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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
"A new viral outbreak, a parasitic plague, has been detected..."

A threat on the outer rim of known space.

"Galactic Citizens flee their homes as quarantines and sterilizations go into effect..."

A panic is stirred as the danger looms ever close.

"Authorities still attempting to locate the traitor, Samus Aran..."

And the savior? Nowhere to be found.

With all life hanging in the balance, with the worst possible outcome taking place, with doom on the horizon...

It's time to take the last resort, and finish it, once and for all.


Final Protocol

- E N G A G E -


You were all brought in at once. Well, 'brought in' is not entirely true. Lured in, more like. The Galactic Federation selected you among thousands to contact for this mission. Every last word spoken to you was calculated to play upon your leanings, your vices, your ways of life. Whether it was out of patriotism or scientific curiosity or to guarantee the safety of others or the ultimate challenge or even just cold hard cash, you were in and they knew you were in, because your character was assessed for your reasoning capacity, ability to follow orders for at least common sensical reasons, your leanings in terms of general trust or loyalty, and of course every means possible to keep you hooked. They had you pegged, and you were offered your heart's desire.

All you had to do was save the galaxy.

It was no easy feat, of course. Everyone's seen the news: Viral plague known as Parasite X infests planet, evacuations carried out as long as possible, planet firebombed from orbit to prevent the growth and spread of the creatures that emerged. Officially, the Space Pirates are blamed and Samus Aran stands accused of taking the last Metroid - which can most-assuredly devour the X - and leaving the galaxy in this state, a treacherous act. Unofficially, you don't know for sure. You're being told that the mission, to be disclosed in full only at the briefing, is to eliminate the threat of the X. You're given assurances that equipment that will protect you will be provided, and that measures are being taken to try and save whole planets with upscaled versions of said equipment. However, they need you. They need you to come in, hear the plan on how to deal with this situation, and then to move out.

It's a practical certainty that they want you to bring in the Bounty Hunter, Samus Aran.

Whatever the reason, whatever is going to happen, and despite the fact that you may not entirely trust the higher-ups of the Galactic Federation, you've gone. You were asked to report to the Phalanx Military Base on Earth. Normally, you would expect to be sent straight to the HQ of the Galactic Federation, but it is understandably VERY busy over there right now. Admiral Garrett asked you here to take on this confidential mission. All who arrive are sent to a waiting room not far from where the mission briefing will take place, the base commander assuring you that after everyone is confirmed to arrived or confirmed as not coming, the meeting will begin. You sit down and...holy crap, is that a dragon?! With all the infamy behind the Space Pirate leader, Ridley, it's easy to forget that there are such beings who are NOT scourges to the entire galaxy.

So, who all is here, then?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kaze sighed, a thick black smoke erupting from his maw as he paced the room slowly. Each step sending a minor reverberation through the metallic enclosure. His black features lit up briefly as he took a drag from what could only be the king of all cigars, and yet it looked like a cigarette compared to him. He had been one of, if not the first, to arrive in the waiting room. Despite his age he wasn't very patient when it came to getting briefed on the job.

The Federation had tried to offer him so many things to get his experienced butt on board with their job. It had amused him endlessly as he shot down each offer. He didn't need money, he didn't need new gadgets, they had even offered women. Which was tempting but still didn't work. All he wanted was to meet with Samus Aran again. Her spunkiness and defiant mindset had been a breath of fresh air. He also wanted to know how she rolled up into that damned ball, one of the greatest mysteries of the galaxy if you asked him.

