Sarge squinted his eyes as he stared directly back directly int Takeshis eyes. The man did not budge an inch and he did not play on doing so neither simply from the guys tone. Sarge was about to shut the whole operation down until Reina had stepped in and spoke up. The burly man let out a sigh before stepping aside. Ms.Mori was as innocent as they come, not only that but Takeshi was accomponied by some other students with good morals.
"You don't want to know what'll happen if I you make trouble"
Once the kids were on their ways, the security guard pulled out his phone sending a text message to one of his acquaintances regarding Takeshi going off campus.

Roy Kusayanagi
Roy raised an eyebrow to this whole altercation, the school year had just started yet there were already student vs staff member problems. Takeshi had to explain himself as well as the swords that he possessed which the blonde didnt even notice when he was talking to him. He was probably trying to keep it hidden so that he didn't draw attention to himself possibly? He shifted his leg forward as he prepared to make a comment yet Reina had beat him too it which was quite the surprise. She had to be the most reserved and timid person in class personality wise but she always seemed to step up when it counts.
Quite admirable
Reina speaking out seemed to do the trick as she was able to make the big behemoth infront of the group move aside. The best choice of action was leaving the campus before Sarge changes his mind.
"Come on guys lets go before it is too late" With his words the group continued forward past the security guard and towards the front gate. Though something hadn't been quite right, looking down to his left he noticed how quiet Kaida has been since they left the dormitory house. The blonde slowed his pace to match her speed, he slightly bent down a bit to keep his voice unheard.
"Is something bothering you, you've haven't said a word this whole time."__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In an abandoned warehouse.
If one were walking too close to an old factory warehouse in the industry district, they could have heard the sound of fighting. Though that sound didn’t last too long as the final noise of a gurgling yell quickly ended it. Inside were two dark figures with white masks both having different designs on them. Both stood over two bodies, their blades crimson with the blood of their latest victims.
The shadow clan are an infamous group of mercenaries known in the underground crime world, if you wanted to take someone off the face of the earth and proposed the right amount of money. They were the cream of the crop when it comes to this line of work simply because they leave little to no traces of their targets.
One of them, with the
flat mask with a simple design and slitted eyes, sighed irritably and reached down and grabbed the cape of one of the slain men, ripped off a good chunk of it and used it as a rag to wipe off the remaining blood from his sword. Then he used it to wipe of some blood that managed to get onto his clothes.
“I honestly don’t know why these men had a bounty on their head...they were hardly worth being called ‘heros’. I tell you...Villians are getting lazier by the day…” A Deep distorted voice came from behind his mask, aimed at the other masked figure.
Once done he tossed the bloodied rag over the top of his latest victim and sheathed his sword. Pulling a basic flip phone from his pocket he moved over and used his foot to shove the corpses onto their back as if they were garbage and snapped two quick pictures of their faces.
“We have the symbol of peace to thank for that, because of him these lazy bastards don't have to work as hard to protect the citizens. Just speaking that guys name makes criminals shake in their boots.” the other figure said swinging his sword swiftly sending the blood on his blade splattering against the floor.
The other mercenary had a fox like mask which was much more flashier compared to his counterparts.
“I am even more disappointed than you, my target was dead before I even got to him!” He groaned sheathing his blade.
“I wished we could get higher risk bounties, at least to slay a hero that is actually ranked. I'd want to go toe to toe with Endeavor.” The man said snapping his fingers, from the ground a black mist quickly engulfed the the corpses, all that could be heard were the sound of human flesh being stripped from the bone until nothing was left.
Shortly there would be no trace of the dead heroes whatsoever once the black mist cleared.
“We can close the curtains on this one.” The masked man said as he began walking out.
The first man grunted as he glanced at the second.
“Agreed… You would think someone would pay us to get rid of Actual threat instead of trying to rid the world of the ants.“ He flipped his phone shut and as he went to follow the other man out his phone vibrated. Glancing at the text, he let out a pleased hum.
“Looks like the Rat and the mouse are out of their cage. This would make Sensai Very happy…”“You mean little Kesh and Ko?! We should pay them a visit.” The man began chuckling to himself,
“How naive of them to believe they can live a normal life after breaking the code and going AWOL.” The fox masked figure began stretching his body as he tried to warm his body up, killing those other guys barely sufficed.
"Its a shame that we are required to bring them back alive" The mercenaries exited the old factory and made his way down a nearby alley.
“Let's move squid, I don't want to miss this opportunity to teach those brats a lesson”@Riegal@Aerandir@Heartfillia