Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Carver Edwards and Hopmon

Location:Lost Forest Interactions: Everyone and everything in the forest

Everything moving so quickly in Carver's eyes. At one moment Hopmon was constantly trying to play eye spy, the next moment they are under attack. An orange dinosaur that is very much different to Dorumon came out and attack along with rock things and orange spiky badger things.

Carver heard Dorumon say get to safety, Carver wanted to help and he even says to Hopmon, "Hopmon! Time to help...Any idea what are these things?" Hopmon says, "Gotsumon, Gizamon, Petitmamon and Dracmon!" Carver looks at Hopmon, "And they are?" Hopmon laughs, "They are digimon. Maybe use your digivice!"

Carver tapped around on his wrist watch digivice trying to figure it out. Facing one of the digimon the rock things he shows a small screen with it. The digivice with a digital voice reads out, "Gotsumom is a Rock Digimon. An ore type Digimon with powerful defensive abilities. It acquired the data of ore, improving its defense. It is mischievous with a cheerful personality. It is a little selfish, and once it gets angry it seems to have the raging temper of an erupting volcano. The ore that makes it up changes depending on environment and conceals the possibility of evolution."

Looking at the digivice Carver says, "Wow cool, this thing is super awesome! Lets see the others," He then points his wrist at the orange spiky badgers, Digivce, "Gizamon is a Sea Animal Digimon. It grew fins on its hands and feet in order to paddle through water. It is more suited for life in the water than on land, and although it swims about quickly in the water with its fins and strong hind-legs, on the ground it moves about with weak, frog-like hops. When on land it has a very timid disposition, but when in the water it displays its natural, ferocious personality."

Carver reads more stuff off it, "Rookie uh Hopmon your not a rookie are you?" Hopmon says, "Nope I am still in my in training form..." Carver was going to check the other two digimon but in the distance Carver sees Tristan goes down.

Carver for once is speechless he looks in that direction trying to process what he just saw. As Tristan lied there lifeless Carver's eyes were wide. Never before had he seen someone die, let alone someone who knew die. The Gotsumon killed someone he just got to know. Starting to tremble slightly as he stares right at Tristan's body. Emotions running through Carver going quickly he did feel sadness for a moment. He turns towards the Gotsumon Hopmon first spoke near Carver, "I can't believe it...he's dead..."

Carver just watched someone not that much younger than him just die. He had just met the guy. He might not have known him for long, but just to see someone his age...die. Carver looks to Hopmon, “This is wrong...this is all wrong. Kids aren’t supposed to die like that. If we were faster we could have helped and he might not be dead...these digimon aren't going to get away with this. They aren’t going to kill anyone else! We are going to stop them! None of us is going to die again! I wont allow it!” Carver voice crack, he speaks in a hurried tone, his shock and confusion only fueling the flames of this burning inside Until he just rushes towards the Gotsumon without thinking, “AAA take this!” A big right hook. Crack! Instantly regretting it as white pain went right through his arm and fist. Now he was in pain, but he had to stop this somehow. Somehow he needed to find a way to stop this. He needed to protect the others. He needed to, he needed to defeat this creature. Cutting his knuckles on the rock faced digimon he clenches his fist as blood drips from his hand. The digivice turns on a blinding white light. Hopmon starts fidgeting and says, "So much power! Time to Digivolve!"

"Hopmon digivolve too!" Hopmon surrounded in light as he changes shape. Growing legs and arms turning into its next form. He then speaks when it finally done transforming. "Monodramon!"

Carver then says, "Let's rock them!" Monodramon runs forward and yells, "Beat Knuckle!" Monodramon starts punching Gotsumon left and right. Carver says, "Left, right! Beat them like a drum! This is for Tristan you rock monsters!" Monodramon turns and yells, "Cracking bite!" Monodramon bites down on a Gizamon then let's go and gives it a big punch. Once again Carver starts punching at the Gotsumon with no regard for his own hands. Rage filled him and Monodramon acting the same way trying avenge the fallen digidestined and let off some of their anger off on the digimon around them. Trying to work their way to the Agumon to help Dorumon in a rather aggressive way of doing so as their anger controls them.

Agumon gets blasted away, and the Gotsumon with the Gizamon began their retreat. Carver yells to Monodramon, “We cannot let them get away! They will not be allowed to hurt anyone ever again. We catch one and make them tell us why did they do this! Lets go get them!”


Carver gives chase and followed by Monodramon begins to go the direction the Gotsumon were going. Full intent to keep fighting until they tell them what they want to know. Carver isn't going to be satisfied until he has caught the digimon and learned everything it knows or until he is no longer angry at this little digimon Not caring who is behind him Carver gives chase with the full intent to catch Gotsumon by any means necessary.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MenacingEffect
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MenacingEffect Damaged Goods

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@The Jest

"Ok so, you two, Rex and Gazimon... I promised the both of you some fun on this wild ride, and...well, I'll be straight with you, it doesn't look like that fun's gonna be anytime soon if this is any indication. This place is apparently designed for patience, and, well, you don't seem like the type its looking for. So, after some consideration, me an Lucy decided to give you some fun somewhere else..." Ty said, before looking towards Lucemon who nodded in response.

What does he know about him? Just met him two minutes ago and assumes he can’t be patience. Pisses him off. Still sounded boring though, standing around doing nothing cause, well whatever they were indicating this place had a mind of its own something. He just listens since these guys are so full of monologues his ears started ringing and he went deaf.

He’s right, they do start monologuing. He cannot focus on this. He didn’t care about Nethercircuits and whatever. Just get to the point, tell him what to do already.

"...Indeed. Normally it would be nothing short of suicide to have a single digidestined pairing to enter a Nethercircuit. Digidestines are something of a threat to the more dominant among them and digimon outsiders are treated as prey. However, The Gazimon race are nightmare soldiers, a family of digimon species that favor the dark and viral over the light. As a result, Rex, by having a Gazimon at your side, at least in theory, should make things easier for you while you are in there. That does not mean you can let your guard down however, the digimon in there are violent and aggressive after all. But you need not worry, Reapermon shall accompany you there."

Violent and aggressive. Nightmare soldiers. All of this is really turning out like a video game tutorial wasn’t it. Then he got the boss Digimon to accompany him. Great so he’s got a mobile suit following him around.

