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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Moving through the alleys were easy for Donny, but getting through crowds were tougher. There was no way he could easily go underneath everyone without occasionally popping out of the ground, and with almost everyone on their cellphone they will be looking down. Donny was getting frantic and loosing the trail, but he saw his salvation soon enough: billboards. While in his amorphous form he climbed his way up to the billboard, crawling on top of it to the other side of the street. He checked his cellphone quickly: the thief had made a purchase at a convenience store, buying a large slushie. Just another piece of evidence Donny needs to track the thief down. He moved as fast as he could over the rooftops, through the alleys, until he spotted his quarry.

A fairly short figure wearing a large baggy jacket, blue jeans, black converses. Hood up so Donny couldn't see their face from behind. The thief was talking to another person: he wore green pants, a blue jacket, and had a large black guitar case on his back. He had dark skin and blond hair; Donny assumed he tans and dyes his hair. They seem to be doing an exchange. Good thing they were away from the street; Donny went to confront them. He crawled through a drain behind a trash can and stuffed himself into his meat sack before standing up and calling them out. "Hey!" When they turned to look, Donny snapped a picture of their face with his cellphone. He looked scared, but he couldn't run. They had his wallet, and probably other people's money too. He needed to confront them.

He had no idea what he was doing.


As everyone was gathering into the shop, Asahi saw Hitomi arrive with her friend. Asahi didn't know her but he didn't have anything against her joining. He smirked as he saw Hitomi get attacked by the cats, so he rang up one of the employees to help wrangle them off of the sheep girl. She approached him all teary-eyed and haunted, but that only get Asahi to chuckle. "Sorry to hear. I would've chosen a more contemporary place, but most of the guys here wanted to do the meeting here." The others being a large amount of students from the Support Class. Each one was a representative of their respective class, a few who were quite familiar to Hitomi. In total, there was three from the Hero Course (Asahi, Hitomi, and Tomoe), five from the Support Course, two from the Business Course, and one from Generals. The support reps seemed surprised and even on edge now that Hitomi was here.

"Now that we're all here, why don't we get started on the meeting? We have a table over here if you want to join us." Asahi said as he walked over to a large round table. There were refreshments at the center such as canned cola, juice, and coffee. One of the support reps had a small robot running around as a servant, taking orders for everyone if they wanted anything specific from the cafe. One of the support reps started. "Ahem. Thank you everyone for gathering here. First order of business, let's introduce ourselves. I am Tori Tetsuro..." Everyone went around the table introducing themselves, and Asahi would be the last to introduce himself. He stood up looking grim and serious, bowing his head as part of his introduction. "Goroshi Asahi, Vice Representative of Class 1B of the Hero Course. Now that we know each other let's get down to business."

Asahi placed a sheet of paper on the table and passed copies around. "This is my proposal: Komei Collective. A school program that will allow each of us from different courses in Komei to cooperate with each other, similarly to how we will work together as professional heroes. By unifying us through this course, we'll have a better understanding of what heroism entails, not only from the side of heroes themselves, but those who support and manage them." Asahi gave a brief pause to let everyone think about this, but one of the Support representatives spoke up in defiance. "Sounds like an excuse for Hero course students to show off to the rest of the school. No one ever pays attention to support students unless they're on the field, and that's not the expertise we're allowed." Another support student nodded his head and spoke in turn. "It's not a surprise that hero course students will, of course, take the full brunt of danger and media fame. Just as well, even if the support course does provide some important resources to heroes, it's not as if we'll be given any credits. Instead we'll just have to keep working harder to support not only ourselves, but the heroes who'll now demand our service."

One of the reps from the Business Course, a rather bookish looking girl, also chimed in. There was a hint of nervousness in her voice but she seemed serious too. "I believe this proposal will be good for all of us. Like you said, heroes tend to get all the recognition, but I believe that most don't recognize the importance of their actions not only as it relates to heroism, but also their status, image, and notoriety. Keeping our courses separate as it is won't educate them on the subtle nuances of maintaining public relations or the cost/benefit analysis when it comes to preforming their duties in the field. Things like collateral damage or even just the words they say." The girl looked over towards Hitomi and Tomoe specifically, glancing at Asahi too.

"You understand what I'm saying right? The things you've seen or done in your training exercises, haven't you ever wondered how it might actually turn out if real people were there watching, in danger?" Everyone was quiet and looked at the three for their response.

@Silver Carrot@liferusher
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Kasuke Mina

If Dulga thought she had gotten to Mina before, mentioning her mother AND Jett like that really did the trick. The once focused martial artist was now a pitiful, screaming ball of rage, punches and kicks, only few of which even reached the target. It was fortunate that adults then arrived to break them up and save Mina from further embarrassment. She was sprawled over Dulga, with Jett's mother sitting on top of her. As her adrenaline and anger wore away, the regret and shame started seeping in, as well as the physical pain. Jais was right when he spoke next. She still hadn't recovered enough to fight like this. Her neck hurt. Her back hurt. Her face hurt. And she knew that without the adults breaking the fight up, she was about to lose, because she lost her head. She was better than this! Could she really be that mentally fragile? That easy to play?

