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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo listened as Paige's tone changed and she talked about how much she hated this town, there was more disdain than he had really thought. He had not wanted to be here but she was right, of all the places he could have been, he did choose Sol. When Milo had left Delta, he had a list of places that he would like to live, Sol, Vegas, Calgary, Albany, several places, but he chose Sol because it was where he could get the best place, a place that Jackie and his employers had showed him. "True, I chose Sol, but I had no choice in leaving, all we can do is make the best of the situation." Milo sat up in his chair, "In the short time you have been in Sol you may have become one of the top law enforcement agents they have. Maybe this city is a cold, asshole filled mess right now, but in time, who knows, maybe you will find an asshole that isn't so bad." He chuckled at his own attempt at a joke, "Or at least you can enjoy one evening with the biggest asshole you know." As the waiter brought around the next bottle, Milo went ahead and poured Paige another and then himself.

Milo thought it over and could tell how hard the move had hit Paige, he truly felt sympathy, he knew the pain, though he learned how to deal with it long ago, too many moves, Delta was the hardest but not something he was unable to work past. He thought he wouldn't be able to make it with out his family around him, but he did, he didn't want to be without Ana, but he managed, he knew that there wasn't any chance that Paige would end up beat down by this, she just needed to adjust. "I feel like maybe you should try to spend less time working and more time enjoying yourself, you probably don't meet the best guys in your line of work, unless you're into scummy criminal types."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 4 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

Joel looked at the pint somewhat quizzically at first, but accepted it nonetheless. Perhaps she had tipped them off ahead of time, but she apparently didn’t know about liquor before beer. One wouldn’t hurt though, and in two healthy gulps he knocked down half the glass and motioned behind the counter. The barman looked confused at first and Joel pointed more firmly at a bottle of Jameson and another of Bailey’s. He stood up slightly in the barstool and glanced around the counter before retrieving two shot glasses. He poured the whiskey in one glass and the Irish cream in the second, being more liberal with the whiskey glass and not paying a lot of attention to the sound of heeled shoes clicking against the floor along with the rest of the background noise from the party setup. He dropped the pair into the pint glass and knocked the whole thing back about the time he noticed Marlin from the corner of his eye.

“Like I said,” He smirked, “I don’t really own this suit.” There was a part of him that wondered about the irreverence with which the drink he’d just concocted would have been received where she was from. Oh well. He thought with a light shrug and poured another shot for himself glancing her up and down briefly as he tipped the bottle. “You don’t clean up bad yourself,” He said, “I could’ve brought you a hoodie, though.”

The barman seemed slightly apprehensive that the entire bottle had been commandeered as he served up Marlin’s cocktail, but he was instructed to give the fast-driving, bushy-haired American a wide berth for the party. As Joel finished another shot and collected his own glass of ice to refill again, he was beginning to feel a bit out of place behind his own counter.

Joel turned round in the stool and leaned back slightly onto the bar to look at the party beginning to move into swing as guests entered into the main hall. He nodded slightly as Marlin spoke studying the entire assembly carefully and deciding what he preferred among the pictures of himself and the car. He liked the giant printed picture of the car flying the flag that they managed to print out so hastily and wondered what they would do with it afterward and where he could hang it back in his shop. “I’m just here,” He said. “I guess I don’t have any plans.” He gave her a playful, sarcastic smirk as he sipped on his drink and Vika arrived with some giant man in a white suit. He gave Victoria a wink and nodded at the Russian. It occurred to him that everyone in Marlin’s party had some sort of color coordination theme going and he was glad Tommy had hung on to the black suit. “I’m headed back to Tokyo in a couple days though,” He continued. “I’ve got a little business to take care of now that the race is over with.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Robo27
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Robo27 Long Live the King!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kei Kinzo

It had been a while since Kei was able to get out of the house, for the past while he had been coped up in his house dealing with some personal stuff that had come up on emergency, while it was an inconvenience to Kei he still trudged along and got through it all come out of it alive and well, to say the least. While it was nothing really physical on his part it was still something that required a great deal of attention otherwise he would have been ruined for the rest of his life.

Sitting at his desk he pulled his chair out from underneath the desk and stretchered out both is arms and legs. They were cramping and overall uncomfortable he had been sitting at this desk for days on end and could not find a time to rest, well that was until now. Raising his arms over his head he let out a loud sigh of relief and slumped down into his chair. He was finally done and was it refreshing for him to be able to get his eyes off the computer screen. At that moment he felt like a prisoner, he hadn't been out in days, only ate instant food or take-out, and hadn't showered in what felt like weeks. As he sat slumped in his comfortable computer chair, he sat and listened to the ambient sounds around his house. The most prevalent sound was the low hum that came from his computer. He sat and listened for what seemed like eternities, but once he was satisfied he reached up, grabbed his mouse and navigated the computer screen until he put it into sleep mode. Retracing his hand back towards his body he listened as the low hum slowly came to a complete silence as the computer finally went to sleep. Just to confirm he looked towards the computer's power light and watched as it blinked at a constant frequency, confirming the computer was put to sleep. He stretched out his body one more time in his chair before standing up. As he stood up his body creaked as if had aged several years from being in a chair for so long. He groaned at the tiny pain he felt but once it was all out of his system he was so relieved to be standing. With a few more stretches out of his system he went ahead and made his way to the shower, he wanted to freshen up and go out somewhere before he went stir crazy.

He took his time in the shower, he wanted to be clean and he was not satisfied until he had washed himself five times over. Obviously it was an exaggeration from his part but he really did take his time. After being in the shower for a good forty-five minutes he went and soaked in a tub for another thirty minutes to ensure being as fresh as possible. Once all was said and done he dried himself off and got himself dressed in some semi-professional clothes, he made sure he looked great and even went the extra mile to smell amazing. He had no specific plans but he was planning for any contingencies. Once he was satisfied with himself, he made his way to his garage and loaded up into his car.

Without missing a beat he quickly pulled out of his driveway and sped down the residential street. Sometimes he knew he shouldn't speed down such a tight space but sometimes he also just didn't care as it was generally never filled with human foot traffic. Once he was out of the main neighborhood area he finally realized that there was something pretty big going within the city hall it seemed. Being a NEET for the past few weeks really made it impossible for him to keep up with the events going on within the city. This was honestly the first time he was hearing about some events that had happened, that was how out of touch he was. Looking around he finally made his decision, he was going to go down to the city hall and see what was going on down over there.

AFter a short drive and a parking fiasco, Kei was able to safely make it to the city hall. The crowd was sizeable and it seemed to be an overall good time. First things first though, Kei made a bee line for the open bar, it had been a while since he was able to enjoy a simple drink and was he dying for one. Once he was up at the bar he motioned for the barkeep and immediately ordered himself a drink「Jameson and ginger ale please.」The barkeep nodded and smiled kindly and went back over to where the liquors were kept and began preparing the drink Kei had ordered. Once it was ready, the barkeep came back over and placed the drink before Kei ontop of a coaster. Kei handed the barkeep money, he was unsure if the drinks were free or not so either he was paying for his drink or he was tipping the man. Either way Kei nodded happily and let the barkeep be on his way. Taking the drink in hand he slowly sipped at it, letting the warm feeling of consuming alcohol flow over him as he began looking around his surroundings.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 4 days ago

Paige Kennedy

Listening to him talk, Paige's thoughts recoiled as he explained that he had no choice in leaving Delta and she felt a twinge of hellfire in her veins. He did have a choice and he made it when he shut everyone out when they tried to help him. Now he was lecturing her about "making the most of it" after she'd just bailed him out of a gangster racketeering screwjob that probably would have landed him in prison or dead. For a second, she felt like she was back at the Winter Party, but her expression lightened some as he seemed to become aware of what he was saying and moved on to a slightly more self-deprecating point of view. She could feel the cloud of haze from the sake spreading through her mind and decided she might want to slow down on it. She could shoot straight as an arrow, but her chopstick form wasn't the tidiest particularly when a healthy buzz was settling in.

