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Name: Ka'van Soeray Alias: Wraith Age: 25 in human years Gender: Male Species: Alien half-demon Precautions: Destruction chip
Personality: Ka'van is a somber and laconic soul. He is mild mannered, soft spoken, polite, and often compassionate. He is well practiced in calmness and patience. Rarely does something get a rise out of him. While he can be fierce in battle, there is almost never a time that he loses that sense of self control. Ka'van carries a great weight on his shoulders that forces him to stay in control, otherwise his demon half could overtake him.
Abilities: He can phase through solid objects. He can use his control over shadows to blot out light, making a dome of darkness around himself and potential enemies. He has telekinesis, being able to lift objects as large as a city bus with just his mind. He can also use this ability to levitate. Ka'van can produce telepathic energy tendrils, which he can use in battle to grab, crush, and strike his enemies. He can also produce the same energy in ball form for a blast attack.
But these powers come with weaknesses. Should Ka'van strain himself past his limits, he may experience seizures, or even brain bleeds in extreme cases. While he can recover from both given his species impressive healing rate, he would be down for the count for quite a while.
Another weakness of his is the lack of shadows. While such a state can be hard to find, it can be artificially produced, and has been used to control him on the rare occasions that he gets out of hand.
Appearance: When he appears as Wraith, Ka'van is a solid black figure with bright, glowing red eyes, clothed with a tattered, grey cloak. He stands at 5'11" and has a lean muscular build.
In his civilian form, Ka'van still stands out from other people. He is clearly not human. Even among his own kind, he was different. His skin is dark grey like ash, and his eyes are bright red with black sclera . His hair is messy and pitch black.
Ka'van was born on a far away planet that had a large tear between the mortal and demonic realm. The demonic entities of the other realm flooded the planet, quickly taking over and laying waste to the civilization there. Ka'van was the last child to be born before a permanent sterilization overtook his people. Their bodies, far more sensitive to mediumship than a human's, refused to bring any more young into the terrible world their home had become.
Ka'van was taken by the religious leaders of his people as a last ditch effort to rid themselves of their demonic enemies. A ceremony was performed to bind his soul with that of a captured demon. Being the youngest of his kind, they hoped that he would be able to survive the ritual, where others had died. The goal was to use him as a weapon against the leader of the demons, to defeat him and send the rest back to their realm.
Ka'van was trained until he was a teenager, when his species was on the very brink of extinction. He decided that he was ready to face down their evil ruler, and in a battle to the death, he just barely won. The others demons fled the planet, leaving the people to pick up the pieces of what was left. The religious leaders would then gather to perform a ritual that would ensure that demons could never step foot on their surface again. Unfortunately for Ka'van, that meant him as well.
Ka'van would be spared for his heroic deed, but he had to be sent away. His planet's new leaders searched for a new planet to send him to; somewhere with a livable atmosphere similar to theirs. Earth was the closest option. Through a powerful ritual, Ka'van was teleported to Earth. There, he vowed to help protect the planet's people and to never let the demon he was bound with overthrow him.
It didn't take long for New Horizon to catch wind of the new powered being in their realm. Capturing Ka'van proved to be difficult, but they were able to use a superhero with power of light to counteract his shadow powers and defeat him. Ka'van has since been unable to contact his people for help. He was forced to go to the Academy, or face destruction. Ka'van, very begrudgingly, obeys New Horizon's rules. He has been deemed a flight risk, and is fitted with a destruction chip at the base of his neck should he try to rebel. As of right now, he does not wear power dampening bracelets.
Notes: He's a vegetarian.
Those who are around him while he is in his Wraith form complain that he makes the atmosphere around him bone chillingly cold. A good way to know if he's nearby is whether or not you can see your breath on a warm summer evening.
Ka'van currently suffers from depression brought on by the lack of contact with his people and his imprisonment at New Horizon. This is dangerous, because if his emotions become too unstable, he risks losing control of the demon bonded to him.
Hard working, reserved, and tidy. Miles is the kind of person that Ka'van enjoys the company of. Although neither of them may say much in the other's presence, they can easily and comfortably share a space and quietly read or watch a movie. Miles is a good guy. However, Ka'van finds it odd that he constantly sends him written fiction, usually erotic, of himself and other teammates. The alien quickly learned to send his e-mails directly to the recycle bin.
Silent Sleeper
A good hearted soul. Ka'van enjoys his company on the team, even though he may never voice it. He feels as though Silas is a bit more rational than the typical, high powered hero. He would have to be, as his powers wouldn't exactly stop him from being killed in the field. For that, Ka'van deems him as brave.
Phoenix Dawn
The glorious leader. Ka'van has...a bit of a bad taste in his mouth towards the man. He respects his abilities, and his skills, but he's just so...obnoxious. Anytime Ka'van hears his name come out of this man's mouth, he braces himself to be assaulted by that loud voice. And sometimes a too-hard pat on the shoulder. He has, more than once, phased through said hand to avoid such assault.
Although Dawn may be a loud and over zealous leader, Ka'van is grateful not to be on Victory's team. It's nothing against her personally. Her kind and motherly personality is loved by many, and appreciated by Ka'van. It's just...he can't help but think sometimes that she's the reason he's stuck here. If not for her, he would have escaped New Horizon's attempts to capture him. For that soul reason, he tends to avoid her. He can't help but feel that the grudge is misplaced, but he can't get rid of it either.
He wishes he could be so free.
He doesn't know her too well, and her personality is kind of hard to pick up on. But he's hardly one to talk. He enjoys watching her work in the field; she makes a good detective. Having someone who isn't all fight and fury around is refreshing now and then.
Jane is....well she's kind of gross. The whole blob of slime thing. Ka'van is just grateful she doesn't leave a trail. She's another hero who seems to be just a bit too loud and overly excitable. He tends to avoid her when he can.
Right off the bat, they have something in common: being stranded on an alien planet. His reserved and modest personality is well appreciated by Ka'van. He doesn't mind sharing space with him, such as a lunch room table or the park. Sometimes, the fellow alien may even be able to get a conversation out of Ka'van.
Personality. Silas is a quiet soul, not a man of many words. He's painfully shy and a bit closed off, it can be hard for him to connect to people. That's not to say that he doesn't like people though, he just finds social situations to be somewhat scary. This shy nature can make him appear as if he purposely doesn't want excess contact with his fellow heroes, this is simply not the case.
If one manages to hold a conversation with him, he's very kind and caring. He's very much the doting type and he'll put the needs of those he cares for above himself. He's extremely empathetic and understanding, almost to a point where it's draining for him. He can be a bit of a "mom friend" at times and tries to take care of those that he thinks might need him.
He loves to help and he loves to crack jokes, you just have to get past the closed off exterior. He also maintains a kind of reckless bravery, he's willing to go the extra mile when it's required of him.
Dream Manipulation. He can create, shape, enter and manipulate the dreams of himself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, ect. He can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams.
However, should he use these abilities too often, he can succumb to a kind of narcolepsy. He loses control over when he's awake and when he's asleep, these sleeps will usually end in tremendous nightmares. When he's awake, he'll find himself hallucinating and groggy. For his own mental health, it's best that he uses his powers sparingly. These side effects pass in time.
While it's impossible to stop him from entering your unconscious mind, it's very possible to stop him from lulling your conscious mind into unconsciousness. The sensation that he refers to as "threading the needle" is very prickly and almost painful for the host mind, if it's dealt with quickly, he can be disengaged by any form of attack. People with psychic based powers will find it much easier to dissuade him without upfront attack, though they can also fight him easily in the dream realm if they need to.
Any injuries inflicted upon him in a dream will reflect upon his waking body, meaning that he can die in a dream and die in the waking world simultaneously.
Appearance. A graceful, slender, boy that stands in around an even six feet. Silas is handsome with a fine featured face, a pointed chin and high cheekbones. He has golden-brown hair that he keeps trimmed close and brown eyes that are shrouded in long, black eyelashes. He has a pointed, sharp-tipped nose that has a cluster of prominent freckles.
His mouth is full and shapely, a prominent scar cuts through the corner of it. A strip of three, ruddy scars that almost mimic fingers mark the left side of his neck. Both of these prominent scars were acquired in dream combat.
He's bony in frame without much muscular structure, he's very pale and he's splattered in freckles.
History. Par·a·som·ni·a Noun. A disorder characterized by abnormal or unusual behavior of the nervous system during sleep.
Silas Erik Myers was born in Brooklynn, New York to a fairly poor family, though his childhood was very normal. He had a pair of loving parents that rarely argued and a younger sister that he loved very dearly. They were a pretty happy family despite their struggle to make a living, there weren't really any problems until Silas began to suffer from sleep paralysis at the age of six. This was the first of many sleeping disorders that would appear in the young boy, it was soon followed by sleepwalking. Chronic and debilitating nightmares followed next.
His parents couldn't afford a sleep specialist and these disorders went untreated but they did attempt to find solutions for it from home. He managed them with as many home remedies as he possibly could, finding ways to break his sleep paralysis and to keep himself from wandering about while he was unconscious. There was really no help for the nightmares.
He dreamt of terrible things constantly, so much that it eventually lead to him staying up out of fear of dreaming. He became a bit of an insomniac for some time, busying himself at night and only crashing when his body really demanded it. When he turned sixteen, he had his first good dream in years. It was odd though, he was strangely detached from the events of the dream.
The colors were burningly vibrant and his sister was there. She was dreaming of chasing their dog down the sidewalk near their house. She was laughing and every time she got close enough, the dog would look at her with his tongue lolling and run another few steps. It was like watching a movie sequence and he was very confused by it. In the days that followed, he kept having dreams that featured his sister and in all of them, he was just a passenger.
It wasn't until he accidentally sparked the growth of a flower that he realized. He started to experiment, trying bigger and better things. Sometimes he would make beautiful things, grand and shining things, and other times he would make terrible things, disgusting and abhorrent things.
By the time he turned twenty, his control over the dreamscape had become unshakeable. He found that he could do anything, as long as he had the imagination for it. He had moved out of his parents house by then, and he had taken up a vastly undersized apartment in the Bronx. The good thing about his apartment complex was the variety of dreams there were to hop through each night. He learned everything he needed to know about his neighbors by scoping their dreams.
The bad part about his apartment was the crime rate. It was extremely dangerous to live there and he had heard many horror stories of good people that had suffered from unfortunate events. He hated watching people suffer, he wanted to help.
Like all good people with powers, he decided to do something brave. He decided to become a vigilante.
He took to the streets at the age of twenty two, and this ended catastrophically. He was found later, passed out, injured and talking furiously in his sleep. The robber was found a small distance away. He was brought to New Horizons promptly, where he was a bit adverse to the idea but eventually settled in. He enjoys working with his team now but he can't help but wondering if there's something more out there.
Other. He often doesn't dream naturally because of his power and tends to skulk around other people's dreams.
Ka'van Soeray The solar eclipse to Phoenix Dawn's sunlight, if there's not balance on a team then a team can't function. I think he's troubled and it makes me worry about him, I don't even have to look in his dreams to know that he's homesick. I try to offer him a hand if he ever seems like he needs one. He's controlled and he's precise. He reminds me of a well trained chess master, he always knows where his next move is. I envy his precision, I'd like to learn from him in that manner.
On another note, if someone had told me when I was a teenager that I'd be working with an alien on a super team then I would have been pretty damn excited.
Miles Miller Like sunlight sparkling on water, Miles is a very bright personality. I honestly like him a lot and that's saying something because people tend to scare me a bit. There's something about him that makes him very easy to like, he seems to just roll with life. He's very good at his job and he takes it very seriously. I've seen what he has to offer for his team and it's impressive. He likes order and he keeps things tightly managed but I can respect that, I try not to impose on other people's space if I can help it.
Dreams aside, of course, I've accidentally imposed on a few of his dreams but. . . Come on, it's not like I change things around. That would be downright rude.
Ricardo Fenix The sunlight himself, Ricardo is an ever-burning example of what heroism should be. Though his ego can be a bit inflated, I respect that he doesn't seem resentful of his position. He is the poster child for what we all should aspire to be and I wish I shared his enthusiasm. I don't know what possessed our higher ups to place me on a team with the sun and the shadow but it can be a lot to live up to. I'm just glad that he's easy to get along with despite his need to be in the spotlight.
I feel like his dumb kid brother sometimes in a way, like I'm just tagging along on his missions, he really outshines most people.
Alice Jefferson Dandelions, hardy and beautiful, Alice is someone that you just love to love. I feel like a lot of us sort of see her as a motherly figure, she tends to have an authorative nature. She seems to love being a hero almost as much as Ricardo, though with much less of his abrasive enthusiasm. She's someone that's easy to trust and hard to lie to, I think that I respect her more than I respect the leaders in New Horizons.
I'd sooner follow her off a cliff then I'd follow our bosses off a cliff. She has that affect on me.
Sydney Lorraine Leaves skipping across the ground, any person with eyes can see that Sydney would prefer to be anywhere but on the battlefield. I think that we're similar in a way but I can't really put my finger on it, maybe I just want to get to know her better. She's really useful to have around and she's very good at getting information, but. . . I find her dreams are hard to tap into.
I think she's on another plane of existence, but I like her hair a lot.
Jane Martin Wild fire, Jane is someone who consumes the room with her energy. She's loud and she's enthusiastic, sometimes it seems as if she was cut from the same cloth as Ricardo. She's probably one of the bravest people that I've ever met and even though she's basically a glob, she's a really nice glob.
Globs are cool and globs dream, so that's even cooler.
Elliot Reider Rain pattering off asphalt, Elliot is very calming by nature. Her shyness is a stark contrast to the persona that she displays when she's under her hero name, though I find that happens with myself as well. She's very interesting and I like her, I think if we ever got the chance to make a connection, we'd click.
I've decided to help her with visiting her friend who passed on, whatever happens, I promise it won't be boring.
Valora Beaumont Wind so strong that it rattles glass, she strikes me as being very nervy and highstrung, she's the kind of person that I naturally just worry about. At times, I think we're almost each other's caretakers and it's comforting because it’s hard work caring about everyone else. She brings me real food sometimes, which I'm insanely grateful for. I try to make her environment as animal free as physically possible and we click in that way. Mutual comfort and lots of worrying.
She's the only person who's dreams I alter, she's anxious enough without dreaming of animals.
Joseiah Kimbell Snow drifting through the trees, it's ironic that I should want to compare him to snow. Joseiah is loveable, where I feel like the dumb kid brother to Ricardo, I feel like Joseiah is the older brother that I can come to with my problems. A warm nature despite his powers and a good humor, he listens to my ideas and he never seems to judge me. I think that's why I'm so comfortable with him, he doesn't ever give me a reason not to be.
If I go into his dreams and he becomes lucid enough to greet me, would he be able to dream freeze me? These are the questions.
Curiousity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. I don't know Onyx all that well yet but luckily, I like cats. He's got a very friendly nature about him which makes his company easy to appreciate. It's a little odd, talking to a cat, but if odd threw me off them I'd be a very sad man here.
What do cats even dream about? I've got to check that out.
Willow Creed
Willow appears to be a very fitting name for him, he reminds me of weeping willows in the way that they're beautiful but also very sad. I worry for him, it's a different sort of worry than what I spare for most people. I feel that there's something beneath the surface there, and I long to help him with it. This is my problem with people a lot of the time, I find myself almost yearning to do more and I don't even know what troubles him.
His dreams are disturbing, not in a manner that makes me feel an aversion to them but rather, it makes me wonder. It makes me wonder a lot.
A hurricane for sure, Yatzil us a destructive force of nature but not because she's bad. Her recklessness is fueled by a desire to follow her own whims and she is possibly one of the most interesting people that I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. She has a nature about her that just naturally makes you not want to mess with her but she's also extremely easy to get along with. However, her method of affection can be a bit. . . Rough at times.
I wish she'd stop trying to train me, she's going to give me a heart attack.
"I am the Sun! I will always rise! And darkness always falls!"
Name: Ricado Fenix
Alias: Phoenix Dawn
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Precautions: None
Personality: Bombastic, larger than life, and fully believing he is doing the right thing. Dawn is stubborn, self-sure, and given to the idea of the superhero style and disposition. He is often times to loudest in the room, and fully taken to being in to spotlight and the attention he gets. In the field, he is direct, hard hitting, and prone to being the front line powerhouse. He will most assuredly go out of his way to save civilians and bring swift justice to the villainous. He is a team player, but often views others as liabilities. They are not as strong, or as tough, but he doesn't openly complain, saving them brings him glory and reaffirms his already massive ego. He isn't a hero. He is THE HERO! The one that everyone should strive to be. His obnoxious, holier than though, goody goody boy scout antics no doubt gets on others nerves, but Dawn always means well.
