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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

”Hey, no worries big guy. I saw you dropped them, but didn’t know which class you were in next.”

If Amy was perturbed by his unclothed state, it didn’t show--one hand gently placed the charms in the massive palm of the lion Faunus, the other went to the back of her head and ruffled up the crimson spikes of her hair as she grinned, her eyes half closed. In contrast to Blaine her posture was relaxed, standing with her hips slightly to the side.

Hopefully having the charms back would let him relax enough to, you know, allow for regular conversation. Her body language was intended to set him at ease, at least.

Sadly, though a hunter-in-training must be talented in many areas, reading signals was not one in which Blaine was proficient. He accepted the small, wooden medallions with steady hands, his unmoving face broken by a twitching lip. The world swam around him, his head light. The charms were back. His honor restored.

The faunus’s head lowered, his back at a 90 degree angle to his hips. Water dripped to the ground as the words fell from his lips in the brittle tones of a poorly maintained tuba. “I thank you, ten thousand times over. I will remember this, always.”

He straightened, back as linear as the art of a discerning 9th grade trigonometry instructor. “I mean...“ You damned fool, calm down! She knows not what value they bear, you will ruin your second impression! Casual! Act casual!!!” “...I ...owe you one?”

He wasn't calming down, not a lot. Amy tilted her head to the side slightly, letting her arms fall to her sides. None of this had been out of character from her impression of him on the practice field, but she did wish he didn't think the interaction was this high stress.

Then again, if you were going to do the old method of calming down during public speaking--you know, imagining the other person in their underwear--it was probably substantially more difficult if you currently were in your underwear. She waved his thanks away, smiling widely. “Happy to do it. You obviously put a lot of care into them, and I’m glad I could get them back to you.”

She has no idea. Cool as a cucumber, Blaine. Cool as a cucumber. The big man relaxed ever so slightly, the last tatters of his shirt falling around him with the small slump of his shoulders. His eyes still shimmered, wet tracks across his cheeks, as the faunus relaxed. He didn’t notice. “Sincerely, I appreciate this. If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, contact me. I would give you my scroll information, but I lack one currently. So… find my room and knock? This is proper?”

There was a lilt to the end of his words, and a thirty degree tilt to his head as Blaine spoke these last few sentences. From his understanding, that was still the best way to convey confusion through body language in Beacon. Or sarcasm, depending on the person. He hoped it was the first.

Amy nodded, her smile getting a quirk as he seemed to calm down a little. “Thanks for the offer. And of course,” she said, pulling a piece of paper out of her pocket and tearing it in half, writing something on one half of it and handing him both, with the pencil. “Um… just write your information on the blank one and give it back, that way neither of us will forget. My scroll information's on mine, too, if you get a scroll.”

Accepting the pieces of paper, Blaine jot down his room number on the blank in a flowing, precise script before returning it. “I believe I will, in all likelihood. School funds are dedicated to most circumstances similar to my own, and a scroll is a vital tool in the field. I anticipate I will receive one before missions.” His mouth crunched into a broad grimace, revealing his teeth in a rough approximation of a smile. “Thank you again. You have done me a great service. I am richer for knowing you… Amy?”

Another nod, her hand reaching out to shake his, her posture relaxing into an easy going one again. “That's me. And you're Blaine. We've been football teammates--that was already a bond stronger than stone. So if you need me for anything or just wanna hang out, let me know. Oh, and welcome to Beacon.”

For just a moment, the smile climbed his face, almost looking like it reached the eyes as Blaine took her hand in a firm grip, surprisingly rough for someone of her stature. This was a good person. “Thank you. I feel very welcome. Now though, I must leave. I fear my teammates may think ill of me if I tally any further. I wish you a pleasant afternoon, classmate Amy.”

With that, the towering faunus turned, leaving the shredded remains of his shirt, the football field, and a new acquaintance behind him. With that out of the way, he could find his teammates and move on with bonding! It seemed that today was going to be better than he had thought.

Amy watched him go, a slight smile still on her face, then pulled out her scroll.

