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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Oma, I am not from your universe, therefore, your rules do not apply."
"I've kept your existence from the Others, and I will continue to do so as long as you remain quiet. Once you act, however-"
"I'll only need one action. Well. Several, depending on your view of relative trans-universal simultaneity. Different paradigms have different answers."
"I won't be able to protect you anymore, Janus."
"Ascended or not, I was never really one for following rules."

A series of bright white flashes resolved into the outline of ships foreign to this universe. Janus had carefully selected each to alter the path the galaxy was traveling down. Together, the crews of the motley collection of ships could ensure victory against the Goa'uld and their partially-ascended leader. Separately, each ship represented a high degree of potential change and a collection of free wills and strange philosophies.

Lightyears away, a massive, partially-reconstructed mothership traveled en route to the point of emergence. Anubis settled contentedly into his throne - Oma was hardly as stealthy as she'd thought she was, and Anubis had taken advantage of Janus's interdimensional rifts to drag a prize into this universe. A fraction of a moment later - nearly simultaneous with Janus's interdimensional rifts - a final white flash appeared, smaller than the others. From it emerged a gray, three-finned shuttle with a slanted cockpit. Beneath the forward window, in black paint, lay the Imperial crest.

What is This?

Pick a spaceship, any spaceship. Now imagine it and its crew dropped into the Stargate verse, surrounded by fellow ships plucked from the multiverse. What happens when a cylon basestar, a CR90 corvette, a Donnager-class battleship, a Geth dreadnought, and a Galaxy-class starship meet? What about when they, shortly thereafter, encounter a new Goa'uld mothership?

You will be roleplaying the crew of a spaceship in a "party" of spaceships. You will navigate the Stargate verse, changing the timeline for better or worse. This will be run fairly open-world - the party can go wherever in the universe, but Anubis will be actively exploiting the situation for his own evil ends!

Co-GM: NanoFreakV2

How to Apply:
0. A note on power balance:
People want their ships to feel necessary, but limited. Other people want their ships to have maximum effectiveness and utility. These two types of players are not immediately compatible - so, know which type you are, and acknowledge that the other type exists. For instance: is there a way to let your ship make a bad choice that's in character yet allows another ship to shine? Or, is there a way to maximize the effectiveness of the fleet via the actions of your ship alone - aka, buffing?

Series are set in wildly different eras and contexts. This leads to a disparity between, say, W40k (with planet glassing) and The Expanse (which doesn't even have an FTL drive). Please follow these guidelines when considering which ship to choose:
  • Try not to break the game. The game is only fun if Anubis is still a threat. Techs that instantly neutralize him would be a problem. That's not to say that Anubis won't adapt to new and exciting technologies, but it's a bit pointless if your infinite improbability drive turns him into a whale and a pot of petunias on post two.
  • Be aware of your ship's power relative to players. If your ship is more powerful, take disadvantages, like low fuel, broken parts, insufficient crew, mass amnesia, etc. If it's less powerful, expect to be forced to ally with someone very quickly.

1. Fill out this character/ship sheet!
The point of this sheet is two-fold:
1) to act as a quick reference for yourself and other players when we're in the middle of the rp and forget what the other players' ships/characters are.
2) let me or the co-gm decide whether your ship/crew will fit in the game without breaking it (or, equivalently, without breaking everyone's fun).
The point is, outside of the required categories,

I've also included a "fluff" category to give some ideas for what sort of situation your crew might find themselves in. The sooner the party is in helpful contact, the better. Don't feel compelled to use all the fluff options.

