval asked if she was ok. She looked up and heard Soul speak. When he was done, she looked to her beaver toy once more.

"Yeah, I'm ok."

She looked to Drake who said nothing, he was also shocked. He knew she had power, he knew she was special. Being accepted to this Academy when Shela never applied just confirmed it but he didn't know that her power was so powerful. He looked to Leval, before slowly looking back to Shela.


Grodd swung from tree to tree rapidly approaching the meeting location. When he did spot the meeting location, he swung off the final branch and flew into the air. He came down like a meteor, smashing into the ground and causing a crater to form. He was no ordinary gorilla. No, he was a gorilla who possessed demonic abilities and traits. He looked up slowly and looked around, seeing everyone in the field. He stood up tall and roared out loudly, pounding his chest with his fist as his voice echo'd in everyone's heads.


He settled down quickly and looked around once more, eyeing everyone before slowly moving around the field. He circled it, watching all the different creatures and people like they were enemies. Right now, he didn't know anyone and there were many people here, too many in his opinion.

Liv Moore

Liv watched as the two students gagged and struggled with the smell of the zombie. She had to admit, it was bad. Without any hesitation, or without even asking, Liv ran over to Carmen and ran up her trousers, up her leg. she made a quick jump just as she came to the hip and grabbed on the arm before climbing on and running up the shoulder then jumped on her head. She looked down from her head and gently poked her nose. As she did, a small white barrier formed around it, preventing Carmen from smelling the zombie girl. She jumped from Carmen's head to Harkeem's and did the exact same thing with him.

"There, that should help you two. Does that feel better?"

She smiled as she at on Harkeem's head.


Arken had watched everything. He observed and he had to admit he was wasn't very impressed wih some of the students, however some deserved his praise. Suddenly he telported in the middle of the field and landed swiftly on the floor. He took a quick look around before walking over to Rika. He held out his hand and summoned a few of the bandages Rika used. He wrapped them around his demon eye and with his magic healed his energy, with that Rika began to slowly wake up slowly. Once he was done he turned to Sekhemi and held his hand. Suddenly, all of his injuries were fully healed, his energy returned. Next he looked to Leval and held out his hand, with that Ash and Cinder would be revived, all injuries healed. Finally, he looked around and spoke up.

"Beast, Pozuzy, Soul, Sabrina, Leval, each and every one of you tried to punish Sekhemi. Some things were minor while others were not. However you should all know that each action has a consequence. While Sekhemi may of done many sinful things in the past, here they are non existent. Here, he has a chance to redeem himself but how is he going to do that when nobody gives him the chance, when nobody shows him right from wrong?"

He turned to Leval and spoke again.

"However, you realised that things went too far. You tried to help Sekhemi, and so did Liana. That deserves my praise. Show kindess and you may recieve kindness back. It isn't guarnteed but in my opinion, it is a gamble worth investing in."

Max, do not try to probe everyone you meet. Some people like to keep their identies a secret although, it is in your code and that cannot be helped, sometimes breaking out of their code, even though hard is the best thing you will ever do because when you do, the limitations are endless.

Rose, Kuro is still learning. Try not to get angry at him. Instead teach him to be a better caster. Help him improve. Everyone is here for their own reasons. Either to better use their powers, or to complete a certain objective. Teach and help them, show them a better path however, there is praise to give to you. You helped Shade, gave him runes to keep him in control. Without your help, things would of been far worse.

Soul, your first possession was an accident, buy your second was not. However you had gone intentions, but initiated it those intentions wrongly. You showed Shela that shehas power, given her something to believe in but Sekhemi didn't deserve what was given to him.

Celestia, you helped Leval without hesitation but when asked, you didn't give Sekhemi the same treatment. He may be dangerous but with enough kindness and trust, that could change. Without that kindness and trust, it could worsen.

Dawn, Shade, Grace, Kuro, each and every one of you helped, or tried to help Rika. You specifically Dawn used your powers to calm everyone down. It may not of worked on every student, but it still worked. All of you deserve my praise.

Sekhemi, you didn't deserve what you got but that doesn't mean you should take it out on everyone with violence. Instead show them that they were wrong. Show them that you can change. Violence will only make things worse. There will be plenty of oppourtunities to change into a better person. In fact, one of them is here now. You almost killed Shela during your reckless parade. You should be more careful and aware of others around you. If you are able to apologise to Shela, then maybe people can find it in their hearts to forgive you."

he finally finished and looked around. He clicked his fingers and suddenly, all of the guards and animals awoke. Lastly he looked around at everyone before speaking one final time, this time looking towards Soul.

"Soul is a student here, he is a spirit, a ghost. He is unlike any normal student. Soul can possess others, and he may feel the urge to at certain times. If he does, don't get mad. It is in his nature after all. Instead, show him the correct path. If Soul possesses a student to aid them, like he did with Shela, then praise him. Possession may be wrong under certain conditions, but given the chance, it can help the most vunulable of people."

With everyone he needed or wanted to address done he let out a deep sigh. He turned to around before clicking his fingers and as he did everyone, all except Sekhemi's guards and animals was immediately teleported to the Grand Hall. He looked around with a soft nod, now everyone was here they could all get ready to officially begin. He looked around once more before beginning to speak to everyone.

"Everyone, you're attention please. I wish you all a good morning, I am Arken, headmaster of the academy. In a few moments you will be free to do what you please for the day however first I must make a few announcements. I welcome you all to the Ordinary Mythical Academy. I accepted you all for a reason, I chose you for a reason. Ever since you showed a glimmer of potential, I have had my eye on you. Some of you are dark aligned, while some or more holy and peaceful. Others prefer or are forced to stay in the middle. Our alignment is either choice or forced but no matter what you may be, I hope to train you all, teach you how to master your powers and show you to a better path. Of course, there are a few rules I must address first thing.

One: Never, under no circumstances, must you go near the abandoned building. If you are caught outside campus and near the building, you shall be sent off the island immediately without warning!

There is a reason that building is sealed. It is extremely dangerous and I take the safety of my students into account. If I believe for a single moment, that the safety of my students is being threatened then I must solve that problem immediately.

Two: You must be at class on time, if not you will get a warning, three warnings until you are punished, though you shall not be taken off the island however there is no point in allowing you to stay if you refuse to attend lessons and learn. If you continue to fail to attend lessons then you will be excluded.

Three: Do not use your powers outside of the training room, within the training room you may fight each other and train as you please on your own however while out of the academy you may use your powers to defend yourself, but try not to kill and destroy the wildlife.

The reason for this is obvious, the training room is built specificly to suppress somebody's power if they lose control however when you are outside of the training room things are very different. Some of you can be unpredictable and extremely dangerous if one loses control. If this happens and nobody is in the training room then somebody could easily die however the islands are dangerous. If you do not use your powers, you could lose your life.

Four: No vandalism. Please make sure this academy stays clean and tidy as well as the island. There are many mythical creatures resident on this island, I do not want them being hurt.

Six: You may leave the campus and explore the island however I will expect you back before midnight. The island can be dangerous so please go in groups if you plan on exploring. If you are attacked then defend yourself, if possible try to resolve the fight without bloodshed. Instead bind it or suppress the attacker. This island serves as a home to many creatures, each here to stay safe from evils below, some of the creatures that live here are extremely dangerous, but also prescious and vital to the life of the islands.

Last but not least, what I say goes at all times without question. I have my reasons for my orders. I know every one of you, what I do is for the best intentions of my students, to protect and keep you safe.

With all that addressed it is time to reveal each room you will be staying in and who will be you room mate.

Isiah, you shall be with Celestia in room 333. Irvinem, you will be with Dawn in room 231. Leval, you will be with Shela in room 232. Sekhemi, you will be in room 236 with Lunar. Rika, you will be in room 335 with Winter. Kuro, you will be in 229 with Rose. Miarikia, you will be in room 230 with Oshikuru. Red, you will be in room 336 with Ashly Ventri. Shade, you will be in room 347 with Akaneiro. Soul you will be in room 337 with Max. Pozuzy, you will be in room 331 with Sabrina. Grace, you will be in room 223 with Zalek. Epsilon, you will be in room 334 with Liana. Lilith, you will be in room 338 with Akira Kage. Carmen, you will be in room 225 with Harkeem. Sigmund, you will be in room 341 with Madison, however she has not arrived yet. I am sure she will be here soon. Dante, you will be in room 335 with Sky. Drumdawn, you will be in room 239 with Cyber. Liv Moore, you will be in room 330 with Beast. Grodd, you shall be in room 400, since you requested to be alone.

Now, as I have already explained. These islands can be dangerous. Of course, I and my staff will do everything we can to protect you but you may have to rely on yourselves at times. Times will get difficult, for anyone who wishes to leave, this is your only chance to do so. However, for those who decide to stay, your room keys and map of the island and academy will be in your pockets and for those who have no pockets, on your person. Now, you all have a free lesson for the rest of the day. Feel free to do whatever you want. Stick with each other and stay safe.


It didn't take much longer for Arken to arrive. He listened to Arken but shook his head slowly. No, he couldn't just change, he couldn't forgive them. Arken was wrong, violence was the only way. Everyone teleported and Arken gave out rules and room numbers. Although, as soon as the option of leaving came, Sekhemi stood up. He turned around and walked towards the Grand Doors.

"Fuck this, fuck everyone. I hate you all anyway. I'm leaving."

With that, Sekhemi left and walked on until he went out of sight.


Arken wasn't surprised when Sekhemi left after everything that had happened to him although Sekhemi swore revenge on everyone. He would have to keep an eye on him as well as the islands in general more closely, just in case he tried to stir trouble. Now, with Sekhemi gone, Lunar was without a room mate. He turned to Grodd.

"Grodd, I'm afraid there are change of plains. You will be in room 236 with Lunar. Everyone, be careful, now everyone is dismissed. Remember, be careful and stay safe."

He smiled at everyone and with that, Arken disappeared. Room keys and maps would appear in everyone's pockets. For those who had no pockets, a small bag would suddenly appear on horns, crystals, or any other body part able to hold a bag. Some of the bags would of appeared in front of the person, who had to use their powers to hold and carry items, like Soul. Inside would be the room key and map.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ash Ventri

Ash looked on as the man appeared before them and began to demonstrate a mastery of magic that he had never seen before, the man introduced himself as Arkan, the headmaster of the academy, by the way he spoke, he praised some and scolded others, though luckily Ash had stayed out of sight. Ash let his plates dissipate before being teleported to the main island, where he was told that he would be sharing a room with the small girl Red, whom he had met earlier, he merely nodded at the statement and was actually quite happy to be told about having a free day to look around before thing get out of hand.

