Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Melpaws
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Melpaws Envoy of the First

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ruby Mamoru

Being tasked with leading her own team in this exercise, Ruby would walk over to gather "Team Lance" around her. As of now, according to Dulga, it consisted of Yukari, Mina, Mamoru and, of course, Ruby. It was hard to judge what fighting power would be possible to be brought by this team, but they all seemed like swift combatants. Now, the next hurdle to overcome was the fact that Ruby was relatively new to the class, having done one grande exercise with the others and not having been part of the "incident" which many of the others underwent recently. Therefore she did not have a solid chance to get a good grasp of the other's quirks and abilities, which made planning for a strategy difficult.
"Okay everyone!" The catgirl eyed her teammates for this upcoming task.
"As mentioned before, we don't know their quirks. This means we can't expect what they throw at us. Therefore, we should be ready for anything. Furthermore, I believe it'd be best if we stuck together at all times. As a group, we have a higher chance to anticipate and avoid their attacks." Ruby let out a small sigh and eyed her partners.
"These things aside though, they probably underestimate us quite a bit and don't consider us to be a big threat. Our best shot is to overwhelm them before they have a chance to react. A quick, precise strike by all members of our team to overwhelm a single member of them, before they have a chance to raise their defenses adequately."
It was now that Ruby noticed that the other team was already getting ready to commence the exercise, having most likely finished their pep-talk.
"I wish we'd have more time to figure out synergies between our quirks, but we'll have to make do with what we have.
Before leaving it at that, Ruby noticed that this really wasn't the right note to end it at. The tone was all negative and wouldn't motivate anyone to do their best. With a somewhat forced smirk, Ruby addressed her group once more.
"Anyways, this is our chance to prove ourselves to the elite of this school. Let's show them what this future generation of heroes is capable of."
With these words as her final words, Ruby would walk back over to Dulga to signal that they were ready to go.

@pkken @Norschtalen @Ryonara @Silver Carrot @Lucius Cypher
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 25 min ago

Kasuke Mina

Mina listened to Ruby's plan, and nodded. It made sense. Together, they'd be able to take out a single prefect at a time, or at least incapacitate them. She looked to hear teammates for this exercise. Besides Ruby there was also Roy, Acion, Yukari, and Mamoru. Besides Roy, Mina didn't know all too much about them. She knew the basics of their quirks and that was it. Acion had a Hero family. Mamoru had a little bit of a reputation as a kamikaze. Yukari had been part of the group that got attacked by villains.

Once Ruby's speech was finished, Mina stood beside her. "Listen," she said, "We should stick together. If I can blind them, that should give you a window to get close and freeze them."

Now all that was left was to wait for the Prefects to start.

Maeda Hitomi

Training Ground Alpha
@Norschtalen@pkken@Riegal@liferusher@Lucius Cypher

Hitomi listened to Dulga's plan. So, she'd be one of the few who'd be tasked with finishing the prefects off, and restraining them. This did seem well suited to the sheep girl's talents, and she now had complete confidence that she'd been cast in the right role. This would give her an opportunity to test out her wool bombs in a practical environment. She looked at the teammates who would be joining her, as three of them would be splitting off to block the exits and box the prefects in. So Hitomi would be fighting with Dulga and Tomoe. Of course she knew her roommate and best friend quite well, but Dulga, she'd never really spoken to before. She seemed intense and scary. Perhaps she'd get to know the tall six-armed girl better during, or after this exercise. No. Right now she had to focus. And steel herself for an exercise against mutants, when not even half a year ago she was a Support student.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 14 days ago


It was time for the Lance Team to head out. Everyone was gathering up for planning and further discussion, but Mamoru was too hyped to really sit still. ”Yeah yeah, of course they have the advantage over us, but what they know and what they can do are two totally different things! No plan survives first contact, not for us or for the prefects. As long as we kep pushing forward and adapt, nothing they throw at us will stop us!” Perhaps it was cocky, but Mamoru was tired of always feeling like she was lagging behind everyone else. When she thinks, her plans don’t really work, and when she tries to follow other people’s plans they never are as successful as they think. She knows that no one can be perfect, but trying to reach perfection when they can instead do what they do best, that’s how you lose. So once Ruby was finished explaining things, Mamoru summoned her shield and smiled. “I’ll head first! Try to keep up!” Mamoru would burst through the door into the training zone, shield in one hand and a handful of ballistic balls in the other. Today she’ll show everyone the fruits of her training!

