Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"I am familiar with the aquatic variety."

So, in short. Yes, he DID know what it was he was dealing with in these things. In truth, Zen was not sure if the desert Serris and the water Serris were not all one species that could live in both environments, but that was irrelevent to the whole situation. Kathrin was concerned over whether he knew what he was doing, and the answer was yes. The pulse shots were preventing the creatures from performing an outright charge directly for the group, disrupting the direction of their potentially super-fast motions. In this case, the seismic impact to the ground with his pulse shots were jarring to the senses. X-made creatures or not, they were disrupted via this action.

The gun and flame support of the others did help to a degree. It confused the creatures. Every time they received input that they could not understand, the creatures became more and more confused as to their surroundings. They could not see underneath the dirt. However, if the perimeter guns had failed, it meant that something had happened here. While there were arguments as to how to handle the situation, Zen piped into all their communications at once.

"This is a controlled suppression maneuver to fallback from hostiles in an organized manner."

There was a sudden explosion of dirt and dust as a Serris had looped back for a charge at high speed and leapt out of the ground right for Zen! The android's eye beams lit up and focus-fired on it to make it fall back so it had to squirm back uunder the dirt. Anyone who wanted to open fire on it were welcome to. It's worth noting that any bits of matter that had burnt off intact from the critter was starting to liquify and pulse into something small and amoeboid.

"It is required that you move quickly, as I am the primary suppression unit and can match their speed. Estimated time to attempting a group attack, 30 seconds. Estimated time to more creatures appearing, unknown. Begin moving, NOW."

Zen just activated his engines, and was slowly guiding himself back.

Incidentally, for anyone who IS moving back to the bunker, it ALSO looked like the one from Screamers, with a big armored hangar door...that was torn open...by something larger than Serris. Anyone looking inside, though, would find that the emergency blast doors were okay. They just...never got to activate them. What happened here?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kaze had gotten off the shuttle and groaned as he stretched his back. Damn human ships were too small for him to stand fully in. Instead he had to hunch like some sort of deformed being. They were in a desert during twilight hours, which made it so the heat wasn't overbearing and its freezing temperatures weren't to overwhelming for those who were affected by such things. He had a bit more of his usual gear handy since he was going to be inside of a human bunker. Probably not much swinging room for his bigger weapon that was on his back.

It didn't take long for Zen to tell them to stop and that they were being hunted. Holding back and snarky remarks he turned his attention to where the bot had pointed. A pulse shot and there were three Serris gunning for the location before coming towards the group. Kathrine seemed agitated about how Zen was handling things and then David stepped up with the archaic flamethrower on his arm.

"Put that thing away, a simple dive and your napalm is scrapped off." He said before turning to look at the bunker. "Lets get to the bunker. Zen has engines to move faster and you lot don't." He said while watching Cassius move. His tail snaked out and plucked Amber up, depositing her on his back. His massive wings reached out to pick both Kathrine and David up as well. "I'd advise you all to hold on." Kaze said as he lowered himself down.

Assuming the others were holding on he took off running, lunging himself forward in an animalistic sprint using both arms and legs. While running he pushed past Cassius and wrapped his tail around the mans waist and held him up away from the sand. If the Serris moved as fast as his memory told him they'd catch up eventually. But they were distracted by Zen and he had a head start in distance on them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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David was firing back at the Serris suppressing fire and trying to send the creatures back, However they were quite fast so it was quite hard to get good shot on them. "Damn it to hell, I think it would be a good idea to fall back to the bunker" He said agreeing with Cass's suggestion. He would have to give some cover fire while the others booked it, Not wanting to argue with anyone and just get everyone to safety at all cost.

Switching to his laser rifle and firing at the Serris, Running backwards and making sure the others were ahead of him. He was going to be the sort of shied for the group. He wondered what the hell happened to the bunker, He was thinking that perhaps some larger Serris or creature had gone though the blast door. He wondered if they would be safe in the bunker in case that creature is still there. Being lifted by Kaze putting away his weapon quickly and handing on to him, He wondered if he was too large and heavy for the dragon to lift him. Never the less he hanged on like a scared child, He hated heights it scared him ever since he was a child.

