Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Absolute Grace
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Absolute Grace

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

This RP contains content unsuitable to kiddies. Read at own volition.

The smell of mould, concrete and rusty metal was at the forefront of her senses. The cell was concrete on the floor and three walls while the fourth wall was made of thick metal bars. Yes, she was in a cell, an ugly and boring one at that, but instead of being sad or even angry, she smiled. Her plan was going perfectly.

“She doesn’t exist in any records.” Bob the guard said when his guard buddy walked over.
“What do you mean, does not exist?” Peter inquired gruffly and folded his arms as he stood in front of Bob.
“As in, despite having a thumbprint, nothing matches. This girl has absolutely no name, no age, no family, no bank account, no nothing. She does not exist.”
“Well, has anyone actually tried talking to her?”
“Yes, but that’s just it, she won’t talk. She just… stares… Oh, but she did say one thing.”
“What was it?”
“Her name. She said her name is MindWarp.”
“Ugh, so she’s a freak, like the rest of the crooks here.”
“Seems like it. It’s a pity though. I would have liked to spend some alone time with her, she’s quite the looker. Not really big in the important areas.” Hands made a cupping motion to his chest and one to his behind. “But, I wasn’t really into the big and busty.”
“Pfft, you’re a sicko. Anyway, I better be going, you know how strict the shift replacements are, don’t need a pay cut. See you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, yeah you whipped dog you. Later dude.” The guard bid farewell to his workmate and began his duties. First things first. Inspection. With hand over gun and other hand holding a taser baton, he walked along the row of cells. The cells in this part of the prison were fairly low maintenance, they were old styled and the locks were manually opened with a key, instead of with a computer program and electricity.

It had been three days now and during MindWarp’s observations, one thing never changed. The guard swap. It happened every day, at the same time and with the same two guards. The two guards factored into her plans and it was only a few more hours until she could put her plan into motion. While the hours passed, she focused on a few other aspects of her plan, most importantly, the building schematics and the locations of a certain few people. They had been specially chosen for their… talents and MindWarp wanted all eleven of them.

Sitting straighter on her place on the tiny and itchy sheet cot, MindWarp closed her eyes and began the first stage of her plan. She created the illusion of Bob walking in for his shift swap with Peter.
“You’re here early Bob.”
“What do you mean? Dude, I am on time. Must be going blind in your old age.” It was a perfect rendition of Bob, accent, speech nuances and all. Plus to make things even more realistic, MindWarp illusioned a later time on the clock.
“I could have sworn that the time was only… Uh, never mind. I am just glad that I can leave this horrible place. It’s just unfortunate that I still have to return tomorrow. Anyway I’ll be off now. Enjoy Bob.” He moved past the younger guard and closed the door behind himself. As soon as the door was closed, the illusion instantly disappeared. Half an hour later the real Bob showed up for the shift swap.
“Oi, Peter! Where are you, you old man?!” He called out into the hall, lined with various cells. MindWarp grinned and started the second stage of her plan. She illusioned herself invisible and then created the image of Peter inside of her cell. ‘Peter’ pressed himself up against the bars. “Thank God Bob, quick get me out of here. The little minx pulled a smart one on me.” He exclaimed in anger.
“She’s escaped? I need to sound the alarms.” Bob began to turn away but turned back when Peter yelled. “Wait! Sound those alarms and the both of us will be in for it. You for being late and me, well it’s pretty obvious. I know where she went, let’s just get her and pretend that this whole thing never happened.”
“Sh(caution kiddies it’s a bad word. Close your eyes)it! You are right. Okay, let’s hurry.” Bob agreed with a slight snarl and got his keys. The cell door opened and Bob stepped inside to grab Peter and drag him out, however, his hand went right through and Peter vanished.
“What the Fu-“ A hand suddenly went on his forehead and a shock filled his head, it was like a thousand lightning strikes directly in his brain and it was very painful. He thudded to the floor and looked up into the face of MindWarp, with her cold blue eyes and her frown. It was the last thing he saw before he blacked out.

MindWarp glared down at the unconscious body of the guard Bob and with a sneer she took his keys, then kicked him harshly in the side. She locked the door behind her and moved on to the third part of her plan.

((Go for it my lovelies. Create your first IC posts. I would like everyone to post one before I make my next post, Please and thank you.))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 17 min ago

Sitting in a metal cell, restrained by a straitjacket tightly strapped to his body, his ankles shackled together, Ethan Taylor, AKA Bacchus, chuckles quietly. "Poor fools," he says, working his way to his feet. "They should know better than to keep people like us locked up. It's like pulling a ferocious animal out of the wild and sticking him in a zoo. If they get out, it'll be a bloodbath."

Stationed outside of his cell, one of the two fully-armed guards sighs. "Great," he mutters, "he's going at it again." The other guard, a young man who looked to be barely out of his teenage years, asks, "He says this often?"