She'd stopped trying to fight, and relaxed in resignation and surrender. Looks like she was in trouble.


Maeda Hitomi

Hitomi smiled waved that the Support students she thought she was still on terms with, and was slightly taken aback at their reactions. Surprise, unease, and then faked happiness, in that order. It upset Hitomi more than she'd care to admit. The assembled group all sat down over at a table, and proceed to introduce themselves. After that, business commenced. Asahi passed papers around to everyone, and Hitomi started to read her copy as she listened to the 1B student. She had to admit. It was a great idea! Even so, a few of her support student former classmates objected to the idea, and she could see their point.

"I think it's a great idea, personally. It's like a mini-agency. Honestly, some of the Hero Students have yet to learn the things the rest of us actually got taught; that a Pro-Hero is not a single person but a brand, and one that is a joint effort between multiple people. Plus, if we do something like this, the hero agencies will take notice. It'll look great when we're looking for jobs, that we've already had experience with a kind of mini-agency at school!" Hitomi was mainly talking to the support student as she talked, and she was talking as if she was still one of them, with her use of 'we'.

When the business student spoke up, Hitomi smiled brightly and nodded. "Exactly! Everybody benefits from this. Everybody learns valuable skills that will be used in the real world, and helps each other at their particular field!"

@liferusher@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Dulga Tarata

Dulga was about to smash Mina's jaw when suddenly it felt like the world had turned upside down. Dulga wasn't sure what she was seeing but everything just became one colorful blur. By the time she could see, Dulga felt sick to her stomach and someone was sitting on her. She grunted as she tried to get up, but her head was still busy and her body was feeling exhausted from the fight. She could hear some voices but didn't immediately recognize them. Teachers, was all she knew. Mina was on top of her too. Dulga guessed this fight was over so she tried to look up at Mina. "You okay Kasuke-san? Didn't mean to... Well actually yeah, I did mean to stir you up like that. Looked like I struck a nerve. Sorry. Figured it would help make you angry and careless."

Dulga then looked to the other two voices speaking in the room. Now that her head stopped spinning she could see that it was Jett's mom and uncle, Adriane and Jais. Using her strength Dulga sat up, trying to get out from underneath the older woman. "We were just training. It got a bit heated but that was part of the training too. Trying to keep myself and Kasuka-san coolheaded in passionate moments. Obviously we need more practice." As Dulga shifted up she realized that both of these two adults could see her without her usual cloak or mask. She covered her face as fruitlessly as it was but kept her arm up anyways. "But it looks like our training is over. Do you mind letting us stand up?"

@Aerandir@Silver Carrot
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riegal
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Reina Mori

Reina's words seemed to help defuse the situation, to her surprise. She nodded her thanks towards Sarge as he let them be on their way. A small feeling of pride flickered inside the girl, the only evidence of it being the most subtle of smiles on her lips as she followed the group. Roy mentioned that they should leave while they had the chance, which she agreed with.

As they walked, the quiet girl took out her phone and earbuds from her bag, swiping the screen to put her music on a random playlist. As she put in one of the earbuds, leaving the other tucked into the collar of her uniform's top, Kaida came up to her, taking her a bit by surprise, especially because she wasn't immediately sure how to answer the question the girl posed.

If she was going to be hanging out with her classmates like this, it shouldn't be surprising her whenever one of them tried to talk to her.

Glancing away from Kaida with a light blush, Reina hummed to herself in thought. "Hm... there's lots of different kinds, but basically... it's noodles in some kind of broth, with any variety of toppings. Like eggs, scallions, dried seaweed, pork..." Reina was making herself hungry as she spoke. "It's filling, and because of all the variations anyone can probably find a kind they love. Unless you just hate noodles, I guess..." Reina shrugged slightly, glancing towards Kaida out of the corner of her eye, unsure if that explanation was even decent.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Melpaws
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Melpaws Envoy of the First

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ruby Mamoru

While Ruby followed the girl that was taking her to some unknown locations, she couldn't help but think about how her life had changed. Whether she would become great friends with Persia or not, just meeting people like that was already much more social interaction than what she was used to. Initially Ruby had thought that she would have way less time to meet new people since she would have to train a lot in order to keep up with everyone else in her class. This was certainly the case, but she knew how to use what little time she had.

Soon they would arrive at the tree and an awkward pause would occur between these two. While Ruby was waiting for Persia to say something, she couldn't help but notice all those nervous bodily movements that Persia was doing. The neko certainly was no expert at social interaction, so if she noticed that someone was doing awkward gestures or fiddling and shifting their body around nervously, it must've been quite obvious to any observer. Thanks to her feline hearing ability, Ruby was even able to hear the fast heartbeat that was going on inside of the other girl.

