Here's my character, hopefully it's up to the task.

Art by by Pojypojy ©
{{ MALE || 37 }}
The middle child of Antonio Digani, one of the most prominent merchant princes of the Grand Republic of Valette, Gabriel grew in a life of privilege wanting for nothing under the care of a loving parents and two sisters with which he got along reasonably well. Values such as loyalty to the family and the importance of duty were instilled into young Gabriel ever since he could walk. The boy did not question it. As far as Gabriel was concerned, that was to be his lot in life and he would be content doing it.
His idyllic childhood ended shortly after his 11th birthday when a shipwreck killed his father. The death of its patriarch threw the Digani family into disarray. With his mother withdrawing into depression and seclusion, the family's affairs were left into the hands of Gabriel's older sister, the then 16 year old Isabella. The host of lesser functionaries and relations was simply not enough to rein the wild and free spirited girl, who for the first time in her life could finally enjoy the total freedom she craved for so long. The Digani's fortunes faltered, of course, and some of their standing within Valette was lost. But disaster was avoided, even if sometimes only barely, by loyal and skilled stewards. Sometimes Isabella even managed to actually do something useful, like land a useful contact in one of her wild parties. Meanwhile, Gabriel continued to be the always dutiful younger brother, even as he grew to disapprove his sister's behavior.
With his mother still withdrawn into her own little sad world, Gabriel was yet too young to be fully involved in the family's affairs. So he busied himself with caring for his younger sister, Alessandra. By the time he had grown old enough to work in the Digani business, Gabriel's opinion of his eldest sister, now the family's matriarch, had sunken even lower. Under Isabella's stead, the Digani's had been gone from one of the greatest trading families of the Grand Republic to a mere middling power. Not only that, but as the siblings grew older, their personalities became too much for the other to bear.
Still, Gabriel served the family to the best of his abilities, whether it was managing the accounts or leading bands of retainers into the mountains to raid rival caravans or protect their own. For some time this routine continued even as Gabriel grew increasingly disgruntled with how his older sister handled their estates. Even young Alessandra grew distant from his brother, now her own woman eager to get out of her sibling's shadows. It was during this time that the then 20 year old Gabriel found a pair of silver earrings among the goods of a caravan belonging to a rival family.
Over the next two years, the relationship between all Digani siblings only worsened. Still, Gabriel served his sister. With grinding teeth, deep scowls and recriminations flowing whenever he opened his mouth to her, but still the ever obedient little brother. Things finally exploded when Gabriel caught his sister sneaking out of their mansion. Following her through the wide cobbled streets of Hightown and into the narrow and dizzying pathways of the lower city, he was shocked to discover that his little sister was on the verge of eloping with Enrico Firnesse, the scion of one of the Digani's greatest rivals and whom they were fighting an all but declared trade war.
Listening only to his anger, Gabriel stormed into the lovebird's alcove. Deaf to their words, by the time he realized what he had done it was too late. Alessandra and Enrico were dead, alongside a few unfortunate bystanders who had stumbled upon the scene and had to be silenced. Hurriedly switching his bloodied clothes for a mismatch of clean garments from his victims, Gabriel rushed back home. For the first time in years, completely at a loss of what to do.
Two weeks later, his hands would be forced, as word of his foul deeds finally came to light. With a bounty on his head and two powerful families baying for his blood, Gabriel fled the city of Valette with whatever he could carry. Eventually settling in the Free City of Rialza and joining the Company of the Thorn, like desperate and aimless youths often do. Taking the name of Agatho D'amere and forging a fake identity to escape the bounty hunters after his blood and Isabella's vengeance.
And so 17 years passed, "Agatho" distinguishing himself among the ranks of the Free Companies for his talents both inside and outside the battlefield. Eventually reaching the rank of Captain and earning his own command within the Company of the Thorn, alongside a reputation across the land for both competence and his cruel treatment of both deserters and oathbreakers.
