Bleep Bleep
Bleep Bleep
Bleep Bleep
"Trouble, sir?"
A man with greying hair sat at the end of a long conference table, every set of eyes in the meeting looking at him with anticipation. The man reached into his pocket to pull out a pager. He glanced at the message flitting across the screen. Code 254: Non-super powered individual attacking downtown. Aided by large robotic animals.
"Nothing that can't be dealt with. Scramble Epsilon and Omicron and have them take care of it."
"Yes sir, Mr. Jericho."

The fresh air was a nice treat. Ka'van found himself visiting the rooftop park almost daily, in an attempt to pretend that he wasn't a captive. He sat adjacent to the pond, his legs crossed and his back straight. His arms laid relaxed across his knees, and his eyes were closed. Anyone who knew the alien well enough would recognize this as his meditation pose. It was best not to disturb him.
Ka'van meditated more frequently than ever now, trying desperately to keep his spirit strong. He knew his desires for freedom were selfish: here he was, better off than most of the human population surrounding him, and he still wasn't happy. He was provided food, living quarters, entertainment, and unlimited resources. But yet...none of it made up for what he lacked: contact with his people. He hadn't been allowed to so much as speak to them since his imprisonment here, and every day he could feel the life force he once shared with them grow weaker. The Tower was an impressive prison, but still a prison nevertheless.
Bleep Bleep
Bleep Bleep
Bleep Bleep
Ka'van eyes popped open, their burning red color glistening in the sun. He looked down at his wrist, at the HIVEMIND communication watch he'd been given. A call to arms. Well, time to go save the world. He stood and headed for the stairs. Not many people used them, but he found them to be faster than the elevators. Ka'van entered the stairwell and picked his feet up off the ground. He hovered over the railing, then began to descend down the center of the stairwell. He stopped upon reaching the 12th floor, where the last of the business offices were. This was where their briefing room was.
Ka'van hurried into the hall and down to the briefing room door. It was already open, several heroes having beat him there. It was common practice to give a short summary of what they'd be facing before they entered the field. On the table sat several headset devices that were linked into HIVEMIND. They often used these for hands free communication. Ka'van picked one up and put it on.
At the end of the table, which almost no one ever used, stood a middle aged man in a suit. He had his arms crossed, impatiently waiting for the heroes to pile in. They had ten minutes to report to the briefing room after a page, or else they would suffer through classes on how not to be tardy.
Once all the heroes were accounted for, the man began his summary.
"We've got another nutjob tearing up downtown. His motives are unknown, and he does not have any superpowers. He does, however, have a small army of giant animal robots at his disposal. The SWAT team who responded has reported that the animals seem to possess some kind of artificial intelligence, and can move and react on their own." The man pulled up a screen that had a live feed of the destruction, the said animals in clear view. "There's a lion, rhino, bird, snake, and elephant. I won't waste the city's time keeping you here any longer. Get out there and don't make us look bad."