@CiaranThe Reid Farmhouse - Mason Square.
The bugs drifted away as Sharon calmed down, and Lynette let out a sigh of relief. Personally, she wasn't going to take sides here because, personally, both sides were right
and wrong. It was too complicated to explain, but all Lynette had to worry about was the school. She
did want to go, but if she was picking up on Billy's drift, she had a feeling it was a trap. If it was up to Lynette, she would want Sharon to come with in the event she was walking them straight into a trap - but she really had a feeling that the girl just wanted to get rid of them.
Sharon let out a deep breath... and innately scolded herself for losing her temper so vividly. In front of so many good people. She could only shake her head. Billy held the center of her attention as she raised her head. "That's the thing, I don't want to go. I don't want to even think about that place..." Sharon trailed off as she looked to the side.
"But, that's too much to expect of us," Lynette chimed in, "I know it may be hard for you, but you're not giving us a lot to work with. You're making it hard to trust your word alone."
Sharon sighed.
"... Okay, I'll go with," Sharon just resigned as she shook her head. "But, I want the whole group to go, and afterwards... I'll still want my answer." she stated.
"Okay, that's what I think the group wanted to hear." Lynette stated, before Sharon nodded her head. Hopefully, they'd have a valuable member of their group on their hands.
Sharon got up, and said, "Yeah, Hillview High is just a stone's throw." She awkwardly grabbed her other arm. "... and could one of you tell that girl I'm sorry about that. I just... anger fast."
Britney knew the whole story, and it was more than just getting angry. But, Britney had more respect for Sharon than that, so she'd stay quiet. "I'll tell the others our next course of action."
"... You better be not be sendin' us on a wild goose chase, Reid," Claire dryly, and flatly noted. "Or you're going have to answer to me."
"I have no reason t-"
"To get us the hell outta your house." Claire smirked.
"I have no reason to -
other than that - but trust me, you don't want nothing to do with the so-called Guardian of this town," Sharon stated as she looked out the window, as the last remaining bits of sunlight gracefully left the fields.
"... and after this, you'll know exactly
5:00 PM.The Williams Estate - Blacksmith Square.
The Williams Estate was as lavish as one would expect from such a family. A mere three story house with a regal staircase leading up to it with huge pillars on each side of the door. A balcony above the porch with a huge view of the neighboring houses. It had a red triangle shaped roof with windows, and was made out of red bricking. The perimeter of the household was lined with easily a thirteen foot brick wall, with spikes on top of it to deter any break ins.
Britney herself was standing on the balcony, overlooking the town. Leaning on the railing, having a little drink of wine that she snuck out of her father's supply. She held it in a little wine glass, and she held it up to her lips and sucked up a sip.
"Britney," A voice spoke from behind her, and Britney looked over her shoulder to see a familiar face. A girl who was most certainly racially ambiguous. She had the face of a south Indian woman, but the skin-tone and hair of an African-American woman. She was much shorter than Britney, at around the height of an average adult female. The girl had on glasses, and jeans, and a simple t-shirt. "Amethyst would like to have a word with you."
Britney sighed as she knew what was coming next. She rolled her eyes as she stood straight up, shaking her head. She walked past the girl, and stepped back inside. The room was like a study. With various chairs and sofas arranged, and many bookcases lining the walls. In one of the chairs, there was a figure wearing a massive purple robe, but she had the hood down. Revealing her rounded facial features, and her blonde-hair cut very short in a form of a pixie cut. She had a dominant, authoritative aura around her... like she was a queen on a throne. But, here she was, sitting in her study. Merely lounging in the chair, Britney sat on the chair across from her so that there was only a table separating the two.
"So, Ms. Williams," The robed woman said, "How are your assignments going? Have you identified the Awakened, yet?"
Britney avoided meeting the woman's gaze as she took another sip, "Well, I'm still looking, it's hard with Reese taking them all out." She shook her head.
"Oh?" The woman said in a feigned, fake-curiosity. "Then who is that group you've been trotting around with? The same group that Goro, and the Obott twins have spotted you gathering." She asked, and Britney was shocked, nearly spitting out the wine through her nose.
"You know, Ms. Williams..." The woman trailed off, crossing her legs, "You are a servant to the League, and to the League alone. Lying to them on such a matter could mean the untimely demise of you and your family."
"And I doubt they'd approve of your plans either, Amethyst..." Britney groaned, before she sunk back into her chair. "Yes... I have identified the Awakened of the town. Most of them. There's probably a
loooot more out there..." She slunk her head back.
"Give me the word, and I'll have the Watchers wipe them out," Amethyst casually said. So casually that Britney was disturbed.
"No!" Britney shouted. "Some of them are friends I've known for years!"
Amethyst shrugged.
"... So?" She casually said again, "They're friends. Your real allegiance is to your family. And your family's allegiance is to the League. Friends come and go."
"You keep saying that..." Britney groaned. "It's hard to really give a damn about what the League wants."
