Here's my jab at it, hope it's alright/fits the theme of what you were looking for.

Name: Aegisthes Daedalus.
Aliases: Aegis.
Titles: 'Cloaked Ranger', 'Exiled hand of the order', 'Traitorous Renegade', 'Peerless Viscount', 'Disgraced General', 'Spear of Malvis'.
Age: 30.
Place of Origin: Malvis.
Kingdom: Crown of Malvis.
Gender: Male.
Time of Death: 9500 years ago.
Eyes: Calming, dull sky blue.
Hair: Black, peppered with white.
Day To Day Attire: Loose, ill-fitting robes. An age cloak hung normally around his shoulders. Prefers to dress in darker tones of clothes, usually a darker shade of green or gray.
Strengths: ye for detail. Can read a person aswell as he can read an enviroment. Relaxed. Natural mind for strategy/tactics.
Weaknesses: Prideful, finds it difficult to apologize even when he knows he's in the wrong. Sticks to his own moral compass, and forsakes set rules if they ever go against what he believes may be right. Stubborn.
Sexuality: Demisexual.
Relationship Status: Single.
Personality: Aegis is a man of conviction, underneath his relaxed, cool gaze is a fiery, undying resolution. He has a strict moral compass, and strongly adheres to it, much to the detriment of the individuals whom he is under. He will go out of his way to help individuals if he decides to, even if he ends up in a loss. On the other hand he may also coldly let individuals suffer if he deems it necessary. Outside of that, he is seen as relaxed, and even a bit inert. He can be seen idly conversing with individuals around him with a restrained laugh. He is said to have a way with words, and stories.

Myth / Legend: One of the most prominent 'generals' during his time. It was said that the old, great Kingdom of Malvis would have been a footnote in history had it not been for Aegis. His birthplace, Malvis, stood inbetween three powerful nations. Each one trying to procure Malvis' loyalty so as to spy on the other two. The current King of the time was a meek, humble king, whom the other kingdoms had treated as a doormat. This king caved into every demand of each nation. From his youth, Aegis mind was steeled towards gaining independence for the kingdom he was born in. He had seen the trifles of the other nations, and despised that the king let them do as they wished, waving away atrocities committed.
It is said that Aegis had won them battle after battle, war after war. Despite his name as 'Aegis' he was more of a sharp spear, that lunged deeply into those who opposed Malvis. He was said to be peerless in a battle of strategy, and at one point, somehow encircled an enemy despite having fewer soldiers. At the end of it all, he almost single-handedly propelled Malvis as 'one of the greats' of its time. He managed to absorb two of the three nations surrounding Malvis, and could have gone for the third had he not been disbarred. Even despite his dishonorable exile, he was touted as the man behind it all.
Parents: Jarrow Daedalus and Hertsen Daedalus
Siblings: N/A
Childhood: As he was growing up, his talent with a (handmade) bow was quickly recognized by royalty. During his mandatory years of service, the lords took great notice to this young man. His skill proved prodigious during his young years, despite being a 'low-born' he shot through the ranks quickly. By 19, he had his own order, an army he could command as he seen fit. Not many of the regal status accepted his rule, even actively trying to sabotage him. He always came out on top however, each plan of sabotage foiled.
Adulthood: During adulthood, he was the first in Malvis' history to be propelled to a Viscount, and would've eventually been a Duke had it not been for his exile. Daedalus became a regal name that resounded throughout the world. His order was one of the only two in his kingdom. One was a 'shield', magistrated by the most stalwart individuals who protected Malvis in it's darkest hour, and one was a 'spear', Aegis' own order.
His exile occured when the Kingdom of Malvis had become blind to it's own hypocrisy. During one of his campaigns, after leading a successful siege, he had found out the the city he had besieged was actually innocent. His own order had culled a city that need not have been culled, and was only done so because they had stood defiant against a larger kingdom harassing them (much like Malvis' own position before it was propelled to it's greatness). Needless to say, Aegis was furious, he had seen the need for cities to fall, but needless bloodshed went against everything he stood for. His order came to clash with the 'stalwart' shield of his kingdom after figuring out they had orchestrated this whole ordeal. It turns out they had already fed the king lies for years, and after the king had figured out his 'betrayal, and madness for attacking the shield'. The shield pushed for his execution, but the population of Malvis would not have it. Him and many of his men had instead been dishonorably exiled from the Kingdom of Malvis.
Rumors say that neighboring kingdoms tried to absorb him into their own, offering endless wealth, and land in exchange for his service and loyalty. But according to history Malvis was the first, and last country he served before disappearing into the annals of history.