Dark Matter

Donny was quiet as Dulga called out him and Amane specifically for collateral damage. He had to admit, he wasn’t entirely sure what he could do if he didn't rely on environmental damage to deal with his opponents. He has been training, sure, but in a straight up fight he’s not nearly as strong as he wishes he could be. It’s not like he can just eat the enemy anyways. Bursting through the floor or wall is how he fights, ambushing his foes or otherwise luring them into a trap that’ll take them out without putting himself directly in harm's way. ”Y-Yeah, got it. I-I-I-I’ll do… My best.”

Aside from avoiding collateral damage, it was Donny’s job to seal off any potential exits the prefects might try, which is something Donny can totally do. He can avoid the bulk of the fighting and work behind the scenes sabotaging any escape routes, or set up traps if he can’t totally cut off a route. He’ll have to keep in mind not to cause any serious structural damage, but Donny was certain he could figure something out. Though hearing about this ghost girl concerned Donny. As far as he knew, Donny was one of the few people in school with a reliable tunneling ability. That’s how he was effectively able to “defeat” Mina the first time they battled by simply leaving her underground. But that tactic wont’ work against a girl who could probably travel through the ground better than he can. ”I’ll just have to leave it to the others like Dulga said. Focus on my part and they can focus on theirs…”

It seemed like they were ready to go, so Donny crouched to the ground and immediately tunneled down. He stayed close enough to the surface that he should be able to follow the others while he’s tunneling, or otherwise can move wherever he needs to be without any immediate obstruction. He was worried what the prefects had in store though; they had the advantage of a head start. For all he knows, his classmates might end up running into one of their traps.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dulga Tarata

"Alright, enough chitchat. Let's move out." Dulga had all her gear ready so she'll send out the Lance Team first. They'll prod any ambush or defenses that the prefects might've already set up. As for the Hammer Team, they moved a bit slower but still capable of meeting up with the Lance Team if they run into trouble. Dulga was particularly wary for ambush or worse, scouts. Information was power and if she lets the Prefects spy on them, there'd be no way for the team to coordinate without the enemy figuring out their plans. Though that's also why Dulga had them split up into two teams anyways: better flexibility when communication breaks down. Regardless, Dulga can't worry about what-ifs or possibilities: she needs eyes on the enemy first. "Remember your roles. Let's maintain some silence so the enemy doesn't over hear us."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Komei Academy Prefects

Berg stood with his arms folded and eyes closed silently waiting for the 5 minutes to pass and for the team to engage. As time tickled down the young hero’s excitement and impatience began to show by the taping of his right foot on the pavement. Felix chuckled to himself at the sight, “just make sure to not go overboard alright?” The boy said while stretching out his arms, “It’s been a bit of time since we all fought together, this is going to be a whole lot of fun, I’ll be sure to embrace this villain role to the fullest.”

Nestor nodded, “I’m also pretty psyched about this as well but let’s not underestimate them just because they are first years, their quirks will still be a pretty big problem if caught out, on top of that they'll all be surely fighting with a chip on their shoulder after what they've been through.” The horned boy added, Berg broke the conversation up with a look over his shoulder signaling the group that it was time to move out. Shihone propped herself up from her position on the wall, a spark of electricity shot through her hair and she grinned, “Let’s go show 1-A who they’ll have to compete with for the top spot” before running off she stopped and turned to the rest of her team.

“Oh an Tarata-San is mine” a spark of electricity streaked up her uniform as the words left her lips, Berg smirked “Do as you wish as long as we stick to the game plan. Nestor you will take point, Shihone and I will provide more than adequate backup. Felix and Kiyoko do what you do best within the chaos of it all” Berg remarked while fixing his earpiece.

“Affirm your positions, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it” Berg said before running off.

Once everyone was in place Berg took in a deep breathe, “We have some stubborn foes today so feel free to get a little extra rowdy if you need to prove a point. Nestor, we’re ready when you are.”