The shock the recruited had on his face had been utterly priceless since when he was hired he didn't move for less than eight digits. He had been at this for some time after all and the jobs he took were essentially suicide missions. But he shook those thoughts from his head. "People sure are taking their time..." He grumbled out. His voice was unsurprisingly deep but it sounded like three people were talking at once in perfect synchronization.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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Galactic Federation bases were always nice to see. They were all usually well organized, military style. Sometimes the stacked crates at certain areas he could glance at would remind him of his old workplace; or his home, to be a bit more accurate. Vekt walked into the waiting room still daydreaming about his home, until he saw a giant dragon towering in the middle of the room. Before he turned on the thrusters and backed away super fast, he realized that this one wasn't that infamous head of the Space Pirates. It was hard to notice when Ridley was the only dragon he's ever heard of.
With a small sigh to himself, Vekt took off his helmet and tucked it under his left arm. He took a seat on a nearby chair, acting like he wasn't frightened at all, and turned to the dragon.
"Well, hello there."
He said.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SimpleWriter
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SimpleWriter also FroggerFlower

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

At last Amber got to see Earth, the cradle of mankind, with her own eyes. She had been born on a Federation colony world and studied in a military space station before being affected further still from the heart of Federation space. The trip 'home' had been a long one, but it was worth it. From the spaceport to the Phalanx base, everything moved faster. She had been welcomed and briefly told that the briefing would be the next day and left to herself in her temporary quarters.

As she walked in the briefing room on the next day, coming straight from a training session, Amber was surprised to see two persons already present.

One seemed to be a vergisian. Short human-looking species with gray skin and 6 fingers. She had met some on her different military affectations. Their aptitude to tough out harsh conditions make them excellent miners and what not. Federation often dealt with them to get their resources, especially on colony worlds.

The other being, she was not too sure what species it belonged to. It looked like a dragon. Ridley came to mind, which was not reassuring. If they were here, though, then they were not enemies at the very least.

After a quick nod in their direction, Amber took a seat somewhere near the center of the briefing room and took out a holographic pad and began reviewing some notes about what little information she's had on the mission.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 3 days ago

Scathach hummed to herself as her "handler" escorted her to the meeting area. Despite the magnetic cuffs enveloping both of her hands entirely, and muting her powers, she was in a reasonably good mood. After all, it wasn't every day that you might get to meet your hero! She smiled- leered, really- as she meandered down the hall, much to the concern and annoyance of the soldier training a gun on her shoulder blades. Ha. As if she could actually be hurt by such a little toy. She'd survived atmospheric reentry before.

...Once. It hadn't been pleasant. But she'd survived, and that was the point.

The only downside was the lack of comfortable weight on her back. The Seraph had been her constant and loyal companion (once she'd burned through their meager security measures) since she'd stolen it out from under these Feddie dogs' noses so long ago. It was almost more fun than when she'd stolen their Prominence thingy. Gods, she could still remember the thrill she'd felt when she got that particular power boost. Her interrogators had threatened to take the precious thing away from her, but without a really good black market cyber-doc on hand, they were shit out of luck. Unless they really wanted to tear her literal heart out just to get to it. On any other day, they even might have done so. But not today.

No, today, she was useful to them. Today, she was an asset. And she had no doubt she'd have her baby Seraph back soon enough. Can't have an asset running at minimum base effectiveness. Even if that was still the level of throwing star-stuff into peoples' faces.

The doors to the waiting area whooshed open, and Scathach's eyes widened slightly. A dragon. Well. They certainly were pulling all the stops out for this mission, weren't they? Nothing said desperate like being willing to be confused with Space Pirates. Even if the two of them looked nothing alike. Seriously, use your eyes, people...

She grinned brightly at her fellow cannon fodder, looking forward to knowing just how fucked all of them were. After all, what fun was a mission without a little horrible, life-threatening risk?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kaze's slow predatory pacing hadn't ceased when someone entered the waiting room for the briefing. The being was almost exactly half his height and didn't come close to his bulk. Front lining clearly wasn't what he was made for, and the smaller creature greeted him. What was his race again? Didn't matter, what mattered was what he was good for. "We'll get pleasantries out of the way when everyone is here." He stated, that strange triple voice still happening. It was probably a race quirk.

Another entered soon after, female, human, Federation judging by her clothing. He was surprised they'd send one of their own out on this since humans were 'special' to the Federation. She gave a nod before using her datapad for something, probably mission notes. Finally a third person came in. Well she was escorted in, another human and a shackled one. Joy, a rogue. He noticed her eyes widening, making him roll his own crimson orbs. "I'm not apologizing for Ridley and the Federations poor handling of him. Even as weak as he was he caused them a lot of problems." He growled out, his annoyance seemed on a more personal level when it came to Ripley.