On the flip side, Dawn is naive, ignorant, and guillible. He can be easily manipluated, which is why he is essentially a poster boy for the organization. He'll follow directions but only to the point that it doesn't out right keep people from getting hurt or villains escaping. He will also be a reason for alot of collateral damage, and can be prone to giving into potentially apocalyptic rages. Finally he will go off schedule to be and appear as an ideal of heroism. Hiding, stealth, cleverness, they are not his strong suites, as he'd rather be out of the open, showing his fearlessness when sublty would be better. So sure of his own self righteousness, he is also prone to indulging in food, drink, vices, and women. He will try to charm anything remotely female, with variable degrees of success. He is commonly discouraged of such behavior, lest there be a scandal. Being given an unheroic choice, Dawn will shut down, trying to really think what is right, but he can be convinced one way or the other.
Powers/ Abilities: Phoenix Dawn's powers stem from absorbing light energy. Light feeds directly as additional energy into Dawn's musculature which act as batteries for the stored photonic energy. When powered, Dawn's muscle body mass grows by 30% and additional radiation is discharged passively as golden light, or fiery sparks. Dawn's main powers are strength and toughness far beyond biological limits. At study of limitation testing, Dawn has a lifting capacity of 2,000 MG and a punching strength of over 300,000 kJ, enough to raise air temperature around his fist by a staggering 121 C and easily tear through 56 cm Stainless Steel. Defense wise, 7.2 mm rounds fired from a BAR LMG have only shown to leave light bruises or welts at points of impact. Anti-Tank Rounds have been shown to break skin, but little else. His speed is only slightly higher than that of normal human, but often he simply leaps where he is needed. He can clear a mile easily with a running start. Dawn also seems to be empowered while exposed to sun or bright lights, he gets a slight healing factor while doing so, shrugging off potentially debilitating wounds.
Dawn's powers leave him incredibly prone to causing alot in collateral damage and thus during his initial recovery and training, he has been specifically trained in meditative and disciplined martial arts such as Greek Wrestling, Mu Tai, and Ju Jitsu. His expertise in learning such disciplines has manifested in additional abilities. These are theorized to be a way to manipulate the energy to be discharged into other effects. Notable abilties are:
Ready in Ten Directions- In a two yard sphere around him, Dawn can repel and deflect any attack at a blurring speed. He will use this technique to defend others whom can enter freely regardless of his blinding pace at which he will block incoming attacks. He however CANNOT move from this sphere while it is up and needs a solid surface to do so. Sledgehammer Fist Punch- Rather than punching through a wall, the attack causes the wall to crumble. Inanimate objects take more damage than a fist sized hole. Golden Fists of Battle- His fists actually light aflame and glow with golden fire. This effect appears entirely cosmetic, perhaps to make Dawn look more fearsome against his foes. Hurl to the Horizon- Any object that Dawn can lift, can be thrown, the whole thing, defying that physics would not allow a bumper to support the weight of the car. Anything that Dawn can see, can be struck, but that doesnt stop those from getting out of the way. Foe Breaking Shockwave- Striking any service, or even a foe can cause a shockwave, knocking down the foes allies. The Sun Always Rises On the dawn of each day, Dawn will completely recover for all damage. It is unknown whether this effect works if Dawn is killed. It will however remove any anesthesia or tranquilizers in his system Immunity to Everything Technique Unlike the name, it isn't actually everything. He shrugs off mundane poisons, diseases, or effects with some effort. He still appears to be prone to more super powered effects. Elemental Adaptation Prana Mundane conditions of heat or cold seem to not slow down the Dawn. This ability has no effect against elemental or super-powered sources of heat or cold.
Appearance: Phoenix Dawn In Battle Other: Again, all of Dawn's abilities are based upon his exposure to light. Limits can be easily imposed should he start to show signs of discontent.
History: Ricardo was a boy essentially sold into child labor, and his brutal lot in life was the fighting pits of the crime rings of Peru, Brazil, and other places of South America. Abused, kept in dreadful conditions, bloodied by conflict, Ricardo was considered more of an animal to be put down when other children were playing in the streets less than a block away. Then the reports came in of the child that was unbeatable. Breaking backs with single kicks, and crushing skulls with but single strikes. It attracted attention of a potential Super, and though Ricardo fought bravely, he was taken along with his keepers and the thugs of the fighting pit. Unlike them, destined for prison, the child was set to a foster home. Ricardo never knowing compassion or love, so imagine his surprise when the state put the child into a family of constant affermations and compliments. Having suffered, then given to a life without need, he learned that he had earned his survival and thus had a unique insight to the pains of the world. He was given the power to do something about it. To be strong enough to destroy the men who ruined his childhood and make sure that no one else suffered. His outlook was encouraged and cultivated by his foster parents and the Horizon Sponsors. By his teen years, he was already an applicant and shoe in for the academy.
He saw the academy as little more than his birthright. The challenges were met egerly. The trials relished. When he was found wanting, he redoubled his efforts, training his body as well as his powers. His studies were carefully manipulated, the risk mitigated as they taught him how best to fight. The techniques he created for himself were considered the only down side to his training, having an element of randomness to his carefully planned life up to that point. Still, they served him well in the problems ahead. His success grew within him a sense of entitlment and a world view that he could do no wrong. That is he that others should look up to, and this his persona became himself. No longer was he Ricardo, but Phoenix Dawn, the greatest of all Heroes.
Since joining Horizon, Dawn has been used on repeated occasion as propaganda, showing the public how essential they are to maintaining the safety of the state and public at large, while at the same time wordlessly stating that it is because of their control over such god like beings that keep them just as safe. Dawn seems oblivious to his prison, or just doesn't really care. Everything is safer, everything is better, and his names are on the lips of the happy masses. Dawn has made sure to befriend the Horizon Staff and offered to take any new hero under his tutelage. Surely he could teach them a thing or two of what it means to be a real hero. He is actually quite surprised of how bitter alot of his cohorts are. They have everything they could ever need? What more is there.
:Password Approved:
Wraith Inadequate amount of Justice... Wraith seems like such a dour sort, and the sun knows I do try to cheer him up. Heck, me and Shrike send him so many things to help his mood. I wonder if he's getting them. Still, as a hero Wraith is on the path of RIGHTEOUSNESS! He is on the path to becoming a great hero, and once he is sure of the good he's doing and has done, I know he'll be the the hero we all knows he is! If I stay around him long enough one day he will be PHOENIX DUSK Defender of the Night! The Coffee to my Cream! The Nightclub to my Sports Event! Hah, I should send that to Miles as another one of his stories!
Shrike An inspiring amount of JUSTICE! Shrike is the heart of the team, or atleast it's laugh. He's one of my special little buddies here at the tower and I can always count on him to cheer me up when I'm not feeling the JUSTICE as strong as I could. I try to read everything he sends me from our fans who have really wild imaginations! Maybe they are rubbing off him, I've been catching Shrike look at me at the pool or in the shower. The little scamp. As a hero, I'm glad he's on our side. His guns are almost as LOUD AS ME! And that makes them GREAT! LIKE ME!
Silent Sleeper More JUSTICE than he knows! Sleeper definitely needs to run a few more laps around the track, maybe he wouldn't be so sleepy all the time. Oh well, Sleeper be Sleepy as the kids would say. He's pretty tough though almost like Wraith, but Sleepers a team player, even when there isn't too much he could. Thats the mark of true hero! Putting yourself at risk just to help others. Makes me weep man tears while I type. I know! Maybe Wraith Sleeper and I should get a couple of fan girls to come to the tower. That should turn those frowns upside down. Miles can come to.
Victory MAXIMUUUUUMMMMM JUUUUUSSSSSSSSTTTTTIIIIICCCCCEEEEEEE!!!!!1!!!! Wow! Victory is my kind of Woman! I mean not in that way, sort of, but hot dog! There is a reason why we're paired together so often in the tabloids. Me and her are like the power couple! Mom and Dad OF RIGHTEOUS FURY AND AMERICAN GLORY! But seriously, her tenderness is something the team greatly looks up to, myself included. I might be the one on the news, but shes def the tower favorite. Maybe I should follow in her footsteps. That reminds me, I wonder if I can convince her to have a Epsilon Omicron sparring match. TEAM EPSILON FOREVER!!!
Witness What is Justice? Hah, I like that, Poetic. Witness isn't really a fan of being here, that's obvious by how much she tends to complain, maybe not out-loud but one time she came to the war room in a towel, saying that she wasn't going to be tardy. THATS DEDICATION! I wonder why she looked so annoyed by it. Anyway, Witness is the brains of all of us. You get into a conversation with her, and she can Sherlock you down to the finest microbe. I think that's pretty damn awesome! I kind of wish they would take my on more investigations just to see her work. Not my fault the doorways are so small...
Alkaline Full of SWEET STICKY JUSTICE! "A man never gives in to adversity!" That's what I say! Oh man! She is friggin AWESOME! I was a little taken aback when I met her but- SO AWESOME! She's like goo, but goo with JUSTICE! JUSTGOO! I know she's still trying to figure it out, but I read the comics! All slime heroes can do super cool stuff and I've been trying to work with her to bring it out. A little slow, a little flat, but only for now! One of these days, she'll be able to do anything! And you know what, a sweet girl like that, GLORY BLESS HER and all of us when that day comes. My god... it'll be beautiful. And gooey. Gootiful.
Draig Speedy wizardry JUSTICE! Still needs a bit of Justice though... Another EPSILON MVP! And another alien. Does that mean I'm an alien? Are Team Epsilon aliens? Hmm... Well whatever, again he keeps to himself like Wraith does, but I think I'm wearing him down. I'm trying to find the fanfics about him, that should make him crack a smile! That's what Shrike tells me anyway. Oh maybe he can come to the party too! Some earth girls! Aliens like earth girls! I've seen the movies! As for being a hero, he's the one I actually have some trouble facing. That man is fast! And fast is strong, SUPER STRONG! LIKE ME STRONG! I got to get fast to keep up with him!
Decibel HALF TIME JUSTICE Another of the heroic cutie's! And this one is a bookworm! Glasses <3 But thats half the time. She gets into that costume and, yikes! There was this one time, she did this weird silence thing, and I was like screaming at her, but like nothing. It was scary not hearing myself! But suddenly there was no wall! Like gone! Like all over the front yard. So COOL! Not even I can do that! Much Righteous! When shes on the beat she's sporting the hero look and sporting it well! Quite cool quite cool indeed.
Shift JUSTICE just waiting to be let out into the Sunshine and go for a nice long walk and get tummy rubs! I did not make a good impression with her. I showed up to greet our newest brave bolden beauty and she damn near fainted! I mean that's happened to me before, a bunch of times, but she shouldn't have gone to the clinic for two hours. I really wanted to apologize but they said I should just give her time. What do doctors know? She just needs more time with The Dawn and I'm sure we'll find a mutual JUSTICE between us! She's still a rather twitchy little thing. I think I'll do with her like with Sleeper and Alkaline. Take her under my wing and see to it that with a little FURY and MANLINESS she doesn't have anything to fear! Besides she's got little pupper ears some times and I just want to squeeze em!
Standing at about 5'4 with an athletic build, Alice is a dark skinned woman with black hair that is slightly beginning to gray. Her dark brown eyes are intelligent and friendly, with a smirk usually playing at her lips. Her curly hair is usually tied into a tight bun. Alice's right eyebrow is split down the middle, and her body has a few scars that are hidden underneath her clothes or armor.
When Alice dons the armor of Victory, she becomes a beacon on the battlefield. The Victory suit is comprised of sleek silver and white plates with thin gold lining and a black jumpsuit underneath that Alice wears. The helm covers most of her face except her eyes. It is reminiscent of medieval designs, trying to be as smooth and minimalist as possible to deflect blows. It is cleanly designed and well made. The armor itself is made from a metallic alloy that is somewhat resistant to damage. Glancing strikes or low-caliber bullets are deflected (though still hurt), but conventional firearms and explosions will penetrate the armor. The Victory suit protects extremely well against flames, and comes with an in-built respirator and gas-mask mode for the helm. Lightweight and maneuverable, the Victory suit is immediately recognizable and is a reassuring sign to civilians and perhaps other heroes.
Healing and Hard Light
With a brief moment of concentration, Alice is able to call into existence objects made of a transparent glass-like material New Horizon has dubbed Hard Light. It's a strange sight to behold: frameless windows appear and hover in mid air, reflecting the light from the sun. It is extremely durable, but with enough force or time it will begin to crack and shatter. For example: someone beating their fists into it will do no damage at all, but a sledgehammer will certainly make a crack, and several good blows will create an opening. One hole in the object can compromise the integrity of the entire structure and it becomes much more difficult to maintain. Blunt objects and impacts can cause damage, but bullets can be deflected off and will have a hard time penetrating if they are off a low caliber. Again, enough bullets will crack and shatter the Hard Light, but it is a durable substance.
She has a secondary power that is extremely useful- the ability to pacify the effects of wounds. A strange distortion that resemble heat waves or the surface water envelops the wound, almost completely numbing the pain. She has to touch the wound for this to occur. She uses this in conjuction with her Hard Light ability to great healing effect.
Within 60 feet of her, Alice can summon several things.
Hard Light medical attention: With a great amount of concentration, Alice can carefully use her hardlight to heal wounds. She can stop blood spillage, extract bullets, and create durable 'bandages', bands or patches of Hard Light. They will fade in an hour or so but she has used this practiced skill on civilians to hold them over until they can escape, or on allies to keep them in the fight. One time, for example, a civilian had his leg completely blown off. Alice created a Hard Light leg for him, stopping the bleeding and allowing him to escape.
Protective Dome: Alice can summon 30 feet round, 10 feet tall dome to protect her and her allies. She can create openings or doorways inside the dome so people can pass in and out while the main structure is maintained. It takes about three seconds to summon and can be instantly dispelled.
Protective Wall: Alice can summon a 30 feet wide, 30 feet tall wall, though she often makes it smaller so it is qucker to summon. She can summon this to intercept hostile projectiles heading towards her or her allies.
Weapon of Glass: Alice can summon a hand held simple weapon to use in battle. Often she is scene with a mace or sword.
Shield of Glass: Alice can summon a personel shield for her to hold that protects her against projectiles.
Javelin of Glass: Alice can summon a throwing spear to hurl at her enemies. She can do other projectiles but the Javelin is the easiest and most effective.
The Triumph Suit: To add onto her personal durability, 'Victory' summons the 'Triumph' suit. A shimmering hard light suit of armor hovers an inch above her Victory suit. Her other powers are limited during this time- for example she cannot summon walls or orbs or weapons- the Triumph Suit's articulate nature requires her full efforts. She uses this often in times where she needs to get herself across a dangerous battlefield. As long as she has had her powers, the ability to summon more articulate objects has eluded her. Machinery of any kind is impossible.
Blinding Light: Alice can focus all of her Hard Light into one place. The overlapping hard light forms a small, floating orb, that is not only very dense and resistant to damage, but actually creates a signficant amount of light, unlike the small amount of light that is generally created. This can become damaging to people's eyes if she lets it go on for long enough, but usually she just makes it a flood light to illuminate dark areas. One of the only times she used this offensively was when she aided in the subduing of Ka'van, a shadow based initiate of NH.
Alice carries about her a calm and friendly demeanor. She is pleasant to be around and tries to lighten things up. She is trustful towards authority figures as she often tries to be one herself, when she mediating conflcits. She has many stories to tell to those who are willing to listen, and enjoys a good joke and often tries to make them herself. When she gets angry, she often refers to you as 'child' and an icy undertone enters her usual friendly banter. Alice is difficult to upset, however, so one would have to particularly troublesome or stupid to draw her ire. Alice often plays by the rules and encourages others to do the same. She believes in the cause of New Horizon and is more than happy to live in the tower.
When in a stressful situation however, calm is a difficult attribute to call her. Yelling at the top of her lungs and often hurling insults at enemies, and often at her allies if they are about to or have made a mistake. Firefights are not the time to be reserved and amiable.
Alice Jefferson is an experienced veteran. Even as a young woman when most heroes were vigilantes, Alice often collaborated with the authorites. Hunting down and battling villians was the job for other 'heroes', so she usually tried to get on the scene as soon as possible to evacuate citizens using her Hard Light objects to protect them from harm. She was more of a volunteer or auxillery for the police and did not interfere with the dealing of justice at all- instead she focused on protecting bystanders. Back then she usually just wore white and grey clothing she could get her hands on- she didn't really have a hero name back then. Just kind of a vague color scheme.
Aside from her police work, Alice had a fairly normal, if somewhat disadvantaged life. Her parents instilled in her good moral values, though they were somewhat poor and she had five siblings. One of her brothers and one of her sisters went off to college, but the rest of them got low-skill jobs. Alice was blessed enough to have her powers to help people. She had a few boyfriends here and there, but she never really settled down or got a real high paying job. That was why she was thankful to be involved in the New Horizon initiative. She was a supporter from the start and was glad to have vigilantes that often put bystanders in danger reigned in. She was also glad to be payed, and have a nice home to operate out of. That was when she officially rebranded as Victory and became one of the NH's first members.
