Okay folks, I built a character for this RP. She's supposed to be a spy for a nation I'm still building and saving for later, but as such, her personal interests (and employer's interests) coincide with destroying the Hounds. I am very willing to work out collaborations, as well as adding to arcs and stuff. Due to my confusion and the fact that I'm still getting over a 1.5 year gap, I'm gonna need time before I find out where to place Cipher and who I should play with. Feel free to PM me or hit me up on Discord if you wanna ease me into this~!

"Rex Colt" by Power Glove
Full Name
Maya Hammond | Aurélie Butore
Speech Color
Character Alignment
Walking the Line / Neutral
She normally wears street clothes that suit her environment, but when push comes to shove and she's on raid duty, she simply just dons a tactical vest to carry ammunition for her weapons, some protective gear and goes to work. Said tactical gear looks somewhat like this.
Character Personality
Maya is a woman who is serious, but to a degree. Due to her being born in [REDACTED] and learn English as a second language, she is still in the process of grasping metaphors and such. She understands sarcasm pretty well, and uses it alot for when she talks to her AI Eagle Eye. However, she speaks English fluently, and is a pretty friendly individual who's willing to make friends for the time being. However, knowing her job, she gets assigned to all kinds of different places and loses contact with the people she meets (sometimes having to kill a few), so she doesn't really get attached to the poeple she meets. However, while she may do evil deeds, she doesn't have evil intentions. She's simply serving her country in exchange for full citizenship and full rights for herself and her family, so if she ever tells someone that it's Not Personal, she means it. She's normally calm under pressure, and tries to make an effort of keeping innocents out of the game whenever she's doing her work. However, while she may be a spy and assassin, she has a strong distaste for those who target innocent people, as well as those who sell out others for just greed. She's not as nationalistic as one would seem, and while she's proud of her country and would stand up for any of the good people in it, she feels that they could do a better job at running things, and regrets having to be in the US while she could be home helping her family out.
Origin Info / Details
Aurélie was born into a very destitute and poor family in [REDACTED], and had grown up most of her life scavenging across the lands with her parents, living life from the crumbs on the floor. However, when the [REDACTED] arrived to her country, she was excited at the prospect of change, and things indeed started changing for the better. Schools were built, hospitals significantly improved, and agricultural yield skyrocketed, and people were brought out of poverty. However, the [REDACTED] soon took over the [REDACTED] government, and established a new nation under their rule, retaining the original name of [REDACTED]. While things did indeed change for the better, normal humans were considered second-class citizens under this new metahuman government, and Aurélie grew up with poor treatment from government forces, witnessing human rights violations. While the nation was far worse off beforehand, it didn't get that much better for the humans like Aurélie.
However, thanks to the high economic yield this new government granted, they significantly increased their military power in order to keep surrounding countries from invasion. The [REDACTED] had created new programs in order to grant normal humans full citizenship in the country, most of them being military related. In order to become full citizens, most must either join the military or go through transformative processes in order to join the ranks of the elite in the country. Aurélie, having been very poorly educated, figured that if she did both, she and her family would be treated far better under the government's new rule. When she turned 18, she enlisted with the [REDACTED] Army, and was put through the [REDACTED] Program. The transition was long, painful, and almost torturous, but after a year of development and testing, she was converted into one of [REDACTED] many Cybersoldiers. At this point, she was part of the second generation of Cybersoldiers that made up the nation's army, and after proving herself quite worthy with training and combat through the various skirmishes that Aurélie participated in, she was admitted into the [REDACTED] at 20 years old.
The [REDACTED] had a very grueling training process, and in that process, she had gone through various training therapies in order to create a perfect agent for their need and ends. In that time, however, her CyberChip implant had been upgraded to allow one of the [REDACTED] AIs to operate with her. This AI, callsign Eagle Eye, functioned as a military intelligence AI that would assist her in the field. Over time, Eagle Eye and Aurélie improved to fit the [REDACTED] standards. After passing all of their tests, Aurélie was christened as a full agent of the [REDACTED], and was given her warname that will be used to address her at all times. She was given the name Maya Hammond, and with enough fake documents to help smuggle her to the US. She was given the fake backstory of a joint Sierra-Leonian and Canadian cybernetics project, and was given citizenship in the US. At the time of her being shipped out, [REDACTED] didn't have a way to conceal her cybernetics. However, with many cybernetics programs going on all around with world, and with metahumans and supernaturals becoming commonplace, [REDACTED] didn't think Maya would get any trouble getting into the United States. From there, she did wetwork all over the US and the world, going to places like France, Italy, the United Kingdom, China and Russia. By the time she turned 23, she was back in the US, and she had finally arrived at [REDACTED], collecting intel and completing wetwork for [REDACTED] until she is activated for more missions.