"Let me down god damn it, I could have got to the door. I hate heights!!" He yelled out loud trying to hold onto Kaze's body.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SimpleWriter
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SimpleWriter also FroggerFlower

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

For the most part, Amber didn't add anything to the small argument her teammates were having. It was true that David was too brazen for comfort, but she thought it might come in handy eventually to have someone with no fear to act. Might even save them one day, if it did not kill them all first. on that account, she was glad to see Cassius was as able to put his foot down and use authority as he was capable of remaining completely impartial.

From the moment the group boarded Kaze's ship, Amber remained in her own ship with all of her equipment. Busy studying and preparing the ship to serve as the team's shuttle.

As the pilot, she was the last one with her feet on the sandy planet. She was now wearing her AI2A-AMY power suit, complete with helmet on. AMY, the AI Drone, was still attached to her as they had Zen scanning the area around them for now. As was certain to happen trouble did not wait to befall them. One quick warning from Zen, and a group of Serris were upon them. Amber was not familiar with alien fauna, and was all too glad to listen to Katherine and Zen's advice on finding better ground to either combat or chase off these things.

She was about to do just that when she felt something wrap up around her waist. Fearing for a moment that a Serris was the cause of it, she was only half relieved to realize she was not sitting on the back of Kaze and that the thing had been the dragon's tail. Shaking off her momentary daze to what had just happened, the positioned herself with one knee on the dragon's and while holding one she said

'I'll see you at the bunker.'

AMY took flight. Then, two wings (concept only - irrelevant text) deployed from Amber's suit, powered on and launched the scientist forward into the air. As she soared, she turned her body around. The gun mounted on her shoulder extended and Amber grabbed the handle as soon as it appeared. The Serris movement had raised a lot of sand and visibility was almost null this high up, but Amber waited on AMY's confirmation that a target was acquired before firing her first shot. Using it's scanning ability, AMY spotted an enemy still under the ground but making it's way up. The shot had been calculated and assisted by the AI to land as soon as the target's head began appearing from the ground, lunging towards David who did his best to cover the group's retreat with Zen.
The hit threw the serpent off balance and missed it's target, burrowing back quickly into the ground.

With her flight, it wasn't long before Amber landed on top of the bunker. There, she got comfortable to help assist with the cover for the retreat. As soon as the group would be closer, she'd use her jet pack to regroup with them on the ground and head inside.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UltimoScorp
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UltimoScorp Pink Trans Catgirl

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Kathrine Vale

Kat was no stranger to fighting, in fact in her life she'd encountered and fought hundreds of different species of alien animal or plant by nature of what she did. So when a Serris careened through the air toward her, she was ready. Nervous, and definitely stressed, but ready. A brief spurt of fire and smoke erupted from her right shoulder as a concussive micro missile launched, striking the Serris dead in the face, the force slowing it momentarily. She followed up with something unorthodox. Utilizing her Suits ability to enhance her strength, she stepped aside, and grabbed the Serris by its head, then with a shout of exertion, turned and threw the worn creature away to the side. She felt a muscle in her arm strain, even with the assistance from the suit, the Serris was heavy. She'd been lucky to be able to use it's own momentum to help.

Following her turn, she switched to enhanced speed, and the thrusters on her armor flared, ready to take her to the open (open? That was worrying.) bunker.
Kaze had other ideas, though, and Kat in a moment of confusion and perhaps levity, could do little but be picked and bodily carried roughly across the sands, shouting somethin mostly incomprehensible but was something along the lines of, 'I can carry my own damn self thank you very much, please put me down.'

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

It was probably a good thing that Kathrine and them were forcefully taken away from the situation assaulting them. The truth was that contact with a flailing, monstrous creature trying to snap its jaws at you was going to have a minor drain on the quarantine field. After all, the creature was made of X-matter and actively trying to harm her. It was also a fact that while she had been dealing with that, the other two Serris dove at Zen now, forcing him to use a combination of eye beams and pulse shots to throw them both back. His suppression wasn't going to hold if all three got in a good charge. One of them would get past and assault the team. With them having retreated, Zen began to back up further to give himself more room to work with.