The older guard chuckles and says, "Just about every day. I just don't see why they don't sedate him. Not only would he shut up, we'd be able to do things worth our time rather than stand here." The younger guard suggests, "Maybe he's not as dangerous as they tell us?" The older guard turns to his colleague and says in a quiet voice, "Tell that to the families of those he's slaughtered. To the wives he's widowed, the children he's orphaned. If you decide to do that, you'll have quite a job ahead of you...there are hundreds of them."

Sitting in his cell, Ethan lets out a bark of laughter, hearing the two guards talk about his handiwork. "And I was just getting started!" he yells at them. "If it weren't for you bastards, I'd still be out there, living it up, walking in seas of blood with a line of women miles long following behind me! But you guys just had to step in because what I was doing was 'morally wrong!' Well, I'll let you know you and everyone else in this entire 'prison' may as well have signed your own death warrants when you caught me. When I get out of here, I'll hunt each and every last one of you and make you watch as I slowly bleed your entire family dry..."

The young guard swallows nervously, but the older one only chuckles. "Don't worry about him," he says. "There's nothing he can do. What with the power dampener, straitjacket, and three-foot-thick steel walls, he can't get out. Even if he could, he'd still be outnumbered twenty-to-one. He wouldn't make it three feet without getting drilled full of holes."

Ethan hears the man essentially say that it was impossible for him to get out, the thought making him chuckle. "If only they know that the impossible doesn't exist, anymore," he mutters under his breath as he waits for his opportunity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The scream that came from the specialized cell came at 30 miinute intervals every day. By this time the normal crimials had gotten used to it, and no llonger heard the cries of a woman none of them knew. The sound came so often now they'd come to overlook it, though none of them knew why she screamed every day. Behind the rows of cells, separated by a thick rock wall was the construction zone of highly personalized cells, for highly personalized type of inmates.
The one in particular the screaming was coming from was a giant hexagon, made of stone and glass with viewing windows all around. The interior of the cell had one way mirrors lined all around it, and the screaming captive could only see her own reflection wherever she glanced.

Within, there was a specialized bed made without metal of any kind, and built entirely out of wood. A restroom, naturally... and in the center a metallic chair that looks only fit to be put in a dentists room. At the head of the chair, a long rope with semi conductive metallic properties tied to the inmates neck,. A metal collar, where the rope connected, was fitted tightly to the long slender neck and at every thirty minutes, dragged the inmate back into the chair where her hands were locked tightly and feet strapped in by metal bonds. From there the metal chair would fulfill its dire purpose. Essentially, the chair was a generator and the inmate a giant battery. The life force was sucked out of the womans body and then used to power the entire jail. Though her power was plentiful, it required more energy every thirty minutes to continue working.

The Warden at first deemed this practice of utilizing the womans powers inhumane. However, after a torrential rain by victims and city officials he had agreed to the practice and today admtis its the best thing he's ever done in terms of cutting electricity costs, and keeping the public safe. It was a win-win for those holding her. Free electricity, and a way to keep the inmates abilities so low constantly that she could not escape if she tried.

Now her screaming died down, and the woman whimpered slowly. As they did every time without her power, tears escaped her eyes and drool ran down her lips. The chair made a clicking sound, signalling it was done holding her back. Shakily, she sat up and spit up onto the floor, her tongue remedying looming taste of bile as it constantly did after she was pulled into the chair. More and more she found she hated it.... and even feared it. She had struggled to resist it multiple times, every time the collar on her neck pulled her toward with its damn rope, strangling her while pulling her backwards until she gave into the chair.

Limping weakly, the inmate pulled herself into her bed and closed her eyes, silently praying night would come soon, the only time the prison didn't need electricity so much and she was only pulled from slumber three times to give the prison a boost just in case it needed to kickstart again. But now, during the day Krystaal was constantly sickly, bile at the back of her throat ready to come out but never quite making it past her lips. She closed her eyes, rocking back and forth on the wooden bed as her black hair pressed to her foreheads cold sweat, wishing her sweep of illness to dissapear.

From up in the audience chamber, looking down through the one way mirrors on the side you could look through, the Warden made his rounds. He looked at his clipboard, findiing the name "Marion Mirrors; Krystaal" and checked it off. He smiled, folding his arms rather proud of the prison he had found such a way to keep public safety in. Why, they were even planning on giving him a medal for finding highly effective ways to keep this new era of 'supervillains' under lock and key. Mayor eat your heart out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Ironic isn't it?"

Thousands of miles from the prison, sitting pretty in his large office looking down at the streets below is one of the brilliant minds who came up with the unique technologies holding the individuals within the "super prison." Dr.Lawson

"All of who worked on the project masters of our fields, each one of figured revolutionary ways of escape proofing cells. In order to protect or freedom, we had to garuntee that no one could escape?"

He was in apparent interview, likely about to receive yet another award. He sighs for a minute as if annoyed by the memory he was just having.

"The only one we really had no clue about was Mr.Lapsa."
The woman interrupted "The Red Abyss."
Dr.Lawson tossed her a slight glare, before continuing "When you refer to them like that, you empower them, you convince them that their illusions of being more than me and you are true."

Once more the Reporter could not hold her tongue. "I feel someone that has been compared to a 30 megaton bomb might be a little bit more than me."