Crossing her arms in front of her body, Ruby was now in a bit of a predicament. While she didn't want to seem rude by any means, she now had to explain why it wasn't the best of ideas to ask a catgirl to climb on a tree. However, out of fear that the ironic and comedic nature of the situation wouldn't be quite clear, Ruby opted to just decline instead.
"I am sorry but... I think I'll have to pass on that one. Don't want to climb on any tree with just the school uniform." she replied politely trying her hardest to still seem friendly. While Ruby had a positive impression of Persia she wanted to make sure that it didn't seem as though she was angry at Persia for asking such a thing, since she was not. Unbeknownst to Ruby she would only make the situation more awkward by not adding anything else to the conversation, putting Persia unintentionally in a rough spot again.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Takeshi had glanced over to Riena when she spoke up for him. A slight hint of a smile on his face. Thankful and surprised that she would speak up and defend him as well. She made a very valid point as well. Glancing at Sarge once more with a glare that was as sharp as his sword, he waited till the man finally backed down.

Michiko was annoyed and honestly surprised that the head of security was giving them a hard time. Sure the reason they were here was not normal, and their history was not like anyone else's that would have normally attended this school, but Takeshi did everything they asked and required of him so far.

Roy pushed them forward, which pleased both of them. When Kaida asked what ramen was, and Reina explained, Michiko nodded vigorously. “Ramen is the best! How can you not have had Ramen?!” Michiko knew she was from France, But there was sure to be Ramen there as well as well!? Even americans had ramen...though it was crap.

Takeshi glanced at Michko with a raised brow and she shrugged, To her it was a legitimate question. Even their family, the oddest of them all, still ate Ramen pretty regularly.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adriane Haven Jais Haven

Adriane eyed both the girls with her left brow raised. Mina looked pitiful and Dulga seemed to snap out of it, But she knew the girl was about to deliver a full on punch with her strength. Yet she only apologized for antagonizing the other girl. She seemed to ignore Dulga for a moment when she asked if they could stand up. trying to cover her face which only made Adriane narrow her eyes.

Sighing irritably. "I Suppose... She said, uncrossing her legs and slamming her feet down, standing up. which wasn't much as she stood at 5'2". She then reached out both hands to the girls to help them up. While Looking at Dulga. despite looking like your mother... you sure don't act like her. Put your hands down already will ya? Its awkward to see a strong girl like yourself worried about some burns.

"Not everyone wears each scar like a badge of Honor like you Adriane... Jais said more sympathetically.

Yeah yeah what ever. she said waving her arms in a dismissing action.

"Anyways, Training is fine and dandy. But that wasn't training...that was being stupid. Tell me if I'm wrong...but using your quirk to actually harm your sparing opponent makes it a fight and not a spar anymore correct? She gave a pointed Glare, that despite her size actually looked genuinely threatening. But she looked doubly at Mina. Even though Dulga received the same look.

After they would try and say something or nothing, Jais motioned towards Mina and beckoned her over. Perhaps we should talk separately, Miss Kaskue, if you would follow me over here please. He said motioning towards the far corner of the room.

@Norschtalen@Silver Carrot
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kasuke Mina

Kasuke didn't answer Dulga right away, in fact it was only when Adriane got off them and helped the both up that Mina even looked a Dulga. She bowed respectfully, and replied in kind. "You definitely struck a nerve, but I'm sorry I took the fight too far in response. I should have been better."

Mina's response was hollow and forced-sounding until the last sentence, whereupon her brow furrowed, her eyes looked down at her own feet, her lip snarled, and her voice was laced with self-loathing. She didn't add anything to Dulga's defense, and didn't say anything to the adults, even when Adriane glared at her. When Jais called her over to talk separately, she obediently followed. He'd notice that by the time she got to where they were to talk, her hands were clenched into fists, her knuckles white, and her eyes were fixed on the floor and tearing up. Even so, she still looked angry. Mina, it seemed, wasn't so similar after all to her easy-going, kind, friendly mother at her age.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tomoe Kishitmoto

Cat cafe
@Silver Carrot@Lucius Cypher

Tomoe her mask muffled her voice somewhat away as she tried to talk but she cetrainly seemed somewhat bothered with what the students talked about.

"I don't think that is true! The classes are made this way to help the students specify in the things they are good at. It is sort of sad for all the other students that the hero course is so populair with everyone but there are a lot of people that put their interest in the other courses as well. All courses have their own speciality! You might just not always be satisfied with that speciality and that is what it makes it kind of sad sometimes."

4 eyes began talking about a situation they could be in and what could cause trouble for them in situations that could very well happen tommorow. Tomoe was taken a bit off guard since she could definitly see herself getting into yhis kind of situation where she might hurt civilians one way or another. She quieltly spoke back.

"E-eh, I can't really control my quirk that well so it might cause a little trouble when there would be people around... It might help a little to improve the situation... We don't really learn about that right now, but it might be handy for later...

Tomoe puffed back into her seat as she softly turned her head to the side at Hitomi. She spoke with a quiter voice then before.

"Talking makes me sleepy Hitomi-chan..."

