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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Celeste sipped her tea.
" And so it begins..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Light and Dark, these two kingdoms have been fighting for as long as anyone can remember. The world started with the two Legends, Light and Dark. These two legends made the world to their specifications giving life and prosperity to the world. One day the two legends had a falling out, Light wanted to put the world into an endless cycle of just Light. Dark disagreed and wanted the world to be balanced in both Elements. They soon started to rage battles against each other. Plunging the world into a never ending battle, humans had to decide what side they wanted to join. Some joined Light some joined Dark, then the entire population was split into two races, the Lights and the Darks. They fought and fought ravishing countries one-by-one. Each Kingdom nearly destroyed itself when they two Legends finally died, killing each other in a massive collision of Light and Dark. These Legends left a child to take their place, The Dark Queen Avaline Dark-Bringer and The King Kurova Light-Bringer, these two made a treaty to keep peace until they felt that their kingdoms were ready. Each ruler had two children, Avaline gave birth to Jurano Dark-Bringer, her only son, and Maria Dark-Bringer, her only daughter. Kurova gave birth to Koat Light-Bringer,his daughter, and Avantine Light-Bringer, his son. The day of treaty break was on the first day of the seventh month of the year nineteen oh five, then the fourth great war began...
Jurano was sitting in his room, looking down at the city below. He gave off a low sigh and decided to see where his sister was, he made his way out of his dark lit room, into the corridor. There hanging banners and different paintings, all of them showing either him, his sister, his mother or great grand dad. Jurano never met his father for he died by the hand of an assassin. He kept walking and made his way into the throne room where he found his mother sitting at the throne, reading one of her books.

"Good morning mother, I don't suppose you have seen Maria?" He asked playing with the straps on his arms.
"No I haven't Jurano perhaps she is outside playing for once." She replied with a laugh, she went back to reading her book with a smile.
Jurano rolled his eyes at her, he started to make his way to the training room. When he arrived he pulled his sword from out of nowhere using his abilities to control complete darkness, He was the weapon and the Dark was his sheathe. He started swinging the sword around hitting multiple targets that popped up.
I wonder if I'll see Celestia today... he thought to himself, he found her interesting in many ways but could always tell when she was playing around. Maybe Otaku too... He found Otaku annoying but was always intrigued at how he can make very interesting techno logic advances. He started thinking about the war when his thought was interrupted by a very creepy song his sister always sung.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maira skipped down the hallway humming and singing. her black hair swishing
The shadow whipping in tendril around her like vines

"Can't even shout.
Can't even cry.
The Gentlemen are coming by.
Looking in windows,
knocking on doors...
They need to take seven
and they might take yours...
Can't call to mom.
Can't say a word.
You're gonna die screaming
but you won't be heard."

she slowed to a stop in front of the training room and say her brother. she walked up to him and hugged his legs stooping him from moving, Hugo flew into the room after her and tried to perch n his head but was waved off by Jurano

"look what i found Big Brother." she said holding up a skull.
"Hehehee" she giggled quietly "its a skull wanna play rise of the dead with me??" she said looking up at him. holding the skull against her chest
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Celeste was quite bored.
"*Sigh* I suppose I shall delve into the cards today..."
Celeste walked through the halls of the kingdom, she was admiring the gothic arcitecture..
"The castle looks beautiful, as always" She gracefully walked to a small room the consisted of a crystal ball om a old wooden table.
She raised her arms and chanted:
"Oh spirits of the world beneath, give me answer by that of which I seek. Rise the bones of destiny, give me insight to the darkness on the kingdoms doorstep"
Tarrot cards floated out of Celestias' sleeves, glowing a purple aura as they spun in the circling her crystal ball. There was a flash of light, the cards drifted back into her sleeves.
"*Sigh* Nothing overlry interesting, perhaps I'll wonder through the kingdom grounds, until the Prince requires my assistance"
Celeste exited the room giggling as she walked towards the kitchen to order her favourite drink, Royal Milk Tea.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kiotra546


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Koat was studying strategies in her room, she was looking forward to the upcoming skirmishes that her father wanted her to lead. She had her head burried and couldn't hear her father calling her, he knocked on her door pulling her out of a trance. She dusted her uniform off and walked to the door.

"sorry father i was planning for the next battle."
"Don't worry to much about it, you'll do fine Koat." he replied
"So how was you're counsil meeting?"
"It was boring as usual but we made progress. Do you know where your brother is?"
"last i saw he was practising but he may be doing something different now."
"Ok, if you seen him ask him to see me shall you?"
"Of course Father." She pulled him into a hug before going back to her books.
I need to find out their weakness... she thought before being lost again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jurano noticed his sister walking in and was not phased at how she grabbed his leg. When she asked him to play with the skull he hesitated.

"Uh, ok, i guess." He said with an uncertain smile on his face. "But first..." He said pulling her onto his shoulders. "We should ask if Cel wants to play."