The Doctor waves off her rather snide remark. "Anyway, his abilities have forced us to ignore his humanity. Though I use the word lightly. Within his unique cell is a sarcophagus made of "Holy" birch, wrapped in cloth that was dipped in the sea of Jordan. We have Buddhist seals, and even carved the walls to have it resemble the chamber of a healing.The floor is made of marble pulled from the halls of the appointed...There are two more things within it but I am not authorized to reveal their existence at this time."

The reporter looks up from her notes with a raised brow. "So are you saying that all religion is in fact a truth?"

The doctor smirked, "I am saying you can never be to careful. In addition the sarcophagus is filled with a liquid similar to the fluid you are born in. It keeps him sustained and asleep, a electrical charge from the prison is ran through it at such a fashion to keep his heart in a controlled spasm. Preventing enough blood from reaching his brain to have the capacity to do more than faint in the event that he did adapt to the liquids. "

The reporter seemed to tilt her head, "Why not simply kill the man?"
He walked over to his rather expensive looking chair and took a seat. "We did try, but even while it was rendered comatose, the armor is like another organism entirely it protected itself...I won't say anything more than the thought had more than crossed our minds."

She once more looks at him confused. "What if he gets out?"
He waves his hands back and forth laughing at the thought. "The only way hes waking up is if someone opens that door. Last time I checked no one wanted to free the thing responsible for the Mt.Velion incident?"
The reporter smirks, "You just referred to him as a thing? Does that mean you too don't see him as one of us?"
"You can see yourself out."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kittenlover
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Silence. That was all she could hear as she woke. That was all she had been able to hear for the past few months she had been trapped in here. Being deaf, was not a comforting thing to her. The idiots here made sure she wasn't able to hear anything by covering her ears with some sort of noise canceling ear-things. They made it so that any noise that was in the vicinity, was nullified. And if she even tried to remove them, she was given a very unpleasant zap of electricity. By doing this simple act, they rendered her powerless. Not only that, her cell was anechoic. The walls, floor, and ceiling were made out of 3.3 foot thick fiberglass wedges. Underneath them was a wall made out of insulated steel, and a foot of concrete. Suspended above the floor wedges was a metal grate, which was what she was currently standing on. Its what the bed, toilet, and anything else in the room was set on. This simple room design made any noise created in the room, fade into silence within seconds. Other than the bed, and the toilet, the only other thing not made out of the material was the cameras they used to watch her. Even the door to her cell was made in the anechoic style. From inside, you wouldn't even be able to tell where the door was. Alexis Sinclair, AKA Audiophile, was completely powerless in this room. She supposed that was supposed to make her scared. It didn't. It just made her angry.

She gave a somber sigh and sat up on her bed, and looked around the room. Having so little human contact for months on end would probably drive other people crazy. Fortunately for her, she had lost her metaphorical marbles long before she was stuffed in here. So instead of going crazy, She felt an unending, massive irritation and anger towards the bastards that locked her in here. Used to, her days were spent partying at a club, destroying a city block for the lulz, going to a rave, brutally killing someone just for fun, or even be a the best part time DJ this world had ever seen. Now, her days were filled with either pacing, standing around doing nothing, sitting in a corner of her room like a helpless little kid, and fantasizing about all she would do to the people in this place. It reminded her too much of the time when she was trapped in that research facility. That was a huge mistake these assholes had made.

There was little she could do about it now, however. As long as she was rendered deaf and was stuck in this anechoic chamber, she could hardly resist them, let alone break out. At least for now. They would slip up eventually. When they did, she would make them suffer for this. Each and everyone of them. And if she ever got her hands on the warden...oh now that would be fun. She couldn't help but to giggle madly at the things she was going to do to him. First, off would come his ears. Then, she wondered how well he would handle having his limbs slowly cut off. Oh but she couldn't do it all here. No, she would have to kidnap him and take him somewhere more...private, to have her fun with him. No sense in sticking around here and getting caught while she was busy having her fun with the man.

The thought of escaping and torturing the warden of this prison until he was nothing but a husk of his former self was the only thing that kept her going while she was trapped in here. She sat against her bed, and began to laugh madly at the mere thought of it. It would happen. It would. She would escape, and he would suffer. She just needed to wait. Yes, wait. They would slip up, and she would tear all of them to tiny little bloody pieces.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Glass, an entire world of glass. Sarah Covenry lived in a world of glass. She was a princess in a crystalline castle. A single minute room, a cell with walls like a fish tank. Unfortunately, there was little to see. Behind all walls but one was simply a swathe of electric lights, bank after bank of light emitting diodes that could, she supposed, rival the output of the sun!. Sitting in her cushioned cot in her bright orange jumpsuit Sarah changed the channel on her television, nothing live of course- and never the news, but plenty of mindless drivel to occupy an eternity. Sarah supposed it wasn't so bad, especially compared to the cells of many of the others. She had a shower, a comb, few cushions and a clicker for the television. So long as she didn't try and summon any darkness she was comfortable. If she did, those banks of lights would brighten to counter anything she did. She'd tried to fight it in the beginning but that much light created a lot of heat and she'd passed out from the effort, covered in sweat, barely being able to breathe from the stifling sauna that her cell had become.

