Welcome to DC London, while in fact this RP is set in the DC universe there will be slight variant differences than the DC you know. This RP takes place in London, England thus the DC London bit and this RP will not entirely work like another beat em up action RP taking down heroes. Instead the RP will focus on cases, like old Batman comics or even like the Hellboy series, where you will get contracts and cases that you must solve. You may get a few action arcs as well, however, I feel like always going for beat em up action RPs gets boring. You are a part of the London Hero Alliance, the LHA, where various heroes have been recruited for their unique set of skills and powers to take solve and take down your foes. So, do you have what it takes to be a great hero and a great detective?
There will no specific plotline, maybe here and there after we get started, but in the beginning it will be a few simple cases. That I will be basing on the skills and knowledge you give your characters. This RP will be very open world, do what you want, until you get the call. With limited slice of life development moments, character arcs so again the more information you give me in your sheets the more I can build for you something wild crazy and amazing for you, limited plots, and a do what you want type of concept.
Discord: discord.gg/6UYsBMN

This is probably where I’ll lose the most interest is my character sheet. And it’s because I of the system I am using. I like simple, technical systems. In this RP, we will be basing our character’s power level based on a tiered system. Tier 1 being Batman - he has no superpowers. Tier 10 being Superman - considering he cannot be pierced so and so forth. No character for right now should be past Tier 5 - which we will put as Raven. Powerful, but not nearing some super human demigod.
Other than that when it comes to power stats. You either need a + or a -. + = a character strength and - = a character weakness. You will need 2 of each, 2 positives and 2 negatives. And this is as technical as the RP gets when it comes. It’s simply easier for me to gauge where your character is at in terms of power, strength, and capability.
You are allowed up to 2 characters.
Name: Name of your character
Age: How old your character is
Alias: The Super Name you go by when you suit up
Tier: Your Tier Level, Tier 1 through 5, 1 being Ordinary Human with Some Gifts, 5 being Some form of powered individual with ability exceeding that of an ordinary human. This will be increased as the RP progresses if it progresses
Year Spent in LHA: How long have you been a part of the LHA? This allows you to develop relationships among your fellow RP members of how each character may interact with one another. Keep that in mind.
Species: Are you human, some kind of magical creature, some kind of alien, say so here, if it is an original species please list your natural species traits here.
Appearance: Your non powered or super appearance. What do you look like as an ordinary individual?
Super Appearance: Your suit, mask, what does your super appearance look like
Personality: Tell me about yourself. Remember the more you give me, the more I can make your personal missions impactful
Powered Stats: Remember 2 positives, and 2 negatives
Fortitude [equivalent to health or constitution]
Strength +
Psychic -
Speed +
Fortitude -
Powers: Here is where you will define your powers, which is dependent on the power stats and tier which you have placed your hero in the RP. I accept creative and interesting ideas overall, though if you throw a good fundamental at me I will accept that as well.
Skills: What are things they can do outside of their powers?
Equipment: What kind of equipment do their carry around? Think Batman’s utility belt, Nightwing’s explosions, etc.
Weapons: What are some weapons do they use?
Fighting Style: Do they have any sort of fighting style?
Policy: Do they kill or not? What are their policies on crime? Etc.
Notoriety: List me 3 different stories that were placed in the news about your superhero.
Biograph: Tell me about their past, how they grew up, etc. Remember the more given, the more I can write in the RP
Theme Song: A good theme song is a good way to introduce a character