To: Lloyd, Ben; Negasi, Lorena; Naga, Sangue

Potential crisis averted. Are we doing something this evening or nah?

@Tominas @Plank Sinatra @Krayzikk @NaraK
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken

Well that was an odd way to phrase it. How would be being raked by a good cheese grater feel any better? Nevertheless Beryl took the advice and headed off with the only piece of clothing she didn't absolutely know would fit her. Thirty seconds later she was back in the tanktop. It was basic black, with the insignia for a popular sports brand plastered across the tightly stretched upper chest.

Beryl stopped in front of the group and did a little twirl before asking. "So what do you think?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Slime
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Slime (Former) School Idol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Silvan Haven@Crimmy

Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall

Just before Silver could get on a stall, Beryl came out behind the curtains of one wearing a very tight tank top. It showed the frame of her upper body quite well and he couldn't help but blush at the sight, even if not much. "I-I'll go try these on." He excused himself to another stall to hide his embarrassment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken

The otter in question stared quizzically at Silver as he beat a hasty retreat. Looking back at Gratia she asked. "What's up with him?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Slime@Silvan Haven

Gratia Mindaro

"If your goal was to titillate, then congratulations, Applegate's got a fucking stiffie."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken


Beryl opened her mouth, then closed it. Then opened it. Then closed it again.

"Silver I'm sorry!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Slime
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Slime (Former) School Idol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Silvan Haven@Crimmy

Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall

"D-don't worry about that, Beryl. And that's not true what you're saying, Gratia!" He said over the curtains. Shaking most of the embarrassment off him, Silver took off his shirt to try out the new ones.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Silvan Haven@Slime

Gratia Mindaro

"Go for a larger top if you want to avoid that. Pay attention to what it's made of as well. If it's cotton, that shit is going to fucking shrink on first wash."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken

With a frown Beryl went to change out of the top. She liked the slim shirts, they were easy to move in and didn't get in the way in a fight. But if it distracted Silver she'd have to find something else. In short order she had put the offending piece of clothing back where it had come from and found something a size or two bigger.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Slime
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Slime (Former) School Idol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Silvan Haven@Crimmy

Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall

Having tried the two shirts he had picked up, Silver left the stall wearing the green one. "What do you think, Gratia? They don't seem to get in my way from what I could tell." Since the white shirt was almost the same as the one he was wearing before he just wanted to be sure about the green one.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Slime@Silvan Haven

Gratia Mindaro

"What do you plan to wear it for?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Slime
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Slime (Former) School Idol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Silvan Haven@Crimmy

Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall

"Casual use. For combat as well if it's an emergency, I guess."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Slime@Silvan Haven

Gratia Mindaro

"It's serviceable, aesthetically. The cool colours work for you, but make sure it's something you think you can wear consistently and comfortably."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 days ago

Or nah?

The young bull's nostrils flared. Amy's absence, while not noteworthy enough by itself to warrant any real concern, had nonetheless thrown a wrench into the team's highly coordinated, well-oiled dinner machine. Soon enough, the post-class traffic would give way to rush hour traffic, and then the whole team would be stuck together far longer than any of them actually wanted to be.

Well, except for Cap. Or Amy. Or Sangue, but she didn't know any better.

The team would be fine sticking together until they had to work out a schedule for who got to keep her when. If they couldn't even keep a schedule for something they all universally needed like delicious, middle-of-the-road expensive fast food, forbidden fruit like Lauren would result in a downright fucking cataclysm of the team's time management. Amy Desire's procrastination was fucking with the whole team dynamic.

To: Cap, Am, Snek
From: Baby Black Panther
Message: Bitch. You fucking lackadaisical fucking op. Or nah ain't an option when food on the line. We're all starving out here on burger night and you got all of us out here fucked up. Fix your shit Chik-fil-Amy. Get to the dorm! Or you're buying!!


The incoming message notification hit the Scrolls of the team members who actually knew how to attend team meetings!
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken

"You two ready to go?" Beryl was back, her chosen clothing in a small pile in her hands. She peered over the top of it at the other two with a questioning gaze. They looked about done and she was eager to head out. An interesting looking sportswear store lay just across the hall and Beryl could almost hear it's contents calling to her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Diamond - Dentention?