She was bored, so very bored. Sure she had television and books and the food was somewhat decent compared to a life of fast food but a lack of variety grew stale no matter how good one had it. Tapping one bare foot against the plastic floor she hummed along to a music video she was watching and watched the guard stride past. She sometimes talked to the guards, even though she wasn't supposed to, just for a change of pace. Several times she'd opened the top of her jump suit and shoved her bare bosom in their faces just to break the monotony. That had been a mistake and she had regretted it. The jibes and taunts she'd received since had been scathing. They also didn't bother averting their eyes when she showered behind the completely transparent curtain. Thankfully she hadn't done anything more. Who knew what they'd do if she'd done something more lewd.

Creating a small shadow puppet in her hand, Sarah winced slightly as the lights fluoresced. This was the best she could do. Anything more and the lights would become painfully bright. Not that she could see a use for it. She'd tried making a crowbar but she had nowhere near the strength necessary to use it. No, she was well and truly stuck. She only hoped that one of the other inmates had allies outside. All she needed was a power outage, anything to shut off the automatic lights and then she'd be out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kablamicus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Victor sat cross legged in his sparse cell, the bulky man breathing slowly his trademark mask still attached to his face, the guards never had the chance to take it off during the week long battle to get the villain known as 'Velocity into his cell'. Victor's cell was made out of a metal that was designed to negate any kinetic energy forced into it. The entire cell was spartan with absolutely no furnishings, just Victor and the four walls that surrounded him. The man continued his zen-like breathing gazing at the passing guards the way a lion eyes it's prey. These men were weak government lapdogs, if they didn't have their badges and states to hide behind Victor would have ripped them limb from limb.

It had been five days since Victor's last attempted escape, a new guard had arrived who wasn't savvy to the exact nature of Victor's powers. Victor had asked the man for some 'light reading' the naive sentry had obliged giving Victor a hardback copy of Lord of the Flies. Victor had proceeded to repeatedly hit himself with the tome until the energy from these blows was enough to sever the door of the cell from it's hinges and annihilate the guard leaving his mangled remains at the entrance of the cell. This freedom was short lived when several mechanized officers were able to take advantage of Victor's weakened state and he was herded back in to his cell.

The guards would often look at Victor but the most he would do is raise a single middle finger, he wasn't going to submit to their supposed authority, none of them could defeat him in one on one combat. Occasionally a guard would read Victor a letter from his sister Alice, he had originally joined the military to pay for his sister's tuition and while she was now in the running for a nobel prize for physics, Victor was stuck in prison after a military experiment turned sour. Ever since his experience in the army he has resented authority preferring to rely on his own strenght than any supposed state, the only people he needs to care for are himself and Alice.

Rising to his feet Victor began his daily ritual of cursing at the guards and pounding furiously against the walls of his cell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by guyvolk


Member Offline since relaunch

The Warden strode down the hall feeling very pleased with himself, he had received a letter from the city council saying that they wanted to present him a commendation at the opening of the new Metropolitan Courthouse, and that bastard Mayor would be the one handing it to him. He looked forward to seeing the egg on the Mayors face more than the award itself. As he perused his list he saw with some satisfaction Dmitri Jager: "Dr." Gheist was next on his list one of the more entertaining stops he got to make.

He turned a corner and walked to what seemed like a dead end but in the middle of the wall was a small window with four holes beneath it. Peering through the window The Warden saw Dmitri strapped to his usual slab angled to face the window, his eyes checked the IV connected to Dmitri's neck feeding him a slightly more than healthy dose of sedatives. "Open it" The warden commanded and the guards nodded and turned to a small door just to the left of the window opening it they retrieved an odd looking device on wheels with four heavy tines on its front. The machines tines slotted into the holes on the wall perfectly and when activated the machine began whirring and lifted the section of wall and moved it backwards and off to the side.

The Warden strode into the cell with an air of arrogant confidence. "Well Mr. Jager how do you like your new cell?" he said gesturing to the mostly empty room. "I must say Dr. Lawson has outdone himself with this one" The warden continued gesturing to the slab suspended by the machine. "How do you hold a man who can rewire almost anything?" The warden asked rhetorically "You don't give him the chance!" he answered himself a large smile on his face. "Dr, Lawson said it was "Owens Shaver" or something like that, Anyway I do hope you enjoy your new accommodations "Doctor" " the warden called as he turned to leave.

"Ocums... Rashure" Dmitri slurred raising his head and focusing his bloodshot grey eyes on the Warden. The Warden turned just at the entrance of the cell and asked "What did you just say?"