Special Moments: Founding of the second, and last order of the Kingdom of Malvis. Being able to take the head of the enemy's commander during a battle from 1000 yards away. Surrounding an army whom had greater soldiers than him.
Current Events: --
Character Quote: "Well. Atleast now I don't have to carry a quiver around."
Theme Song: Battle for Camelot
Aura Color: Blue with traces of white, like a cloudy sky.
Scent: Lavender, with a hint of ale.
Anything Else: --
Aegisthes Daedalus

Character Summary
Name: Aegisthes Daedalus.
Aliases: Aegis.
Titles: 'Cloaked Ranger', 'Exiled hand of the order', 'Traitorous Renegade', 'Peerless Viscount', 'Disgraced General', 'Spear of Malvis'.
Age: 30.
Place of Origin: Malvis.
Kingdom: Crown of Malvis.
Gender: Male.
Time of Death: 9500 years ago.
Physical Attributes
Eyes: Calming, dull sky blue.
Hair: Black, peppered with white.
Day To Day Attire: Loose, ill-fitting robes. An age cloak hung normally around his shoulders. Prefers to dress in darker tones of clothes, usually a darker shade of green or gray.
Strengths: ye for detail. Can read a person aswell as he can read an enviroment. Relaxed. Natural mind for strategy/tactics.
Weaknesses: Prideful, finds it difficult to apologize even when he knows he's in the wrong. Sticks to his own moral compass, and forsakes set rules if they ever go against what he believes may be right. Stubborn.
Psychological Attributes
Relaxed * Realist * Unflinching * Staunch *Sarcastic
Sexuality: Demisexual.
Relationship Status: Single.
Personality: Aegis is a man of conviction, underneath his relaxed, cool gaze is a fiery, undying resolution. He has a strict moral compass, and strongly adheres to it, much to the detriment of the individuals whom he is under. He will go out of his way to help individuals if he decides to, even if he ends up in a loss. On the other hand he may also coldly let individuals suffer if he deems it necessary. Outside of that, he is seen as relaxed, and even a bit inert. He can be seen idly conversing with individuals around him with a restrained laugh. He is said to have a way with words, and stories.
A listing of skills, such as horseback riding or cooking. Levels include novice (0.5 pt), apprentice (1 pt), journeyman (2 pt), expert (3 pt), master (4 pt), grand master (5 pt). Each character can spend 21 points & only two skills can be mastered and one grand mastered. If your character knows magic, it counts as a skill.
- Grandmaster Marksmanship: Aegis is touted as one of the best marksmans in the world. Individuals who rival his mastery, throughout history, can be counted on one hand. It is said that he could hit the wing of a bee 2000 yards away, in such a way that the bee did not die.
- Dagger Mastery: His secondary weapon he prefers to have on hand. If the situation calls for it, he can use daggers with frightening proficiency, so much so that not many can rival his close-quarters combat.
- Tactical Ingenuity (Master): Aegis has a way to see the flow of the battlefield, his calls for retreats, or daring forward pushes has led him to many victories for his order. His visualization of his opponents next moves are almost always accurate. This extends to real-time fights, where he can plan his next few moves in the heat of battle.
- Hard Light Construction (Expert): A speciallised magic, known only by his order. Uses the very nature of light itself as a weapon. It is used to construct their arrows, or to harden their weapons. He has an almost infinite amount of arrows, as long as his mana can conjure. The magic has a distinctive white, with a dull blue hue.
- Fleet of Foot (Expert): As required by his old order, Aegis has near-silent footsteps. He can scale mountains and trees with relative ease, with not so much as a branch rustling.
- Silver tongue (Journeyman): Aegis has a certain way with words. He can talk himself out of a troublesome situation. Merchants would be left wondering why they had lowered the price that much long after he had gone.
A listing of favorite or unique spells, if any. Maximum of four.
- Hard Light - Arrow: One of the most basic spells taught. The arrows penetrative power, and strength comes to how efficient the user has inserted their magic into the spell.
- Hard Light - Bang: Aegis found this one out by accident when tinkering with his magic. By throwing a small object in the air and pouring magic into it, it can be turned into a pseudo-flashbang that can be used as a distraction, or for a quick escape.
- Hard Light - Turmoil: Another application, he found that he could delay the time the hardlight magic would sprout out. This was greatly used by Aegis during close quarters combat. It can be used to lay traps in a guerrilla fight, or for laying ambushes.
- Harden: A more niche use of his line of magic. It can be used to, well, harden the properties of anything they deem necessary- be it weapons, so that they can clash with the hardest of material, or be it walls, so that it can sustain a hit that it should not have been able to.