He made his way down the halls towards the kitchen, the most likely place she would be at this time. He found her sipping at her favourite tea.

"Hey Cel, Maria would like to play a game with us." He said while trying to swoop away hugo. He put Maria down and grabbed an apple and bit into it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Celeste sipped her tea. The Prince and Princess had just requested she play a game with them.
"Ahehehe, let me guess, 'Rise Of The Dead'?"
She took one more sip from her tea and rose onto her feet.
"I will play with you two, but I've seen the future, I won't lose this time!" Celeste smiled as she placed a her finger tips on her lips before giggling.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maria hummed her little tune as she was carryed to the kitchen and put down.
she frowned slighly but jumped up to grab a biscuit from the box on the counter.
she retreated behind her brother holing out the skull. "lets play rise of the dead........" i wanna play with the shadows" she said showing Cel the skull.

Cel said yes and Maria grinned a creepy wide smile, Hugo landed on her shoulder silently and ruffled his feathers
'Yay", she said pacing the room drawing shadows from the darkness. she grabbed the hem of Jurano pants leg and pulled him along "come on come on i wanna play in the library and don't light the candles its not as fun when you can see what kills you" she said a scowling at the door that she was slightly too short to reach.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jurano smiled at the girls before realising that Maria wanted him to open the doors, he reached over and lifted Maria so that she could open it. They made their way towards the library.

"Ok so same rules as last time? or perhaps we have it so that only the skull carrier can use powers?" He asked them, opening the library doors, the dim lights were on so he used his powers to turn the library into complete darkness.

"So, who's starting? Maria you can decide the rules and who starts." He said petting her on the head while smiling even though they couldn't see one another before running in a direction away from them making sure not to topple the book cases.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maria smiled at her brother before turning around " ok ill start" she said "the grim( the one with the skull) has to catch and trap the Souls (the others) you can use you powers. if your caught you die" she said with a giggle. she herd her brother run off in to the darkness of the library and assumed that Cel had as well "ready or not now you die" Maria sang before running down a corodor.

singing her Gentlemen song in a hushed tone that eccowed around the dark shelves of musty books and decaying timber.
swinging the skull in her hands she conjured a clock of shadows and summoned her scythe. and continued to search for the lost souls.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Celeste appeared behind Juarno from the shadows.
"Prince, there is something I must tell you about later, it involves my vision of the future"
She got close to him and whispered into his ear
"Do not turn to your left, Maria will be there, Backwards will be you enemy in this game of shadows" She giggled and seeped back into the shadows of the library.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jurano could feel the movements through the shadows, he used it like a massive radar but it wasn't specific to the person, Maria could mask her presence well though. When Celeste appeared behind him he listened carefully.

"Ok, i shall talk to you later. And I thought I could fee her around here." He replied back with whisper. He turned right and made another right hoping Maria wouldnt follow. after a time he made his way around. He made a box of shadow that he hid in, hoping that his plan would work.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maria listen to the voices a couple of corridors away and giggle as she heard footsteps in the one directly to her right.
she smile and waked to the conjunction between the shelves running her hands along the oak wood cases. shadows erupted from her fingertips skuterling over the book case, materializing into shadowy spiders of all sizes thet flickered and shimmered like an illusion and scurried away.
she turn the corner and tripped over a box of shadowy darkness landing on her but with an "oft"
she got back up and stepped aside raking her hands through her cloak pulling it up with her fingers she whipping her cloak out around her, she sent forth a murder of shadow Ravens and Crow to surround that swoop the box. her brother yelled and jumped out and ran backwards down the corridor. but not be for she make mock chains out of the darkness that clanged and clattered.

she began to sing again slowly and softly, following the sounds of her brother;

Cling clang, go your chains, Someone's out to find you,
Cling clang, oh your chains, The Grim is right behind you.
Quick now, shes seeking chains, Approach with their shrill scrape,
Don't stop, flee your chains, Your last chance to escape!
Drag your chains, drag your chains, With all the strength you may!
Drag your chains, drag your chains, 'Ere they drag you away!
Cling clang, go your chains! There's no more time for fear!
Cling clang, no your chains! The last sound that you'll hear!

She giggled as he was trapped at the dead end of the corridor.
"your Out He he" Maria said. poking his leg
she revoked her chains and Cel came sweeping round the corner " i told you i would win didn't i" she said holing back a giggle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Celeste giggled after seeing the princess capture her older brother "Most unfortunate, but I did say earlier I was going to win ahehehe"
"That was an amusing game, but I believe it is time for some food, they will be serving scrumptious sandwiches and juice"
Celeste clapped her hands, setting off the responsive lights.
"Now let us go~" She looked at the prince, indicating that she must speak with him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jurano was waiting in the box of shadow when he heard Maria trip on the box. Dam it she found me... He thought to himself, just as he started shifting inside the box he heard the distinct sounds of ravens and crows clawing away. He jumped out the box yelling in fear,
"STUPID BIRDS GO AWAY!" as he was caught in a dead end he turned and found Maria singing her creepy songs again, knowing he was screwed he just gave up as she poked his leg.