"It's Occam's Razor...You Idiot" Dmitri managed to spit out. The Warden looked a little put off but quickly brushed it aside and exited the cell. As the slab was placed back into its spot by the machine the warden turned to one of the guards and said "I want you to tell Medical to up Mr. Jager's Dosage". The guard nodded and marched off as the Warden checked Dmitri's name off his list and continued his rounds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Veronica's cell wasn't as special like all of the others. No, hers looked more like a dungeon one would find in a castle during medieval times. It was primitive with the exception of a new glass wall separating Veronica from the bars of her cell. Last time she had managed to pick the lock but she was quickly caught. She was in her cot quite bored out of her mind. There was no technology that Veronica could use or manipulate in order to get herself out, let alone entertain herself. Without technology, she was just as powerful as your average Jane Doe. She looked at the guards who stood outside of her cell, and she heard them speak, despite the glass wall.

The guards looked to each other after looking at Veronica and the smaller guard asked "So…that's the quarantined Virus? She seems much more…human and calm than every other prisoner here,"
The other guard nodded and said "Yeah. But don't let that fool you. She's a genius. The moment you let her anywhere near a computer or any machine in general, and you're done for, either by her hand or by someone else's,"
The smaller guard mumbled "Scary…!"
The other guard replied "What do you expect? She was adopted and raised by that dictator of a politician, Wolfram Cordelia,"

Veronica couldn't help but roll her eyes at the mention of her being 'quarantined'. The idiots! She shook her head at them silently, plotting of another way to get out. Unlike the other villains here, she hadn't exactly lost her marbles, so she wasn't too excited about killing just as everyone else is here. Instead, she was just numb. She didn't care about much about anything, except a select few things: herself, her inventions, her computer, the occasional pranks she comes up with, any plans she makes, and her grudges and vendettas.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Koishi sighed, looking around and pacing up and down her cell. it held no extra items of any sorts currently, but whenever she tried to reach up to her little friend who was trapped in a cage hanging just out of reach, the room got suddenly filled with items ranging from furniture to accessories. She dropped to the ground and whimpered softly whenever this happened, since so many objects equals a 'brain overload' and causes massive pain for her. That's why she never tried to do it again. The only things that ever stayed were the basic cell items. Cot, toilet, all those basic needs for your average prisoner. A mechanical claw hung itself from the ceiling, right next to the small cell suspended there. If only she was a little taller, she would be able to reach her dear purple eye and try to escape.

She didn't remember how exactly she had got here, though. She had probably went on a rampage and killed a few people.What she didn't know, was that a group of people, probably a gang, had pissed her off. In a couple of minutes, they were all mangled corpses on the floor. About 6 men were killed that day. If she had continued, she could of wiped out the street if not careful. The only bit she remembered before finding her cell was being dragged away by two men, who were most likely the ones who put her into this situation.

Speaking of guards, they tended to ignore her a lot. Maybe it was because she was weak, maybe a different reason, but she didn't care much. She could still converse with her purple eye, who would often reply in little screeches, as to not activate the mechanical arm that would harshly grab it. At least she still had her company. She sat on her cot and leaned back and forth, not really taking any notice to the world. She had wished to escape, but there was no use trying. It would only work if she got pissed off, which was pretty hard to do right now. She sighed and closed her eyes. She had got bored and decided to read the list of objects seen up to this day. Her only wish was to escape, but it would never be fulfilled. Or at least, that's what she thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Usurper King

Usurper King

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Air rushed around him. The room whirled, spinning in time with his movements. He breathed slowly, controlling every breath- conserving every movement. He gritted his teeth, and moved faster. His limbs were blurred, each action methodical and thought out. His eyes narrowed, watching imaginary enemies fall to every move. He remembered this. How he’d loved the thrill of battle, the meeting of opponents on the field. That moment when he stared into the enemy’s eyes and knew that one of them wasn’t going to leave alive. When he got to see which of the two of them was truly deserving of life.

He remembered fighting shoulder-by-shoulder with his comrades, his family. He knew every one of those faces; they had been his friends, those he trusted with his life. Those he trusted to stand and die with him. And the man he trusted most, who he always gave the most important tasks to- who he even planned their battles with- standing by his side. Samuel.

Thane turned and punched the wall with all his strength. The sound of his impact reverberated throughout the row of cells he was in. A grim smile slowly plastered itself on his face.

Jacob Oliver Constantine, codename: Thane, stood up and loosened his muscles. The time had nearly arrived. He’d felt it a few months ago, in his gut. It was deep, and certain. He would be a free man soon. He was going to get out of this cesspit. He didn’t know how, he didn’t know when. But it would happen.

That was why he’d been practising sword fighting for months, every moment of every waking hour. That was why he’d been exercising, moving, getting used to the body he was in. Because, before he’d been thrown into this hellish prison, he’d been severely weakened. Limiters had been placed on his cybernetics, disrupting the flow of thought to them. He had moved slowly, difficultly, without any strength. It had been a humiliating experience for him.

So he had moved faster. And it had been painful, mind-numbingly so. Limiters were designed to stop you from moving quickly; acting against them had been agonising. But he had carried on, out of sight of the guards. And slowly, ever so slowly, his mind began to re link with his cybernetics. He began to move normally again. He began to fight back against the limiters.

