Moving through the alleys were easy for Donny, but getting through crowds were tougher. There was no way he could easily go underneath everyone without occasionally popping out of the ground, and with almost everyone on their cellphone they will be looking down. Donny was getting frantic and loosing the trail, but he saw his salvation soon enough: billboards. While in his amorphous form he climbed his way up to the billboard, crawling on top of it to the other side of the street. He checked his cellphone quickly: the thief had made a purchase at a convenience store, buying a large slushie. Just another piece of evidence Donny needs to track the thief down. He moved as fast as he could over the rooftops, through the alleys, until he spotted his quarry.
A fairly short figure wearing a large baggy jacket, blue jeans, black converses. Hood up so Donny couldn't see their face from behind. The thief was talking to another person: he wore green pants, a blue jacket, and had a large black guitar case on his back. He had dark skin and blond hair; Donny assumed he tans and dyes his hair. They seem to be doing an exchange. Good thing they were away from the street; Donny went to confront them. He crawled through a drain behind a trash can and stuffed himself into his meat sack before standing up and calling them out. "Hey!" When they turned to look, Donny snapped a picture of their face with his cellphone. He looked scared, but he couldn't run. They had his wallet, and probably other people's money too. He needed to confront them.
He had no idea what he was doing.
As everyone was gathering into the shop, Asahi saw Hitomi arrive with her friend. Asahi didn't know her but he didn't have anything against her joining. He smirked as he saw Hitomi get attacked by the cats, so he rang up one of the employees to help wrangle them off of the sheep girl. She approached him all teary-eyed and haunted, but that only get Asahi to chuckle. "Sorry to hear. I would've chosen a more contemporary place, but most of the guys here wanted to do the meeting here." The others being a large amount of students from the Support Class. Each one was a representative of their respective class, a few who were quite familiar to Hitomi. In total, there was three from the Hero Course (Asahi, Hitomi, and Tomoe), five from the Support Course, two from the Business Course, and one from Generals. The support reps seemed surprised and even on edge now that Hitomi was here.
"Now that we're all here, why don't we get started on the meeting? We have a table over here if you want to join us." Asahi said as he walked over to a large round table. There were refreshments at the center such as canned cola, juice, and coffee. One of the support reps had a small robot running around as a servant, taking orders for everyone if they wanted anything specific from the cafe. One of the support reps started. "Ahem. Thank you everyone for gathering here. First order of business, let's introduce ourselves. I am Tori Tetsuro..." Everyone went around the table introducing themselves, and Asahi would be the last to introduce himself. He stood up looking grim and serious, bowing his head as part of his introduction. "Goroshi Asahi, Vice Representative of Class 1B of the Hero Course. Now that we know each other let's get down to business."
Asahi placed a sheet of paper on the table and passed copies around. "This is my proposal: Komei Collective. A school program that will allow each of us from different courses in Komei to cooperate with each other, similarly to how we will work together as professional heroes. By unifying us through this course, we'll have a better understanding of what heroism entails, not only from the side of heroes themselves, but those who support and manage them." Asahi gave a brief pause to let everyone think about this, but one of the Support representatives spoke up in defiance. "Sounds like an excuse for Hero course students to show off to the rest of the school. No one ever pays attention to support students unless they're on the field, and that's not the expertise we're allowed." Another support student nodded his head and spoke in turn. "It's not a surprise that hero course students will, of course, take the full brunt of danger and media fame. Just as well, even if the support course does provide some important resources to heroes, it's not as if we'll be given any credits. Instead we'll just have to keep working harder to support not only ourselves, but the heroes who'll now demand our service."
One of the reps from the Business Course, a rather bookish looking girl, also chimed in. There was a hint of nervousness in her voice but she seemed serious too. "I believe this proposal will be good for all of us. Like you said, heroes tend to get all the recognition, but I believe that most don't recognize the importance of their actions not only as it relates to heroism, but also their status, image, and notoriety. Keeping our courses separate as it is won't educate them on the subtle nuances of maintaining public relations or the cost/benefit analysis when it comes to preforming their duties in the field. Things like collateral damage or even just the words they say." The girl looked over towards Hitomi and Tomoe specifically, glancing at Asahi too.
"You understand what I'm saying right? The things you've seen or done in your training exercises, haven't you ever wondered how it might actually turn out if real people were there watching, in danger?" Everyone was quiet and looked at the three for their response.
@Silver Carrot@liferusher