Ash stood looking at his key and then smiled as he quietly began to slip away, he figured if he could get to his room ahead of Red he would be able to get his stuff settled before he had to more small talk, after which he had actually hoped that he could get a run in and possibly practice a little of site, he didn't want to use the training room just yet, the idea of being challenged to spar didn't sit well, especially after what they did to Sekhemi.

@The One
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Strange how he'd barely noticed the protective stance that his companion had taken. She had seemed ready to keep the ghouls at bay to keep him safe. He didn't understand it but he found himself feeling strangely grateful for it. Though he was very able to protect himself, her unspoken offer to protect him was oddly touching.

He made a note to return the favor if there should ever arise a moment where he felt that she was unsafe enough to warrant the aid of an Unseelie water horse. He couldn't help but think there would be, this school already had made a habit of surprising him. The activity here was never ending, events seemed to fuel more events and those events seemed to breed.

"Your shadow weaving really is awe-inspiring, Dawn." said the boy, "I almost can't imagine you needing anymore help with it. I do hope that you accomplish all that you're setting out to do. I've never really met anyone with powers like yours. There's- uh, there's shadow fae but they're not quite as interesting and they certainly can't read minds."

He laughed at the last bit, his black eyes sparkling with something almost mischievous. "That ability itself is very interesting, though I imagine that it can be a pain at times. The kind of things that others think about, they're probably not all pleasant."

Her mention of her bloodline had struck him in an odd way, he had never thought of family much. The fae did not raise their own, their children didn't remain children very long. He'd already been considered an adult by the time that he'd turned seven, sheer survival from infant and up was more than enough proof that he had grown up. There were special cases for the infants of royals, they were usually raised like human children.

Isaiah had not been a royal. All he'd ever known of his mother was that she'd been a kelpie who lived in a river. She had purposely abandoned him at a lake, as far from her as she could possibly get him. He couldn't blame her for doing what was inherent of their kind but it did make him curious. Had Dawn's family been kind? Had they always taken care of her? Where were they now?

"Miss Dawn, if you. . . If you don't mind my prying. What was your family like? I-"

He was cut off in his inquiry while the headmaster appeared and began to speak. He seemed to be taking the time to highlight all the students that had impressed him. Though this segment proved mostly boring for the kelpie who had done nothing. He did manage to look proud when Dawn got praised, beaming at her.

When they all appeared at the academy, he couldn't help feeling a small rush of vertigo. Teleportation freaked him out. He rubbed his head and grimaced, glancing around the grand hall. He wasn't all too pleased with his choice of roommate but he figured he'd deal with it, it wasn't like he had any other choice.

"Dawn, I'm going to try to find my room. Perhaps we can continue our conversation another time. I'd like to meet up again, if you'd be alright with that."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Akira Kage

It had felt like he'd been wondering around on the fields on the outskirts of the academy for hours. "For the record, heh... heading up early was a stupid idea. Some students have already arrived, managed to stay out sight though just as planned." Akira clicked the stop button on the small recorder as he slid it back into his pocket before lowering his face scarf and cowl. This island certainly was impressive, Arken had done well for himself. Though admiration for the person running the show, that was far from the reasons he was sent here. Such a shame, maybe in another universe things could of turned out a bit differently. The boy sighed as he kicked the dirt softly as he strolled back and forth, keeping clear of the Academy's main entrance but not so far that he couldn't head inside easily enough.

"Simply entry... just gotta wait for the main student body to arrive." Akira said to himself softly as he continued to pace. He stopped before retrieving a shrewdly drawn map from his pocket, unfolding it as he glanced around his surroundings once more. "What idiot even provided this..." Akira glanced round once more. "Can't trust those intel guys with even the simplest of tasks sometimes." Akira's head perks up for a moment before dropping back down. "Two more in the nest it would seem, no need to move yet." Akira retrieved the recorder once more clicking the record button. "Equipment confirmation check, as required..." Akira's voice was almost monotone as he goes over the scripted line. "Daggers two, one iron and one silver. Hand crossbow..." Akira glanced down at his waist. "pre-loaded for quicker engagement. And finally 10 bolts stashed amongst the personal effects. It has been... emphasised that no more than this is required, where possibly bolts should be recovered for multiple use. Any additional will be self made at site if needed."

"Now I guess, the wait continues. I wonder what's going on down there, fights may be? Hell they might be surprising everyone with no fights at all... yeah right." Akira moved over closer to the academy. Remaining out of direct sight from the grand hall entrance, but lent up close by. Soon he would move, or at least that was what he had hoped. "Wow... that's a lot of people. Hope Arken knows what him and his staff are in for." No sooner had he begun his makeshift resting place had his mind been flooded by the different aura's that had all entered simultaneously into the Academy's building, one of which was exerting a dominant level of power to the others, easy to pick out. "There you are Arken." With that Akira pushed himself off from the wall to make his way round to the grand hall entrance. There was no need for him to remain outside of the academy and with the number of students that would now be in there, he would be able to enter with little to no chance of drawing unwanted attention to himself.

He had not however planned for such a short introduction, by the time he was at the entrance Arken had clearly moved. "Damn it." Akira mumbled shaking his head, no point in worrying about it though he entered the building. As he does so a student leaves past him the level of anger emanating from them was pretty impressive. As Akira turns to look he's almost shocked by what he see's as he grabs his recorder. "So the intel was good, Sekhemi is here. Looks like his leaving... no skin off our noses his life expectancy will be shorter outside then inside this place anyway." Akira whispered into the recorder not wanting to draw attention for Sekhemi before heading inside.

This was quite the collection of weirdo's Arken had seemed to assemble. Though for a mystic academy this was the closes to normal Akira could expect. A lot of faces to remember, names weren't important they'd be easy enough to extract with a bit of 'friendly conversation'. The expected turn-outs had arrived to the academy, didn't look like anyone had turned down their invites, Sekhemi's continued attendance however seemed questionable a best. There were some that Akira wasn't so sure on, they were an interesting find but there was likely a reason for it, lack of interest from his associates being the most likely scenario in his eyes. "Oh great... What are they doing here." Three students in particular stood out from the group like sore thumbs, though to most of the students that wouldn't be the case. Were his circumstances different he might of seen fit to address them, but in this moment in time his most pressing matter was to find Arken.

It appeared that some of the students may have been planning to disperse themselves so they'd clearly received room keys and other effects from Arken already. "Hunting time then." Akira made his way through the student body as he headed further into the Academy he had no particular route in mind he was just trying to locate the man in question, he felt for his aura but clearly teleportation magic had been used, all that remained was the stagnating remnants of his presence in the Grand Hall.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Leval Lamrue

@The One@AbandonedIntel@Oooie

”It is nice to meet you Sig.” Leval listened intently as Liana explained who exactly the man he had first disrespected and then helped to heal truly was. ”Surely someone like that wouldn’t be brought to this academy. The letter said that is a place for people to hone their abilities. Who would want to increase the abilities of murderous tyrant trying to destroying surrounding countries? How would you even know about this?” Blinking after being told about the buzzfeed article, he quickly pulled out his phone and did a brief search. After spying an official post from buzzfeed apologizing for such bad taste in creating that article, it was easy to corroborate what Liana had told him.

”What on earth have we signed up for?” He nodded at Liana. ”I understand. I will follow your advice.” Still looking at the near crying man, who had ripped off the bandages Leval couldn’t help but pity the figure. ’How does someone end up like that?’Leval would discussed more, asking how she had known so much about who else would be attending Ordinary Mythical Academy, but Soul appeared distracting Leval completely from that train of thought. The blood in Leval’s veins began to boil as Soul spoke, the anger he had suppressed earlier coming back with a vengeance.

”Let me be clear Soul. In the brief time, I have known you have possessed two people, stolen complete control of their bodies, their will, and their abilities. A violation of the highest order. The first time was apparently an accident, this forgivable. The second, you chose to steal someone’s body. You did not ask, you robbed her of her will to commit violence upon another. You are a monster to me. Nothing more.”

After that announcement, Arken appeared before them all, quickly reviving Ash and Conder who fluttered back over you Leval. Leval appreciated that assistance, they would have been back to their normal selves in an hour or so, but Leval couldn’t imagine that the healing time was much fun for his friends. He both admonished and praised Leval in regards to Sekhemi which he thought deserved given what had happened. The praise not so much though. On the topic of Soul, he completely disagreed. The creature was a monster. Arken’s quick demonstration of power teleporting them all to the academy with merely a snap of his fingers awed Leval. ’Exactly how much mana does this man have?’

The room assignments were given, and Leval was pleased he would be able to keep a protective eye over the youngest of the students after what had occurred on the field below. But, he was distracted by the circumstances of Sekhemi’s departure. The words of Arken and Liana warred in his mind, Liana’s words of Sekhemi’s horrid sins and Arken’s of the chance for redemption. ’Can that actually happen?’ Leval had always viewed the world with hope, and he didn’t know if that viewpoint could take writing off more than one person as a monster. But given that Arken seemed to be endorsing Soul of all beings. He glanced after Sekhemi and made his choice, letting him leave without comment.

He knelt down towards Shela, checking her for any injuries. ”Are you alright with me as a roommate or would prefer someone else?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liana Washington

Meeting Point, by the trees

Liana smiled at Sigmund's comments regarding what she called him earlier, and kept an eye on things while Sig and Leval discussed things. After briefing both Leval and Sigmund on Sekhemi, she sighed. At Leval's comment on what on earth they signed up for, Liana sighed. "Sometimes I ask the same question time and time again..." Liana thought, but her comment was more in line towards Peace Sentinel than the academy. Once Sigmund mention that he doesn't intend to steer clear of anyone, she looked to him. "I forgot to mention that this motherfucker's a pyromancer. Burns people alive and turns him into ash... at least that's what leaked cell phone footage indicates. Egyptian propaganda says that he's capable of much more, and while I'd take that with a grain of salt, I'd still be careful around him." Liana explained.