Name of Ship:
Home Universe/Name of Franchise:
Physical Description/Image:
Physical Size (roughly):
Armament/Complement (roughly):
History of the Ship:
Notable Crew:

Crew Name:
Crew Role:
Crew Description:

Optional, but helpful:
Unique Technology:
Crew Size:

The Stargate 'Verse:

Link to the Stargate Wiki.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Is it possible to have a ship with a crew that could be from multiple universes?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Queen Raidne Ill be posting my ship here, but you should know you linked the intrerest check twice instead of the OOC.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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I know what setting I want to use, I'm just trying to settle on a niche to fill. Since we probably don't want to go overboard with cap ships and such
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

To respond to your question (drat, a double post, already!), I don't have a conceptual problem with multiple-universe crews, but... how?! I also warn you against making the ability to travel "home" too easily-achieved. I think that might break the game.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I have a few other RPs currently under my belt, but hot damn does this look interesting! I know little about the Stargate Universe (outside of a Mr. Teal'c having relevance regarding a certain God of War), but I have other expertise in other Sci-Fi universes...

And Star Wars happens to be one of them.

This leads me to having a few questions before I can consider getting started:

1). Could players be in control with the enemy? I see that the Galactic Empire is in effect and I'd love to play someone of that caliber. If not at this time, I wouldn't mind to wait.

2). Could OCs be a thing? If for example I can't figure out a good ship/universe to use regarding any of the universes, could a made up ship and crew suffice?

3). Any limits to characters/ships? And just to add on it, can flying mechs be a thing? Say Gundam and that sort? I have a possible idea that I'd like to do and it may possibly only work if it's a thing.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

To respond to your question (drat, a double post, already!), I don't have a conceptual problem with multiple-universe crews, but... how?!

Let's use Star Trek as an example:

USS Enterfiant finds itself in an unknown universe. It picks up a distress signal from a ship that is damaged maybe even crashed. Being the goody two shoes that Starfleet is they rescue the crew from the damaged ship and they team up to get home.

USS Enterfiant happens upon a slavery auction. They win the auction with their phasers. The slaves join Enterfiant to find a way home or just to the Federation where life is better than this evil universe they found themselves enslaved in.

Is the useless fluff required or optional?

I am definitely doing a Star Trek Federation original* ship. If someone else wants to do a Federation ship can they?

Role you mean like destroyer, bomber, troop transport, etc?

Crew Name:
Crew Role:
Crew Description:
Is that for all the major players on the ship?

*Original as in not the Enterprise but still a canon class.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I just realized I'd never included a description field, so I updated that.

@Lmpkio I had no idea that God of War was so damn well-acted!

1) I've claimed Emperor Palpatine. An Emperor Palpatine? Whichever. Please don't use Palpatine. Beyond him, I'd rather players weren't in league with the enemy, at least not yet. It's open world, but games like this tend to fall apart a bit when you split the party.

2) OC's are absolutely welcome!

3) Don't break the game, and try not to make other players redundant. I put some general guidelines in "How to Apply: 0. A note on power balance"; best practice: if you feel like something might be overpowered, balance it out with a disadvantage.

In a past life, I participated in a similar RP that died because someone started arguing vehemently against the feasibility of transforming mechs vs role-specialized fighters. It's not a winnable argument from either position. Anyway, to avoid a repeat of that debacle, I'm going to say, ahead of time, mechs are jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none. Can a mech mount missiles and also attach itself to something to use a giant sword? Yes. Will the mech carry as many missiles of the same caliber when compared to a dedicated missile fighter? No.

TL;DR: sure, mechs can be a thing, but they won't be as good at any individual task as a dedicated fighter

@Burning Kitty Ah, yeah, that would work.

Useless fluff is definitely optional. Everything is optional except for the section labeled "REQUIRED:"

Role is exactly that.

Yep - the individual character sheets are shorter since you also have to fill out an entire ship's sheet. Don't let that limit you if you'd like to add more detail, though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Lmpkio I had no idea that God of War was so damn well-acted!

1) I've claimed Emperor Palpatine. An Emperor Palpatine? Whichever. Please don't use Palpatine. Beyond him, I'd rather players weren't in league with the enemy, at least not yet. It's open world, but games like this tend to fall apart a bit when you split the party.

2) OC's are absolutely welcome!

3) Don't break the game, and try not to make other players redundant. I put some general guidelines in "How to Apply: 0. A note on power balance"; best practice: if you feel like something might be overpowered, balance it out with a disadvantage.

