@Bishop Oh yeah, sure. You want to ride him up, do you? Great. And then, Endrokin reverts to humanoid form long enough to dislodge Nume from him, then goes right back to being wingy so he can watch him fall! Well, we won't be finding THAT out yet...
@Rockerman403 I've had time to develop this guy. That's why he has such background to him, and such flavor.
Got my post up. Turns out it went a lot quicker than I expected. Sadly it's shorter than I expected too. Hopefully I'll be able to add more in the next one. I'm never too happy with padding out work with uninteresting details so I try to keep what meat I include in a post as juicy as I can.
@Bishop I roll for Numenor first because he is the instigator of the action, and for Orky second because he is the responder to the action. True, it was a bit unclear but I'll make sure it is next time. Keep in mind you failed, but not so spectacularly so as to be noticed by everybody. Only Orky and Numenor should be aware of the action going on between them. The rest, unless staring directly at them, shouldn't have noticed.
Also, @Lady Selune, add some stats to your character. I can't believe I did not see the fact those were missing, but we will slowly be getting to draw a need for them. So you got 40 points to distribute along 7 stat, min 1 max 10. Refer to the rules for more info ._.
@Gordoth Super hearing is the elf's territory. Endrokin's got the market cornered on nose. So, no. He didn't notice there'd still a fight happening. Not while he's occupied.
@OrkytheOrc To intimidate them with a scream you'll just have to do the scream and write it's supposed to be intimidating, but I'm certain half of them would not move a muscle if they heard Orky shout/scream/roar. Plus, they just heard a dragon roar - that's something a bit scarier than an Orc's cry.