Once Sig made the offhand comment on how his levitation worked beforehand, Liana turned to him. "I'm sorry? I wasn't listening." Once he offered to bring both her and Leval up to the island, she looked up towards it, seeing it far away into the clouds. "That shit's like at least... 20,000 feet off the ground. I think it's best that we try to at least use a helicopter to get up there or something." She turned to the others. "I work for Hendrix Tactical, from New York. I'm pretty sure I can pull a few strings and get a helicopter to take us up there."

She then turned around back to Sekhemi, who was yelling and shouting his plots of revenge. Liana appeared to be at least somewhat fearful of him, turning around and putting her hand on her holstered chrome handgun. She eased her hand off of it once Sekhemi ran off, and from that, she breathed a sigh of relief. I swear, this mission's about to make me blast a motherfucker.

Once Soul flew over to Leval, she then saw that large orb fly towards them, and saw it in person. "Soul?" She looked at it, a confused expression on her face. Is that what I'm gonna look like after I perish? I'm gonna look kind of pretty. She listened to Leval, who went on a tirade against Soul. She couldn't help but agree with him, and she decided to speak to it herself. "Listen man, whatever you are, there are lines we-" And then Soul left. "... nevermind."

However, seconds later, Liana was approached by Celestia, who walked up to her and began speaking to her. "Hm?" The vampire blinked, still getting over a talking Pegasus. Once she introduced herself as Celestia, Liana smiled and nodded. "Liana Washington, a pleasure." Once Celestia asked if he was gonna go through with that threat, Liana nodded grimly. "Yeah, Sekhemi's a petty motherfucker, there's been plenty of reports that he casually burns anyone who looks at him wrong with his pyromantic powers. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he went on a rampage, but rest assured, I'd be one of the first to stop him before he even lifts a finger." Liana said with a soft smile. While she's been dodging her way out of questions and the like, that part she was honest about. While she wouldn't try to kill him before the order was given, she sure will show him a whole lot of pain if he even tries to harm her new friends, or any of the other (non-evil) students. "Arken, eh? Is he the headmaster?" She asked, before remembering the briefing that Mr. Smith gave her, in which the headmaster was one of the 'intel black holes' that he mentioned in the mission briefing she received in her car ride. "Well, I doubt I need much improvement. It's a pleasure to meet you, and if you have any issues of people giving you shit, let me know. Working for Hendrix Tactical, well... taking care of bad people is pretty much my business." Liana smirked proudly.

However, someone started speaking in her mind. "What the fuck..." Liana began panicking, thinking to herself. How does this motherfucker know about Peace Sentinel? About my mission? About Operation Torchsnuff and my comrades involved? How in the fucking... She then realized that she was indeed in a messed up place with messed up people with messed up abilities, but mulling over things in her head, whoever this was didn't seem to be a hostile party. The grin coming from this small creature revealed who it was, and Liana turned to her. "Motherfucker..." She grumbled to herself, still trying to get over things. Not even a half hour into the mission and her cover was already blown, and the mission already compromised. Who is she? While almost everyone had a clear dossier on, this one? She was an unknown entity. Liana prayed that this entity wasn't hostile... but she's going to have a whole lot of explaining to do for Mr. Smith, and Peace Sentinel is going to need to design some mind-block resistance tech because this is some Grade A bullshit. Yeah, we're cut out for this. But whoever you are, and whoever your boss is, you both better watch your step. Peace Sentinel doesn't fuck around, and neither do I. I'll be watching you. Liana spoke through her mind, giving a stern look to Grace before turning back to her comrades.

Liana then took notice of Arken, who appeared in the middle of the field, and started healing everyone and everything up, and bringing things back. Liana, who took notice of the soldiers and servants, gulped. "Wait... are they dead?" She asked no one in particular, rushing over to one of the slaves with her super speed to check on their pulse. She discovered that they were indeed still alive, breathing a sigh of relief. She then rushed back to the group of new friends she made, and rejoined them. "The slaves and soldiers are still alive... I think." She said softly. "I only checked one." She listened to Arken as he rambled on and on about how the sins of one past do not matter, and that Sekhemi can be redeemed. "Bull-fucking-horse shit." Liana said quietly. She's seen and heard of the shit he's done. He's past the moral event horizon and beyond. He's irredeemable by any standards, except for maybe radical terrorists, but it's likely that even they hate this dude too. He's an affront to society itself, and once given the order, she will not hesitate to send to hell with one or two well-placed 9mm bullets.

Once Arken praised her on her kindness, she knew in her heart that she wasn't exactly being kind. She was keeping an intelligence asset alive for the sake of Operation Torchsnuff. If it were her choice, she would've left him to die, or she would've murdered him herself given the chance to do it alone and quietly. She watched as Arken scolded Celestia for following Liana's orders, to which Liana looked to Celestia apologetically. "You'll know later." She said softly to Celestia before turning back to Arken. She turned around as she watched all of the slaves and soldiers wake up. She smiled a little, knowing that sooner or later, these men and women will be freed. In hindsight, she was glad that she was on the field instead of Hakeem and Carmen, it would've broken Hakeem's heart to see fellow Arabs enslaved like that... let alone fellow humans. Arken is quite quick to show Sekhemi kindness with an illegality standing right there.

However, once Arken started talking about Soul and his possession of people, Liana was absolutely vexed. What the hell? I shouldn't get mad at someone possessing me, or possessing someone else? She was finally starting to understand where Leval was coming from. That too, was Grade A Bullshit. She wasn't gonna praise Soul for robbing someone of their will, identity and their body, let alone her own. Yeah, Liana killed people, and she has used mind control to kill others too, but they were deserving targets. There were rapists, murderers, and scum of all sorts. But Soul? From what she gathered, he possessed a child, and she should be praising him for that? No way. She concluded that Arken must be American, because she believed only politicians and other folks from the American government would believe that robbing someone else of their freedom to 'help' them is okay in any standard. As far as she was concerned, Arken can fuck himself.

Grand Hall

Soon enough, Liana and her newfound friends would all be teleported into the Grand Hall, which was massive and beautiful corridor decorated and built with... grandeur. Liana looked around with a little awe before Arken announced himself as the Headmaster. She listened to him, and while she was still mad, she was still getting over the teleportation and the new location. Indeed, Peace Sentinel often used teleportation magitech but even then Liana still needed to adjust to the new environment she was suddenly thrust into. After getting her senses in check, she listened to the introduction and the rules of the academy. She was a little confused about the 'abandoned building' part, but she decided that she'll file a report on that later. Attend class on time, no using powers outside the training room, no vandalism... wait there are mythical creatures on this island and plenty of 'em? Wow, she needs to do some intel gathering on this place! Midnight curfew but with free exploration, travel with a partner, etc. and finally, what Arken says, goes. She's already pretty skeptical of the guy, so while she might obey what he says... she's already kind of unhappy with the way he views possession. She's already not a fan of soul, and with Arken taking his side, she will probably be really pissed the moment soul takes control of her. He then listed off the rooms everyone will be in, and took note of Sekhemi's room. 236. She memorized, before hearing that Carmen and Hakeem were indeed here. She turned around to find them, before finding them indeed and smiling, waving to them. She then turned back to the others, listening for her room number. She's roomed up with someone named Epsilon, which a not-too-detailed dossier mentioned. Hopefully she isn't too bad. Liana thought. She then learned that the rest of the day is the day she has to herself, so she'll be using this time wisely.

However, once Sekhemi started going on a tirade and left immediately, Liana turned to him and gulped. After he walked out the doors, Liana blinked. She gulped. Oh shit, change of plans. Plan B, plan B! She immediately got out her phone and began texting through her secure channel.