She wasn't far out of high school when she attended her first non-family wedding. Then in college a few more and so on after. Most of her old friends and acquaintances took on more mainstream professions like schoolteachers and nurses where they met their significant other. Being there always made her feel markedly out of place. Oftentimes, the "men" were too afraid to approach her and the women regarded her as something of a novelty. Some of them were raising children and buying homes to settle down while she was carrying a gun and hunting fugitives for the Federal Government. Everyone always seemed to think it so fascinating she'd made it into the Marshals, but she could tell their praises were only window dressing. For a woman like her, it wasn't normal. She was an anomaly.  It was the way of things.

"I enjoy what I do, Milo." She said finally with a sigh. "You make things out of metal and I..." She shrugged her shoulders, "I do what I do." Relationships were never her strong suit and he knew that. Her firm moral upbringing blended with the seedy nature of her work had produced, over time, a twisted layer of barbed wire and shattered glass that she saved her heart under. She'd seen people at their most depraved do things that most could scantly imagine if they tried. There was no escaping the effects of it. "It just wears on you sometimes." She said looking back at him. Ironically, but not surprisingly, the conversation was making it's way back to work again. There really wasn't an escape from it. Being a lawman (or woman) at her level began to define oneself as a person and she knew she'd be lying to herself if she didn't like the thought of it. When he said she was probably one of the best in Sol already, it was like music to her ears.

Still, her mother, a fiery lawyer and presently a judge found her father a preacher of all things. He was a chaplain in the Air Force when they first met. Then Ana had found Milo and they seemed to be made for each other until his accident. She shook her head again lightly at the thought of it. "I'm just kind of a mess right now, I guess." She said, her accent becoming more prevalent. She downed the rest of her sake cup again.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Romus Sisters . City Hall

7.30 PM ish, City Hall, Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala

Marinalia watched Joel walk over and just have the Barman a look that said roll with it, if anyone said anything she could just tell Marla or so who would shrug and just carry on. they where paying for it all, so they decided not to worry and as along as no one was too drunk, too silly, or annoying, well live and let live. Giving him a nod and just to roll with it.

Just Roll with it. im family, so if anyone asked, Marilania said yes and so.

Watching him ,mix up some strange combination of Irish whiskeys, beer and so, Marilania thought she had started early but nope, Joel was already hammering back the shots and drinking his Irish concoction that smelt like it probably would make a handy form of aviation fuel. A hoody, well maybe later on the way home, but she spent too long in the pool to hide her figure under a baggy jacket tonight of all nights, not won the suit, well you owned a suit or you did not own one? That was a strange statement. Not so bad, well given normally she might of taken more of it but after her day and morning was less bothered and more just happy to be people who reminded her of other things.

Not too bad, Quite the charmer.

With a somewhat jokey reaction and drinking from her brightly cloured cocktail as Victoria and Ivan readied a shot for her, tonight was not going to cause a headache free morning. just started an already cocktails, champagne and vodka. Downing the shot alongside the others she flipped glass to prove she drank it and gave her sister a 1-1 gesture.

Well, your wearing the suit, so its yours. unless you robbed a fashionable man on way here.

Dressing for show has a few disadvantages... it distracted you a little though.

Backless and all lloked great but seven she was second guessing on the way there due to the weather, luckily booze was a aplenty and kept the cold away. Naturally athletic and hours of swimming where shame to hide. Flirting a a little and letting dress design expose her well toned leg, she relaxed and turned head seeing Joel checking out the event. Plans.. well her plans where kinda chaotic, she knew what she had to do, and there would be small speech soon but , abit of fun tonight and drinking, well if it lead wherever it lead, was a bonus or not.

Im sure we can have some fun in the meantime... a few days is a long tine after all... Japan, i always wanted a cute local picachu from Tokyo when i was a kid...

When you back, Wanna do a few laps of sol from the air... its more fun flying with someone to talk to.

With a shake of her head and seeing them dance about, it was obvious to half the universe there was something between them, aliens in space probably noticed but Victoria decided to nudge them a little pretending the vodka and champagne start had effected her more than it did.

Just kiss already... if you build up more tension, we be high school romance film...

and we short on a high school band right now.

Oh, and Joel, Vodka is a true drink of champions!

Laughing and raising the empty glass, she gave them both a raised eye brow, so close, yet so far and turned back to Ivan talking quietly in Russain and pointing out Maria and Vesarian who seemed to be sat together and leant against the other. At last.. both agreeing that it had taken way too long for them to relies.

Marilania gave Victoria a raised eye brow in return and leant into Joel shoulder, She had a point and she was rather thinking heading home or somewhere with someone might happen, a certain someone but that was if and when. she'd have fun first and worry about that in time and as the alcohol and music flowed.

Hey, i don't re call giving you a hard time returning back in same dress that morning after the ball last week!

Spotting someone from the Jazz night, no wait was it Ren... no it may of been someone with Ren, She swore they had met...somewhere, maybe the winter party or something, but he definitely was a passing aqauitence. Raising her cocktail and giving him a thumbs up, and shoulted over to the next bar.

Enjoy the party, its gonna go better than the jazz night for sure!

Turning back to her spot, relaxed and head resting on Joels shoulder, it was comforting, mentioning the Jazz night gave her a tiny knot that vanished smothered by booze and the general atmosphere.

Up on stage, someone was setting up a mic and so, a few of the shirtless six pack clad Spartans where wandering about with trays of small snacks shaped like little ships, cogs and gears, even though it was a party, it still represented the company and what they produced. Behind on a large screen it alternated between the company logo superimposed on action video of one the Royal Navy frigates they had built, and Joel down the straight, a still of him Marlin, and the crew all at victory interview and ending with large image of Joel raising the trophy to a massive crowd at the podium with "SOL CITY, P1" in large letters. They knew Joel had won the race and had given over much of the images to the team rather than the company. with exception to the video, but they had been a proud ship builder to there home country for decades in some lesser form or larger.

Maxamillion could be seen in a corner talking to one of the people on stage, much a old man he had retained his eyesight if not his hair, Seeing His daughters, Granddaughter, and various inlaws happy, with friends or partners. well the bill was worth it, the company had the money and good contracts. what was money but numbers. seeing his family happy was worth the expense.


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Location: City Hall; Sunday

Interaction: Joel (@Pilatus) & Romus Sisters (@PrinceAlexus)

6 PM

The strappy lace up backless sapphire blue mini dress was a pain to get on but looked amazing against her smooth soft pale skin. Siobhan braided her hair in a fishtail braid over her right shoulder so that the back of the dress was on display. The front in comparison was very demure the top of her dress rested on her clavicle but the back was why she bought the dress. The straps crossed back and forth all the way to the base of her spine. It was almost as tantalizing as Hillary Swank’s navy blue red carpet dress. Siobhan paired it with gold heels and a gold clutch.

Siobhan sashayed into City Hall knowing that her parents could be proud to have pulled this together with her help. The place looked awesome and people were starting to arrive.

She was hoping to see Paige and Ashton but wasn't sure if this was their thing. Smiling she played elites single daughter since she fit the bill and grew bored quickly. Seeing the winner of the race arrive after some mingling she was intrigued. She hadn't taken him for a looker. Honestly most of the racers she'd seen weren't, but her limited exposure should not be taken as if you've seen one you've seen them all. She decided to go over and congratulate him or make the attempt to.