Tomoe dropped her head against Hitomi-chan her shoulder. She breathed softly as she listened to the others talk. Talking about this sort of stuff made her especially tired. She had to think on her words and talk quite loudly. She would be alright though, she had more coffee with sugar so she sbould just rest a little and be fine. She moved her mask to her chin to take a small sip of her coffee and stay rested against Hitomi her shoulder. She would move her mask back up when she was finished.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Roy Kusayanagi

Surprised with Kaidas respone, Roy's pace slowed down to the point he was lacking behind the pack. It was certaintly an excuse since she had been acting strange since before Sarge popped up. Since she said he couldn't come... and then it finally clicked.

"Is she trying to avoid me?"

The blonde stopped walking as he took in the reality of the situation, it made his stomach sink. The fact that the situation that happened over the weekend still weighing heavily in the mind. Surely he would have to make it up to her someway somehow as soon as possible and definietly before Dulga can come and screw things over for him. It was the right thing to do, he wouldn't be able to focus if she was purposefuly avoiding him.

Roy let out a deep sigh, "Highschool is stressful". After his thinking session he realized how far back he was, immediately he picked up his pace to a speed walk but was still noticeably distant from the group as he surveyed the city of Hosu more closely. Today was a pretty nice day to be honest, Roy was quite unbothered by the amount of solar energy he had absorbed.

Though he was distance he still picked up on their conversation on ramen in which he chuckled to himself at how much vitality Michiko had for the soup. He hadn't had ramen in a while and all this talk about it was starting to make him hungry.


Persia Hayashida

Persia was wrong if she thought the situation couldn't become more awkward, just great! Now she just looks craz-

The brunette looked up at Ruby seeing the cat ears and tail. Those are real?! No wonder she declined! She thought those ears were just for show but once her tail started wailing through the air she came to the realization that Ruby might have thought the she was trying to make fun of her. Her face as red like an apple as she began apologizing.

"N-No i-i-its fine, I am sorry for being so dense!" She waved her hands through the air frantically, before bowing her head in forgivness...the two fell into an awkward silence. At this rate Ruby would just leave and this would probably be the last time she would see her. She couldn't let that happen, she had already reached the path of no return.

Persia looked back at Ruby with a determined look on her face. She really wanted Ruby to see the view and feel the breeze.

"Wait! What if I can get you up the tree without you having to climb it? Even though we just met, do you trust me enough?" The brunette took a few steps closer towards Ruby and she didn't plan on taking no for an answer.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Melpaws
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Melpaws Envoy of the First

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ruby Mamoru

When she was apologized to so frantically, the neko couldn't help but cross her arms in front of her chest and stare back at Persia. While Ruby didn't take it as an insult, it was kind of funny to see someone struggle like that. Ruby was a queen of the pokerface though which is why her expression did not change one bit; She only tilted her head sidewards slightly.

When she was approached with the determined look however her expression changed to one that seemed a bit unsure and one that appeared to be questioning Persia's course of action. The sudden questioning of her trust towards the recently met girl seemed a bit out of place though Ruby was able to conclude from the context that Persia obviously wanted to help her get up on the tree somehow. Ruby's issue with that however was that she didn't clarify how. For all she knew Persia could have superstrength and just throw her up there!
The neko released her arms from the crossed position in front of her chest, but on the same height she kept both arms raised in a somewhat defensive position and took a small step backwards as she was approached.
"U..uhm... I guess I do? I don't know... We've just met, what kind of question is that!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kaida looked slightly puzzled as if she didn’t understand the concept of Noodles in a broth… The language barrier seeming to take effect now. She pulled her head back at Michiko’s reaction to her not knowing what ramen was. She grew red in the face and lowered her head Trying to think, slowly she tried to decipher the words in her head.

So it’s like... She popped her head up in making a connection.
French onion noodle soup? She said without realizing she said it in french. When she did she looked even more embarrassed.
So I don’t know the words….” She said, her accent becoming more and more prevalent as her nerves took over. If only Jett was here to translate…..

She looked down as they walked, trying to calm herself.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 20 days ago

Aurelia Nakamiji
Acion Nakamiji


The Sky Defender was waving repeatedly to a man in the distance. The Sky Defender had been flying straight from the river bay down the industrial zone straight to downtown within minutes. The clock ticked. The clue could disappear at any moment. They must be quick.

The one that Aurelia was picking up on was the same man in the meeting room a few hours ago. As expected, he was dressed in a medieval costume, with a saber held firmly on his hand. The noticeable and indicative thing was that he wasn't really flying. He was levitating, hovering hundreds of meters in the air without any visible assisting equipment or mutated body parts, and he did so just as if he was standing on the ground. Upon noticing the two siblings, he quickly and effortlessly flew to meet them.

"Au- I mean, Mustang." He was on normal speaking pattern, until he noticed an unexpected guest coming with her. "I think you have been informed."

"Where do you see this man, Al- I mean Corsair?" Aurelia asked, as the one presumably called Corsair as a codename pointed straight down where he was hovering.

"Right down there. I was happening to patrol the area when I receive the call from HQ. I skimmed the area and had gotten track of the said man walking across the boulevard." But then he shook his head. "But then I lost his track after he entered an alley."