"Your name is Reapermon, but you look like a rejected Gundam suit, okay whatever, this world is testing my patience on normal,” patience because, oh whatever whoever got it got it, whoever didn’t he really didn’t care.

"There are digimon in the Nethercircuit that may be too much for partnered digimon to handle right now. Having one such as yourself enter with him should help guarantee his safety."

Gazimon hasn’t been listening either. Lucemon talks too much, so does the short human boy and he refuses to listen to him. He’s just here because he’s trying to get to that dream he had. Something calling to him in murky water. However, Gazimon’s ears picked up when he heard the word “partnered digimon”. Gazimon grumbled under his breath.

“Hey, I am partnered with no one, he’s just holding my device for me, when I learn to unlock it myself,” Gazimon snaps at Lucemon.

“Oh yeah, but a minute ago something in their monologues, I got that you can only be evolved by my power or our connection, whatever,” Rex tells Gazimon, “So like it or not, we’re stuck with each other. Honestly could have done with a less loud mouth following me.”

“The loud around here is you!” Gazimon snaps.

“Ah yeah, well let’s hope Deathscythe Gundam here doesn’t talk near as much as you do,” Rex remarks.

"One more thing I need to mention. ...Each Netherciruit has a lord, a ruler that presides over all of that specific territory. Even with Reapermon at your side, The lords of the Nether are too great a foe for you as it stands. This one in particular may look harmless in appearance but do not let it deceive you. Tell them that you are here on Lucemon's orders and you will have safe passage but whatever you do, do not make it angry. If the lord request you do something for him, it is in your best interest to do it. Last but not least, if you hear the sound of bells ringing...run, as far away as you can, as fast as you can."

Rex shrugs.

“Sure, go survey an area in the dark zone or whatever, and tell this lord that Lucemon sent me, anything else?” Rex ask, “Want me to stop on the way get you some tea and cookies?”

This is all the boring stuff he’d usually skip. Nothing worse than a game that continues to talk and talk and talk. Probably the fact he couldn’t stand was there were no such things as quest markers in this world. Unless. Brilliant idea Rex, ain’t nothing more fucking annoying than things not being simple and easy.

“So, the devices got any form of like location on them or something? Place a program, right?” Rex ask.

He looks at Reapermon.

“Unless he knows where we’re going,”

Great it’s an escort mission and he’s the goddamn escort. Cue his health bar now. Dying here though would be at least better than dying somewhere pathetic, like his bedroom or at the school. Whatever, if this place was so dangerous he hopes there’s a way to send his parents his corpse back later. If ghost are real he wanted to see their tears.

Gazimon looks at Rex then Lucemon. All of this is silly. He was meant for greater, better. This Human didn’t seem any different than the so called Emperor Human. Weak, fleshy meat bags. What could they ever possibly provide him?

“Hmph, just don’t slow us down human,” Gazimon’s the one who decides to lead the charge. Human was going to follow him no matter. He was going to make sure of that.

“You sure you’re not talking about yourself,” Rex retorts.

“Grrr, you’re infuriating human!” Gazimon growls.

“Feelings mutual,” Rex replies.
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BeachDude7PH
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BeachDude7PH Regular Finn Hambone / #DigiDestined #TeamInstinct

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

the_lost_forest.dgmn // seven.exe & kouji.dgmn.exe
\\Seven & Kouji the Motimon, the other seven DigiDestined with their Digimon Partners and Dorumon

“That’s why we have to,” Kei pause, “Bring the other person in. The right way. To find the others. And keep everyone from…” he didn’t want to say it so he simply trailed off. It’s when he noticed Seven standing up from his hiding position. Oh. Oh that’s embarrassing. He probably saw what happened with his artbook again. Kei turned his attention away from Seven. Looking at Reicheru, “We...have to be.” he shook his head she’s the who’s Digimon evolved, “After this. You should...guide us.”

Death. It is a time in life that one should dread, and avoid. But nevertheless it is inevitable, even in a different world. Seven has experienced seeing death firsthand, back when disaster struck Sendai City during the earthquake and tsunami. He lost some of his classmates and close friends who didn't make it to safety. Kouji asked innocently...

"Shichirou-han? Why did the li'l artist ignore us? And is Gigimon's partner...?"

"...don't say anything, Kouji. And yes, Tristan-san is..."

Seven did hesitate back then when his father made the decision to migrate for good to Cebu. Saddened because he'll be leaving behind the already better life they had, but there's better things to come in moving forward, and recover from the trauma experienced from the disaster.

"Why, Shichirou-han? I can help ya out, gimme a chance 'ere!", said Kouji, still keeping a happy and carefree vibe. Unknowingly, Kouji starts to spit out bubbles using his Bubble Blow.

"Salamat kaayo, Kouji. And yeah, I'll let you...", Seven thanked his partner in the Cebuano dialect, then followed by a hug. Kouji can feel Seven's heart beating fast due to the trauma of Tristan's death, then it eventually began to slow down. The sound and feeling of bubbles popping around them brings Seven back to the beach resort's chill atmosphere.

"Go an' give Gigimon a hug too, she'll need all the comfort she needs right now."

"Will do, Kouji. Go keep them bubbles out there."

And thus Seven did.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MenacingEffect
Avatar of MenacingEffect

MenacingEffect Damaged Goods

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A Collab between myself and AngelofOctober

“I’m so sorry for your loss,” that’s about the tenth time he had heard it today. Not that it particularly bothered him, he recognized it’s what others to say to comfort themselves usually. That seems like a cynical way of putting it, but that’s the way it felt. People giving him strange looks as he remained stone face. Heard a few folks tell his mother it’s denial. Though his mother just played sad widower better than he was able to cry for face.

Walking up to his mother, she looked towards him, dabbing her eyes, purposely smearing her eyeliner. They shared the same black hair, and her Hungarian features came from her.

“May I take a break?” he ask her.

“You take as many breaks as you like dear,” she said with a crack in her voice and a wink from her left eye.

She said it herself this funeral was for show, after the family had an uproar when she had originally said she didn’t want a funeral. Neither did his father. The family, however, had a different idea. After his mother had an argument with his grandmother, they chose this place, a small church in their smaller village. Wrapping his scarf, which was draped over his seat, around his neck he walked outside for a bit of air.