Nestor was on a back alleyway positioned near the center of the training area, the boy took a deep sigh. “Feels good to have a support system behind you” he said before picking up his heart rate, soon enough Nestor has begin to undergo a transformation. His nose and mouth transforming into a snout, his horns and teeth growing in size and sharpness, even his feet has transformed into hooves though the most notable transformation was the increase in body mass and size. Within seconds he had transformed from a high school student into a ferocious beast.

Nestor Leventis

[Quirk - Minotaur]

Nestor is able to transform himself into a minotaur, while transformed he is granted strength rivaled by a small group(pros included) as well as a tough leather skin adept at mitigating damage.

He let off a menacing roar that echoed throughout the training ground. Class 1-A would surely pop of within moments notice, holding out till the rest of the team can work their magic was the only objective. He just needed to get their attention, surely taunting them would be enough...no that’s not it, he needs to create a ruckus. The Minotaur looked to a vehicle parked to the curb, the beast leapt into the air and slammed into the vehicle flattening it like a pancake. The beast proceeded with its rampage by grabbing the flattened vehicle and tossing it into the second story of a nearby building. This will do he grinned as roared again before hammering his fists into the street destroying all the pavement within 30 feet radius.

[color=9e0039][/color]“Stop me if you can worthless heroes!”[/color] Nestor then took to the air once more, anchoring himself on the outside 4th story walling of a nearby building. He dug his feet deep into the building before taking off again to the rooftop of another building.

While Nestor was busy having fun, Felix and Kiyoko were busy laying out the behind the scenes work. “You lead the way Kiyoko, this is exactly right up your alley since you can check if the coast is clear. Nestor is buying us time to work.” He said winking at her, “and don’t worry you’re pretty little head I’ll be right behind you providing exemplary support.”

@Experiment 249@Aerandir@Riegal@Lucius Cypher@Zeroth@Silver Carrot@Conscripts@liferusher@Ryonara@Heartfillia@Norschtalen@Zelosse@FamishedPants@Melpaws
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 7 days ago

Acion Nakamiji

His arrival was pretty much last minute, and, having unfortunately arrived after the planning was finished, members of the team had to rebrief the plan to him. Long plan short, Acion was assigned to what's called the Lance Team, aside from the other team called Hammer. His job, along with the rest of the members, would be skirmishing. Chase the prefects, harass them, chip off their strength, survive. Basically being the big sore fingers in their sword-wielding hand. Simply everything he could possibly want. No disagreements there. The team placements were pretty much suited for their own respective role, he'd say. The thing that probably would put a little X doubt on his mind would be Ruby's decision to stick together. It's not...a bad idea per say. It's pretty much standard teamwork tactic in competitive games. But how close to the team and each other is a pretty vague description. For them, it may not be much of an issue at all, but for Acion, that could draw a line to what he should do. He's a flyer. As much as he wanted to improve ground combat, Acion's biggest strength would always be the fact that he could fly, and he could fly fast. He could be the eye, the thorn, and in this case the mouth of the team as well, since Dulga had wanted the team to not use earpieces, so chances are if something pop up and the team requiring assistance, he'd likely be the one to inform them. So if Ruby had wanted Acion to stay with the team, that wouldn't be good. Sometimes, the difference between victory and defeat could be the piece of information that one side knew but the others do not.

"How close do you want me to be?" Acion asked Ruby. "Because I think I want to be up there and watch what is going on."

The lack of earpieces would probably hurt Acion the most out of everybody, considering the fact that most of the time he acted independently, and relied on it to maintain the flow of vital information from and to him. And also when his other classmates weren't such adept flyers like he was, let's just say he ought to change his strategy a little bit this time.

"I'll not go too far though. Not to worry. I'll keep everyone updated at every turn." He reassured them, before giving them a two finger salute. "Good luck. We'll knock them a few pegs."

Once Dulga gave the order to go, Acion immediately took to the sky. He did not hesitate to burn off a bit of his stamina to building up the speed to sweep through a portion of the district close to 1-A's starting position before climbing to a higher altitude, enough to be slightly above than the tallest building in the entire training arena. He could possibly go even higher, but he knew he needed to keep track of his teammates as well and assist them if possible. But now, eyes of the sky, he'd observe, while trying to make sure he did not move too predictably, changing speed and direction every few seconds.