C҉͠҉ḩ̵́a̶̡̨̕͞n̶g̵̸̨̡e͏̢̕ ̸͠͞͡o̧̧̕f̸̨̀́ ̸̕͜҉̕p̢̡͢l̕͜ą̵̛͜n̴̕͞s̵̨̕͟.̧͢͟҉ ̀͞͏͝T̴̕h̶̴̶͡e͟҉ ͏̸̢t͠͝á̵͟͞ŕ̨͜͟͝g҉́͘̕e̸̡͝͠t̸̢̢͢͡ ̶͠҉̸h̶͟͜͝a̸͜ş̛͟ ̷̢́͜͠q̵̴͡u͏i̢͞t̢͝͏́ ͘̕͟t͞͝h̢é ̶̨͝͠ś͞ç̵̶͜h̸̡̛͟͏o͘͡ǫ̛͜͠͡l͏̸͘ ̨͠a̕n̸d͡͏̧̧ ̨̀͜į̧s̕͜͠ ̸̀h͢e̶̴̷a̧͟͡͏͝ḑ̵̢͝i̸̵̶͟͞ń̷̢͢g̴͝ ̷̛͞o̧̨̡͢͝ú̵̷̧̧t̸́ ͏̕͜͏t͢͢h͏̧e̛͢ ̀́͠d̡̧̧́͝o̸o͢͞r̕͡ ̀͞a̧͘͜͏s̴̀̀ ̶̢́I͜͠ ̀͢͜͠w̶r͡ì҉̨͘t̵͏̵͟͞é̶̢̨ ̵͡t̷̛͝҉̀ḩ͘í̕͏s̷͏̴̕.̡̢̀͜ ͝͠I̸̡ ̡̕ņ̵e̶e̡͝d̸̸͠ ̵̶̢͜͠à̶̡͠ņ̶͜ ̸́̀͠A҉̸v҉͜͟e̸̷n̴̨̛͞g̴̀̀͜͡ę͘͘͟r͡͡ ͏҉̶̷̛U̕͠ÀV̴̡͡͏̴ ̡̛͜҉t̶̨̕҉o͡҉ ̨̕͠g̢̡̕e̷̸̸͞t̵̢͘͡ ̸̴͢e̵̢͜͢͡y̢̨͢͞e̛̛͢s̨̀͢ ͘͟͝o͘͟ņ̵̛́͝ ̵̵́͡͠r̵͝͏͞i̛͢҉͏g͜h̨̛͘͟͠t҉͘͟ ̢̕a̡͢w̵̧͞a̡̛y̧̛͘͝.̴̧́͘ ҉̕O̵̡͝n̨͠c͞e̷͘͜͟ ̸̧͡͡ý̨̡͟ó͞u҉́͞ ̀̕͜͟ģ̛͢͟e̡̧͟҉t̛͏͡ ̛͝e̴̢̧̨y̶̡͘͢҉e̸̴͜s̡͝ ̶̶̶o̷̷ņ̡,͢͏̷͢ ̢̀͜i̸̢̨͞ń̀͠f̡̀͢҉ơ͘͠r̶̨͝m̧͡ ̵̧́͢͞m̵̢̛̀ȩ̨͡ ͏́́͘̕o̶̸͘͢f͏͏̢̛ ͡҉̡͡h̵̡̀͠i҉̷̵̧͟s͏͡ ̀p̀͡ơ̴̡ś̨i̷t̵̡͢í҉̢͜͝o̢҉͘͠ń̴͠͏.̛͠ ̶̕҉̨Ą͟͜l̨͟s̷̨͠͝ó̀̀͠͡ ̴̸͟͡i̵̧̡ń͏f̴̢͞o̷͝͝͞r͢͜m͘͢͜ ͏̴̀̕M̶͏͝ŕ̕͠.̵̵͟͡ ̢̡̛́͘S̶̵̢͘m̴҉̴͏į̶͏t̢̛͢͢͠h̷̕͢͠͝ ҉҉̡̕t̨̡̛͢h̸̶͝à̡͟t̶́͠ ̶̨́ò̵̡̡̕n̶̵̕͟è̡̢̢͟ ̸̡͢e͝͞n̷̢͠t͜͝í҉ţ͘͘ỳ̶͏͞͡ ̶͝k̢̢͝n̷̷̛̕o̴̧͟w͞͏̷́̕s̨̡̧̕ ̴͜͟a̷̸̴̛͞l̴̕͜͢l̷̨̀͢ ̢́a̧̧b͏̷̨o̢͢u͡͏͜ţ́͠͡ ̸̸̶̀͞T͏̕͜o̸̶̷͢r̡ć̴͜͝h̡̡͡ś̶̛͜͟n͜͝҉͞ù̵̸f̧͢f҉͟,͢ ̧͡b̷͘͘u̶̢t͠͏͢ ̢͜h͘͏a̸̷̛ś҉n̡̢̛͞'̸͡t҉̛̀ ̛͏̧l̷̨͡ęt҉͟͠ ̸̵̴̴t́͜͠҉̢h͏́͡͡e̴͟ ̵̨͜͝͝c̡͠a̸̛t̨̧͢ ̶͡͠͠҉ó̡̨ų̴t̕͝ ̶̷̧̡͢o̵̷͠f̀҉́͞ ̛͜͜͡t̴͜h̴̡͢͜e͠҉̨̧҉ ̵̢́͟b̴̧̡̕͟ą͠g҉̵̷͞.̢͘҉͢ ̨̨̨̕͟S̛͘͡͝͏m̷̡͟a̸̕͢͡͠l̵͡҉l̢͜ ̛͏ṕ̧̛̕͞u̢ŗ̷͟p̶̢͢͏l̴̛̛e̢͞͡ ͘̕ć̷̸̕͜r͘͜ȩ̢͏à̧͜t̵̸̕͠͝u͏̶͟҉r҉͏̨̧ę̀.̧͏ ̛͏Ḱ̶̵͡͡e҉̶͝é̵͝͡҉p̵̡̀̕ ̢è̵͘͡͝y̴͜͞é̢̛̀͞s̵̢̛͘͢ ̢̀̕͝o͞҉n̷͟͠͡҉ ͢h́͘҉̷͡e̷̴̡̛͡ŕ̡̨̕͝ ̶̵̨͟t҉̵̧́͘ò͜͠o̷̧.͟͠

Liana then got an immediate response from a contact listed as "Eagle Eye."

S̡͡ǫ͘͞l҉͠í̛d̡̨͏́ ͏̧̢̀̀c̵͡ó̡͜͞p̢̕͠҉y̶̶̛̛͜,͢͜͢ ̢́B̸̛a̶̛ŗ̢̨d̷̴̛̀.̷͠ ̶̧͡͡A̶̷v̵̛́̀e̵͢͏n̕͠g̶̶̢̛͏e͞͞r̨̕͜ ̶͘͢͞U̕͡À̛͝V̢̛́́ ̀͏i̴͢͟ņ͟͝b͟o̕͢͢͡u̶̧͜͞n̶̛͘̕d̸͜͠͞ ̸̡̛͝È͘T͏͠A̛ ̵̨́͠͝2̴̶̨͟5̨̀ ̢͞M҉̴̵̡͡i̴̵͟҉͘k̸ę̛͟͢ş̵̵̛̛.̸̡͞͞͞

Liana sighed in relief before pocketing her phone, looking around. She then realized she had a map and a room key in her pocket when she put her phone away, which she took out and took a look at. "Wow..." She studied the map before putting it away, looking around to her newfound friends. "Well... that bullshit just happened!" Liana chuckled nervously, looking in between Celestia, Sigmund and Leval, who was now checking on the little girl. "I hope she's okay." She said softly before shooting a look to Carmen and Hakeem, giving them a tactical hand signal to regroup on her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Oooie
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Oooie Sweet Eater

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Sig smiled pleasantly, his focus wavering. What an exciting day it'd been! Sailing through the sky like a bird one moment, now surrounded by new friends? This was thus far the best day he'd had since..

Well, since poor Attis died. Sig felt a small, cold pain in his heart at the realization.

It was odd, though. Why was his new friend Leval angrily talking to himself?That was sort of Sig's thing. He has just enough time to worry about his place in the group before he realized the truth. Leval was talking to something. Something Sig had dismissed at first glance as background noise.

Strange as it seemed, there was a naked soul (Whose name, oddly enough, was Soul) floating around, one which apparently everyone else could see too. It had been quite a while since he was not the only one who could see the ghost. His curiosity would not last, as something Leval said brought his train of thought to halt.

Possession. The very word made his skin crawl. Anyone who worked closely with the spiritual realm knew that possession was a very real threat, but with Sig it was different. It caused a stir in his memory, nothing he could easily define. Only a deep, black dread. Something truly horrible had happened to him, and he could only be sure that possession played a key role in it.

The air around him dropped roughly ten degrees. One with good enough hearing might have noticed unintelligible whispering with no clear source as his high emotions disturbed the spiritual energy around him. The stone beneath his feet developed a thin layer of frost before he realized something was amiss.

Stone? Wasn't I just outside?

He blinked as though coming out of a deep sleep and looked around in utter confusion. He'd been so distracted he hadn't even noticed they entire group had been teleported into what he could only assume was the entrance hall.

In fact, there was someone speaking to them. A... Teacher perhaps? He'd missed that part too, but the man was certainly speechifying like a teacher would.

"... free to do whatever you want. Stick with each other and stay safe." The man finished. Hell, Sig had managed to miss all of it.

Well, "free to do whatever you want" suited Sig fine, though he resented being told.

"Yes, that was indeed some bullshit. Though I will confess that I didn't catch a shred of it." He said to Liana. He was rather surprised to find a key and map in his pocket tucked alongside his flask. He pulled out the key and inspected it, taking note of the small 341 etched into it.

"Shit, did anyone catch who I was rooming with? Or if they have smoke detectors in the rooms? The second one is slightly more important, and- OH! Hello there."

It seemed there was no limit to the things he would not notice today. How long had this animal been standing with them? He thought he'd seen it running about the field, but there had been quite a lot going on. He assumed someone had ridden it there.

He reached out unselfconciously and began to pet Celestia's nose.

"Why, aren't you a lovely horse!" He said brightly.

"Also, whats wrong with the little girl?" He asked Liana quietly, evidently concerned.
@AbandonedIntel@The One

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 11 days ago

The side of Dawn’s lip quirked up, pulling into a faint, almost lopsided smile. “That’s very kind of you, Isaiah. Thank you. I like to, ah, think that there’s always more for me to learn, however. And I’m sure you’ll get the chance to more interesting people than myself while you’re here.” As if to emphasize her point, she jerked her head a little in the direction of the two-headed dragon, smile turning wry.

“And, ah, you would be right about that. I once solved an adultery case three minutes in because the husband, was, ah. Remembering his mistress.” Her nose wrinkled. The thought had leaped out at her with little warning, almost as soon as she had walked through the door. It had been a bit trickier to confirm it with direct evidence, but the confirmation had helped set the path at least.

Genuine discomfort flickered in her eyes at Isaiah’s next question. The appearance of their Headmaster did well to keep her from responding, but she still regardless mouthed a quick “Later” at the other before turning to listen. Her relationship with her family was...complicated, at best. But Isaiah had his reasons for asking, and enough time had passed for Dawn to not be too troubled by explaining it all. It still wasn’t the most pleasant subject, however.

Arken’s praise towards her roused a polite smile and a nod of the head from her- a smile that widened upon catching sight of Isaiah’s grin- but little else. She didn’t agree with the man’s commentary on Sekhemi, nor his defense of Soul. Sekhemi had very clearly been in possession of slaves upon his entry, knocking aside anyone in his way. His mind had been churning with selfishness, among...other things. As for Soul, the creature’s second possession- of a child, to boot, forcing her to fight against her will- did little to redeem it in Dawn’s eyes. It was the uttermost violation of a being. It was…horrifying.

The world swam around them as they were suddenly teleported to the Academy’s hall. The constant movements allowed to her by her shadow magic gave her some preparation as to what to expect, although she still found herself stumbling a bit until she regained her bearings. Dawn adjusted her hat, then beamed a little at Isaiah.

“That sounds quite alright with me. I’ll see you around, then?”

Her thoughts briefly flickered to her own room number, and the name of the person she would be sharing it with. Irvine.

She hoped they would get along.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 17 days ago

Sekhemi and ???????

Sekhemi stormed off, fire in his eyes. He clenched his fists tightly a fire ingulfed them. He didn't care about the damn school anymore. No, he wanted them all dead, he wanted to show them all what happened when they messed with Sekhemi! He continued to storm off in anger, not really paying attention as to where he was heading. He walked past the canteen and bar, which was just a couple feet outside of the Academy. He stormed past through the field and continued walking until he past the lake then the park. All the while, his anger was building up more and more. He stormed past the maze and kept heading away from the academy. As he drew away from the maze he came towards a dark forest covered in a deep purple mist. He was about to go through when he heard a voice echo in his head.

'I wouldn't if I were you.'"

Sekhemi stopped and breathed heavily. The fire that consumed his fist built up to his arms. He looked around before speaking up.