Sitting outside in the lobby he’s getting looks from the family and their friends. He didn’t necessarily what they were saying. More he prefered they said nothing. His aunt Bethany had given him a particularly scolding look as he took out his laptop. She places her pointer finger up to one of her friends and walks up to him.

“Are you doing okay Sugar Flakes?” she ask him in a sweet voice.

He wished they weren’t so concerned about him. Though he supposed he understood why they were. They were afraid for him, it’s why he accepted it.

“I am fine,” he replies with a nervous calm. She frowns.

“If you say so, you’ve been through a lot,” she says.

He knows she cares for him so all he does is nod a wordless thank you before lifting the top of his laptop up. He just wanted a moment to himself to zone out. While he may seem like a natural extrovert, these kind of exchanges did begin to tire his thoughts. Avoiding his blog for now he went to check his emails instead. Probably another set of condolences.


Dorumon initializing the device first.

“It will search for the next best candidate,” Dorumon says handing Kei back the device, “You might not come out completely clear.”

Kei could feel a sense of nervousness. He knew he had agreed to do this. More like forcefully volunteer. Now he was becoming worried that was a poor idea. Managing to take a few breaths, a portal opened in the device, glitching digital swirling binary code. Here went nothing.
As Nathan began to delete a handful of emails, mainly junk mail, his computer screen began to act up. It’s probably on the fritz again. He had been meaning to get it fixed, just hadn’t had the time. Till a small Asian boy was becoming blurry, but clear on his screen.

“Hello,” the boys voice was unstable, glitching a few times.

“He-llo?” Nathaniel questions whether or not he should be talking to some stranger on his computer. Is this hacking? He was certain the movies version of hacking wasn’t exactly truthful, yet he had no other way of describing this moment.

“O-h good you can hear me,” the young boy laughs nervous, “I’m Himura Kei. And we need your help.”

“Who’s we in this case?” Nathaniel not sure if the concern of his family is warranted at this point since he seems to be losing his mind.

“You’re one of many Digidestined and right now their world is in trouble,” Kei says, “They say the badguy of this world once he takes over the Digital one will come and take over the human world. I don’t know how much that is true or not. But-we need to collect Crest in order to take down this evil.”

What was the normal reaction to a scenario like this, Nathaniel wondered. Puzzlement is a good one. Worried for the sake of one’s sanity is another one. A childish side of him wanted to believe in fact that all this boy on the other side of the computer said is true. His own excitement or desire for an adventure kind of tingling, but since he was eight he knew adventures to a magical land were not reality.

“Okay,” Nathan says, “Do you have any proof?”

It takes the boy second. At first he thinks he’s lost the boy before he sees a weird creature, whose body looks that of a blanket and three horns.

“Hi I am Kokomon,” it speaks.

Well that’s some proof.

“This is all an odd strange little request,” Nathan says, “And if I deny this request?”

“It’s fine we’ll find the next person, truth be told there’s a lot of danger here,” Kei tells him, he sounds earnest and a little scared, “One of the kids we just met...died. I want to be transparent about that and clear...that….so far this journey has been dangerous and has lead to the death of..someone. You don’t have to come...I’ll tell the next person and the next person...I..”

Wait, someone has died?

“How old are you?” Nathan replies.

“Ten,” Kei remarks.

Somewhere in the universe or perhaps somewhere else, several young kids were off on their own witnessing the death in a new world. Ordinarily something like this he’d laugh off as the lack of sleep. But the young man in the screen sounded scared. Albeit a bit nervous as well.

“Don’t hang up, I’ll help you,” Nathan says.

“You...should…” Kei pauses for a second, again Nathan’s afraid the connection has been lost, “say goodbye to your family.”

Nathan gives his own nervous laugh while looking back at the church. If he were to die in a strange little universe his mother might not want to hear about it. And if he met a fate as worst as death he’d have nothing to regret.

“I’m all right, go ahead send me through,” Nathan said.

“Just take my hand,” Kei said.

Well moment of truth whether or not this was some kind of elaborate dream or if it were reality. He stuck his hand through his computer. It felt like being squeezed through a tube of toothpaste, as he was squeezed through a small space. Till he came out the other side. To see a purple dinosaur. The boy from the message. A young girl with red hair. A brown hair boy stunned in silence and a lot of trees. Nathan dust himself off, though he was uncertain was exactly he was dusting off.

“Well, this,” Nathan looked around, “Different.”

“Um, can I get your name?” Kei asked.

“Yes, sorry, I am scattered at the moment,” Nathan smiles, “Nathaniel. Nathaniel Steiner. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I wish it were on better circumstances.”

He really is ten. He’s shorter for a ten year old.

He’s older than him. Though Kei wonders how many people he were expecting to be his age. He nervously looks at Nasaneiru-san.

“It’s...nice to meet you too Nasaneiru-san,” Kei replies.

Kei nervously hands him the device. That’s the device Toristusan wore. He wished Nasaneiru didn’t have to wear it. He could understand how it could be weird to others.

“When you put it on your Digimon should come out,” Kei nods.

“Well let’s hope I have the code to breakthrough,” Nathan laughs. Kei stares at him. Nathan smiles.

“Nevermind if I tried to explain it wouldn’t even make sense,” Nathan tells him, “You don’t have to call me Nathaniel. Nate. Nathan. Neil are all acceptable as well. I have a versatile name.”

He’s honestly trying to make this kid a little less nervous.
Kei not sure he understands. He smiles though.

Nathan puts on the device, which turns from it’s multi colored patterning, to a nice dark fuschia. There a blinding lighting comes from the device.

A small bird shape creature comes out. It immediately starts running around like a dog when it gets the zoomies.

“Who are we fighting? Where did they go?” the creature ask looking both ways and zooming past Rachel, to run back to circle around Nathan and Kei.

“Well aren’t you active,” Nathan laughs.

The creature stops. It’s eyes begin to get big and seemed to spark with excitement, “NATHAN IS HERE! NATHAN IS HERE!” It begins to shout and run around some more.

“Well at least that’s half the introduction to spare,” Nathan says nervously, “And your name?”

