Crew Name: Gloopra
Crew Role: Indigo Lantern
Crew Description: Born into the Pirate guilds on Nar Shaadaa, Gloopra was raised to be a Black Sun enforcer during the days of the Empire. When his force sensitivity presented itself at a young age, his father sold him to one of the other captains for 100,000 credits. Gloopra didn't resent his father for this, Pirate guilds often trade sentients like livestock, but he did resent his new captain who took him and molded him into a killing machine. By the age of 10, Gloopra was able to kill a fully grown man with his bare hands and was proficient in many forms of armed combat. As he grew and went between captains as they were killed by other captains to get this killing machine, his life knew naught but the wanton slaughter of others until he was given a very special target. Thrown into a combat pit, he came face to face with the legendary Luke Skywalker, who had been captured by mercenaries that wanted to collect the "Wanted dead or alive" bounty as put out by the Empire, specifically the first part of that.
Luke and Gloopra fought hand to hand, Luke had the force on his side, but so did Gloopra, albeit, untrained. Luke, seeing Gloopra's command of the Force spent the fight talking, rather than attacking, telling Gloopra of how much more he could be, what kinds of things he could do, how he could put his combat prowess to use for good, rather than the dark path he had been forced onto. Luke did get through to Gloopra and together, they managed to escape. Gloopra became one of Luke's first Apprentices and soon became a Jedi Knight. He was never granted a Padawan, but this was at his own request, he instead was given the task of looking after younglings and teaching others about lightsaber combat. Whilst looking through the archive's, he discovered the Barash Vow. Those who focused solely on combat and were otherwise Jedi only. He talked to Luke about taking the vow, but Luke wouldn't allow it, the order was still young and he couldn't afford to have their best fighters going off into the wilderness. So, Luke created the "Battle-Master" vow, an offshoot of the Barash vow that would allow a Jedi to focus solely on combat, but remain with the others, not take on Jedi matter's, but mainly serve as a warrior and teacher to the others on how to duel with a lightsaber. Nobody in the order being above being called in by him for lessons in combat.
Recently, he discovered the Litany of Emotion jumping through space and was called to it by the Indigo power ring, Taking it, he was brought before Inul, who explained his part in the crew. While not abandoning his duty as a Jedi, he does consider his role in this crew to be a little more important.
2x Lightsabers (1 Blue bladed, the other Green)
Double-Lightsaber (Purple blades)
Duraplast Armour (Under his robes)
TIE Silencer (Not really equipment, but it's his ship. He "liberated" it during a raid on Seinar Fleet Systems' factories on Kuat. He had been sent to sabotage a new TIE fighter's development and found the prototype Silencer. He erased the plans from the database and stole to prototype. It has been his ever since.)