Name of Ship: Myth Home Universe/Name of Franchise: OC universe. A human race based off of the planet Onyx. Role: Special Operations Strike Craft (SOSC) Physical Description/Image:
Physical Size (roughly): 70.1 meters x 80 meters x 14 meters (lwh) Armament/Complement (roughly):
1. An extremely potent, fusion powered laser mounted center on the aircraft just under the cockpit. 2. One 180 mm automatic magnetic canon on each side of the laser, three 80 mm auto canons on each side of the 180 mm canons, and a 120 mm canon in a ventral compartment under the cockpit. 3. Small anti-matter missiles mounted in ventral bays in the wings of the craft. (x6 mounts each wing) 4. Several large anti-matter missiles located in ventral bays in the wings and one in the center. (x2 each wing)
1. A scientist highly skilled in biology, physics, technology, and engineering. 2. 1st Battalion, 8th Special Tactics Group-Delta. The group of several hundred is commonly referred to as Delta. The Myth carries the newly formed tier one 12 man team of Delta called 8th Team. Not only do they have a wide armament to use, but they have their own matte black, exo-skeleton embedded armor with personal energy shields. 3. A generation V AI, basically, a sentient AI which can fly the ship, run ship functions, make all the jump calculations itself, crack jokes and everything.
History of the Ship: The ship is one of firsts for Onyx. The ship was designed for special forces tasks such as infiltration, special forces deployment, reconnaissance, strike, and guerrilla warfare. The ship had only completed a few missions before a strange event occurred while fighting an insurrectionist faction on a colony world known as Harvest. The colonist had created a new type of warp system... one so powerful it could open a portal directly to a any location. While engaged with the ship that carried the drive, the laser mounted on the Myth pierced the drive, causing it to malfunction, destroying the insurrectionist ship and porting the Myth to a completely different universe.
Notable Crew: Crew Name: Captain James Carter Crew Role: Ship Captain Crew Description: The captain is a reasonable man. He began to work for the Onyx Intelligence Agency (OIA) after five years of service as a captain and is responsible for dealing with aliens. He has arranged many deals with alien civilizations, however, once the Myth was released from the shipyard he was reassigned from political role to a strike role, and now plans and executes strikes to cripple both alien civilizations and insurrectionists who work with/for alien civilizations.
Crew Name: Atom Crew Role: Ship AI Crew Description: An artificial intelligence with a sense of humor. He likes to appear as an atom on holotables... an atom with a positive charge.
Crew Name: Commander Brent Greene Crew Role: Delta Commander Crew Description: A tough, quiet man who was well known in the special forces community. He worked his way up to the top tier special forces branch fairly quickly. Little did he know, however, that there was a classified special forces community known as the Delta. It was the job of delta to guard humanity against alien threats. He has become the commander of Delta and was therefor reassigned to the Myth along with 11 other qualified individuals, creating 8th team.
Unique Technology: 1. Energy shields which can overload from any type of assault, given it is sustained or simply overpowering. 2. FTL technology which allows for ships to travel through wormholes. 3. The ability to produce and use enough anti-matter as a weapon. 4. A grasp of artificial intelligence and "cold fusion". 5. Visual cloaking technology. Crew Size:
Disadvantages: 1. The ship is limited on size and crew, it cannot hope to battle a larger ship or a fleet by itself. 2. It cannot field an army, nor can it carry a large amount of supplies or manufacture supplies. 3. Its cloaking technology doesn't hide thermal energy and radiation signatures.
Role/class Capital Carrier/Orbital Troop Transport
Faction/Operator/Owner Caldari Ishukone Mega Corporation
Crew size 4000 Ship Crew members and 500 Infantry.
Physical Size 2026m Long and 300m Wide
XL-Torpedo Launchers: Two building size Launch pads sit on the Top deck of the Liberator. These Missile silos fire off multiple Warheads at the target. With the size of the Warhead used, it is designed to do maximum damage on Capital Class Warships. Although these warheads can detonate in a small area to inflict damage on group of smaller targets. Able to change out the types of these warheads: Electromagnetic warhead that explodes before the ship and deals large amount of damage to shields, High Explosive Warhead for Armor, Kinetic Warhead designed to act as a solid slug and pierce the ship, and finally a Thermal Warhead that bursts burning liquid on the ship to overheat Ships modules or to strip smaller gun placements on the hull.
Rapid Torpedo Launcher: These Missile silos are placed on the Port and Starboard sides of the Liberator. These Missiles fired from here carry a much smaller Warhead than it's Extra Large cousin. Designed to strike small crafts and Smaller Capital ships. They fire much more rapidly as well. Filling the void with more Missiles than Ship's on the field at a single time.
Point Defense system: The Liberator hold's two types of Point Defense systems. The Defender Guided Rocket Launchers that are scattered across the ship. Designed to stop large Warheads from reaching the ship. The second is the 125mm Gatling Autocannon. Used to keep fighter and Drones off the ship.
Capital Class Shield Booster: While some ships prefer to have a large amount of shields for battles and hopping they will last long enough to survive the whole way, the Liberator uses a Shield Booster. Allowing it to rapidly heal it's shield as long as the capacitor is functioning.
Dragonfly Fighters: These small craft fighters are the fastest and greatest money could buy. Not because of the Ship design, but the Pilots. Just like the Ground troops of the Liberator the Pilots of these Fighters are Immortal Mercenaries known as "Valkyries". Each one having fought and died at one point before being awoken again. The Winged Fighter Craft carries Blasters and short Ranged rockets. These are the main fighting force of the Liberator. The ship carrying several wings of them to use at any given time.
500 Mercenary Dropsuit Infantry: These Soldiers are essentially immortal. Having enough money or gifted an implant that transfers their consciousness into another body upon death. Each one that dies is brought to life on the ship or MCC that contains his cloned pods. Usually having to personally pay for the new body and equipment, the Ishukone Corporation supplies them with the means as long as they stay on the pay role. The mercenary soldiers of the Liberator enter combat wearing state-of-the-art armored dropsuits. With a variety of specialized designs available, different dropsuits offer specific bonuses to speed, mobility, defense, and Firepower. Most are of Caldari Origin. Using Shielded Dropsuits with Railgun and Missile Weaponry.
Heavy Assault Tank: A Tank with Heavy shields. Usually equipped with a Primary Rail Cannon and a secondary Rocket Launcher.
Light Assault Vehicle Buggies. A four wheeled All Terrain Buggies with a small shielding. Usually paired with a Small Railgun Turret or Quad Tube Rocket Launcher.
Light Assault Dropships: Used as a fast Transport for Infantry and able to recharge shields of Dropsuits and Vehicles. Usually carrying Four Small Railgun Turrets or Four Quad-Tube Rocket Launchers.
Mobile Command Center(MCC): Colossal. Imposing. Devastating. Any of these words could describe the MCC, but only one truly sums it up: Control. The MCC is the nerve center of any army, the backbone upon which Ground wars are waged and battles won. It is from here, locked within the confines of a modified hydrostatic pod, that the commander orchestrates the fate of those on the ground below. He does so having never set foot on the battlefield, but with the collective knowledge and situational awareness of every unit that has. If knowledge is power, it is the commander who wields it. It spans 200m and is equipped with a shield that matches smaller Frigates. Although it only holds short ranged point defense Blasters as weapons.
History of the Ship The Liberator is under Command of the Ishukone Corporation , one of the 'Mega Corporations' of the Caldari State. It uses the Hull of the Chimera Carrier, being reconstructed as not only a Fighter Carrier, but a Troop Transport.Used to Protect the corporation's planets and occasionally assaulting Other Empires Planets. The Liberator was assigned to the Battle Group: Ishukone 1. The battle group holds Two two Leviathan Class Titans, Six Wyvern Class Super Carriers, Twelve Chimera Class Carriers and Phoenix Class Dreadnoughts, and finally 4 Chimera class Troop Carriers.The Liberator has successfully Protected 27 Different Planets and has successfully assaulted 13. Not losing a single battle. While it is a small number of Battles compared to many of the other ships in the Battlegroup, it's success rate is admirable.
In it's last battle, Battle Group Ishukone 1 was ambushed by Guirista Pirates. The Battle had damaged the Liberator significantly, damaging its warp stabilizers. Still the Liberator warped. Sadly it had warped into a unknown space, due to the damage done to it's warp core.
Advantages/Disadvantages +Size more than 1km -Malfunctioning/missing ship systems(Warp Core) -Low resources (Ammo and Infantry Manpower)
Notable Crew
Crew Name: Captain Oijo Anttoss Crew Role: Ship Captain Crew Description: The First and only Captain of the Liberator. Oijo has proved to be a brave a capable captain. A man respected and trusted by his crew. The liberator has had a few close calls, but Oijo has always kept his crew's welfare in mind and has occasionally pulled feats of Legend on his Ship. From Crashing his ship to another to create a domino effect on enemy ships, bumping each one further and further to get them out of their weapon Range of his Battle Fleet. Even his last act was used to save his crew.
Crew Name: Denic Keskilm Crew Role: Mercenary Infantry General Crew Description: The Immortal General's name is known across the Caldari state and he has worked for almost every single Mega Corporation in it. Although recently he had accepted the contract given by Ishukone. He is known as a master Tactician, winning countless Battles aboard his MCC. While not much of a fighter himself, he keeps out of the battle, directing from the rear. Some say he never leaves the comfort of his stasis pod. Always running simulations aboard the MCC even when docked.
Crew Name: Hanari Mannidlich Crew Role: Mercenary Dropsuit Infantry Captain Crew Description: Hanari is also a Immortal Dropsuit Infantry commander although he leads on the ground and is usually in the Forefront of each battle. Translating orders and passing them on from General Keskilm. He is identifiable by his glowing Gold lenses on his Drop suit and his Rare class of weapons he brings to the battlefield. Hanari is not as renown as his leader, but definitely earns his pay.