"Hello I believe congratulations are in order for you and your team. If you don't have an objection I'd like to buy all of you a round of drinks." Siobhan smiled and made eye contact with everyone as she stated this looking to everyone for a yes or no, excluding no one.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mattchstick
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Mattchstick This little light of mine...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago




The trio had met at Snap's Camaro as the race concluded. Snap had been eager to pose nearby and talk cars with anyone passing by. They had decided to split up and meet back at the squad. Kriss had taken the opportunity to go and get a quick meal and refuel the ambulance. He had returned to his spot on the couch in the lounge long before Snap arrived with Allison in tow.

"So did you have fun?" the CO had asked. Allison had smiled and nodded. Kriss had done neither.

"Alright, well the gala is next. It's a formal occasion, so please dress nice."

"Is a squad uniform acceptable evening wear?" Kriss had asked dryly.

"If you have a suit, wear it. If not, fine. Allison, do you have evening wear at home?"


"You're dismissed, then. Go get changed and meet us at the city hall. I'm going to go home too. Kriss, meet us there around 6."

Kriss was a punctual individual. He was at the gala, with the ambulance, in his cleanest set uniform (pressed polo, pressed black dress pants, black leather shoes), along with his SCVRS badge, which was now pinned to the front of his shirt. He never wore it, but hopefully it would satisfy Snap, since he didn't have a suit. Well, technically, he did. Unfortunately, it was at his parents' home, and he wasn't going to drop in just to pick it up. He had parked along the edge of the road and was seated at the nearest table to the door, patiently awaiting for Snap to arrive so he could avoid interacting with the crowd, which was rapidly growing. He felt his phone buzz a single time in his pocket. He slid it out of his pocket and glanced at the tiny front screen.

[New Message!]

Kriss flipped the phone open and selected the message. It was from Snap.

Kriss. Can't make it tonight. Just you and Allison. Keep an eye on things. -Snap

He gritted his teeth. Snap had set him up. She really was going the extra mile to make Kriss interact with society. Apparently she was not above ditching him at a party. Irritated, he closed the phone and stuffed it back in his pocket, glancing vaguely in the direction of the main entrance. What exactly what she expecting him to do? Talk to people? Already uneasy, he folded his hands on the table and sighed. This was going to be a long night.

Allison Hawthorne

Location: Apartment

Time: Sunday, 4 PM

"Mom, I'm home!" Allison called, opening the front door and tossing her keys onto a nearby hook. She was greeted by a grey cat, who purred briefly and brushed her leg. She scooped him up and headed for her room, passing through the rest of the flat on the way. No one was home. She scowled, rubbing the cat's head and checking the fridge for information. A handwritten note has been attached to the door with a magnet. Apparently her mother was working tonight. Initially she had been a stay-at-home mom who wanted to focus on caring for her daughter, but the rent had increased and Allison was responsible enough to take care of herself now, so she had taken on a part-time job. Her stepdad was off work, but he had been invited to a get-together race day celebration by an old friend. It was a "guy's night," but he had extended the invitation to Allison anyway. She had declined.

"Oooooh, it's so quiet, isn't it?" she asked the cat in a sing-song voice. "Poor baby, all alone at home. And I'm going out to a party, so you're gonna be alone again. Don't worry, mommy will be home in a little while."

She dropped the cat onto her bed and stretched her back with a grunt.

"Ugh, Snap needs to get a new front seat for that car," she said out loud to no one. "Alright, I better get a shower. Wait, I already got a showed earlier. Do I need another one? That race track was pretty grimy and I-" she lifted the bottom of her shirt and sniffed it. "I smell like an exhaust pipe. Or maybe it's just the shirt. But if I shower now, and something happens at the party, I'm gonna have to take a third one when I get home, UGGHHHH."

She groaned, tilting her head back and staring at the ceiling dramatically. The cat cocked its head and meowed at her. She twisted her head in return and frowned.

"Yeah, but my dress clothes are all clean and I don't want to make them smell bad if I smell bad. Alright, hang on."

An hour and a half passed as Allison constructed an outfit. It turned out that it was (mostly) just the shirt, so she decided to wait until returning home to shower again. Fortunately, her evening wear selection was limited. After a long discussion with the cat, she decided on a floral midi dress, complete with white two-inch heels and a thin silver bracelet. Satisfied, she grabbed her purse and posed dramatically in front of her bedroom mirror.

"What do you think?" she said, spinning around and placing her hands on her hips with a wide smile. The cat blinked slowly at her, then stretched and jumped off the bed. She giggled and ruffled the fur on his head.

"Thanks so much! Are you gonna be okay by yourself?" she asked, applying just enough perfume to mask the hint of smoke that still clung to her. The cat meowed and gave her a dirty look. She was using the sing-song voice again and it irritated him. Allison picked him up and cuddled him for a moment, then returned him to the floor.

"Wish me luck!" she called, grabbing the keys and heading out. The cat watched the door close, then turned to look at the purse Allison had left on the floor nearby. If anyone needed luck, it was her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Romus Sisters . City Hall

7.30 PM ish, City Hall, Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala

Marinalia leant back at the bar leaning against Joels shoulder. The mid thigh lengh split showing ernough well toned leg to be defenitely obvious that she was flirting slightly and rested her head on his shoulder as a sign of trust. Well to her anyway, it meant a bunch of things but she trusted him it it was her way of showing it.

Hearing a click of heals and seeing a rather showy and shorter blue dress, low back from the angle she could see and probbly single. Ernough leg, low back. She was out to look good be noticed doing it. Her long white dress was backless and a tad impractical, a hidden bit of tape helped keep everything exactly where it should be. Turning her head, a short necklace of tight gold chain and ice blue gems contrasted to her white and gold outfit.

Leaving head on shoulder as a I've got this one gesture, she was not thr jealous kind... But she was still unsure as to where they stood and wanted to try and make things clear hoping it might help make or clear in some strange way to world that somehow make it work. Her logic made no real sense probbly but she did not care. A good dent in the brightly coloured sex on beach and Vodka where making her thoughts a tad more abstract.

Oh.. Thanks, I'd take you up on the offer but I'm kinda... Marinalia, Olympus...

I'm... Well family. Thank you for offering.

Cocking her head to the banner clearly displaying "Olympus Heavy Industries" logo and name in black letters clearly on a white banner. Gesturing to join them and sit down.

Hey, Vika, don't make me do all the work!

Behind the massive Russian who 6'6 bulk and muscle hid the frail looking white haired woman in a more conservative, but thr style suited her. She did not quite had the figure to pull off more daring styles as well. Anyway, she did not need to further emphasise her slim figure by being able to see the outline of her back clearly.

Turning round she saw a red head, tall and particularly showy tonight... Wait it was that red head. No way... It was. It was the cop.

Hey, it's a Olympus gala, I'm Romus.

Hey, this is our godfather Ivan, I'm Victoria... I hope Milo was helpful to your enquiries...

Suddenly turning a little bit colder as she relised who she was, it was not her fault but she still felt, those two did not exactly help matters in that utter train wreck of a evening.

Ivan watching kept a eye on Victoria and between them spotting a definite history between the two women, he knew Victoria well. She could be abit changeable about things and easily hurt despite the feisty extiror at times. There where alot of layers and took abit of patience to find the real layer beneath the hurts, scars and armour. He could keep between them abit, not like many could push him out the way anyway.

why Don,t you join us for a drink. Maybe clear the air a a little and relax

Расслабься, Вика, это не ее вина.
(Relax Vika, it not her fault.)