The space pirate dragon and him had very similar coloring. Purple and black scales with red eyes. It was entirely possible the two were related.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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As was long overdue, Victor stepped into the waiting room wordlessly. Mr. Splint had been busy dealing with a rather...stingy client, and, as a result, was slowed down quite considerably. The skull-faced bounty hunter had a very strict policy when it came to those plagued with excessive greed.

Excluding himself, of course.

After scanning the room to get a proper idea of who his "partners" for this case were, Victor sat down on a sofa on the far side of the room. His teammates included a woman he estimated to be around 16 years his junior, a demon-eyed cyborg, a Vergisian, and an actual dragon. Normally he'd object, considering how a certain space pirate gave draconids a bad name, but he'd rather not have his salary cut because of an outburst.

"I take it we just need to wait for the briefing at this point," Victor suddenly said. "Considering I showed up late, the preparations should be at least somewhat close to finished."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Well, the one good thing out of Ridley giving all of dragon-kind a bad name was that he was the only one known for it. He was the only known space dragon pirate, possibly because he was the only one willing to put up with their actions. Every other dragon was either hard to find, wanted to be left alone, would get outright violent if you complained to them about Ridley, or...like Kaze...kept on keeping on, doing the job he set out to do in his life. Misunderstandings were clearly abound, though, such as between Kaze and Scathach, and Scathach and her handler. Yes, she most certainly could survive re-entry with those powers of hers. Even dulled down by her cuffs, your standard blaster rifle could have trouble...which was why the Federation military forces - and especially her handler - kept around armor-piercing slug weapons and missle launchers. He had the former, not the latter. It just looked similar in design to the blaster, on purpose. We're not stupid here, people, no matter what some members of the press might think in their little columns.

But enough of that guff, enough of the heliokinetic's smug self-satisfaction or surprise time at realizing there's a dragon afoot. After Victor walked in, the nearest man present who could see that they were all here spoke into his helmet mic to communicate that fact. And while Amber's notes and orders did not give her much more insight than the official story - She knew that the basic backstory of how the X Parasites came from the same planet as the Metroid species, that they had infested BSL Station, that Samus had supposedly eliminated them all, but that something had gone wrong or that the Bounty Hunter had actually failed or shirked her duty. Nothing confidential about the mission was known, just the basic file report on what happened before their current situation. - Victor arrived, had a look around, announced that since he was late, they must be ready for them already, and received confirmation of this fact.

The door opened, and a man said the words "You're right." with the stern attitude of someone who's motto is 'No time to waste here, people. Let's move.'. He was tall, strong-looking, dark-haired and graying slightly at the sides of his military haircut, brown-eyed, and in a blue military uniform with the Galactic Federation insignia on the left part of his chest and markings on his shoulders to indicate that he was an Admiral. Military-savvy people, like Amber, would be aware that this was Admiral Andrew Garrett, the man in charge of spearheading most combat engagements with Space Pirates and hostile alien incursions to Federation Space. Because OF the Space Pirates, he was a man who did not get very much time off, and it clearly bothered him. Because of this incident, he was feeling even less patient. Nobody who understood how difficult it was to stamp out pirates expected him to do it overnight, but he silently wished that he could, sometimes. Perhaps now, with things going into effect as they were, he could achieve that goal, write his memoires, and tee up on some distant planet.

Only time, and these hired operatives, would tell.

"Follow me."

Follow me into fire, into darkness, into hell itself. He was pretty sure the first part came from a show, and that he'd just added the last part from drama. He didn't say it because it was inappropriate and was really more for stirring up the soldiers, not these five. A miner, a dragon, a military scientist, a rogue, and another out-and-out bounty hunter... They had better not disappoint him, because the alternative was burning half the Federation and countless lives just to stop this madness. Garrett led them down a hall and into a room without another word. Not until he, the five, and a number of in-house security that would not speak on such matters under pain of death...and the doors to the conference room shut...would he speak of what was to commence. The conference room was a long-table meeting room with holo-projection and screens on the table and mounted on every wall. He controlled it all, as he did a number of higher functions on any base or ship in the Federation, with subtle occular implants that conveyed signals to the devices in question with impulses from his brain. He was the one who shut the doors, locked them in, dimmed the lights, and switched on the displays with nar'ly more than a glance. he didn't even bother to tell them to sit down, didn't care if they stood or not. He just turned to them all and said...