- Aegur's Cloak: An aged, greying cloak that makes the user near imperceptible. It doesn't make Aegis invisible, per se, it just makes it so he's difficult to focus on. If say, he was in a crowd, you would struggle to find and concentrate on him. Much like being unable to focus on an object no matter how hard you squint at it. Even bumping into him causes individuals to wonder what they collided with.
- Daeloth's Ring: A golden rusted ring, an engraving etched on the inside in an unknown language. Whilst wearing this ring, the user is kept warm despite outside temperatures. It is also used as a firestarter. Given to Aegis by his late father.
- Jagged Stone: A rather simple looking rock shaped in a peculiar way- almost like an arrowhead. It is nigh-indistinguishable from other rocks. When dropped the arrowhead always pivots and points towards North. Worn as a necklace.

Myth / Legend: One of the most prominent 'generals' during his time. It was said that the old, great Kingdom of Malvis would have been a footnote in history had it not been for Aegis. His birthplace, Malvis, stood inbetween three powerful nations. Each one trying to procure Malvis' loyalty so as to spy on the other two. The current King of the time was a meek, humble king, whom the other kingdoms had treated as a doormat. This king caved into every demand of each nation. From his youth, Aegis mind was steeled towards gaining independence for the kingdom he was born in. He had seen the trifles of the other nations, and despised that the king let them do as they wished, waving away atrocities committed.
It is said that Aegis had won them battle after battle, war after war. Despite his name as 'Aegis' he was more of a sharp spear, that lunged deeply into those who opposed Malvis. He was said to be peerless in a battle of strategy, and at one point, somehow encircled an enemy despite having fewer soldiers. At the end of it all, he almost single-handedly propelled Malvis as 'one of the greats' of its time. He managed to absorb two of the three nations surrounding Malvis, and could have gone for the third had he not been disbarred. Even despite his dishonorable exile, he was touted as the man behind it all.
Parents: Jarrow Daedalus and Hertsen Daedalus
Siblings: N/A
Childhood: As he was growing up, his talent with a (handmade) bow was quickly recognized by royalty. During his mandatory years of service, the lords took great notice to this young man. His skill proved prodigious during his young years, despite being a 'low-born' he shot through the ranks quickly. By 19, he had his own order, an army he could command as he seen fit. Not many of the regal status accepted his rule, even actively trying to sabotage him. He always came out on top however, each plan of sabotage foiled.
Adulthood: During adulthood, he was the first in Malvis' history to be propelled to a Viscount, and would've eventually been a Duke had it not been for his exile. Daedalus became a regal name that resounded throughout the world. His order was one of the only two in his kingdom. One was a 'shield', magistrated by the most stalwart individuals who protected Malvis in it's darkest hour, and one was a 'spear', Aegis' own order.
His exile occured when the Kingdom of Malvis had become blind to it's own hypocrisy. During one of his campaigns, after leading a successful siege, he had found out the the city he had besieged was actually innocent. His own order had culled a city that need not have been culled, and was only done so because they had stood defiant against a larger kingdom harassing them (much like Malvis' own position before it was propelled to it's greatness). Needless to say, Aegis was furious, he had seen the need for cities to fall, but needless bloodshed went against everything he stood for. His order came to clash with the 'stalwart' shield of his kingdom after figuring out they had orchestrated this whole ordeal. It turns out they had already fed the king lies for years, and after the king had figured out his 'betrayal, and madness for attacking the shield'. The shield pushed for his execution, but the population of Malvis would not have it. Him and many of his men had instead been dishonorably exiled from the Kingdom of Malvis.
Rumors say that neighboring kingdoms tried to absorb him into their own, offering endless wealth, and land in exchange for his service and loyalty. But according to history Malvis was the first, and last country he served before disappearing into the annals of history.
Special Moments: Founding of the second, and last order of the Kingdom of Malvis. Being able to take the head of the enemy's commander during a battle from 1000 yards away. Surrounding an army whom had greater soldiers than him.
Current Events: --
* ☠ Enemy * ⚜ Unfriendly * ☯ Neutral * ☮ Friends * ღ Ally * ♥ Crush/Significant Other *
- Name: Description
- Name: Description
- Name: Description
- Name: Description
- Name: Description
- Name: Description
Extras (Optional)
Character Quote: "Well. Atleast now I don't have to carry a quiver around."
Theme Song: Battle for Camelot
Aura Color: Blue with traces of white, like a cloudy sky.
Scent: Lavender, with a hint of ale.
Anything Else: --