Raising a vodka bottle he asked thr barman for handing a shot to the new comer, it was decent vodka, and was meant as a respectful greeting and gesture to offer someone a drink, a seat at your table... Acquired bar it be.

Да .. Я славна
(Aye.. Il be nice)

Ummm.. Things did not too well that night.. Sorry, join us for a drink. We got the best kind of bar... It's free.

She warmed a a little, the whole situation had been frustrating her with her own mistakes and gone over the events that night a good few times in head. It was not there fault. It was easier to blame them but that was not gonna help her undo the damage she had done 4 days ago.


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Location: City Hall; Sunday

Interaction: Ivan, Romus Sisters (@PrinceAlexus) & Joel (@Pilatus)


Siobhan smiled brighter and joined the group at Ivan and Victoria's invitation.
(Thank you.)

She was no slouch. She had picked up Russian while in Europe. Boarding school taught its students at least two different languages and Siobhan was odd enough to seek out the most complex of languages. Russian and Mandarin. She just didn’t realize that she’d be using it in the states. Things made sense now. Victoria would be Russian or at least part Russian. And Victoria mentioned the night with Paige and Milo. Siobhan felt like Victoria thought she and Paige did the same thing for a living. Problem was how to clear that up. Victoria was going to hate her, not to mention it would get Milo in trouble. Pushing the thought away for later she sat down between Ivan and Joel. She extended her hand out to Ivan to shake taking the drink with the other hand. Turning her back to Joel to address Ivan first, thus giving Joel and Marinalia a fantastic view of the back of the dress.
”К вашему здоровью.”
(To your health.)

Siobhan downed the shot and looked at the waiter and smiled her killer smile. “Two Irish Car Bombs. One for me, one for the winner.” She turned and grinned winking at Joel giving her back to Ivan and Victoria. “I won’t bore you with the typical questions about how did it feel to win blah blah blah. My question is how was the status of the car after the race? Engine still run smooth? Any alignment problems?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 4 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

“You distracted me a little.” Joel said with a smirk and gave her a playful elbow. With her head leaned on his shoulder it was easy to land a soft jab. He knocked back the rest of his drink and proceeded to refill surveying the rest of them. This lot was nothing but lightweights with the possible exception of the heavyset Russian. He liked the idea of an air tour of Sol. In spite of what “Team Air” may have thought he actually liked aircraft quite a bit too; anything with an engine and a purpose. His mind was wandering, thinking about the prize he was going to collect when he went back to Japan- A prize he hadn't mentioned a word of to anyone. Glancing down at her and considering her words, Tokyo would be a long trip to take alone. He already had his ticket booked, first class on Cathay Pacific, but it wasn’t like he couldn’t afford another at this point. She said she’d never been there, though they had never even really been on a date it seemed like fate kept throwing them together. He weighed the thought of it as Vika spoke up.

“Hey, you stop trying to pimp out your sister, chick.” He shot back at Vika with a sharp grin. He had an odd habit of pointing with two fingers and he leveled them at her with the same arm that Marlin had nestled into. He chuckled a bit. She looked like a strong gust from a ceiling fan might knock her over. Poor Vika would be stark drunk momentarily, “Don’t make me have to call the principle on you.”

It was about that time another female rolled up to the counter. Since the day had been continually full of people he’d never seen before in chaotic procession, he was feeling considerably more social than he normally would’ve been at some haunt down on the Southside. That and the fact that many of them were female and damn near scantily clad. He stole another quick glance at Marlin’s magnificently toned leg as his eyes wandered up Sio’s figure into firm eye contact. What was interesting was how both Vika and Marlin immediately seemed to bristle up at the redhead’s approach. He grinned a little. She was into him more than he thought. Being the winner had its perks in many ways and that thought was instantly confirmed as Sio took a seat directly next to him before the sisters could scare her off.

Joel liked seeing Marlin get defensive and very crisply pointing out that she was, in effect, hosting the Gala. The perfect English she spoke was cutting and he would be lying if he said he didn’t like the sound of her voice. However, the redhead seemed to be eating it up and was completely unperturbed as she took a seat next to him. His spiteful tendencies caused him to immediately turn his head casually before he could really indulge in a full view of the girl’s backside. Whenever they threw it in his face, he never gave them the satisfaction of knowing he was looking- It’d taken Marlin a few tries to catch on. As he turned his head to look back out across the floor, he could feel her eyes on him, but he didn’t look at her either.

What surprised him though, was the new girl’s slightly technical questions and his first instinct was suspicion. He thought she might be some kind of reporter looking for an angle or maybe she worked for a gossip column or something and had armed herself with some Wikipedia ice-breakers. He did, however like her choice in drinks and when the round came up he rifled it down without an ounce of hesitation. “It passed the post race inspection,” He said glancing over at her with a slight shrug. She was much closer now and he could tell he had a few years on her. His eyes had a more tired, worn look about them compared to her youth. “We have to surrender the car for twenty-four hours after finish line and I think my sponsors here had some kind of plans for it.” He briefly glanced over at Vika and her large escort as he thought about the rest of the girl’s questions, “Engine’s fine,” He continued thoughtfully thinking about his pride and joy, “I was damn near pushing that bastard down the track at the end, they knew I was faster in the turns.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
Avatar of Almalthia

Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Location: City Hall; Sunday

Interaction: Ivan, Romus Sisters (@PrinceAlexus) & Joel (@Pilatus)

Mentions: Ren (@Furiosa) & Paige (Pilatus)


Siobhan was handed one of the Irish Car Bombs and Joel the other. He drank his and she downed hers. Interesting. And here I thought Marlin was into Ren. So who is she into really? This guy or Ren? Ugh I hate it when I get all Nancy Drew. If she likes Ren why is she here, but if she likes Mario Andretti then why was she with Ren? Does she move that fast? Jesus Christ!!

Siobhan then turned her attention back to the rest of the group and leaning back she indicated the two men. “I haven’t seen either one of you two gentlemen around or I wasn’t paying enough attention. Distractions and all that jazz. My name is Siobhan Murphy. Daughter of Supreme Court Judge Killian Murphy and Catherine Murphy MD Lead Physiatrist in this District, so far. Mummy dearest has plans to stretch her influence to statewide like in California, Me? I’m just the artist of the family.”

“So Victoria knows me, a bit, and I’ve briefly met Marilania and Ren, whom I don’t see here, at the Winter Ball. By the way I was wondering Marilania since you and Ren seemed just as cozy as Mr. Nicolosi and you are at the moment; if you could let him know that I’d like his opinion on some of the work I’m going for one of the Professor’s Books.”
Siobhan looks around the group smiling. “Hummm I’m getting the look of the fact that everyone else is not keeping up. Let me explain...not there is too much let me sum up...Ren is working on becoming a Doctor at least that’s what I got after a little bit of talking to him; also something about a kiss.” She looks pointedly at Marilania. “But I digress since he’s in PreMed and the book is for a Med Professor. And since I’m positive Marilania would run across him sooner than I will if you could give him this.” She looks down and takes out a small piece of paper and a pen from her clutch. She writes her email on it and passed it over to Marilania. “I didn’t want to stalk him all over campus and since you’re closer to him than a Professor. Quite close in fact, I’d really owe you one. Just have him contact me here at this email, figure its more polite to give him my email than my number just in case you were interested in him.”

I wonder if that’s too much info. I’m tired of people getting the wrong impression. And I’m hurt on Ren’s behalf since Marlin seems to be skipping from man to man so quickly. That should let Victoria know I’m not a Marshal like Paige and give the gentlemen something to think about. Doubtful that they even know who I am but they probably know my parents. I just can’t get over the whole Ren thing.