"Let us begin."

It started with a basic map of Gal-Fed space, several red areas marked too indicate worlds that have been attacked and had to be evacuated as much as possible, and then scorched to prevent heavy X Parasite populations from being created.

"For whatever reasons and whatever motivations, you have been chosen for this mission. Part of it is, admittedly, that you were some of the only ones that we could get to say yes, while another part is that we believe you will be able to competently handle this situation, and that whatever reasons you agreed to - whatever bargains you made - will be fulfilled. That's the picture we're looking at right now."

He gestured to the map display, facing it with some irritation.

"It's the picture of galaxy-wide infection spreading, the body burning itself out so as to try and save the rest of itself. But there's a problem. If it were as simple as 'Destroy everything causing a fuss', then our Scorched Earth tactics would be the beginning and end of it, no matter HOW the media takes it. We would be safe and sound. Unfortunately, the true source of the infection is the gift that keeps on giving, and it's rather unpredictable."

Several screans now projected instances of the X Parasites, in multiple recorded forms taken from the transmitted logs of the BSL Station. Amber would have seen some of these in whatever logs she had regarding X Parasites. The following was NOT in any file she had. Admiral Garrett turned to them once more and started talking confidential material.

"You have been told that the X Parasites are a biological plague species deployed by the Space Pirates, one which they began to use because the last source of Metroids - their natural predator - has vanished. This is a lie that has been contrived by us in order to put a face on the aggressor. It serves no one any purpose at all to inform people that the virulent species is more monstrous than you could imagine, that it's probably become self-aware, and that nobody is controlling it at all. The panic would send anyone still possessed of their senses right out of their minds. You have also been informed that the last Metroid sample was taken by Bounty Hunter Samus Aran to parts unknown, leaving the galaxy vulnerable to these parasites."

His eyes narrowed fiercely now.

"That is true, but in a way most people would not understand."

A rotating image of Samus in the Metroid-merged power-armor - the basic blue, before she regained any of her abilities - appeared now, in place of the X-related images, as well as an image of Metroid culture in vaccine form.

"Samus Aran is the last Metroid. She was infected by the X and we cured her with Metroid culture from the Metroid hatchling she originally recovered from SR-388. When she discovered that the Metroid species was being recreated to inhibit the X further, after her recovery and return to the BSL Station, she destroyed it and supposedly all traces of X Parasite all in one fell swoop. However...she has abandoned us now, and the galaxy suffers for her mistake."

Samus Aran - the last source of any definitive cure for the X Parasite contamination - was gone, the X themselves were apparently loose and out of anyone's control, and they had to do something about it. Welcome to your suicide mission. You signed up for it, so you'd better stick around and hear the rest. There was still alot of ground to cover, starting with 'What the HELL are they going to do about it?'.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SimpleWriter
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SimpleWriter also FroggerFlower

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Same old, same old.

No matter how many times she'd look them over, the notes Amber had been given were of little help. She already knew and studied what they knew of the X and Metroids and what not. Which was very little. Amber chose to believe Samus betrayed them and left them, the federation and the Human species, mostly, to fend off the X on their own. Which was part of the reason she accepted to be part of this.

The young scientist let out a audible sigh as she closed and put away her data pad, slightly annoyed she couldn't find any more information on anything...

...Which was at that very same moment that a man got into the room. Amber turned around, eyes slightly widened, and almost jumped up at attention and saluting the man. Admiral Andrew Garrett. A known man in the federation and well respected for his service in the fight against Space Pirates. She went to rest only on a sign from the man as he asked them to follow him.