For those making their way into the bunker itself, things were a mess in here. Wrecked vehicles, torn uniforms, dents and blaster burns on the walls, explosive damage... There were damaged interior doors here, as well, including a torn-open guard station that looked like something had been crushed against the back wall of it...but most of the controls here were in decent enough condition to manage the perimeter and the blast doors. There was also a very obvious blast door switch on a wall that was not harmed, fortunately. They were gonna need it, because the perimeter guns looked like they needed time to reinitialize, and the status on some of them would - naturally - be completely kaput.

Outside, time was running out. The three Serris were becoming more coordinated. Zen estimated another ten seconds at the max before they rushed him at one. This was going to be close, hence why he had given himself a head start and was already airborne.

"Everyone get inside immediately and close the door. I will enter at maximum speed before it is shut."

You could hear his thruster pack humming to full capacity.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kaze continued his mad animalistic sprint despite his cargo. David was light compared to what the draconic man could lift and the other two were like lifting paper. Amber flew off though, a slight surprise, and Kathrine was yelling about being put down. "No point wasting whatever powers you suit." He said as he chewed the distance up between them and the bunker. Despite the sand he moved swiftly and didn't stop until they were at the bunkers caved in door. He skid, sending up a wave of sand, and promptly set David, Kathrine, and Cassius down.

Reaching back he pulled a canister off his belt and pushed a button. The top hissed open to reveal dozens of small metallic orbs. Plucking a few out he launched them at where the Serris were heading. A dull glow and three shrill bangs erupted, causing the sand to ripple. Where his Sonic Bombs were were three small craters and hopefully three disoriented Serris. He figured he had gauged their speed but he could be wrong in his old age.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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@FalloutJack @SimpleWriter @UltimoScorp

David was set down form Kaze and was quickly wiping his shoulders, Moving backwards into the door but giving the others cover fire with his laser rifle. Getting inside with everyone else with what the aftermath of whatever happened here frightened him greatly, Although no one was going to see that with his helmet on. He wondered what had happened here, Did the Serris get to them or did the X get here first, Or another theory was something else came and killed everyone off.

Scanning the area quickly he turned to face Amber and Kat "I will escort the both of you and we can see if we can get power to the facility, I want to see if we can check the computers for logs of what happened here. Perhaps their is something about Samus here" He said thinking of they can get some of the security measures up to protect them in the meantime.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SimpleWriter
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SimpleWriter also FroggerFlower

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As soon as Amber saw that Kaze arrived at the bunker, she jumped down from the roof of the building and landed beside the whole group with a quick burst of her jet pack to break the falling speed. Zen shouted an order and Amber obeyed immediately: it sounded like a pretty damn good idea.

A quick look around the destroyed entry room of the bunker allowed Amber to spot two things: the commands of the blast door and, higher up, what looked like a command room. 'Someone get the door.' she said, pointing to the blast door's commands nearby. As for her, Amber boosted herself on the railings that led to the control room and immediately got to work and finding out what was in working order and what wasn't. A lot of stuff was broken, but miraculously some important commands still worked. Such as perimeter turrets control. However, some of them were missing. Most probably destroyed in the attack. Or whatever did a number on this place.

Her helmet retracted into her suit and Amber began working on trying to get the turrets back in action. It would take a little while.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

After being scooped up, and what felt like being jetted across the ground, The Tribunal took a moment to adjust himself before waddling over to the controls. He held himself upright for a moment before doing a few inputs, with a few whirring sounds, he heard the blast doors began to move about -- how quickly they were moving was a different story. He took a few breaths. It was clear he was adjusting to the post inertia.

He began to look around from where he is standing, and looked out to Zen, as if beckoning for him. From where he was, there wasn't much to say, talking would be premature without everyone grouped, radio or no. In a less stressful situation, it is easier to get points across. Either way, he pulled out the Gauss rife and took a few shots at the Serris coming to them.

While David's input wasn't... terrible."Let's get Zen in first, and make sure everyone is accounted for. I want to check all your shields with a quick scan. The delicacy of the situation demands it. There will be no compromise." The Tribunal was firm as he was taking shots at the creature. He was just hoping he was making it's form harder to hold to give Zen a bit more breathing room -- even if he didn't need oxygen.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by UltimoScorp
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UltimoScorp Pink Trans Catgirl

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Kathrine Vale

Kat for her part quickly made her way inside and unslung her energy rifle to add her own fire to the mix in covering Zen's retreat. No quips this time, there were more important things at hand.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The door was now closing. And while Zen was not exactly known for his expressions of emotion - since he had the three red eyes and no proper face - he had been mildly irked by the fact that it had taken as long as it did. However, this all quickly vanished because his escape had also been assured by some covering fire from people beforehand. The blast door would drop down on a release - as blast doors were want to do - once triggered. Zen turned and fired his engines as soon as he heard the click.