While putting the pen back in her clutch Siobhan managed to hit the call button and ring none other than Paige. Leaving her clutch on her lap and not shut she hoped Paige picked up. She maybe a little more aggressive and getting the point across to Marilania that she didn’t approve of her bouncing between men than if she hadn’t had been drinking at all. Siobhan was well aware of the fact that she was planning on cutting herself off for about two hours or so. But it would be nice to have a friend to talk to since Milo’s Ice Queen was as frosty as Spring in the Arctic. And she happened to be pissed at how Marlin was treating someone that she looked at as a friend. Poor Ren. Poor Joel. Poor Marlin...she must be as insecure as her sister if she was throwing herself from man to man. Marlin needed another drink. She signaled the waiter for another round. One more vodka couldn’t hurt she wasn’t even buzzing yet she’d had a glass of champagne, a shot of vodka, and an Irish Car Bomb. Still slowing down was a good idea. “So the decorations for City Hall look great! Who gets to take the credit for this?” Siobhan stated this so that hopefully in the about fifteen seconds she waited that Paige would be able to pick up and clue in to where she was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Drama alert lol.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Romus Sisters . City Hall

7.30 PM ish, City Hall, Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala

Marinalia at first before the drama came, happy she she had got Joel a notice on her and feeling a elbow nudged gently into her side, it proved it. Just a little conformation that he did have the will to reciprocate the affection. It was better than some who despite the blatant flirting never returned a gesture. Thongs felt like they where going well and relaxed she began to reach end of the cocktail she had been working on, if she tried to match Joel drink for drink she would be unconscious. Ivan maybe might give him a run for his drinking money though by virtue of sheer bulk.

Victoria turned and gave a friendly shrug, caught mid adjusting her long white hair to keep a few strand out of her eye, it was annoying beyond sense but her did what it did, and nothing would tell it different. Meant playfully, she knew he was winding her up. She thought she,d return the favour.

just giving nature a nudge... Nothing more Mr Bond..
Prince Hans... You wound me so! ... Remember some races its better to finish second.

Laughing to the end of the comment she could pretend to be anything but, her mock accent of seriousness crumbled in a a matter of words. They seemed a natural fit... If they acted on it.

The woman joined them sitting down and deliberately seemed to work her dresses advantages with alot of a well toned back on display, and more leg than Marlins longer design with a higher split. Though she was the one who was at the team trailer and the one who was snuggled Into his shoulder affectionately. Speaking Russian threw her off, not many did in the US as much. She had a few hidden talents it seemed.

Ivan gave her a nod at her language, though her accent was not quite perfect, good for a American though, and she took to it well. Downing another shot and giving Joel a glance to say he was not a light weight, he also turned to congratulate her.

Действительно, для здоровья и счастья.Deystvitel'no, dlya zdorov'ya i schast'ya.
(A suprise indeed, to health and happyness.)

Everyone quietly letting Joel do his racing driver mode talking about the car, and how it had to be checked and worked on, and so. It certainly was a change of pace from the busy reactions back and forth to almost a slower interview. Behind them unknowing Mike and Marla where headed back, the guests they wanted to meet greeted, the former Royal Marine spotted a certain drink on the side. A drink he had seen well and caused a few bar fights back in his military days. It was not a popular one to say the least.

Shaking his head, Marlin and Victoria did not reconise it, and likely so. The issue had calmed since they where growing up, he still remembered the heavy gates and reinforced concrete barriers in front of the Navy dockyards, and the shipyards gates that where at the time, multiple tons of heavy steel enough to withstand a non alcoholic car bomb.

Then came the drama... Marinalia did tense somewhat at the accusations and hints that she was some kind of man eating monster who played with affections and who was she to judge her. She barely knew her yet she was casting shade like it was the darkness night of winter below a Ash pumping volcano.

First that... Then Ren... That had maybe some value but she got a clear feeling Ren was not quite one to return the favour, she had seen him on the floor being kissed by a guy and had a little inkling it might mean a a little like he was more into guys than girls when she had thought back and looked back on everything in consideration. Maybe she had bounced about abit but she also did mean it and did genuinely for some unknown, mad and slightly strange reason take to Joel and his particular brand of sarcasm and do.

Victoria and Ivan decided to stay out of the way of this one, clearly it was gonna either end in tears or anger. Or both and they decided to wait for the clean up.

Marilania turned and downed her cocktail considering her response, deciding if to call security, go full ice queen mode or a softer reaction to the challenge. The response did hurt and she hid her eyes from her before she could blink to her normal cooler grey that hid her true impact.

Firstly, how nice, I'm the pilot of thr family, though I Don, t need to explain what my family does...just check Google. Victoria helped tweak the website.

Considering her response, she decided to not go full on, had Joel not been there she would of torn into her talons a plenty, maybe a light scratch. See if she got the message.

OK... You want me to explain about Ren... When I'm obviously... Bitch.

OK... Sorry Joel about this.. .

One.. I was interested though, and yeah. We talked and flirted a a little... Then i got drugged by that asshole they caught this morning, Ren was knocked out being kissed by some guy and so... Not exactly a ideal date would you not agree.

So... At the ball, I had to leave early... And yes we shared a joke, a hot Chocolate and I teased him abit about star wars... But... I did flirt a a little bit... Though he seemed... Eh, he was abit... Distant and so... I think he leant down more of a Greeken scholar of you get my drift...

Turning and downing a shot of whatever whiskey Joel was drinking, it burnt, just drinking it straight from the bottle before putting it down with some force. Looking at the page she had written out, jeez she was really out to shove her tight blue high heeled ass into things.

So Joel and I get on, and despite being a asshole at times, he is a well meaning one. I've not hared from Ren at all since the Winter time ball, and... Does not remind me at all of that cruel night.

So.. Thanks for the help... Sorry... Gotta touch up my make up

Sliding off the barstool and turning away with a sharp click of heals, before turning back a step or two away, it was a lie but she was annoyed, hurt and deciding she not want to show weakness so publicly... She could nip off to bathroom and compose self.

Marla... My aunt helped plan it. And if you think Vika is icey, she can be like a ice berg to a Ice cube...

With a quick turn on on her heal ahead headed away, and vanished looking in mirror and sighing, she could take a second to breath and post stress she saw a small tear mark. Hiding that quickly as possible and blending it back in, she could not hide the expression her eyes where telling.

Victoria sat by looking slightly shocked at the outburst and Ivan decided that was one battle he did not want a part of. Victoria however was annoyed on behalf of her sister and looked over noticing a woman who looked like Marinalia older twin look concerned as she stormed off, a tiny bit taller Blonde with ice blue accented hair, and a prominent glittering diamond necklace in the same colour.

Wow... You just tore into my sister.. At her own event...

Marinalia... Has had a hell of a day and you just made it worse. Thanks.

With a slightly acusing tone, she was annoyed that she had attacked her sister, but knew she needed time and how she had reacted to events, give her a few minutes and maybe follow later if she not see her return.

Ivan gave Joel a look that just was not wanting to get caught up between the women's particular battle, however he kept a close eye on Victoria and quietly knocked back a drink.

now I know what to expect with my daughter...

Marla watched from afar, her blue eyes spotting f Marilania and telling something was wrong, seeing a red haired woman in a blue dress, oh to be young. But family was family... Watching over and talking quietly, Milo had noticed thanks to his wife, they had a rocky start but the two where happy for a good few years with a young son in care of a trusted hotel creche service. They had met through Mike, Marla brother in same marine unit. A few drinks later and so... Well he asked Marla out, she said yes. And history was history.

