Mater Lei
Concierge of the Gods'What then of your horns, o Mater? What are they?'
'The perfect excuse to blast doors I don't feel like opening.'
Dᴏᴍᴀɪɴ & Pᴏʀᴛꜰᴏʟɪᴏ
██████ (██████ | ██████ | ██████)
While Lei's Domain is a mystery, much is known of her portfolios. The most obvious involves automata, beings of clockwork and coiled springs, which she creates effortlessly and in great number. Another is strongly linked to books of fiction, of which she has a nearly limitless supply, and the contents of which she can realise as simulacra, forming not-quite illusory flora and fauna from words on a page. The third involves powerful transmutative magic, especially of her own body and environment.
While Lei's Domain is a mystery, much is known of her portfolios. The most obvious involves automata, beings of clockwork and coiled springs, which she creates effortlessly and in great number. Another is strongly linked to books of fiction, of which she has a nearly limitless supply, and the contents of which she can realise as simulacra, forming not-quite illusory flora and fauna from words on a page. The third involves powerful transmutative magic, especially of her own body and environment.
Chaotic Neutral
Lei likes to be fancy. Not act fancy, just be fancy. Fond of dramatic entrances, an aura of untouchable smugness pervades most of what she does, which is usually exactly what you don't want her to do. Life's a game, when you're the Mater, and it's easy to get the impression that she wears her masks purely to hide the fact that she's teetering on the edge of laughing at you.
With all the petty spite of someone who enjoys tripping up passerby with her cane, Mater Lei placidly denies or subverts every request placed on the position she's been entrusted with, and happily cheats, tricks and lies her way through godly transactions. Fortunately, she's not malicious, and will bow out and call quits before she involves herself with serious trouble. Lei also tends to be polite, even helpful, especially in things of little (or extraordinary) consequence.
For all her easygoing strut, Lei isn't entirely secure in herself. She hides her anger well, but not perfectly, and fears both her task and her pantheon. She tells herself that she is safe, and can usually believe it, but there's only so much she can do. She fears, also, that someone may eventually see her face.
She also attends a lot of balls.
With all the petty spite of someone who enjoys tripping up passerby with her cane, Mater Lei placidly denies or subverts every request placed on the position she's been entrusted with, and happily cheats, tricks and lies her way through godly transactions. Fortunately, she's not malicious, and will bow out and call quits before she involves herself with serious trouble. Lei also tends to be polite, even helpful, especially in things of little (or extraordinary) consequence.
For all her easygoing strut, Lei isn't entirely secure in herself. She hides her anger well, but not perfectly, and fears both her task and her pantheon. She tells herself that she is safe, and can usually believe it, but there's only so much she can do. She fears, also, that someone may eventually see her face.
She also attends a lot of balls.
It is Mater Lei's belief, informed or otherwise, that the gods must be both the sole and the sovereign rulers of the universe. There can be no great power outside them, nor may any great power surpass them. For this reason, Lei guards the Vault from which the gods emerged and to which they may return, such that none of her nieces and nephews in the pantheon may wield power other than their own.
Lei isn't particularly stringent about this, though. The Door tends to stay perfectly well closed of its own accord, and she's known to let the pantheon loan or make use of other oddities in the Vault in order to perform feats that may otherwise have been beyond them, such as creating planets, travelling time, or altering the fundamental properties of the universe. The costs of operating such oddities are high, but so long as Lei doesn't have to pay it herself, she doesn't particularly care either. Her primary goal, after all, is simply to have a grand old time.
Lei isn't particularly stringent about this, though. The Door tends to stay perfectly well closed of its own accord, and she's known to let the pantheon loan or make use of other oddities in the Vault in order to perform feats that may otherwise have been beyond them, such as creating planets, travelling time, or altering the fundamental properties of the universe. The costs of operating such oddities are high, but so long as Lei doesn't have to pay it herself, she doesn't particularly care either. Her primary goal, after all, is simply to have a grand old time.
Lei seldom changes form, but regularly her costume. From formal to semi-formal to casual*, Lei always has some outfit up her sleeve for the occasion, usually in the gold-grey-red colour scheme she's addicted to. She wears human flesh often, usually stealing the body of whichever pretty mortal girl she last ran into who happened to be wearing her colours*, sometimes returning it later and often keeping it (and the girl) for herself as an attendant. When the need arises to be small, she takes the form of a serpent.
All of Lei's faces are masks, made or stolen one way or another. In this way, though she may be highly expressive when she wants to be, her insecurities remain securely bound up inside her.
Lei's avatars are two, and rather different: Malkut, the radiant automaton, is a powerful being born of her more diligent side, not so prone to travel; and Alto, the harpy, is a lazy wanderer. These twin sons almost never appear in the same place, and generally keep to themselves.
Lei's dresses are innumerable, and rumour has it her wardrobe is a major demiplane.
All of Lei's faces are masks, made or stolen one way or another. In this way, though she may be highly expressive when she wants to be, her insecurities remain securely bound up inside her.
Lei's avatars are two, and rather different: Malkut, the radiant automaton, is a powerful being born of her more diligent side, not so prone to travel; and Alto, the harpy, is a lazy wanderer. These twin sons almost never appear in the same place, and generally keep to themselves.
Lei's dresses are innumerable, and rumour has it her wardrobe is a major demiplane.
Mᴜsɪᴄᴀʟ Tʜᴇᴍᴇ
*Models photographed are Choi Sora and Ikebana Katsu, respectively.
Annals of Mater Salma Lei, Fourth Hand of Fate
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