Shrike: Honey's cute as a button. He's quiet, and usually has one of them earbuds of his, pettin' his cat and whatnot. Plays a lot of his video games, the Calls to Duty and what has you, he's a good little boy, I think. Good's in him, that's for dang sure.
Ka'van: Haven't seen much of him, so I can't say much of him either. We had to bring him in, if you catch my drift. I hope he doesn't hold it against me, but I can't say I'm going to apologize, either. Ya never know what people like- well, what people like us could do runnin' around all willy nilly like.
Silas: Now there's a handsome young man with a good heart.
Ricado: Phew! He's certainly a handful, but he's just as certain a joy to be around. Boy's an honest to God hero, through and through.
Sydney: Strange little girl, but she's doing the right thing with us here. The strangest thing about her is that ridiculous outfit, mm-mm, honey, that ain't no way to present yourself.
Jane: She looks like jello, and she's just as sweet- not to mention better for your heart.
Leo: Quiet boy. He's helpin' us all out here, but I get the idea he ain't the most excited of everyone here to be workin' for New Horizon.
Elliot: 'Nother quiet one- mhm. She was a troublemaker once, I know, but we all deserve a second chance and she's certainly provin' to be a good person now that she's outta that band of miscreants.
Valora: Poor girl had a terrible thing happen to her. One of the unlucky ones- I'm just glad she's doing the right thing instead of lashin' out at the world.
Joseiah: Well, I can't say I can ever remember how to say his name properly, but I can say he's a good man with a good sense of humor, despite all the things he's been through.
Onyx: Mmmm, I don't know about that one. Call me old fashioned, but something ain't right about him. Maybe it's just the fact that he reminds me a' Tom. Maybe I'm just worried for Valora. He seems nice enough, but there's something just...okay, my mother taught me my manners. If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Willow: Dunno lotta bout him, his powers are certainly unpleasant, but the powers don't make a person. Quiet, usually, but when he does speak he's polite...a nice young man.
Yatzil: Chuh- wish I looked that good for my age. I kid, I kid, she's a nice you-...hah, a nice woman. A good person like most a' everyone here at New Horizon.
Name: Ciara McGuire
Alias: Maverick (of the streets)
Age: 19
Precautions: She is currently free of New Horizon's influence.
A pale complexioned woman with red hair and freckles, Ciara McGuire is 5'6 with a thin, but ropey-muscled build. She has narrowed features with a small nose, thin lips and thick eyebrows. She's got an angry, discontented look about her and in her bright green eyes, she always looks as if she wants to start something. Ciara speaks with a very slight irish accent.
Clothes: Normally, Ciara wears cropped tank tops, cut jeans or leggings, and sneakers. Her pale body is untattooed, though her navel is pierced with a simple steel half-ring. Her right nostril is pierced with a small steel ball, and both of her ears are pierced with small steel rings as well. When in casual wear you can usually see her belly button piercing because of her cropped clothes. Her 'costume' as Maverick is a bit more covering as she usually only goes out at night.
First of all, she wears leggings that allow for max leg manueverability which is very important. She wears a hoodie for the hood, which hides her long red hair that is tied into a bun. The hoodies she wear are usually cut at the shoulder for the best arm maneuverability. Her hands are equipped with a hand wrap made of gauze for wrist support. She wears a bandana around her neck that she pulls up to cover her mouth and nose.
In the darkness of night, her only discernable feature would be her body shape and her skin color, revealed by her naked arms. This isn't much to go on, obviously. Her face is entirely hidden save her green eyes, which are hard to see beneath her shadowy hood. Ciara doesn't always wait to be in her outfit, she has on a few occasions jumped into the fray in her street clothes- but this is rare and she tries to hide her powers as best she can.
Power of Kinetikinesis
Ciara doesn't know what the name of her power is, but for an astute observe it would be described as kinetikinesis. A mouthful to be sure, but essentially it is the ability to manipulate her own kinetic energy. Newton's Laws are meant to be broken by Ciara, who can change her kinetic energy and the kinetic energy of objects she touches.
It is much easier for her to manipulate her own physics than it is the physics of other objects. The greater the change, the more preparation she needs to have, if she can do it all. When manipulation her own kinetic energy, the parts of her body affected by the change will give off sparks or small flashes of light, like from static electricity. The more newtons changed, the more sparks become apparent, and there may even be an audible noise. The sensantion for Ciara is rapid vibration in the selected limb, and perhaps shocking pain from the static.
Her ability allows her to greatly enhance the force of her punches. She swings normally, but she can make it have the kinetic force of a truck. This requires a lot of focus and preparation however. An opponent would see her coming at them shaking her fist as sparks emanated around it, perhaps even making a crackling or zapping noise.
If she touches something, she can alter it's trajectory depending on how much kinetic force she has 'stored' in her hands or feet. She can deflect someone's fist, but instead of a normal deflect she can discharge the built up energy and direct them to go stumbling very far forward allowing her to counter attack easier. The opponent could counter this by trying not to touch the parts of her body that are building up with energy, but this may be hard to do.
Her most commonly used skill is using her power to make herself lighter, faster, and unpredictable. Scaling buildings becomes very easy to do as she uses her finger tips on small ledges or outcroppings to seemingly leap up walls. When she jumps, she can expulse kinetic energy to do- like in a video game- a double jump. If she has the kinetic energy stored, she can even do a triple jump. She can do this all in different directions. Because of her ability, she may not even have to 'jump' in the conventional sense. Instead she can simply will a kinetic force to burst her upwards. She can nimbly bounce across the ground, sliding, skidding, changing directions in such a manner that an unprepared opponent would most likely caught completely unaware.
Ciara is only getting more and more experienced with her power. The more she works at it, the more quickly she can store up kinetic energy and the more rapidly and dramatically she can expluse it. Her upward limits are a long, long way off, most likely years. Her powers still make her a formidable close-combat threat. Normal humans will find it almost impossible to beat her in a fist fight. She keeps a list in her bedroom of techniques she frequently uses.
Enhanced Mobility: She uses her power to decrease her impact on the ground and make surfaces 'bouncy', allowing her to scale great distances quickly.
Little Punch, Big Bruise: A brief charge up of her fists allows to hit like an olympic boxer's haymaker, while she merely throws a quick jab.
Trajectory Shift: Momentum means nothing as Ciara can stop and start up dead sprints, jumps, mid-air collision courses and dodges with ease.
Big Punch, Internal Bleeding: With a large charging up of her punch, Ciara can deal serious, serious damage. This can prove unwieldy and dangerous to herself, so she often doesn't use it.
Ciara McGuire is angry at the world. The Man is out to get her. The people on top always step all over people like her, people who are on the bottom. She is a rebellious teenager to the fullest extent of the word. She is strictly anti-authority. She is not very educated or even very intelligent, so she has a hard time articulating her philophical arguments and can probably be easily frustrated in a debate. But she believes in an anarchistic system, where the people look out for each other and themselves, without big, faceless corporations and governments lording over them and taking from them.
She has few friends, and to most strangers she acts with contempt and rudeness. Confused, she does the only thing she knows how to do: fight. When she was a small child she used her powers for 'evil', committing petty theft and running away faster than a little girl should be able to. As a young teenager she decided that if anything was going to get better she would have to start acting in other people's interest, too. She named herself Maverick, and began patrolling the streets looking for crime.
Ciara McGuire is not a well off girl, and she never has been. Her mother died giving birth to her, and her father, Sean, quickly grew sick. In abject poverty she frequently skipped public school, despite her ailing father's objections. She worked odd jobs as a girl, or resorting to theft. Welfare checks and Ciara's 'earnings' were all they had, and her father's illness (discovered to be cancer) certainly dug into there budget despite their benefits. Ciara acted aloof and angry to most of her classmates whenever she did show up, often getting into fights. In the fourth grade she hit a boy who had stolen her sandwich on the shoulder, and he was knocked several feet away, clutching a dislocated shoulder. She never went to school again after that. What little she knew of the New Horizon meant she might have a super power. It meant she might be taken away. It meant government agents wanted to get her, and throw her in jail. These were the thoughts than ran through her childish mind.
She developed her power, finding out it was not super strength but rather a strange power Ciara doesn't know the name of. She commited petty theft, using her ability to aid in stealth and speed. She fell in with a gang, and began doing drugs. Her father's condition grew worse. She was to be taken into what a child care facility, for her father could not provide for her and she had no family. Once again, she thought, the big men in suits wanted to take her away. So she ran away. She misses her father dearly- Sean is the only person in this world that she loves.
On a cold december night, when she sixteen years old, a 'friend' of hers died from an overdose taking a drug that was much harder than the ones they usually took. This changed Ciara- thankfully for the better. She decided if things were going to get better for everyone she knew, the change would have to start somewhere. So Ciara decided it would start with her. She chose a cool sounding nick-name for herself, "Maverick" and patrolled the streets at night like she thought a real superhero would.
Most of the time, nothing happened and all she got was a bad night's rest. But when she was 17, she stopped a mugging by knife-point. She descended from a three storey rooftop, landing squarely on the criminal's head, knocking him out cold and using her ability to cushion her own fall. She looked awkwardly at the couple she saved and ran off into the night. Full of adrenaline and giddy with excitemeny, she decided this was what she was going to do with her life. Still cynical, still angry, but inside an optimist and a good person, 'Maverick' takes to the city and does what she can.
Wraith: He outta hurry his shadowy ass up and bust outta there.
Shrike: What kinda kid does things like that? It's fucked up.
Phoenix Dawn: Asshole thinks he's all that- what a fuckin- a fuckin poser. Ya know? He's all fake. He's a walking commercial for New Horizon and all their bullshit.
Silant Sleeper: Who?
Victory: Victory- Christ, can you think of a more pretentious, bitchy name? I can't. New Horizon pawn, all the way.
Witness: We don't hear much of her- probably for good reason. I can't even remember her powers off the top of my head.
Alkaline: The fuck?
Draig: New Horizon prisoner. I bet he'd do good out here.
Decibel: She used to be Ark, I heard. Badass. But now it looks like they got her- she's all for New Horizon now. Damn shame she bent over like that.
Shift: I mean, she's literally a monster, right? At what point do you just lock the freaks like her up?
Blizzkrieg: Just another New Horizon crony, sucking up to them and all that, yadda yadda yadda. Ugh.
Onyx: It's a fuckin' cat person. Haven't seen much uv him on the air,, but the little fucker creeps me out.
Reaper: Even creepier than the cat thing. What's he do again? Make zombies?
Yatzil: Yaught...Yot...Yahtsill? Yat zeel. Yeah, ok, sure. A million years old...whatever.
Personality Jane can be described as energetic, hyperactive, and extremely single-minded towards one thing - Justice! More specifically, protecting and saving people! Nothing gets her slime boiling more than the thought of going out and putting smiles on people's faces. Jane finds the thought of even trying to leave a person in need behind deplorable, and no matter how minor their need, she will aid them. Such dedication has made it very easy to integrate her into the hero program.
This dedication has also made her incredibly easy to manipulate - she will do nearly anything as long as someone says please and it doesn't hurt anyone. Dumping work on her is simple, and getting information is as easy as asking her.
This almost obsessive need to please others arose from her harsh upbringing, where she was abused heavily whenever she didn't pull her own weight - both physically and mentally. She even dropped out of high school in order to take a job and help her family pay the rent - which was also how she got transformed into what she is now. While she tries not to let anyone know, she holds her father responsible, and despises him for it.
While most are probably appreciative for their powers, Jane only enjoys that it allows her to help people far easier. In nearly every other way, it has restricted her and made her life more difficult - she is barely able to do things a normal person can do blindfolded in terms of dexterity, and she is not very strong. At the very least, it makes rescue missions easy!
Jane typically acts with a bombastic and loud-mouthed persona - she shouts about how "real men never give in to adversity!" and usually laughs when people point out she isn't a man. While she acts like this whenever around many people, she quickly becomes quiet and docile when alone. The hero attitude is merely an act that she uses in order to make people feel at ease - she adopted this from her favorite hero, Phoenix Dawn, doing her best to emulate his mannerisms.
For fun, Jane mostly tries to help out the New Horizon staff with things like cleaning, which she prides herself as being one of the best at. Other than that, she enjoys watching movies, playing tabletop and board games, and watching other people play video games (she can't use a controller).
She used to love cooking, but is no longer able to cook due to her lack of dexterity.
Liquid Physiology
Due to a freak chemical accident, Jane's body is a liquid which is bright yellow in color, and possesses little, if any solids. Despite lacking any major organs, Jane is still capable of all major senses and can move without muscles - essentially, she is a blob with all normal human abilities. She can move and store objects in her body, but lacks any semblance of dexterity, making actions like typing or using a key impossible.
If she is cut in half, or otherwise split into multiple bodies of liquid, she is only in control of the larger half - the other pool retains any properties that the body had before splitting.
Property manipulation
Jane is capable of manipulating the properties of her body - from the viscosity to the pH. Actually, these and the shape her body takes are pretty much the only thing this power is capable of. Jane is capable of becoming an acid which can melt through a foot of stone with a minute or two of effort, but steel and most metals require far longer - if they are even able to be dissolved in the first place. She can change her viscosity anywhere from pitch to half of that of water. Finally, with effort, Jane can shift the shape of her body - the detail is very poor, however. At most, she could form a hand and wave, or flatten/raise the size of her body.
Changes of properties can affect either the whole body, or just a certain part.
Other than these three characteristics, Jane is unable to change anything about her body.
Strengths Can melt/squeeze through most obstacles Strong physical durability - can be slashed in half and simply reform Manipulation of Viscosity allows a very strong restraint of enemies. No "weak points" (throat, head, etc.)
Weaknesses Extreme weakness to elemental damages (boiling/freezing point of water, electricity knocks her out very easily due to conductivity, soluble in water, etc.) Personality makes dissolving an intelligent/ human enemy impossible, forced to restrain them instead. Dies if controlled mass cannot fill a cup - powerful blunt attacks could send small chunks too far to reform. Slower than most normal people, both physically and mentally. Ledges are very difficult to circumvent. Anything taller than her is pretty much unassailable.
Appearance A blob of liquid that can be roughly 8 feet in diameter at it's largest, and a cup of water in size at it's smallest, Jane is one of the most distinctive heroes in the entirety of New Horizon due to her completely inhuman appearance. Normally, she is neon yellow in color, and possesses a thick and gelatinous texture - similar to jello or slime. Upon consuming any object or substance, her body adopts the same coloration as the substance, which usually lasts for a few minutes.
With concentrated effort, she can make very simple shapes from parts of her body - these include things like a simple hand, Text, or shapes. This is fairly tiring to do, and is purely cosmetic, however.
History Born to a rather poor family in New York City, Jane had always lived her life for the sake of other people. Her family consisted of her father and her younger sister - Jane's mother died from Lung Cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Ever since her mother's death when Jane was only 8 years old, she had taken care of the domestic chores around the house, including cleaning, cooking, and taking care of her younger sister. Her father, a demolitionist, regularly complained about how his children weren't pulling their weights.
On Fridays, Jane's father typically drank heavily due to the fresh paycheck. Most of the time, he would simply pass out, but on more than one occasion he had physically assaulted Jane for "not doing any damn work." Jane, fearful that her father would one day raise a hand at her younger sister, simply accepted the occasional beating as a part of life. Jane's life passed by like this for a few years - helping her younger sister with school work, taking care of the house, and doing her best to hide her home life from friends at school.
At the age of 14, Jane had finally decided to do more. She knew that she would never enter college - she was a C student, and there was no way her father would pay for tuition. Instead, she decided to get some experience - she began to volunteer at several charity groups, appreciating the fact that she could change someone's life for the better. She always looked up to heroes that helped others, the saviors of the world like Phoenix Dawn or Victory. She wanted to be like them, even if she was only some kid from the Bronx without any powers. This became a dominating part of her life, and her main use of free time. At the very least, it would help land her a job in the future.
Jane dropped out of high school at 17. Or, more specifically, her father dropped her out. He had recently gotten laid off, and with a new job and severely reduced salary, the Martin family needed another income in order to make the rent. The charity worker that she worked with the most, Jackie, managed to land her an under-the-table job at a chemical processing plant. The pay was decent considering she didn't even need a high school education, and the people were nice. For the 6 months, she worked hard to make ends meet while keeping up with the housework at the same time.
She hadn't slept the last 2 days when the accident happened. She was working overtime, and only her and several other workers were still present. It only took an instant, a slight drowsiness as she was checking the large pool of waste below her. Next thing she knew, the air was rushing past her face, and she hit a thick and gelatinous slime. She passed out as her flesh melted from her bones.
Next thing she knew, she was in her new form, inside a drainage pipe that led to the Hudson river. She spent the next 3 months in hiding - eating (dissolving?) random animals and garbage she found. It wasn't until she saved a hiker that broke his leg in the forest that Jane was hiding in that she realized her purpose. She had already learned a decent amount about the abilities of her body - and knew that she could use them for justice. Jane turned herself into New Horizon voluntarily, knowing the risks that vigilantism presented. She had only been in the organization for a month, but if she was lucky, she might be able to actually make a difference.