REQUIRED: Name of Ship:Oath of Salvation Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Warhammer 40,000 Role: Merchant Freighter and Transport Physical Description/Image:
First commissioned as the Iron Faith, the ship was built for Battlefleet Pacificus over the Forge World of Panjur IV. It would eventually be mothballed and put in storage until one Artorias Talyvrne was granted a Warrent of Trade by the Administratum did it see service once more. Hailing from a poor but highly communal world, Talyvrne swore and oath that he would bring enough wealth into his home planet so that it could better serve the Imperium beyond being a mere backwater rock, thus renaming the vessel the Oath of Salvation. Years passed and Talyvrne proved to be a capable captain, massing a tiny fleet of other similarly sized ships making regular trade runs and transporting Imperial Guard regiments. However, during a voyage to the Haradum Expanse, the fleet was attacked by Chaos Raiders. Forced to make uncalculated Warp Jumps or face destruction, Talyvrne pulled a maneuver which involved him jumping into the Warp before immediately jumping back out and then going back in blind at full speed in the hopes of loosing the raiders. The only ship to survive the maneuver, the Oath of Salvation now finds it in uncharted space in a universe where the light of the God-Emperor does not shine and nothing is how the crew remembers it.
Notable Crew:
Crew Name: Rogue Trader Captain Artorias Talyvrne Crew Role: Captain Crew Description: Once a noble scion from the backwater world of Karabyr, Talyvrne managed to some how get his hands on a Warrant of Trade. He is a driven individual looking to find some way of making a name for his otherwise poor homeworld but isn't above enjoying the wealth and power of his position. He definitely tries to have a "tough, roguish, brave, badass captain" persona but cracks do show as he is responsible for the many thousands of people on board his ship, many of which are entire families who volunteered to live aboard his fleet due to them sharing the idea of improving Karabyr.
Crew Name: Magos Errant Thalmar XI Crew Role: Senior Engineer Chief/Chief Techpriest Crew Description:Every ship needs techpriests to serve its many systems and carry out its many rituals and rites of usage. Thalmar XI has sworn an alligence to Talyvrne after he was accused of techno-heresy. Although he was aquitted of the charges thanks in part to the Rogue Trader, he cannot return to his home world because of the incident and his new reputation thus he and his followers now tend to the Oath of Salvation
Crew Name: Sir Gwain the Valient Crew Role: Master of the Ship's Guard Crew Description: The Karabyr Tercio is the name typically given to the few Imperial Guard regiments raised on the world of Karabyr; Talyvrne has equipped those aboard his ship with some particularly fine weapons and armor to protect his fleet. Sir Gwain was a reputable knight, skilled in pike and lasgun, on Karabyr whose family had served the Talvyrne Dynasty for many years and is a distant cousin of Artorias Talyvrne.
Crew Name: Anmari Bellas Crew Role: ??? Crew Description: No on is actually sure what Anmari Bellas does on the ship but its commonly known that she was once part of the harem that usually warm Talvyrne's bed. Although she's proven to be capable in remembering names, numbers and other information, dozens of rumors surround her and why exactly she's seen so often on the bridge of the ship ranging. They range from as mundane as she simply speaks for the other girls and acts as window dressing to she's a demonic being trying to corrupt the captain with her position on the bridge as proof of it.
Crew Name: Xantol Krakenson Crew Role: Pilot Crew Description: Raised on a feral, tribal world, Xantol has never once touch a ship before being taken in by Talyvrne. Instead, he was a skilled beast master of the flying beasts on his homeworld and has managed to some how transfer the skills of dragon riding to flying a ship. Has come into much disagreement with the techpriests onboard because he insists on calling the ship's Machine Spirit a "Wild Iron Soul". Currently has a list of over one hundred titles he made himself that he goes through daily ranging from "the Brave" to "Slayer of the Nine Head Star Demon King" to "of the Wild Winds and Mystic Dragon Rider of the Furthest North Star".
Crew Name: Korg Ratatatata Crew Role: Master Gunner Crew Description: An Ogryn Bonehead, Korg's Bonehead procedure left him with a remarkable ability to predict enemy ship movements and aim guns, often going as far as beating his war drum so that the crew can load and fire the massive guns in sync. However, he is still an Ogryn and communicates as well as one meaning that for all his brilliance in aiming cannons, he can barely tell the others what to actually put into the system and has gone to the medical bay no less than 19 times for trying to ingest one of Thalmar XI's smaller limbs.
Optional, but helpful: Unique Technology:
Warp Engine - Lets the ship go FTL by literally going through space-Hell
Macro-Cannon Battery - Giant kinetic cannons fired like a broadside that fire huge shells
Navigator - Normally a psyker that guides ships through the Warp; current passed out and mumbling about polar bears
Crew Size: 4,221 Crewmen with 730 Karabyrian Tercio Phalanxes to guard Class: Custom Model with Custom modification, tentatively called the "Oathsworn-Class Frigate" Faction/Operator/Owner: The Imperium of Man, Talvyrne Dynasty
Completely useless, but fun, fluff Last meal served: Corpse-Starch Rations Last mechanical failure:
Warp Engine unresponsive, potential power line failure
Some walls in levels 21-28 reported to have faces and are currently screaming obscenities to passerbys
Macro Cannon #5 is Jammed
Levels 1-11 report no power
Life system failed in Communal Living Quarters on Deck 31a
Fire reported in the Officer's Shrine
The Machine-Spirit of an automatic turret in Deck 108c has gone rogue and killed 4 people, techpriests are trying to fix
Augur Array offline
Port-side Airlocks have trapped three dozen crewmen in sections of the ship
That one fucking pipe is still leaking
Fuel reserves (roughly): 60% Motto: "For the Glory of the Emperor, for the Future of Karabyr."
Weird Error: There is this one pipe that runs the entire course of the ship that is always leaking somewhere despite all attempts to fix it; has pissed off many techpriests.
Last Shore Leave Incident: Two crewmen attempted to mess with an Ogryn using a broken lasgun, a lawnchair and a jug of Rotgut; two crewmen burried shortly after due to multiple blunt force trauma wounds.
Last two crewmembers romantically involved: Discounting Talyvrne's budding harem, a flight deck officer and a munitions officer announced they were expecting a child and are getting married by the ship's clergy.
Last two crewmembers to get in a fight: Xantol and another techpriest over once again on how best to treat the ship's Machine Spirit/Iron Soul.
Alcohol reserves (or local equivalent): Not enough for this shit Snark reserves (roughly): Snark reserves and Alcohol reserves are constantly in an inverse relationship Major religion: Imperial Cult with a Machine Cult minority among its techpriests Last incident of racial tension: A fight broke out among the crew involving reports of rations stolen by a Ratling; 4 humans and 17 Ratlings sent to Medical. Power behind the Captain: Debatable, shifts day to day with politics; some days the Captain just doesn't take anything from anyone
Captain's rival: Anyone of significance with major issues against the Captain is promptly introduced to Mr. Airlock or Mr. Torpedo Tube in most cases.
History concerning the existence of AI: Machine Spirits > AI, Machine Spirit =/= AI (totes) Culture regarding the existence of aliens: SUFFER NOT THE XENOS TO LIVE... so long as someone is looking
Last horror movie trope experienced: Going through the Warp and loosing the light of the Astronomicon; the walls contorting into faces and screaming at you, a demon materializing on the ship before being met in hand-to-hand combat with the Master Gunner.
Crew jumpiness from: A solid 6, despite everything going on, its actually a fairly normal day aboard the ship minus the arriving in a new universe thing.
Name of Ship: Brain Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Retro's Imagination (ship design from Eve, closest thing I could find) Role: Possibly a secondary Tank and/or a statistics ship.
Physical Size (roughly): 1007 Meters
As the Capital Ship of Emperor/General Razor (Yes he is named Razor), The ship is meant for supportive roles rather than straight on attack. This does not mean that the ship is incapable of fighting:
The Ship's Frontal Cavity encloses a very clunky "planet destroyer" weapon, the name may be a bit over exciting for the weapon, as all it is capable of is (if it hits its target in the first place) blowing up a large section of an enemy ship
The ship's side armament consists of mostly anti-fighter guns, but has three large artillery cannons on each side, all hidden beneath slaths of armor. If the armored doors were to get stuck, the ship could become incapable of fighting off enemies.
The ship's rear is mostly just thruster space, with a few anti-fighter guns to keep them from blowing up the thrust capabilities.
One of the first ships built by the Industrial Empire, it has seen many battles against a foe empire, bent on enslaving all of the galaxy. This ship was the flagship of the Great Rebellion, and returned again, refurbished, to fight in the Galactic rebellion. Its role was communications and strategy layout, not meant to be up in the frontlines of a battle. Its first test against an enemy ship was when a fighter battalion moved deep out to flank into the main attacking force, luckily they ran into a trap. The first test against an enemy destroyer was at the battle of Horindor. The planet was lain siege for several months by the Avignon Empire, the population was bombarded day to day by orbital cannons. The Industrial Fleet moved in to raise the siege. The resulting battle cost both sides many ships, the two sole survivors of the Industrial fleet were Brain and a carrier ship named Sniper.