“It’s Pinamon,” who has finally decided to relax near him.

What a strange circumstance this is turning out to be. Though he supposed he didn’t have much of a complaint. Who knew this all might be the fun he needed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After meeting their new Digimon friends, Dorumon led them away from where there houses were and into the woods. It was alll trees trees and more trees, as far as the eye could see. He overheard a few of the other kids in the group talking about their families back home, and all of a sudden Max couldn't help feeling bad. Here he was, totally excited to go on an adventure, and these kids had families back on Earth that would surely miss them. Meanwhile, his mom was dead, his dad was abusive, and his boyfriend was dead. He didn't have any siblings, and sure he had friends back home, nothing beats a family that would notice you were gone, and actually miss you. Max let out a sigh, and it did not go unnoticed by Cinderella.

"Oi, what's wrong now?"

Max laughed nervously. "Oh... um... nothing's wrong. Everything is perfectly fine. Yep, totally happy to be here." He lied. Cinderella did not need to know about his personal problems. Not yet, they had only just met.

Before Cinderella had a chance to ask more questions, shit really hit the fan. They came acrosss a clearing, where some sort of orange dinosaur, a rock monster, and some sort of orange badger thing attacked Dorumon. The purple dinosaur told them all to run, and that's exactly what they did. There was no way the little yellow creature in his arms could do anything against these things. They were outnumbered, and unprepared. Even Max knew it was wise to get out of here, and live to fight another day. "We're runnning!"

Max ran to what in what felt like a complete circle. All the trees looked exactly Identical, and Max didn't know this forest. He slowed down to a walk to catch his breath.

"What was that? I could have digivolved and tried to help!" Cinderella exclaimed.

Max spoke in between taking breaths. "Against... Alll of those.... I... don't think so..." Come on, let's go see if we can find the others...

After some more walking, he eventually found a clearing where some of the others had gathered. Including, a new boy that wasn't in their group before. The new guy was actually kind of cute, but Max wasn't in the mood to fawn over him right now. Once he got up, he collapsed to his knees. "Oh... there you alll are..." Max panted. "I've... beeen running through the forest trying to lose those things that attacked us..." After taking some time to catch his breath, he straightened himself up, and regained his composure. "Um... anyway... uh where are the others? I was sure there were more people than just us.... And who's the new guy?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Jest
Avatar of The Jest

The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The Lost Forest

(BladeSS7, and BeachDude7PH has been booted out. Thus, as the apparent executioner of this RP, I shall now rid this world of Carver and Seven as well.)

They may not have been able to see General Bloodwolf's anger, but by god could they hear it, as Al pulled the communicator away from himself and the others so that his yelling doesn't mess with their auditory functions.

"...You think he's upset? ...I think he's upset." Al said to the other two. Needless to say, there's a recent rumor of just how scary General Bloodwolf gets when he's angry as he is. As they remember it, the bloodwolf is patient slow, and calm, but craves data when its angry, and bears its claws against those who upsets it. That those who get him angry are said to be cursed to have their data thrown into the Dark Area to suffer for all eternity. Considering how he seems at the moment, those rumors may have some credence after all. The trio then was given their order directly from the General.

"YES SIR!" The three said in unison, then shutting off the communicator.

"Alright you two, we'll need to split up. I'll go find the boss. Jessica, you go find Gizamon, and Jamie, try to find Gotsumon and get him to retreat before he starts popping ketchup out of more heads." Al ordered. The other two then immediately flew off, leaving Al to jump from Tree to Tree, trying to find Agumon. With Dorumon over with everyone else, it meant that Agumon was no longer preoccupied, which means... he once again turned on his communicator, this time towards Agumon.

"Oi Bossmon, whereever you are right now, we need to get packing, Mission went downhill fast and General Bloodwolf's ordered us back to the main force." He said into it.

Jessica eventually found Gizamon within the forest as well, essentially repeating to him what Al said to Agumon.


Jamie meanwhile attempted to find Gotsumon, only to notice Carver and Hopmon...well, apparently Monodramon now, running towards the direction of Gotsumon. It seems one of the other humans, Shichirou with Motimon, noticed Carver running and ran after him as well. Even though Motimon was an in-training, one would think that, with Monodramon as a rookie, that he'd have a chance at defending them from Gotsumon, where ever he was hiding. Then something...odd, happened. Monodramon reversed back to Hopmon immediately, odd considering he wasn't in Rookie form for more than a minute, maybe 3 minutes tops. As he recalls, the digivice drain doesn't truly take effect until they hit Champion level, so why did this one revert so quickly? Questions for another time, and not something Jamie would ever have an answer for, what with how...not smart he knows he is.

What was important, however, was that they found Gotsumon, who apparently jumped in a panic when he noticed the light of Monodramon reverting back to Hopmon. Immediately while the two were distracted, still unused to how this digivolution process worked, Gotsumon was quick to use to more Rock fists. Hopmon and Motimon, loyal to their partners, noticed this and tried to defend against Gotsumon, only to get smacked away by said rock fist. Still in a panic, Gotsumon ran towards the two, and used Hardest punch, or that is to say, he sucker-punched them from behind with his literal fists of rock. Despite both their strengths as far as humans were concerned, there is only so much a human can do on its own against a rock that has the momentum and velocity of a human punch.

Much like Tristan, Carver and Seven's digivices let go of their wrists, for like Tristan, both of these digidestines are dead.

"...Uh oh..." Jamie whispered to himself. It sounded like that one human's death was enough to enrage General Bloodwolf by itself, it's hard to imagine how he'll fare if its found out he now killed two more. Still, it didn't sound like something Gotsumon should get away with if the General's emotions were of any note; if he told Gotsumon to come back as he is, and that he's in trouble, he'll just run away and never return.

Thus Jamie waited until Gotsumon calmed down, and egged him on by saying how the Emperor would likely praise him for deleting three of his targets already, not mentioning the fact that it was a serious violation of General Bloodwolf's direct orders. After which, he told him to retreat back to the army with everyone else, as they were ordered to retreat.

This entire mission was a disaster, but at least he made sure the one who caused it to be one, will be walking to pay for it.