"I'm not surprised with that clan name." The silver haired girl replied as she looked down to where he was pointing. "Alright, who is in here along with you? Tell him or her to move to the adjacent sector, be on standby and act as patrols. I will search the area personally."

"Sure..." The man's attention finally turned to the six-winged boy looking a little like him but with the Nakamiji's trademark white hair, and looked a little younger than him. "Who might you be young man?"

Before Acion replied, Aurelia looked at the saber-carrying man, puzzling.

"You didn't know? I've mentioned him a few times already."

"Acion Nakamiji, sir. I'm her younger brother."

"Ah! So it is really you. Sorry, nowadays people looking alike is commonplace. And you need not to speak formally. I'm only worth being your older brother." The man's tone suddenly changed for a more friendly and intimate one. "Anyway, I am Albert Saratogi. Just call me Albert, to be short." And he held out his hand as a form of handshake.

"A pleasure, Albert. But are you fine with the first name formality?"

"Why not? You're going to join us and we'll be brothers in arms eventually."

Acion quickly turned to his sis. "I haven't even been through the first week at school and you've already dictated my career path?"

"Hey, you said you want to join us right? Then why not?"

"I want, but it makes me feel like you're forcing me instead of my own volition. I decide my own future you know."

"Then what will you do? There's no better disciplined and brotherly group than us."

Acion did not reply. He knew he lost that argument.

"Ahem." It was Albert who brought the three of them back to their topic at hand. "I have informed HQ, they are conducting a surveillance through the street cameras. They'll inform you directly if they found anything."

"Great work. Initiate CR4. All units, be ready for possible actions. Pull out the current patrolling units to the East, South East and North East of our current position, replace it with the knights defending sector 2, 5 and 6." She commanded. "Act as patrols, but be on perfect standby in case of a fight."

"Affirmative. Be careful out there you two."

"And now, Acion, come with me, and stick close."

Acion simply nodded as he complied.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Monika Mozaki

Up in the stands, the only person who was still watching at this point was a girl who had just finished her tenth bottle of water, stuffing the empty container into her bookbag, grabbing the sack by its straps and flinging it over her shoulder with the intention of joining the party happening near the arena. Brushing her silver hair behind her ear as she approached far off to the side form everyone making her presence known. Although Mina and the teacher had already gone off their respective corners maybe the give pointers, you never could tell with some adults.

“Pulling punches is no way to get better, believe me, ” she spoke up edging her way into the middle of their conversation having been forced to go full contact against villains in a basement for her entire childhood “Sparring just means not to kill, everything else is fair game right?” she asked half sarcastically as holding back was a good way to get her killed in her old home just following up with “Call me MoMo” she said looking over to Dulga “You sound like you want more training, when big brother leaves I’d be willing to give you a workout”

@Silver Carrot@Norschtalen@Aerandir
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Dulga Tarata

Once up Dulga immediately went to put her cloak and mask on. She let out a breath of relief now that she was covered up. She turned her head to Mina and saw that she was speaking to Jais, and for a moment Dulga thought about talking to her about what was said but stopped herself. Mina’s wounds, both physical and emotional, needed time to rest. Instead Dulga looked to Adriane, scowling at her. She was very presumptuous about what Dulga’s mother would have thought. That and Dulga understood Adriane May just be trying to goad Dulga. Hitting sensitive topic, talking about close people, everything Dulga was doing. She wasn’t going to fall for it.

”If we were fighting in earnest I would have a gun and more holes in my body. Besides… Kasuke-San isn’t someone I can afford to go easy on. She’s stronger than me.” Dulga said quietly to Adriane. Today’s spar told Dulga one thing: she was crap in hand-to-hand. Sure physically she was stronger and tougher than Mina, but Mina wasn’t fragile either and her blows were much more decisive than Dulga’s wild flailing. Too many times Dulga found herself in a position where she would be dead if Mina was after her life, and Dulga only had one clean hit on Mina who survived angrier and stronger than before. Dulga needed to improve.

It was just then a stranger who had been watching them fight approached. Dulga didn’t know who she was but she offered to take Dulga up for a bout. Cracking her shoulders Dulga shook her head. ”Soon. I need to go take a shower.” Looking down at her foot, Dulga also needed to fix her boot. One shot of Mina’s laser cut a clean hole through it and Dulga’s sock, and she wanted to make sure she didn’t get a wound that could get infected.

@Noxx@Silver Carrot@Aerandir
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Roy Kusayanagi

"Kinda, but with much larger ingredients. You'll see soon enough."

He replied all the way from the back of the group hearing what she said. The only reason he understood her French was because of his culinary background.

Soon the ramen shop was in view, the fragrance of chicken broth and sliced pork began permeated the air. The smell grew more alluring as the group came closer and closer to the shop, almost like a moth captivated by light. Roy gulped as the smell of ramen stirred up his appetite.

It's been a while since he has been to a ramen shop, and probably the first time he has came with friends. From the outside looking in he could see the store had a good amount costumers eating their hot bowls of ramen, leaving no chance for the noodles to cool down.