It looked like the only drama was not on the race track.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mattchstick
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Mattchstick This little light of mine...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago




The last hour and a half had passed very, very slowly as Kriss sat quietly at a table and waited for Allison to arrive. He had fetched himself a glass of ice water just so he had something to look at. A few people nodded in his direction or commented on his uniform and badge. One or two even thanked him for being on hand. He had responded with a nod and monotone word of thanks each time. Someone had paused to ask him if he was alright, since he had been sitting alone staring at an empty glass, but he assured them he was fine. He couldn't resist a grimace as they left. Like they really cared. The alcohol had been flowing freely and already some were beginning to slur their speech and grip their chair to keep their balance. He ran over SOP for alcohol poisoning and concussions. If any of them made it on stage and attempted to dance, he would probably need to lend a hand. Maybe even apply a bandage or two.

Speaking of bandages, the nearest trauma bag was out by the edge of the road. He wondered if it was appropriate to carry a first aid kit into a gala and place it on a chair. A quick glance around the room confirmed that many people here would be too drunk to care in the first place, and frankly it didn't bother him if they were offended at all. He was a paramedic. He could carry his kit with him if he wanted to. Mind made up, he stood and walked to the front door, where he nearly bumped into a woman in a dark floral dress.

"Excuse me," he muttered, sliding past and heading for the exit.

"Um, excuse me, Kriss," he heard a familiar voice say over his shoulder. He turned and found himself facing Allison, though it wasn't the Allison he knew from the squad. Allison the EMT was a clumsy, cheery girl with a goofy sense of humor. The woman in front of him was prim and elegant, with just a hint of pride. She narrowed her shadowed eyes at him and unslung her purse, holding it in front of her in both hands so that the lights glinted off her silver bracelet. She was otherwise free of jewelry, but the air of power about her more than compensated. Her heels elevated her to eye level with him, and she lifted her chin with a frown of disapproval.

"It's rude to shove a lady aside," she said sternly, moving one of her hands to her waist. For the first time, Kriss felt small near her. She may not have been physically taller or stronger, but she outclassed him ten to one. A long moment passed as he tried to find a proper response. She was silent, but her stare gave the firm impression that he was supposed to apologize.

"I apologize."

The girl scowled, her eyes growing even colder. Kriss was suddenly concerned that she might physically attack him. He was on the verge of backing away when, to his total surprise, the scowl vanished and Allison threw her head back in laughter.

"You...you looked like you were going to pass out!" she said, giggling and placing a hand over her mouth. "Oh, Kriss, you should see the look on your face."

She laughed again, carefully wiping tears from the edges of her eyes and placing a hand against her stomach to try and compose herself. Her face burned red, slightly embarrassed at the scene she was creating.

"Honestly, Kriss, you take everything so seriously. Lighten up a little!"

The familiar smile was back, and the hand on her hip now made her look cocky rather than indignant. She tossed the purse back over her shoulder and looked around.

"Wow, this place is hopping. Sorry I'm late, I just was busy being an airhead. Did I miss anything important?"

Kriss blinked a few times, still trying to process what had just occurred. Allison made a face, then stepped closer and snapped a finger in front of his eyes.

"Hell-ooo, Earth to Kriss, is anyone in there?"

He shook his head, bringing himself back into focus. The color returned to his face, as did his look of irritation.

"That was unkind."

"Yup. Totally worth it, though," she chirped, grinning.

"Snap will not be joining us tonight."

"Yeah, she texted me," Allison replied, tapping her purse. "Oh hey, do you like my purse? I seriously almost drove off and left it in my bedroom. Pretty bad, huh?"


"You're so mean," she said flatly. "Which table is ours?"

He winced, then nodded in the direction of his seat, which was still empty.

"I will be back in a moment," he said, turning and vacating the building. Allison watched him leave, then spun around, flipping her hair back behind her shoulder, and strutted over to his place. Fortunately, the empty glass seemed to have scared away others, and she happily claimed an adjacent seat, setting her purse gently on the table and watching the faces go by.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ashton Griffone || Shopping >>> City Hall|| Sunday 6:00 PM >>> Approx. 7:30 PM

Victoria @PrinceAlexus, Kriss @Mattchstick, Siobhan @Almalthia, Joel @Pilatus

After the event, Ashton had informed Marine of wishing to go to the party at city hall later in the evening, in which case Marine and a few of her coworkers seemed intrigued. The Chief allowed Ashton, Marine, and a fellow firefighter Ein to attend the festivities. However, as per usual for a firefighter, if they were needed, they would be called in. Currently, they were out shopping for attire for the event. Ashton and Ein were just going to go in their current attire but Marine wouldn't have it.

"This is a fancy party! We can't just go in our uniforms! Number one, we always get them filthy! Number two, I don't want to have to wear such heavy clothing while trying to have fun. And number three, I'm less likely to get a date from a guy with some dolla bills if I'm not at my best! SO WE ARE FUCKING SHOPPING AND YOU TWO ARE DRESSING UP TOO!" Marine growled, the crimson red glaring at the towering blonde and the black haired man who was a head shorter than Ashton.

With a groan, Ein rolled his golden gaze boredly, his arms crossed over his muscled chest. "Ugh, fine. Can we please just move it along? We've been here for hours. I just want to go to get some drinks and check some chicks." he grumbled irritably. Next to him, Ashton just blinked her amethyst eyes dumbly and gave a slight awkward smile.

Watching Marine pick some clothes off the racks, the red head gave a hum before turning to Ashton before waving upward. "Arms up!" Marine commanded, causing the giant to blink before raising her arms up straight up evenly from the sides to form a giant T shape. Immediately, Marine started sticking the hangers onto Ashton's arms like a clothing rack as she continued on her way.

Ein snickered a little as the mass of clothes kept piling on Ashton which eventually covered both arms and caused the blonde to start to struggle a little. After Marine changing a bunch of times before finally being satisfied with a red dress and fitting Ein in a suit. The red head turned to Ashton and held up a dress to get a good idea of what it would look like, however the tall blonde was soon hiding behind Ein and peering at Marine nervously who scoffed.

"Oh for goodness sakes Ash! You could at least try on a dress! You wouldn't look that terrible with the right one!" Marine grumbled.

"Not like it be that easy to find one either." Ein scoffed before yelping as Marine stomped a red ruby heel against his foot.

"Oh shut up! You already know she doesn't think she's pretty at all. Don't make it worse." Marine snarled like a savage lioness with raging blue eyes. Ein grumbled and simply sulked with a muttered apology as he glanced at Ashton, whom just smiled and waved it the insult off like no big deal.

Giving a groan and rubbing her temples, Marine glanced around the store, working her brain. "Well you can't go in your usual ratty attire like usual. I won't allow it. Not this time. So we'll find you something your more comfortable with then." she said with a determined huff.

It takes about a hour but eventually, Marine manages to shove Ashton in a fitting suit with some snazzy sunglasses upon her scarred face. Brushed and combed out the blonde mop hair and Marine was done. Her friend seemed quite proud of herself and Ashton was more or less satisfied with the outcome considering she wasn't in a dress or anything. The tightness of the collar bothered her however, so Ashton constantly messed with it and unbuttoned the top a bit while Marine fixed it until she got tired of it.

"Ah made it! Now it's time to party, drink, and meet some cute guys!" Marine chirped gleefully as she walked in front. Despite being the shortest of the three, she probably illuminated the most confidence and absolute power.