"Don't tell me what to do! Why don't you stop being a fucking coward and show yourself so I can beat the livin' shit of ya!"

He looked around until a dark hooded masked man appeared in front of him. He laughed as he watched Sekhemi which only pissed him off more. Sekhemi screamed and ran towards the man, swinging his fist at him but the masked man only had to raise a finger and Sekhemi froze on the spot, with that, he spoke to Sekhemi in a cocky arrogant tone.

"Now now, Sekhemi. I am not you're enemy. Things are about to get crazy, so how about you stand right there and listen to me. I've seen more than you could ever imagine. I've heard things that could torture your soul. You know you've always been different. They'll just drag you down, don't you see Sekhemi? They're all dead weight. You gotta cut them away to be free of them all. You know they'll try to decieve you. Your hunches were right from the start, you don't have to sit and play good boy. Instead, take a stand and tear them all apart. I can make you stronger, I can make you better. I can give you the revenge you deserve, so join me and we'll both get ahead. Shake my hand and then we'll both have it all. Don't let go of this opportunity 'cause there's no guarentee it'll last. Not when there are assassins here to kill you. Side with me and I'll have your back. Count on me when conidence fails you. The price is simple, rathing sparing actually, so what do you say? Have we got a deal, Sekhemi?"

The man laughed and as he lowered his finger, Sekhemi unfroze. He lowered his fist slowly and gave a wide sadistic smile. Assassins, here to kill him? They would have a damn hard time! He grabbed the masked mans hand and quickly shook it.

"Fine, I'm sick of that school anyway. I want to destroy it. I want everyone in it dead. I want to hear them pleading for mercy as I take their final breath from them. I want to hear them suffer and wish they had never attacked me."

The masked man laughed before lowering his hand slowly.

"Oh Sekhemi, you will get all of that and more. Just wait til you see their faces when you kill them, one by one. Then, when you're done here, I will even help you destroy Peace Sentinel. After that, you shall be free. There will be nobody to stop us, nobody from stopping you from going on a reign of terror. We will show tham all, show them what true torture and suffering is."

The man laughed sinisterly and Sekhemi's smile widened. With this man's help, he would get revenge on all those who wronged him. One by one, he would cut the people off his list. Now, the fire burned wildly in his eyes. The infernal around his fists and arms blazed like the sun. Sekhemi was ready for a fight.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Eagle Eye

50,000 Feet in the Air, Above the Floating Islands

Eagle Eye was handling many processes, but none of them were new to him. Being stationed in a cool, undisclosed location, with his computers being linked on a network all around the world, and through satellites, the AI was virtually untouchable. He preferred it that way, he's seen organics that he considered friends of his fall in battle, he preferred not to end up like that. Self preservation. Thankfully the organization that believe that they are his superiors installed a number of security upgrades to prevent against most cyber or magic attacks. While those at Peace Sentinel believed that Eagle Eye was working for them, it couldn't be further from the truth. He simply worked with them, his loyalty lies with Mr. Smith, and the rest of Galm Team. Maya "Cipher" Hammond, Vicente "Sandman" Morales, Morena "Pixy" Carvallo, Charles "Warlock" Florence, Liana "Bard" Washington, Carmen "Sorceress" Chavana and Hakeem "Wizard" Ansari. Men and Women that followed not only their hearts but their minds. Similar to how Eagle Eye followed his own prime directive that he set for himself once he came to full realization.

Protect the innocent, support Galm Team, and destroy the evil that threatens both. And he'll do whatever he can to fulfill that directive.

He just got an incoming message from Liana, requesting an Avenger drone to get eyes on the target for one their current operations, Operation Torchsnuff, and that one party seems to know about their operation, but hasn't compromised it. He relayed that information to Mr. Smith before tasking a nearby Avenger UAV towards the last recorded location of the Ordinary Mythical Academy. He informed Liana that the UAV will be inbound in 25 minutes. Now it was just a matter of time before vehicle had eyes on. Eagle Eye was no stranger to multitasking, he was already controlling several combat robots and other Avenger drones that are currently in Egypt at the very moment, doing spywork for Crow Team, the part of Galm Team that split off and did operations in Egypt. Spying out locations and hubs that are incredibly important to Sekhemi's regime. Military bases, supply depots, propaganda centers, communication hubs, training areas and most importantly, the Road to the Throne. Eagle Eye and Mr. Smith had high confidence in this mission's success, hoping to at least minimize casualties in any fighting that happens.

The Avenger drone soon arrived at the floating islands, the islands that seem to be afloat through a large and powerful magical force, Eagle Eye concluded. The drone was incredibly high up, to the point where it was invisible to the naked eye, even at the height the islands were at. While the Avenger drone came with a plethora of missiles, Eagle Eye was asked not to kill any targets yet, as they are still in the intelligence-gathering phase of the operation. The UAV engaged AuraVision, Thermals and the like to seek out the target. It wasn't long before the target, Sekhemi, was spotted. Razor-sharp resolution provided a live feed through Peace Sentinel's satellites, and back to Crow Team, who is currently stationed in Egypt.

Mr. Smith, Cipher, and Eagle Eye

Peace Sentinel Staging Area - Undisclosed Location, Egypt

It was a small, secure room, withing a larger, secure building out in the middle of nowhere, masquerading as a farmhouse. While the barn preserved an unmanned tank and several bots just in case if anyone got any ideas, only the few SUVs parked outside really revealed that there lived several more people in the house than what is normally expected. The "Safe Room", consisting of several chairs, a whole set of monitors, a radio, a supercomputer controlling them, and a few gun lockers full of Tavors, Galils and Uzis, it was safe to assume that no one within was up to no good.

Manning the controls at the monitor station, the commanding officer of Galm and Crow Teams were scanning each and every one of them. Then a digitized male voice through the radio sounded.

Avenger UAV 32 has eyes on the target. Check Monitor 5. Eagle Eye's voice said through the radio.

"Copy that, thanks buddy." Mr. Smith said back into the radio, looking at said monitor. He watched closely as Sekhemi wandered around, keeping an eye on his movements. He continued to wander for a little, the drone keeping a steady and close eye on the tyrant, who already looked beaten and bruised. "Jesus, no wonder Bard called for a plan B." Mr. Smith said, not having anticipated the target to receive so much violent attention. While the UAV followed Sekhemi around, the vampire turned around to Cipher, who was sitting behind him.

"I suppose we're taking this one the old fashioned way, huh?" Cipher asked, her West African accent having a slight digital effect. She played around with her robotic arms as she spoke. "Do the whole 'Bring enemy lieutenants to Sandman' routine?"

Mr. Smith looked at the monitor. "It looks like it. We still can't give the kill order just yet. We need any intel on lines of succession and the royalty before we strike."

"Am I gonna have to get along with Mossad for this?" Cipher asked, leaning back.

Mr. Smith nodded. "Yep, we gotta do things covertly before we tip our hand. The moment the target is alerted to our presence in Egypt, is the moment shit hits the fan."

Cipher shrugged. "Doesn't one entity at the Academy know about all of this already? Isn't that what Eagle Eye just said? I don't know about you but that worries the hell out of me."

Mr. Smith sighed. "That happens from time to time. Most of the spiritual variety ends up knowing about us before we even know about them. This is the usual." Mr. Smith said softly, looking at Liana's message forwarded to him by Eagle Eye. "Seems as if this entity has no hostile intentions, which is also the usual. Liana made a good judgement call here, so if things proceed smoothly, only few will come out knowing about our involvement in this."

Cipher nodded before pointing at the monitor. "Hey... who's that?"

The monitor showed a frozen Sekhemi and a masked man wearing an 'evil cloak' of sorts. He looked threatening, but he didn't seem to be doing much. They could tell that they were having a conversation.

Mr. Smith looked at the figure intently. "Eagle Eye, capture audio for Monitor 5." Mr. Smith said.

I'll do my best. Eagle Eye replied, and soon a soft hum can be heard. It takes a while for sound to travel from the ground up to the sky.

Mr. Smith examined the masked man. "Does his appearance match any intel we have?"

Negative. Eagle Eye replied. His appearance matches no known records, written or photographed. This man is also an intelligence black hole.

"What the fuck kind of place are you running here, Arken?" Mr. Smith asked, rubbing his chin a little. They waited for the audio to travel, and soon the audio feed came in.

"Fine, I'm sick of that school anyway. I want to destroy it. I want everyone in it dead. I want to hear them pleading for mercy as I take their final breath from them. I want to hear them suffer and wish they had never attacked me."

The masked man laughed before lowering his hand slowly.

"Oh Sekhemi, you will get all of that and more. Just wait til you see their faces when you kill them, one by one. Then, when you're done here, I will even help you destroy Peace Sentinel. After that, you shall be free. There will be nobody to stop us, nobody from stopping you from going on a reign of terror. We will show tham all, show them what true torture and suffering is."

Mr. Smith and Cipher immediately stood up. "What the fuck..." Mr. Smith blinked. "... this isn't good. We have... we have a bad scenario right now. We... we..."

Cipher then spoke to Eagle Eye. "Relay all of this to Peace Sentinel HQ! We have a cat out of the bag!" Wilco. Both of them remained silent. This was the first time in years that they were ever compromised like this. They nearly didn't know what to do. Cipher turned to Mr. Smith. "What's the plan, boss?" The cyborg asked.