"let's hurry and grab a seat"


Persia Hayashida

"I guess I do?"

Persia took that answer as a yes, and she was going to run with it. She puffed her cheeks out once again and furrowed her brows to appear angry.

"A question that needs to be asked Mamoru-chan!" She replied back, the brunette grasped the Nekos hand once again before placing her other hand on the tree trunk.

She began tracing a glyph with her finger tip on the tree bark before placing the Palm on her hand on the center of the glyph. Soon a oval shaped portal the same size as Persia opened, by looking through the portal an elevated view of the courtyard from the tree top could be seen, light breeze was blowing through the making both of the girls hairs sway.

"I'll go in first." she said before placing he foot through the warp gate and stepping carefully on to tree branch. She squeezed Ruby's hand tightly to keep her balance steady. The brunette inched her way into a stable nook in the tree, the same nook that she spotted Ruby from earlier. Persia situated herself before tugging on Ruby's hand to come through.

"Watch your step coming in Ru-chan, there is another seat in this tree branch you could sit on." If she couldn't guess yet, Persia was indeed a warp gate. An exceptionally rare quirk to have in the hero society, Ruby could easily see why she was in the hero course as well.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Donny was never good at talking. (Un)Fortunately for him, the thieves didn't want to talk either. He had expected them to run, not throw a garbage dumpster at him. The one in the blue hood picked it up like it was a brick and hurled it at Donny before he could close in, forcing him to hit the ground so the dumpster would slam into the alley walls. When Donny was up again, the blue hooded man tried to slam his huge guitar case into Donny. In a moment of panic Donny did what Donny does, and part of his body ate through his meat bag and bit into the guitar case, holding it in place. This surprised the hooded figure.

"Get out of here!"

The other thief ran for it while Donny tried to finish eating the case, but the blue hood jumped back and secured it. He scowled at Donny. "What sort of monster are you?" This annoyed Donny, but he didn't say anything. There were a few people who heard the commotion and were cautiously looking into the alley. Already there was talk of calling heroes or police to investigate. "I-I-I just wanted me wallet back... G-G-G-Give up and there w-won't be any t-t-t-trouble!" Donny was trying to be intimidating, however him trying to hide the gaping hole in his chest and his stuttering just made the blue hoodie laugh. "Give up? Sod off with that noise. Cides, I don't run from a fight. I don't know what you are, monster, but you'll just be a stain by the time I'm done."

Opening the guitar case revealed that the blue hood was not carrying a guitar, but some sort of massive serrated cleaver. It looked like something you'd use to hunt giant monsters, and Donny swore he actually saw such a weapon in a video game before. It would've been funny if this guy wasn't wielding it with ease despite it's size, and the fact he's going to use it against Donny. Donny hoped that maybe in such an enclosed space he'd have a hard time swinging it, but those hopes were dashed when he lunged forward and swung that massive blade in a wide horizontal arc, cleaving through the brick buildings that would've normally caught the sword. "Shit! He must have some sort of super strength!"

Meanwhile the thief had managed to get herself a fair bit away, but stopped to hide behind an AC unit and watch the fight. Despite her orders, she didn't leave the mysterious blue hooded figure. Considering her outfit, she was likely trying to emulate him in some fashion, or perhaps it was a uniform for a gang. Either way she watched from afar, partly to watch his back, but mostly out of concern. "Please be careful...."


There was some heated arguing between the Support Members up until Hitomi began to speak. Even if some didn't like her going to the hero course, they did seem to hold enough respect to stay quiet when she was talking. A few of the support students rode off the statement made by Hitomi, a few begrudgingly seeing some use in it, however there was still a few who were vocally against it. After the chatter died down one of the support students, a student whom Hitomi may recognize as one of the more combative types who wanted in on the Hero Course, stood up and spoke. "Isn't this idea basically what Internships are going to be? Or rather, a watered down version of it? Why play pretend about trying to be a hero agency when we will actually be working with real hero agencies later in the year? Even support classes are eligible for internships." Another who was on the fence about the idea nodded her head and leaned forward, looking at everyone. "He makes a good point. While I do like the idea of the Komei Collective as maybe a lesson plan or perhaps a bit of a collaborative activity between the classes, ultimately it's practicing for internship. Again, might be a good lesson for a month or so, but I can't see it as a practical long term arrangement."

It was then that Asari spoke up, raising his hand to call everyone to his attention. "It's true that what is intended with the Komei Collective is similar to what we can learn through Internship, the differences are still major. Internship is merely shadowing and taking in the experience of working alongside hero agencies, occasionally with the chance to prove one's worth to other heroes. But at the same time, we're all still children in their eyes. No matter how competent or mature we can or seem to be when it comes to serious work they'll side-line us for other professional heroes inside or outside of their own agencies. Not to mention this goes further beyond just Internship, but again starting our own agencies. Most heroes start out working alongside other heroes to build their reputation and support. But through the Komei Collective, we can establish the support base within before becoming pros. And just being in Komei and participating in school activities like the Sport's Festival or even the Komei Collective, we'll build our reputation before we graduate."