Name: Razor (Referred to as "Emperor Razor") Role: Ship Captain Backstory: From planet Earth, he helped spark two large rebellions against the Avignon Empire. Before the great robotic uprising of Earth, I'll get to that soon, he was created by a top secret organization hired by the U.S. government to create a war machine capable of handling any situation required of it. Razor was originally named Nexion for the company that was building him, but changed it due to how much he hated the company and anything to do with it. After years of fighting, Razor realised the imperfections of the human race, and wished to help them stop destroying themselves. His sole objective was to rule over the human race, However, an Ai had other plans. The Ai began taking matters into its own hands and started exterminating the humans. Before Razor could stop it, the human race was wiped out. From the day he found out what he just helped to do, he promised that if any race out there in the universe was being enslaved or genocided, the enslavers or genociders would feel his wrath.
Name: Vlad Role: Ship's weapons expert Backstory: After the destruction of the human race, Emperor Razor became nearly insane and began trying to rebuild the human population with robots, going as far as forcing them to have language and accent barriers. Eventually Emperor Razor would become sane again and redo most of his work, Vlad was one of the first built specifically for the purpose of recreating the human population, eventually being given the freedom of all languages and accents. Vlad's go to language is still Russian.
Name: Rodenstein Role: Ship's best scientist Backstory: As the sanity of Emperor Razor came back to him, he realized that they needed more resources, and the only way to get them was from Space. Earth was running out, so he began the creation of a scientific team of robots that could solve almost any solvable problem (by solvable problem, I mean anything that can be solved, whether it is 2 + 2 or the equation for a space-time jump). Rodenstein was one of the last scientists built, but was one of the best. As the other scientists eventually broke down completely, Rodenstein continues to carry on. Rodenstein's biggest accomplishment was the creation of the first FTL drive, allowing for the first ever travel between stars.
Name: Mom ("A model based on "Mother" the Ai that exterminated the human race) Role: Ship's system checks and repairs. Backstory: Mom was built for the command of Brain, however, emperor Razor had second thoughts and decided to dumb down Mom. Mom's sole purpose is to keep the ship running. It has very little capabilities to think for itself, and can only calculate FTL pathing and other calculations to do with the ship's thrust, yaw, and/or roll. Mom constantly reminds emperor Razor of Mother and he has said himself that he should never have built Mom.
-Advanced Communications station -"planet destroyer" laser
Crew Size: 50 Class: Command Ship Faction/Operator/Owner: Industrial Empire (co-owned by the Great Rebellion Council)
Last meal served: NEVER
Last mechanical failure: Armored Door 2 on side L refuses to close, please refrain from using main battery systems until it is fixed. (status: 28%)
Fuel reserves (roughly): 22%
Motto: Progress and rule the world Galaxy
Weird error that's always just unimportant enough to never fix: Light malfunction on floor 5
Last Shore Leave Incident: Docking arm malfunction, ripped the whole thing off of the station.
Last two crewmembers romantically involved: John and Jem
Last two crewmembers to get in a fight: John and Brian
Alcohol reserves (or local equivalent): Robots don't drink alcohol...
Major religion: Atheist
Last incident of racial tension: We're all robots here bro
Power behind the Captain: The captain has most control over the ship, Mom makes sure orders are carried out, but without capacity to think on its own, it never disobeys orders.
Captain's rival: Vlad
Snark reserves (roughly): 1
History concerning the existence of AI: We are Ai
Culture regarding the existence of aliens: Don't trust lizard people, do trust things that aren't lizard people.
Last horror movie trope experienced: No coverage, the battle previously ended with Brain and a few allied destroyers running away from a couple large dreadnaughts.
Crew jumpiness from 1-10, with 1 being a beach vacation and 10 being any part of the movie Alien right before it attacks: 2 (Robots can't die easily. At least that's what they think.) Current: 6 ("Dafaq just happened?" - John, the average Robot)
Name of Ship: UNSC Janus Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Halo Role: Heavy Cruiser; optimized for Command and Attack functions The Janus is a Marathon-Class heavy cruiser, and like most human ships, has an incredibly industrial design. The Janus is a modification on the class; considered to be something of a halfway point between the usual Marathon-classes and the later Infinity-class carriers. The ship is wrapped in 304 centimeters of titanium A battle plating, and features an angular design, appearing somewhat like a tiered cake if viewed from engine housing upwards. The ship was designed for function over aesthetic -- it has multiple protruding gunports, missile silos, and a forward facing MAC cannon fused into the ship's superstructure.
Physical Size (roughly): The Janus is slightly over the typical size of a Marathon-class cruiser, coming in at 1200 meters long, 300 meters wide, and 400 meters tall.
-x1 Mark IX Heavy Coil MAC: Serving as Janus' showstopper is the ship's heavy coil MAC cannon. The MAC, or Magnetic Accelerator Cannon, is a massive coilgun based on railgun technology. A modification of the standard MAC cannon, it fires an 800 ton projectile made from part ferrous tungsten and part depleted uranium at an astonishing 60 kilometers per hour. The Heavy Coil MAC takes a dramatic amount of time to charge, and can typically only be used once per fight, sparing only the most drawn out engagements. The Heavy Coil is powerful enough that it was fused directly into the ship's skeleton to enable its use, and can only be fired directly from the front of the ship.
-x2 MAC Cannons: Smaller, more standardized versions of the Janus' big gun, affixed to the ship's center on the top and bottom. They fire a slightly smaller 600 ton projectile at 30 kilometers per hour. These cannons can be used much more frequently during engagements compared to the Heavy Coil, but their use is relatively infrequent compared to typical ship-to-ship arms.
-x300 Oversized M58 Archer Missile Pods: Carrying 40 missiles per pod, Archer missiles are some of the most frequently used in the Janus' arsenal. Targeted by shipboard AI, missiles are typically fired in a massive burst at the target. The Archer's have typically proven ineffective over the course of Janus's tenure. They have trouble penetrating shields, are easily taken down by point defense lasers or guns, and are vulnerable to jamming to disable their guidance functions. However, the missiles have proven to be devastatingly effective against armor.
-x10 Rapier Missile Pods: A new missile variant being tested by the UNSC aboard the Janus. They are a marked improvement over the Archer in many ways, but steps backward in others. With only 15 missiles to a pod, a Captain must be much more careful about their application. The Rapiers are infused with small amounts of plasma technology appropriated from Covenant vessels, and are quite effective against shielding compared to the standard Archers -- but in gaining this strength, the Rapiers sacrifice their specific usefulness against armor. The Rapiers also share the Archer's weakness against point defense weapons and jamming.
-x400 M965 50mm Point Defense Guns: Lining much of the ship's surface, the M965 Defense Array fires 50mm high explosive ammunition. The guns are not terribly effective against enemy vessels and are entirely useless against shielded opponents -- however, the guns main purpose is to shoot down missile-based assaults and enemy fighters/bombers.
-x2 HAVOK Tactical Nuclear Weapons: A devastating nuclear weapon intended only for the most dire of circumstances. Most UNSC vessels are only given one, if any at all, but HIGHCOM appropriated an additonal one for Janus for it's role in the Battle of Earth. With a thermonuclear yeild of 30 megatons, it can be activated remotely or, in desperate situations, manually.
-x5 Fusion Rockets: Relatively inefficient kinetic strikes. They've proven largely useless against shielded opponents and have no guidance system. They are largely utilized against stationary targets.
-800 Naval Personnel: Responsible for management of the ship and repairs, as well as manning of Longswords and Pelicans.
-200 UNSC Marines: Standard greenhorn marines, typically armed with assault rifles, but also known to carry rocket launchers, rail guns, and a variety of weaponry.
-5 Orbital Drop/Shock Troopers(ODSTs): Elite troopers, outstanding from the Marines. The best of the best of regular human beings; these five are the only ones left onboard after most of Janus' complement dropped into battle.
-3 SPARTAN II Super Soldiers: Augmented super soldiers dressed in MJOLNIR powered armor. Superior to regular human beings by a long shot, SPARTANs are fast, strong, and hyperlethal.
-24 Longsword Interceptors: Standard interceptor, primarily used for combat against other fighters. The Longsword can be modified to serve in a bombing role, but it does not excel in this function.
-10 Pelican Dropships: Troop Transports that carry up to fifteen soldiers. Affixed with a nose gun used for personal defense. Pelicans can also be utilized to carry and drop in Warthog LAVs and Scorpion MBTs.
-12 Warthog LAVs: Three man light assault land vehicle with chain gun, rail gun, or missile pod attachment in the back gunner seat.
-1 Scorpion Main Battle Tank: Large, heavily armored tank with large main cannon and supporting chain gun. One driver and one turret operator -- up to four soldiers can ride on the Tank's treads.
-25 HEVs: Human Entry Vehicles, or Drop Pods, designed to be used by ODSTs -- dropped from orbit to deliver the soldiers to ground.
-6 Falcon Gunships: A tilt and reverse rotor helicopter with occupancy for up to five troops inside, excluding pilot. Two machinegun turrets are affixed to either door side. Falcons also come with a standard M638 autocannon affixed to the chin of the craft.
-1x Huragok Engineer: One from a race of biological supercomputers. Used entirely in secret, usually for repair work.
-1x "Smart" AI: Responsible for major ship duties, navigation, targeting algorithms, etc. Has been known to leave the ship inside a SPARTANs helmet.
History of the Ship:
The Janus is a relatively new ship, commissioned by ONI as a testing grounds for some of their pet projects, particularly the new Huragok acquisition. For a time it was staffed only be a skeleton crew, one captain Hurst, and a handful of ONI Operatives. After a few months of service, usually putting around Outer Colonies, Janus received notification about the Battle of Reach and was deployed to aid in the combat efforts. Though the Janus ultimately arrived too late to be of service, she was given a full crew and standing orders to stay in or near the Sol System, as HIGHCOM feared an attack on Earth. When that fateful day arrived, the Janus was able to deploy most of it's payload of ODSTs and fight valiantly against the Covenant menace. However, the Captain, Hurst, ultimately proved disloyal on the arrival of a fourth wave of the Covenant fleet, and began powering up the Translight engine in an escape attempt. He was immediately shot by the resident ONI Officer, but then things got... Weird. They were now in uncharted space, with no planet like Earth around for lightyears...
