Lochan Diamandis
"Now clean the shit from your pants and tell me what you want."NAME
Lochan Marinos Diamandis
Lo, The Unloved,
Loner (for now)
Accessories - Thin sterling silver chain with a size 10 engagement band, nose piercing, a small collection of hair-ties worn on his wrists like bracelets.
Outwardly, Lochan is antagonistic and teasing. He enjoys enraging others with his quick quips and smart comments. Despite this persona, he is a jaded, pained individual who is just trying to make it through this hell that the survivors are forced to call life.
He has a weakness for children and those who are looking or trying to help loved ones, feeling empathy for them and aids them however he can.
As one of the many aspiring musicians in California, Lochan was no stranger to struggling to make ends meat. He worked as a barista most days, while trying to get his name out there performing at the local bars and lounges that would have him. It wasn't easy but, with the support of his boyfriend, Jason, he was confident that he could make it through.
When the outbreak began, they did the only thing the could at the time. They ran. The couple packed the essentials of what they needed and fled to the country side, trying to avoid as many people as they could. They eventually stumbled across a small, no-name group that offered protection from the infected and raiders so long as the couple could pull their weight. To say they were gratefull would have been and understatement. Lochan and Jason were content with their lives for the moment. They were safe and sheltered, they had food and clothing and even medical attention when it was needed. They were happy. Lochan should have remeber that not all good things last.
It was on a supply run to a nearby town that it happened. The expedition was going fine, they had managed to score some antibiotics and rubbing alcohol as well as a few bags full of nonperishable food. A few of the members got a few bumps and scrapes, mainly from broken glass and ramming open a few doors so no one thought anything of the small gash that Jason had gotten from an exposed pipe. It was only a few days later when they noticed that the wound wasn't healing like it should that they realized what had happened.
Jason was Infected.
The response was almost immediate, the small colony demanded that he leave or they would be forced to kill him. Lochan was outraged at this and pled with them to ignore it since he wan;t showing any signs of being infected aside from the reduced ability to heal and slightly increased appetite. They would have none of it and eventually took matters into their own hands. They held down the former barista so that he couldn't interfere and proceeded to attack his boyfriend before his eyes. Despite their threats, they didn't kill the man. Instead they crushed his legs; rocks, pipes, bats whatever they could find were used to mangle the appendages. All of this while Lochan screamed and fought to make them stop, he swore and promised that they would just leave but the mob just continued. He eventually passed out from the emotional strain.
When he woke up, he was in the middle of the woods with a bag of his stuff and Jason not 10 feet away from him groaning and crying in pain. They stayed together until the infection had overtaken Jason completely. He hesitated, but eventually and through thick tears, Lochan killed the monster that his lover had become.
He has since been travelling, trying to avoid any groups of people. The few that he felt compelled to help know him simply as Lo, the Unloved.
Athletic, Dirty Fighting, Mixology, Singing,
Gerber 18 in. Machete
Aluminum Louisville Slugger
Swiss Army Knife
- Has a habit of twisting his hair which is what gave birth to his dreads
- The SAK in his posession is actually a gift from Jason's dad, who gave it to him when Lo asked for his permission to marry his son.
- Regrets that he didn't even get to ask Jason if he'd marry him.
- He sleeps with one hand holding onto the chain with the engagement ring and the other wrapped around the handle of the Machete.
- He sings "Let me Love you" by Sia when he needs to clear his head.