In a past life, I participated in a similar RP that died because someone started arguing vehemently against the feasibility of transforming mechs vs role-specialized fighters. It's not a winnable argument from either position. Anyway, to avoid a repeat of that debacle, I'm going to say, ahead of time, mechs are jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none. Can a mech mount missiles and also attach itself to something to use a giant sword? Yes. Will the mech carry as many missiles of the same caliber when compared to a dedicated missile fighter? No.

TL;DR: sure, mechs can be a thing, but they won't be as good at any individual task as a dedicated fighter


1). Fair enough. I had no plans to use Palpatine, for I figured you had complete control of him. I played around with the idea of Vader or other generals/admirals, but again I would be stretching things too far. Really I was looking in the direction of a small Star Destroyer (Victory Class maybe) or even something smaller like an Immobilizer Interdictor-Class SD or something of that caliber. But I can wait until there are openings.

2). Cool! While not 100% that I'll use an OC design, it's a possiblity.

3). Yeah I saw the Strengths and weaknesses part, I'll be sure to keep it in mind.

Also fair regarding the mechs.

But overall, I'm eying a Star Wars Faction that's not the Galactic Empire, but at the same time eying something more original and/or part of a new series. I'll wait a bit before I post something, just to see the ideas being thrown around. Then I can go from there.

One of the things Im thinking on doing revolves around my profile picture. Won't say much, it's in a sci-fi genre, and while the tech can definitely agree to this environment, at the same time the series is so new that I may either have to slightly retcon things that weren't present in the actual movie series or what not. Again, we shall see what comes up and then I can make up that decision.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Isn't your profile pic from the Netflix Godzilla trilogy :V
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Isn't your profile pic from the Netflix Godzilla trilogy :V

And you are quite correct :D

May or may not have mentioned to you in the past, but yes, it is (precisely from the poster of the second part coming out Friday in Japan).

Now their tech is pretty advanced - they have a 1000 meter long Aratrum immigration ship, which by the time of the first movie, was severely low on rations and all that after fleeing from a kaiju-infested Earth. They also have landing ships which can carry tanks, hoverbikes, exosuits, etc, as well as many passengers while only piloted by 3 crew members.

The landing craft do not have any form of weapons on their own and so, when they encounter a giant 300 meter tall Godzilla raising up from the ground after the humans killed off his "son" (This has "time travel" in the form that when they come back to earth through hyperspace, they arrive to an Earth 20,000 years into the future - but thats not important), it utterly destroys most if not all of the transport ships and everything inside them.

I can possibly have a crew survive Godzilla's wrath (and maybe take some retconning abilities) to have a ship or two survive and get mysteriously pulled into the Stargate universe. Most of the main cast will be there, but at the cost of their ships being on low fuel, supplies, and so forth, (but will have onboard weapons)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CaptainSully
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Seeing as 40k stomps all, would something from that universe be allowed?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mataus
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think ya'll would appreciate this!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sophrus
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@Queen Raidne
Ok, what im thinking about doing is a little different but would give the team a little different capability than on their own but, it would require a minor reworking of the original ship mechanics so i wanted to run it by you first.

im planing on using an EVE Rorqual, which is basically an industrial capital ship. my reworking proposal is that it isnt restricted to compressing and carrying ore and would be able to refine and manufacture as well (not a current capability in game mechanics) mostly to give the other members of our fleet refit and reload potential so that they dont have to worry about getting fuel or ammo so long as i can go stripmine a few asteroids.

2nd i would propose that it has a 'fleet' of small ships and pilots inside it which it can normally do and i would like to keep so that im not entirely useless when our fleet gets into fights. while it can theoretically carry large and very powerful ships i was planning on keeping them fairly small essentially fighter craft and frigate/crusier size ships from the universe.

oh and it has a jump drive so it can travel very well so long as someone can give me a beacon to jump to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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My ships is a mix of OC and the EVE universe. Using assets and pictures from EVE, but I made up some lore that wasn't there and then I
added my own touch on the weapons and use of the ship.@Queen Raidne

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sophrus
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

actually ill just go with it and see how it goes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

You know which ships I've never seen in one of these? Things from Freelancer. Or Elite.