And now, finally, he was nearly complete. After months of work, he felt normal again, able to move without the constraints of man-made dampeners or human flesh. He hadn’t been noticed. No one was supposed to be able to fight the limiters. No one expected anyone to. And besides, Jacob was not considered the highest of threats; take away his sword, and he became nothing but a normal man. A normal, cyborg man.

He turned back to his prison and sat down on the concrete floor. His cell was extremely Spartan .He wasn't allowed any furniture; it was deemed too dangerous- after all, a bedframe could be turned into a sword, if you squinted at it. Unfortunately, this included entertainment. There were no televisions or radios in Jacob’s cell. But if he was honest with himself, Thane didn't mind the austerity of his room. It provided no distractions. It kept him focused on escaping.

Jacob clenched his fist. He got up, and began practising fencing again, moving faster and faster and faster. Soon he would be out of here. Soon he would be in the fresh air again. Soon he would be fighting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Absolute Grace
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Absolute Grace

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

MindWarp’s first target was perhaps the most important for the success of the jailbreak. 17 year old, Veronica Cordellia. AKA. Virus. Yes, the girl was going to be a vital part of her… team. MindWarp illusioned herself once again as Bob and zeroed in on the cell that contained Virus. Two guards were stationed at the girls door, but that issue was an easy fix. ‘Bob’ casually walked up to them.
“Bob? What’re you doing here? You are meant to be on duty on section 1.” The taller of the two guards pointed out with a frown.
“Oh man, relax! You are such a stick in the mud.” ‘Bob,’ waved a hand dismissively and continued to walk closer. “I know just the thing to help you relax, though I should warn you, it’s a little shocking at first.” The illusion stayed in place even when MindWarp placed her hands on the two guard’s foreheads. Seconds later they fell down unconscious.

Next, MindWarp unlocked the cell door and allowed the face of Bob to vanish and reveal her own face. Looking at Virus who was on the cot, MindWarp smirked. “Hello Miss Virus. Today is your lucky day. Freedom is yours if you choose to accept one little condition.” She paused for effect, “Join me. I am making a team and you my lovely dear are quite important. The main security room is close by, I’ll take out the guards and then you will be free to work your magic on the security system. What say you?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Veronica heard another set of footsteps come towards her cell. She opened her eyes from their meditative closure and she sat up to look, and sate her curiosity as to who was coming. She saw that it was another guard, and she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Why was there another guard in front of her cell? Every day, it's only been two guards. Two guards were always enough to the people who ran this place. She then watched as 'Bob', spoke to the other guards and mentioned getting them to relax. She watched as this 'Bob' character suddenly placed his hands on the guard's foreheads and they suddenly fell unconscious. Veronica connected the logical dots and she stood up off of her cot, readying herself for anything, in case the man in front of her wished her ill or harm.

'Bob's' face suddenly changed to show a woman's face and Veronica remained silent as this woman spoke from the other side of the glass that separated the bars from the cell room that Virus was standing in. Despite the fact that this woman somehow reminded Veronica of Wolfram, the promise of freedom was very enticing. Plus there was also the fact that she gets to mess with the security system of this place! Take revenge, get freedom, and repay the woman in front of her in return. This was a perfect opportunity, and Veronica was not going to skip out on it! Veronica smirked her own smirk and she said "I say I accept...you have my services…Madam," Honestly, Virus thought 'Madam' was the most polite term she could use, since she didn't know who this woman was, or what her name is.

She then said "There's still this wall that needs to be taken care of,"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Absolute Grace
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Absolute Grace

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Those were the words MindWarp wanted to hear. As for the glass wall problem, well, if the guards of this cell were anything like the guards at her cell, the key would be on their person. Moving back to the unconscious guards, MindWarp rummaged through their pockets and eventually found a key for the glass. Next was finding where it was to be inserted. She found a small metal box right next to the glass wall and flipped open the lid to reveal a keyhole. Inserting the key and turning it to the left, had the glass wall making a hissing sound before it rolled open.

“Now that that’s taken care of, let us journey to the security room where you will have free reign with the system. But first, your disguise.” With barely even a blink MindWarp created the illusion of Virus being another security guard, one of the two who were currently unconscious. Speaking of which, MindWarp with the help of Virus, dragged the two guards into the cell and locked them in, before setting out down the hallway.

Once they reached the door to the security room, MindWarp motioned to Virus to stay back while she just walked right into the room, closing the door behind her. Mere seconds later, shouts were heard and then sudden silence. MindWarp opened the door and allowed Virus to enter. Inside, the back wall was covered in various screens with a control panel placed right in front of it. As for the supposed guards who had shouted, they were nowhere in sight. However, the small broom closet was most likely the place where the bodies had been stored and the door blocked by a chair.