And not too long into it, the first enemy was spotted.

"What in the dying heaven..."

At first it was just a roar, and then the sound of metals being thrown into a recycling plant. Then emerged, from the distance, a huge minotaur in majestic silvers, hanging on a high building before doing the roof hopping.

This ain't gonna be an easy picking for sure.

If this is one guy, then he expected the others to be just as strong.

But at least he knew his location. What about the rest? That minotaur surely wasn't doing this without the other's involvement. He was taunting 1-A as well. He wanted them to follow him? And fight? All was too unclear at the moment.

Acion didn't stop him though. Firstly, he can't. The beast only asked if he can. He's not. Not on his own. Secondly, he needed to know where were the rest of their team, or if not, what they planned to do at least.

He turned back down to the rest of the Lance Team, trying to use hand signal and hope that one of them would notice. He'd point at himself, then his two eyes, then swung the two fingers around, then a finger at them, pointing upward, saying that he'd continue the scout around the arena, he'd be back in a minute. The lack of communication earpieces sucked, but he couldn't complain now. If they didn't get it, well...it's just a minute.
@Silver Carrot @Melpaws@Lucius Cypher@Ryonara
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Melpaws
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Melpaws Envoy of the First

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ruby Mamoru

Team Lance was beginning to move to the entrance of the arena, being ready to go in at any moment. After just having finished her small speech to prepare her team-members, Mina out of all people decided to plan ahead with Ruby. While the two of them had some interesting interactions in the past, namely because of their weird relationships with Amane, all of these things mattered not in the face of the exercise. Here they would have to cooperate at any cost because they really would not stand any chance at all otherwise against the famous prefects. After Mina's proposition, Ruby stared at her for just a second too long, blinked once and then replied with a slight nod.

"That sounds like a plan."

Mentally however, Ruby added: "Try to keep up."

With the teams being prepped for the upcoming task there was only the late-arrival Acion to be briefed after he had just been informed of the situation by Dulga. The boy would soon approach Ruby as the team-leader so that she could include him in the strategy. Although to be fair, there really wasn't that much of a strategy to begin with... she'd definitely have to work on that. Regardless, Acion raised a valid point concerning his aerial abilities. His mention of the usefulness of such abilities in being the watching eye above the battlefield reminded Ruby of the time when Acion and her had clashed in battle during the first exercise in which she had participated. It had been a rather intense battle in which both combatants had seemed to be of equal strength... However, moments before they had wanted to go all out they had been so rudely interrupted... therefore they had never been able to find out who was stronger. Regardless, Ruby knew to respect Acion's power, having experienced it first hand, and therefore was able to trust him with splitting off from the group, albeit a short distance. The catgirl gave Acion a short and confident nod.

"Alright. Just stay within hearing distance so we will be able to communicate considering the fact that we don't use the ear-pieces as per Dulga's advice." Ruby was about to turn away before she remembered something.
"Oh and, I do have enhanced hearing." She pointed to her large feline ears.
"So, keep that in mind." and with that, the briefing was finally concluded.

Her opinion of Acion, at least regarding his actual combat abilities, was fairly high and his presence gave her more confidence regarding the outcome of the exercise.

Ruby moved herself to the entrance to the arena in which the exercise would take place to regroup with the full Team Lance. Taking a final glance around her class-/team mates, Ruby was ready to rush into the scene. "Le-"
Her announcement was interrupted by a certain shield-bearer bursting her way through the door into the training area. The catgirl was taken aback a bit by this sudden development but quickly shook her head to regain her composure and then dashed through the door with her teammembers.

As of this moment they were sort of aimlessly wandering through the arena, waiting for intel by their watchful eye in the sky, Acion. Luckily said intel wouldn't have to wait for long as a bonechilling scream and loud noises of demolition and destruction would drown out the oddly peaceful quietness of the area just seconds before. They were enough to stop Ruby in her tracks, turning her head towards the sky to see what Acion had to say as he was the only one being able to see the immense threat causing such threatening sounds.

His wild body movements and gesturing left Ruby staring at the birdie-boy with a confused expression.