The android flew by the people gathered at the doorway so fast that they would feel his passing through the sudden vibrations in the air. He did so, his foot scraping the floor and briefly raising sparks, and was in just in time, just as calculated. The Serris were all charging at high speed at once, also as predicted, and the door slammed down in their faces. Following this, the team would hear repeated Thunk-Thunk noises of the creatures banging against the door. Zen dropped down in front of it and scanned.

"They are unable to penetrate the blast door. We are isolated from them now."

He turned to the others now.

"When we are prepared to leave, I will remote-activate my ship to commence suppression fire on the area and draw any attention on this outpost away. That is assuming the perimeter guns are not operational, of course."

Actually, the guns were operational. Judging by the look of things, some of them had been wrecked, and the rest had either been de-powered or switched off. As Zen approached the security station computer to switch, he found out that it was the former problem, as trying to reach the main computer from here or activate the turrets outside produced sparks flying from a junction box on the wall (for regulating the flow of energy to the perimeter lights, shield, and guns) and a number of torn high-test cords along the ceiling (for reaching the main computer.

"This station is of no particular use. However, the evidence of local damage suggests that the main computer - which would be our goal anyway - will yield results for all our concerns through back-up information and auxiliary lines. As it is obvious that a creature of great impact entered the bunker through the front door, we will need to be on our guard."

Yeah, but...what did it?
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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@SimpleWriter@FalloutJack @CAS1006

David was glad the door was closed and secured for now, However he was going to be mindful of whatever threat is out there or in here. Escorting them to the computer room but turning to face Cas, "Perhaps their is a secondary junction box or a main power generator that we can switch on since this one is fubar? If someone wants to come with me i think that would be for the best" He suggested thinking they should get some sort of security going on for the less combat trained in their group.

If they could not get any security up and running, Then they would have to use their own weapons and wit against whatever is out there. However he also factored in that their might be something that could power on the security here with the main computer, But he would have to see if that assumption is true.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by UltimoScorp
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UltimoScorp Pink Trans Catgirl

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Kathrine Vale

Kat blew out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding as she slowly lowered her weapon, the barrel still shimmering with residual heat. She glanced over all the members, making a quick head check to ensure everyone was there, before slinging her rifle and speaking up, "Hold on, big guy, Cas wanted to check over our field belts first."

She glanced over to Cassius, "I uh.... should probably go first, I actually touched one of 'em."

@Eviledd1984 @CAS1006
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

As the blast door started to close Kaze stepped back into the hangar area. His canister was sealed once more and tucked back onto his belt while his tail slid a rather large gun off his back. It looked quite old but was clearly reinforced and looked a lot like a cannon with a barrel clip on it. "You lot shouldn't be splitting up and moving around so much by yourselves. The room isn't secure." He said while Cassius went about looking at everyone's shields.

Aside from sand Kaze had been untouched so he honestly didn't see a need for the scan except on Kathrine. The giant draconic man started to walk around the hangar with his gun held at the ready. Strangely no one could hear his footsteps unlike back in the briefing and on his own ship. Like any predator he had learned early how to walk to make minimal amounts of sounds and he wasn't in a 'safe zone'.

"I don't really need to say this but every room will be secured before we press on. If you have the means vents will also be sealed along with access hatches. I'd prefer not to be mauled from behind." He said, it was less ordering since Cassius was the leader but it was also common sense to do this with something as dangerous as the X parasite.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Tribunal took a moment to Scan the Dragon -- given how large he was, and on the prowl he was, he wasn't exactly small. Surprisingly enough, his shields were fine. Honestly, he didn't quite understand how given his size. It would be like missing a mountain, even if a Migrating one. "Kaze, just secure the perimeter if you can, not that I doubt you."
He shrugged at it seeing as he could scan a much larger target with ease, there was nothing to report, but as David went to walk off, Cassius decided to do the unthinkable.

Pushing a button on his gauntlet, his drone unmounted and placed David in a Stasis field, completely freezing his movement.