Notable Crew:
Crew Name: Archibald "Archie" Stevenson Crew Role: Ship Captain Crew Description: Archie hails from the planet of Carrow, where he lived for all his life until the fateful day of the Covenant's attack. He joined OCS immediately, wishing to destroy the Covenant with as much firepower as he could get his hands on -- and that happened to be aboard a Heavy Cruiser. For most of the war's duration, Archie has served on either Halcyon Class or Marathon Class vessel. During The Battle of Earth, when the former Captain expired, Archie found himself suddenly promoted.
Crew Name: Maisie Villarreal Crew Role: ONI Agent Crew Description: A representative from the Office of Naval Intelligence whose purpose is to keep track of all experimental tech employed by the Janus and keep an eye on the Huragok. She likes to keep out of people's way, keeping her head down and doing her job, and she rarely makes any time for small talk or pleasantries. This has earned her a reputation as a stone cold bitch. She is fiercely, relentlessly loyal to the UNSC.
Crew Name: Janus, or "JJ" Crew Role: AI Crew Description: Named for the ship he was ultimately placed on, JJ is a Smart AI that was designed along with and specifically for the Janus. He's a relatively new AI, and hasn't had as much experience as the now famous Cortana. Still, his processing speeds and function is incredible. He's deeply curious and has something of a minor God complex. A common adage of his is "I am the ship, and the ship is me." He has been disconnected from time to time, but he never recalls it as a pleasant experience.
Crew Name: Elise-096 Crew Role: SPARTAN II Super Soldier Crew Description: Along with Graham-024 and Thalia-133, she is the leader of Green Team, deployed on a number of ONI-assigned missions for most of the Human-Covenant War. Like most Spartans, Elise is reserved and quiet, usually only speaking when spoken to. Among her fellows she is creative and a free thinker, and probably would have been something of a flower child if she hadn't ended up in the Spartan program. She's prone to want to question orders, but has had such practices beaten out of her. Still, in her private moments, she wonders if she's doing the right thing.
Crew Name: Cain Shaw Crew Role: ODST Commando Crew Description: Leader of the last ODST squadron scheduled to deploy from the Janus, Cain is pissed he and his team didn't get a chance to defend Earth and her peoples. He is loud, brash, and in-charge, characteristic of most ODSTs. Shaw has spent his career as an ODST getting screwed over, not deployed to any major conflict locations, always being ferried to a new locale as back-up, and he's fed up with it.
Crew Name: Inconsistent Buoyancy Crew Role: Huragok Engineer Crew Description: An Engineer acquired by ONI for service on the Janus. It was a truly remarkable find, and a clandestine operation to get the damned thing on board and keep it hush hush. Inconsistent is content to float around the ship, being corralled by Maisie, fixing whatever he(if it can even be called a 'he') can find.
Unique Technology: -Shaw/Fujikawa Translight Engine: Means of entering slipstream space for fast transit. -MAC Cannons Crew Size: 1008 human beings on board Class: Marathon-Class Faction/Operator/Owner: The United Nations Space Command
Built-In Heavy Beam Weapon - (Currently Undergoing Repairs)
(78) V-Wing Starfighters
(30) ARC-170 Starfighters
(26) LAAT Gunships
(24) BARC Speeder Bikes
(12) AT-RT Walkers
(4) AT-AP Walkers
(1) HAVw A6 Juggernaut - (Slightly Damaged)
(1) Clone Trooper Legion
(1) Jedi
(1) Eta-2 Actis-Class Interceptor
History of the Ship:
The Endeavor is a Venator-Class Star Destroyer that was completed in 21 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin). It is the personal flagship of Admiral Karloff, but slightly shared by Jedi General Vell shortly after the Jedi Master was assigned to his personal clone legion. It had engaged in various battles during the Clone Wars, including the First Battle of Ryloth, the Battle of Bothawui, the First Battle of Felucia, the Battle of Corvus VI, and other space skirmishes against the vile Separatist Droid Army. Nearing the end of the Clone Wars, roughly two weeks before the Battle of Coruscant, the Endeavor along with a few other Venators and Acclamators were sent far into the Outer Rim to engage a Separatist space station. It was reported that they were making an unknown military device and they were tasked in destroying it along with the entire station.
Turned out this 'military device' was some sort of giant hyperspace portal, one large enough to fit an entire fleet in. Unknown to the Republic, this portal was to take the Separatist fleet into the Deep Core, in which they were to meet up with thousands of other enemy ships and strike at Coruscant. The battle was ultimately fierce and both sides had suffered heavy losses, but the Republic was able to breakthrough with the help of Vell's reckless tactics... at least for awhile. Soon enough, the Separatists brought in reinforcements and caught the Republic Fleet off-guard. A Providence-Class Cruiser was able to take down the Venator's Hyper Beam located near the center of the ship, but not before it too was destroyed by it. Trapped between the incoming fleet and the portal that laid in front of them, Vell had little choice but to enter the portal and see where it would take them. Perhaps he could see where the enemy was going next and after report back to the Republic once they reach friendly lines.
Yet due to undetected damage and strain in the hyperdrive, the Venator warped out into unknown space and now without any contact to the Republic, Vell and his forces have to survive until they can figure out their next move.
Advantages/Disadvantages +Size more than 1km +FTL Transport - (Class 1.0 Hyperdrive) -Low Resources -Personnel shortages -Minor System Malfunction - (Notably in the Heavy Beam Weapon and Hyperdrive)
Born on the planet Coruscant, Sias Vell commands the Venator-Class Star Destroyer, Endeavor. Prior to the Clone Wars, Vell lived a rather normal life as a middle-class citizen. When he and his parents discovered his force-sensitivity, they brought him to the steps of the Jedi Temple so he could be trained. Now a seasoned warrior, Vell joins the war as a valiant and highly-respected jedi general amongst his troops of the 64th Legion. While he'll do anything to win the battle, he's been known to occasionally initiate high-risk and high-reward tactics to assure victory, even in the darkest of circumstances. While most of his antics have achieved victory, the ship's admiral keeps a very close eye on him to make sure he doesn't go too far off the deep end.
A stern but highly skilled strategist, Admiral Kardoff is an experienced naval commander and excellent in helping out his jedi general, Master Vell. Born and trainedon the planet Corellia, he initially lead a small local security fleet to guard the planet's south face from any incoming hostilities. He was later placed as an admiral's assistant during the years leading up to the Clone Wars and eventually found himself commanding his own fleet upon the Endeavor. He always puts the needs of his troops first and makes sure that each and every soldier will get out alive. Kardoff occasionally argues with his jedi general and does scold him for most of his dareless antics on the battlefield, but he does highly respect him to the end.
CC-4560, later known as "Terra", was a clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett created on Kamino for the Grand Army of the Republic. He leads the 64th legion as an absolutely loyal and dependable soldier to the Republic, especially to his jedi general, Master Vell. While he encourages to be utterly ruthless at the enemy at hand, he also knows the time when to fall back and regroup. Now in a place with no connections to the Republic, he faces one of the toughest situations that very few Clone Commanders have found themselves in. His training is now going to be put to the ultimate test.
Additional Information
Last meal served: Regular ole' rations.
Last Mechanical Failure: The Heavy Beam Cannon and hyperdrive are still undergoing repairs after being damaged in the battle prior. Time of completion is unknown.
Current Fuel Reserves: Enough to make only four more hyperspace jumps.
Current Ration Reserves: Seven Weeks
Last Two Crew-members To Get in a Fight: Admiral Karloff and Jedi General Vell - the former scolding the jedi for his recklessness in the last battle.
Admiral's Rival: Admiral Karloff and Jedi General Vell
Crew jumpiness from 1-10: 5 - With no contact with the Republic and not even remotely sure where they are, the crew are making sure they can find their way back to friendly space.
(made minor language changes no significant difference)
Name of Ship: ORE - The Forge Home Universe/Name of Franchise: EVE Role: Capital Industrial Physical Description/Image:
Physical Size (roughly): 14,500,000 m³ Armament/Complement (roughly): Escort support (see below) History of the Ship: Commissioned by the ORE corporation to expand mining operations in the power vacuum left after the fall of a hugely powerful alliance. spent several years strip mining the asteroids in deep space until an ambush and a strange jump failure sent the ship into an unknown universe
Notable Crew:
Crew Name: Captain Adam Crew Role: Fleet Commander Crew Description: Captain Adam is the commander of the industrial flight group and escorts, he is quite laid back as a commander due to the size of his ship and quite formidable escort fleet, few pirates dare tangle with him and thus he is generally allowed to mine in peace. Beyond that he is used to patrols of powerful capital ships to ensure the areas he is mining to be clear of hostiles. However he can become a very stoic commander when things grow dire, and is often a clever commander capable of escaping danger more easily than others might.
Crew Name: Executive officer Desai Crew Role: First officer Crew Description: XO Desai is the back bone of the group. While she does not desire total command of the fleet her iron will and stern attitude keeps the fleet in line however she is an unimaginative commanding officer and rarely thinks up creative solutions to problems.