Once he was finally done she would point at her feline ears with a still neutral expression on her face, although there was a sliiiiight hint of annoyance visible, trying to signal him that she was, in fact, able to hear him.


On the prefects' side of things, the tactical discussion was kept much more simple than that of the students. They had already worked together countless of times as part of their training, meaning that this was just routine formation for them, with some minor adjustments made to it. However, hearing her teamcaptain tell Kiyoko to just cause some chaos, made her eyes light up immediately. "This is going to be fuuuuuuuunnnnn~~" Kiyoko claimed before splitting apart from the group together with Felix.
As they were walking to a position where they'd be able to mess with the students the best, Felix began a conversation.
"We could honestly just let Nestor go rampage and he'd be able to take all of them out. Buuuuuttttttt... where is the fun in that? I want to mess with them!"
Once Felix told Kiyoko to not worry about her "pretty little head" the ghostly girl immediately turned around and stuck her tongue out towards Felix in childish defiance. "You know very well that I'll be fine!... I wonder, should I pay our opponents a visit and say hello to them? Or would you rather have an elaborate scheme to drive them crazy!" Kiyoko pronounced the word "crazy" with a load of cheerful enthusiasm and a hint of evilness in it.
"Tho' You'd have to do the planning. I'm just good at flying in and giving them a good old scare!"
Kiyoko giggled.
As of now both of them were just moving along the back alleys located in the outer parts of the arena whereas most of the action was happening in the central part of it. They were preparing to be in a flanking position!

@pkken @Norschtalen @Conscripts @Lucius Cypher @Silver Carrot @Ryonara
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dulga Tarata

The class moved in. It wasn't long before the first prefect arrived. He was a minotuar of some sort, which likely means great strength, tough skin, and possibly good senses. Dulga sighed softly knowing that she'd have to hit sensitive areas in order to harm him. If she was using live ammo she'd just load hollow points and start blasting, but the less-lethal ammo she has to use had terrible penetration by design, and while they might have enough force to knock out most normal villains with a solid shot, someone as tanky as a minotuar wasn't going to go down even with a headshot. But more importantly, Dulga knew the beast was just a distraction. He didn't bother to try and attack them directly and all he's doing is making a lot of noise. No doubt the prefects have already expected Class A to operate in teams, so he's likely running off to divide the class up so they can pick them off in smaller groups. Quickly, Dulga needed to think of a tactic.

"Stick to the plan." Dulga thought to herself. Ruby and the Lance Team will deal with the minotuar. Because he's trying to lure them away, or even split the team up, no doubt that the other prefects intended to try and catch them off guard or from behind. It was time to widen the net. "Leave it to the Lance Team to weaken the beast. He's trying to separate the class so the others can pick us off or trap us. We'll follow the Lance Team to cover their backs. Otherwise remember the plan. Maeda, with me." Dulga would turn to Hitomi as she pointed towards one of the taller buildings. Dulga intended to take the high ground, but she doubts that Maeda could get up there quickly. So if she is willing, Dulga will offer to pick up Maeda, carrying her and Tomoe if she's still with Dulga, and launch herself towards the rooftops using her bolstered strength to propel herself in a similar manner as the minotuar. "I need the high ground so I can have eyes on the situation. I don't know how strong the minotuar is but hopefully the combined might of Lance Team can withstand him. But I expect the rest of the prefects to try and attack them from behind when that happens. So we need to be ready for that and get ready to intercept them. With any luck Ruby will be able to keep her team in check line and maintain hit-and-run tactics to wear down the beast instead of trying to stay and subdue him themselves."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 25 min ago

Kasuke Mina

Training Ground Alpha

The roar of a great Beast, followed by muffled bragging filled the air as Mina watched Acion's gestures. 'I', 'look', 'around'. Seemed pretty straightforward, but when Mina glanced to Ruby, she seemed a little lost. Mina sighed, and started to stretch her arms in preparation for whatever was about to happen. "He's telling us he's going to keep looking around. Probably to try and spot the others. That roar is either a diversion or bait. Either way, if this were real life, he'd be smashing buildings and possibly putting lives at risk. Taking him out is part of our job and I think we'll get penalized if we ignore him. We should be able to take him with our plan, even if it's only temporary." Mina then looked sidelong at Ruby and grinned the Queen of Queen Bitch grins. "Try to keep up."

