Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Welcome to DC London, while in fact this RP is set in the DC universe there will be slight variant differences than the DC you know. This RP takes place in London, England thus the DC London bit and this RP will not entirely work like another beat em up action RP taking down heroes. Instead the RP will focus on cases, like old Batman comics or even like the Hellboy series, where you will get contracts and cases that you must solve. You may get a few action arcs as well, however, I feel like always going for beat em up action RPs gets boring. You are a part of the London Hero Alliance, the LHA, where various heroes have been recruited for their unique set of skills and powers to take solve and take down your foes. So, do you have what it takes to be a great hero and a great detective?

There will no specific plotline, maybe here and there after we get started, but in the beginning it will be a few simple cases. That I will be basing on the skills and knowledge you give your characters. This RP will be very open world, do what you want, until you get the call. With limited slice of life development moments, character arcs so again the more information you give me in your sheets the more I can build for you something wild crazy and amazing for you, limited plots, and a do what you want type of concept.

Discord: discord.gg/6UYsBMN

This is probably where I’ll lose the most interest is my character sheet. And it’s because I of the system I am using. I like simple, technical systems. In this RP, we will be basing our character’s power level based on a tiered system. Tier 1 being Batman - he has no superpowers. Tier 10 being Superman - considering he cannot be pierced so and so forth. No character for right now should be past Tier 5 - which we will put as Raven. Powerful, but not nearing some super human demigod.

Other than that when it comes to power stats. You either need a + or a -. + = a character strength and - = a character weakness. You will need 2 of each, 2 positives and 2 negatives. And this is as technical as the RP gets when it comes. It’s simply easier for me to gauge where your character is at in terms of power, strength, and capability.

You are allowed up to 2 characters.


Name: Name of your character

Age: How old your character is

Alias: The Super Name you go by when you suit up

Tier: Your Tier Level, Tier 1 through 5, 1 being Ordinary Human with Some Gifts, 5 being Some form of powered individual with ability exceeding that of an ordinary human. This will be increased as the RP progresses if it progresses

Year Spent in LHA: How long have you been a part of the LHA? This allows you to develop relationships among your fellow RP members of how each character may interact with one another. Keep that in mind.

Species: Are you human, some kind of magical creature, some kind of alien, say so here, if it is an original species please list your natural species traits here.

Appearance: Your non powered or super appearance. What do you look like as an ordinary individual?

Super Appearance: Your suit, mask, what does your super appearance look like

Personality: Tell me about yourself. Remember the more you give me, the more I can make your personal missions impactful

Powered Stats: Remember 2 positives, and 2 negatives




Fortitude [equivalent to health or constitution]


Strength +

Psychic -

Speed +

Fortitude -

Powers: Here is where you will define your powers, which is dependent on the power stats and tier which you have placed your hero in the RP. I accept creative and interesting ideas overall, though if you throw a good fundamental at me I will accept that as well.

Skills: What are things they can do outside of their powers?

Equipment: What kind of equipment do their carry around? Think Batman’s utility belt, Nightwing’s explosions, etc.

Weapons: What are some weapons do they use?

Fighting Style: Do they have any sort of fighting style?

Policy: Do they kill or not? What are their policies on crime? Etc.

Notoriety: List me 3 different stories that were placed in the news about your superhero.

Biograph: Tell me about their past, how they grew up, etc. Remember the more given, the more I can write in the RP

Theme Song: A good theme song is a good way to introduce a character
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by knifeman
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knifeman gender: cryptid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ i'm here!!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ i'm here!!

Are you sure about that?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by knifeman
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knifeman gender: cryptid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NinaDivine
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

So would players be playing original characters or canon characters?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

So would players be playing original characters or canon characters?

You may play OCs or canon characters who showed in the comics books from London. I have no problem with either. :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 1 day ago

I’ll be making a character! Love a good superhero RP! :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I’ll be making a character! Love a good superhero RP! :)


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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<Snipped quote by Akayaofthemoon>


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Age: Appears 32 - Perhaps Older

Alias: Imita

Tier: Tier 5

Year Spent LHA: Several - Current Leader

Species: “Human Homunculus”


A stark and stone faced man stood watching you from afar, he spoke no words and gave no emotion. Instead his face remained stone with stern glare. Violet irises that were unnaturally still like glass eyes, he donned himself in clothes of black. A long black trench coat, a leather turtleneck sweater, and black slacks with black dress shoes. His facial features are pensive, and sharp, angular edges that give him the look of an aerodynamic bird. His hair is swept back and blackish violet. His skin unnaturally white that would betray any sense of his original nationality. Standing at 5’10”, 177cm, and weighs 130lbs, 58kg.

