Everyone loves a good superhero story: the action, the drama, the incredible feats! When evil enters the playing field, our heroes are quick to take a stand. That's what the public sees. But what goes on behind the scenes?
Heroes used to be a freerange affair, back in the old glory days. They fought who they wanted to fight, when they wanted to fight them. These days, vigilante justice is seen as just too much of a risk. Unregistered heroes are now arrested and given a choice: attend New Horizon Academy for Superhuman Individuals, or be destroyed. When a new hero manifests powers, they are required to register and attend the Academy immediately, or be apprehended.
Ever since the rise of the Academy, destruction caused by superhero incidents have fallen. No longer does the public have to fear being caught in the crossfire of a battle between these super charged individuals. Supervillains have dwindled, and the public loves their heroes more than ever. Comics, action figures, and movies are all being produced in their likeliness, all under the keen eye of New Horizon.
Once these heroes graduate the Academy, they take up residence at the Tower: the largest gathering of heroes under one roof. Here, they eat, sleep, and live together, awaiting their next mission. Missions are doled out by New Horizon, following a algorithm that combines powers, skills, and experience to create the perfect team ups for the job. The heroes? Well, they have no say in the matter.
In fact, these people that the public sees as gods among men are little more than slaves. They have no choice but to work for New Horizon. Refusal to cooperate ends in destruction. Rebellion is squashed. Those who pose a risk to New Horizon are fitted with control bracelets that dampen the hero's powers until they are needed. Some of the more threatening flight risks are also given implants are the base of their neck that, in the event they turn on their keepers, they are immediately destroyed. While the Tower may be a prison lined with gold, it is still very much a prison.

In this story, we will be playing heroes who have already graduated the Academy and are taking up residence at the Tower. They will be working for New Horizon for most the first arc, until something happens to make them rebel and try to destroy their keepers, starting the second arc.
There will be two spots open for vigilante heroes, with a few limitations. The vigilantes must keep their identity secret, and the player must have another, New Horizon hero character as well. This is because the vigilantes will not be interacting with the New Horizon 24/7, so you should have another character to keep you busy.
RP Rules:
1: No overpowered characters. I'll let you know what's too OP.
2: As of right now, I'm not accepting villains. This RP focuses on the hero side of the story.
3: Characters must be 18+
New Horizon Rules: (may be broken)
1: Do not fraternize with vigilantes.
2: Do as ordered when in the field. Do not stray from the mission plan.
3: Leaving the Tower without authorization is forbidden.
4: No secret identities. Your real name must be public knowledge.
5: Any talk of rebellion is to be reported immediately. If you fail to report such incidents, you will be punished as well.
The Tower
The Tower is a manmade marvel. It is the tallest sky scraper in the city, and has anything that anyone would need without leaving the premises. The bottom floors are offices were the New Horizon staff work. There is also a cafeteria for workers and heroes, should they not want to cook for themselves. The middle floors house the heroes' living quarters. Each hero is given a spacious apartment that includes a bathroom, living room, kitchen, and bedroom. The upper floors offer recreation. There is a training room with simulations that help the heroes train for battle, a sports center with full size tennis court, soccer field, basket ball court, and swimming pool. On the very top of the tower is a small park that offers the heroes fresh air. There is grass, a small pond, a volleyball net, and several spots to have a quiet rest. The park is secured by an invisible force field dome, however, so don't get any ideas.
The Apartments and dress code
The heroes' apartments offer a great view of the city. They are each 900 square feet, and are equipped with anything the hero needs. Groceries can be ordered so that the hero may eat a customized diet should they wish. Menus for the cafeteria are offered daily. Communal laundry facilities can be found on every residential floor. Bathrooms offer endless hot water and a spa tub. Cable and streaming services are equipped in every room. Apartments may be decorated to match the hero's individual tastes.
There is no need for a wide array of clothing, as you are given a uniform to be worn around the tower. Hero uniforms consist of comfortable, functional grey jumpsuits. Tank tops, t-shirts, shorts and pants are also supplied for athletic activities or casual wear. But worry not, you can choose your own superhero outfit to wear in the field! Given that it is approved by New Horizon, of course.
New Horizon Heroes
Ka'van Soeray / Wraith / 25 / Male / Shadow manipulation, telekinesis, phases through solid objects
Miles Miller / Shrike / 32 / Male / Object Duplication
Silas Myers / Silent Sleeper / 24 / Male / Dream Manipulation
Ricado Fenix / Phoenix Dawn / 27 / Male / Super strength, durability
Alice Jefferson / Victory / 46 / Female / Light manipulation, Object creation, Healing
Jane Martin / Alkaline / 18 / Female / Liquid Physiology, Self-manipulation
Eliott Reider / Decibel / 21 / Female / Vibration and sound manipulation
Valora Beaumont / Shift / 25 / Female / Animal Shapeshifting
Joseiah Kimbell / BlizzKrieg / 26 / Male / Ice and Temperature manipulation
Willow Creed / Reaper / 25 / Male / Necrokinesis
Yatzil / Ancient History / 680 / Female / Healing factor, Bloody power ups
Edith Elwood / Ordnance / 27 / Female / Molecular Repurposing
Tom / Foundry / 22ish? / Male / Metallokinesis, body modification
Bolin Lài/ Foo Dog / 24 / Male / Transforms into a giant spirit lion