Other Jane is unable to dissolve humans and sapient life in her acid - animals and dangerous creatures without intelligence can be dissolved, but due to emotional and psychological restrictions, Jane refuses to ever dissolve a person.
Jane adopts the color of whatever she has most recently eaten, usually for 10-30 minutes. When she has not eaten anything in that time frame, she adopts a bright yellow color.
Neck Implant - A small shaped explosive has been placed beneath the skin of Leolin's neck. While the explosion would not be anything spectacular, it would be enough to sever his head. There is only one activation point at the Tower and requires clearance from two senior members of New Horizon to activate.
He often keeps his distance from those around him, particularly those with a chip on their shoulder. He comes from a culture of modesty and respect which he has found lacking on Earth. Particularly when it comes to other super heroes, he views them with a level of distaste due to their self perceived superiority over humanity. He has found solace and friendship in the company of heroes who have shown selflessness and caring more about others than their own fame.
The Aether
Leolin's power is granted by a mysterious realm known as the Aether. His soul and the Aether are intertwined meaning that no matter where he is in space or time, he can access the powers granted to him. However, he does need to meditate atleast once a day to ensure his powers remain topped up. After twenty four Earth Hours his powers start to fade:
♦ True Instinct | Leolin doesn't need to think about reacting during battle, his body reacts almost automatically to incoming threats. Even incoming attacks he may not be aware of can be avoided unless they are sufficiently fast.
♦ True Step | Leo is capable of super speed. This applies to speed in terms of running, fighting and reacting. While not having super strength in the same way as most heroes and villain's, the speed with which he can move his limbs and body means that he is a powerful fighter. In essence his lifting strength is equal to that of a strong non-super human but his punching and kicking power is considered high level super strength. In addition, his resistance to damage is amplified the faster he is moving.
♦ True Mind | The Aether provides a blanket of protection over Leolins body and mind against psychic attacks. He is entirely immune to attacks on his mind.
Leolin is part of the Mabinogi, a race from a far off world that is bathed in ancient magic. Throughout their existence their very bodies have bonded with the ancient magic, pushing their physical bodies beyond what they normally could do:
♦ Minor Healing Factor | Leolin can heal himself by meditating without interruption. The severity of the wound means longer meditation. Any wounds inflicted by silver can only be healed by natural medicines or the power of others. This is useless against life threatening injuries.
♦ Mabinogi Toughness | While not on super human levels, the Mabinogi's natural toughness surpasses a normal humans.
♦ Needs to Meditate | Leolin's species doesn't require sleep but he is required to meditate. If he is kept from meditating for an extended period of time, his powers will slowly drain to the point of almost non-existence. This is used by New Horizon until he is required on a mission.
♦ Restraints | Leo is capable of breaking chain-linked handcuffs, the freedom to move his arms allows him to generate the speed and force needed to break them. However, restraints which are absolute in their stopping of movement will keep Leolin bound.
♦ Silver | The specific properties of silver are known to cause an allergic reaction at the point of contact with Leolin's skin. While this most often provides him with mild discomfort, it does also stop his healing factor from working.
Leolin comes from a world far from Earth, it's existence unknown until his arrival on the homeworld of humanity. The planet Dôn is home to the race of the Mabinogi and is a lushous, vibrant planet filled with old magic and power. A select few are born linked to the Aether, a realm between space and time that imbues those linked to it with great power. Leolin is one of these lucky few. Upon discovering his link to the Aether the Grand Council placed him in charge of the Hadrius Stone, an ancient object imbued with millennia old magic. It contains great power which can teleport a person to any point in space or time, assuming they know how to use it.
For several years after the appointment, Leo's life was uneventful but unfortunately it didn't stay that way. Leolin's home and the storage location of the Hadrius Stone came under attack by a great evil who wanted the Hadrius Stone for their own selfish desires. Another Mabinogi who was born linked to the Aether foresaw themselves with the stone, ruling Dôn and the entire galaxy with their own hands. During the attack Leolin was told to use the stone and travel as far away as he could manage. As the evil closed in to claim the stone Leo activated it and with a flash of blinding light he was gone.
Leo arrived on Earth in another blinding flash but unfortunately the overwhelming power within the stone knocked Leolin unconscious. That wasn't all that happened however, the power output of the stone alerted New Horizon and Leo was apprehended before he could wake up. He was filled with all manners of drugs to keep him unconscious while they installed their precautionary measure. Since that day he has worked for New Horizon reluctantly, longing to be free once more. That isn't to say he doesn't want to help those in need but rather that he wants to do it on his own terms.
It has been a long three years for him within The Tower. He has been interrogated many times about the Hadrius Stone, New Horizon repeatedly trying to harness the power within it. They refuse to believe that Leo is unable to do much else beyond teleport across space. Leo is biding his time and when the time is right he will join the other residents of The Tower in bringing it crashing down.
Name: Bolin Lài Alias: Foo Dog Age: 24 Gender: Male
Personality: Bolin is a smart-ass, make jokes on the fly, quick banter kind of superhero. When all else fails, at least he can joke about it. He does, however, know when to get serious. Bolin's other half, Shíshī, isn't so pleasant. Shíshī is a serious mannered spirit.
Abilities: Bolin is at the height of human ability. He's fast, strong, agile, and durable. It also helps to be possessed by a Chinese guardian spirit. The spirit, Shíshī, allows Bolin to call upon brief moments of super strength and durability in a pinch, but the use of this strength quickly drains him. As a final resort, Bolin can allow Shíshī to come forth, transforming him into a very large, very strong creature, often referred to as a Foo Dog. He can remain in this form indefinitely, until Shíshī relinquishes control and lets Bolin take his body back.
If forced into a scripted chalk circle, Shishi becomes useless.
Appearance: Bolin fights with several forms of martial arts, so his costume must be comfortable. He wears yellow, red, and black, colors that resemble the form of Shíshī, his Foo dog. His weapon of choice is a pair of kamas.
Without his costume on, Bolin is just your average man. He's about 5'10", has black hair, brown eyes, and is of Chinese descent.
When Shíshī comes forth, he appears as a very large, feline creature. He has scarlet red fur, a golden mane, and shimmering blue-green armor plate scales on his forelegs.
History: One has to wonder how a young man comes to be possessed by an ancient, giant lion spirit. Bolin's parents were demon hunters in China, and part of a group that targeted a demon worshiping cult that goes by the Seventh Circle. Their battles against the Circle were often brutal and bloody, with death on both sides. Finally, the demon hunters numbers had dwindled. The Circle forced them into extinction when they found their base and killed every remaining adult. The only survivor of the attack was a young boy, barely in his teen years, whom they took for their own nefarious purposes.
Bolin had been trained to fight by his parents and various mentors. He had, one day, planned to join the demon hunters. But the Circle had other ideas. He was just young enough to be used as a host for a powerful demon, who would invade the boy's mind and use his body to remain in the human realm. This demon would become a powerful ally for the Circle, and aid in their take-over-the-world plot. However, when it came time for the ritual, the Circle was unaware of a battle that took place on the other side of the portal they opened into the spirit realm.
Shíshī came through instead, having fought off the demon. He took over Bolin's body and used his strength to destroy those who had opened the portal. When the villains had retreated back to their hidey holes, Shíshī gave Bolin control again, now forever bonded with the human boy. It took years for the two to find a way to get along. Bolin can often be seen talking to Shíshī, earning odd looks as it appears that he is speaking to himself.
Bolin has since defeated the Seventh Circle in China, and came to America to put an end to their branches there as well. With Seventh Circle now gone all but for a few strays, Bolin focuses on defeating other sorts of evil to keep himself busy. He must be very careful as to not let New Horizon collect him, however. Shíshī has been adamant that the safest hands for his powers to be in are his own.
Name: Eliott Reider / Seven Quote: "I have learned things in the dark that I could never have learned in the light, things that have saved my life over and over again, so that there is really only one logical conclusion. I need darkness as much as I need light." - Barbara Brown Taylor Alias: Decibel Age: 21 Gender: Female
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Abilities: Frequency - Eliott is able to manipulate vibrations in the air to mute all sound in a 10 meter radius of her. Any noise made within this radius will be simply non-existent, making those within deaf, and those outside the radius cannot hear anything made inside. The vibrations can be absorbed by Eliott and used to send a powerful shockwave, the intensity of which rivalling the vibrations she absorbed while muting her surroundings. Furthermore, she can steadily vibrate any physical object, and steadily increase the strength of her vibrations while contact is maintained. While she can manipulate air and water, it is not to a point where it will have a significant impact on another person., and in the case of air, only be enough to knock things off of shelves or create small winds. Her power can be used on living things, and is especially good at shattering bones, knocking people unconscious, or relieving eardrums of disorientation. Weaknesses: Physically Weak - Although Eliott is pretty well-trained, she isn't all that powerful. In terms of offence and defence she can't hold her own, unless she's running away or hiding. She desperately wants to learn some kind of self defence with her power, however isn't sure if it is even possible. Sound Barrier - Of course, anything which can manipulate wind or water, or has a body made of such, will counter Eliott pretty hard. Or anything which can keep their distance, really. Precautions: Suppressor Bracelets - Eliott's powers are suppressed while in The Tower, to prevent her from escaping. Due to her background and relatively recent induction, she isn't seen as trustworthy yet, so must wear the bracelets around The Tower. Equipment: Smoke Grenades - For when Eliott needs to make a quick escape or cause a distraction, these babies come in handy. They aren't special outside of a visual blockade, though she can manipulate the smoke a lot easier than plain air. Or at the very least it's more visible.
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History: Until ten years ago, Eliott Reider didn't actually exist. There were no records, no parents, and nobody that went by that name. However there was a girl who looked a lot like Eliott. Her name was Seven.
Like all people in this world, Seven was conceived and born the human way. Her mother adored her, her father loved her, yet neither love nor adoration can save you in a car crash. She was orphaned at two years old, being one of the unlucky babies not chosen for adoption. She stayed an orphan for two more years, till she was adopted by an elderly scientist, a man who would later call himself "Father John". A man who would erase the name she once knew, and give her the name she now knew best: Seven.
There were twenty-seven more children in the building with white walls, white coats, white doors, each only slightly older or slightly younger than Seven. She connected with three others: Eleven, Four, and Eighteen. Eleven and Four were boys, Eighteen being another girl. Despite how different each of them were, they shared a common denominator which made each of them identical in the eyes of Father John and his team: They were Gaps. Gaps being those that fit neither mutant superhuman nor regular human. They were rare children afflicted with a rare condition which resulted in a lack of genetic code for superpowers. In other words, for them there wasn't an "on" for mutant powers or an "off" for standard human written in their genetic code. There was a gap.
They were tested on because of this. Gifted the powers of extraordinary humans through genetic manipulation, the children were subject to tests. Tests, false promises of painlessness, and heartbreak. Many former friends died when exposed to their inherited power. Technology had not advanced far enough to save the unlucky or unfit. However, those that survived were much stronger than their former selves. They could do things no normal human could. They became incredibly powerful.
For six years they withstood the tests. Numbers were counted down, till those that remained could be counted on your fingers. Seven, Eleven, Four, Eighteen, Thirteen, Twenty-Two, Twenty, Nine, Twelve. Eventually, Seven broke out. Along with her friends, they ran and ran and never looked back, using their powers to escape. They hid in LA, survived in LA, became people again in LA. They went to school, got adopted by good folk, and lived their lives like normal people. But they weren't normal. The guilt of leaving those behind, forgotten, ate away at them.
Four years ago, Ark was created. Ark, a terrorist organization whose sole purpose was to expose the corruption of the members' past. Their riddles took the hero scene by storm, and caused trouble as a series of copycat villains broke out in inspiration. As vigilantes, it was hard trying to deliver justice with the heroes labeling you terrorists. That said, they weren't far from the truth, either... Ark was attacked, arrested, and one of its members killed. Those who came under arrest were separated, never to see one-another again. Eliott could be considered a lucky one. Her power, much too difficult to control outside of The Tower, was given two options: Attend New Horizon Academy, or be destroyed. Personality: Eliott herself is rather shy and withdrawn. She doesn't like speaking up or making her presence known, instead being a silent observer to the world. That is, unless a book has caught her interest. She reads books religiously, always trying to expand her knowledge or otherwise read something fun. She enjoys the activity very much and usually visits The Tower's library between missions to read. She does have a bit of a nerd side too, and prefers spending time alone playing games than social interactions, though isn't completely against nor afraid of them.
When operating as Decibel, Eliott's personality does a complete 180. She goes from the shy academic bookworm to the insane acrobatic joker. Decibel is completely carefree when it comes to showing off, which she does quite a bit, trying to do good on her phantom vigilante image. In fact, she cares rather deeply about her image and how she is seen by the public, in an effort to make sure her motives can be identified and not mislabeled as a villain. Decibel is cocky and thinks very highly of herself, however is also incredibly cautious.
Ka'van Soeray Despite being from a faraway planet, Eliott feels as though Ka'van is a lot like herself: calm and quiet. While they differ physically, their shared personality traits could lead to some kind of friendship. Either that, or they are both too quiet to even talk to one-another... She doesn't seem particularly fazed by the fact he's an alien, though.
Miles Miller Miles is another quiet one, and Eliott is unsure of if they will get along. Her meek nature makes her reluctant to approach him directly, especially considering his own isolationism. The difference in age, in spite of appearance, is jarring to Eliott, though from what little they have spoken, it was well-mannered and formal.
Silas Myers Eliott is in a strange state when it comes to Silas. She seemingly wants to ask him something, but at the same time isn't willing to go forward with it. Every push to say something results in her trying to run away. In the times she has approached, she seems invested in conversation, but unable to really keep them going well.
Ricardo Fenix The Dawn himself, Ricardo's outgoing nature is something to be admired, even by Eliott. She seems to enjoy his presence, oddly enough, and though she won't talk often, when she does, it's often praise. She has wondered if he'd be willing to train her, though has yet to ask.
Alice Jefferson Unlike Ricardo, Eliott doesn't seem to particularly like Alice. She gives her glares when she isn't looking, and sometimes when she is. What little conversation they've had, Eliott has remained largely silent and doesn't like to go into detail about herself. New Horizon has noted this lack of communication and found her more suitable within Epsilon.
Sydney Lorraine Eliott and Sydney haven't really had a chance to communicate, though that may be because Eliott suspects her being a primary reason Ark had so much trouble, and possibly the reason for their arrest. Another reason New Horizon assigned her to Epsilon.
Jane Martin While Eliott is friendly and kind towards Jane, she has noted how hard it would be for her to fight her. While an excellent safety measure if Eliott ever went rogue, they seem to get along well, so it's hard to say what either would do if they were to confront one-another.
Leolin "Leo" Cwm Annwn The alien Leonlin has apparently caught the interest of Eliott's alter-ego. She wishes to train with him and test her acrobatics against his wild speed. Eliott imagines them getting along well, and would love the opportunity to train with him.
Valora Beaumont The shapeshifter Valora is someone Eliott feels would've made a great beginning member to Ark, if only her tale went differently. Even if it hadn't, the former terrorist feels Valora would have made a great addition. One of the few who Eliott will actively seek out and talk to, check up on, and try to befriend.
Joseiah Kimbell Joseiah's company seems to evoke a strongly positive response from Eliott. Staff have noted her general increase in joy whenever Joseiah is around, particularly when it comes to ice puns. Whenever they are separated, however, she becomes withdrawn and quite upset. New Horizon believes it has something to do with her past.
Personality At the base of her personality Valora would simply be described as a “nervous wreck”. Nearly every action she does has an undercurrent of fear or anxiousness, and while at her core she’s kind-hearted Valora can put people off due to being unable to suppress her nerves naturally. It’s not uncommon to find her fidgeting during conversation, darting her gaze around everywhere but at the other person’s face, or in extreme cases hyperventilating. This is particularly prevalent around animal presences.
This provides a ripe breeding ground for Valora to be easily cajoled as well, provided she’s not more afraid of whatever task is presented to her. She has a deep desire to either be seen as helpful, or at least not useless.
Of course, all of these personality traits can disappear under unplanned use of her abilities.
Powers As may be determined by her alias, Shift is a shapeshifter. Specifically she specializes in taking on the form of any animal presented to her, particularly if they are physically nearby. While she doesn’t need an animal nearby in order to take on its form, it makes it significantly easier - when touching the animal the transformation is near instantaneous. If it’s in the vicinity the transformation can take a few seconds, while a more exotic animal that wouldn’t be around her can take up to a minute.
However, Shift doesn’t need to fully transform herself either. She’s able to shift or grow only certain body parts, and with effort can be a mix-mash of creatures [up to three]. She is also not limited by the physical restraints of the creature, but rather by her own energy - in one instance of being exposed to a canine after an optimized week of rest and food her subsequent transformation reached four hundred pounds. Her usual shifts at regular health end up with her transformation being slightly bigger than the normal perimeters of the animal. Further, animals appear to be attracted to her presence and respond to her emotions if presented.