Hero Type
Cyborg (Other)
Power Level
City Level
Active Powers
Cyber Intelligence
Maya is a cyborg, no question about it. With most of her body consisting of artificial superblood, with her bones replaced with titanium alloy, she possesses many latent abilities. However, one ability she actively has to use is her Cyber Intelligence, which is essentially a mind-computer interface that allows her to gather intelligence much quicker than a normal human with any other tool. Her Gen 2 Cyber-Eye (pictured) allows her to see incredibly far distances, as well as act as a targeting computer for any weapon she uses. It also can scan enemies and relay information to any internet port she desires. Thanks to her mind being implanted with a CyberChip that allows her to control her robotic limbs and connect her brain to her cyber-eye, she also possesses an AI that assists her on her tasks and helps keep track of things that her very capable but limited human mind can't. This AI goes by the name of Eagle Eye, which is one of many AIs safely housed in Maya's home country.
Passive Powers
Super Strength
Due to her bones and muscles being mostly synthetic and far more durable and strong than that of a normal human's, her cybernetic enhancements allow her to lift and carry far more than a human should. The maximum she could do, however, is flip over a light APC or a semi truck, but she can also use her weight and strength to slowly pull tanks as well. Taking her on hand-to-hand with her would be paramount to suicide for anyone without the proper ability to even the odds.
Super Speed
Her cybernetic limbs allow her unparalleled speed in running. However, while it is often dwarfed by dedicated speedsters, she could run far faster than normal humans and can jump higher than most normal humans as well, and still not break a sweat. Her cybernetic legs allow her to run fast and for incredibly long distances. Thanks to almost all of her supporting bones being replaced by titanium alloy, she could fall from five-story buildings and take no damage.
Damage Resistance
Due to Maya being mostly Cybernetic, she can take a whole lot of punishment, whether it would be from blunt force trauma, stab wounds, explosions, fire, gunshots or just about anything else that isn't electricity. Her titanium skull allows her to resist headshots from most firearms, and she can shake off just about any kind of damage that she can take her way. However, she isn't entirely invincible, as explained in the Weaknesses section.
Steady Limbs
Her cybernetic arms allow her to aim and use any weapon with the upmost strength and the upmost accuracy. This, along with her targeting AI, allows her to be an unparalleled shot. Noise suppression technology and stealth soles allow her to be incredibly good at stealth, and with the ability to stand absolutely still at any time, with the proper camoflauge she could easily hide from lazy eyes.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 320 lbs.
Strength Level: 20 Tons
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 40 MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 10 Hours
Agility: 2X Normal Human Level
Intelligence: Above Average (Maya), Genius (Eagle Eye)
Fighting Skill: Trained+ / Experienced
Resources: Average (Maya) / Large (Eagle Eye)
Maya is only in control of a small safehouse situated in [REDACTED], where she resides as a plant for the [REDACTED]. However, while her resources consists of a decent sum of cash, a small stash of Israeli Weapons (she carries a Jericho 941 (.45 ACP) with her at all times), and two Chevy Suburbans, Eagle Eye can get much more for her if needed. Due to being an advanced AI that keeps track of all data she recieves, it also has the ability to hack into just about anything that isn't at upmost security (ranging from anything from bank accounts to predator drones), getting her any support that's needed for the mission, making her into quite a flexible spy. However, she has several combat bots that Eagle Eye can control upon if she needs tactical support. Said bots possess similar abilities to her, but are entirely robotic and can only be controlled by Eagle Eye. They are often armed with powerful Galil .308 rifles.
Her sealed cybernetics are waterproof to any pressure, but she is incredibly vulnerable to electric attacks
Targeting her CyberChip (which resides protected in her brain) would put her in a coma, and if done well, could kill her instantly
She possesses a very powerful battery that is charged whenever she sleeps. While it lasts for long periods of time due to it being powered from the rest of her body and normal food consumption, removing it would severely cripple her, and would make her unable to move. She has several spares in case if that happens.
Supporting Characters
Eagle Eye - An isolated military intelligence program developed in the United Kingdom, upgraded in [REDACTED] with a mobile mainframe currently stationed in [REDACTED], this program speaks in a male voice and is pretty much one of Maya's only friends. Being neurally connected to her, and monitoring every statistic (including seeing and hearing everything she does), Eagle Eye could keep track of Maya's surroundings, and point out targets to her. This intelligence is almost Sentient to a degree, with the ability to hack just about anything that doesn't have the upmost security. Despite being only a robotic intelligence, Maya considers Eagle Eye a good friend of hers. Thanks to this isolation, Eagle Eye can act on its own without the oversight of [REDACTED], and can act on its own will. Its intelligence and abilities far exceeded that of [REDACTED] predictions due to its isolated system, and while Eagle Eye has locked [REDACTED] out of itself so he won't be tampered with, he still acts in the interest of Maya, who is in turn currently working in the interests of [REDACTED].