Despite his uncanny human appearance. He has a strong Romanian accent, his voice is light, with a hoarseness to it.

Super Appearance:

Imita is your fears, is your hopes. He is your desires. He is your memories. Temptations. A puppet is only as alive as the performer who puts his heart into them. They live only by the life that the holder of the string controls them. Imita is not a hardened warrior. He is a warrior of the mind. He will not be seen with fistcuffs, but see being the controller of his puppets like a general of an army.

Personality: WIP

Power Stats:

Strength -

Psychic +

Speed -

Fortitude +

Powers: WIP

Skills: What are things they can do outside of their powers?

Equipment: What kind of equipment do their carry around? Think Batman’s utility belt, Nightwing’s explosions, etc.

Weapons: What are some weapons do they use?

Fighting Style: Do they have any sort of fighting style?

Policy: Do they kill or not? What are their policies on crime? Etc.

Notoriety: List me 3 different stories that were placed in the news about your superhero.

Biograph: Tell me about their past, how they grew up, etc. Remember the more given, the more I can write in the RP

Theme Song: A good theme song is a good way to introduce a character


Pronunciations of his name




Imita meaning Mimic

Viorel is a name for the alpine swill, though vior is a root for violet
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shard
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I will only have time for one RP at the moment. Thank you, though, ^^.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago


I will only have time for one RP at the moment. Thank you, though, ^^.

Nani? Ehhhh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Alias: Oxylus

Tier: 4

Years Spent: 3

Age: 25


A young man with unkempt, golden brown hair stood before you. Despite his edgy appearance it was betrayed by his excitable personality. While on one hand the unusual tribal, modern, rock star visual style, makes him seem edgy and unapproachable. His genuine warm smile, that brings out his dimples, show a very different person. Category handsome, he has a few scars on his face. He wears a few accessories that give him a hipster look, simple bands with studs, and black rubber bands. Torn skinny jeans and brown shoes with aesthetic dots. His style is as funky as his fun personality.

Lanky and lean, he's not necessarily the picture of a hero. Who are often herculean size men with bulging muscles. Standing at 5'8", with a light counter tenor voice. Lowell isn't exactly the picture of what a hero might look like when you're looking towards the likes of Superman as a role model. That doesn't mean to discount his capabilities though.

Personality: WIP

Power Stats:

Strength +

Magic +

Speed -

Fortitude -


“I wonder if my ancestors wonder if the world is weird. Wonder if I’ll be cursed for using a mere piece of paper.”

It is important to note that Lowell is not entirely human, his family bloodline descends from ancient animal spirits mixed with his human blood. His family an ancient order of werewolves, once expected to be wards of the wood. Instead that seems to be a lost purpose though his drive to protect is probably what led him to become a vigilante in the first place. Due to the druidic and werewolf blood in his body, Lowell is able to freely transform into wolf form. The nature of this wolf form is dependent on the time of day it is and so do his powers. His strongest form being during night, especially on the full moon. His weakest form being during the day.

Transformation -

Day Wolf -

His day wolf form is the weakest, being able to transform merely into a “normal wolf”. Normal in the context that he could be mistaken for an ordinary dog or wolf. Though his day wolf form still has unique properties. Can see auras and smell magical presences even when invisible. Can communicate with other canines and even command them for upwards to a minute.

Werewolf a.k.a Night Wolf -

There stood in the middle of the street, a beast as tall as an average man. At 6ft, it’s skin exposed with a muscular build and some fur alongside its backside. It walked on all two feet, but could cover more ground on all fours if it so desired to do so. It’s pupils were simply glowing, orbs of light, and it spoke in a snarling, animalistic way. Despite having no animal savagery. In this form Lowell is more powerful than his human counterpart.

His night wolf form not only has the ability to cast magic as he is able to do so. It can command any other canine until he releases it upon command. His skin gains natural armor and cannot be pierced by common bullets or common weaponry. He gains natural bite and claw attacks, and his wounds are cursed as well. Though the wounds do not turn someone into werewolves as legends state, instead he leaves mortal ordinary enemies with cursed wounds that could not be cured - for all others with the knowledge and know how they would be able to lift the cursed magic left behind his bite and claws leave - that those afflicted by will feel constant pain even when they have healed and scarred over.