Crew Name: Captain Bishop Crew Role: Mining Barge captain Crew Description: Bishop commands the mining barge and is of a size to match his ship. While he is a lackluster commander very little ever needs done other than keeping his engineers and technicians working to rake in the ore. Now that most of his mining barge peers are lost he is the senior industrial officer not aboard The Forge
Crew Name: Captain Geroh Crew Role: Escort fleet Commander Crew Description: Geroh is an accomplished combat commander, and since the loss of his commanding officer aboard the Dominix battleship and his other escort wing command has fallen to him. He had gotten his start as a combat leader as a piracy gang loosely connected to the Serpentis pirate faction before being hired on to the ORE payroll
Crew Name: Lieutenant Zan Crew Role: Covert ops pilot Crew Description: Zan is a skilled stealth ship pilot spending many years exploring deep into uncharted wormhole space and pirate territory, with nerves of steel she can run a gate blockade or lurk in enemy territory keeping tabs on movements and provide a safe rout through.
Crew Name: Lieutenant Khaz Crew Role: Covert ops pilot Crew Description: Khaz is a skilled stealth pilot more well versed in finding and exploiting gaps in enemy security to set up ambushes or allow heavy capital ships into dangerous territory and destroy star bases, he is with The Forge only because he was being reasigned to another fleet and was provided scouting services while the convoy traveled.
Optional, but helpful: Unique Technology: Clone vat bay - contains clones of certain important crew members and officers to be awoken upon death, clones have same skills and memories within several nanoseconds of death. Ore compression - Grinds materials down into microscopic particles to be compressed into hyper dense blocks for refining and manufacturing Jump drive - capable of jumping 10 LY in mere minutes so long as there is a beacon to lock on to Warp drive - 1.5 AU/s sustained speed
Crew Size: 10000 - mostly engineers and technicians to keep the industry moving inside the ship
Name of Ship: Adenn (merceless) Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Star Wars Role: Cruiser/Capital ship Faction/Operator/Owner: Mandalorian Physical Description/Image: Physical Size (roughly): length 1,035 m Height 383 m width 613 m Armament/Complement (roughly):
-25 Heavy Turbolasers -15 Heavy Ion cannons -2 Mass driver missile launchers Along with -38 starfighters (14 starvipers) (17 GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat) -4 transport/fighters (4 Kom'rk-class fighter/transport) -2 decanted transport (2 AIAT/i)
Mandalorian Warriors- Train from a young age in combat turning them into harden and deadly warriors. Honing the art of war further in the heart of battle turning them into season warriors. Clad in there traditional armor known as beskar'gam or "Iron Skin" made from beskar with incredible strength and durability it could protect against lightsaber blows. This armor has numerous features included an advance HUD, integrated weapons systems, vambrace which contain various weapons, and life support systems. Armed with Various blaster, close quarters weapons, and heavy weapons. This is paired with a jetpack that carries a rocket that could be fired. 960 of these warriors are on board.
Balutar-class swoop A fast moving speeder bike created by MandalMotors. Fitted with aftermarket light laser cannon it makes a excellent scout bike. There are 12 Bikes on the ship.
Canderous-class assault tank- A heavy hovertank created by Mandelmotors. It was named after famous Mandalorian Canderous Ordo. It was protected by armor that rivaled that of an Imperial walker. It was armed with two heavy mass-driver cannons and a concussion missile battery. Despite its weight, it could move in various places inaccessible to walkers. There are one on board the Adenn.
Starviper- Created by MandalMotors the starviper is a heavy starfighter with a S-foil system. Armed with 2 heavy laser cannon and a forward proton torpedoed tubes. Each starviper is well armored and shielded. The ship is also equipped with a class 2 hyperdrive. The ship has been shown to be superior to the A-wing and TIE interceptor.
Skipray Blastboat- Created by Sienar Fleet Systems and used in a role of a bomber by the mandalorians. It is crewed by four mandalorians a pilot, Co-pilot/Sensor operator, and gunners. Armed with various lasercannons, missile launcher, and proton torpedo tubes. The ship carries a class 2 hyperspace drive.
Kom'rk-class fighter/transport- Built by MandalMotors the Kom'rk is a muitlroled starfight. It can carry 24 warriors that can be deployed while the aircraft is flying or when it landed. In addition, it equipped with 4 medium of laser cannons (2 forward, 2 aft) allowing it dogfight pretty well. These craft serve as effective assault craft.
AIAT/i (Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport)- Built by Kuat Drive Yards it was propelled by a pair of oversized sublight engines, and could carry either 350 cubic meters of cargo or 50 troops, one repulsorlift assault vehicle, four speeder bikes, one IM-6 battlefield medical droid, and six prisoners. It had many weapons and was capable of landing on water. It is crewed by 4 people.
History of the Ship: Built and design by Mandal Hypernautics with interpretation from the Kandosii-type dreadnought. Came the new Keldabe-class battleship. It was acquired by Clan Chorn along with parts clans Cadera, Kryze, and Lok around 10 ABY. The ship was use by the Mandalorians as an enforcer to help the clans in mercenary contracts in Hutt space. But during a hyperspace jump a strange hyperspace disturbance hit the ship throwing it off course.
Notable Crew:
Crew Name: Orser Chorn Crew Role: Alor'ad (Captain/Chief) Crew Description: Born into clan Chorn on the world of Concord Dawn during the middle of mandalorian civil war around 62 BBY. Oser was raised in a traditional mandalorian way by his parent his early life wasn't much to note. But his parents were soon killed during the battle of Concord Dawn in 58 BBY. He was soon taken under the wing of his uncle the current chief who was off world on Nar Shaada working as a bounty hunter/Hutt enforcer. Taking on training the orphan boy. His uncle used Nar Shaada as a training ground for the young Orser. At age 13 he was fighting alongside his uncle on contracts and hits. As he got older taking the credits he received over the years working with his uncle he bought his way off world to start making a name for himself. Argon quickly falling in with a crew of bounty hunter spending the next few years working with them. He soon received a message that his uncle had died. Leaving the group in a tearful departure he returns back to his clan and assume leadership. Heading the call of the Mand'alor he sides with the true mandalorians and fought Death watch around Concord Dawn. With the destruction of True Mandalorians and Deathwatch. Then the new Mandalorians gaining power over mandalor. He depart back to the Hutt space.
Crew Name: Vasthi Kryze Crew Role: Squadron commander Crew Description: Hailing form the world of Kalevala during the time of towards the end of the New Mandalorain regime. After the coup by deathwatch on mandalor depose Duchess Satine Kryze. The exiled warriors return to Kalevala to restore the old ways back to there warrior roots. She was enamored by the tales of there warrior past she eagerly embraced the warrior culture. Her training was that of Jaster Mereel's Supercommando Codex. Vasthi and other Kryze trainees were old enough they left her homeworld to travel the galaxy looking to restore here clans honor. Vasthi soon developed into a skilled fighter pilot.
Crew Name: Kanx Cadera Crew Role: Ver'alor (Lieutenant) Crew Description: A proud mandalorain Zabrak hailing form the world of Vorpa'ya he made of a reputation early on as a competent commander. Kanx earned it by leading a company of young mandolrians warriors against the Black sun raid. This action brought him to the attention of Orser who brought him and his fellow Cadera warriors into the mercenary company he was forming. The zabrak distinguish himself in battles that the group fought. Slowly climbing the ranks he earn his place as Orser lieutenant.
================== Unique Technology: Sheild leecher- Crew Size: 6,000 along with 1,000 Class: Cruiser/ capital ship Advantages/Disadvantages: - 1km long vessel - Some disunity among the clan - Ship systems had minor damage during jump
History of the Ship: Whitestar 21 was built in secret by the Minbari in 2260. It survived the Second Shadow War, and the Earth Alliance Civil War. Afterwards it became an Anla’Shok training vessel. It was modified to carry the more agile Starfury fighters, as their superior maneuverability matched that of the Whitestars themselves.
Crew Name: Marcus Jonathan Ivanova Crew Role: Captain
Marcus is an accomplished Ranger. Having proven himself capable as a ship's commander against a group of raiders. He carries his own denn’bok having gained the approval of a F'hursna.
Crew Name: Ashann ra Tha'domo Crew Role: Sech’Na (unofficial title of the senior instructor.)
Ashann has been with the rangers since they’re reformation for the second shadow war. He was part of the original crew assigned to Whitestar 21; Upon hearing the ship was being used to train young rangers Ashann volunteered to leave Tuzanor to provide instruction.
Crew Name: Da’Toth Crew Role: Shok’Nali
Da’Toth carries a K’tok, preferring it over the denn’bok. She has been friends with Marcus since he saved her life. She vowed to repay him one day and has followed him since seeking a way to fulfill her oath.
Optional, but helpful:
Adaptive Hull: The hull of the White Star has the ability to adapt to attacks on it. Once a specific attack has been used against the ship, the hull will adapt to that attack and any attack of that type that is encountered will only be at twenty percent effectiveness in the next engagement. Variable frequency weapons such as variable frequency lasers can be reset to do full damage once this is discovered. The adaption also takes about ten hours to be completed.
Advanced Sensors: The White Star has sensors that are a mixture of Vorlon and Minbari Technology. They are capable of detecting and targeting both Shadow and Vorlon ships. These sensors are so powerful that when set to maximum have been known to interfere with the electronics aboard less advanced starships, effectively jamming their systems.
ECM: The White Star, like all Minbari ships is fitted with ECM. This ECM prevented targeting systems from Earth Alliance ships from being able to lock on during the Minbari war against the Humans. This ECM give an advantage over the scanning and tracking systems that when active it would prevent some of the races from achieving a positive weapons lock.
Jump Engines: Jump Engines are on-board devices that allow ships to create their own jump point in space. Jump points allow transit between normal space and hyperspace occurs through the use of a "Jump point." A Jump point is a large energised vortex that punches a hole between the dimensions and allows objects to pass from one side to the other.
Jump points are strictly one way. An outgoing jump point for a ship that is about to enter hyperspace is yellow in color, and incoming jump points for ships re-entering normal space are blue. If one jump point is opened inside of another, the staggering release of energy would almost instantly cause an enormous explosion.