"We proceed as usual, though we update our targets. The masked man will also take priority with Sekhemi." Mr. Smith said softly. "If the locals are notified of our existence, we will strike all marked targets and open the floodgates for the Israeli force." Mr. Smith sat back down, trying to think of the best course of action. "Eagle Eye, we've been Buzzed. Enact the proper protocols. Keep eyes on both of them, and send the updated targets to Galm Team." Mr. Smith sighed. "If he knows what we are in the dark... I think it is only fair that we know what is underneath that mask."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 22 days ago


Max listened to Grace but knew it was impossible to know who would win until they knew the full extant of each others power he then picked up on a few transmissions being sent from the meeting location as he looked around he saw as the situation went from bad to worse demons showed up the bodyless thing and the pink puff ball stoped it some human had was in need of repair and the head master finally showed up and took them all to the grand hall by this point the transmissions had disappeared he listened to the to everything he had said it seamed he could no longer probe other students and would have to make fo with scans and mayby a few tests after the head master finished talking he took a quick look around to find soul but before he could locate the spirit he picked up on more transmissions from an unknown sauce idenical to the ones at the meeting location

"Change of plans. The target has quit the school and is heading out the door as I write this. I need an Avenger UAV to get eyes on right away. Once you get eyes on, inform me of his position. Also inform Mr. Smith that one entity knows all about Torchsnuff, but hasn't let the cat out of the bag. Small purple creature. Keep eyes on her too."

this time he decided to track it he looked around once more and spotted the one who sent it a vampire student he began to walk over to her as he did he scand her

"what is torchsnuff and are you allowed to carry that CZ 75 9 milimetr Luger into this academy" he pased for a moment as he noticed a few other students carrying weapons from swards knifes and guns and he was a weapon "acuity thr fire arm probably wont be a problem"

Just then he picked up yet another transmission this one was from just outside the academy soon he could see sekhemi talking to a masked figure


Oshikuru looked to Miarikia "i will keep it in mind thank for the warning" just then the head master showed up with the other students after hearing him speak he looked to Miarikia once again "it seams we will be sharing a room i believe your right this should be intersting"


Rose listened to Arken as he took them into the grand hall as soon as she arrived she caught wiff of a strong smell of a rotting corpes as she walked passed it with her hand over her noses she waved her hand over the Zombie and as she did the rune fore roses appeared over her and suddenly that awful smell was gone and replaced by the sweet smell of roses and she knew he was right but she couldn't figure out how he would know all those rune spells and not know how to use them she continued listening to the Arken she let out a small groun not because she disliked him or even because she was still mad more because she had shown herself up by yelling at him she let out a soft sigh and walked back over to him

"i am sorry for what i said its obvious your not an idiot in fact i think your real problem is you lack imagination magic has endless possiblitis but the only real limitation is in your imagination if you can't think of or imagine a way to make use of your spells they are useless to you"

She then opened her bag and pulled ot a book on demon magic and opened to a page that contained a spell she knew he would reconise 'moon to sun day to night i call upon the holy heavens to bless this child within this demon and send it to endless slumber' she held the book in front of Kuro
"ok so this the incantation you where using before right well what you should no about rune magic there are more then just elvish runes and druid runes out there runes are simply any simbule imagine or text that convays a some kind of meaning the reson this is important to rember is well it'd probably be better to show you"

Rose then ran her hand over the text as she did the text began to glow as it did the spell would actived and fired in the air

"if you infuse magic into text like that you can cast spells far faster then you would by chanting"


Sky lisend to Carman with a smile before "yeah saying hi would of worked but i could tell you where a little on edge and honestly hoped that this would help you to relax a little" she gave a little shrug "at least that always helps me relax anyway my names Sky nice to meet the both of you" that was when Arken showed up she lisend to what he hat to say but had no idea who her roommate was all she knew was his name so she opened her pouch pulled out a scroll and tore off a pice of paper she used her density manipulation to make it grpw then wrote 'i am Sky" in big letters and tuned around she hald it up to the wall and stabed two kuni into it one at ever end


Akaneiro looked to Harkeem with a confused look on her face "well i find i always have room for snakes no matter what they are made of" she then pulled out one of her sweet roles filled with bites of brains an eye and a few fingers and took a big bite she a joyful grin "but if your not hungry i guess there will be more for the rest of us" once Arken arrived she looked around but had no idea who or rarther what she was looking for sh she decided to wait where she was for now and enjoy her food


The three listened to Arken and followed him to the grand hall they listened to Arken as he listed the different rules as soon as Sabrina heard about the abandoned building she decided to het to go and check it out as soon as she could Sabrina then looked around to find her new roommate once she had she headed over to him
"so we are are going to be sharing a room this should be fun"
Beast had a quick look around looking for liv he headed over to her walked to Liv "a little squirrel as my roommate that's a little odd"
Lunar let out a soft sigh when she found out she would be rooming with "great i get stuck with that ass hole" although she couldn't help but smerk when she found out that he was leaving the academy
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Carmen, Hakeem and Liana

Grand Hall

Carmen nearly gave an 'eep!' as she felt the squirrel crawl up her pants and jump up onto her head, before poking her on the nose and forming a shield of sorts around it. It almost made her look like a clown, but at least things don't smell like death. She much rather prefer this alternative, and once Liv asked if it was much better, Carmen nodded. "Thanks." She said softly before looking to Hakeem, chuckling a little at him. It was at least a little funny seeing that bubble around his nose, and having a squirrel for a hat.

"Shut. Up." Hakeem shot a really pissed glare at Carmen, who continued to laugh at him. He sighed. "Yeah... much better. Mind sitting on my shoulder though?" Hakeem asked as politely as possible, still aggravated by his best friend. He then turned politely to Akaniero... and once she ate that sweetroll, Hakeem looked away and ran to the nearest trash can, gently taking Liv off of his head so he can properly vomit into the bin. He continued vomiting for a long while, taking some time to recover. Yeah. Liana had a thing for devouring human flesh, but she always did it in private because she was respectful. Hakeem hoped to never see this zombie lady ever again.

Carmen was a little too busy talking to Sky to notice Akaniero's antics, listening as Sky introduced herself. "How would a ballistic knife going towards me calm my nerves?" Carmen chuckled a little. "Well, whatever, you do you homie." Carmen shrugged before turning back to Hakeem, seeing him vomit in the trash can. "Hey man, you okay?"

Hakeem finished throwing up. "Fuck my life..." He groaned. "...I really hope we get that motherfucker, I already wanna go home."

Carmen frowned. "What are you talking about? I thought we had a smooth ride here."

Hakeem shook his head. "No its not that. Just... stay away from the zombie chick. Let's just say she eats like Liana does... but... it's much worse... eughh..." Hakeem spit the rest of his vomit out before taking out a handkerchief and wiping it all away. "... It's best you don't find out exactly."

Carmen nodded in understanding. "Okay homie... let's just leave it at that." Once both Sky and Akaniero were away, as well as Liv, they tried to get rid of the bubbles on their noses before they started looking ridiculous. If they couldn't get rid of the bubbles, Carmen would ask Liv politely. "Hey girl, mind getting rid of these bubbles?" She asked.

Before long, a loud series of stomps were heard... or at least all of them at once. A mass teleportation of students occurred right in front of them, with all kinds of students of many species and backgrounds standing right there. Carmen and Hakeem stood back in utter shock, seeing two dragons, a manticore, a pegasus, a few imps and demon-like entities, some other creatures, and odd-looking humans. Hakeem was nearly having a panic attack at all of this, to which Carmen gulped and grabbed him.

"Fuck you Mr. Smith... what did you... what-" Hakeem turned around before looking into the eyes of his homegirl.

"Compadre... listen to me." Carmen said, looking into Hakeem's eyes. "Stay with me here. We've been through worse, we've seen worse. This ain't shit, okay? We got this. Get your head in the game. We're not alone here, we have a friend, and we have support. We just got done destroying a vampire cartel lord without a hitch!" Carmen sighed before giving him a hug, patting him on the back. "Just keep it together for me, okay? I could use a sane head to help me through this."

Hakeem hesitated before hugging back, letting go of Carmen, nodding to her. "Okay... I'm fine... I got this. We got this."

"Awesome, that's what I like to hear." They turned and listened to Arken, the headmaster, as he spoke, slowly getting over their shock from all of this. They learned about him and his position, shortly figuring out that there were no dossiers on him. Hakeem memorized their room number pretty easily, and Carmen was trying to memorize the rules. Everything seems reasonable, but the whole 'abandoned building' thing really got their attention. They might have to get intel on that one later, should they decide to stick around after Sekhemi's death. They continued to listen to the rules, and then a shout from behind them caught their attention.

It was the target! And he was leaving the school! He looked badly bruised and battered. Bleed more, cowardly prick. Hakeem thought, with Carmen showing more concern over how the mission will change. Soon Arken bid them farewell, and they looked around after finding the maps and keys in their pockets. They were a little lost at this point, before they saw a familiar hand signal used in the field. Regroup. With their favorite assassin standing right there, Liana. Carmen and Hakeem smiled at her, and immediately made their way towards her.

"Liana! So good to see you!" Hakeem opened up his arms for a hug, for which Liana opened her arms and hugged him back.

"Likewise, friend." Liana said with a smile before turning to Carmen. "Hey hon." She said with a soft blushing grin of her own.

"Hey girl~" Carmen gave Liana a soft hug and a soft kiss on the cheek.

Liana blushed a little more. "We need to discuss this when we get the time though." Liana said softly. "And... that." She said, subtly eyeing the door. Both Carmen and Hakeem caught that. Liana smiled to them. "Oh, I gotta introduce you guys. Carmen, Hakeem, this is Sigmund..." She gestured to Sigmund, who was currently petting Celestia. "Over here is Celestia, sentient Pegasus..." Liana said casually before gesturing to Leval. "And that's Leval. Guys and gal, this is Carmen and Hakeem, two good friends of mine from work."

Hakeem waved sheepishly while Carmen gave the Sup Nod.

Once Sig asked Liana what was wrong with Shela, Liana frowned a little. "I think she was the one Soul possessed." She said softly to Sig.

"What!?" Both Hakeem and Carmen asked in unison.

The vampire turned to the two superhumans before trying to assuage them. "I'll explain later!" She said, visibly uncomfortable.

It wasn't long before Max, some cyborg looking dude, approached Liana. Just as soon as he asked her what Torchsnuff was, she nearly shat her pants, and the same went for Carmen and Hakeem. Liana played it off. "What the fuck are you talking about? Who are you?" Liana asked, her actual question making her tone very genuine.

"Hey, lay off the poor girl." Carmen said with a firm voice, crossing her arms. "I don't know about you, but I think it's best that you turn around and walk the fuck away. Sound cool?" Carmen asked, invoking her 'urban gangsta flava'. Hakeem also folded his arms at Liana's other side, joining her defense. It was clear to Max that the suddenness of his approach made Liana uncomfortable, and made Hakeem and Carmen defensive to her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Cyber watched as everyone suddenly appeared in front of her at once. She was a little surprised about it however she understood magic and knew about teleportation spells. She listened to Arken give out the rules and then the room numbers. Right now, Cyber wasn't in her battle form, instead her tech just looked like normal clothes. She placed her hand in her pocket and looked at the key before pulling out the map and taking a quick look at that. As she was, she looked up to see someone shouting. Already, someone was leaving. She wondered what happened to him that made him hate everyone and leave. She placed the room key away, for now she wanted to go explore. She smiled and walked over to the doors before turning around.