The apparent downfall of her powers lays in the fact that Shift, when not transforming on her own, can be influenced by nearby animals. This usually manifests as being unable to help but take on some aspects of their appearance [she has reported often having feathers sprouting while in the Tower], but more dangerously her personality can be influenced by creatures as well. In the Tower she sometimes finds herself collecting shiny objects, as an example. In the most extreme circumstances when her personality is completely overtaken by animalistic urges, usually from predators and her own fear response, she can fall to rages. Peculiarly, staff at the Academy and subsequently handlers from New Horizon often find themselves the targets of these rampages.
Precautions Dampening Bracelet
Due to Shift’s lack of control at times, she’s fitted with Dampening Bracers to avoid uncontrolled transformations in the Tower. Incomplete shifts are still possible.
Equipment Injector
Fitted to the inside of Valora’s left bicep is a small device, a little over three inches long in total. During missions a needle at the base of the device inserts into Valora’s bloodstream and injects her with a cocktail of drugs to calm her enough to operate, as her fear of her own powers might usually prevent. Weekly checkups are required to calibrate the Injector for safety, as well as after every mission.
Appearance Standing at an impressive six feet even, Valora’s height along with a thin frame combines to make her have a somewhat sickly appearance with boney features, compounded further by a rather pale complexion. She has somewhat wavy dirty blonde hair going down to just beneath her shoulder blades, and even when her hair is pulled up she has long bangs that always cover her eyes.
This is particularly true on the left side of her face, using her hair to hide the lack of eyeball, as well as the deep and unattractive scarring that mars the skin on that side. It’s the worst around her eye, cutting thin lines across her brow and eyelid with deeper marks just below, dragging across her cheek to just above her jaw. The drag of teeth left the most noticeable marks, but on closer inspection the puncture scars are visible as well. Because of her lost eye Valora wears a simple cotton adhesive eyepatch, except on missions where her transformations would see her lose it anyway.
Shift’s ‘costume’ appears to just be one of the standard issue New Horizon jumpsuits, with tow stripes of white going down the front. What makes it so unique is the outfit's ability to change with Shift's transformations, allowing her to make use of smaller or larger forms without loss of her uniform. For public appearances she’s been provided with a cloak that hangs off her right arm, made from the pelt of a grizzly bear to further emphasis her abilities.
History Like so many before her, Valora started out as just a normal girl. The Beaumont family worked the lands of their own vineyard, having a somewhat small but selective collection of wine made and bottled by them. It was on these gently sloping hills and between the twisting vines that Valora often found herself playing as a small child, watched over by her parents or their various workers.
It was during one of these explorations that Valora, barely six years old, found herself at the edge of her parents’ property. It was harvesting season, and as such she was meant to stay out of the way, so off she went to this area at the edge of the overgrown forest nearby. As was usual for the girl she found herself playing with the birds that liked to collect around her, hopping at her feet or perching in her hair. However, it wasn’t just these avians that had taken interest in the girl that day.
The first thing that alerted the young girl that something was wrong was her little feathered friends scattering. Some merely hopped back, while the less brave merely took off to the trees. Following the collective gazes of the birds, Valora found a shaggy and malnourished wolf cautiously approaching, a limp to his front step - he was hurt. And though Valora’s innate gift brought him to this place and soothed his agitated nerves, a hurt predator was a hungry predator.
As such when Valora let out a startled scream it snapped whatever spell had fallen over the starved wolf. When the young girl scrambled to run instincts and desperation took over as the beast lunged after her. The blood curdling screams drew the nearby workers over, and though reluctant at first the wolf ended up dropping his meal and fleeing when struck repeatedly.
The attack couldn’t have lasted more than a minute, but the effects of the starved predator would stay with Valora forever. Even after she recovered the once outgoing girl was far happier huddled up to her mother’s skirts or within the safety of her family’s home, left with the permanent reminder of her attack by the maiming of the left side of her face. The birds that crowded around her window in the morning were terrifying reminders now, not the joyful song to wake up to. The neighbor’s dog was no longer a friendly pet, but a jaw full of sharp teeth and crushing jaws. It was a lonely existence the trauma made; afraid of outside her home, shunned by her younger siblings for her shifted worrying and hovering nature, terrified of what dangers lurked out there.
It didn’t help when Valora’s nightmares started haunting her waking hours. How her nails became almost like claws. Feathers sprouted along her arms. Her teeth, sharp and scraping against a broad tongue.
It culminated in high school. She had been doing so well hiding what was happening, for Valora was no fool. Something was wrong with her, something powerful and terrifying. Then one of her classmate’s parents brought his dog along to pick him up, and the creature got loose. Jumping on people, licking their face. To Valora, frozen in fear, when the dog jumped on her all she saw was the creature’s mouth opening wide and the white of his teeth, looming and sharp and dangerous-
She didn’t remember anything else of that day.
What Valora did remember was waking up in the hospital, with the people she’d find out were from New Horizon Academy. There she was informed of what happened - people injured, a dog killed, and Valora - what was supposed to be Valora anyway - fled into the wilds before being found, human and covered in blood. It was here she was given a choice, one she grabbed onto like a drowning man. The Academy would teach her how to stop this, how to control what was happening so it would never happen again.
Turns out a shifter is too valuable for people to be bothered with simple things like trauma. Valora was trained, yes, but rather than being able to forget she ever had these abilities she was instead thrust into the public eye as Shift, resident of the Tower and reluctant hero.
It’s rather ironic really, being caged up and used like little more than an animal.
Other Has zoophobia, with a particular fear of canines. Therapy has only somewhat helped.
Ka'van Soeray Initially I wasn’t sure how to react around Ka’van. There are so many things that could be starkly different between alien and human. What if offering a handshake could be seen as threatening by reaching out to him? Well, it turns out my fears were unfounded, at least in this case. Ka’van is quite a gentleman, his presence calm and collected. There's times we can both be in the same room with a mutual quiet that I can't often find with others. It's comforting. Though, there’s this air of graveness that tends to hang around him. When I’m canine-shifted, at times it makes my fur bristle. Still, I wish I could do more for him. It’s obvious he doesn’t like it here.
It’s rather telling that on finding an alien presence New Horizon’s first reaction is to cage it. How Ka’van doesn’t resent all of humanity every time he looks to the stars I couldn’t say.
Silas Myers Personally I blame the Tower birds affecting me, but every time I see Silas I just want to build him a nest of blankets and feed him. He worries over others so much, and I appreciate his concern, but I don’t think he spends nearly enough time worrying over himself. He’s so pale, and the food he eats can barely be called food – oh, don’t tell him I said that. Anyway, I try to bring him food whenever I cook, but that doesn’t help the nesting part. For someone who’s powers involve sleep it seems he doesn’t get nearly enough. Plus he seems so defenceless on the field...Seems we’re destined to mutually worry over each other.
I’ve never mentioned it to anyone, but I think he manipulates my dreams sometimes. More specifically, my nightmares. Before the tower I’d wake up terrified whenever I had them, but lately not so much. I know it’s not me getting over my phobia, but I’m afraid to bring it up in case I’m wrong or it makes things awkward. I’m thankful, if he is.
Ricardo Fenix Ricardo... Ricardo is... Well, he’s Phoenix Dawn. Both on and off the field. The bright shining light, fiery and with a presence that demands attention. He’s, well... to be honest he’s intimidating to me, and not just because of his legend. That’s – that’s not to say he’s not a nice man! He is! It’s just, sometimes he reminds me of a puppy; all bright eyes and toothy grin, and lurking beneath that friendly exterior the power of a beast in wait. It doesn't help that sometimes when I shift I can see him eyeing me. I suppose the exotic animals could be interesting to someone not terrified of them, but why always my ears? Does he think it weird Victory scratches behind them sometimes? ... Would his scratches be too hard?
Maybe I can muster up the bravery to at least talk to him properly. I still feel really bad about our first meeting.
Alice Jefferson Some of the others don’t like Alice that much, but I ... actually really admire her. Even before becoming part of New Horizon it was hard not to look up to Victory for all that she represented. Despite becoming disillusioned with the organization myself, I know whenever I’m dispatched on a mission that she’ll do her best to get us all back home safe. That's the type of person she is. Though, I'll admit she can be a bit frightening with the Victory Armor. The shouting puts my shifts on edge sometimes. Still, I enjoy her company in the tower – have you ever heard her tell a story of her days before New Horizon? She’s one of the people I don’t really mind spending time with, she's genuinely a good person and it's not just some act for the public. Oh, and don't tell anyone, but she also gives the best scratches behind my ear when I'm forced to shift.
... I just ... wish she didn’t think so highly of New Horizon...
Sydney Lorraine Sydney is one of those people that I can’t help but fret over. You tend to pick up bits and pieces of others’ past while in the Tower, and from what I’ve overheard ... Well, on top of that, she’s the youngest of my team, and can’t even touch many things without cover! That's not good for a person's development! Then to add on that she's an open book, plus the nature of her work with the police... Just the thought gets my feathers ruffled. She's only eighteen for goodness' sake, she doesn't need to see those things! I know it helps people, but what about helping her? I try to check up on Sydney but to be honest, sometimes I can’t read her very well despite everything. I do appreciate that I can speak my native tongue with her however. That might be part of why I’m so fond of her admittedly, on top of everything else.
I worry she gets cold when we go on missions, too. I don’t understand her uniform choice, but I suppose she is Canadian. Still doesn't explain the lack of underwear - I kind of want to curl around her protectively when I'm shifted, even if I know it's a bad idea.
Jane Martin When Jane was first assigned to Omicron I... okay, I admit it, I was a little weirded out. Please don’t say anything! I’ve come to appreciate her more in the three months she’s been here. I wasn’t sure how to act around her at first but she’s just a teenage girl in an odd body. Plus she just genuinely wants to help others, and I can respect that even if she’s taken to mimicking Ricardo in mannerisms (enchanced hearing makes her yelling extra loud). That being said, despite who she’s chosen to emulate I still feel an unfortunately animalistic protectiveness over Jane due to her age and limitations. I’ve been working up the nerve to bring her food ever since she let slip she used to love cooking. Oh, and her base yellow color is so bright – I really like it, and I should tell her that someday.
Despite the numerous, numerous short-comings of New Horizon, I’m glad they gave Jane a place she could be accepted, both by us and the public.
Leolin "Leo" Cwm Annwn Another alien, another being caged to New Horizon. Leo is another one of us ‘heroes’ who is more often than not withdrawn, and after he was treated on coming to Earth it’s not hard to understand why. Given his responsibility to then be little more than a tool... I feel for him. Things must be so different. I respect him for wanting to help others, but, well, to be honest he’s really intimidating to me. Between his strong and silent demeanour and those eyes of his... They’re beautiful, but I didn’t even need to see him on the battlefield to know he’s deadly.
If things don’t change soon, then when other starcrawlers look upon humanity will we be branded as nothing more than slavers? Will it even be wrong?
Elliot Reider She is very quiet, a trait I can appreciate greatly. I enjoy her presence from the times we’ve managed to catch each other since her introduction to the tower, and Elliot appears to be quite well-read. I even managed to have a discussion about statistics! I never get to talk numbers with anyone! ... But I’ve heard a bit of her past [seriously, no one thinks about animal-enhanced senses for some reason, it’s not like I mean to overhear]. It worries me from the snippets I’ve found out, not to mention the knowledge she was once part of a terrorist organization... Apparently on the field she does a 180, too. That can be a very major trauma flag. Forcing her from one organization to be caged in another isn't a very healing environment.
Despite that I hope she finds a new home here, I certainly plan to be as welcoming as possible and keep an eye on her. The Tower can be a prison, it’s true, but at least the people can also feel like family. I can very easily see my urge to protectively nest encompassing Elliot.
Joseiah Kimbell The pun master himself. I admit sometimes they don’t translate so well in my native tongue, but I swear he makes them simpler around me to keep me included – I appreciate it. He’s very ‘chill’ (was that right?), not to mention a jokester. He reminds me of my little brother actually, though I suppose that’s inevitable since he acts like the big brother to so many people in the Tower – Team Omicron especially, I think. Even when I’m feeling overwhelmed he always seems to realize when I just need quiet, a trait well honed by siblings. On the field I know he’d have my back, and I would have his – oh, and his ice sculptures are beautiful! I suppose that’s inevitable as well, considering his powers.
Something about Joseiah bothers me at times. Maybe it’s my own fears, but at times he reminds me of what they say about clowns and comedians – those who enjoy the happiness in others are often the ones most in need of it. I hope I’m wrong, he’s too sweet to be suffering.
Foo Dog I understand he’s a vigilante and I shouldn’t think much of him, but I envy his freedom... at the same time, he can turn into a lion. Why. Why this?!
Precautions: Power dampening gauntlets- Joseiah's power never completely turns off so the gauntlets stay on to prevent major accidents or otherwise unsavory behavior that could result from it.
Personality: Joseiah is a very lax person while in and around the Tower getting through his light training and other duties to make time for more enjoyable activities. He is quite friendly as well as a something of a goofball which is a fact he doesn't hide, often making jokes or bad puns for a chuckle even if its only him who does so. If he does sense his antics are going a bit overboard it won't take long for him to dial back but seeing people laugh or smile even if its at him makes him happy. Morale support is important after all in his eyes when there is time for it which he likes to make. This often inspires him to make detailed ice sculptures or other art like painting and drawing, despite however long it might take with the gauntlets on, simply to give the others something neat to look at and provide a distraction from any bad going on.
Out in the field is where he lets loose showing the more dedicated side of the man willing to help where needed showing genuine want to disarm the situations he gets thrown into for everyone's sake including those they are fighting. The ice man tends towards disabling or causing adequate discomfort to offenders to make them surrender rather than immediately resorting to beating the crap out of them, though if he sees no other option the fight is on which is where he earned his alias. His easygoing and often silly nature masks his competence well enough that many don't think much of him until they've seen the arresting storm he can become in a serious fight putting thing into perspective.
In a similar fashion it keeps Joseiah's concern over who is holding the leash under-wraps as well as anything else that might dim his mood. It just always gives him a nagging bad gut feeling when he takes time to think about it, but the situation being what it is could be a lot worse in his eyes so he deals with it. After all he could have a bomb in his neck.
Powers/Abilities: Joseiah is a Cryokinetic capable of generating and manipulating ice and most of its variations like snow, sleet, or hail. Most of the generating is done through direct absorption of heat from the air or water around him going from a few degrees of change to sub zero temperatures if needed often forming ice on and over his skin, clothing, or body armor to act as protection since he is unaffected by the temperatures while he keeps it moving, which depending on thickness can take lower end conventional gunfire or less with minimal damage often repairable on the spot though anything heavier starts making for rapidly diminishing returns which lends prudence to him actually having some regular protection. Though it only happened once he figures he could use an ice chamber to more or less hibernate for quicker recovery/survival but its not something he is in a rush to explore again. He finds making anything particularly complex(moving parts are a no go as of yet but layers are doable) is beyond him so simple walls/barriers, projectiles/weapons, or pathways for him to glide and slide along are the mainstays.
A lesser part of his purview is control of the weather, the cold and wind, within a maximum radius of 30ft around him allowing for him to kick up small snowstorms or blizzards in a pinch. They can go from light and pleasant to a total whiteout making it a useful tactic for area denial while making him more effective in brawling distance acting as another layer of protection by taking vision further out of the equation. It also allows him to get more creative with his offense like changing from snow to sleet to weigh baddies down or hail to batter them alongside the cold air whipping about buffeting them too. A side benefit of his thermal control is being able to pick out people or warmer objects inside of his storms letting him engage without necessarily being able to see them. He can't, however, discern friend or foe generally unless they are know for running particularly hot or cold.
Weakness: Dry and particularly hot areas often prove an issue to getting started because there simply isn't much moisture to work with if any or melting his resources mid fight making have to spend more energy maintaining them.
Resistance to the cold or being blinded tend to make him significantly less useful forcing him to think outside of the box.
While doing more involved maneuvers he might only be able to maintain so much focus on a storm or other constructs causing them to slowly degrade or weaken if his attention is elsewhere for long enough. He has good situational awareness but he can only focus on so much at one time.
Joseiah is notably more sluggish in hotter areas as well where his old leg and rib injuries tend to flare up slowing him down until he can cool down the air around him which seems to alleviate and numb them indefinitely up until the dampening gauntlets come back on. A fact which he tries not to get annoyed about but chronic pain can get to even him at times.
Joseiah stands at 5'7" with an average but fit build with a surprisingly fair skin tone. His skin often turns to a light shade of blue as the temperature drops accompanied by a dim blue glow emanating from his eyes.