That is not to say that Gabriel Digani is completely dead. Deep within his soul, the man still holds out a sliver of hope that someday he will return home and not only take his rightful place as the head of the Digani family, but the entire Grand Republic of Valette. For too long greedy, foolish and decadent wastrels have been allowed to run his homeland. Too busy with their petty games of coin and wealth to realize the true potential of the realm they claim to rule. For now, however, Gabriel is forced to cavort with swaggering killers and disgusting, sniveling servants. But someday, and he feels that it's soon, the day will come when he will finally gain the means to make his dreams come true. And when that day comes he is ready to throw himself headfirst into whatever enterprise or adventure presents itself, consequences be damned.
-- A head for numbers.
{{ MALE }}
Proud, blunt, disdainful and with grudges for several lifetimes, Agabyzus was once a Prince. Believing himself a great and just Lord, young Agabyzos looked at the world around him and found it wanting. When his father died, he sought to usurp his brother so that he could tear down the nation and rebuild it in his own image of what a land should be. Though victorious, a single kingdom wasn't enough for the now King Agabyzus. The whole world would be remade according to his perfect ideals, and if he had to burn it down first to make his dream come true, then all the better.
Among the Legionnaires, Agabyzus was regarded as perhaps one of the most merciful. Though destructive, cruel and callous to almost all those around him, the Brass Prince overall goal went beyond simple minded revenge or the desire to burn down the world. Agabyzus wished to create a perfect state, where he could rule as God-King and create his own vision of paradise on Earth.
The defeat has only embittered Agabyzus. Who saw his chances to realize his life dream slip through his fingers as he was confined to the enchanted trinket. Upon finding his way to Gabriel, however, the Brass Prince found someone that he could almost relate to. Sibling problems and a burning hidden ambition (who even Gabriel refused to acknowledge) were something he was familiar with. And so he started influencing the young man who now wore his totem. Slowly and subtly at first, waiting for a chance to fully reveal himself.
This chance finally appeared after Alessandra's murder and Gabriel's flight from Valette. Hopeless, desperate and aimless, the young man was smitten by the regally beautiful figure that showed up in his dreams. So easily swayed and enthralled by harsh but honest words and promises of glory and forbidden knowledge.

Art by by Pojypojy ©
{{ MALE || 37 }}
Tall and dark haired, as usual among the people of Valette, Gabriel lets his hair grow to reach the nape of his neck and wears a beard that is as well kept as one would expect from a mercenary. His features transmit an aura of confidence and his behavior often changes at the drop of a hat, depending on who he's dealing with. Sometimes, however, the mask slips and the disdain he feels for most of those around him leaks.
Like any self respecting sellsword, Gabriel is paranoid enough to keeps his wealth close to him. Rings, earrings, chains and hidden pouches sewn into his clothes.
Like any self respecting sellsword, Gabriel is paranoid enough to keeps his wealth close to him. Rings, earrings, chains and hidden pouches sewn into his clothes.
The middle child of Antonio Digani, one of the most prominent merchant princes of the Grand Republic of Valette, Gabriel grew in a life of privilege wanting for nothing under the care of a loving parents and two sisters with which he got along reasonably well. Values such as loyalty to the family and the importance of duty were instilled into young Gabriel ever since he could walk. The boy did not question it. As far as Gabriel was concerned, that was to be his lot in life and he would be content doing it.
His idyllic childhood ended shortly after his 11th birthday when a shipwreck killed his father. The death of its patriarch threw the Digani family into disarray. With his mother withdrawing into depression and seclusion, the family's affairs were left into the hands of Gabriel's older sister, the then 16 year old Isabella. The host of lesser functionaries and relations was simply not enough to rein the wild and free spirited girl, who for the first time in her life could finally enjoy the total freedom she craved for so long. The Digani's fortunes faltered, of course, and some of their standing within Valette was lost. But disaster was avoided, even if sometimes only barely, by loyal and skilled stewards. Sometimes Isabella even managed to actually do something useful, like land a useful contact in one of her wild parties. Meanwhile, Gabriel continued to be the always dutiful younger brother, even as he grew to disapprove his sister's behavior.