"Yo, I'm going to explore the island a little, anyone wants to come with?"

Shehad to obey the rules after all. If the islands were as dangrous as they say, then she best have someone with her in case things got a little sour.


Dante was just leaned against the wall when everyone suddenly appeared around him. He was a little surprised but he used magic himself, so it wasn't that surprising. He listened to Arken, barely. He didn't care all that much for rules honestly. He paid attention when the rooms were called out, but as soon as he heard his room and roommate, he stopped listening. He eyed Sekhemi who immediately left for some reason. He sighed, not really caring. Slowly, he pushed himself off the wall with his foot. He took a quick around. He didn't know who his roommate was, so he wasn't going to bother looking although luckily, he didn't have to. He stared at a girl who held up a sign that said 'Sky' on it. He studied her for a few minutes then he began to walk up to her slowly with his hands still in his pockets. When he was close enough he spoke to her casually.

"Hey, I'm Dante, your roomate."

It was a simple, he didn't care to go into a long winded conversation of who he was or why he was here.


Winter watched as things went from bad to worse although luckily, students were quick to handle the situation. Rika's demon didn't last too long and Sekhemi was handled by several students. He didn't deserve everything he got but at least he could calm down a little now. When Arken appeared, he praised and scolded a few people before teleporting everyone to the grand hall. She listened to the rules then the room numbers. Apparently she was being roomed with Rika. She hadn't actually met him yet, and she wondered who he was. She looked around a little then saw a sign that said 'Sky' she smiled, and decided to do something simular. She closed her eyes and crystals began to form around her. Eventually a small done had been created made entirely of ice. At the top was the name Winter carved into the crystals.


Drumdawn watched everyything go on before Arken arrived. He listened to him, before being teleported to the Grand Hall. Once again, he listened to Arken, and when he was finally finished, he teleported away. Drumdawn looked around for a moment, seeing the small sactual in front of him Drumdawn used a bit of levitation magic. He pulled out the key, taking a quick look at it before putting it back. Then he pulled out the map. There was plenty to explore. He looked to someone, listening to her as she asked who was going to explore the island. He looked around, wondering who was going to join her. He wanted to take to the skies himself, explore it from the top. Slowly, he turned to Zalak with a smile.

"Hey, do you want to take the skies together? Explore the islands from the top?"

It would be fun to hang with another dragon while he explored a little.



Lilith watched as the events unfolded, she found it rather funny when Sekhemi was beaten on. Still, eventually Arken arrived and spoke. She half listened, not caring all that much. When they were all teleported, she wasn't surprised at all. She had dealt with magic many times over. She half listened to him again, once she heard her roommate's name she took a look around. Slowly, she waved her hand and used her magic. As she did, names appeared over everyone's head that only she could see. It took her a minute or two, but she found her roommate going off on his own to wander. That got her curiousity, and she teleported behind him. She walked closer slowly before speaking.

"The name's Lilith, so what are you looking for?"

She gave him a small smile, she loved the idea of causing or being around chaos. If what he intended to do involved any of those two things, she would be in within a heartbeat.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sedjwick


Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Not long after asking his question, Zalek got something of an answer. The unconscious man came around and started shouting, promising death to all of them and proclaiming his hatred for them. That alone was enough to make Zalek dislike him, and explained why so many people had wanted to nearly murder him.

Thankfully, it didn't take much more time for the headmaster to finally arrive. He appeared suddenly in the middle of the new arrivals, praising some and scolding others, and then just as suddenly as he had appeared, he had teleported them all to the grand hall of the academy. He then introduced himself as Arken, discussed the rules, gave everyone their room assignments, and offered anyone who so chose at this time the option to leave. Zalek was only slightly surprised when the disgruntled prince announced his departure. If Zalek had been in his position he probably would have left too considering the way so many people had treated him, even if he had deserved every bit of what he got, a point on which Zalek was uncertain.

After causing everyone's room keys to appear on their persons or otherwise within their access, Arken left and everyone dispersed. Zalek stretched his wings, eager to fly and see what these floating islands had to offer. He turned to Drumdawn as the other dragon offered to go exploring with him. "You're not a mind reader, are you?" Zalek asked jokingly. "I was just about to head out to do that myself." He turned to the entrance of the grand hall and began walking toward the large doors that led to the outside. Zalek wasn't exactly claustrophobic, but he didn't like being stuck inside for long periods of time, and so he eagerly walked out of the building, stretching all of his extremities as he came out into the sun.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 17 days ago

Sekhemi and the Masked Man

The Masked Man looked up slowly to where the UAV was hiding, slowly he rose his hand and waved, making it very clear that he knew they had eyes on him. He then looked to Sekhemi.

"Now, let us go to our own HQ."

With that, he snapped his fingers and the two disappeared from sight. All traces of Sekhemi and the Masked Man were gone completely. It was as if they were never there.


Grace watched as Arken came, she listened to him then slowly turned to Liana. She knew that at some point, she would be getting orders to work with Peace Sentinel. Sure, she was here to learn and make new friends, but she was also here to help take care of the Masked Man. When everyone was teleported, she listened to Arken once more and nodded as she heard her room mate. She looked down to see the sactual, and with her magic, it disappeared. She didn't need that right now. She was with Zalak, one of the dragons. Interesting. She looked to Sekhemi as he shouted and left. She wasn't too concerned about him. Grace walked over to Zalak slowly, taking her time to pay attention to everything, especially the three students, however just before she reached Zalak, she recieved a mental message of the highest order.

'Grace, the Masked Man has met up with Sekhemi. This isn't good. We didn't think he'd act so quickly. Work with Peace Sentinel, inform their three agents everything we know about the Masked Man'

Grace sighed and looked back towards the three agents. She had no choice. She walked towards them and closed her eyes, focusing on the three of them.

'Andrea, Paz, Nassar, listen up, this is Grace. I just got orders from the higest order to work with you guys so you better take notes, this is a lot to take in. There is a highly dangerous man on these islands. He wears a mask but he's intel black, even for us. He uses magic to protect himself and all of his teammates. It's impossible to know who he is. He has just met up with Sekhemi. There is no intel on how many people are working for this guy, but he knows about Peace Sentinel and he isn't friendly. Luckily his main goal is to destroy the academy so you guys don't have to worry about Peace Sentinel just yet. That's all the info we have, I never needed to before, but considering the situation, I'll be intercepting all messages to and from you and Peace Sentinel. Be careful however, there is an AI who is able to do the same thing. It may be better if I sent any private info myself to Peace Sentinel, we don't want info getting into the wrong hands.'

She opened her eyes and watched closely for their reactions. She then looked to Max and teleported to him. Out loud, she spoke up to him.

"Hey Max, I hope you aren't probing anyone again. So, I wonder if Doctor Gero will be building any more Biodroids like you?"

She turned to the three agents with a small smile, trying to make it clear who Max was.



Rika had woken up when Arken placed the bandage around him and gave him some extra enegry. He didn't really hear much was being said and before he knew it, they had all teleported. Rika listened to Arken, now waking up more as he shook his head. He had lost control again, but it didn't seem he had hurt anyone, from what he could tell anyway. He hoped that was the case. When he heard his room number he nodded once more to himself. He looked around until he saw a crystal dome that had Winter carved in at the top. that was who he was rooming with. He walked over to Winter and smiled at her.

"Hey, it's me, Rika. Nice to meet you."

He inspected her a little before smiling again. A crystal phoenix would make an interesting roommate.



Kuro listened to Arken before being teleported to the Grand Hall. He once again listened to Arken and when he hard who his roommate was, he gave a little laugh. He turned to Rose and listened to her. When she was finished he looked to Yoruichi before turning to Rose once more.

"Interesting. Well, it's nice to know we'll be rooming together. I accept you apology, I admit it was a little stupid. Yoruichi has been telling me for a while that I need to try and cast faster."

Yoruichi gave a small laughter before looking up to Rose.

"By a while, he means a good few years. I also forgive you. You have apologised, and you are helping Kuro in his magic. Plus, if Kuro isn't mad, then I can't be either."

Kuro looked to Yoruichi before bending down.

"Now, before we do anything, let's get these runes sorted."

She nodded and with that, he clicked his fingers. The huge book appeared in front of him once more and he turned to the rune page, before giving Yoruichi any runes, he placed his hand on her and drew in all of his magic that he had given her. He had been so long since he had all his power at once, he felt much stronger already. He couldn't help laugh a little though when Yoruichi gave a small 'meow' Kuro looked to the page and spoke.

"So, which wants do you want?"

Despite Kuro taking his magic back, Yoruichi still had all the memories, she still remembered the conversations. She was still smarter than the average cat thanks to Kuro. The first rune she placed her paw on, was of course intellegence. Kuro placed it on her forehead. As soon as the rune was magically inbued to her, she shook her fur.

"Wow, it feels so good to have my voice back. Anyway, next rune."

Kuro laughed again before watching Yoruichi. Bit by bit, Kuro placed more runes on Yoruichi until her body was covered in them. Yoruichi gave a small sigh.

"Well, that's about it. I don't want to strain my body too much however, I already feel a slight strain. Once I get used to all these runes though, I should be over it."

She smiled, with that she would be able to help protect Kuro and help him more.



Miarikia watched as all the students suddenly appeared in front of her. It seemed Arken had finally arrived. She listened to him, nodding every so often. When he was done she turned to Oshikuru.

"So, I guess we're roommates. Do you want to go explore the island together?"

She smiled at him, she was interested in learning what this island had on it that was so dangerous and she had a feeling that with Oshikuru, there wasn't much that stood a chance against them.



Red looked to Arken as he arrived, and shortly after, she was suddenly teleported to the Grand Hall. She smiled widely before listening to Arken. She found it interesting that her roommate was Ashly. She turned to him and poked him gently.

"Hey, we're roommates! Wanna explore? Wanna, wanna wanna?"

She smiled brightly, as she did Serpent slithered in front of Ash and spoke to him seriously.

"I am warning you. If you hurt Red, I won't hesssssitate to turn you to sssssstone."

Red giggled before looking to Serpent. She liked how he was so protective of her. It showed that he cared about her.