When the map of the X's spread out throughout the galaxy came up, Amber took one small step forward to have a better look. It was incredibly virulent. With the following confidential information given to them, Amber finally understood why the activity of the virus was so hard to understand, so bizarre. It moved with purpose, not only through conventional plague spreading. It was, somehow, smart.

On the next holographic projections, Amber straight up walked to the images and, lost in some sort of scientific awe and curiosity, tried to touch the metroid infused armor of the bounty hunter.

''So, then... recover the last Metroid and bring it back for further studies to develop a cure for the X? Do we have any kind of information on the asset's last known location?'' While speaking, her eyes remained riveted on the holographic vial containing Metroid culture - the possible cure to the plague.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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The Thin White Duke one of the most brave and crazed marines was in the room listening in on the briefing. He wasn't usually someone that likes going though briefings, just as long as gets to burn or kill things he is happy as a clam. Staying in his position with his flamethrower whom he called "Major Tom" and his laser rifle sling over on his back. For the time being listening in and commenting when he should.

"So do we know where this Samus chick is?" He asked the admiral, He was all for killing as much alien scum as he could. But it seemed in this situation it would not be that easy much to his dismay. And if Samus was not going to come the easy way then he would be glad to choose the hard way.

His eyes scanning the people he would be working with this mission, He was not impressed with what he saw. Being a space marine the best of the best he and some like himself thought highly of their military position. He was damn proud of being space marine and even though he is a Major he was moving up in the world slowly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kaze had followed along to the briefing room once the head of the area finally decided to show up. Yes take your time it's not like it's agitating to those you're hiring to do something so pointless as a briefing. But still he was present and he was listening, leaning against that monstrous weapon he always had on him. When the C.O mentioned their lie that got an abrupt, and brief, laugh. "Anyone who isn't a civilian knew your space pirate thing was a lie considering space pirates were Zebesians and their whole planet blew up with most of them on it." He said. He let the thought hang in the air that if people still thought the space pirates were still running amok then the Federation wasn't doing its job.

Although he was honestly surprised they said Samus was the last metroid. Last he heard she was human with some Chozo DNA thrown in for flavor. But if they had made one vaccine with a culture it wasn't out of the question that they had made more. His contacts had let him know about some of the more shadier things the Federation was doing. Just like any government body there was a lot of corruption.

A couple of the others spoke up which made him palm his face. "If they knew where she was they wouldn't be dragging us into it." He muttered, the genius of the Federation Marines just came off of that one in waves. The other one, the female, made his ears twitch with agitation. "Her name is Samus, not asset, or the last metroid." He growled, clearly he didn't like that kind of thought process. Probably because it might have been directed towards him at one point or another in his long life.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SimpleWriter
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SimpleWriter also FroggerFlower

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

On that reply from...Kaze, was it? Amber turned around in a flash and stared down the dragon-thing that stood before her.

''A lie, is it?'' The scientific got out her data pad and, after expertly navigating through folders and sub folders while keeping almost perfect eye contact, the data pad started projecting multiple small holograms upwards.

''Just last month thirteen space pirates attacks were recorded among three different sectors.''

Images showed numbers on the hologram.

''Overall, casualties are in the thousands.''

Pictures and videos appeared of dead or wounded civilians and destroyed outposts, villages and smaller cities.

All while she spoke and made her point, she walked up to the Kaze until she was right in front of him, looking up at him. Undaunted.

''What kind of an idiot are you to take for granted that the Space Pirate all lived on one planet? Do Humans live only on Earth? How safe do you think it would be for a species of pirates to establish themselves on one planet when half of the known universe is after you? Just because yours is extinct does not mean all species are as bad at staying alive as yours was.''

She then closed the data pad to put it away before adding ''And I am not talking only about humans - there were other species living on those worlds. They strike at us with impunity because of the X crisis. A Crisis that could be fixed if she did not abandon her home and own species to die. She,'' Amber said as she pointed to the Samus' hologram, '' is the target of our mission. Thus, she is the asset.''

