Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 24 min ago

Winning. Such a simple concept when you had all the cards, knew the system better than anyone else and could obtain advantages beyond your opposition's wildest imagination. For the Einzbern, the Grail War should have been an easily obtained prize and with it the path to the Root and, they were sure, a reclamation of the Third Magic. But... it didn't work that well. The first failed to go as intended, nor did the second complete satisfactorily... and even machinations in the Third denied them the ultimate victory desired.

For the Fourth, they came to the easiest conclusion: if there were no other competitors, then there would be no way to lose. Yet why not go a step further? With a single Master over all the Servants, then the ritual could be accomplished at their leisure once all other preparations were in place. A simple plan, with such control over the Grail, and one that would have undoubtedly worked...

It was just unfortunate for them that others still wanted their part in the War, the Tohsaka in particular having advanced faster than the Wizard Marshall could have anticipated, and provided enough power for the Grail to call forth another set of Servants... and created a dilemma for the Einzbern. If either side dared to sacrifice their Servants to obtain the Grail would be unable to take it before being themselves defeated.

Into this, that which remained of the former Grail core's intelligence introduced a gatekeeper, a Servant willing to stand with the church and oversee the war, and one that would block all access to the grail itself until one side emerged victorious, rather than embroiling the wish-granting power itself in the conflict...

As one might surmise, the premise of this roleplay is akin to Apocrypha, only not as stupid. Taking place a few years after the canonical date of the Fourth Grail War, there are two teams: the lone Einzbern Master and their Servants (and servants), and everyone else (including the Tohsaka, though the continued existence of the Matou is up to player choice). This charming fellow is here as Ruler and to make sure the war finishes before the summoning is allowed.

In the vein of the original game and /Zero, seemingly broken abilities aren't out of place, though Gilgamesh is as ever not allowed and I reserve the right to reject Servants who don't qualify under the rules of the original Holy Grail War, or whose power level is completely at odds with their identity or outright metagamey.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Interest for sure!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

Interested as well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I'll see if I can't draft something up, then.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

I am not sure what class I am going with just yet but interest!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Also interested.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Raineh Daze - Today at 6:19 PM
Lol, one more interest and I can close the damn thing to signups because all slots are taken xD

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 24 min ago

Well then, I guess I'll swap this to closed unless someone drops out. Good thing I've got so many NPCs to occupy me.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

  • Name: Mordred Pendragon
  • Class: Saber
  • Appearance: "I don't blame you if you run, because your opponent is Mordred!"
  • Personality: Mordred is a surly, arrogant, and supremely violent individual with a massive amount of personal issues. She's got an extremely short temper and, in spite of her insistence about her knighthood and heirdom to the throne, a tendency to kick, punch, and even bite if she feels she must in a fight. In battle and indeed in all matters, she is also insistent Mordred loves battle, the more violent and intense the better, and shows absolutely no mercy to her opponents. Indeed, she is seemingly utterly without mercy. It may be surprising to some, then, that Mordred absolutely refuses to involve innocent civilians, will take no actions that could harm them, and will even do her best to defend them. In spite of how violent, rude, and arrogant she is, indeed it can be said that there are some traits of the blonde girl that can be considered knightly. Speaking of which, while Mordred has no issue with others knowing she is female, she utterly loathes being treated as girl. No matter who it is, no matter what the situation, she will immediately threaten anyone who calls her a girl with violence with absolutely no hesitation. At the same time, calling her a boy is likely to earn the same reaction. On the subject of her 'father', it can be said that Mordred outwardly hates her, but deeper down her feelings are far more confused. Mordred at once admires and loves King Arthur, but also despises and resents her in the same breath. She will not take praise of 'Father' well, but she will also become angry if 'Father' is insulted. She will take any chance she gets to wear something other then her armor, though she is also not a fan of anything overtly girly. She prefers shorts, tank tops, tube tops, jackets, and basically anything comfortable and easy to wear. She also greatly enjoys eating. She is also a rather immature, childish individual, prone to distractions and complaining.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: B+
    • Endurance: A
    • Agility: B
    • Mana: B
    • Luck: D
    • Noble Phantasm: A
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: B
    • Riding: B
  • Personal Skills:
    • Instinct: B
    • Mana Burst: A
    • Battle Continuation: B
    • Charisma: C-
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Clarent Blood Arthur: Rebellion Against my Beautiful Father
    • Rank: A+
    • Type: Anti-Army
    • Appearance: This sword.
    • Effects: Clarent is a powerful sword in its own right. It is a strong, sharp weapon capable of quickly cutting through her enemies, but it possesses a key capability in channeling prana, allowing her to fire beams from the weapon. The strongest of these is an Anti-Fortress attack known as Clarent Blood Arthur, channeling her rage and prana into a devastating destructive blast. She will not use this if there is a chance of collateral damage against innocent people.