The Underground Temple

Gun...dam? Reapermon had no idea what the human boy was going on about, only that he was clearly referring to him. If his body had the ability to blink his eyes in confusion and shock, this would be when he did. He looked towards his Guilty Chain cannon mounted on his arm. He supposes that it could count as a gun, but it seemed odd for someone to focus on that when calling him something; even calling it a gun was stretching it a bit. Shouldn't he be deemed a "Cannondam" or something? Heck, call him a "Sickledam", there's much more focus for him on that than anything. He then heard Rex call him "Deathscythe Gundam". MUCH better a name, still should be called Cannondam, but it's a name that recognizes the Scythe and sort-of cannon both, so for him it was close enough.

Lucemon simply raised an eyebrow at this boy and Gazimon clearly not listening to him as he speaks to them. He understands that not everyone in this digital world is capable of handling the preaching of exposition, and clearly the same went for others in the human world. As annoyed as they are of him, and vice-versa at the moment however, this is information they had to know to survive in that land of decadence. Tempting as it currently was to just go 'Alright then, I'll let you be off then, I'm sure you'll figure things out when you're there.', he can't take the risk of a potential crest-bearer dying in that place, something that could very well happen given the digimon that's there. That aside, it's not like their attitude was going to change much if he just sent them on their way anyways. He sent them without telling the dangers, and he'd bet anything they'd come back and get angry cause he never told them what was there. He then asked a question about the Digivice having a map. Ty looked to Lucemon; that's a good question actually, it would have made the journey so far so much easier if they had a map rather than just Lucemon's directions to rely on. Lucemon crossed his arms and tilted his head in annoyance, the question immediately reminding him their...intentional inconveniance.

"Much to my personal annoyance, no. The creator of these digivices was...unfortunately adamant about the lack of a full map function, something about wanting for the digidestines to map and explore the world themselves. We're having Michael develop a map for us to use, but it will still take some time before it's complete. ...But yes, Reapermon does know where the Nethercircuit is, he should be able to guide you there without problem." Lucemon told him.

"Good luuuck!" Ty said as the three began their walk.

"The bridge to the Nethercircuit is not far. In fact, if you look very closely you could see the bridge in the distance from here." Reapermon told them as they made their way towards said bridge.

As the trio went off for the Nethercircuit, Lucemon, Ty, and the others in the army turned their attention to the Temple.

"Whooooa..." Ty said to himself as looked inside. It was a rather big hall of stone, almost akin to an ancient tomb in egypt with this digicode carved into the walls, albeit no where near big enough to have everyone in this army to come in with them.

"Ok, so...it's not big enough to hold alot of people lined up wall to wall, let's see..." Ty walked in as he talked to himself, heading for a wall to the right, and then, oddly enough, hopping to the side a number of times until he reach the opposite wall on the left.

"...About 4-6 people, lined up from wall to wall. So we line everyone up 4-by-4, we should all be able to get into-"

"I...wouldn't recommend that." Lucemon interjected.

"dWhy's that?" Ty asked him. Lucemon then looked towards the army behind them.

"Demidevimon, if you would?" He then asked. Demidevimon came towards them in response.

"Yeah, boss?" The little bat asked. Without a word, Lucemon grabbed Demidevimon by the face and immediately through him at one of the temple walls. As soon as he impacted the wall, just as instantly he bounced off it, as if reflected from it, the wall rippling with white light it bounced Demidevimon towards another wall, only for the same thing happened. The next thing Ty and the others know, Demidevimon was literally bouncing off the walls and ceiling, like a pinball stuck in a triangle of bumpers before heading straight back towards them, Ty being quick to grabbed the little guy and stop the momentum of his bouncing.

"You alright, little guy?" The boy asked the bat, its eyes spinning, spiraling even, in dizzying daze.

"~Y-yeah, sure thing boss, I'm used to it...~" Demidevimon replied, still dizzy and recovering.

"What was that all about?" Ty asked Lucemon.

"I told you before, this is a temple dedicated to a crest, an object of upmost importance in this world. It's specifically designed to test the one worthy of owning it, ...and to punish the unworthy. More specifically, this temple is designed to find and destroy any short cuts, and beat back any form of impatience and wrath. The walls and ceiling of this place are specially coded with a reflective magic. Any sort of trauma inflicted upon the walls, be it of attacks or simply blunt force, will be reflected back with equal force."

"Huh...So if someone got angry and punched at a wall in here..."

"The wall would punch right back, yes. The entire inside of the temple is coated like this, and so if we tried to get this entire army into here..."

"They'd be bounced right out the moment the halls become too crowded?"

"Or worse..." Lucemon explained with his back-and-forth with Ty.

"Huh...So only a few of us should come into here, and everyone else wait outside?" Ty then asked.

"That seems like the best strategy, yes, however it may not be a good idea for this army to wait at the entrance, so we'll be needing to find..." Before Lucemon could completely answer Ty's question, that was when Mike yelled out in anger, then at the two to come to him, saying how vitally important it was.

"Now what could this be about...?" Lucemon asked. To say it was odd was an understatement; neither of the two ever heard Mike sound so upset throughout their knowing of him so far. Whatever he wanted to report, it's clear that it wasn't going to be good news. Without another word, the two left the tunnel entrance and headed towards the back of the army, where Mike waited.

Indeed, he looked about as pissed as he sounded.

"What happened, Mikey?" Ty asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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Collab: @DarkwolfX37 & @Landaus Five-One

Violet swore as a handful of small rocks pelted her. “Damnit, ow, that hurts!” Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, she grabbed Moonmon tighter and ran further into the forest. She figured that if the others needed to find her, they’d be smart enough to look in the little town of houses they’d started in. Hopefully she’d have some time alone now to focus on figuring out her digivice, once she was out of danger.

Katheryn couldn’t help but bite her lower lip since she came close to having her face beaten into via normal sized rock. “Oh shit… seriously? Never thought this world is super dangerous like this.” She held her Bukamon tighter and ran as fast as she could, since she was terrified of what would happen next. She couldn’t stop thinking about what happened that caused her from being saved, Tristan, even though she was still afraid of his puppets. She ran in a direction away from there to somewhere else, anywhere else but there.

Violet rounded a tree several dozen meters away and nearly ran into Katheryn in the process. “Hey, watch it!” She was already flustered from the attack, she really didn’t need to interact with anyone right now. “We should probably find a place to hide. Separately.”