“Before I allow you total free reign, there are a few things I would like you to do. First, hack into the security footage tapes and replace today’s memory with a copy of the memory from two days ago. Second, lock all main entrances into the building. Third, set all alarms to sound in exactly 60 minutes and delay any alarms that sound before the 60 minutes. Now in about… say… ten minutes? The main power will go out, but the generator will kick in, three minutes after that. Makes sure all three of my requests are still in place and then you will be free to do as you please.” All of it was said quite tonelessly as MindWarp merged into a focused and determined demeanour.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Virus watched as the woman pilfered from the guards and got the key. Soon enough, the glass wall opened, and Veronica stepped out from behind it and stood to face the woman when she spoke. When the woman mentioned the disguise, Virus looked at herself to see the illusion the woman set up, and she commented, "Fascinating," She then helped the woman drag the two guards into the prison, before they started down their journey down the hallway to the security room. Once there, Virus followed the woman's order to stay outside as she handled the security guards that were in the room. When she was given the word, Virus entered the room. The room looked like a gold mine to Virus with all of the computers and a large master computer at the front.

Soon the woman was speaking again, telling her what needed to be done (obviously for the jailbreak plan to be a success). When the woman was done, Virus answered her with the same tone as she had used, "Understood. What you wish for will be accomplished in three minutes," She then headed up to the master computer and sat in the chair and got to work after cracking her fingers. She typed away, her fingers becoming nothing more than a furious blur. Virus had a grin on her face as she did her work and she commented laughing "Aww! They call this a firewall? How adorable. It's pathetic!" She continued away, and she was fast enough for her benefactor to see that Virus did as the woman wished. She replaced today's security footage with the one from two days ago, locked all of the main entrances of the building, and set all of the alarms to sound in an hour (delaying any alarm that would sound before then). As much as Virus would love to have pulled a prank, a jailbreak was not the best time for such a thing.

Virus stood up and said to the woman "It is done," She thought of what to do, and she gained an idea. She could stay and help this woman by keeping an eye on the security footage and give the woman any heads up for any unforeseen obstacles, but that would require a cell phone or something like that. Or she could go with the woman so she can disable or unlock any devices. She asked the woman in all seriousness "Would you rather have me accompany you, or stay here and keep an eye on security footage Madam?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Absolute Grace
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Absolute Grace

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MindWarp was very pleased. She had heard about Virus’ prowess in all things computers and mechanics, but seeing her in action in real life was really quite amazing. The tasks that MindWarp had given her were completed in almost no time at all.

“You need not call me madam, Virus. I am simply MindWarp.” She said with her arms crossed over her chest then tilted her head in a motion towards the door.

“Once the power is out, utter chaos will ensue. If you think you are capable of dealing with such a situation then you are welcome to find some sort of a portable device and follow me. I’ll try my best to keep you unharmed, but you must stick close and do what I say or I will lose a good asset.” Came the monotonous warning and yes, Virus had been classified as an asset, however, it came in the form of an endearment, not an insult.

“One of the drawers might have a mobile phone and possibly a handgun, if it’ll make you feel better about having one on hand, in case of any… unforeseen circumstances.” Despite MindWarps plan’s, anything could go wrong and that fact needed to be understood. “If you are coming, then I am leaving now. It is just about time to free Miss Krystaal.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kittenlover
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Natalia's mind slowly woke up when she heard someone shouting, her cat ears being sensitive to all things sound...... except for dog whistles...... She just couldn't pick up sounds like those! She sighed and tried to find the source, finding her way into a man' mind by the name of Victor or Velocity, whatever he preferred. Victor, Victor, Victor....... You know shouting at the guards will not help your cause. In your weakened state, they could take you down as if you were a cat with a ball of yarn, distracted by it's amazing...... Beautiful....... Wonderful....... Stupendous...... Damn! Now I'm craving yarn! But that's besides the point! Yelling will not help anything, at all! You're better off just laying low until we can think up a good plan to escape. But right now my body is in sleepy time mode thanks to these stupid freaking drugs so unfortunately I won't be waking up for quite some time....... But when I do, you'll be the first one to know! Natalia said into his mind, her eyes flickering open for a sec before closing again.

She could now feel the drug flowing through her veins, and it was starting to freak her out. But she couldn't do anything about it, not even scream, because all of her body was asleep and her body was still functioning to impulses being constantly sent to her brain. And the weird thing was, she hadn't needed to eat or drink all of the time that she was here. She had just laid there, sleeping, and doing absolutely nothing till now. She started to feel sleepy, and a yawn could be heard in Victor's mind, but even when she was asleep there was now a connection between them that could even be broken by death. That's how strong her telepathy was, but even she did not know that herself. She thought of herself as a good villain, but nothing as great as per say the Joker. But little did she know, that to the world, she was a cat demon spawn from hell that was killing those who had done absolutely nothing wrong.

But on the contrary, she had actually been killing those that had been involved in the murder of 30 children...... And she had been the only one to survive all those tests. But she had lost everything when she came out of those tests; Her cheery girly personality, her gorgeous red hair, pale skin, green eyes, and freckled rosy red cheeks, her morality, her sanity, her family...... Even her name was changed. She escaped out of pure luck, and was now a monster, one that killed 150 of the workers of the project that made her the thing she was today. Unfortunately they had stopped her before she killed off the rest, locking her up in this jail cell with that terrible guard that had raped her each day for 3 whole years. But today she had had enough, and that's when her body had woken up for a bit. But now her body was unfortunately shutting down again, an she had no idea how to stop that from happening.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 17 min ago

Sitting in his cell, hopping around with shackled ankles, 'Bacchus' whistles cheerily, the tune sounding similar to that song about the drunk sailor. A mistimed hop, however, sends him spilling to the ground, making him crack his head on the cold steel floor. However, the pain doesn't register in his mind, evident in the way he somehow manages to work himself back up to his feet and, blood running freely down his face, staining his straitjacket, continues to hop around, his fractured mind wandering back to the time when he was finally captured.