    • Name: Secret of Pedigree: Helm of Hidden Infidelity
    • Rank: C
    • Type: Anti-Unit(Self)
    • Appearance: Mordred's helmet.
    • Effects: A Noble Phantasm that prevents her identity from being discerned and any of her parameters from being recognized. If she has any excuse to remove it, however, she will. It has no other effects, but it is a symbol of Morgan le Fay, Mordred's mother. Therefore, she would prefer not to wear it if she has any chance.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Changes: N/A
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 24 min ago

Accepted, move to the characters tab.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

  • Class: Caster
  • True Name: Circe
  • Appearance: "Are you hungry?"
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Personality: An eternal maiden as frivolous as she is famous, Circe is a Servant who tends to her own desires before anyone else's. She, who experienced heartbreak and unbearable loneliness after Odysseus left her for his homeland of Ithaca, is famed for keeping various victims of her magic as pets under her care. To that end, Circe is amazing at household work—cooking, cleaning, and taking care of her Master—and will dedicate herself to pleasing her Master, but she is also completely willing to turn them into another animal to care for should they not desire to reciprocate her love or bore her too much.
    For the most part, though, Circe covers that loneliness up with a bit of joyful cheeriness, acting quite silly and joking around with those in her company rather than let her true feelings show openly. Given the circumstances of the current War, though, Circe is inclined to not only not reveal her True Name or Noble Phantasm to anyone, including her own Master, but also to not use her various animal familiars at all; after all, she is too afraid of being rejected or abandoned once more to even attempt to show her true specialties as the Witch of Aeaea.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E
    • Endurance: B
    • Agility: D
    • Mana: A+
    • Luck: A
    • Noble Phantasm: C
  • Class Skills:
    • Territory Creation: B
    • Item Creation: A
  • Personal Skills:
    • High-Speed Divine Words: B
    • Intoxicated Meal: A - A skill that manipulates the desire of a target to consume the food Circe offers. In using this skill, Circe causes a target to be affected by a mental debuff that causes them to want to consume her meals. The effect increases in strength the longer the target is in the presence of her food, but the presence of Magic Resistance or any similar skill can cause it's effect to weaken. Of course, this skill isn't always active, and not all of her food is drugged.
    • Advice for Sailing: A - A skill representing the advice she gave to Odysseus before he left her. To make use of this skill, Circe must first designate an area as her Workshop, and then establish who her allies are of that group. If any of her allies is to leave the area denoted as her territory, Circe can thus forewarn them of any major ploys the enemy may have in store for the future. In a sense, this can be seen as an offshoot of Clairvoyance, but with one major caveat: in doing so, Circe cannot leave the area until either the aforementioned allies have returned or news of their passing reaches her ears.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Metabo Piglets: Forbidden Revelry
    • Rank: C
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Upon using her Noble Phantasm, Circe spontaneously summons a giant buffet of food (along with an army of various animals, mainly piglets) in front of her. Anyone who consumes the food that she presents will become another animal in her thrall, though for how long it lasts is dependent on the target's Magic Resistance or other such factors. Any non-Servants who consume the food are wholly at risk for the change to become permanent, so caution is advised when she deploys the food. If the enemy does not decide to consume anything, though, they are swept up by the beasts under Circe's command and are trampled underfoot, swept up by the current of the festivity around them.
  • Changes: N/A
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 24 min ago

I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with Advice for Sailing, but accepted.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