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?

Face Claim: Yaya Decosta
Maya Hammond

"Rex Colt" by Power Glove
Full Name
Maya Hammond | Aurélie Butore
Speech Color
Character Alignment
Walking the Line / Neutral
She normally wears street clothes that suit her environment, but when push comes to shove and she's on raid duty, she simply just dons a tactical vest to carry ammunition for her weapons, some protective gear and goes to work. Said tactical gear looks somewhat like this.
Character Personality
Maya is a woman who is serious, but to a degree. Due to her being born in [REDACTED] and learn English as a second language, she is still in the process of grasping metaphors and such. She understands sarcasm pretty well, and uses it alot for when she talks to her AI Eagle Eye. However, she speaks English fluently, and is a pretty friendly individual who's willing to make friends for the time being. However, knowing her job, she gets assigned to all kinds of different places and loses contact with the people she meets (sometimes having to kill a few), so she doesn't really get attached to the poeple she meets. However, while she may do evil deeds, she doesn't have evil intentions. She's simply serving her country in exchange for full citizenship and full rights for herself and her family, so if she ever tells someone that it's Not Personal, she means it. She's normally calm under pressure, and tries to make an effort of keeping innocents out of the game whenever she's doing her work. However, while she may be a spy and assassin, she has a strong distaste for those who target innocent people, as well as those who sell out others for just greed. She's not as nationalistic as one would seem, and while she's proud of her country and would stand up for any of the good people in it, she feels that they could do a better job at running things, and regrets having to be in the US while she could be home helping her family out.
Origin Info / Details
Aurélie was born into a very destitute and poor family in [REDACTED], and had grown up most of her life scavenging across the lands with her parents, living life from the crumbs on the floor. However, when the [REDACTED] arrived to her country, she was excited at the prospect of change, and things indeed started changing for the better. Schools were built, hospitals significantly improved, and agricultural yield skyrocketed, and people were brought out of poverty. However, the [REDACTED] soon took over the [REDACTED] government, and established a new nation under their rule, retaining the original name of [REDACTED]. While things did indeed change for the better, normal humans were considered second-class citizens under this new metahuman government, and Aurélie grew up with poor treatment from government forces, witnessing human rights violations. While the nation was far worse off beforehand, it didn't get that much better for the humans like Aurélie.
However, thanks to the high economic yield this new government granted, they significantly increased their military power in order to keep surrounding countries from invasion. The [REDACTED] had created new programs in order to grant normal humans full citizenship in the country, most of them being military related. In order to become full citizens, most must either join the military or go through transformative processes in order to join the ranks of the elite in the country. Aurélie, having been very poorly educated, figured that if she did both, she and her family would be treated far better under the government's new rule. When she turned 18, she enlisted with the [REDACTED] Army, and was put through the [REDACTED] Program. The transition was long, painful, and almost torturous, but after a year of development and testing, she was converted into one of [REDACTED] many Cybersoldiers. At this point, she was part of the second generation of Cybersoldiers that made up the nation's army, and after proving herself quite worthy with training and combat through the various skirmishes that Aurélie participated in, she was admitted into the [REDACTED] at 20 years old.
The [REDACTED] had a very grueling training process, and in that process, she had gone through various training therapies in order to create a perfect agent for their need and ends. In that time, however, her CyberChip implant had been upgraded to allow one of the [REDACTED] AIs to operate with her. This AI, callsign Eagle Eye, functioned as a military intelligence AI that would assist her in the field. Over time, Eagle Eye and Aurélie improved to fit the [REDACTED] standards. After passing all of their tests, Aurélie was christened as a full agent of the [REDACTED], and was given her warname that will be used to address her at all times. She was given the name Maya Hammond, and with enough fake documents to help smuggle her to the US. She was given the fake backstory of a joint Sierra-Leonian and Canadian cybernetics project, and was given citizenship in the US. At the time of her being shipped out, [REDACTED] didn't have a way to conceal her cybernetics. However, with many cybernetics programs going on all around with world, and with metahumans and supernaturals becoming commonplace, [REDACTED] didn't think Maya would get any trouble getting into the United States. From there, she did wetwork all over the US and the world, going to places like France, Italy, the United Kingdom, China and Russia. By the time she turned 23, she was back in the US, and she had finally arrived at [REDACTED], collecting intel and completing wetwork for [REDACTED] until she is activated for more missions.