Without another word, Mina started sprinting towards where Nestor's voice had been heard. She stopped in her tracks after seeing him bound to the roof of a building. She put all of her focus into watching him. The direction he was facing, and how poised he seemed. Very quickly, with almost as little time to think as she had to react, she pointed her finger at the rooftot he seemed to be jumping to next, and fired a laser at the space above the roof. If it didn't hit him, and her timing was late, she might have at least gotten his attention and he'd come to them. If she was early, he might flinch and miss the building. They'd all be win-wins if they happened but it was not as certain as she'd like.

Maeda Hitomi

Training Ground Alpha

Hitomi, perhaps even lighter than she looked, let herself get picked up and carried by the stronger, multiple-armed team leader. Once they reached the roof, she shook herself in an animal-like fashion and joined Dulga at the building's edge where she was watching the action from below.

"I can't see anyone but the Minotaur, and he's messing with my Sheep Sense. All I can sense is him too. I should think about adding binoculars to my arsenal next time." Hitomi looked to her roomie Tomoe, her face just pure business. "And how're you doing? Hanging in there? We might need you to sleep soon."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tomoe Kishitmoto

Training room

Tomoe was brought on board the hammer team at Dulga her discretion. Tomoe was fine with it, it meant she could sleep more with Dulga her plan. Dulga happily nodded at her hunter friend and was picked up by two of her Six arms. A bit surprised she was piggyback riding onto Dulga her back now. Tomoe blissfully embraced Dulga her love and hugged her back.

"Aww dulgy if you just wanted to cuddle you should have said so sooner <3"

Whilst smiling she squeezed her tightly and disappeared under the cloak. Dulga explained their strategy further making the plan clear to Tomoe. Despites being hidden Tomoe saluted their commander excitedly whilst she was given the earmuffs.


Tomoe put on the earprotection hoping it would help of some sort and returned herself to hugging dulgy her back. Once the five minutes had passed the Lance and hammer team moved in. It wasn't long before they were met with a powerful roar. Tomoe was shook by the sound of it.

"Aah! What was that?! It shook me down to the bones."

Dulga leapt with Tomoe and Hitomi onto the roof of a nearby building. Incredible strength like always. Tomoe glanced from the side of Dulga's body through her cloak to get a glance of the beast. It was huge, like in the fairy tails. She had to come up with a good form to fight it. She wasn't scared, she had to face it head on like a hero! Tomoe supringly looked up at Hitomi and gave her a shy laugh.

"Ah so so I suppose. I'll head toward Lance team in a bit to help them with the bull. Sleeping is no problem as always hehe."

As Tomoe finished talking she lightly gulped and laid her head against Dulga her back again. Her grip on hugging Dulga softens as she took off. A soft poof was heard behind Dulga as her cloak fluttered. Nomi appeared behind her with a look of annoyance and a click of the tongue. A pinkish liquid dripped off of her Nomi herself was somewhat see through now. She dashed off in the blink of an eye past the Lance team towards the minotaur. Her footsteps gave it away that she was sticking to the ground. She was made of sticky slime this time.

Nomi was dashing head on towards the minotaur. When she finally came close, Nomi gave a mean snort and tried jumping onto its back. With a small bow the slime followed her jump melting a part of her leg away connecting the ground and the minotaur with the sticky slime if she hit. Nomi tried to cover the beast with as much as she could in order to bind the beast down preventing it from moving any further.

@Silver Carrot@Norschtalen@pkken
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 14 days ago


It was go time! Their first opponent was a minotuar who was jumping around, throwing things with his super strength. He taunted the Lance Team and started running away, utilizing his strength to jump over and on top of buildings. It made Mamoru annoyed since she couldn’t really do something like that, at least not quickly. ”I guess we gotta leave it to Acion-kun to corral em to the ground level with us! It’s gunna take us too long to try and catch up to him as long as he got them jumps!” Though listening to Mina, Mamoru also thought that this was likely a diversion tactic. But that was even better: that meant that they wouldn’t have to fuss about trying to chase the other perfects down!