Katheryn stopped in her tracks when she saw Violet. “Sorry… about that. I just couldn’t stop running from what happened.” She was continued to cry about what she saw, she felt like her ex was right about her, being a damsel in distress that for people to save. “Tristan, protected me when I couldn’t protect myself. He died protecting me. He didn’t make a great first impression.” She couldn’t stop thinking about the creepy puppets, he had since those put her on edge more than anything. “I feel like my ex is right about me… I am a useless girl who needs things handed to her.” She did want to hide while carrying Bukamon in her arms. “I’m in an agreement about that we should hide.” She couldn’t really wipe her tears right now since, she’s holding Bukamon in her arms.

Violet stopped. What was this nonsense? Someone just died and this girl was going on about relationship troubles? Turning away from Katheryn to look around, she began speaking.“Look, unless you felt the guy’s pulse I’m not gonna buy that he’s dead from those things. Second, even if he is dead, crying about it isn’t going to do anything. Dorumon told us we’re here to save the world and that kind of shit doesn’t come without risk. If you’re scared this early on then just go home and cry about your boy troubles there where you’ll be out of the way. Third, what kind of inane crap is that about? Being attacked by alien monsters makes you think about your love life? What the hell?” Her mind was racing at the news of a death so easily. And if she wasn’t mistaken, that was the name of the cool ventriloquist, too. Damnit, nothing was going right.

“...” Moonmon stared at Violet as she spoke, the only one to see the somewhat pained expression on her face as she did. She knew that she wasn’t being genuine, but even as her partner she didn’t know what to say to help. She simply gave Bukamon a sympathetic look over Violet’s shoulder before turning around to help scan for any pursuers.

Katheryn listened very carefully to what Violet had to say. “I guess… you are right on that I didn’t check his pulse. But he didn’t move at all after he was hit, in the back of the head. I am sorry but that’s all I really can do, is cry about what’s going on it is too much for me, since we learned we were teleported to this world. I have a feeling asking to be ported back isn’t going to work.” She slowly stops crying since Violet definitely is right about crying won’t bring anyone back to life or help against anything. “I am definitely sorry for bringing up that up, Violet.” She tried to smile but couldn’t with how everything was going, a person she met awhile ago, died in front of her.

Bukamon couldn’t help but sigh at what hand he was dealt. “This is quite sad really, a death of a person she just met because he saved her life. Caused her to breakdown in tears. Or I could’ve been looking for my digimon friends but no. I’m stuck with the emotional Katheryn who can’t stop thinking about a boy who hurt her.” Bukamon smiled a bit when he spoke since he was trying to be the backbone in this partnership. He saw Moonmon’s sympathetic look and smiled a bit. “I definitely needed that thanks.” He moved one of his fins to his forehead to face palm again because Katheryn is trying his patience of dealing with an emotional girl with baggage.

“It sounded like going back would just get our world in trouble too. Might as well save them both.” She looked back at Katheryn. “Maybe you should just go back to where we met Dorumon. Maybe it’ll turn out that we can do whatever we need to without you, or at least we’ll know where to find you if we need you.”

Moonmon turned to give her partner a look, though what was conveyed by it was hidden from view with Violet’s back in the way. Violet sighed as she saw Moonmon. Maybe she was being too hard on the poor girl. It wasn’t Katheryn’s fault that she was a normal girl and didn’t practically image train for this exact kind of scenario like she did, back in their own world. “Look, it’s probably safest to stick together, but try to stay quiet, okay? I’m going to find a good spot to sit down and figure this ‘digivice’ thing out, but that’s going to take a while. Do you mind being on lookout for the others, in case they pass by?”

Katheryn heard Violet’s words really carefully. “That feels like the best option, in terms of saving them both.” She looked at Violet when she turned to look back at her. “Uuh… I don’t really want to go back to that place, since it’ll remind me of missing my parents.” She looked down to Bukamon and noticed him face palming.

Bukamon looked up and laughed slightly and put his fin back in its place. “Why are you doing that Bukamon?” She knew that Bukamon’s criticism of her is harsh. She blinked a bit when she heard Violet’s voice and it was a bit more sincere. “Oh okay. I will keep quiet. I will keep a lookout for the others too.” She held Bukamon slightly a bit loosely but she didn’t want to drop him.

“Thanks.” With that, Violet instantly went over to a larger-than-average tree and sat down at its base, putting Moonmon on the ground and pulling out her laptop once again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@The Jest

Mike inspected his now bleeding hand for a few minutes with an angry sigh while he waited for Ty and Lucemon to get to him. He checked his bag and wrapped a bandage round his hand. "For a wall made of Digital code, it certainly felt real when I punched it" Mike though to himself before noticing Wolfy worry for him and assured is partner by stroking his head.

He stop once Ty got to him and asked him what was wrong as he said "Well, simply put, I hope you know what happens when someone dies in this world because one of those Digidestained was killed by Gotsumon. AI reported it to me in Agumon place". Mike was trying to remain calm but knew that would be difficult. He had to though, otherwise he risked spilting open his knuckles once again.

Agumon groaned in pain as he forced himself to try and stand, his vision was still blurred from taking Dorumon attack head on and then crash landing. However he was able to witness Gotsumon kill one of the humans, and then two more when they charged him. He also witnessed a new human being brought into the fold. But he quickly limped away before anyone could see him.

Agumon then leaned against the tree once he was hidden to try and recover when he heard his somewhat broken Communicater come to life to hear the crackling voice of AI as he told him the situation and Agumon sighed painfully hearing the mission had failed. "No shit, Sherlock" Agumon said to himself, he had heard General Bloodwolf and Emperor Ty use the term when The General was picking out members of his black ops team.

Pressing his com, AI would hear the crackling voice of Agumon as he said "I'm by the river next to the large tree with orange leaves, get here fast. The humans and Doromon are not far from me and I don't have the energy to fight them right now"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kei had not gotten all the names of the kids yet. He could not quite remember the name of the reddish hair colored boy. Or maybe they never spoke before. Looking Nasaneiru and Reicheru, then back at the other kid. He could feel a slight nervousness in the pit of his stomach, he manages to step forward.