Amber maintained eyes contact for a few seconds of silence before breaking it. She shouldn't have burst like that, but it was done now. To her, Samus was a traitor. Nothing more.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

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Kaze's crimson eyes cut towards the woman speaking, she was looking at him. Angry, emotionally unstable, female. He let her say her peace, even let her get close, before speaking. "The vast majority of them were on that planet since they followed Ridley and Mother Brain. If the Federation can't handle a few thousand stragglers then they need to step up their game." He said as he crouched down so he was eye level with her. "And other species need to step it up. My own kind, as few as we are, haven't had a single pirate attack in centuries." He continued on.

Kaze kept eye contact with the much smaller woman when he started to speak again. "How do you know she abandoned your race, hm? She's tough but she's not invincible. She could have been kidnapped, killed, a stray meteor could have wiped her out , hell she could have had a heart attack somewhere in deep space." He growled out, there were so many possibilities aside from just abandonment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan I am truly here

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Vekt felt the sudden urge to breach the floor and hide from the conversation for a while. Or forever. Maybe walking out like nothing was an option still? He gathered his six fingered hands and nervously tapped them against each other as the dragon and the human lady had their arguments. He could feel some unseen tension, and it was making him nervous. 'Just the pefect tension a team like this needs.' He thought. Hopefully encountering any X-infested creature didn't have to be this nervous. As far as they had a way to deal with them.
Vekt had quite a lot of complaining in the inside, but yet remained silent. He didn't want to join the conversation, and neither did he want to try to stop it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UltimoScorp
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Kathrine Vale

It was about this time that the doors opened once more, and a scarlet-clad woman was escorted in, her hands laced lazily behind her head, and despite the stern looking helmet covering her face, she looked quite relaxed.

"Sorry for the late arrival, guys, They uh... thought I wasn't gonna show I gu-"

She read the atmosphere of the room and took note of the tension between the super rad looking Dragon, and what she could only guess was a Federation officer.

"I...am in the right place, right?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Kazemitsu @SimpleWriter

David was watching the two talking and got between them as he thought the dragon bounty hunter was getting a little too close, "Regardless we got a mission to do and we need to get Samus before something bad happens to her" He said mostly pushing away or trying to push Kaze away form Amber. He looked over at Kaze with with a slight glare his way, "And we have been doing a damn good job keeping scumbags hurting our civvies" He said moving Amber away form Kaze for a moment.

"And Samus is a traitor and will be punished once we got this cure out of her" He said putting his hands to his sides.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kaze's crimson eyes cut towards the space marine. The suited man was still several feet shorter than him. He got between him and Amber, human machismo was very amusing, and started trying to push the draconic man away from Amber. Even though she was the one who invaded his own space to be all haughty and ballsy. Unfortunately for David Kaze wasn't so easy to move, what with being a couple tons of muscle, heavy bones, and just strength. His tail braced while his claws dug into the steel floor slightly, preventing him from being pushed back.

"Tell that to Samus' home being destroyed by that whelp Ridley and his little gang." He replied, he knew about the young woman's background. Hell he had followed what Ridley had done for years. "As for her being a traitor...she has no allegiance to the Federation. She's a bounty hunter just like me and only has to follow your laws while in Federation space. You lot have no hold on her at all." He growled out as he stood back up to his normal height. He should have stopped the little pissing contest a while ago but now it was just amusing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UltimoScorp
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UltimoScorp Pink Trans Catgirl

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Kathrine Vale-

"She's done a lot of work for the Federation before, though, it's odd that Samus would just up and disappear with a job unfinished, isn't it?" Kat spoke up once more. "I mean, everything I've ever heard about her speaks to a woman who doesn't do things in half measures."

She perked up a bit, her stance getting a little less relaxed.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Admiral Garrett was going to correct the dragon himself on what he thought the facts were, but before he could, one of his own people started to do so already. Then, the arguments started up. Was Samus really at fault? Was Samus really accountable? Blah blah blah blah BLAH! On and on, like they were a row of politicians! Even with another one of the prospectives arriving - albeit late - this was showing no signs of abating. Garrett finally interjected...


...using the mic embedded in his collar that was synched up with the room's speaker system.