With his mother still withdrawn into her own little sad world, Gabriel was yet too young to be fully involved in the family's affairs. So he busied himself with caring for his younger sister, Alessandra. By the time he had grown old enough to work in the Digani business, Gabriel's opinion of his eldest sister, now the family's matriarch, had sunken even lower. Under Isabella's stead, the Digani's had been gone from one of the greatest trading families of the Grand Republic to a mere middling power. Not only that, but as the siblings grew older, their personalities became too much for the other to bear.
Still, Gabriel served the family to the best of his abilities, whether it was managing the accounts or leading bands of retainers into the mountains to raid rival caravans or protect their own. For some time this routine continued even as Gabriel grew increasingly disgruntled with how his older sister handled their estates. Even young Alessandra grew distant from his brother, now her own woman eager to get out of her sibling's shadows. It was during this time that the then 20 year old Gabriel found a pair of silver earrings among the goods of a caravan belonging to a rival family.
Over the next two years, the relationship between all Digani siblings only worsened. Still, Gabriel served his sister. With grinding teeth, deep scowls and recriminations flowing whenever he opened his mouth to her, but still the ever obedient little brother. Things finally exploded when Gabriel caught his sister sneaking out of their mansion. Following her through the wide cobbled streets of Hightown and into the narrow and dizzying pathways of the lower city, he was shocked to discover that his little sister was on the verge of eloping with Enrico Firnesse, the scion of one of the Digani's greatest rivals and whom they were fighting an all but declared trade war.
Listening only to his anger, Gabriel stormed into the lovebird's alcove. Deaf to their words, by the time he realized what he had done it was too late. Alessandra and Enrico were dead, alongside a few unfortunate bystanders who had stumbled upon the scene and had to be silenced. Hurriedly switching his bloodied clothes for a mismatch of clean garments from his victims, Gabriel rushed back home. For the first time in years, completely at a loss of what to do.
Two weeks later, his hands would be forced, as word of his foul deeds finally came to light. With a bounty on his head and two powerful families baying for his blood, Gabriel fled the city of Valette with whatever he could carry. Eventually settling in the Free City of Rialza and joining the Company of the Thorn, like desperate and aimless youths often do. Taking the name of Agatho D'amere and forging a fake identity to escape the bounty hunters after his blood and Isabella's vengeance.
And so 17 years passed, "Agatho" distinguishing himself among the ranks of the Free Companies for his talents both inside and outside the battlefield. Eventually reaching the rank of Captain and earning his own command within the Company of the Thorn, alongside a reputation across the land for both competence and his cruel treatment of both deserters and oathbreakers.
That is not to say that Gabriel Digani is completely dead. Deep within his soul, the man still holds out a sliver of hope that someday he will return home and not only take his rightful place as the head of the Digani family, but the entire Grand Republic of Valette. For too long greedy, foolish and decadent wastrels have been allowed to run his homeland. Too busy with their petty games of coin and wealth to realize the true potential of the realm they claim to rule. For now, however, Gabriel is forced to cavort with swaggering killers and disgusting, sniveling servants. But someday, and he feels that it's soon, the day will come when he will finally gain the means to make his dreams come true. And when that day comes he is ready to throw himself headfirst into whatever enterprise or adventure presents itself, consequences be damned.
-- An example of his trade.
A noble's education followed by years commanding the Digani retainers and then even more time doing mercenary work have made Gabriel a force to be reckoned with in the battlefield, both as a commander of man and a fighter.
-- A head for numbers.
As the scion of a family of wealthy traders, Gabriel also received a merchant's education. Something that was honed by his years working for the Digani's. When he came to the Thorn's employ, these financial and administrative skills proved to be well regarded by the mercenaries.