Ein gave a sigh and roll of his eyes. "As long as this place has some decent drinks, I'll be satisfied." he grumbled.

Ashton just gave a amused smile, slightly adjusting the sunglasses as they walked along before perking up as they passed by a semi-familiar face by the door. Marine and Ein didn't pay the fellow any mind, but Ashton gave a bright cheerful and friendly smile and gave a cheerful wave in greeting as they walked inside City Hall. Amethyst eyes widening in awe, Ashton glanced around the place as she found herself a bit impressed. Glancing at one of the posters that had the flag of her country, she couldn't help but smile a little as she remembered her time on the force. Despite some mishaps, she was proud to do her best during that time. Even if in the end, it just wasn't for her.

"Well I'm hitting the bar! Try not to have too much fun you two!" Marine said before quickly disappearing in the crowd.

Ein and Ashton watched her before looking at one another. "Same here. Need a strong drink." he said before walking off as well in a cool manner.

Ashton blinked and rubbed the back of her head with her right hand as she watched her teammates. She'll have to keep a eye on them. After all, the tall blonde will have to be the designated driver. Usually ended up that way since this is a common occurrence so Ashton felt she had to be a bit more responsible and look after her friends. She wanted them to have as much as they could and if it helped if she looked out for them, then it was worth it.

Glancing around, her tall figure spotted Allison in a pretty dress and the dirty blonde smiled before spotting another pair of familiar faces. Victoria and Siobhan. However the two looked a bit tense which caused concern to well up inside her. There seemed to be quite a few people there but the boys seemed just as dumbfounded on what to do with such a tense situation. Well, Ashton didn't like the thought of her friends not having a good time so the dirty blonde gave the brightest smile before striding over to the group. Hands gingerly patting the top of both of the girl's heads gently before waving them both in a greeting before waving towards the winner of the race and gave a thumbs up in congragulations with his victory. Turning her amethyst gaze to the two, they shined with a curiosity with a soft concern, though her smile was still crystal clear.

Thinking for a moment she decided to draw on her boogie board that was strapped around her neck and scribbled upon it before turning it around. 'Nice to see you two again, how are you both doing?' was written upon it. It wasn't the most calligraphy type of writing, but average at best. Still readable.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo listened to Paige as she talked about how she does what she does, she was showing the signs of that wear she mentioned, as she spoke, the job suited her and she was good at it but there had to always be a balance to it, if you just work a stressful job until you croak, whether you loved it or not you still croak. "Honestly I admire that, I chose a job that I am passionate about as well, but it is one that lets me channel emotion and creativity in a safer manner, as much as I love excitement I couldn't hold it together doing what you do everyday." Milo smiled as he spoke, "I guess that's why we're here, I didn't stick to my guns til you came through, here or in Delta, I guess whether or not either of us are happy about it, it is a good thing we are here. Just hope I can return the favor somehow." Milo really was grateful, no matter the bad blood he and Paige had held, in this moment she was the best friend he could ask for, she literally put her life on the line helping him, it would be something he would repay.

Milo was feeling the alcohol hit his system, and the only thing that he could think on at that moment was how he would get his car home, though that may be a task for tomorrow. Milo was smiling still just a small contented smile, he had always been able to make a good time out of nothing, a moment in the storm where he could relax, and he did his best in order to make that happen here, at least for the sake of his overly stressed out police friend. Only time would tell whether or not it did any good for her to hang out with this old vagabond but he enjoyed himself, and if that is the best he gets, that's still not bad.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Location: City Hall; Sunday

Interaction: Ivan, Romus Sisters (@PrinceAlexus)Joel (@Pilatus) & Ashton (@SilverFox)

Mentions: Ren (@Furiosa) & Paige (Pilatus)


It quickly occurred to Siobhan that Marilania had a sore spot and it's name was Ren. She also caused a scene with the mention of his name. Siobhan couldn't help it. He was her friend and it just wasn't right. Normal people don't jump from guy to guy within a few weeks. Maybe there's something wrong with her? Better that Joel find out now than later. Shaking her head at Marilania’s retreating form she thought, Well that went well. And that was sans claws. Didn't want an explanation for her lose behavior just wanted to let her know that I don't appreciate my friends being toyed with and warn others. For a month into their relationship she sure is throwing herself at him hardcore. Even if they knew each other as friends before that...a month of dating and she's draped over him like a throw blanket? Seriously?!? Turning to Victoria Siobhan said,

“Одна, Виктория, я не просил объяснений, как она причинила боль моему другу. Если бы вы, Мило или Пейдж, сделали это, чтобы быть уверенным, что я позволил бы ей знать, что ей тоже нужно извиниться перед вами. Хочешь верь, хочешь нет. Во-вторых, она, очевидно, чувствует себя виноватой во всем, что связано с Реном. И да, она должна чувствовать себя плохо. Плюс вы ожидаете, что я смогу читать мысли. Извините, я так не работаю..”
(One, Victoria I did not ask for an explanation of how she hurt my friend. If it had been you, Milo or Paige that she did this to rest assured that I would have let her know that she needed to apologize to you as well. Believe it or not. Two, she obviously feels guilty about the whole thing with Ren. And yeah she should feel bad about it. Plus you expect me to be able to read minds. Sorry I don't work that way.)

Siobhan signaled for a waiter and smiling brightly at Ashton looking up at him genuinely glad to see him but still going to make her point. “Now if we understand each other I’m going to have a drink and wait till she gets back to correct her misconceptions so we can chit chat in peace. Scotch. Neat. You want one gentlemen? Ashton?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 4 days ago

Paige Kennedy

The last one was the clencher. The partly cloudy feeling that started happily in the back of her head was now a full-on drunkerstorm. Usually sake wasn't quite so potent against her, but somewhere she realized she had indeed lost count and she was starting to feel like her face was sliding off. The meal hadn't done a lot to soak it up and she could feel her eyes slightly glazed as well. Paige, you are drunk. Some internal voice shouted from what felt like a distant island in the back of her mind. Thoughts were becoming harder to link together coherently, but the next voice was firm and clear like a shotgun blast: Dear God, Jesus, please just don't let me throw up. She had little doubt that he could see it. Getting trashed right out of the gate hadn't been exactly the way she envisioned the night going. Maybe he was right. Maybe she needed a release more than she knew.

Listening to him talk gave her a light smile again and she stroked her braided hair with one hand. She loved being complimented and her thoughts swirled. That's right, Milo-boy... One voice started.. You couldn't do it everyday, but I can, because I'm fucking awesome. Another piped in right behind: Don't be such a bitch, Paige. She blinked a few times. Aww, he's being sweet to us again. Looking back over at him, she suddenly had a look as if she'd come up with some extraordinary idea and then forgot it all a split second later. "I really wanna go do something else," She said thoughtfully. "...But I'm kinda drunk." She spoke as if she were commenting on the weather. He had a silly little grin on his face which told her he was starting to feel the effects some himself. She was pleased she was able to keep up with him that far and still be able to stand, hopefully. "I'm taking off work tomorrow..." She said, momentarily losing track of the rest of the thought. She was starting to say something else, when she felt her phone vibrating in her purse.

Sio - slide to answer

She was aware enough to know that she was not aware enough to carry on a logical phone conversation and aside from that, answering a phone call at dinner was rude, or at least where she came from it was considered rude. She fired a text back surprised at how swiftly her fingers still worked over the phone's screen.

At dinner, what's up?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Romus Sisters . City Hall

7.30 PM ish, City Hall, Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala

Marinalia had headed off and was in thr bathroom, leaning on side and composing her self finishing up her make up, damned if she was going to let siaborn see her tear marks from the stress and reaction. No way. Re doing her eye make up took a while to blend properly, it was never somthing she found easy or bothered with as much, her job and so meant she favoured a more quick and basic morning routine.