“Reicheru-san, this is Nasaneiru-san, he will be helping us,” Kei said, he looks nervously at the red hair boy, “I um...I am Himura Kei. I know this is a weird time to introduce myself, but we have not quite met.”

Kei nods his head and shakes it with slight determination.

“We are currently split from the rest of the group,” Kei said, “So we need to find them.” His face goes hot for a second as he realizes they are older than him. Maybe this is something Reicheru-san should be saying. He looks at her. He looks back at the rest of them. Where did Sebun-san go? Kei shakes his head. You got this.

“We should split into three teams,” Kei said, he points to Nasaneiru and the other boy, “You two should look off in that direction.” Kei points to the east of them, “We are looking for Sebun-san, and Kyasarin-san, Kaba-san, and the other girl. I didn’t catch her name.”

“Reicheru-san and I will look over in that direction,” Kei points to the South of them, and he points to Dorumon, “And you will look over in that direction.” he points to the North of them, “This clearing will be where we meet up once again. Then we should head to this Blossom Town as soon as possible. If we were attacked they must have been attacked too by those….bad Digimon.”

Kei stares at them for a second. Again he realizes the gravity of this situation. They are older than him. Kei nervously flails his arms.

“O...of...course you do not….have to listen...to me,” Kei tells them, “Reicheru-san, she is probably better suited for this. I...understand if...if nobody wants to take suggestions from a 10 year old. Sorry. Reicheru-san, what do you think we should do?”

They are going to think he is bossy. He should have let one of the older kids give out the plan. Specifically Reicheru because she knew the most about the situation as he did.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The Lost Forest

"On it, Boss!" The Dracmon responded, heading for Agumon's location. As soon as he got there, he went towards the Boss, looking towards the humans, still seemingly collecting themselves, while replacing the life of one human with the life of another as Nathaniel came into the picture.

"More Value than Digimon...Right..." Dracmon thought as he looked at Nate. He immediately shook off that thought, focusing his attention on Agumon.

"They looked pretty distracted, boss. The Petitmamon twins are rallying the other two as well...Much as I love an opportunity for a good prank, now's probably not the best time. Let's get going before they spot us." He told him.


Nethercircuit - Acedia

Coming towards the Bridge, Rex and Gazimon would notice an intense shift of tone across it to the other side. The skies were darkened, not necessarily by clouds, more like a black mist or simply that the once clear blue skies that were above them before simply darkened to a complete black, though there was a clear gradient just above the river and bridge, a transition between colors, it still looked...unnatural, as if the very sky itself was not suppose to look like this and was artificially tainted by whatever created the lands beyond this bridge, and yet despite the black skies, the lands of the circuit was still decently lit from the skyline as if the sunlight was seeping through, even though no such rays of light could be seen; an inconsistent impossibility. While the land they stood on looked deserted but normal with bare minimal grass, the land of the other side was dry, cracked, and utterly pale in color, as if it was made of burnt ashes, the trees - what little you could see - were nothing more than dead husks of wood, the flowers and plant life neglected and wilted long ago. In the difference, there was the sounds of thunder, and yet no lightning, and one could vaguely see a few digimon flying through the dark skies.

The difference between the two sides of the bridge were quite literally as night and day, divided only by the gradient transition of the sky which stretches across the entirity of the rivers length and width. In other words, one could say the river itself was a borderline of sorts.

"Here it is, boys. ...Welcome to Server 1's Nethercircuit, Acedia. We should have too much trouble with these folks, but be on your guard anyways. Acedian Digimon aren't exactly a predictable bunch after all..." Reapermon said to Rex and Gizamon. Without hearing a response, he walked across the bridge ahead of them, his eyes glowing red as he looked around to see if there were anyone ready to ambush them.


The Underground Temple

"What...?" Lucemon asked, stricken utterly speechless by what he heard. It'd likely be the first time that Mike would have seen him actually caught off-guard. Usually Lucemon is calculating and calm, usually always one step ahead of everyone else or so it seemed. But the moment he heard a human got killed, it was as if there was a chink, a crack in his proverbial armor.

"Well, this is a virtual world, I'm sure they'd be returned safe and sound back home, right? ..........Right? ...Lucemon?" Ty asked, at first relatively confident in his optimism, but the silence of his partner slowly but surely sucked that confidence away, making Ty's confident smile slowly droop to a nervous sweaty frown.

"...By Virtual, I assume you're asking if they have only come to this place mentally, that physically they're still in their own wold? ...That...isn't the case. This world may be made of data, but it's data given physical form. The both of you, and all of them, were pulled into this world completely, in mind, body, and soul. There is nothing in your world that is left behind as Mike can attest; his laptop is proof of this. This world is just as real here as your own world is there." Lucemon explained.

"So...you mean that if something happens here, if someone dies in this world... Ty nervously asked.

"...Yes." Was all Lucemon said in response.

"So that means that Gotsumon...the other digidestines were..."

"...I'm sorry. This wasn't suppose to happen." Lucemon said, turning away from Ty and facing the ground, his face showing hints of sorrow and anger, as he bit at the joint of his index finger. Ty, meanwhile, realizing what was just said, looked down to the ground in mourning.

This was suppose to be a fun little journey of mischef and anarchy, no one was suppose to get actually hurt in his conquest, no human was suppose to die here, but died they did...and what's more, it was by one of his soldiers...he was responsible for this mess...It was difficult for Lucemon to imagine what that feeling of responsibility must feel like to a kid like Ty. Despite being the Digimon Emperor, he is after all still just a child, a child carrying the kind of burden that breaks most adults.

...But of course, Lucemon now carries that burden as well...but this isn't the first time he's forced to carry it, and it probably won't be the last, so while his human partner grieves in silence, walking a few meters away from the army and Lucemon to be by himself, the main members of his army showing concern in their own ways...

Lucemon himself, was seething with anger, clenched fists shaking as his face turned cold and solemn once more.

"I'm going to trust that you've already issued a full-scale retreat on your spies, Michael. Meramon, gather your men and arrange a makeshift court. Devimon, fetch the emperor's throne. ...We're going to have what I believe you humans call, a court marshal." Lucemon said.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Agumon was quite happy to see AI when he got to him, but being a commander, he had to keep a straight face as he slowly stood up using AI as a sort of standing block before he offer a reply to what he had said "No, now is not the time to be pranking them. Let's just get out of here for now, General Bloodwolf probably going to be a lot angrier when he finds out that three humans are now dead, I don't know how the Emperor going to react though".