For safety reasons, jump points are normally opened only in deep space, away from any potential navigational hazards and ships as any ship that makes contact with the outer edge of the vortex is either instantly destroyed or severely crippled; Though with sufficiently accurate targeting information it is possible to open a jump point within, and safely transit into, a planetary atmosphere. However, due to the massive release of energy involved, doing so in a highly combustible atmosphere will cause a suitably large explosion and shock wave.
Class: Medium Cruiser Faction/Operator/Owner: Anla’Shok
Last meal served: Swedish Meatballs Last mechanical failure: Launch cradle for Wyvern 3 “frozen” in closed position; Preventing launch of all Starfurys. Fuel reserves (roughly): Indefinite. The ship uses a Minbari gravimetric crystalline power source. Motto: Ker’may de’wa’zha. (Roughly “To search for a peaceful future” in english) Weird error that's always just unimportant enough to never fix: Captain's chair squeaks when it rotates. Last two crewmembers to get in a fight: An argument between a Narn and Drazi over a Kratah game escalated into a short fist fight. Alcohol reserves (or local equivalent): The Captain maintains a bottle of Vodka in his desk. Various Rangers maintain their own stashes. Snark reserves (roughly): Mid to High. History concerning the existence of AI: An artificial intelligent personality that was installed onto the Babylon 5 mainframe computers shortly after completion in 2256. The A.I. was an experiment and proved a complete failure, as the "personality" was stubborn, uncooperative, and "emotional." It was was quickly disabled. Culture regarding the existence of aliens: The crew is made up of a variety of races, they do their best to work together as they have been trained. So they are generally accepting. Crew jumpiness from 1-10, with 1 being a beach vacation and 10 being any part of the movie Alien right before it attacks: 4-6 (Training/schooling affects everyone differently.)
[Ship Information] Name of Ship: Nebula-5 "Starlight Lance" Home Universe: Homeworld Role: Front-line Supercarrier, Major Kadeshi population center Physical Size: 2.57 Kilometers Armament: Kadeshi Multi-Barrel Point Defense Turret (16), Kadeshi Pulse Turret (4), Super Polymerization Cannon (1, Spinal Mount) Hangar Compliment: 450 Swarmers, 54 Lance Swarmers, 10 Salvage Craft
Swarmers are the staple strikecraft of the Kadeshi. Feared by all who know the tale of the Garden, these fighters are small yet mighty, each piloted by zealous, often fanatical pilots, and as their name implies, they come in great masses. Their engines require great masses of fuel, having only one minute of fuel in heated combat before being forced to return to rearm. With this consideration in mind, as to keep the Mothership herself away from combat zones, Fuel Pods are sent near the front to serve the many fuel-hungry Swarmers, total defeat a very possible outcome if these support ships are destroyed.
+Inexpensive +Very High Acceleration +Small mass allows very quick changes in velocity +Strong Weapons in combination with... +Very large squadrons of 9 Micro-vessels each +Can be refitted with Plasma Bomb Launchers -Fuel Hungry, only 1 minute of fuel at maximum combat speeds -Fragile -Fresh waves are made out of inexperienced yet still zealous pilots. Veterans never last long. -Extremely reliant on nearby carriers or fuel pods, or the Mothership herself. If refuel is not possible, they are quickly left drifting helplessly in space.
Lance Swarmer Mini-Assessment +/-Simply an anti-corvette variant of the Swarmer. They are twice as large with a Polymerization Gun as their primary weapon. With its larger size, it's slightly more armored but also noticeably slower.
Salvage Craft are the staple utility vessels of the Kadeshi. Small in size and maneuverable, they're adept at weaving through through debris fields and cutting away useful material to carry them back to the nearest carrier or Mothership for processing. Their cutting lasers can easily be turned on asteroids whenever they're available, though considering their purpose, they're much more suited to cutting wrecks apart.
+Efficient Engines. Unlike Swarmers, these ships do not consume fuel like there's no tomorrow, but as a result, they do not accelerate as quickly. +Cutting Laser able to slice up debris and asteroids, while still being strong enough to cut through military ship armor, even though these workers would much rather be away from combat zones. -Unarmed (As in, no real weapons onboard.) -Civilian-grade armor
Fuel Pods are the primary support craft of the Kadeshi, used to tend to their numerous strikecraft. With their role in mind, they are often found near conflict zones, but never directly within them. These ships can refuel 6 Swarmers at once.
+Military-grade armor +Decent acceleration for a frigate-class vessel -Volatile fuel. Despite their armor, it is still not good for them to be shot at. -No guns.
Dangerous frigate-class vessels, these ships are not armed with one ion cannon like most conventional frigates of the same purpose, but four. Going into a deadly spin as they fire, these ships are serious threats never to be ignored.
+Military-grade armor +Good acceleration +Quadruple the firepower compared to other Ion Cannon Frigates -No other weapons aside from Ion Cannons. This makes them useless against nimble strikecraft, and even corvettes. +/-Small compared to most frigates. Double-edged sword. While they are more agile, they're also much more vulnerable to sustained fire due to the lack of space for thick armor.
These ships are made purely for the purposes of inserting Kadeshi soldiers into the hull of an enemy starship through brute force; slamming boarding pods into the hull and drilling through.
Nebula Engines - Conventional Drive Systems optimized for use within a Nebula, yet still just as efficient in open space. These devices are quite powerful compared to those on other Mothership-class vessels, we are known for having the fastest-accelerating Mothership in the galaxy, though our Mothership is among the smallest in bulk.
Armor - With the rarity of shield technology, and therefore their expensive cost, we rely purely on thick armor and nimble vessels. Massive Hangar Bay - Says on the tin. We're able to launch all 96 Swarmers and 6 Fuel Pods in one speedy deployment. Nebula Sensors Array - Optimized for use in a Nebula, outside of the Garden, we are afforded a vast sphere of intelligence.
Internal Bridge - The ship's bridge is located deep within the hull, in the direct center of the ship (the center decided by a question of "At what point of the ship would the enemy have to go through the most armor from any direction to get to?"). The crew within rely on direct feeds from cameras mounted across the hull for visuals, wired as to not be vulnerable to most electronic attacks. However, the more important aspects can still be hacked, those aspects being the ability to see the battlespace with the detail of a 3D hologram based on sensor data, and the ability to send commands to the fleet.
Mothership Hyperspace Module - Allows FTL Travel
Miscellaneous Craft - These vessels lack any notable features aside from very simple functions and designs. -Deep Space Probe: A very speedy recon device with a large sensor range. -Repair Craft: A variant of the Salvage Craft that instead focuses on repairs.
History of the Ship: The Starlight Lance, officially designated "Nebula-5" is the fifth Nebula-class Mothership constructed by the Kadeshi, the protectors of The Garden. Constructed by Kiith Nevaar into the far reaches of the Garden, yet still shrouded by the nebula, it would serve as that clan's primary, mobile base, and the home of their people. As such, it comes equipped to support hundreds of people, and being a military vessel, to support masses of Swarmers. It contains a minor industrial power within, able to replace lost Swarmers and build new frigates, though their greater strength is in processing salvage and synthesizing fuel.
Name: Tesline Nevaar Role: Matriarch, Mothership Core Description: Tesline Nevaar was a gifted individual, harboring the intellect necessary to command an entire ship through a direct neural link to its systems. The moment she was secured inside the Core, she and the Starlight Lance become one. Calling upon the Nebula-5 is calling upon Tesline, who is able to manipulate the ship as if it were her own body, and in truth, it is her body.
Name: "Fleet Command" Role: Second in Command Description: A faceless figure (for now), Fleet Command is the one responsible for all secondary functions that would simply be too tedious for Tesline to manage. He is the head of the bridge crew, and their efforts allow Tesline to focus on the big picture rather than the little details.
Name: "The Ambassador" Role: Diplomacy Description: A member of the civilian population, the Ambassador is responsible for most, if not all interactions with other races, ships, factions, etc. of a more benign nature. Military communications are left to Fleet Command and Tesline.
Major Faction Onboard: Kiith Nevaar -The term "Kiith" is equivalent to "clan" in English. Kiith Nevaar is an industrious faction within the Nebula. They're tasked with manufacturing, processing, and salvaging material from destroyed ships or derelicts. They also handle mining, whenever an area of the holy Garden of Kadesh is deemed eligible for harvest.
Unique Technology: Polymerization Gun - Lance Swarmers utilize this weapon on a small scale, but the Nebula-class Mothership takes it up a notch, bringing hull-melting firepower onto a massive scale.
+Melts through the hulls of capital-class vessels like a super hot space knife through xenobutter. -When the weapon is active, the ship's internal systems related to the operation of the weapon are exposed to enemy fire, while maneuverability is limited by the diversion of power.
Takes exactly one minute to prepare to fire. In this minute, the very front of the bow opens up to reveal the cannon, two more sections behind it sliding backwards to expose several energy conduits channeling into the weapon. Behind the "bulb" of the Nebula-class, 4 rows of gigantic gas vents flip open to provide cooling once the cannon finally fires, while 4 more sections of hull push outwards again for the purposes of cooling the system. The diverting of power to merely maintain the weapon's energy reserves to "keep it warm" (as to not further extend the firing process with an unnecessary wait) draws energy away from engine systems, slowing acceleration greatly.
-Although the Cannon has a small arc of fire in which it can turn to face targets, this radius is far too small to track large movements, forcing the entire Mothership to turn in order to keep her main weapon zeroed in. The loss of acceleration makes this process all the more troublesome.