History: Joseiah was born and raised in Port Alsworth, Alaska to loving parents, Killion and Janisse, with a twin sister Linnea who was his best friend with whom he was practically inseparable. She was the more serious of the two often tempering his outgoing and adventurous self but it didn't stop them from goofing off together more than a couple times. They weren't troublemakers however, so beyond the occasional poke about being late neither parent had a complaint about them. As they got a bit older they liked to help out their mother at her art gallery with the displays, something the boy took a shine to wanting to get something of his own up there one day. Linnea on the other hand took to skating which she became rather good at over time. Things would only get better for awhile as they grew up taking a couple family trips over to the nearby national park Lake Clark and for the most part just enjoying what time they had left as kids.
Unfortunately they hadn't known what was going on at the father's workplace down at the docks where he was a manager. A crime ring had popped up and had more or less taken over the place leaving him walking on eggshells to make sure he kept his family safe while also paying out the fees the gangsters demanded. He managed to keep it going for a while but they always asked for more and eventually he wasn't able to scrounge up the money. The head goon in charge was obviously upset and in need of a good way to teach him a lesson which ended up provided by the now 17 year old twins taking a walk down by the city marina during early winter. It was just supposed to be a quick one to clear the mind, his sister should've been home resting, but luck was not on his side when they go spotted by a couple of the thugs who recognized them and they came over with no good in mind. Joseiah probably shouldn't have tried to fight back but he wasn't going to let Linnea get hurt if he could help it. Considering he was outnumbered and very much out gunned he didn't exactly last long before he was beaten within an inch of his life, barely conscious long enough to see his sister take a vicious hit to the head before everything went dark.
He woke up several weeks later frozen in the bay which left him very confused and more than a little panicked as he struggled to move. It took a moment the ice surrounding him cracked giving him enough room to get out onto the frozen over water around him giving him his first breaths while he tried to figure out what happened. His mind was really hazy but he sort of managed to put the pieces together by the time he realized he should be an ice cube again since it was an Alaskan winter but he didn't feel the cold or any pain from nearly dying which was also weird. That was about the time he figured out he should probably get back to the marina, maybe pick up a trail on what happened to his sister or go home where he would probably get reamed for this. It was during this time he started to figure out the ice was moving with him thickening and thinning as he passed he tried to test the waters from there getting very rudimentary movement to work, enough to let him get up onto the docks at least. Joseiah walked through town like a lost puppy the weather around him getting more intense, snow turning to ice, until he found what remained of his house now charred and burnt to the ground. He dug through what was left finding an pendant his mom wore with a younger him and Linnea in it only making him more upset over what he lost. It took a bit of time but he walked further into town to find a newspaper while the winds and snow around him kicked up to a total whiteout making his job that much harder though he did eventually find out the gang had done the burning and neither of his parents survived but his sister was still alive in the hospital.
The distraught Cryokinetic made quite the seen sprinting through the town and while the storm was no longer a white out the wind was whipping loose objects around and knocking people over. While he did manage to get there and at least see his now comatose sister it wasn't long before New Horizon showed up and while he didn't want to just leave her there, what could he do like this but harm? There wasn't any reason to stop them. It took a little time before he was adjusted between the Academy and transition to the Tower but the comfortable living helps as well as the company. Turns out not all of his injuries had fully healed mostly his right leg and his mid back but between the adrenaline and cold he hadn't noticed but it delayed his deployment as a hero for a couple years while they got him back into working order. Its been six years since Blizzkrieg made his debut out in the field and he has done well enough he thinks trying to pull his weight with the rest of the New Horizon heroes. Joseiah came back to being a more normal him and the normal him figured being a stick in the mud just wouldn't do anymore nor would it help anyone.
Now he acts as the goofy brother of sorts that he always was trying to brighten everything up as much for him as for the rest of the Tower residents and ready to make villains chill out.
Other: Joseiah is known to make cold drinks if asked, slushies being something of a specialty.
Ka'van Soeray
Not much for conversation but not entirely unwelcoming despite coming from somewhere else entirely. He's just very chill most of the time preferring his own space but fun to hang out with once you get to know him. I don't push too hard with him and we get along just fine from my experience. Hasn't said anything about the occasional snack or drink that finds its way to his meditation spot, but I'll keep bringing them up when he's in the park for a long time on Silas' suggestion. Let's him do his thing for longer which is fine by me.
Miles Miller
The whole age thing is more than a little strange though it is cool. More of a loner at times, most times off mission, but we've talked a bit and its a nice neutrality that I don't mind with a bit of humor mixed in since he is quite. Can't expect everyone to like everyone. Oh I almost forgot, the man has a talent for finding some of the worst fan fiction I have ever seen which is hilarious.
Silas Myers
Good old Silas is one of my favorites. He might be shy but get past that and he's your best buddy. The guy comes to me with all sorts of ideas and questions which I don't mind, he likes another point of view on things and I'm happy to supply. Icey the looks at Eliott when he thinks I don't and vice versa though the question is who will budge first. It'd be good for both of them so hopefully things work out.
Ricardo Fenix
Hoo boy to talk about someone being intense. Ricardo is something else with equal parts confidence and ego, well maybe more ego, but he is a guy who wants to do right at least. With the amount of accidents he has it makes me seriously wonder why I'm the one with dampening bracelets. I do worry about him of all the rest since this is all he really knows and a major shift could do some bad because of it.
Alice Jefferson
The grand old lady of the New Horizon group and unofficial mom too. Lot of respect for Alice and what she does for everyone, usually keeping them from doing dumb shit unintentionally. Can't think of anything bad off the top which is a really good thing. I'll always try to have her back even if she messes up my name every other call out, snow big deal though because reminds me of my aunt who did the same.
Sydney Lorraine
I don't always know what to do around Sydney honestly but we haven't had many problems either for the most part. Her power isn't one to envy while simultaneously being absurdly useful though I can't help but notice besides the luck that it doesn't do much good for her making for a cold touch. I'm around if she needs me for anything regardless.
Jane Martin
Jane does what she can with her circumstance which is something that makes me proud, sure manages the stairs better than me on a bad day. Like Ricardo's little sister and is just as exuberant as the Dawn himself with her own set of useful tricks. Certainly brings a smile to my face with her around but I do have to be careful with my powers near her in particular. I'd rather keep my friendlies alive than frozen.
Leolin Cwm Annwn
A regular at the use of the cold shoulder. I mean I understand being stuck with the rest of us isn't the ideal of perfect but it doesn't hurt to lighten up a little. Much prefer Ka'van to him since he's at least willing to humor my attempts at being friendly but doesn't hurt to try to be social with him. Just feels like progress is glacial if you know what I mean.
Eliott Reider
For the shyest person next to Silas she sure seems to perk up quick to some funnies or just out in the field in general. I get away with so much more around her which is very fun so until I'm told otherwise the puns will keep coming. It'll take a bit to get adjusted to the lifestyle but she'll do well for herself even if there are people who hit a sore spot. Things have certainly gotten more interesting since she got brought in around here. Wonder if I should set up a betting pool with the others on how long it takes her and Silas to get together, I'd like to see them happier for it but I won't get involved unless they ask.
Valora Beaumont
This poor thing needs a lot of time and work. I plan to keep going low and slow to give her time to adjust, might have to intervene before Ricardo gives her a heart attack instead of a faint attack next time. Just can't stand seeing someone with shivers up the spine like that but its ultimately up to her whether to let people in or not. Maybe an ice sculpture of...no no no that would be bad like the double meaning pun I just did.
In Depth Information Appearance Let us start from the top, moving our gaze towards Willow's hair. As it is, Willow possesses a mop of thick, black hair which proceeds down the left side in a fringe of unkempt streaks. The strands of his hair are rather silky, and incredibly smooth to the touch. Some people have called it luscious, but Willow would insist that they are overdoing it.
A set of large, black eyes rest above his nose peering forward with a level of disinterest which would draw him appearing bored, and less than amused. Is it a resting bitch face? Not truly, but rather he can appear melancholy most times, even though such dark emotions are far from clouding his mind.
As for facial hair, Willow seems to have been spared most of its demands, calling for any level of bladed contact.
Speaking of his skin, Willow is rather pale. It is, however, safe to say, that it runs in the family. Another thing that appears prevalent within the Creeds would be their slight frames. Willow stands at a meager five feet, and three inches at sixteen years of age, with a slight ninety pounds to carry him. He is incredibly slender, to the point of scrawniness where one would clearly see those ribs if his shirt appears elsewhere than on his torso.
As a person who has been active throughout his life, the marks of experience make their way across his exposed frame in the form of smaller scars, and bruises. Willow, having spent a lot of time in the forest and similar locales, has since an age back been closely acquainted with pebble-covered grounds, stones, and dirt roads. One should, of course, mention the myriad of trees he has climbed since an ever-younger body allowed. Now, do not discard the more serious marks appearing on his pale skin. Knife wounds and the like tell of a darker story, indeed.
Every person possesses a scent. Some people appear to blanket themselves in it strongly, enough so for other humans to notice, and others are incredibly subtle. Willow smells of forest leaves, and nature's touch more often, than not. It is considered rather harmonic, rather serene, and most of all, quite pleasant. Rather fitting, Willow has a pair of rather effeminate hands, his skin soft and gentle.
Willow's voice is light, and somewhat raspy to the ear. Given how he is the quieter type, he might just not be used to running his mouth for a long amount of time.
Finally, we'll finish with Willow's choice of attire. Comfort is the word that comes to mind, comfort and affordable accommodations. A notable feature would perhaps be the tired and mellow appearance Willow gives off, lacking in sleep and any healthy level of nourishment.
Clothing Willow wears simple clothing consisting of baggy shirts and cargo pants. Upon his feet, he wears simple converse shoes, with all of his clothing coming off a tad too loose for his slender form. Sleeves tend to hang down his bony fingers, and his pants require belts to stay up. Due to his fragile shape, Willow wears many layers of fabric, as well as a scarf to repel an unforgiving cold. Upon slender hands, Willow wears a pair of fingerless leather gloves. Finally, Willow wears his shoulder bag, and a small knife used for everyday tasks. This knife could not be considered a weapon, by any stretch of the imagination.
Personality Apologetic, in a way, Willow offers those around him an empathetic gaze accompanied by a mellow expression and somewhat apathetic demeanor. He appears to be jaded, quite roughly so, and speaks with a soft, and in every way harmonic voice. A sense of stress, urgency and chaos appear distant if not entirely vacant from this young man.
Indeed, he is a quiet young man. He allows his actions to speak for him, but he is not above a sense of physical affection. Watching a play with friends, sharing a plate of food, and offering a shoulder to lean on are all second nature to Willow.
Towards his friends, Willow is kindhearted, and sometimes even mischievous. His silence draws him a rather curious individual and by all means, odd. The boy appears to spend a lot of time within the recess of his own mind, often escaping the vast world surrounding him with his nose in a book. More commonly, one would spot Willow working on his artistic skills, of which he is rather impressive.
Willow is quite self-going and rarely seeks to rely on others. However, he is not opposed to working together with those approaching him. One could perhaps point it towards a less than reasonable social ability. Speaking of which, Willow rarely if ever mentions the myriad of thoughts echoing throughout his head. It is worth to note the voices living within that skull of his, as well. Throughout his life, however, Willow has gotten somewhat used to them. At least to the point where their absence would worry him, and wash over the poor boy with a wind of loneliness.
Character Evolution 🍧 Mental Stability. 🍧 Romance...? 🍧 Personal growth. 🍧 Friendship. 🍧 Ice cream.
Weaponry Willow does not use weaponry.
Equipment Willow always wears a shoulder bag where he keeps a small pencil case, and a sketchbook. He also possesses a small knife, used as a tool.
Powers Willow possesses a peculiar ability to cause necrosis in organic matter. With this power, the young man can act much like a virus, or infestation, where he can infect an individual with a withering plague. This causes the victim to suffer an effect similar to that of necrosis where organic tissue withers, ages, and rots. This ability is clearly visible upon use, where an energy manifests itself. Additionally, Willow can use this ability in another way, described below.
Strengths 💀 Necrotic Manifestations Much like the conjuring of ice and fire, Willow is able to concentrate his ability into a dangerous force necrotic energy. The more energy Willow puts into the use of his powers, the more rapid the necrosis works, much like a burn. Willow can, with enough power accumulate disintegration with this power. He is however not quite that powerful, yet. However, the longer Willow sustains the presence of his power upon a creature, the more rapid it becomes.
Now, this power takes the form of a beige, bone colored concentrated ghostly energy. Upon contact with organic matter, it forces an immediate reaction of necrosis.
💀 Necrotic Body It would appear that Willow's frame is immune to the strife of biological degeneration where his cells would otherwise split and degenerate. This has effectively halted Willow's aging process entirely, which took effect once his body matured, at eighteen years of age.
💀 Necrotic Puppet Perhaps the most disturbing of Willow's repertoire. Upon using his powers, Willow is able to infect a dead brain with his virus-like ability, taking control of a corpse. This newly reanimated puppet can perform simple tasks, and follows mentally projected instructions given by its master. If the brain stem is damaged, these husks promptly die, and cannot be animated again. While immune to the physical emotion of pain, they are by no means immune to damage. These puppets have the same physical aptitude that they had in life, but cannot use any mental or energy based powers they might have had.
It has been noted that Willow can control a maximum of ten puppets, at a time.
Weaknesses 👹 Necrotic Curse Though his powers render him immune to biological degeneration, Willow's ability constantly saps his mortal frame of energy which renders him tired, fatigued and weak. This also prevents Willow from gaining weight, or building muscle as his powers would drain him of both.
👹 Necrotic Mind Perhaps not an immediate weakness caused by his powers, Willow suffers from hallucinations, temporal psychosis, and inner voices. His physical weakness makes this much harder to resist.
👹 Necrotic Soul Divine and healing powers actually damage Willow, rather than mend him. On the contrary, negative energy powers heal him. Willow cannot heal himself, with his powers.
👹 Necrotic Presence Due to the nature of his powers, Willow's Necrotic Puppets die the moment they set foot on holy ground. Willow can still use his powers, but it becomes exceedingly more difficult to manage them while on holy soil. Equally so, using them drains him a lot more than they otherwise would. Additionally, being within a holy location offers an uncomfortable feeling for Willow, cutting at his concentration and hindering usage of his powers, further.
👹 Shunned Not a direct weakness of his powers, but rather a social stigma. Willow is, in short, a death wielder. Those who do not view him with hatred, would view him with fear.
👹 Artificial Intelligence Willow's powers are completely and entirely ineffective against non-organic matter.
Skills Strengths 🍩 Drawing In a search for something to focus his attention, Willow came across the art of drawing, and painting.
🍩 Pain Tolerance Due to abuse, Willow has grown rather numb to pain.
🍩 Jaded Willow is able to witness quite horrendous scenes, without his gut turning or feeling the effects of panic.
Weaknesses 👺 Physical Aptitude A weak, scrawny and slight frame leaves little to the imagination. Willow can't throw a worthwhile punch to save his life.
👺 Resilience Despite being emotionally numb to pain, his body isn't able to take a lot of damage before going down.
👺 Combat Willow isn't a physical combatant. He'd avoid physical confrontation at all costs.
👺 Mental Issues Willow has a myriad of mental issues, involving hallucinations, voices inside of his head, temporal psychosis and sometimes mental manifestations which are hallucinations that can very well physically interact with him. These are, of course, only a figment of Willow's very messed up imagination.
👺 Social Prowess Though kindhearted, and polite towards his kind, Willow can be a bit of a chore to be around, due to his issues.
Traits Likes 💗 Plushies. 💗 Flowers. 💗 Company. 💗 Cats. 💗 Animals. 💗 Mainly Cats. 💗 Dogs, almost as much as cats. 💗 Drawing. 💗 The Outdoors.
Historical Information Investigative Notes 💢 Found at the age of twelve beaten, and bloodied. Both of his parents appeared to have died from severe necrosis. 💢 It was revealed that Willow had been viciously abused until the age of twelve, when he was found. 💢 Willow displayed severe mental issues upon retrieval, the result of extreme trauma. 💢 He was then admitted to a mental hospital where he proceeded to spend four years. 💢 The asylum was later shut down due to not only the bad treatment of their patients, but also human experimentation and harboring mutants, as prisoners. 💢 Willow was later released into the custody of New Horizon, after Horizon razed the asylum.
History Growing up with abusive parents is not an original state of being. Indeed, a tale told and heard. Willow would proceed to continue these statistics with peers turning their drug-induced wrath towards an unwanted son. Hooking up at an early age, one mistake lead to another, and all too reckless lifestyle landed two previous lovebirds in a nest they could barely keep.
Shifting their focus to alcohol and the ever releasing powder, Willow was left to fend for himself for most parts of his life. Indeed, this lead to a great deal of hours spent outside the confines of the boy's home. It was a commodity for Willow to seek comfort in the presence of others, though as many victims of domestic abuse, he kept the truth of what came to unfold behind closed doors, to himself. There is also the obvious truth that few would listen to, or care for the words of a farmer's boy.