Has supernatural strength in this form as well. Is able to pickup a human being with one arm freely throw them around like a ragdoll and stop small cars in their track, like a four door sedan. Has the ability to see auras and smell magical presences even when invisible.

When walking on all fours, has a greater speed and jumping capabilities. Able to cross a single foot or two with a single bound.

Outside of being able to transform, Lowell comes from a family of druids, thus he is able to cast magic. His magic is limited to elemental magic and it is limited to elemental magic his family is associated with. These being the domains of wind, earth, and wood. His magical gains a great boon during the full moon. All spells require a physical form of the element he is trying to manipulate in order to perform the spell. Wind is trickier in that sense, and often limited by the breeziness of the day.

Wind Domain Spells -

Gust - On particularly calm breezy days, Lowell can perform a gust spell by pushing the slight windy breeze towards his enemies in a slightly annoying gust of wind. Which knocks them back 3ft. On particularly stormy days, he can knock them down onto their backs 3ft away.

Earth Domain Spells -

Rock Drop - Another particular annoying spell of Lowell’s gives him the capability to manipulate fist size rocks and drop or pushing them towards his enemy with a great magical force. This rock only sails about 10ft, but try explaining that to the insurance company when your car gets smashed by one.

Meteorite Dust - Lowell doesn’t just control fist size rocks, he can also manipulate tiny pebbles. Often coarse and irritating. Simply another annoying spell, used to blind enemies in the eye, or get into places that would be considered uncomfortable even to a humanoid alien. Needs a direct throw into the enemies face.

Wood Domain Spells

Root Snares - Able to manipulate branches, vines, and roots to create foot snares or trip enemies. Requires him to be at least in a 60ft range of whatever vine he is trying to manipulate.

Life Wood - Able to manipulate seedlings which he can throw into his enemies wounds. The magic seedlings he throws into his enemies wounds grow by their life energy and grow outside the wounds. Imprisoning them in a leafy doom. Takes upwards to a minute for the seeds to grow, requires Lowell’s magic in order for them to grow. Can be taken out, and requires many seedlings in order to overwhelm an enemy. One seedling might be just a slight annoyance as a tree grows from your arm. Multiple seedlings allow a root system to to develop in your veins and arteries.

Alongside his magical capabilities his blood gives him;
High Tolerance to Pain - it takes a lot to bother Lowell with pain, it just so happens there’s a bunch of superpowered freaks that might do the trick. In retrospective this is more helpful after the fact, which is getting out of danger.

Long Age Span - Despite seemingly looking ordinarly human Lowell may live a much longer than the average. His age span and longevity a lot higher due to the magic and wolf blood in his body.

Sharp smell - of course even outside of wolf forms Lowell has a sharp sense of smell. Probably the reason he’ll hate you for having nachos for lunch.


Chocolate - no seriously. Consumption of chocolate can slowly poison Lowell, enough of the stuff can kill him.

On a more serious note, Lowell is not superpowered in the sense that he could still probably die by a death fist by Bane and other superpowered abilities. He is susceptible to magical attacks especially. And while merely common weapons cannot kill him, enchanted ones and magical ones can, as well as traditional silver can harm him.


Certified Dog Training - Before Lowell went to college for a degree in wildlife, he spent his years volunteering for an animal shelter. There he was certified to be a dog trainer, with his unique capability to communicate with dogs in a way that no other volunteer could. His manager always use to compliment him with the phrase "it's like you can speak to them". If only she knew the truth.

Card Games - Lowell is considered the latest professional in his card game of choice. However, he was banned from a local tournament after a bout of overt excitement had him topple a table, several cards, and a shelf in an overzealous display of cheer for winning a particularly tough match.

Wildlife Biology - His current area of study in college, where he has learned how to identify different birds, how to track radio collars used for endangered species, where he can read, trace and tracks through the prints and scat they leave behind. So and so forth.

Druid Knowledge - Part knowledge he has inherited by his bestial cursed blood and part knowledge he had to learn. He knows how to identify other druids by their clans and their element domains they are focused on. He can also read secret messages left behind other druids. He can also leave his own messages behind that can only read by other druids.

Self Taught Casting - Lowell has no master, he learned how to master his elements through his own personal will. He is self taught caster which makes his skill unpredictable and wild in nature. It also means it is more difficult to pin point where a specific skill would come from as Lowell is always experimenting with ideas and fundamentals to improve upon.

Theme Song:

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by knifeman
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knifeman gender: cryptid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

not done yet, but it's something ( ̄▽ ̄)

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Looking good so far @knifeman
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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