Three years ago, in a small town in the mountains, sixteen-year-old Ethan Taylor was walking home from school. This was before he lost his mind, back when he was just a normal, kind-hearted kid who happened to have a special talent, although no one knew about it, other than his parents and himself.

It was a good day; School had served his favorite lunch, he aced his physics test (barely), and he finally got up the guts to ask his childhood friend out on a date. Imagine his surprise when she said 'yes.' Anyhow, on his way home, he had stopped off at the local convenience store and bought himself a bottle of strawberry milk. It was when he turned back towards the exit that a couple of squad cars tore down the street. It was then that the first red flag, although it was small at the time, went up in his mind, Ethan having noticed that they were heading in the same direction he would go to head home. Shrugging it off as coincidence, he shoulders his backpack and exits the store.

The second red flag came when an ambulance screamed past, heading in the same direction as the squad cars. Watching it turn down the street, he began to feel a cold seed of dread take root in his chest, but he continues brushing it off, although it was getting harder and harder to do so. Now jogging, he runs up tot he end of the block and turns, feeling that seed erupt into a full-grown tree of despair.

Halfway down the street, where he would normally see his mother waiting patiently for him while his dad was inside, working on renovating their home before work, which he had been doing for the past two weeks. Now, crowding the street in front of his home, were a few squad cars and a couple of ambulances, all with lights flashing while a group of bystanders watch on, their morbid human curiosity for what was happening overriding any sense of respect. As Ethan watched, his milk falling from his hand as his bag slips, unnoticed, from his shoulder, a couple of paramedics bring out the first stretcher, upon which lies the body of one of his parents, a white sheet draped over their body and a circle of crimson where their head is.

As the second body is brought out, Ethan could swear he heard something inside of him snap. The world fell away as a low rumbling began to fill the air, the bystanders crying out in alarm as the ground begins shaking beneath their feet. A low laugh then begins to sound from Ethan's mouth as his sanity, in one fell swoop, shattered as easily as a china plate dropped from the top of a skyscraper...

As Ethan, now codenamed Bacchus, continues to hop around, his whistling morphing from the song about the unfortunate sailor to one about a woman who lost a sheep, he remembers that first spark of amusement when he began tearing that idiotic group of spectators apart as easily as if they were made of wet tissues. He also remembers the sting of the electrified bullet that had slammed into his shoulder, sending him to the ground after he had already killed off an easy 90% of his town's population and the law enforcement agencies that had come in an attempt to stop him. He also remembers the strange, unsettling feeling of sorrow as he looked into the tear-streaked face of Anna, the girl he was supposed to go to the movies with that weekend, as she screamed how much she hated him.

However, all of that may as well have happened in another life. Now, he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him. All that matters to him is when he can finally get out of his box and massacre anyone standing in his way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kablamicus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Continuing to pound against the walls of his cell Victor thought back to the incident that had lead to him being incarcerated in this tomb. Young Victor Slate, fresh out of the military was expecting a hero's greeting from his sister, the optimistic all-american lad who had shipped away returned a grizzled anarchist with unimaginable powers. However as he stepped off the plane there was no one to greet him, not a single family member to welcome their lost son home. Travelling to where Alice used to live he found new tenants living in the house that gave him a note from his sister. 'Victor, you're too dangerous to be around now, your powers could threaten my privacy and the life of your newborn nephew Jonathan, I'll tell him his uncle was a hero. Please try and make something of yourself - Alice.' The letter destroyed Victor, he had gone to the military to help his sister stay afloat and now it was all in vain, well now Victor was looking out for himself.

Victor began to abuse his powers using them to tear open bank vaults as if they were paper, getting stronger with every bullet fired at him. Victor would blow most of his earnings in underground games of high stakes poker with other criminals however he would always send a small part of his earnings to his sister's account despite all the conflict between them.

Eventually one heist went down under when the police sedated him using a gas based anesthetic when victor came back around he was being carted into his cell, and so began a week long conflict with several casualties all in the name of getting Victor into his cell. Slowing his pounding on the walls Victor heard an unfamiliar voice within his head. The power dampeners must be down was Victor's first thought, not that it would help as the very material Victor's cell was made from negated his powers. 'Just because I'm weakened doesn't mean I couldn't take half of these folks on...You have a thing for yarn don't you? Why can't anyone just be sane anymore?... As for an escape now you're talking my language, I just need someone to open the door of my cell from the other side and this place will be rubble... They've got you on the meds too huh...Well sweet dreams I guess...' Victor felt strange having a telepath in his head but it was the first conversation he'd had in some time.
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