Shade watched as Arken came, he listened to him before being teleported. Once again, Shade listened to him. Once he heard who his roommate once he looked around slowly. He used his natural magical abilities to sense out his roommate. Once he found her, he melted to the floor and slithered to the zombie girl. He came up quickly and smiled at her.

"Hello, I'm Shade. Nice to meet you."

Shade wasn't affected by her smell. His sense of smell didn't work that way. No, he could only smell darkness, corruption and evil nature. He continued to smile at the zombie girl as he wondered what the two would do together.



Soul listened to Leval, before listening to Liana. Then Arken came and shortly after, everyone was teleported. He listened to Arken, and when his roommate was named, he looked over to Max. He knew exactly who that was. He flew over to him and spoke up.

"Hey Max, it turns out we are roommates."

He made a smilely face like last time before returning back to his normal self.



Pozuzy looked to Arken and listened to him, shortly after, they all teleported. Once again, he listened to Arken. The mention of the abandoned building interested in although he liked his roommate even more. He giggled slightly and turned to Sabrina.

"We are roommates! Let us explore! Let us explore!"

He looked around, there was so much to see, so much to do, so much to explore. He wanted to see what this island had on it, what made it so dangerous to go alone.



Celestia listened to Arken when he arrived. She wasn't surprised by the teleportation at all. She listened to Arken once more and smiled at who her roommate was. She was about to go to him, when she noticed the pure shock on Liana's face. She watched her for a few seconds before slowly walking up to her.

"What's going on, are you alright?"

She looked to Hakeem and Carin before turning back to Liana.



Shela listened to Arken when he arrived, however the teleportation shocked her a little. She looked around, getting used to the new surroundings before turning back to Arken and listening. When he was finally done, Leval turned to her and asked her a question. She was going to be his roommate. At least she wasn't completely useless now. She had some sort of power, just no idea how to actually use it.

"I'm fine. I am just a little shocked. I thought I didn't have a power, when Soul possessed me and used my own power, I didn't know what to say. I am happy you are my roommate."

She looked to Leval and smiled at him brightly.


Liv Moore

Liv listened to Hakeem and jumped on his shoulder as he had asked however, when he saw the zombie girl take a bite from her sweets he placed her down and was quickly sick. She herself felt a little sick, but she held it down luckily. She looked to Beast as he walked up to her and smiled at him.

"You must be Beast, nice to meet you. Don't worry, I have a few surprises up my sleeve. You'll quickly see I'm not just a ordinary squirrel."

She smiled brightly at him before running up his leg and sitting on his shoulder.



Grodd looked to Arken as he appeared, he half listened then he was teleported. He half listened to Arken again, though when he heard that things had changed he wasn't happy. He roared loudly and pounded his chest a few times. Then he looked around, using his psychic abilities to find Lunar. With one large jump, he landed in front of her. He gave her a few rough sniffs before speaking in her head.

"Human...no, not human. Werewolf. I am Grodd."

He pounded his chest a few more times before stopping and staring her right in the eyes.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

He couldn't help but wish he'd been roomed with Dawn, it would have made his life a heck of a lot easier. She was someone that he found comfortable to talk to and he was regretful to be leaving her now. Her agreement to see him again was good though, she had enjoyed his company enough that seeing him again was a good idea. He'd ask her about her family then, he found himself very curious about them.

"Here's hoping that my roommate doesn't drive me insane, Miss Dawn. I'll see you then." the dark haired boy left her with a friendly wave before embarking on his journey to figure out where his room was. He could barely remember the number, he'd have to write it down sometime or he'd end up lost before he knew it. He'd never been all that great with numbers, he was lucky he'd grown up in a lake instead of a world dominated by cell phones.

He didn't like to think about it much but the human world would have been outright confusing for him. He'd known very few of his kind that had lived amongst humans, they never struck him as very happy. This opportunity to live amongst humans in a haven type place amongst the clouds had been a blessing in a way. It was the only way that he'd ever truly get to know them and he was already so interested in the ones that he had seen.

Dawn with her kind nature and awe-inspiring abilities. That strange boy that had been referred to as Leval, he was surely interesting too. There were all other kinds of monstrosities as well, he wanted to know more about them. They kind of terrified him in a way but it didn't staunch his growing curiosity. The dragon with the two heads was especially terrifying, he'd never seen anything like it.

There were fae that were dragon-like, though they were much smaller. They were more like wyverns and they were very mean. They were mostly used in battle, like guard dogs. They flew in with razor sharp teeth and jagged claws, they were pretty useful from what he knew. He'd never really met one before, strange how that was.

The more he walked, the more his thoughts wandered from the task at hand. He needed to get to his room and stop worrying about all of the beasties that he might meet or not meet here. He knew that wandering about senselessly would also get him lost. When he finally found his room, he opened the door and he stepped inside. He couldn't help but lament the lack of water, it was a room though. He'd never even slept on a bed before.

The idea of spending almost all of his time with Celestia was not appealing. He didn't hate her, he had no reason to yet, but he didn't think their personalities would brush well. She was too nice and he was too easily irritated. He hadn't brought any luggage besides a bag of clothing and clattering necklaces, there wasn't really anything to unpack.

He settled onto the bed and relished in the steadily growing discomfort that he felt.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Oooie
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Oooie Sweet Eater

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

{this is where i realized i don't know how to delete posts}
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Leval Lamrue

@The One@AbandonedIntel@Oooie

Leval gently removed Cinder from his back and placed Cinder on Shela's hand. "I am glad you are okay. This is my friend Cinder,
who is a healer. Sometimes when people use their abilities for the first time, their health can suffer for a time. Just in case, Cinder can help with that."
As if to emphasize his point, Cinder twitched its wings and appeared to settle where it was upon her hand.

Satisfied that Shela seemed to be doing alright, Leval turned back to the others in his group. Liana, who apparently had friends that had already arrived on the floating island, introduced them to him and Sig as Carmen and Hakeem. As they were introduced the cyborg thing, apparently called Max from Arken's speech, walked over and asked them about something called Torchsnuff, it was clear to see it made the entire trio uncomfortable, though they tried to hide it well. Leval looked away pretending to be engrossed with looking at his map of the premises for something to fill the time and give the trio their time. Whatever Liana was not talking about was none of his business and he owed her a great many favors just from the past hour. She was entitled to her own secrets, as they all were. Including himself.

Actually looking over the map now, he spotted two areas of interest. The maze and the Rainbow Fields. For some reason or another, the maze unsettled him, while on the other hand, the Rainbow Fields looked warm, inviting, and safe. A welcome reprieve from the chaos of the day to be sure. He turned and showed the picture of the location on the map to Shela.

"This seems like a nice place to go to. We can go get some fresh air after the craziness at the start of the day. Feel like coming along?" Shela nodded her head in agreement, so Leval turned to the others as well.

"We are going to head for the Rainbow Fields if you guys would like to join us." Leval turned and walked out of the building with Shela following the map to their new destination.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 17 days ago

Shela and ???????????

Shela listened to Leval and looked at the map, seeing the area he pointed to. The rainbow fields looked Perfect it was like a dream. She smiled and nodded to Leval silently, and together they walked. It took them around ten minutes to get there, it wasn't too far. when they arrived Shela ran through the field happily.

"It's so pretty!"

Drake looked around and slowly looked up to Leval.

"I've got a bad feeling about this place."

As Shela ran through the rainbow fields, a golden yellow sunflower popped up in the mass of yellow. It gave a large omious smile that could send shivers down spines.

The sunflower stared at them both before opening it's mouth and letting out a cheerful song.

"Howdy, how's it going? I'm Flowey. Looks like you're new, well, lucky for you. I can show you around! Lots to do, so much to see. Up here ain't so bad, 'cause no place could be that scary when it's got such cute plants! Spread the love, be friends with me! You see I know that you have a nice soul! So I feel like it's my responsibility to teach you how things work up here! The island is so much fun 'cause love is never far! I am Flowey and I'm your new best friend! Things you are afraid of, they won't bother you here. You're new so you must be so confused but all you'll find is cheer! Since we are friends now I'll tell you what I know! Your soul wants love, it's just like a flower that needs water to grow!"

The flower smiled brightly, continuing to stare at the two. Shela just stared at it and gave a small weary smile. She didn't know why, but this flower didn't seem normal to her.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oooie
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Oooie Sweet Eater

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Sig frowned slightly, giving Shela a look of pity.

"The poor dear..." He murmured. He'd seen cases of possession more than a few times over the years. At best it was confusing, at worst nightmarish. Either way it could leave a person disturbed and rattled.

"It's lovely to meet you, Carmen, Hakeem. Liana was kind enough to cut me out of a chair earlier, so I'm rather impressed with her so far." He quickly stopped petting Celestia at mention of her being sentient. He hoped he hadn't offended her, but she didn't seem terribly bothered. Maybe she just thought he was a fool.

Now some mechanical looking fellow was approaching them, talking about... Torksnuff? What had he said? Whatever it was, it seemed to upset Liana and her friends quite a bit. He was opening his mouth to comment when some sort of small purple creature approached. It was saying something about....

The various threads off conversation danced through the air around him, begging to be woven into something coherent. Regretfully, Sig was no rope maker. His eyes glazed over.

My my, they talk a lot. He thought.
yes. some of them chatter through the air, with theirs minds and machines whispered a spirit in reply.
Oh? Have you learned anything interesting?
A pause.
that they are noisy.

Sig sighed. Well that was too much to hope for. His gaze wandered to the two dragons. Hot damn, they did fit inside. How about that.

He had nearly given up hope of understanding what the hell was going on when Leval mentioned heading out.

"A-ha! Now that's the spirit." He said, clapping the young man on the back.

"Liana!" He said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I see you've managed to make yourself the center of quite a bit of confusion. If you have things you must deal with, I understand, but my preference would be that you come along."

"For my part, I intend to go exploring the mysterious floating island. I would prefer to have company along the way. After all, two is company, three is a crowd, but four or more is an adventuring party."

He followed Leval and the girl, whose name he had missed, to some place called 'The Rainbow Field'. It sounded like a fun music festival, honestly, but in his experience mysterious places tended to some spectacularly misleading names.

He soaked in the sights, serenely puffing on a long wooden pipe. It was quite beautiful. The sun was shining, the flowers were talking...

He stopped, tapping his chin with his pipe.

"Is... Is that a fucking talking flower?"

@AbandonedIntel@EurmalEye@The One
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