"This is exactly what I warned your father..." Amethyst trailed off, "You spent too much time with the people of Shimmer. Talking to them. Developing a philosophy that is... troublesome."
"Well, that's just how it is," Britney trailed off. "But, in any case, I still completed your first objective: I've identified the Awakened. Not only that, I've got them in a little group, and we're going to figure out who killed John Reid."
"Two things," Amethyst said, "First, we don't need an army of them, we need one, powerful, agent that is eternally loyal to the League. And since John is dead, you're next in line..."
"And I don't care," Britney said, "They're not without their flaws, but they're still
people. I won't just kill them because you think it's the best course of action. I know the League is all about the greater good, and that needs of the many bullshit - well, it's easy to say that stupid shit when
you're not the one making the sacrifice."
"... That brings me to the other point," Amethyst said, "Goro brought up a few good points about the murder of John Reid."
"For starters, he was in the same area as you when he was killed, he was coming to meet
you, you had the ability to easily create what he was murdered with, and... you voiced your concerns for our plan." Amethyst said in a sly tone.
Britney's eyes widened when she caught her drift. "There was no way I could have killed him!" Britney said, "He was the most powerful person in Farmer Hill - he would have killed me before I even got close."
everyone makes mistakes, Ms. Williams..." Amethyst trailed off as she grinned, "A man as powerful as John was probably gotten cocky... too cocky for his own good."
At this point, the Indian-African girl walked in, and Amethyst looked Britney dead in the eye as she said.
"The League wants answers, and all ends point to you," Amethyst said, slyly, "If you don't find answers soon... well, there's not much I can do. So, whatever it is that you're doing, it better produce results."
Amethyst casually looked at her nails.
"You are dismissed. Go and get those results,
"Go to hell, Amethyst." Britney said as she stormed out of the room. The minute she left, she leaned up against the opposing wall and cupped her eyes with her hand.
What am I going to do?
Reverence + Shock - Joy...
7:21 PM... First Encounter.Hillview High - Mason Square.
The sun had finally set on Farmer Hill, and complete darkness had overtaken the county. A full moon was the only source of light in the sky. The Support Group would rather that they turn in for the night, but Britney and Sharon both insisted that they check this place out. The Hillview Highschool was in a far from perfect condition. It was a four story location, with a pathway leading up to it lined with dead trees. All of the windows were boarded up, and there was a massive fence around it with various signs announcing that the place was condemned and slated for demolition. The high school was closed down for safety reasons. You see, everyone always gave a different reason why it was closed. Either it was because funding was cut, or because the building wasn't safe. Either way, here it was before them. Crumbling, and they were about to walk inside.
Justin was the first to approach, he leaned up against a dead tree with his arms crossed. Just staring at the place. He didn't have a good grasp on what was going on, but he was told that they were going to investigate this place. Oh well. He snapped his fingers and created a flame. "Hope you guys brought a flashlight."
"Oh, I did," Britney said, whom had a massive gym bag slung over her shoulder. She dropped it to the floor gently, before opening it and revealing a bunch of flashlights. "I brought them... just in case." Britney looked around the perimeter for a moment before stopping. If Goro and the League were watching her, they'd be far out of sight. So it was best to act natural. Various members of the group (including Kimberly and Lynette) stepped forward to grab some. Probably out of some necessity not to waste phone battery.
Though, Claire's eyes (and by that extent, Hagan's) was on Sharon, who had her eyes closed - saying
something to herself. Taking deep breaths all the while. Which prompted Lynette to come and ask,
"... Sharon, are you okay?"
"I'm fine..." Sharon trailed off, "I just... need some time to prepare myself."
"For?" Hagan pondered. "What the fuck are we even lookin' at?" He had an eyebrow raised.
"Something awful," Sharon said, "Let's just... hurry up. I want to take a long nap."
"What kind of aw-" Hagan tried to ask, only to get nudged by Kimberly's elbow. He groaned for a moment, about to say something. Before he moved on.
Realizing there was little use mulling about. Claire took a step towards the chainlink fence and ripped it wide open. She turned her head, and looked back at the group. "I'm takin' point. If Reese sneaks us, I can take it." To which Britney nodded her head, before she was the first to walk in, followed by a few others, then Sharon. Which was what Claire was hoping for... there was something off about the girl, and would prefer if she was in a position where she can keep an eye on her.
The group walked up the stairs, to the front door of the highschool which was broken open (recently, if Justin was to observe). They immediately all turned on their lights, and shined it on the wall ahead of them. And it was definitely something to cause alarm. It was graffiti, but unlike the graffiti that Claire was used to during her tagging sessions with... it seemed more...
... Obsessive.
All written around a crude sun-like symbol on the wall. With several long tendrils extruding from it. It took up the entire wall, and stretched onwards until it reached the wall. Whoever made all of this, was here for a long time.
"... Okay." Claire said.
Kimberly merely snapped a photo while the group had their lights shined on it.
"What's all this mean? Seems like some cult logic shit."