"Seeing as you are not listening, I need to make an example of you. While your intentions are sound, you are like an animal, without discipline. So let me establish who is in charge... Very fast. If you do not listen to my directives, I will leave you behind. If you are a problem, Zen will take good care of you... And if you will not stand still to be scanned for impurities... You are a threat. So listen very closely, because my patience is Finite. I'm only going to tell you once... Clean the shit out of your ears, and drop the attitude. When I speak, you listen. I will not have disobedience, especially in a universe altering mission. You should bare in mind, I am the one who will be in charge of protecting you, more than you will be me, and that goes for everyone too. But only you have been a problem. We can't have those."

He took a moment to walk to his field of view, seeing as the Stasis field completely blocked his moment.

"If I want you examined, I want you where I can see you. As the only medically inclined person here, and the only one with the capabilities of recharging shields provided by the belts -- need I remind you, is paramount to blocking the X off... Then I need you to comply to even the most basic of examinations. So if you want to remain who you are, drop the ego. You are my shield, not my brain, And I like to hold my shield close." Cassius state, in a few moments, he took to scanning him... He seemed fine. But he really thought he should not wonder off. "I'm going to attend to Miss Vale, go with Kaze to secure the perimeter. After I am done, I will be going to inspect what tech is intact... Do not touch anything." He walked away from him before releasing him with a push of a button. The Stasis field released as the drone sprang back over to Cassius.

Noting that Vale had came in light contact... He noted her shield was still in good condition. "Out of 100%, you're at 97%. Just be me aware of your surroundings, and that will not go lower. Granted... I rather you at a safe distance like myself. But I suppose it would not hurt to place that last 3% up." Cassius held out a small gun that seemed to have some type of brick of a battery on it, and pointed it to her belt, there was a steady ray that beamed it only for a moment, and just as fast as it fired, her shields were at 100%. "I want you to keep an eye on Amber. You're not exactly as flighty, and I believe if a fight arises, you will compliment each other well." He gave a nod to her.

With this, Cassius began to walk move to where Amber was, more than likely with Vale. "Not to distract you, but did you find anything we can use? Any particularly useful information? Functions to the base that we can enable from here?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Kazemitsu @CAS1006

[David was giving him a sort of death stare form behind his helmet, Hearing Cassius words angered him that he was grinding his teeth that he could hear it. The nerve of this cat thinking he is better then he was, "What a hypocrite, Thinking he's better then me, I was just doing what he thought was right to get some sort of security up" He thought to himself silently dealing with the cat's comment. "Will do...boss" He said but sounding more like a mumble, Letting himself being scanned and was glad he was not infected so far.

When he was let go by the field he quickly made his way to be side by side with Kaze, "See anything so far?" He asked the large dragon. He's tone sounding a bit more quiet but he was still the gruff son of gun like before. Scanning himself wanting to see if their was anything ahead, Readying his flamethrower and was thankful he didn't rage on the cat because he would have killed him if his family was insulted.

While exploring with Kaze he swore he could hear a female voice beckoning him, "What the hell? It must be my mind playing tricks on me" He thought shaking his head and laughing. The voice sounded quite familiar to him and the voice itself made him want to tear up, However he did not think he was crazy but their was some guilt and despair in his mind. Their was something obviously haunting him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SimpleWriter
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SimpleWriter also FroggerFlower

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Amber's stare did not leave the screen when she answered Cassius, who just entered the control room with Vale.

''Sorry to say - but most of it is bad news. I could only access a few turrets outside and prop them back online, but most of them seem to be fry or destroyed.''

As she kept on speaking, she brought up a different window on the screen. It seemed to be a rough blueprint of the bunker's inside, but it lacked information.

''Parts of this control panel are broken and cut off from the main unit, so I don't have access to the inside defense systems. I know that some of them are offline. Finding and turning the power back online would fix them, but...''

She looked back at both of them, as everything that could be accomplished on this computer had been done. ''From what I got here, there's no way of knowing if we'd be recognized as threats or no. I,d need access to the Main Controls, which is way deeper in this Bunker. That is also most likely where we will find the information we came looking for.''

