Carver Edwards and Hopmon
Location:Lost Forest Interactions: Everyone and everything in the forest
Everything moving so quickly in Carver's eyes. At one moment Hopmon was constantly trying to play eye spy, the next moment they are under attack. An orange dinosaur that is very much different to Dorumon came out and attack along with rock things and orange spiky badger things.
Carver heard Dorumon say get to safety, Carver wanted to help and he even says to Hopmon, "Hopmon! Time to help...Any idea what are these things?" Hopmon says, "Gotsumon, Gizamon, Petitmamon and Dracmon!" Carver looks at Hopmon, "And they are?" Hopmon laughs, "They are digimon. Maybe use your digivice!"
Carver tapped around on his wrist watch digivice trying to figure it out. Facing one of the digimon the rock things he shows a small screen with it. The digivice with a digital voice reads out, "Gotsumom is a Rock Digimon. An ore type Digimon with powerful defensive abilities. It acquired the data of ore, improving its defense. It is mischievous with a cheerful personality. It is a little selfish, and once it gets angry it seems to have the raging temper of an erupting volcano. The ore that makes it up changes depending on environment and conceals the possibility of evolution."
Looking at the digivice Carver says, "Wow cool, this thing is super awesome! Lets see the others," He then points his wrist at the orange spiky badgers, Digivce, "Gizamon is a Sea Animal Digimon. It grew fins on its hands and feet in order to paddle through water. It is more suited for life in the water than on land, and although it swims about quickly in the water with its fins and strong hind-legs, on the ground it moves about with weak, frog-like hops. When on land it has a very timid disposition, but when in the water it displays its natural, ferocious personality."
Carver reads more stuff off it, "Rookie uh Hopmon your not a rookie are you?" Hopmon says, "Nope I am still in my in training form..." Carver was going to check the other two digimon but in the distance Carver sees Tristan goes down.
Carver for once is speechless he looks in that direction trying to process what he just saw. As Tristan lied there lifeless Carver's eyes were wide. Never before had he seen someone die, let alone someone who knew die. The Gotsumon killed someone he just got to know. Starting to tremble slightly as he stares right at Tristan's body. Emotions running through Carver going quickly he did feel sadness for a moment. He turns towards the Gotsumon Hopmon first spoke near Carver, "I can't believe it...he's dead..."
Carver just watched someone not that much younger than him just die. He had just met the guy. He might not have known him for long, but just to see someone his age...die. Carver looks to Hopmon, “This is wrong...this is all wrong. Kids aren’t supposed to die like that. If we were faster we could have helped and he might not be dead...these digimon aren't going to get away with this. They aren’t going to kill anyone else! We are going to stop them! None of us is going to die again! I wont allow it!” Carver voice crack, he speaks in a hurried tone, his shock and confusion only fueling the flames of this burning inside Until he just rushes towards the Gotsumon without thinking, “AAA take this!” A big right hook. Crack! Instantly regretting it as white pain went right through his arm and fist. Now he was in pain, but he had to stop this somehow. Somehow he needed to find a way to stop this. He needed to protect the others. He needed to, he needed to defeat this creature. Cutting his knuckles on the rock faced digimon he clenches his fist as blood drips from his hand. The digivice turns on a blinding white light. Hopmon starts fidgeting and says, "So much power! Time to Digivolve!"
"Hopmon digivolve too!" Hopmon surrounded in light as he changes shape. Growing legs and arms turning into its next form. He then speaks when it finally done transforming. "Monodramon!"
Carver heard Dorumon say get to safety, Carver wanted to help and he even says to Hopmon, "Hopmon! Time to help...Any idea what are these things?" Hopmon says, "Gotsumon, Gizamon, Petitmamon and Dracmon!" Carver looks at Hopmon, "And they are?" Hopmon laughs, "They are digimon. Maybe use your digivice!"