Kadeshi Multi-Barrel Point Defense Turret - Sophisticated CIWS with multiple barrels capable of filling the nearby space around the Mothership with blue laser bolts. The Kadeshi never surrender space superiority. Location: Main hull
Kadeshi Pulse Turret - Anti-corvette beam weapons which, as the name implies, fire pulses of intense energy to melt through the hulls of corvette-class vessels. Their unwieldiness against smaller targets makes use against fighters impractical. Location: Bow Rim
Kadeshi Hyperspace Module -This is the Kadeshi-designed version of the exotic Hyperspace technology found throughout the Homeworld universe. Hyperspace is a dimension in which ships enter to achieve FTL travel. The exact speed if you were to jump from one end of the galaxy to another is uncertain, though from "short jumps" between stars, we're able to determine that they allow just enough time to brief personnel on the latest operation about to commence.
-Hyperspace Modules automatically disengage within a gravity field. This is exploited in warfare by simulating gravity fields with specialized "Hyperspace Inhibitors", found either on capital ships or specialized frigates. -Tactical Jumps are valid maneuvers during battles. Though the sequence leaves the ship temporarily inoperable for a few moments as it enters Hyperspace or disengages from it, it's quite advantageous to teleport to an unexpected angle of attack. Like behind you. However, no Hyperspace Module or even the Three Cores sends the ship in and out of Hyperspace fast enough to make it a primary attack strategy. Tactical Jumps are used as tools to position the ships just as a battle starts, like say a Battlecruiser ambush upon an exposed weak point. Whenever available, they're also widely used as methods of retreat, though considering the length of the initiation sequence, it's quite a gamble if you activate it too late, and again it is easily stopped by Hyperspace Inhibitors.
Fun Facts: A ship entering and leaving Hyperspace in the Homeworld Universe appears to fly through a window, or if they're stationary, said window of energy passes through them. As the hull passes through, it gradually vanishes from sight until completely absorbed, the window closing shortly afterwards. Exiting Hyperspace displays a similar effect, though the ship is emerging from the window rather than going through it. The different races have different colors of Hyperspace, but the color has no effect on performance.
Last meal served: Care to ask each and every family on board rather than the Ambassador himself? Ahem, as for the military, they have recently feasted upon a shipment of foodstuffs stolen from a Turanic Carrier and her escorts. Well, it's not stealing if they're pirates. Last mechanical failure: A Salvage Craft's engine refused to start for several minutes. The classic application of force solved the issue. Fuel reserves (roughly): Enough to support Tesline's fleet and her many Swarmers. More fuel is constantly synthesized from material found in stray nebulae, asteroids and ship wrecks. Motto: Kiith Nevaar never surrenders space superiority. Weird error? that's always just unimportant enough to never fix: Occasionally, Tesline refuses to open the pod bay doors. We are unsure of what amuses her so much during such occasions. Last Shore Leave Incident: Someone forgot where they parked their ship. The Hangar Bay is a very big place. Last two crewmembers romantically involved: It is encouraged for Swarmer pilots and the civilians to maintain the reserve personnel population. In other words... It is more than two. Not more than two in the same ritual, mind you. Last two crewmembers to get in a fight: Two Swarmer pilots in a minor dispute over docking ports. Alcohol reserves (or local equivalent): Classified. Major religion: The Garden of Kadesh. It is the center of our existence, providing life and protection for all those who live within it. Last incident of racial tension: None. All are welcome in the Garden. Unless if you intend on leaving, that is. Power behind the Captain: Tesline Nevaar is Unbound, as the Bentusi say. More specifically, she is linked to the Starlight directly. She and the Mothership are one. Captain's rival: None. Snark reserves (roughly): 0. History concerning the existence of AI: It is a common device used for many tedious processes. Culture regarding the existence of aliens: "We have been protecting the Garden from the unclean for... 13 generations." "If you do not join us, then die. There is no withdrawal from the Garden." Last horror movie trope experienced: None. Crew jumpiness from 1-10, with 1 being a beach vacation and 10 being any part of the movie Alien right before it attacks: 1 in the safety of the Garden of Kadesh 4 in combat outside the Garden
Although I recommend reading the entire post to really absorb the important (or not important) details, here are the Motherships' pros, cons, traits, etc. summarized in the convenient form of a bulleted list!
- The Nebula-class Mothership is simultaneously a combat vessel and city ship, supporting a large civilian population of 3200 and a slightly smaller force of 2000 military personnel. The rather small crew for a 2.57 kilometer vessel is due to the fact that the Mothership is controlled by a Matriarch directly fused to the ship's systems, though that's not to say it will be easy to board a massive ship with 2000 officially designated military crew and 3200 more ordinary people.
- She also supports a minor industrial power, but she's more specialized towards processing salvage and synthesizing fresh fuel.
- Her main purpose as a combat vessel is to serve as a frontline supercarrier for 504 strikecraft, supported by several frigates. The Kadeshi fleet lacks capital ships aside from carriers and motherships, but to counter such vessels, the Mothership herself is armed with a gigantic yet unwieldy beam weapon. More detail can be found above. -With her role in mind, she comes equipped with superb point defense weapons, dissuading all but the largest strikecraft-based attacks, if they would like to get past the combined might of her CIWS and her Swarmers.
- Her main compliment consists of Swarmers, so-called "Micro-vessels" which are, as the name implies, small yet mighty strikecraft. They rely heavily on nearby carriers to be effective, as they only have capacity for 1 minute of fuel in combat.
- Lacking heavy gun turrets, she's vulnerable to capital ship attacks from anywhere but the front, though even if the foe is in front of her, she must expose her interior to fire her greatest weapon.
- With her weapons and compliment considered, she will secure strikecraft superiority for her fleet, though even with bombers assaulting the big fish, her weakest point is direct ship-to-ship combat. Even a single battleship would be quite punishing if it manages to slip past her allies and her fighter screen.
- All things considered, the Nebula-class Mothership is an excellent support ship with a, as they say, "BFG". If you protect her, she'll reward you with some of the best strikecraft options out there, and even though that BFG is unpractical in heated combat, it might prove useful one day if a critical target fails to notice her preparations of unleashing her full might upon them. But, if you fail to defend her, despite her Mothership-grade armor, she will fall quickly to a serious attack and be nothing but a debris field drifting across the void, though her Fuel Pods and whatever Swarmers survive may continue to be useful as the journey continues.
Image Gallery (High-Res Images. I've put them all in hiders for easier viewing.)
A Nebula-class alongside a much smaller Nagual Protector
Nebula Overview
Nebula Hyperspace
The Super Polymerization Cannon
Salvage Craft
Swarmer Fighter/Bomber
Lance Swarmer
A particularly large squadron of both...
Last but not least, the Frigates. The Fuel Pod is to the left, Infiltration Pod top, and Multi-Beam at the bottom.
Name of Ship: Kuriotes Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Sins of a Solar Empire Role: Heavy Combat Cruiser Physical Description/Image:
Physical Size (roughly): Upwards of 500 meters or so Armament/Complement (roughly): 4 Heavy Plasma Cannons History of the Ship: One of the many ships produced for the Reckoning, the Kuriotes took part in the initial invasion of Trader Emergency Coalition space. The Advent fleet scythed through defenseless worlds, putting many to the sword while converting those who chose to give their lives up to the Unity, before eventually meeting their challenge in redeployed Trader Defense Navy units pulled from the front with the Vasari.
After that the Kuriotes was part of the brutal slug that began to develop, taking part in heavy fleet engagements as the TEC fortified and the Advent ground against the defenses of their core worlds. The ship was returning from downtime for routine maintenance after the wear and tear of fighting, to participate in a campaign in the Tion sector when they encountered a gravitic anomaly in phase space that brought them here.
Notable Crew:
Crew Name: Retris Crew Role: Scryer Crew Description: As the foremost Scryer Retris is responsible for navigation, charting phase jumps, and flying the ship. Retris has been aboard the Kuriotes for several years, and has a steady hand in navigation
Crew Name: Denesther Crew Role: Psintegrate Crew Description: Denesther has served in the Advent navy for much of her life, where her skilled Psintegrate abilities are used to manage the weapons systems of the Destra Crusader. She has an unwavering devotion to the cause and will of the unity, but has a tendency to use several drugs to cover up the lingering demons from events in her past that she refuses to speak of. It does not interfere with her combat ability though, and she is a formidable warrior nonetheless.
Crew Name: Valeran Crew Role: Captain Crew Description: Valeran was appointed by the Xon Precept after the previous Captain fell in battle with TEC forces. Previously she served on a Radiance Battleship, and this is her first command
Unique Technology: Psitech - technology that augments and boosts psychic powers Antimatter generation - Does what it says on the tin, typically through a reactor that powers the ship and lets it move Phase Drive - Allows a ship to jump to 'phase space' quickly traversing between gravity wells in another dimension. Unfortunately you can't shoot while charging up the drive and you have to be aligned with your target. Crew Size: 600 Class: Destra Crusader class Cruiser Faction/Operator/Owner: Advent, member of the Xon Precept Strengths: -Psychics: Advent society is based around the development of psychic abilities, augmented by the use of technology. As a such it pervades their people, allowing for telepathy, telekinesis, and a myriad of other abilities. Only some of these can be used on a ship scale level however, such as telepathy, and the ability to project their emotions onto an enemy ship to inhibit the effectiveness of its crew.
Malus: -Fanaticism: The Unity is the driving force of the Advent, and it has been dedicated to the destruction of the Trade Order for as long as anyone on the ship can remember. They act by its consensus and will need significant persuading from outsiders to not actin a way that furthers the Unity. Including, you know, horrible atrocities. It makes it hard to get along with people, particularly moralistic mercantilists.