Victoria turned to face siaborn, her Russian was good and pretty much on point, however, they both seemed to use slight variations, Ivan had helped to teach her abit and she took slightly after his version. She spoke well, though had to think on the translation of the odd word variations and orders.

She was ready to tear Into her when she felt a pat on head and turned a tad too quickly grabbing the edge of bar and seeing a very tall woman, wait. It was Ashton... Between Sia, Ivan and Ashton. They all where over a foot taller than she was it seemed. Softing her tone, it was not get fault she walked into the middle of gauntlet. Reading the board, she saw her asking... Well that was great n a be intresting.

oh... Hey.

I'm good, apart from a a little hiccup tonight. Glad you decided to come. I'm sure thing il calm down.

You look nice tonight.

Ivan gave her a nod and turned back, he was concerned about Victoria, somthing intense was going on, and much as it sounded like some kind of drama, Vesarian asked him to keep a eye on her, just out of care.

Turning to Sia, Ashton had softened her outlook abit and she no longer was thinking like a pair of glaciers grating against each other in thr deepest artic. Her eyes still flashed icey, even if her sister was in the wrong, it was family, and family came before some redheaded local.

Нет .. Ты просто вошел как крутящий мяч, было очевидно, что они хорошо ладят, а ты просто, может быть, испортил его. Благодарю.
Б. Я знаю ее намного лучше тебя. Ей было тяжело, и тебе стало тяжелее. Виновен. Нет, ей не нужен какой-то незнакомец, делающий что-то хуже.
Ваш гость. Полицейские полномочия прекращаются, если вы не в состоянии работать ...
(No.. You just went in like a wrecking ball, it was obvious they get on well, and you just maybe trashed it. Thanks.

B. I know her far better than you. She been having a hard time and you made it harder. Guilty.. No she does not need some stranger making things worse.

Your a guest. Cops powers end if your off duty...)

Somewhat more defensive than she wanted to be, but she was not gonna let her have her momment, both of thr guys seemed somewhat dumb founded by the rapid exchanges. Ashton knew abit of Russian but was not sure if she would be able to live translate or not, at the least she could get the just of thr situation.

Turning to the bar man she shook her head, and thought she was not exactly family. Maria or Marla would back her up, especially when they knew she was one who had upset Marinalia so. If she wanted to hurt Marlin, she can pay for drinks.

put it on a tab... Rest can have a open bar.

On her way out she acidanryly nudged a table of a pretty woman in a nicely styled floral dress. It was a abit more relaxed than some of thr more intense formal designs but suited her perfectly, working well with her hair. Apologising, she signhed. Letting her anger out on a stranger was not what she wanted to do. Waving over a server to bring her some Prosecco and snacks, she had nigh on narrowly avoid walking right into her.

Sorry about that. Distracted, Lovely dress by the way, have a good evening.

Marinalia headed on again, walking over she bumped into Mike and Milo who where placing a group food order, putting a hand on her shoulder, and glanced over noticing the group. Milo had his jacket off and a short sleaved shirt showed the low end of a Royal marines badge tattooed on his upper arm, he had failed thr commando selection but had spent quite a few years as a regular marine if there ever was such a thing. Quite a few scars and scrapes later he had retired with all his limbs intact, though somewhat scarred.

Talking with Mike and Milo, she persuaded them against acting too rashly, though both looked concerned and a bit annoyed at situation, with a gesture to one of thr security staff to head over to keep a eye on things. Ivan was about but it did not help to keep more than one set of eyes on events transpiring.

Marla was heading over before Maria caught her and shook her head gesturing to leave it be, her split on the dress showing the extensive robotic leg that ran all way from the socket on her thigh, to metal foot and lower leg, contrasting with a delicate high heal. Vesarian and Maria watched from afar and shared a glance before talking quietly with Marla.

On stage Maxamillion watched finishing up his thing, he was ready to Anouncee to crowd, but waited a second spotting the drama carrying on below, among all thr events and people that one, he did seem to notice. But only because he knew who he was looking for.

@Pilatus@Almalthia@Silver Fox@Mattchstick

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 4 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

Joel yawned. The women were throwing their weight around which he found particularly boring. Who was more important in politics or who had the most money, blah blah blah. Neither one was a very good look as far as he was concerned. He didn’t sign on to some night of dick measuring. The redhead, Sio, had some dirt she wanted to spill about Marlin and they had apparently met before. Women talked shit, and though he didn’t really care what about, their bickering was beginning to get on his nerves. He knocked back another drink, still completely unphased. They were all far behind him on drink count. Even Vika’s mountain sized escort hadn’t put up much of a fight.

Sio landed some social blow that Marlin found offensive and to Joel’s surprise, scurried off leaving him sitting there next to Sio. She seemed so confident only a few moments ago and then been reduced to running away in only a few seconds. He snorted a little in amusement and thought more about the car. They’d banged fenders a few times with the GT-R, but it didn’t look like anything more than superficial. The carbon fiber panels were damned expensive, even for Tommy’s budget and he’d taken great care over the years not to trade hard shots with anyone else. He wasn’t paying a lot of attention when he heard Marlin call him an asshole, which seemed a tad impertinent considering he’d just drove his ass off to win the race, but he let it roll off. He was a proud asshole.

Others arrived and the counter was becoming crowded along with the rest of the main hall. There was some extremely tall person patting Sio and Vika on the head and then some language other than plain English was being tossed around like the alcohol he was trying so hard to imbibe in peace. Vika seemed to be taking considerable offense to Sio and unable to let go of some comment. He was getting irritated as the whole scene was turning into some silly comic strip. He refilled and returned a raised glass nod to the tall blonde who seemed to be at least attempting to be civil. When Sio mentioned another round, he knocked on the counter and just pointed at the glass for the barman without even looking at anyone. These people were pathetic drinking partners, he thought.

The words, Fuck This were beginning to flash in his mind like a derelict traffic light at a busy city intersection. The Russian language continued to be batted back and forth to the point that Joel began to wonder why they hadn’t put up a Russian flag instead of an English one… or an American one. He was getting a headache and it wasn’t from the alcohol. Nearly on the verge of getting up, he stopped when he heard Vika say something to the effect of making Sio buy her own drinks and he felt a fire in his soul ignite like gasoline and a sedaline torch.

It was the way she said it… that high school, snooty, bitch tone. He could remember it well. All those losers and dirtbags he hadn’t kept the slightest bit of communication with since graduating flashed through his mind. In his high school days many girls wouldn’t give him the time of day and they all used that exact, same tone. He was a bit of an outcast then, but the street had been his great equalizer, his stage. The same car that had just won the Sol City Grand Prix had slayed many on the street back then and he found those same prissy girls and their cuck boyfriends armed with parents’ money singing much different tunes when they were forced to pay up after losing to him and the 300. It was no surprise he hadn’t even received an invitation to his ten-year high school reunion. He rolled the fingers of his now open arm along the countertop as they continued to bicker. Just the petty, selfish nature of it was writhing in his chest. He had no idea what was between Sio and Marinalia, but he did know how she must have felt: Singled out and told she wasn’t cool enough to sit at their table and have free drinks. He bit his tongue and looked straight ahead. He was unable to hide his lips from curling slightly. He had spied an open upper level when he first walked in and he knew where he was headed.

Without a word, Joel took one of the whiskey bottles along with his glass and walked off into the crowd.

@PrinceAlexus@Almalthia@Silver Fox
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