Willow lived a rather common life, apart from his personal situation. His day consisted of spending time with closer friends taking the shape of cattle and pets, and keeping a distance from the more wealthy folk. Upon reaching his home, he'd proceed to keep a distance from his parents as well, though this was not always a successful endeavor.
Upon his abilities coming to be, Willow came to notice a notable shift in his being. That of which came in contact with him withered and rotted into nothingness, and his frame felt all the weaker. The beatings he took felt worse, due to this change. Retreating from the social pursuits which had once offered comfort, Willow was understandably intrigued and terrified by these powers. Though, this fear turned him into a recluse, whereas in he attempted to learn enough, to prevent his powers from escaping his frame.
This addition would, however, come to destroy the home Willow once knew. Though he had come to learn how to control these abilities, enough physical trauma easily surpassed the walls he had built. This evidently lead to a reaction out of Willow's control, where his aggressors met their end.
Extra 🐞 Those with the power to read minds, would be able to hear the myriad of voices inside Willow's head, which would be highly disturbing for them. 🐞 Willow can sometimes be found talking with the voices in his head. 🐞 Due to his reluctance of causing lasting harm to others, Willow very rarely uses his powers.
Blizz "I am happy you find some form of love within these walls. A prison is a prison, wherever you are. Though, I guess it all comes down to how you view your fellow inmates. That shivering cold, however, it makes me tremble. I will remember to bring a second sweater, when in your presence."
Shift "Do you have a self, to call your own? Your powers, they do scare me a bit, I'll admit. Can you find yourself taken over by that animal instinct? Who is the real you?"
Eliott "My voices are within my mind, yours wear you like clothes. Be careful, Eliott.., I often find myself questioning who I really am, but which Eliott is the real one?"
Leolin "Yes, looking at us with skepticism, if not disdain, is probably an instinct which will get you far.., or keep you alive. I would consider this place filled with more freaks than the asylum I came from."
Jane "How can slime have a mind? Even so, you appear to possess more heart than any of us. Ironic, truly. Nothing is what it appears to be."
Witness "Will you look into my past, Witness? I assure you, there will be sleepless nights ahead of you."
Victory "A breath of fresh air, there is comfort in your presence. I will try my best not to hamper that. You bring positivity to those we call allies, which is commendable."
Dawn "If you are as bright on the inside as you are on the outside, there is little that can tackle your spirit, Dawn. I wish I had your strength, maybe then, I would be able to fight back."
Silent Sleeper "Will you enter my dreams, Sleeper? Come then, Silas, welcome to my nightmares."
Wraith "I guess I will never be able to relate. I never had a home, but I am sure you have your reasons to wanting out. I hope that one day, your dreams will be reached."
✢Name✢ Miles Miller.
✢Alias✢ Shrike.
✢Age✢ 32, (16.)
✢Gender✢ Male.
✢Species✢ Synthetic Mutant Human.
✢Precautions✢ Subject requires no extended containment procedure.
✢Personality✢ Miles has displayed a severe lack of incentive since his acclimation. Upon bringing him in, we have noted that the mutant follows orders, doesn't let his feelings get in the way and puts the mission in front of both his own safety and emotional pursuits. He is quiet, withdrawn and reserved. The mutant does not appear to seek the attention of others, and maintains a distance from those who would consider themselves crowd gatherers. He avoids conflict when possible, and provides few reasons for extended containment. Miles displays good behavior, and speaks with respectable manners. Indeed, he is soft-spoken, his voice rather harmonic and it would be a lie to claim that his presence isn't one of the soothing sort.
Miles is a team player, and fulfills his duties to perfection. The mutant watches over his teammates, and prefers to act through the shadows, with distance between himself and the foe at hand. He was designed to be the perfect stealth operative and he displays this with both personality and action.
The mutant is kindhearted, make no mistake. He appears to feel most at home around animals, and finds himself at peace in the presence of these furred companions. We allowed for him to keep a cat, as it appeared to elevate his capabilities in the field, knowing that he had something at home to return to after a mission.
He appears to be a perfectionist, displaying extreme, albeit passive and quiet, irritation when someone affects his arrangements, and structure. It is advised to let Miles maintain this order, for the sake of his sanity. Irritation, as he rarely expresses it in person, will otherwise affect his actions in the field, leading to unintended consequences.
As a whole, Miles is easy to care for. He does not demand much, if anything, and enjoys his own, personal space as it is. Apart from a cat he found and is taking care of, he has never applied for anything. The mutant has only complained once, and that was when someone kept rearranging the books on the shelf, in the lobby.
Miles keeps his apartment clean and tidy, and upon visits, it is highly advised to keep your hands to yourself. He will welcome you, and make sure you find your stay comfortable, and will more than likely ask if you'd like some hot beverage. He will always prepare hot chocolate, for himself.
✢Power✢ ✥Cellular Duplication✥ The ability to replicate any inanimate object within a frame of limitations. The ability also allows for a passive adjustment to the user's frame which is described below. Each replica created by Miles is in all intents and purposes identical to the real object, meaning it's an exact copy. After an item comes in contact with his fingers, a replica will build itself into existence as if building blocks appearing on top of each other until the item is fully created. The process begins from where the item was touched and is nearly instantaneous. It is also worth noting that the replica will appear in the same hand Miles used to touch the item in question.
✢Details✢ ✥Imprint✥ For an item to be replicated by Miles, he has to manage a process called Imprinting. Upon touching an object, Miles can connect with it, and then conjure forth replicas of the item, at will. Once Miles has Imprinted an item, he can manifest a replica of this item wherever he finds himself and no longer needs to have the original item in his possession to manage the feat. This is, of course, until he needs to Imprint with the item again.
✥Weight✥ The item cannot weigh more than two pounds.
✥Quantity✥ Miles can Imprint, and replicate, up to two items. He can replicate each Imprinted item once. As long as the item in question doesn't weigh over two pounds, Miles can replicate everything contained within a single unit.
✥Supernatural Items✥ While supernatural effects can be replicated along with the item, these effects cannot be magical in any way. Miles cannot replicate magic.
✥Substance✥ The only way for Miles to replicate something which isn't solid is if it's contained within something solid.
Biological Material Miles cannot replicate anything which isn't inanimate. Biological material is beyond his ability.
✥Time✥ Each replica is permanent until Miles allows it to disappear or until another replaces it. Due to this, it is impossible to trace his replicas.
✥Agelessness✥ Miles' cells do not split, but rather they replicate. A cell deteriorates every time it splits which in turn causes ageing. This appears entirely vacant in Miles' biological construction.
✢Appearance✢ Miles is a peculiar case. He isn't actually human, but was designed in a test tube. Miles maintains the eternal body of a sixteen-year-old boy, as he was created to appear inconspicuous and unremarkable. The mutant appears innocent, and by no means intimidating. Standing at five feet and three inches, he weighs no more than seventy pounds which allows for fast movement and graceful maneuvers. However, it is clear that Miles was not designed for heavy, up close combat.
The agent has pale skin, somewhat lighter than that of a caucasian hue. It was clear that they were unable to perfectly note hiss pigment. His hair is a raven black, with bangs covering his forehead. Otherwise, he doesn't seem to have any facial hair, yet again, to maintain a stature of innocence around his target.
Despite being artificially created, Miles completely biological, and by proxy, is bound to all such needs and requirements. On further inspection, it is his mutant ability which has halted his ageing, not the fact that he was designed in a test tube.
Miles is somewhat scrawny, and by all intents, incredibly lithe and slim. The acrobatic feats displayed by the bionic creature by far surpasses what would otherwise appear possible with the body he possesses. However, while wonderfully graceful and mastering the aspect of finesse, Miles severely lacks what would otherwise be required in physical strength.
On a more detailed note, Miles has no tattoos and wears no trinkets. However, one can see scars on many areas of his frame, remnants of his many missions.
✢Equipment✢ We have designed tactical wear for Miles that suits his assignments as a supporting part of a team. His equipment is as follows.
✥Visor✥ Miles' visor allows for night vision, as well as thermal vision and a tactical zoom.
✥Stealth Suit✥ While lacking in protection, this suit is noise canceling and provides an ease of mobility.
✥Grappling Hook✥ Built into his left bracer, Miles has a grappling hook which allows for mobility and lets him get to vantage points easily.
✥Firearms✥ Miles' weapons have been specifically designed for stealth operatives. They are silenced, and fire custom ammunition provided by us.
Miles always equips his sidearm, and one primary weapon, depending on the mission at hand. Most commonly, he finds himself using his sniper rifle.
✢Ammunition✢ ✥Electro Bullets✥ Miles' most common ammunition. This projectile stuns opponents, rather than killing them. The closer to the heart or head Miles hits his foe, the more likely it is that the enemy will be completely knocked out. Hitting them in the limbs will shut off that limb. This effect lasts for a noted time period of five hours.
✢History✢ Miles was apprehended by New Horizon during a mission to assassinate one of our chairmen. It was left to speculation what we were to do with him, but after further analysis we were able to recruit him, rather than terminating him. It was his own choice, of course.
This agent was created by an underground group a full thirty-two years ago, and has since then carried out countless assassinations. We have noted how this has left an effect on Miles where he finds it difficult kill once again. Indeed, it has left a bad taste in his mouth, as one might say.
The group that designed Miles called themselves Raptor, but were neutralized by us soon after we were able to extract enough information from Miles. After a prolonged incarceration in our cells, Miles eventually chose to work for us. Of course, it required countless meetings with therapists, and we drew the conclusion quite early on that torture would do little in effect of gathering information from him. Miles was oddly cooperative since the moment we caught him.
Miles has been with us for the longest amount of time, out of all heroes. Despite his faultless cooperation from the start, it was a bumpy ride until he found himself comfortable in his new quarters. We promised him a complete pardon for his previous assignments in exchange for complete loyalty. With the opposing option being death, it was not difficult for him to choose. In fact, he appeared quite eager to leave Raptor. While unsure of what he wanted, or where he wanted to go, he was quick to display a lack of love for his previous owners.
The agent appears to be remorseful for his previous kills and has, during a meeting with a therapist, revealed that it feels good to work for the 'good guys', as he expressed it.
We gave Miles his name, and identity, as he had none beforehand.
✢Extra✢ Miles has a cat. His favorite drink is hot chocolate. Miles is a perfectionist and will hate you if you mess up his arrangements. When not on a mission, it is highly unlikely to see Miles without a pair of headphones on. He is always listening to music. He is somewhat addicted to videogames. Miles' design was based on the lead scientist's late son. His favorite activity is airsofting.
Ka'Van "I've been working for Horizon for twenty years, and I've never come across an alien like him. He has an aura of melancholy around him, not very good for a guy's positivity. Though, after working with him for the past three years, I've learned to fancy him. Er, not like that.., I hope. I don't know, I mean, I named my cat after him. I guess I just find him tall, dark and han-.., mysterious. Is sending fanfics to him every day an act of affection? Does he even read them? I mean, we owe the fans that much, right? Eh, I'm rambling. Wraith's reliable, but there's more to him than meets the eye. Should we watch out? Keeping him at the end of my scope has been an order for a while now, in case he freaks. Hope it doesn't come to that.., I like him. The destructive chip under his skin doesn't ease one's mind, either, right? Just, I've been here long enough to see a lot of heroes rise and fall. Some of them even managed to get out. I got sent after them. Don't do anything stupid, my dude. Horizon's only as evil as you make them out to be."
Silas Myers "A kind heart, a strong soul, and a foolish stride. Silas is a textbook good guy, and it might get him hurt, one day. Putting others over his own needs all the time, I mean, it's a double-edged sword. I'll be honest, though. Out of everyone, the powers I fear the most? Yeah, they belong to him. He can dive into your head, where he can twist and turn the very fabrics of your dreamscape to his liking. Heh, kinda' reminds me a bit of Cthulu. He's not a torpedo in a fight, exactly, but where chainsaws are obvious and up front, he's a scalpel. I'm pretty certain everyone's been a bit paranoid around Mr. Sandman a few times, since his arrival. That aside, it's a kid you can trust. At least, that's what I've been able to gather."
Phoenix Dawn "Alright, this guy's fucking amazing. Ironically, his flashy and bombastic presence is a perfect compliment to my skillset. Do you know how easy it is to get from point A to point B when all eyes are on him? It's easy. Horizon picked him to be the poster boy, for obvious reasons. Kids love him, action figures are abundant, he's always shown in media, and the flashy presence we all stand behind. Phoenix is driven by passion, and he personifies the crusador in all of us. Er, equally so.., he's in a lot of fanfics...like.., a lot of fanfics."
Alice "I guess she's the closest thing I've ever had to a.., mother? Alice is my commander, and she's actually one of the few heroes around here who's older than I am. Being stuck in this body, I can't deny that my mentality kinda' remained, as well. Though, Alice is someone I can admit that I look up to. Maybe, if I got to know her earlier, I wouldn't have as many scars, heh. Though, you know that warm feeling you get, when you're around the whole motherly love thing? It's stupid, I know, but that's kinda' how I feel, around her. For the first time in my life, when I'm with Alice, I feel like.., a kid..."
Sydney Claire Lorraine "I find it difficult to trust someone who doesn't have a set personality. I have to give the girl a chance, I get that, and I will, but as it is? Yeah, I'm keeping an eye on her."
Jane Martin "She is a fucking pile of Jell-O, with more balls than a gladiator. Yeah, I know how everyone looked at her when she stepped.., er.., slid? Crawled? When she.., arrived, that. I did, too. I mean, look at her, she's a fucking puddle, but listen, she's the coolest puddle you'll ever meet. Need a pep-talk? Go to the puddle. To be fair, I have no clue what Horizon thought when bringing her in but I'm happy they did. She's...full of surprises..."
Leolin "Leo" Cwm Annwn "Another tall, dark and handsome alien. What can I say? He keeps to himself, seems to enjoy Wraith's company and looks at the rest of us with distaste. Do I care about him? As far as the mission demands."
Bolin Lài "Male, early twenties. Masculine build, athletic. Genetic analysis reveals an Asian descent. I've got you at the end of my scope, vigilante."
Eliott Reider "Our newest member. She seems unstable. Going from shy and reserved, to psychotic in a fight? I reckon she should visit one of our therapists. It would be less than beneficial to have her go ape-shit on us in the middle of a battle. Do I trust her? We'll see."
Valora Beaumont "Take a breath, assess the situation, and act. No one will benefit from your mistakes, caused by a nervous disposition. Relax, calm down, and execute."
Joseiah Kimbell "An entertaining agent, to be sure. His abilities are rather destructive, and one would need to keep on their toes, around him. I have always found elemental powers to be unpredictable, but at the very least, ice has structure.., unlike Joseiah. Puns, really? Well, as I said, entertaining. I wouldn't want to leave him out in the cold."
A beautiful gold necklace with a jade cross. It keeps her abilities in check, dampening them.
Yatzil is an individual who allows her instincts and feelings to guide her actions. If she wants to do something she will absolutely do it without a second to consider the ramifications. If it gives her pleasure, she sees no reason why not. Loud, opinionated, and fiery she does not care what others may think of her actions. She is quick to smile and laugh - though a lot of things may go over her head. Despite her strong personality she is easy to get along with. The sort of person who will take you by the hand and jump feet first into a situation, dragging you along.
When it comes to conflict or solving a situation she aims to just get the job done. No mulling and no second guessing herself. What she feels is the correct course of action is what she is going to do. She does not take direction well, though if she can be made to see reason she may follow along. She is happy to assist in other's schemes and is not impartial to practical jokes or tricks. Anything that can bring about fun and laughter.
She is not good with technology but is never embarrassed or shy about it. (Or about much of anything) Yatzil is attempting to learn these computer things but in the end prefer the old fashioned way of doing things. She takes things in stride and is not judgmental when it comes to others wants, dreams, or fears. She can be open and caring, almost motherly sometimes. While she will offer hugs and comfort she also takes a bit of the tough love route - occasionally manipulating situations in order to 'help' others learn for themselves.
She loves to drink, dance, and party. If she were allowed to leave the Tower you might often find her at a club or dive bar. She is quick to pick up games and is extremely competitive by nature. If she is going to do something she is going to do it right. No half-assing anything.
She is ageless due to a quick healing ability. her body is constantly rejuvenating itself, keeping her young and healthy. She has never been sick. While not immune to poisons, her body will pull her through no matter the amount given. She just will be laid up for weeks or months as her body processes. The same goes for wounds. She will not die but can be hurt to a point of needing to excessively repair herself, leaving her out of commission for long periods of time.
Yatzil uses blood to give herself buffs. The range and power of this "blood magic" (as she calls it) is dampened by the necklace. It works best when other's blood (and it must be human) is used but New Horizons generally frowns on that sort of thing so she must use her own. Painting symbols on her body allow different sort of "power-ups" - higher defensive capabilities, better eyesight, faster movement, etc. The time it is at its strongest is when she is menstruating, this giving her heightened defence and making her flesh harder to pierce, it also adds power to the symbols she would draw.