  • Class: Archer
  • True Name: Sir Tristan
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Personality: "To gaze into his eyes is to know the real meaning of suffering..."
    Tristan is the embodiment of the sadness and longing that come with tragic love stories. His life story both before joining and after leaving the King of Knights' court is the subject of a lot of contention, however the fact remains that the "Child of Sadness" is as beautiful as he's downcast.
    Even with all that happened in his past, Tristan still remains loyal to his vows as a knight and to his burning love for Iseult. If his master is righteous and just, he'll dedicate his whole being to their cause, but even they'll be spared no mercy if their nature is fundamentally wicked. However, his whole reasoning is shaken when it comes to females, if his master turns out to be a woman, Tristan's dedication will be manifolds greater, to the point that he'd willingly walk into a trap to rescue them if need be.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: B
    • Endurance: B
    • Agility: A
    • Mana: B
    • Luck: E
    • Noble Phantasm: A
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: B
    • Independent Action: B
  • Personal Skills:
    • Harp of Healing C: Musical performance that make use of the bowstring in his Noble Phantasm. Suppresses allies mental disturbance, while opponents lost their fighting spirit.
    • Unblessed Birth B: To be born of ill fate. He was called Tristan, the child of sorrow; for grief follows him so ever since his birth. By means of his singing voice, filled with lamentation, it provides additional bonus to his musical performance.
    • Admonishment of the King of Knights B: "The king understands not of human heart-----"
      The decisive trauma that was engraved on the King of Knights. In the legend, it was a severely heart rending admonition. And yet the Knights of the Round Table, summoned as Servants, unanimously declare so: "Nay. We truly know not what manner of thing you are guilty of."
      The words he left at the very end was an excessively cruel remark; Tristan himself severely regrets uttering those words.
      In essence Tristan's words and melodies are like a sharp blade, delivering a blunt truth that others may not be willing to acknowledge and causing their resolve to be shaken. Even after being summoned as a Servant, Tristan has to keep tabs of the words he speaks otherwise he could easily cause an incident similar to the one involving the King of Knights, his uncle, King Mark, and even his beloved Iseult.
      Truly an accursed gift of "hitting where it hurts" regardless of meaning it or not.
    • Weakness (Poison) D: In the legend, numerous times he was weakened by poison, driven almost to death. Due to that, his resistance against poison is lowered to an extent.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Failnaught: Fantasia of Lamentation
    • Type: Anti-Army
    • Rank: A+
    • Range: 5~100
    • Max. Targets: 10 people
      Tristan’s bow was called a “bow that always hit its target”… but the form of this Noble Phantasm is nothing but a mere “string”. He used the string of his favorite harp, and he flicks off the air by shaking this string, firing what should be called a vacuum arrow. Because the velocity of the arrow, the bow’s angle adjustments, and above all, the loading speed of its arrows are all unusual, it is almost impossible to avoid the entire bullet, no matter how fast the hero is that excels in speed. It seems that the only ways for one to oppose this is by jumping dimensions, move one’s body outside of its range, and so forth.
      For the different ways to use this string, Tristan can take up tactics such as tearing up, slicing up and tying down the opponent. Furthermore, if there is a location that is an obstacle, such as a forest, etc., he can insert traps like “foot entanglements (snares)”, and so forth. The instant a foot takes one step onto the mysterious vacuum trap that was laying there, the enemy floats into midair and is chopped up into pieces.
  • Changes: None.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 24 min ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