"You are not here for your unfounded opinions. You are here to receive mission directives and intel, and then to carry out said mission. For the record, the Zebesian population is NOT depleted. It is my branch's duty to learn these things and keep track of them so that we know they need to be eliminated. So, in case you were thinking you won't be attacked by Space Pirates, you might be attacked by Space Pirates. Deal with it! And on the subject of Samus Aran, when found, you will apprehend her and bring her to a Federation research station where you will turn her over to an armed escort to begin the generation of Metroid gene structure. She is required for the cure and she will not give herself over, so she must be taken in. End of story."

It was about this time that the Admiral noted that the bounty hunter with the skull motif had left the room. He'd be picked up by security. So, with that particular scene out of the way, Garrett was moving on, and he was not having anymore of these outbursts. He began to resume a stern-but-calm mode of speech to the group.

"Now then, perhaps you're all wondering how YOU are going to survive the X, since we don't have innoculations for you. This mission would be suicide if we hadn't been thinking of alternate ways to deal with the X from the word GO. Apart from your own equipment, you will each be given new quarantine field belts, which will repel infectious entities from you. We are developing this for use on a large scale, but that will take time, which is why you must certainly disrupt X-related activities, otherwise they might attack the core worlds o the Federation, each planet with many-times greater populations than any colony world. They are adjustable, will protect powered armor suits as much as yourself, and may be hooked into additional power supplies to extend their use."

Images on all the holo-screens changed to images of the belts, diagrams of its fields in effect, and so on.

"This field has successfully stopped all other pathogens while in effect. It will protect you against the X. However, the shield's power will lower against direct attack, and it will collapse if the device itself becomes damage, though they are water-proof, vacuum-proof, and insulated. They cannot protect you against attacks, only being infected BY attacks, and when they run out, that's your ass, so don't waste it."

And now, the main image changed to that of a particular star chart. It's importance should be without question.

It was the SR System in which the Metroids AND the X Parasites originated. This was a tactical chart of the system, showing the effect that the scorching of SR-388 and a sudden loss of mass in the entire planet was having on the area around it.

"It just so happens that we have a viable lead for you all to start with, although you may decide to attempt to determine the next target of attack ahead of time and intercept it. Good luck with that. Whatever intellect the intellect the X are playing with - probably human intellect - it hasn't made them logical or predictable. At any rate, this is SR-388 as it is now, a big fireball surrounding a dead, half-destroyed world. No life is on that planet now, guaranteed. Not unless it burrowed VERY deep. However, the neighboring planet designated SR-387 does support life. We know, because we stationed a remote outpost there long before placing the BSL Station in orbit around 388, designed to keep tabs on the system itself and to determine if anything like Metroids existed there, as well. No dice, obviously, but they will have intel on local activities, including how the X managed to leave the planet or the station. The only problem is that we have lost contact, which almost-certainly indicates an infestation on planet SR-387."

He paused, and with some deliberation, said...

"Are there any relevent and constructive questions before I send you to collect the rest of your team?"

Huh? 'Rest of your team'? You mean there's more? Why aren't they here?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UltimoScorp
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"I have one, actually," She stood up a bit straighter, "Should Samus do her whole.....Samus thing, and we can't catch her, should we be aiming to bring in biological material from her at least? Blood samples and the like?" She paused, "If she has those Metroid cells in her and all, even that should prove useful, right?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Watch it what ya say about the marines, Were doing a damn good job at keeping scumbags like you away form the innocent civilians" He said making a motion with his hand like the evil eye a grandmother would make but sideways pointing at the dragon like creature. Shutting up when his leader spoke up and listened to the rest of the briefing, Taking in the all the information he was glad the pointdexters at R&D would make such a handy device for them. "No questions boss let's go get this girl and go get the cure" He said just wanting to do the job and get Samus.

Wither she wants to come quietly or not was her choice, As David was glad to do things the hard way of getting Samus. He was going to have enjoy doing it the hard way to get Samus to come with them, Looking over at Amber and moving beside her looking down at her. "Don't worry i got your back" He said to her smiling behind his heavy helmet for his suit.
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