Through the eyes of beasts.
Secret to all but him, the Thorn Captain has mastered a unusual aetheric discipline at the behest of his hidden benefactor. With some little preparation, Gabriel can impose his will upon animals, control their actions and see through their eyes. The extent of this control varies depending on the animal, wild beasts whom he has just met are harder to dominate than those who are already bonded to him.
Serathi longbow
A masterwork bow the color of burnished gold Gabriel looted from a dead Wrelm during his early days in the company. The weapon has grown to be his favorite and the Thorn Captain can easily be found among the front ranks, loosing arrow after arrow with constant accuracy before joining the fray.
A Sybarite Eagle Gabriel has raised himself, Alessandra is both a companion and vessel of his will. Always hanging at her master's shoulder, a large and imposing figure of deadly talons and piercing eyes. It also serves as a scout, as unknown to others, Gabriel can take over the animal's mind and fly across the land to bring valuable information to the Company.
Assorted weaponry
As a mercenary of both certain wealth and status, Gabriel has access to a small variety of weaponry, which he selects according to his needs on the battlefield. And though none of these tools are as prized as the Serathi longbow, the Thorn Captain is also rather fond of the simple sword and shield combination or the halberd.
-- Megathocles
Gabriel's own warhorse. An animal of impeccable breeding that cost the Thorn Captain a small fortune to acquire. The black horse is temperamental with anyone that isn't his own master, quick to anger and attack but utterly obedient whenever the Captain sits on the saddle or hold its reins.
{{ MALE }}
A pair of silver earrings


Proud, blunt, disdainful and with grudges for several lifetimes, Agabyzus was once a Prince. Believing himself a great and just Lord, young Agabyzos looked at the world around him and found it wanting. When his father died, he sought to usurp his brother so that he could tear down the nation and rebuild it in his own image of what a land should be. Though victorious, a single kingdom wasn't enough for the now King Agabyzus. The whole world would be remade according to his perfect ideals, and if he had to burn it down first to make his dream come true, then all the better.
Among the Legionnaires, Agabyzus was regarded as perhaps one of the most merciful. Though destructive, cruel and callous to almost all those around him, the Brass Prince overall goal went beyond simple minded revenge or the desire to burn down the world. Agabyzus wished to create a perfect state, where he could rule as God-King and create his own vision of paradise on Earth.
The defeat has only embittered Agabyzus. Who saw his chances to realize his life dream slip through his fingers as he was confined to the enchanted trinket. Upon finding his way to Gabriel, however, the Brass Prince found someone that he could almost relate to. Sibling problems and a burning hidden ambition (who even Gabriel refused to acknowledge) were something he was familiar with. And so he started influencing the young man who now wore his totem. Slowly and subtly at first, waiting for a chance to fully reveal himself.
This chance finally appeared after Alessandra's murder and Gabriel's flight from Valette. Hopeless, desperate and aimless, the young man was smitten by the regally beautiful figure that showed up in his dreams. So easily swayed and enthralled by harsh but honest words and promises of glory and forbidden knowledge.
-- I am the Storm
From using the winds to give greater range and accuracy to arrows to bringing down the wrath of the heavens upon his foes, the Brass Prince's domain over the winds was without equal.
-- Even in Death
Despite considering himself less barbaric than his fellow Legionnaires, Agaybyzus still left a trail of death and destruction in his quest to create Paradise. Always a practical man, the Brass Prince sought to learn ways to make use of the piles of bodies left by his grisly work for something other than grim warnings and food for his servants. Necromancy proved to be a very fertile field of research.
-- Golden Radiance
Though not as apparent as his other abilities, the Brass Prince also learned to use aetheric power as a subtle way of ensuring the loyalty of his followers. Emitting an aura of regal authority that wore down even the most stalwart enemy if given enough time.