  • Name: Kawajima Endou
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance: "Alright, bring it on!"
    Endou stands at about 5'8" (172cm) and... Usually only wears these clothes during combat or wants to look dramatic.
  • Personality: An adventurous, semi-reckless young man with a penchant for trouble, Endou isn't one to simply back down from a challenge. Though he tends towards a more headstrong approach in terms of dealing with problems thrown his way, Endou has learned over the last decade that trickery and ploys, however annoying they may be to set up and wait for, is just as viable a strategy. He isn't much for the whole 'Master-Servant' relationship, though, and would much rather figure out how they work and play by ear than make some convoluted strategy that relies on them perfectly obeying his every word.
  • Skills: Endou is surprisingly adept at using technology, which itself is an oddity for a magus. Unlike the more conservative magi of the last generation or so, Endou himself is more inclined to fiddle with things in the modern era that might give him an advantage... Or simply to kill time. To that end, he's become okay at figuring out how to do things like jump-start cars or fix any tech piece of his that might be broken. Nothing too complex, though. As a result of his status, though, Endou has spent more time focusing on normal school curriculum (and thus learning more about physics than the average magus), which thus plays into his understanding of his abilities while using magecraft.
  • Abilities: Endou, as a third generation magus of a branch family, has some experience in the usage of onmyoji—more specifically, in using shikigami and ofuda—to manipulate light and sound to create illusions and act more as protectors towards the main family. To this end, he can do things such as refracting light into lasers, create flashbang-esque traps, or even create lifelike illusions (complete with sound) to throw his opponents off.
  • Short History: Endou is, as mentioned earlier, a third generation magus of a branch family that focuses less on furthering themselves as magi but instead places the safety of the family heads at the forefront of their minds. The eldest child of the branch family—in this case, Endou's older sister—was chosen to inherit this role, so Endou was given a little more leeway in terms of freedom (though he still had to learn magecraft just in case his older sister was to fall in battle or become ill or something of the sort). The call to arms by the Tohsaka was more of an afterthought for the main family, as the threat of losing their only heir was too high to warrant sending him off to help. And so, in his stead, Endou was shipped off to Fuyuki City instead to participate in the war.
  • Other: N/A
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 mo ago

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 24 min ago

All three accepted.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Raineh Daze

Name: Kikyo Tohsaka

Gender: Female

Age: 19


Personality: Kikyo is the sort of person who at times can seem rather bored and tired of things, stemming from her status a genius/prodigy in part that has dulled her sense of the world to an extent. That being said, when she gets onto topics she loves or enjoys, it is hard to make her shut up and calm down when she gets into such a mood. When she indulges in certain activities such as cooking and swimming, she tends to fall into a somewhat “spaced out” sort of mode where she claims it helps release her mind from the usual stress of life and allows her to empty her mind. Ironically, this isn’t on the level of but is similar to the concept of Mushin (no-mind) seen in martial arts.

Beyond this she is normally rather serious when it comes to serious matters, and this Holy Grail War is no exception to that. Though mentions of her mentor at the Clocktower can bring up good memories for her that she seems to genuinely smile at in retrospect. Though when it comes to attractions and speaking her mind, she can be as blunt as ever about her likes and dislikes without hesitation.



-Cooking- Cheap ramen noodles and home recipes to save money are the name of her cooking game. She can’t cook a five star meal to save her life, mainly due to not bothering to want to learn due to boredom, but due to experience and some learning one could give her scraps and limited supplies and she can transform them into a great dish on the fly for any occasion. Also helps when one’s money ends up going to jewels and other things, and one’s family is constantly struggling in the financial regard. Though given the chance to learn, she might have had a future as chef were she a normal human being and not born into the world of magi.


-General Magecraft- The usual things a mage would learn at base, magecraft skills like locking doors or making bounded fields or constructing familiars. Also within this general magecraft is very proficient in Reinforcement magecraft.

-Jewel Magecraft- The Tohsaka Family Specialty, she very much excels at this magecraft much like she does other forms she has put time and effort into. This includes the creation of small jeweled figures that can move about as familiars as well. She currently possesses 12 gems and about 5 jewel familiars, having built up a store. It perhaps helps that her mother has many business connections among normal people in order to keep the family’s budget afloat in the first place beyond their usual income. However, her father sacrificed his own supplies for her to make the Jeweled Sword due to time constraints.

-Earth Magecraft- Due to having and Earth affinity and a combination of prodigy/training in magecraft, she possesses a rather high amount of skill in this area as general-use combat magecraft to supplement her jewels and lessen how much she’d need to use them. Has discovered a spell or two to help search for gems on her own if need be, though has not applied them yet in practice due to a lack of time.

Short History: Kikyo was born the heiress of the Tohsaka family, the head to their magecraft who would take them to the next level. She was drilled in the magecraft of her family, and even spent some years at the Clocktower learning there. Amongst her peers she proved to be a rare talent, a genius prodigy that swiftly gained attention from those higher up who sought to use her to their own gains/ends. It was a natural thing, but in the end she chose to learn under a professor who seemed to be more "entertaining" and "genuine" a person than others. Safe to say, to her the time was never “boring” around him, and she gleaned the best she could whilst under his tutelage. To her “it was the most exciting time of my life when it came to magecraft”.