"Couldn't agree with you more Cel," He said after hearing what Celeste said, "Ahhh, ok." noticing her sign to talk. He picked up Maria and plopped her onto his shoulders.
"Come on Little miss Creepo." He said walking towards the kitchen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morpher


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Avantina was out in the forest hunting for food and pelts to sell to the merchant. I was stalking my prey slowly not making a sound i got up close patted the deer absorbing the morph. The deer struggled and try to escape i lost my grip of the deer and i brought out my bow of light, drawing the arrow back to my right side of my lip and i let go of the string made out of light. The arrow flying fast and striking the deer into its chest i hurried over to the deer pulling the arrow out the deer was killed by the arrow in its left side of the chest. I skinned the dear taking the deer hide and meat and on the way back to the market to sell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

They had arrived in the kitchen.
The prince sat the princess down on her royal chair. More inhabitants of the castle came to receive the food.
Amongst the crowed Celeste had managed to sneak away with the Prince back to the small room containing the crystal ball...
"The reason I have brung you here is that I need you to be in my presence as I delve into the cards to obtain a better reading. This morning... I saw something concerning, I wish to delve once more, just to see it is indeed the truth"
There was a sad tone to Celeste voice, although she retained her usual demeanor.
"Oh spirits of the world beneath, give me answer by that of which I seek. Rise the bones of destiny, give me insight to the darkness on the kingdoms doorstep"
Tarot cards floated out of Celestias' sleeves, glowing a purple aura as they spun in the circling her crystal ball. There was a flash of light.
"Oh! So... It IS true"
The cards floated back into Celestes' sleeves.
She shook her head.
"This is concerning, what I'm about to tell you, you must let no one know!"
Celeste came close to the Prince and whispered into his ear, what she had seen
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As they reached the kitchen Jurano placed Maria on her mini throne, he noticed alot of other come through as well. He was pulled out of the crowd by Celeste who took him to her future seeing room. She started an incantation and her tarot cards started flowing around the room, Jurano gave off some of his aura to help power her ability. When she was done she cam up to him and whispered in his ear.

"What? are you sure that's what you saw?" What she whispered in his ear was the most terrible thing that could happen. The Light was coming to destroy all that was dark.
"Ok, we can deal with this, i should go tell my mother though, but maybe at a later time for now, we shall keep this between us." he proceeded to leave the room, he grabbed a sandwhich that was left for him and ate with glee. He sat next Maria and left a spot for Celeste to sit next to them.

After lunch he retired to his room where he started to change into a more civilian attire.

"Now time to see what's new in the kingdom." He said pulling his scarf to his throat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After lunch Maria went to play dust and ashes in her room. but stopped in front of her window modeled to look like a large spiny spider web.
she was looking out of her wide round window hand pressed against the cold glass she saw her brother walking to town in his commoner outfit
"Hmmmm". she looks out at the grounds that surround the Palace, from the Ebony willow trees that dotted the garden by the water to the large, tall and burly timber oaks that lined the drive.
Hugo shadowy form was gliding around the room in silence leaving a thin trail of shadowy smoke in his wake.
"hey lets go Hugo! lets go play with the dead Big brother is out today so we can play alone" she said before a giggle escaped her.
she started to hum to her self as she unclasped the latch of the window pain.
Hugo saw what she wanted to do and flew strait at the Crystaly glass passing through it without so much as a shimmer.
Maria stood up on her window ledge and jumped off falling into the thin air below her. she never had the chance to hit the ground. Hugo had swelled to the size of a large eagle golden eyes gleaming as he flew her to the outside of the castle walls. his transformation flickered and faltered as he was stugerlng to sustain his size. and he shrunk back as soon as her feet touched down on the mossy ground. she kicked off her shoes and ran through the woods sounding the castle summoning Ravens to race and birds to shreack.

she slowed to a stop outside a pair of pitch black gates of twisted metal. she tried to push them open but failed so she pulled herself through the bars in the gate.
finally through she walked around the graves of the city's crematory humming and singing to her self and the dead and decaying around her. she walked up to the biggest stature and climbed up to sit upon the blackening shoulder or an angel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Celeste waved goodbye to the Prince. She looked up and saw the clouds dimming.
"Tsk Tsk, that girl thinks that sneaking out is okay, I should have talk with her later on... Ahaha, or perhaps not"
Celeste walked towards her room, passing some of the servants on her way.
'Hello Madame Celestia!'
"Greetings" Celeste smiled and said "Its a good day to plant strawberries in your backyard" The servant nodded and thanked Celeste.
"Not a problem, now I'll be on my way to my room, make sure that nobody bar the Prince and or Princess are to disturb me!" She giggled
"Or I shall execute them! Ahehehe" Celeste entered her room and closed the door, lied down onto her fluffy bed and closed her eyes to have a nice sleep.
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