Carver tapped around on his wrist watch digivice trying to figure it out. Facing one of the digimon the rock things he shows a small screen with it. The digivice with a digital voice reads out, "Gotsumom is a Rock Digimon. An ore type Digimon with powerful defensive abilities. It acquired the data of ore, improving its defense. It is mischievous with a cheerful personality. It is a little selfish, and once it gets angry it seems to have the raging temper of an erupting volcano. The ore that makes it up changes depending on environment and conceals the possibility of evolution."
Looking at the digivice Carver says, "Wow cool, this thing is super awesome! Lets see the others," He then points his wrist at the orange spiky badgers, Digivce, "Gizamon is a Sea Animal Digimon. It grew fins on its hands and feet in order to paddle through water. It is more suited for life in the water than on land, and although it swims about quickly in the water with its fins and strong hind-legs, on the ground it moves about with weak, frog-like hops. When on land it has a very timid disposition, but when in the water it displays its natural, ferocious personality."
Carver reads more stuff off it, "Rookie uh Hopmon your not a rookie are you?" Hopmon says, "Nope I am still in my in training form..." Carver was going to check the other two digimon but in the distance Carver sees Tristan goes down.
Carver for once is speechless he looks in that direction trying to process what he just saw. As Tristan lied there lifeless Carver's eyes were wide. Never before had he seen someone die, let alone someone who knew die. The Gotsumon killed someone he just got to know. Starting to tremble slightly as he stares right at Tristan's body. Emotions running through Carver going quickly he did feel sadness for a moment. He turns towards the Gotsumon Hopmon first spoke near Carver, "I can't believe it...he's dead..."
Carver just watched someone not that much younger than him just die. He had just met the guy. He might not have known him for long, but just to see someone his age...die. Carver looks to Hopmon, “This is wrong...this is all wrong. Kids aren’t supposed to die like that. If we were faster we could have helped and he might not be dead...these digimon aren't going to get away with this. They aren’t going to kill anyone else! We are going to stop them! None of us is going to die again! I wont allow it!” Carver voice crack, he speaks in a hurried tone, his shock and confusion only fueling the flames of this burning inside Until he just rushes towards the Gotsumon without thinking, “AAA take this!” A big right hook. Crack! Instantly regretting it as white pain went right through his arm and fist. Now he was in pain, but he had to stop this somehow. Somehow he needed to find a way to stop this. He needed to protect the others. He needed to, he needed to defeat this creature. Cutting his knuckles on the rock faced digimon he clenches his fist as blood drips from his hand. The digivice turns on a blinding white light. Hopmon starts fidgeting and says, "So much power! Time to Digivolve!"
"Hopmon digivolve too!" Hopmon surrounded in light as he changes shape. Growing legs and arms turning into its next form. He then speaks when it finally done transforming. "Monodramon!"

Carver then says, "Let's rock them!" Monodramon runs forward and yells, "Beat Knuckle!" Monodramon starts punching Gotsumon left and right. Carver says, "Left, right! Beat them like a drum! This is for Tristan you rock monsters!" Monodramon turns and yells, "Cracking bite!" Monodramon bites down on a Gizamon then let's go and gives it a big punch. Once again Carver starts punching at the Gotsumon with no regard for his own hands. Rage filled him and Monodramon acting the same way trying avenge the fallen digidestined and let off some of their anger off on the digimon around them. Trying to work their way to the Agumon to help Dorumon in a rather aggressive way of doing so as their anger controls them.
Agumon gets blasted away, and the Gotsumon with the Gizamon began their retreat. Carver yells to Monodramon, “We cannot let them get away! They will not be allowed to hurt anyone ever again. We catch one and make them tell us why did they do this! Lets go get them!”
Agumon gets blasted away, and the Gotsumon with the Gizamon began their retreat. Carver yells to Monodramon, “We cannot let them get away! They will not be allowed to hurt anyone ever again. We catch one and make them tell us why did they do this! Lets go get them!”
Carver gives chase and followed by Monodramon begins to go the direction the Gotsumon were going. Full intent to keep fighting until they tell them what they want to know. Carver isn't going to be satisfied until he has caught the digimon and learned everything it knows or until he is no longer angry at this little digimon Not caring who is behind him Carver gives chase with the full intent to catch Gotsumon by any means necessary.