-Dissent in the fold: Under the strain of war the Unity has begun to fray at the ends, with some elements aghast at the actions taken by their fellow Advent and have begun to think that there is perhaps something wrong and perverted within the Unity, corrupted by the desire for revenge. Though there has been no open conflict yet, sentiments nonetheless linger and fester. Perhaps even closer than any aboard the Kuriotes might expect
Culture regarding the existence of aliens: They exist, they're okay as long as they embrace the Unity but every alien race we've met so far is either not advanced enough to have space flight or is actively fighting us. So take that as you will. Major Religion - The Unity. Duh
Name of Ship: Battlestar Columbia (First) Home Universe: Battlestar Galactica (TRS) Role: Flagship Carrier Physical Size: 1,455m Armament/Complement:
Main Batteries: 40 two-gun heavy batteries; 8 1x2 dorsal, 8 1x2 ventral, 4 1x2 bow, 4 1x2 starboard & port bow (8 total both sides)
Secondary Batteries: Fitted with 68 (34 port, 34 starboard) secondary batteries on her dorsal side to complement her main batteries.
Point Defense Weapons: A battlestar is heavily dependent in combat on a Close-in weapon system (CIWS). CIWS is intended to provide a last ditch defense against enemy assets that are able to penetrate the multi-layered defense. It is intended to be the last line of defense should the battlestar's main weapons or deployed fighters fail to defeat an incoming threat.
The primary function of these guns was an anti-fighter/anti-missile role, such as destroying incoming ordnance or Cylon Raiders. Battlestars carry hundreds of them. They also have a secondary role providing close tactical fire support to fighters.
Heavy Missile Capability: The Columbia has ten silos for heavy missile weaponry, including heavy nuclear weapons. A single one capable of decimating a large populated area.
Vipers: The Columbia carries a war complement of 120 MkII Vipers.
Raptors: Carrying 40 Raptors these vessels act as gunsips, recon vessels or small transports.
Shuttles: The Columbia carries two slightly larger shuttles, for ship/ship transport.
History of the Ship:
Columbia was the Battlestar built in sponsorship of Virgon. Like the other twelve initial battlestars it was built with a low technological capability, with the Cylon threat looming over the Twelve Colonies about to turn into a full blown war.
Columbia assisted in a number of operations, most notably it hung in defense above Caprica and Virgon.
Deployed on several operations throughout the colonies during the war. Currently gearing up with the Galactica to partake in Operation Raptors Talon above Tauron.
Notable Crew:
Commander Alexander Hutch Role: Commanding Officer. Description: Born and raised on Virgon, Alexander Hutch strongly believes in the role of the Admiralty over the falling monarchy on his homeworld. The Admiralty unlike the royal family serving a purpose, he has a strong sense of duty and following orders. A stern but fair commander, he'll do whatever it takes to see the job done and will not abandon his duty. Former Viper Jock.
Colonel Ryan Walden Role: Executive Officer. Description: Caprican, rose through the ranks of the Navy from being a Colonial Marine.
Captain Leanne 'Nails' Neil Role: CAG Descrption: Former flight instructor from the Scorpio shipyards. From Picon.
Lieutenant Amanda Thomson Role: Tactical Officer. Description: Highly scientific in nature, joined fleet before the onset of the Cylon War for the Scholarship at University.
Chief Thomas 'Tom' Beck Role: Chief Engineer. Description: A large burly man, surprisingly adept at getting himnself into small places. Always worked around heavy equipment, from Aerilon.
Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Dungeons and Dragons, Spelljammer (Modified to be cooler) Role: Brigantine/Frigate Physical Description/Image: A stout wooden vessel with sails- in space! It has a bridge, the "Castle" that is all enchanted glass on a platform that overlooks the main deck. Physical Size (roughly): 100 meters long Armament/Complement (roughly): 20 Magic Brands per broadside, 4 Brands on the bow, Four Catapults, Six Ballista.
History of the Ship: The Graven Peril is a re-purposed Elven Brigantine, stolen from the Elven empire of Arcadium. The Arcadian Empire, composed of Elves, was the first race to ascend into the Empyrean and they cemented their place as rulers over the cosmos.
The crew of the Graven Peril is a rag-tag collection of races seeking to thwart the Elven rule. Some of them are even elves.
There is nothing about the Graven Peril that is not unique. The Graven Peril uses magic for propulsion, combat, and defense. It is a wooden vessel and thus is likely to be overlooked by advanced technological sensors. Simply put, their advanced sensor waves simply pass through the wood without bouncing back.
The Graven Peril uses a summoned elemental being, held within the Ward Room, to skate the edges of multiple dimensions allowing it to move close to the speed of light without incurring time/space warping due to relativistic effects. As a result it can cross the Solar System in about five hours. At the edge of the solar system are "gates", areas where the energy travels between solar systems. The sails can unfurl fully there, capturing the untapped primal energy that created the universe and still flows between solar systems. These "Transfer" points are often monitored and can be blockaded should the need arise.
There are several ways around such a blockade. One, is to use a cloaking device if it has one which literally turns the ship invisible (but it cannot attack without giving up invisibility). Another is "Hell-scraping" where the ship carrying a demon for a power source takes the entire vessel into hell itself.
The Graven Peril is possessed of shields that protect it from energy based attacks but these shields don't stop physical attacks like bullets, arrows, catapult stuns or, heaven forbid, a matter accelerator round.
Captain: Galen Aldwen the Spellsword Helmsman:
Mages: Assallya Kressair the Enchantress Ambassador Ember Rowanmantle the Pyromaniac Enchantress Ashen Fell, the Necromancer Astinus, the wizened experienced mentor
Priests: Hayden of Eldath of the Singing Waters Thondion of Morridin, God of all Dwarves
Warriors: Durgan of Clan Hearthforge Oylyn Doomstayer, the Paladin of the Red Knight Urge the Barbarian Mourn the Ironclad Pyre Dead-Eye the Archer
Rogues: The Pale Hand, Assassin Silk, Halfling Catfoot Arlanni, novice cut-purse
Galen Marduk Role: Captain/Spell Sword Description: Captain Marduk leads the vessel against the Elven Empire
Durgan of Clan Hearthforge Role: Engineer Description: Fully versed in the ritual arts of bindings Durgan summons the entities that power the Graven Peril
Hayden Role: Healer/Doctor Description: Hayden is a pristess of Eldath of the Singing Waters. She is a proponent of peace at all costs and refuses to strike out at anyone.
--- The Ordo Arcanum --- The Graven Peril has a coven of Nine magicians that support their ship and the combatants. Some are more meant to enchant items. Others are more likely to participated in battle.
Assa'alliyeh Kressanthair Role: Con-Man, Ambassador Description: Assallya, as humans call her, often pretends to the be captain. As the Galaxy is ruled by the Elven Empire of Valinor Assallya often poses as the captain. She also negotiates for supplies.
Ember Role: Apprentice Fire Elementalist Description: Tiefling pyromaniac
--- Order Armorum --- The True Warriors. While the crew will fight, most often with crossbows and short swords, these warriors are specialized in what they do.
Orylyn Doomstayer: Role: Paladin
The Pale Hand Role: Assassin Description: Half Elven Assassin
Pyre Dead-Eye Role: Human Archer/Scout Description: An archer that wields magic arrows. She has an artifact for an eye that was lost when the elves put down the riots in her home village. Her entire family was killed in that uprising.
Silk Role: Halfling Thief Description: Sabine is a thief who grew up on the streets stealing from the Elven Overlords. She is incredibly stealthy, can pick just about any lock, and climb up virtually sheer surfaces
Mourn Role: Ironclad Warrior Description: An animated collection of grafted muscles and metal plates Mourn is a synthetic life form created as a prototype warrior for the Arcadian Empire. He does not need breath and his expressionless face is difficult to read.
Name of Ship: Korvux Name of Franchise: Starcraft Role: Support
Physical Size: 30 Meters Armament: 7-Meter lashing tentacles (8), giant claws (2), Spore Cannon (1), Bile Swarm colonies (2) Complement: Changeling Bombers (32), Creeplings (18), Menders (16) Devourers (8), Guardians (4) History of the Ship: Korvux is one of the few Renegade Zerg of Kerrigan's Swarm. Having evolved into an Overseer, Korvux showed immense sentience and potential, eventually taking control of a small squadron and leaving the Swarm to avoid death by a Brood Mother's claws. Devouring what he could, Korvux mutated, gaining abilities unheard of on an Overseer, including the power to Infest and control enemy vessels. Unique Evolutions Changeling Bombers Changeling Bombers "swim" towards an enemy craft, before latching on and detonating their payload. Acid melts the hull of the fighter, leaving it open for biomatter to intrude and allow the Hyper Evolutionary Virus to do its work. In a matter of seconds, the pilot and his craft become infested and are under the control of Korvux. However, this only works on light fighter craft, as Korvux only has a finite amount of Bombers until he needs to recharge. Creeplings Creeplings are Korvux's modus operandi for gathering materials. Spewing forth from his belly, a Creepling is sent careening towards any vessel. Upon contact, it immediately burrows into the hull, spreading a virulent and digestive creep that can erode most metals. After five minutes, the mass is gathered up and stored in the Creepling, before jettisoning itself and "docking" inside Korvux, transferring all the mass to him and allowing him to morph more creatures as the situation demands. Menders Pretty self-explanatory. A subset of Creeplings, Menders are deployed on an ally vessel to spread a hard, metallic Creep, allowing for a second layer of armor, or a temporary hull should the vessel suffer damage. Notable Crew Korvux Korvux is the ship itself. As an Overseer, he is capable of detecting obscured or cloaked foes. In his personal life, he is highly curious, always trying to experiment how to make himself helpful to his allies, and destructive to his foes.