Though Asahi's speech was passionate, there was still a notable resistance in a few others. While a little over half were supportive of the idea, there was still a notable four of the Support class who were against the idea. That being said, the one representative from Generals hasn't spoken up yet and seemed to just be observing the conversation. He was so far undecided and hasn't spoken yet, and Asahi was mainly conversing with the Support Representatives trying to sway them over to the idea of the collective.

@Silver Carrot@liferusher
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adriane Haven Jais Haven

Jais Looked at Mina silently for a bit. He glanced over as he heard another girl speaking. It was quite rude of her to jump into their conversation, and had an already he had an issue with the girl with her view point. Yet again another flawed view. One that will hurt more students than ever needs be. But onto a more urgent issue... As he noticed how Mina was standing, and seeing with his ears the fact that she was crying and angry.

He folded his hands behind his back and waited till he found the right words, after thinking about what had happened to her and how hard she pushed herself up to this point. He's seen this many many times with past students, his own son, and grandson. "So I've been noticing you have been failing...a lot lately." He said calmly and with a relaxed look on his face. He let that sink in for a moment, waiting to see her reaction for a moment before adding. You are also failing at failing... He said in what sounded almost amused.

Surely this would confuse the girl, as it did with everyone he used that phrase on. But he loved to see the reactions and seeing their minds try to make sense of what he said. "Failing is an integral part of success. Small, or Big. All of them are experienced by every successful person, including myself. " He said calmly, tapping his cane once or twice during so he could continue seeing her reaction. It is ok to feel anger though, its inevitable. But allowing it control you is why you are failing at failing.
Calm yourself, and look back at your recent failures...Know there will always be someone stronger than you, someone smarter, faster. You can let that failure remain a failure... or make that failure turn into a future success by learning from it and not allowing it to drag you down.

He tilted his head to the side. Jett didn't have full control of his quirk till he was around 10. He would suddenly teleport for no reason multiple times a day. Despite his mother working with him every day, Jett was a failure for the longest time. But he realized his weakness... while trying to make it better, he looked to other things that would help him become a hero that didn't rely on his quirk.
Not just fighting, but he expanded his knowledge to random things...
He sighed "Like hot wiring a car, or using a chain to knock out power to the building. Or using bleach to escape from Yukari. He learned all these things because he knew his quirk wasn't reliable all the time, or that he would fight people with quirks that he couldn't counter. His fight with Amane, He was fighting a larger opponent, with out his quirk, just to get him away from you. Yet he did a fair job because he learned from past failures in fights at school."

He placed a hand ontop of Mina's head and finally finished, "The point i'm trying to say, is it's OK to fail. As long as you Learn from it, and see it as a springboard to success. You will become an even better hero.

Adriane shrugged her shoulders. Could have fooled me with the lasers and the full force round house punches. She said sarcastically to her when she said she wasn't fighting in Ernest. But before she could add more, another student butted into their conversation. She gave a cold glare even worse than she gave Mina,

To spar is to hold back, to not seriously hurt your partner...its also known as 'practice' God what are they teaching kids these days. What you described as 'training' is a fight, or Duel. Which is required to have a teacher present to make sure things go to far.

She waved her hand with rapid motions before adding "Now get out of here, I need to have a word with Dulga in private. She said with an irritated voice. She then took Dulga by the arm gently and pulled her along away from the awkward girl. "I was asked to come back to talk to you about your attempted head shot in the last exercise. She said in a quiet tone, so the other girl would not hear them, as it this was a private matter. You should have never of done that. NEVER go for a kill shot, even if it is a rubber bullet. That is only for last choice scenario's that never occur in training."

She stopped and looked up at dulga in the eyes. "Your mother never went for the kill, she never really liked even using a gun, and tried to make her shots less lethal as possible...hence her trick shots."

@Norschtalen@Silver Carrot@Noxx

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dulga Tarata

Dulga could only sigh as Adriane lectured her and the stranger about what a real "spar" is. Dulga wasn't going to argue, but she didn't agree to it either. Like it or not Dulga intends to fight like this whenever the opportunity to spar comes up. Maybe she'll ease back depending on whatever the lesson might be, but in a free-form brawl she's putting everything she's got into it. And if accidents happen, they'll happen. Live and let learn. As Dulga was walking away she was pulled off to the side by Adriane. She didn't even need to say anything as Dulga knew what she wanted to talk to her about. Sure enough, it was about Dulga's attempted headshot on Amane. Almost immediately Dulga wanted to say that she would've done that to anyone if they were in her sights, but elected to keep it to herself. Dulga was certain that Adriane already knew. If she didn't figure that out from the last fight Dulga got into, then Mako might've told her. Dulga wouldn't be surprised if the entire faculty was keeping an eye on the gun girl.

