What counts as dex weapons by the way?
The weapons work a bit differently compared to other table tops. Weapons don't require dex or strength to equip they require the related skill, so any Tier I sword would require the Tier I Swords skill. That being said there are still technically "dex" weapons. Anything that does piercing benefits from dex since dex increases piercing. You will also find named weapons as you hit Tier II and above that have locked traits. Here's an example of a possible named Rapier...
Other weapon info...
Flurry - Active [7 Dex] (Per Engagement): Attack a single target repeatedly, each sequential role suffers a -3 roll result (-3, -6, -9, etc), a miss ends the Flurry of attacks.
Puncture - Passive [5 Dex]: A critical role punctures a hole in the target's aura, their max aura is capped at the amount shown after your critical attack for the remainder of the battle.
Let's say that's a Tier II Rapier with those traits, you wouldn't need Dex to use it, just Tier II sword skill, but Dex would benefit that weapon.
Edit #1: Just to add, weapons that do stun would have locked traits based on strength, weapons that do pierce would have locked weapons based on dex. You won't end up with a Hammer that requires Dex for its locked traits.
Edit #2:

I've created a folder on my google drive for your guys' party. There's a copy of the role sheet for each of you, @manapool1, @Jerkchicken, @Torack, @JELDare, and @rush99999. There's also a role sheet that just says Party #1's copy. Whenever I update the role sheet to add new skills I will replace that Party #1 copy with a new one. You guys can then update your own role sheets whenever you get the chance. Everyone's file is on my drive so if you ever get confused about something or find an error I can open the file and work on it for you, but it should be striaghtforward enough that you guys can do everything on your own. The main thing you will do is this...
Select a Skill

Select a Dark Graident to show you own that skill

That's it. Should be simple but if anyone gets lost don't hesitate to ask me a question!
Here's the link for the folder n_n