However, she was the sort of genius who feels bored with life at times, finding many things dull due to her skills being that level above the average. She found some enjoyment in martial arts, and took up classes in them, and swimming as well as shopping for clothes became hobbies for her at times that she found entertaining. Though a mage, she held no evil or selfish intent for the world, merely desiring to feel alive and learn. Further, her parents slated her to join the next Holy Grail War as was fitting.

Yet she helped managed to do the unthinkable, surpassing her ancestors ahead of schedule as she was called back home and temporarily abandoned her tutelage (master’s permission given of course) to return with her family’s home in Fuyuki to help finish the last part of a project they had long worked on. So when the Einzbern struck with a their plan to seize the Holy Grail, she had by this time managed to help finish the lifelong project of her family alongside her parents: an (imperfect) version of the Jeweled Sword Zeltrech. With this she and her family got the idea to use this object to gather mana to manage to summon another 7 servants to oppose the Einzberns. However, as a result the imperfect sword was destroyed due to the strain.

Other: Has a secret enjoyment of super spicy mapou tofu, though can't cook it. If she gets it she goes late at night to her favorite place, in order to avoid detection by many others and friends/family. In general, she just really likes spicy food, and at times has certain odd feelings when eating it as well when the spicyness is intense enough.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

  • Name: Othianne "Othis" Phorensia Obberhausen
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 19 years
  • Personality: A true genius with a penchant for behaving in an aloof, almost robotic, way. While this isn't a trait very uncommon among those who attend the Atlas Temple for their whole lives; there are exceptional cases such as hers, even among them. Othis is one such case, surpassing the expectations of being a tool for Atlas' advancement, while forfeiting most of the basic traits of what makes someone human. She's basically a computation device in the shape of human being, whose few non-magecraft related interests revolve around the only activities she allowed herself to enjoy as a pastime, reading and problem-solving —especially those of the geometric nature.
  • Skills: Much like many of Atlas' personnel Othis is an adept practitioner of Thought Partition and Thought Acceleration, allowing her to absorb and process information at an inhumanly fast pace. In addition to that she's also quite knowledgeable at a number of subjects both mundane and esoteric in nature.
    She's also, pretty good at baking and coffee brewing. After all, knowing how to make a good coffee is a talent that's very handy to have when you are used to long hours of study.
  • Abilities: As far as magic circuits quantity go, Othis is a pretty good example of what happens when one negates bloodline purity for too long. That said, having a pitifully low number of magic circuits is no problem for an Atlas Alchemist, whose greatest forte is Mystic Code operation. That said, the few that Othis has are enough for her to make use of a variation of Gradation Air focused on decomposition and understanding of the inner structures of objects. Othis isn't able to employ any meaningful form of projection since she just doesn't have enough mana output for that, but she's very capable of analyzing the base nature of everything with a mere sight, a talent that can pretty much be called "Mystic Eyes of Scanning" though in truth it's more like the masterful eyes of an ancient mathematician an engineer.
    One example of its usage is being able to instantly assess the atomic composition, molecular structure, age and physical weaknesses (crystallographic defects, cracks, etc.) of an item up to the size of a classical age human sculpture, meaning that large or complex structures need to be broken down in parts and or disassembled befoe she can analyze them. It can also be very useful for comprehending abstract concepts such as mathematical formulae and functions, though Othis still has to process the information on her own.
    She also has access to two Mystic Codes. The first is a Orichalcum(Brass) Gauntlet that acts as an amplifier and control unit to metallurgic magecraft and electricity based attacks. It's collapsible to the size of a common bracelet so that Othis can have it with her the whole time. And the second, a harness made of the same material that wraps around her waist, back, and torso, whose primary function is collecting spiritrons from the nearby environment and convert them into usable magic energy. Additionally, it also works as defensive armor (albeit not a very powerful one) and can deploy up to two pairs of extension limbs that very useful when you need to work on more tasks at once than the number of hands you have.
  • Short History: Under construction
  • Other: Under construction
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