Hero Type
Cyborg (Other)
Power Level
City Level
Active Powers
Cyber Intelligence
Maya is a cyborg, no question about it. With most of her body consisting of artificial superblood, with her bones replaced with titanium alloy, she possesses many latent abilities. However, one ability she actively has to use is her Cyber Intelligence, which is essentially a mind-computer interface that allows her to gather intelligence much quicker than a normal human with any other tool. Her Gen 2 Cyber-Eye (pictured) allows her to see incredibly far distances, as well as act as a targeting computer for any weapon she uses. It also can scan enemies and relay information to any internet port she desires. Thanks to her mind being implanted with a CyberChip that allows her to control her robotic limbs and connect her brain to her cyber-eye, she also possesses an AI that assists her on her tasks and helps keep track of things that her very capable but limited human mind can't. This AI goes by the name of Eagle Eye, which is one of many AIs safely housed in Maya's home country.
Passive Powers
Super Strength
Due to her bones and muscles being mostly synthetic and far more durable and strong than that of a normal human's, her cybernetic enhancements allow her to lift and carry far more than a human should. The maximum she could do, however, is flip over a light APC or a semi truck, but she can also use her weight and strength to slowly pull tanks as well. Taking her on hand-to-hand with her would be paramount to suicide for anyone without the proper ability to even the odds.
Super Speed
Her cybernetic limbs allow her unparalleled speed in running. However, while it is often dwarfed by dedicated speedsters, she could run far faster than normal humans and can jump higher than most normal humans as well, and still not break a sweat. Her cybernetic legs allow her to run fast and for incredibly long distances. Thanks to almost all of her supporting bones being replaced by titanium alloy, she could fall from five-story buildings and take no damage.
Damage Resistance
Due to Maya being mostly Cybernetic, she can take a whole lot of punishment, whether it would be from blunt force trauma, stab wounds, explosions, fire, gunshots or just about anything else that isn't electricity. Her titanium skull allows her to resist headshots from most firearms, and she can shake off just about any kind of damage that she can take her way. However, she isn't entirely invincible, as explained in the Weaknesses section.
Steady Limbs
Her cybernetic arms allow her to aim and use any weapon with the upmost strength and the upmost accuracy. This, along with her targeting AI, allows her to be an unparalleled shot. Noise suppression technology and stealth soles allow her to be incredibly good at stealth, and with the ability to stand absolutely still at any time, with the proper camoflauge she could easily hide from lazy eyes.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 320 lbs.
Strength Level: 20 Tons
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 40 MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 10 Hours
Agility: 2X Normal Human Level
Intelligence: Above Average (Maya), Genius (Eagle Eye)
Fighting Skill: Trained+ / Experienced
Resources: Average (Maya) / Large (Eagle Eye)
Maya is only in control of a small safehouse situated in [REDACTED], where she resides as a plant for the [REDACTED]. However, while her resources consists of a decent sum of cash, a small stash of Israeli Weapons (she carries a Jericho 941 (.45 ACP) with her at all times), and two Chevy Suburbans, Eagle Eye can get much more for her if needed. Due to being an advanced AI that keeps track of all data she recieves, it also has the ability to hack into just about anything that isn't at upmost security (ranging from anything from bank accounts to predator drones), getting her any support that's needed for the mission, making her into quite a flexible spy. However, she has several combat bots that Eagle Eye can control upon if she needs tactical support. Said bots possess similar abilities to her, but are entirely robotic and can only be controlled by Eagle Eye. They are often armed with powerful Galil .308 rifles.
Her sealed cybernetics are waterproof to any pressure, but she is incredibly vulnerable to electric attacks
Targeting her CyberChip (which resides protected in her brain) would put her in a coma, and if done well, could kill her instantly
She possesses a very powerful battery that is charged whenever she sleeps. While it lasts for long periods of time due to it being powered from the rest of her body and normal food consumption, removing it would severely cripple her, and would make her unable to move. She has several spares in case if that happens.
Supporting Characters
Eagle Eye - An isolated military intelligence program developed in the United Kingdom, upgraded in [REDACTED] with a mobile mainframe currently stationed in [REDACTED], this program speaks in a male voice and is pretty much one of Maya's only friends. Being neurally connected to her, and monitoring every statistic (including seeing and hearing everything she does), Eagle Eye could keep track of Maya's surroundings, and point out targets to her. This intelligence is almost Sentient to a degree, with the ability to hack just about anything that doesn't have the upmost security. Despite being only a robotic intelligence, Maya considers Eagle Eye a good friend of hers. Thanks to this isolation, Eagle Eye can act on its own without the oversight of [REDACTED], and can act on its own will. Its intelligence and abilities far exceeded that of [REDACTED] predictions due to its isolated system, and while Eagle Eye has locked [REDACTED] out of itself so he won't be tampered with, he still acts in the interest of Maya, who is in turn currently working in the interests of [REDACTED].
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?

Face Claim: Yaya Decosta
Edit 9001: Added an Edit History, and added Eagle Eye under "Supporting Characters" list.