Amber's helmet extracted back out of her armor as she did one step towards Vale. She saw what she was capable of outside, and did not find the time to be impressed at the time. She was now, though. Never would Amber have believed she'd be one of the big guns along with David and Kaze. ''That is one impressive suit you have, Vale, I have to say. It was quite the show outside.'' Her smile was hidden inside her armor, but the tone of voice betrayed it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Zen glared silently at the altercation between David and Cass. Because no violence broke out, he did not need to take any action, but he was prepared for some form of 'Break it up!', if necessary. He was also maintaining contact with his ship in order to observe the effects of their arrival without the use of an exterior camera. The gunship WAS his exterior camera, and so he could see that the desert-variety Serris were still around the door right up until the few operational turret guns came online. One was caught by surprise and had its head blown to pieces, causing the whole of the creature to revert to a viscous floating gel that was incased in a translucent hardened membrane. With this no-longer-burrowing creature flying about, the turrets were firing at a near-constant pace. This only made the other creatures more inclined to burrow and attack them directly, though. Even as they progressed, the turrets would probably all be destroyed, especially since a few other fauna of the planet - more than likely X-copies of the things - were starting to show. He could see things that were large and shelled insectoid creatures, and at least a few other winged insectoids, as well. Scanners about the ship which caught their movements confirmed. They were X. They were attracted by all the noise. Nothing to be concerned with yet, but it did prove that the planet was infested.

Time to return to the matter at hand, now that everyone was checked up on and their next move known. The needed to secure this facility to some extent and locate the main computer chamber. Kaze and David were on the whole 'patrol and secure' end of things. The rest were either finishing their check-up with Cass or getting ready to move on. So, the first thing is that Zen connected to all of their data systems and gave them a basic overlay of the bunker's layout. He had requested it going in, since it was a Federation facility, and had received it for use to make the first part of their mission easier. This was the last time that they would be able to get such intel so easily. From here on out, they were on their own, on that front. Now, they were in the main entrance/garage. All vehicles that had been used around here were wrecked beyond repair. From here, it seemed that a command/communications area was upstairs and connected to the observations area where they had been watching BSL Station and SR-388. Obviously, constrols and the data in question could also be accessed up there, provided there were no connection problems to the main computer. However, as something had ripped through this place, to the point where some hallways were positively thrashed, going for the actual mainframe seemed wisest. It was built right around the main power station for this complex downstairs, sunk underground with the machinery that dug into this area in the first place. Because this place was obviously still intact, no explosion or meltdown having occurred, the main computer they wanted to access must be usable, the data they came for reachable.

"I will attempt to find a working station along the way to ascertain the full extent of damages to the facility. It will be important as we move towards our objective."

And with that in mind, we must move on to the results of David and Kaze's sweep of the area. At first, nothing, but then the sound of people where there had been none caused a couple of far-off rooms to open, and for a few creatures to shuffle on out. They were going to find a number of these wherever they found humans. Whatever they were before infection, the Federation referred to these soulless remnants, these shells of what was once human, as mere zombies.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kaze moved slowly and silently through the hangar. If anyone looked at his eyes they'd wonder what the hell was wrong with him. The crimson orbs were swiveling independently of each other and yet he was moving just fine. Much like a chameleon would. His tail seemed to act like a third limb, casually moving crates out of the way and damaged parts of the hangar. His ears were perked up and also swiveling, clearly hunting for any sound as he walked.

When David tromped over an ear swiveled towards him before returning to shifting and moving. He was already used to the mans footsteps within seconds and was tuning them out. "Nothing yet..." He said, his multi-toned voice strangely muted. It seemed everything about the giant was built for hunting. It was only a little while later that his ears folded back to the sounds of gunfire, but it was outside. They must have gotten something to activate but it was drawing attention to the bunker once more.

Shortly after that rooms began to open up and purple beings in rags started to come out. "We have contacts." He said over everyone's communications. Bringing his gun up his eyes focused fully on what was in front of him now. That ominous chuck ching of a shotgun being loaded rang out to David. A squeeze of the trigger and the blast that erupted from the ancient looking weapon was surprising. It had enough kick that it made Kaze skid back an inch. The results though was that four of the zombies were obliterated and the doorway they were coming out of was blown inward as if plastic explosives had been detonated.

"This is why I take point." Was all Kaze said as he shifted and set his sights on another cluster of the purple monsters.
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