If that was the case, the important thing here was to have the advantage of terrain. In an open area like this were people like that minotaur could just jump out of everyone’s reach, and otherwise lack a lot of cover, the Lance Team was a sitting duck. She remember doing simulations in the training room about urban combat: they needed to set up a rally point first and foremost, somewhere defensible and centralized. Looking into the skies she say Dulga also using her super strength and jumping onto the roof of a building. She took to one of the taller buildings, which overlooked much of the urbanized area here. That gave Mamoru an idea as she turned to Ruby. ”Ruby, this place looks kinda like a alley market area, so let’s lead him to the market square! Less places for him to be jumping around and still gives Dulga a good view to shoot him!” Mamoru said eagerly. She also kept her eyes out for any other perfects that might pop up.

”If we cut off his escape, I can hold him back while you guys lay on the hurt!”

Dark Matter

Barely five minutes in and they were already being attacked. Donny didn’t really get a good look at what they were fighting, but whatever it was, it was loud and strong. Maybe Donny wasn’t the only monster here. Staying close to the surface, Donny listened to Dulga’s plan. Or rather, is reminded of the general plan: hang back and let Lance Squad fight while they cover their rears. Not exactly any direction that Donny could make use of. All he really had to work with is Dulga’s other command for him which was to cut off the prefect’s exits, however that minotaur sounded like he was moving fast. And if he wasn’t running on the street level, there really wasn’t much he could do.

Dulga jumped onto a building with Hitomi and Tomoe, leaving Donny without her orders. He was nervous but had to steel himself. He couldn’t fail his team now by being passive and indecisive. Not only that, but while Dulga said that they needed to watch the Lance Team’s back, she should remember that the prefects could still totally go after her too. So while Donny didn’t plan to stick around per say, he would try and do one thing: over at the building she decided to roost at, Donny would tunnel underneath main entrance and weaken the floor beneath the door. Not enough to collapse the building, but enough to make prefect who’s careless enough to go through the entrance, instead of trying to climb on the outside, fall into a pit trap and maybe hurt themselves. It was really the best Donny could do.

Then again… Since he didn’t need to really navigate around the buildings, since he can just tunnel through them, he could chase down the Minotuar too. Super strength or not eventually he’ll have to touch down, and if the others are slowing him down with their attacks, Donny needs to be there to secure the capture. ”Alright Donny Boy, time for your first offensive! No more camping I gotta… I gotta go to the fight!” Steeling himself as best as he could, after he rigged up a few trap holes for Dulga’s building, Donny began tunneling towards the minotuar’s location, surfacing only to navigate and try and take note of the surroundings.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yukari Yozakura

After getting the plan from Ruby, Yukari was ready to go. Her equipment was good, she knew who her team was, and she didn’t feel too sore. Even her old injury wasn’t holding her back. So the group went into the training ground and the first thing Yukari noticed was a very weird smell. It smelled like fur and cow and shortly after their first opponent arrived. Someone who was very big, very strong, and very loud. He was just causing a huge mess. Everyone else was getting into position and Yukari could vaguely make out Acion flying above them, likely trying to chase down the cow man himself.

From the sounds, Yukari could tell that the cow man was above them. She could easily climb up there and fight him and with the others she was certain she’d win. But the others kept mentioning how he was likely a distraction or even bait. ”Bait or not, he’s still a villain. If we put him down now that's one less problem.” She says a bit coldly. She didn’t want to be passive again. ”If you want to catch him grab onto me, otherwise catch up if you can!” Yukari used her quirk to stretch her body up towards one of the buildings, then rubberband herself skyward and instantly send herself to the rooftops.

Based on the commotion, Yukari wasn’t the first one here. She could sense someone else was here, someone with heavy… Sticky… Footprints? The only other person she knew that might sound like that was Donny, but he was part of the Hammer Team. Regardless if this person is fighting the cow man, Yukari would fight with them. Yukari readies her capture tools to try and wrap up the cow man. Even if he could use his strength to breath free, it wouldn’t be easy, and it would give her team the opportunity to take him out. She slung her scarf in the path of the bull as he jumps, while Yukari herself acrobatically circles around him so that she can cut him off and drive him back to the Lance Team. She made extra careful to avoid getting hit by Mina's lasers, an easy trick for Yukari to do. Dodging flying things in midair was one of the most basic acts she did.

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