Agumon then used used AI as someone to help him walk at least until they were back with the army.
It was a strange sense of both satisfaction and worry as Mike watched Lucemon be caught off guard by the news, that one of the Digidestained had been killed. It was satifying since Mike did not trust Lucemon and his always calm personality and seeing that break in any way was fun but it became worry as the situation became clearer.
Much like Ty, Mike believe that if they died in this world they would just be thrown back into the real world. With Lucemon reviling that, that was not the case, caused Mike to realise that, he was treating this world like a game that he could manipulate with his skills, now he knew he was truly real in this digital world, he would have to be a lot more smarter and aware of everything.
He felt sorry for Ty but did not know how to console him about this, after the death of his grandparents, he had thrown himself into his computer work to deal with his grief, just before he heard Lucemon question, he said, mostly to himself though Lucemon and Wolfy would hear him "I wish Sashia was here, she knew the right things to say and do in situations like this"

He then looked at Lucemon as he asked him a question and then mentioned about a court Marshall. "I have issued a full scale retreat but Falconmon and Tentomon are going to keep watching the remaining members of the Digidestained from the sky, avoiding any and all conflicts until they reach their next location"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Collab@MenacingEffect and @Crimson Flame

As soon as Max arrived, the kid that he told not to use his sketchbook as a weapon had started giving orders. He explained that they were split up from the rest of the group. That much was obvious. There were definitely more than just three of them earlier.

He started giving everyone directions to split up, despite everyone else there being what? In their late teens? Max himself was an adult. Still though, clearly bad things were going down, now wasn't the time to be complaining. Besides, he got paired with the cute boy that this guy who introduced as Himura Kei called Nasaneiru-san. Max would have to find out if he had some kind of nickname or if that even was his real name, because somewhere down the road, he was probably going to mispronunciation Nasaneiru.

“Don't worry about it kid.” Max replied “Stuff is going down, and we have to move! Just so you know, my name is Max. You can call me Max-Sama if you want to. Seven did.” He grinned, and gave Kei a thumbs up gesture. Then, he took the other boy that he had been partnered up with by the wrist. “Come on cutie pie. We’re going!” And he ran in the northern direction. “By the way, I don't remember seeing you with the other kids. Did you get sucked in here just now? Also, he called you Na-sa-neiru-san. Is that your real name? Or is that just Kei’s accent? If it is, do you have a nickname or something? Because I’m probably going mispronunciation that.”

“By the way, I’m Nyaromon!” Cinderella piped up suddenly. “Or Cinderella as Max likes to call me. Hi, how's it goin?”

“Where have you been this whole time?! You’ve been so quiet.”

“Sitting on your shoulder silly. You didn't say anything…”

“Well, obviously. It's hard to miss a small yellow cat thing. I meant why have you been so quiet this whole time?”

“Not much to say I guess…” The small Digimon gave the closest thing one can give to a shrug when you don't have shoulders. “Now come on, you two can walk and talk. Let's go find those humans!”

Everyone scrambling to adapt to new circumstances, as Kei handed out instructions. He didn’t mind. He believed as the older members of the group that they should encourage the younger members to take charge. It will help Kei in the long run and in the future. Or maybe he’s just easygoing and that doesn’t necessarily bother him. The red head dragging him off didn’t really bother him much either, they were in a hurry. If one individual is dead, then so could others.

A yellow cat introduced herself as Cinderella, now that’s intriguing. He wondered how the name came about.

“First I’ll address my name is Nathaniel, though as I told Kei you don’t have to call me Nathaniel every time, Nathan, Niel, Nate, all work fine, it is after all a very versatile name,” he laughs to himself, before continuing, “Cinderella is an interesting name. Where did it come from? What drew you to the name? You know the story of Cinderella?”

It was a fascinating thing to consider that these creatures had individual likes and individual thoughts. He looks to the young chick of his, currently mean mugging a tree.
“You think you can take me, huh,” Pinamon says to the base of a tree, that he admits has a leg like shape. Still he should reign him in before he accidentally hurts himself.

“Please don’t fight the trees,” Nathaniel tells him He’s not actually sure what good that will do, however.

“Nathan huh? That's cool. Pleased to meet cha! I’ll call you Nate. My real name is Maxwell, but I prefer Max. Maxwell is way too fancy to my taste. Haha!” Max replied. “ I picked the name Cinderella because well… let's just say can really relate to her story…” The strawberry blonde boy frowned. “She had a terrible upbringing, but at the end of the day, she was still kind to others. Because of that, the animals helped her out, her fairy godmother helped her out, and she managed to find love in the end. I respect that. Despite everything they did to her, Cinderella could still forgive her stepmother and stepsisters. I don't think I could ever forgive that asshole that calls himself my dad...”

Meanwhile, Cinderella the Nyaromon bounced off her tamer’s shoulder and bounded over to the Pinamon that was challenging a tree to a fight. “You're not going to stand a chance. It’s clearly bigger than you. Why are you interested in fighting it anyway? It's… not even moving…”

Max laughed at the silly behavior of the two tiny Digimon. He put his hand on Nathan’s shoulder. “It's like being a parent, isn't it?”

The group of humans and Digimon kept walking, until Max came across something… unpleasant… First, there was the unpleasant smell, that made Max hold his nose. “Oh god! What is that smell?” As the boy got closer, and saw two bodies on the floor, Max frowned. “Oh no… That better not be what I think it is…” It was hard to deny something that was right in front of your eyes… There were two dead bodies right in front of him. One was of a boy he had seem in the group, but had never spoken to, and the other was Seven… “No… nonononono…” Max fell to his knees, covered his face with his hands, and started bawling. He had just spoken to Seven earlier today and now he's dead. How could this possibly have happened?

Cinderella saw what was happening, and bounced to where her tamer was crying. “Is… everything ok?”

“Does it look ok?!” Max shouted through the tears. “They're dead! Ugh… first my mom, then Robbie, and now this!” He went back to sobbing into his hands.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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