SO the answer was 'roll the dice' You didn't need to consciously focus on not blowing up, but you mustn't be distracted either. Just wonderful, this stuff couldn't possibly be more random. Deciding to forego looks, Diamond let her aura flow freely rather than suppressing it, as she did to calm the glow in her eyes. With a longer blink of the eyes, she looked like a lich again. Well, here's to hoping we don't get a stealth mission in a dark come Friday. Then again, I'll never set a tripwire with headlights for eyes.

Right. Back on topic. "...Yeah. I suppose." Diamond answered the last question. Waste of resources? Losing a pawn too early? School losing face? Oh, society frowning, can never have enough of that. Taking a breath she composed an answer that was the least likely to get her thrown out by the collar, but obscuring least of the truth. "It just never crossed my mind - to ask that is. I'm still not used to this. Actually getting help when I need it. I've been on my own as far as I can recall. Trust doesn't come easily for me, and I expect it equally as little. I'll try to behave." A thought occurred to her. I wonder if she thinks of this as punishment? Hmm. Looks like more of a free lesson or a consultation from over here. Last teacher assaulted me with the output of a Bullhead's reactor as punishment. This one doesn't quite reach the bar.

"Do what you need to do. But I did not have any ill intention doing this." she ended.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Silvan Haven@Slime

"I'm done."

The Mistralese girl was already leaving to purchase her chosen garments, having gone back into the dressing room to change back into her usual outfit before doing so. Yet despite her briskness, her comparatively mellow aura was still present (even if it did not seem evident from her ever stoic demeanour). Shopping was something she distinctly enjoyed, particularly given Venetia's générosité.

She was taking advantage of it.

"You should get all get your shit purchased too."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Slime
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Slime (Former) School Idol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Silvan Haven@Crimmy

Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall

Silver looked over at the store Beryl pointed to "Alright. I'll be back in a minute." He said before going back to the changing booth to change back his clothes. He went straight to the cashier to make his purchase as soon as he was ready. He felt bad for letting Vega pay for it all, but with all the insistence of his teammates Silver complied. "I'll just make it up for her later." He thought.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken

Giddy would be the best way to describe Beryl as she bounced up to the cashier. Smiles were exchanged as she plopped her small pile of clothing down on the counter. The air soon filling with electronic beeps as the woman behind the machine scanned each item. Said woman's eyebrow raising when she got to the overlarge shirt, a look that just caused the otter girl to raise an eyebrow back. Her gaze held an undercurrent of amusement that blocked out any hints of embarrassment at the silent judgment.

It didn't take long for it all the get payed for and soon Beryl was leading the group back out the doors of the store. With a giant grin on her face she struck a heroic pose in the hallway, one finger dramatically pointing towards their next destination, the other on her hip. Back straight and head up as she spoke up.

"And now the swimwear. Come Silver! I need to find out what looks best on you!"

End Scene
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Friday - Missions

The days at Beacon Academy ticked down to Friday once more, indicating yet another time to carry out missions.

Friday arrived rather quickly for some, or slowly to others. After preparations made by respective students and their leaders, everyone headed over to the Mission Control room to check up on their missions. The Board of Missions went crowded from one moment to being empty in the other as students left Beacon Academy, most of them through airships and the like to their destinations. It was going to be a busy day, no matter how busy it may be.

Missions List


@Plank Sinatra@HereComesTheSnow@Write@FlitterFaux




@Lazo@Awesomoman64@Guess Who@Abillioncats




@Crimmy@Slime@Silvan Haven


@Plank Sinatra@Kaithas@Krayzikk


(Pending confirmation)
@Driving Park@Nevix@Norschtalen@Tominas


Missions will now begin immediately! Mission Hosts, you are free to start posting.

(Note: I recommend keeping close connections with your fellow players to keep in touch and not slow things down! Please do this, as staying active obviously prevents you from being labelled inactive.)
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