Normally Dulga would just nod her head, agree with the older woman, and leave as soon as possible. She didn't intend to change her mind unless these people intended to get in her way. But then Adriane talked about Dulga's mother. This made Dulga visibly change. Before she was just aloof, but now her brows furrowed and her pupils narrowed. First Dulga freed her from Adriane's grasp and walked a few feet away from her, turning her back on Jett's mom. Then Dulga spoke, loudly and clearly, partly out of suppressed anger and partly because Dulga wasn't going to keep this a secret. "I appreciate the concern. But you do not know my mother, and you do not know me. Everyone in this school is doing their best. If you think what we do now is too much you haven't seen anything yet. That boy from 1B was going to bring down the entire building with everyone inside of it with his powers if no one was able to stop him. Imagine what he could've done if he bothered to take things seriously." After that fight Dulga did take the time to read through the after battle report. It seemed like the entire building was ready to collapse around the same time Amane came in, though that was mostly thanks to the actions of the other students weakening the structure. If they had just kept it to hand-to-hand things might've been fine, but with the direction the battle was going Amane was going to destroy the auditorium whether he intended to or not.

"You saw how he brutalized Kasuke-san and your son. You also saw that no matter who or what anyone else did, it wasn't enough to stop him. Not even my headshot stopped him. Not one person was able to stop him, and neither was all of us working together. In the end the only person who was able to take him out wasn't any of us, but his own quirk backfiring. So stop treating everyone like fragile children. Komei isn't some daycare for children to learn how to use their quirks and abilities to play fight. We need to be able to fight real villains who are far stronger than you, who fully intend to kill us. Maybe one day we'll be strong enough that we can afford to hold back. But not now." Then Dulga took a step forward and glared right into Adriane's eyes, the spite and fury inside of her visible in her eyes, even if her voice was soft and steady. "My mother held back. She made that choice. Now she's dead. There's no moral lesson to learn there. Whatever mercy, heroism, or whatever attribute she had in life, she took to her death. She wasn't strong enough. None of us were."

Dulga stepped back from Andriane again and looked scornfully between her and Mina. She was certain that Mina knew what Dulga was thinking of right now. Bit by bit, Dulga could understand the girl a bit better. Then she sighed and just looked exhausted. "Weakness is a choice. We make the decision to hold back. Sometimes that's a good call, sometimes it isn't. Whatever happens we have to live with the result." Dulga clutched her mother's cloak. She could still smell the ashes from that day. She could feel her mother's warmth, and the fire that burned her. She felt the weight of her actions on his shoulders every time she put this cloak on. "If you know anything about my mother then you'd know that when she has to make a choice, she'll follow through with it all the way. Just as I made the choice to go all out against Kasuke-san, shooting that boy in the head, or sacrificing my own teammate to try and stop him. I made that decision consciously, intentionally, and fully aware of the risk and consequences. I'll live with it."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kasuke Mina

Mina raised her eyebrow when some new girl butted into the conversation. She shouldn't have felt judgmental, but she did. She had no leg to stand on in regards to manner and decorum after just now. And it wasn't a matter of holding back with Mina. She sparred today in order to prove to herself that she was healed enough to grapple and use her martial arts like she used to, and the only 'holding back' she had been doing was not using her quirk. Then the spar turned into an actual fight and she got sloppy, and she knew that without the teacher's intervention, she'd either have lost or flashed Dulga's eyes, which was a very risky move in an emotional state. She could have permanently blinded Dulga if the fight went on a few more seconds, and that was a line she had promised herself not to cross.

She watched the girl leave, 'Momo', she was called, and then turned to Jais as he addressed her, sniffing and wiping her eyes. Listening to him, he did kind of have a point. She wasn't used to failing. Not like everybody else here. What really got her attention, though, was Jais' story about Jett. It sounded so similar to her own childhood in many ways, except she focused solely on the fighting and the hero theory, and instead of learning to be a hero without her quirk, she doubled down on her quirk, turning the mere ability to glow into something incredible and powerful. Mina had never learned from past failures. She was never in fights at school because she was a rich girl, and bad blood was cleared with boasts and insults, not with fists. Her entire life was spent being best quirk user her age at her school, in every aspect of being a hero, except, unknown to her, personality, motive, compassion and ego. She didn't have a chip on her shoulder. She had a whole tree.

"I know that I should keep a cooler head after my failure here, but what should I learn from my fight with Amane? I gave him my best and I still couldn't beat him!"


Maeda Hitomi

"Well, no," Hitomi replied to the reasoning that this idea would be like out internships. "Internships, while you are part of an agency, are focused on you learning from the pro hero. The agency itself might direct you, or give you orders, but you don't really learn about what goes into working in an agency. You might merely get given a costume and gadgets, for example. With this Komei Collective idea, you'd be learning with the support students, what goes into the process of costumes and gadgets, whilst the support students learn what costumes and gadgets would be the most useful for that hero student."

Asahi's speech backed her up and added even more good points. Still, not everybody was convinced. Hitomi noticed the General Studies student was silent, and looked over at her. "You've been quiet. Is there anything you'd like to say?" she asked softly.

@liferusher@Lucius Cypher
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