@MatausI love that image. I've added it to the first post.

@CaptainSully Not as-is, no.

To quote a answer from Quora:
Warhammer revels in its absurdity. It is something of an agreement that everything about Warhammer 40K is over the top, excessive and all-round gratuitous. It is a universe where shit like planet-cracking or engulfing entire solar systems in demonic energy is considered standard fare.

My counter-question is: what do you want from W40K? Fanatical spess marines? WAAAGGHH!!? The Warp drive? Figure that out, and then I can see a few options. You could make a suspiciously-similar OC universe without all of the ridiculously powerful weaponry and hordes of soldiers and uber survivability, but retains the thing you want. You could severely limit your ship choice - it's actively falling apart, or there's only a literal handful of people that arrive - whithout changing lore. Or, you could do something weird, like, it's W40K, except scaled to the size of the tabletop miniatures.

TL;DR: It'd be much easier to do something else, but I'm a sucker for W40K lore. Especially the narrative possibilities of the Warp.

@Thecrash20 Accepted! Go ahead and post your sheet in the Characters tab.

@Sophrus That looks pretty reasonable, so far. I would recommend giving your ship a couple of disadvantages, though, as it's fairly large.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sophrus
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@Queen Raidne
OK I will think of some, but I figured it being unarmed except for escort craft was a significant disadvantage.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mataus
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sophrus makes my idea a possibility <3
Also it's an OC and I used some halo references, including the picture.

Name of Ship:
Home Universe/Name of Franchise:
OC universe. A human race based off of the planet Onyx.
Special Operations Strike Craft (SOSC)
Physical Description/Image:

Physical Size (roughly):
70.1 meters x 80 meters x 14 meters (lwh)
Armament/Complement (roughly):

History of the Ship:
The ship is one of firsts for Onyx. The ship was designed for special forces tasks such as infiltration, special forces deployment, reconnaissance, strike, and guerrilla warfare. The ship had only completed a few missions before a strange event occurred while fighting an insurrectionist faction on a colony world known as Harvest. The colonist had created a new type of warp system... one so powerful it could open a portal directly to a location. While engaged with the ship that carried the drive, the laser mounted on the Myth pierced the drive, causing it to malfunction, destroying the insurrectionist ship and porting the Myth to a completely different universe.

Notable Crew:
Crew Name: Captain James Carter
Crew Role: Ship Captain
Crew Description: The captain is a reasonable man. He began to work for the Onyx Intelligence Agency (OIA) after five years of service as a captain and is responsible for dealing with aliens. He has arranged many deals with alien civilizations, however, once the Myth was released from the shipyard he was reassigned from political role to a strike role, and now plans and executes strikes to cripple both alien civilizations and insurrectionists who work with/for alien civilizations.

Crew Name: Atom
Crew Role: Ship AI
Crew Description: An artificial intelligence with a sense of humor. He likes to appear as an atom on holotables... an atom with a positive charge.

Crew Name: Commander Brent Greene
Crew Role: Onyx Guard Commander
Crew Description: A tough, quiet man who was well known in the special forces community. He worked his way up to the top tier special forces branch fairly quickly. Little did he know, however, that there was a classified special forces community known as the Onyx Guard. It was the job of the Guard to guard humanity against alien threats. He has become the commander of the Guard and was therefor reassigned to the Myth along with 11 other qualified individuals.

Unique Technology:
1. Energy shields which can overload from any type of assault, given it is sustained or simply overpowering.
2. FTL technology which allows for ships to travel through wormholes.
3. The ability to produce and use enough anti-matter as a weapon.
4. A grasp of artificial intelligence and "cold fusion".
5. Visual cloaking technology.
Crew Size:

Myth-class SOSC
Onyx Intelligence Agency

1. The ship is limited on size and crew, it cannot hope to battle a larger ship or a fleet by itself.
2. It cannot field an army, nor can it carry a large amount of supplies or manufacture supplies.
3. Its cloaking technology doesn't hide thermal energy and radiation signatures.
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