The gods gave her one last blessing and that is a siren's voice. She can lure the weak minded or those in a weakened state to do her bidding (within reason, nothing they might not already do) and a battle cry on the way into the fray may cause terror to rush through the veins of her enemy. She can also use her voice to calm someone who is agitated. It only works on human and other humanoid beings.
She is also skilled in using the bow and arrow as well as her preferred weapon, a Macuahuitl which looks like a cricket bat with obsidian blades placed along the edges.
While she would have been about average size during the time of her people, now she is comically short. She stands at about 4'7". She is lithe and well-muscled with a curvaceous/athletic build. She has long, thick black hair with a slight wave to it. While in battle she keeps it up in a high ponytail. Otherwise she usually wears it down. Her skin is sun kissed bronze with a few scars (from intense wounds) decorating her flesh to show she is battle worn. She also has tribal tattoos over her arms, chest, and back.
Her style of clothing she prefers is light and flowy. When outside of the Tower she tends to wear something warm as she is not accustomed to the climate. She keeps her room absurdly warm but can tolerate the general temperature of the Tower. She also likes to wear jewelry and feathers. Yatzil has discovered the ease with which she can apply modern make-up and will occasionally wear this as well. She enjoys decorating her body.
When exactly she was born she does not quite remember. Her first memories were at the temple where her nearly decimated body was brought back to life by the grace of the gods after a particularly horrendous battle with a neighboring tribe. She figures she was likely born toward the beginning of the decline of the Mayan Empire. The priests brought her back as a weapon against their enemies, the gods giving her the strength and ability to defeat all who would oppose her. Her people both revered and feared her. She was something unnatural but kept them safe. (Likely the ceremony was coincidental to the awakening of a mutant ability)
Unfortunately, this only lasted so long until the Conquistadors came. There had been whispers that they were coming. They had wild beasts which could run as fast as a jaguar which they rode, stomping hooves and long manes. They carried weapons of fire and metal and wore plates to protect their bodies. Her village prepared for battle, setting up defenses. It was not enough. She watched in horror as the warriors she fought alongside were felled by the bullets. She fought wildly but in the end the barrage of bullets brought her down.
The Spaniards, unable to kill her, tortured her for weeks until. After two months of this constant physical torture and rape the Spaniards made an ally with a rival tribe. It was they who crafted the jade cross necklace for her and helped the Spaniards trap her in a sarcophagus, sealing it with a curse so that none may open it. She was buried in a temple deep within the jungle and forgotten. It wasn't until the 1930's that the sarcophagus was found. It was opened by an unfortunate hired hand who melted on the spot.
She saw the first rays of sunshine in what seemed an eternity. However, it was white man who freed her. She went into a rage, unable to understand their language. She attacked but this time her body was riddled by new, better bullets which once again put her down. Yatzil was carted off to the original instance of New Horizons where she learned English and what had transpired since her entombment. In learning she agreed to work for them for 200 years as thanks for freeing her. But once this time was up they would remove her necklace and allow her back into the world. She had no way of knowing that they intended to go back on this deal once the 200 years would be up.
Other: She is one of the original members of New Horizon, but has never been given a leadership position due to her recklessness. She still has a strong accent. She has a lot of trouble using technology and tends to avoid it. Prefers spicy to sweet foods. She views all beings with supernatural powers as being "God-Kissed"
I suppose it could be easy to describe him as a 'good boy'. Quiet. Polite. BORING. He doesn't say much and seems to prefer time to himself. This can be a dangerous habit, time alone. I worry he might become addicted to it. As the strange sort of family we are we all have to stick together and care for each other. I hope he doesn't drift away.
Possibly our most adorable team member! I just want to scratch behind his ears and under his chin. You know, I wonder if he'll play with a laser pointer.
A careful, sensitive soul. He has no patience for chaos. It just makes me want to tease him.... I was the one who kept moving the books. Don't tell though, otherwise anytime something goes wrong I might be to blame. I mean, I'm probably the one who did it but he doesn't need to know. We are on amicable terms.
Poor thing just needs a nap. We haven't had much contact so I can't say I have too formed an opinion of him. Seems like a sweet young man though. Probably more fun to do things with than Shrike. Not sure if I want to tease him or enlist him. We'll have to see.
I think I get along well with this man. He is full of fervour and life. The justice thing is kinda strange but I suppose everyone has their own thing. If you want a fun and crazy time this is the kid to see. I enjoy his chaotic and reckless nature. He is caring too though, knowing when he steps on toes.
The calm voice of reason. She is the most adult person here and that includes me. I like her well enough, it's nice to have a more mature person around to chat with. Not everything has to be crazy all the time. It can just be mimosas and girl talk after all.
I haven't really decided yet. She seems to mostly keep to herself but I have seen her throw some sass around. What can I say, a girl who speaks her mind is a worthwhile person to know.
Aaaaah~ Beautiful and lovely Jane. Her energy and excitement are simply adorable. If I could do so without giving offence or getting sticky I would hug her. The most adorable until cat boy came along.
It must be an alien trait to be stand-offish and alone. I don't think he likes me much. Is it the way I dress? The crass nature I behave? But, I'll keep trying. Maybe one day soon we can be good buddies. Or perhaps always distant aquiantances.
Foo Dog
You mean like those lion dog statue things from China? Yeah, I've read a book. So what?
She confuses me. One minute she will be all shy and boring and I just want to take her clubbing. And the next she is a purely sexual being. Not good for clubbing with friends. She has no inbetween. Poor thing needs to find balance.
*sighs* I don't even know to be honest. She seems like a sweet and lovely girl. Neurotic but lovely. I have two words for her - Exposure Therapy. One of these days I'll take her to the zoo and throw her in a lion pit. Maybe then she will get some guts.
Wonderful friend. Great to enlist for trick playing. He is cold though. I hate the cold. But I like him better than I hate being cold so we are 'cool'.
When one has an intimate relationship with death, how is it they can be so... spineless. He is a sweet kid though, just needs a self-confidence boost I should think. My diagnosis... clubbing. Brings out the beast in us. All in all he is someone I should be glad to have on my side though.
Name: Edith Elwood Alias:Ordnance Age: 27 Gender: Female Species: Human (with few minor cybernetic enhancements. Not enough to differentiate though). Precautions:A chip that could cause Edi's powers to pull her own blood from her body, killing herself through inordinate exsanguination.
Personality: Edith's primarily a very quiet woman. Preferring to respond to most questions with a nod or shake of her head. She is pretty quiet, and kind of an asshole - but she isn't horribly pessimistic. She has a positive outlook on life, assuming that any time spent with friends is time well spent. This would be easier, if not for Edith's being an asshole as previously mentioned, but y'know - we all try.
Still, Edith does generally have a smile on her face. She tends to take it pretty easy until someone forces her take things more seriously. Once convinced however, Edith resembles a machien more than a human. On missions or life and death endeavours in general Edith can be seen as something of a loose cannon as far as where the violence is allocated. However, her cold calculation often attempts to avoid any meaningless death. She is certainly willing to take risks that most would not however. Like pulling her own blood when necessary to get the drop on someone. It's a risk absolutely, but in that way she is never truly unarmed - a dangerous trait for someone as willing to to harm as Edith.
She tends to be uninterested in things like romance or eating for pleasure, instead just drinking a simple protein shake or other supplemental diet when she can to avoid unnecessary planning or complications. She's somewhat boring in that regard. However she does really enjoy musicals.
Abilities: Molecular Repurposing: By reaching her hand into any given surface, Edith is able to pull a weapon from it composed of the base components that were reached into. If she were to reach into a concrete sidewalk she could pull a concrete spear from it, for example. This process is somewhat draining, it can be accomplished approximately ten times a day before attempting to perform this will trap her arm in that substance, severing it. It is a level of risk absolutely not worth the attempt. The weapons can be as advance as a common handgun, however it is obviously impossible to create something function like a firearm out of most substances, like wood, or stone. As such Edith prefers to create simple weaponry like daggers, swords, or polearms. The weapon is created from what she is coming into physical contact with, however, meaning that she has to take from the source. That being said she can repurpose the molecules as the name of the ability suggests. Meaning that she could create ice from water, or even crystallize blood should she try. However, what she takes is truly taken. Should she try to use blood, anything more than a small dagger could gravely wound whoever she takes from as they could absolutely die from a lack of blood.
Appearance: Edith has a thin but fairly muscular frame. She is a tall woman standing at around 6 feet and 2 inches, she strikes a fairly imposing figure. More to this point her eyes shimmer a fantastical blue due to the fact that they are implants. Implants that have the ability to record things seen and play it back at a later date. As far as clothing goes, Edith is typically seen in a somewhat formfitting but ultimately utilitarian bodysuit that does not dampen any physicallity that might be required from someone that fights with such unconventional weaponry. She also tends to wear a white jacket on top of that because she isn't going to just ignore fashion.
Edith was born to a family of scientists - those who looked to use her abilities to the best of their pursuits. This began simply enough with tests that were fairly regulated – in order to not get in the way of a young girl’s early life. At this age Edith was fully of energy and, for some reason, extremely interested in giraffes - she was young okay?
Regardless Edith started out with being pretty okay with the testing they did. It wasn’t long before her parents had created a fairly accurate scientific method for what Edith was capable of doing, by literally reaching into solid substances and pulling just about anything she imagined out she was capable of some seriously impressive feats. However, her parents wanted more. She could quite possible be capable of insurmountable feats. For example, she could have become an accomplished surgeon, able to take cancer cells and remove them, or perhaps someone who handled disarming bombs. Taking key components from them and disarming them.
However, Edith was not prepared for that level of stress. Her parents were not prepared to let her surrender, however. It started small – she wasn’t allowed to read her giraffe books until after completing their tests and lessons. After she grew disinterested in giraffes it turned to leaving the house. Once Edith lost interest in that they upped it to eating meals. Once Edith started to fast it was drinking water. Until Edith had enough, she stopped trying to entertain their scientific pursuits and started to plan her escape from that horrible place.
But her parents knew better than to give their daughter freedom of thought – or the opportunity to escape. It was then that they revealed to her that they had removed her eyes at the age of 2 and replaced them with implants that stored all video they recorded. Her plans were discovered and Edith was… Disciplined.
It was at that point that Edith, caged like an animal by her own parents in the pursuit of creating something she was not knew that she would have to fight her way out. So she did. She waited until tests were about to start back up again – it was when she was as well rested as she could be, and she fought for her life. She ripped a bloody knife out of her arm, created from crystallized blood and threatened her parents. She worried about her implants, if they had put another in her for controlling her even further – however as far as she could tell they either decided against using it, or simply didn’t think to put one in. As she ran away she glanced back – if only because one some level, they were still her parents.
They looked hurt, in an honest sort of way that she hadn’t seen before from them. She was glad. She didn’t want to hurt them, but she had stabbed her father with her own blood. It was a sort of ironic moment that felt as though it belonged in some kind work of literature. Yet, there she was, scared and alone, running for her life. It was only a few years later that she turned herself in to New Horizon in order to be sent to the academy.
Notes: Edith is fairly silent in all aspects. But when she does speak she has a deeper intonation similar to something similar to an authority figure.
Name: Model-45, or "Tom" Alias: Foundry Age: 215, Was last rebooted 22 years ago Gender: Indeterminate (he/him) Species: Machine Precautions: Unique Chip - Electromagnetic Pulse
Personality: Tom is arrogant, callous, skeptical, and a serious cynic with a sarcastic streak a mile wide. Generally, he is in acceptance of principles that are beyond his control because what sense would it be for this single individual to rise against a single, dangerous organization? He hates being compared to inanimate objects and is quite proud of his sentience. As such, the control placed on him by the organization grates uncomfortably against his skin even though he won’t try anything stupid to get out of it. Regardless, treating people with respect is beneath him. He will gladly correct people who address him incorrectly and cares little for those beyond those he’s deemed worthy of his “affection”, though that word should be used loosely at best.
However, he’s surprisingly honest and trustworthy at least to those same people. Not a vicious AI or a droning, menial machine – he’s cultivated a personality akin to a stereotypical aristocrat despite his position. Regardless, the cunning machine knows how to use people’s perceptions to weave through most uncomfortable situations and treats himself like a human for the most part, though he looks down on things like ‘eating’ or ‘sleeping’, he has a surprisingly embarrassed reaction to being seen without wearing clothing. He tends to try his best to stay out of combat in most situations or at least to the back of a situation where he can keep things under control and keep a head above the rest. He has a high sense of dignity and does what he can to preserve that in most situations, even as he builds his plans behind the scenes.
Likes: Fashion, Gambling, Old Literature, Awful Music
Dislikes: Arrogance (in others), Jumpsuits, Sitcoms, Subservience
Metallokinesis – the ability to manipulate and psychically maneuver any type of metal for a number of purposes. Be it bending metal into multiple shapes or stopping flying bullets. The extent to which he can manipulate metal depends on its malleability, weight, and other physical factors, but usually, it is made without difficulty. With a body like his made of a unique metallic alloy with a high malleability – the metal can bend almost close to water or clay and comes with a variety of defensive uses.
Body Mod – thanks to the flexibility of the super metal he was created from, he can flip around his proportions, making some things larger or smaller or harder, or he can even cause spikes to emerge from his metal body if needed. He tends to prefer keeping the hard yet flexible metal near his person at all times if possible – it’s very hard to get back, even if he can use his metallic power to return it to him like a big magnet. He can also break down the same metal and add it to his mass permanently, but the super metal is so rare at this point that gaining that material is more of a pipe dream than anything else.
With a sleek, dark metal skin, his anatomy on the outside is no different from a human’s albeit slightly colder to the touch at least on his limbs and extremities. Orange energy surges through certain canals around his chest to vent the large amount of power required from him. Similar, small vents sit around his neck area, but the glowing mark on his face can blink and change to demonstrate mood or thought.
He stands about 6’9” and weighs roughly 250 lbs all things considered. He is made of an impressive super metal that is light and almost fluid, making it easy for his internal systems to replicate similar movements of a human body. Serious damage to his chest or head will be enough to incapacitate him and cause serious damage to internal cores that will take a serious amount of time to repair if repair is possible. There is a scratched out serial number on the back of his neck that doesn’t move regardless of how much his power allows him to alter his body – though it is still questionable as to why it is still there.
Model-45 was the last attempt at a suitable android model capable of a number of services, though meant to be sold both for its abilities as a personal servant and body guard, but this model was made with a few mistakes. For one, its security upon development was easily hacked and manipulated by a hostile AI program created way back in the day, and two, it had become suspect of a suspicious energy or radiation a couple days after its creation. It was initially shut down due to it being a liability after it was seen tearing apart a machine of a similar make and model.
Shutting it down, however, only delayed what was already happening within its mechanical brain. The updating security compromised the hostile AI, and both programs were altered by this strange radiation, causing another significant glitch in the machine’s construction. One that would not be discovered until a terrorist cell brought him online 50 years later. He was upgraded with a sleek new shell and some other mechanical parts, though the curious (or mad) engineer left his programming alone due to its unique qualities. The expectation was that the use of this new super metal would allow them to turn this body into a true weapon of mass destruction, but they ran into some unexpected surprises upon his reboot sequence. One: he appeared to have personality – refusing the direct order of the people that wanted to use him as a weapon and declaring them “beneath him”. Two: he gained a strange super power that let him take his metallic form and turn it into a weapon against them.
Tom was left with a large amount of freedom he didn’t know what to do with and a strange new way of viewing the world around him that was against any programmed protocol. Not requiring food or sleep (and being mostly solar powered with an incredibly high-voltage battery) meant he was kind of free to do as he liked, even if it was from a quieter disposition. He became great at stopping villains for the right price and heading to casinos for only a day or two at a time where his superior intellect allowed him to analyze probability in his favor, he started to make a good amount of money for himself until a grievous injury left him with a need to repair. He retreated to the old workshop, where he could find tools to repair his body, but he would need to be shut down for the process.
That led to another long period of rest that culminated 22 years ago. Once more he awoke and attempted to take the roguish lifestyle of years past, only to find that there were obstacles in his way. The biggest obstacle was the fact that he seemed to possess a unique ability that was not directly connected to his mechanical body. It didn’t take too long to be taken in by the New Horizon, where his pride essentially led to him being treated the same as other superpowered vagrants taken in, especially because both the super metal he was made of and the intuitiveness of his design made him too valuable to scrap. They were pleased to learn that his survival instinct seemed to have grown from years past, and that fitting him with a chip made him just as pliant as everyone else, even if he was fairly vocal about how much he loathed the situation (they didn’t think a robot could get as angry as he did when he was told he couldn’t wear his suit within the Tower).
Along the way, he met Edith and became close to her mostly due to a similar demeanor and a symbiotic partnership. Edith, being mostly unaffected by his snide personality, quickly became a partner he counted on to be of assistance when the situation called for it.
Notes: No, just because he's a robot doesn't mean he can hack into systems and things. His body does not have the interfacing for that.